Front Cover: Advanced System Operator Workshop For IBM I
Front Cover: Advanced System Operator Workshop For IBM I
Front Cover: Advanced System Operator Workshop For IBM I
Front cover
Instructor Preparation
Advanced System Operator Workshop
for IBM i
Course code AS27G ERC 11.0
March 2020 edition
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Instructor qualifications
Instructors must possess all of the teaching skills that are required of a successful instructor. This
section describes the additional course-specific knowledge that instructors should have.
Instructor background
This section describes the technical and tool-specific knowledge that is necessary for instructors to
deliver the course successfully. If the instructor cannot address these topics and draw on industry
experience in doing so, the course might not be successful.
The instructor should have the following skills:
• IBM i work management
• Access for Windows/IBM Client Access Solutions/IBM Navigator for i
• Security concepts
• Creating user profiles
The instructor should successfully complete the following prerequisite courses:
• Introduction to IBM i for New Users (OE98G)
• IBM i System Operator Workshop (AS24G)
• PowerVM on IBM i - I: Implementing Virtualization and LPAR (AS5EG)
• IBM i System Administration (OL19G)
The instructor should have the following certifications:
• N/A
Other resources
• None
Course overview
Market requirement
This course will benefit experienced system operators working on IBM i systems who are
responsible for the design and implementation of its operating procedures.
Any system operator or operations manager who needs more information on the techniques for
operating the IBM i will benefit from attending this course.
InstPrep This course is designed to enhance the skills of a IBM i System Operator. In this class, we will
explain the concept of how LPAR works and discuss the functions provided by the HMC. We will
discuss the IBM i Access Family of products in general and Access Client Solutions, specifically.
We will discuss the different types of security that you can implement in order to control who has
access to your data and what they can do with that data if they are allowed access. We will discuss
security control via system values, user and group profiles, authorization lists, and adopted
authority. This course will help you to develop additional skills in the areas of work management
and how to create a basic CL program. In the area of CL programming, we will discuss concepts of
programming, then how to create a basic CL program by using the traditional application
development tools PDM and SEU. You will also learn the steps to create a menu by using SDA. You
will learn some tips that you can use to help improve your IBM i operations. We will also discuss
journaling overview and some tips which improved operator work. Finally, will be discus about
differences between virtual IP and EtherChannel.
Teaching strategy
Each classroom session uses a combination of facilitated lecture, discussions, group exercises,
and demonstrations to convey the material.
Course evaluation
Evaluation measures the quality, effectiveness, and impact of the course. It enables students to
answer the question, “Does the course meet its requirements and objectives?”
For all classes, instructors provide an end-of-course questionnaire that students complete as
feedback on course quality.
Exercises overview
The objectives of these exercises are to have the students:
• Gain a better understanding of resource security and work management
• Learn to use Remote System Explorer and SDA
• Write two CL programs and create one menu
• Try some of the operational tips
While each exercise is designed to stand-alone, the CL programming using PDM and SEU and
Creating a menu using SDA exercises build upon each other.
Assign team numbers xx (where xx = 00, 01, 02, 03, and so forth), which will be appended to 'AS27'
for the student user ID as well as the team library name (AS2700, AS2701, AS2702, and so forth).
Initially, the passwords will be AS27pwd, but the students will be prompted and required to change
their passwords the first time they sign on. Generally, it is desirable to assign no more than two
students to a team to share a workstation. If the class size is small enough, each student should
have their own workstation and team number.
Unit 5 of the lecture guide introduces students to IBM i Access Client Solutions. Hopefully you
were able to demonstrate the use of this intuitive and easy to use product for 5250 emulation and
the IBM Navigator for i interface. Encourage the students to use it during the lab exercises for 5250
as well as some of the traditional Management Central functions. Note that the Access Client
Solutions sign-on interface does not support changing the expired passwords of users during
sign-on. Be sure that any students that use Access Client Solutions have already changed their
expired password prior to attempting to sign on to the IBM i with it.
Exercises configuration
Each student has a separate environment (user, library optional system).
The following materials are available for this course:
• Course Guide
• Course Exercises Guide
• Instructor Preparation Guide
• Lab environment
• Lab setup material - IBM i save file for lab exercises
• Each student needs:
▪ VMware image
▪ Assigned IBM i with user ID and password.
Course updates
This course replaces course code AS27G (10.0 version). The following overall changes were
• Materials are updated to reflect product version 7.4.
• New lab environment for the course. For more information, see the Lab Setup Guide.
The following information summarizes at a high level where to find changes to the course.
