Case Study-Application Developed in C
Case Study-Application Developed in C
Case Study-Application Developed in C
· Sensors
c) GUI: -
projects. And they both were written in
f) Databases:
When SQL is embedded within the C
language, the compiler processes the
compilation in two steps. It first extracts all
the SQL codes from the program and the
pre-compiler will compile the SQL code for
its syntax, correctness, execution path etc.
Once pre-compilation is done, these
executable codes are embedded into the C
code. Then the C compiler will compile the
code and execute the code. Thus the
Fig.2 GTK implementation in C compilation takes place in two steps – one
language[9] for SQL and one for application language.
Hence these types of compilation require all
the query, data value etc to be known at the
compilation time itself to generate the
executable code. Otherwise C or any high
level language cannot compile the code.
Hence the SQL codes written are static and
these embedded SQL is also known as static
SQL. Thus SQLs know how to access DB,
which queries to execute, which values to be
inserted/ deleted/updated etc.
When SQL is embedded in C programming
Fig. 3 GTK Output of Fig.2 [9] language, the C compiler will not
understand which the syntax of C is and
d) Search Engines: - which syntax of SQL is. It needs to be
clearly differentiated and compiler should
We must have heard about Google know which is C and SQL. This is very
Chromium and Google file systems. These important as pre-compiler will first extract
both were developed using C/C++. In all the SQLs embedded in it to compile it at
Google Source Community most of the DB level. Then it will be embedded in the C
projects are handled using C/C++. code which will be compiled by the C
compiler to get executable code. All the
embedded SQLs are preceded by ‘EXEC
SQL’ and ends in semicolon (;). We can
e) Use of C in Browsers: - have these SQLs placed anywhere in the C
code, provided it is placed in the correct
Thunderbird and Mozilla
order- declaration, execution and end. Let us
Firefox were open-source email client
see below how C code is differentiated from (Notepad-like) way, called evim or Easy
SQL code.[13] Vim.
use SQL syntax to declare them. Host GNOME desktop environment and part of
language supports almost all the datatypes the GNOME Core Applications. Designed
from int, char, long, float, double, pointer, as a general-purpose text editor, gedit
array, string, structures etc.[13] emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, with
a clean and simple GUI, according to the
philosophy of the GNOME project It ]
What Is Vim?
[8]Vim is a highly configurable text editor
built to enable efficient text editing. It is an
improved version of the vi editor distributed
with most UNIX systems.
Vim is often called a "programmer's editor,"
and so useful for programming that many
consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for
programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all
kinds of text editing, from composing email
to editing configuration files. Fig. 6 Implementation of Gedit
Despite what the above comic suggests, Vim
can be configured to work in a very simple
h) Drivers: -
C language is also used in writing
driver softwares. Keyboard driver, Mouse
driver and Network driver are written using
C language.
j) Use of C Language in Compiler
Device drivers are typically written in Design: -
C, using the Driver Development Kit
(DDK). There are functional and object- Creation of Compilers is one of the
oriented ways to program drivers, depending most popular uses of C-language. And
on the language chosen to write in. It is keeping in mind the association of C
generally not possible to program a driver in language with the low-level languages
Visual Basic or other high-level languages. several other programming languages were
Because drivers operate in kernel mode,
there are no restrictions on the actions that a Different popular compilers which
driver may take. A driver may read and were designed using C language are Clang-
write to protected areas of memory, it may C, Apple C, Bloodshed Dev-C, etc.
access I/O ports directly, and can generally
do all sorts of very powerful things. This
power makes drivers exceptionally capable MinGW:
of crashing an otherwise stable system.
MinGW is a compiler system based on the
The Windows platform DDK comes with GNU GCC and Binutils projects that
header files, library files, and a command- compiles and links code to be run on Win32
line compiler that can be used to write (Windows) systems. It provides C, C++ and
device drivers in C or C++. There is no Fortran compilers plus other related tools.
graphical interface to the DDK compiler.
Clang C:
· Chess game
· Bouncing ball
· Archery
· Pong
· Minesweeper