• The introduction to eLab "section" updated for the new IRLP methods
• Slide 2 (Unit Objectives) - PowerVm changed to PowerVM. The last bullet (empty) was
• Slide 4 (Virtualization technologies on Power Systems with IBM i)
▪ Removed IVM from list
▪ Removed IVM from notes
▪ Removed IVE from notes
▪ Removed POWER6 references and added POWER9 references in notes
• Slide 5 (IBM PowerVM Editions) - Removed PowerVM Express Edition from the notes.
• Slide 6 (PowerVM features by POWER8 system) - The table was updated
• Slide 8 (Logical Partition) - Removed the POWER4 and POWER5 comparison paragraph in the
• Slide 14 (Virtual I/O) - Added vNIC to list of virtual devices in notes
• Slide 16 (LPAR Summary) - Removed IBM i 6.1 reference in notes
• Slide 18 (LPAR education) - updated courses
• Slice 21 (Unit summary) - PowerVm changed to PowerVM. The last bullet (empty) was
InstPrep AS27GBG02
• Slide 2 (Unit Objectives) - The last bullet (empty) was removed.
• Slide 4 (HMC introduction)
▪ Bullet 1 updated to include Power-based HMCs
▪ Removed "IBM Power Systems with POWER8 and above processors" sub-bullet
▪ Replaced "LPAR-capable POWER5, POWER6, POWER7, and POWER8 servers" with
LPAR-capable Power Systems servers" in notes
• Slide 5 (IBM Systems hierarchy of management) - replaced Cloud Manager with OpenStack in
notes with IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager. Reworded students notes to reflect new cloud stack
• Slide 8 (Managed system without HMC different options) - removed IVM references from notes
• Slide 9 (Power Systems Management: Summary) - removed IVM from the table and the notes
• Slides 10/11 (HMC features) - updated with this information:
▪ 5765-HMB (Power based)
- Hardware:
○ The Power Systems HMC virtual appliance requires a Power Systems server with a
POWER8 or POWER9 technology-based processor. For additional information, see
the Installing the HMC Virtual Appliance web page.
- Software:
○ PowerVM
▪ 5765-HMW (x86 based)
- Hardware:
○ x86 64-bit hardware with hardware virtualization assists (Intel™ VT-x or AMD-V)
- Software:
○ KVM 2.5.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 7
○ Xen on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 or Ubuntu 16.04
○ VMware ESXi 6.0, or later
• Slide 4,5,6, (Updated the Visual using latest available HMC Version)
• Slide 7 (updated the Visual + Updated the notes to reflect View Partition Properties for Dynamic
resource movement)
• Slide 8 (Updated the Visual using latest available HMC Version)
• Slide 9 (Dynamic Partitioning - Memory) - Updated the notes to reflect the new method of
modifying the LPAR.
• Slide 10 (Dynamic Partitioning - Physical Adapters) - Updated the notes to reflect the new
method of modifying the LPAR.
• Slide 12 (Virtual Ethernet Adapter: General and Advanced) - Updated to go to Virtual
Networking and add a Network Connection.
• Slide 16 (Serviceability) - Updated the notes to reflect the new method of accessing the
Serviceability dialogs.
• Slides 22,23 - Updated the notes to reflect the new method of getting to the tasks.
• Slide 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 (Updated the visual)
• Slide 12 (Updated downloading link and visual)
• Slide 16,17,18 (Updated the visual)
• Slide 20 (Updated downloading link and visual)
• Slide 21 Updated links
InstPrep AS27GBG05
• Slide 5 (Updated Visual and mentioned that 5770-XE1 is no more supported by IBM, withdrawal
notice issued to customer and also mentioned the IBM Tech link in student notes for more detail
• Slide 5-15, 17,18-30 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 7-12,14-17 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 7-10, 12-26, 31-35 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 15 (Updated the visual and mentioned the source in student notes)
• Slide 17-25 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 28 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 30 (Updated the reference from 7.2 to 7.4 in the slide and in student notes as well)
• Slide 31 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 33-36 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 6-10 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 14,19 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 3 (Removed Power5 and Power 6 reference from the student notess)
• Slide 22, 24-35 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 20,28 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 6 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 7,11,17, 24-27, 30-31 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 3-9, (Updated Visual)
• Slide 11, (Updated Visual and provided the link in student notes)
• Slide 3-9, (Updated Visual)
• Slide 11, (Updated Visual and provided the link in student notes)
• Slide 4-25, (Updated Visual)
InstPrep AS27GBG20
• Slide 29-36, (Updated Visual)
• Slide 37, (Updated Visual and provided the link in student notes)
• Slide 40-46, 49-52, 54-57, 60-61 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 8-10, 13-21 (Updated Visual)
• Slide 5-7, (Updated Visual)