Identifying Students With Mental Health Issues: A Guide For Classroom Teachers
Identifying Students With Mental Health Issues: A Guide For Classroom Teachers
Identifying Students With Mental Health Issues: A Guide For Classroom Teachers
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1 author:
Robbie J. Marsh
Mercer University
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Child and adolescent mental health is a growing concern in schools. Students suffering from mental health conditions
struggle in the school environment if their needs are not being met. Teachers play an important role in the identification
of these students. This article highlights the distinctions between externalizing and internalizing behaviors related to
mental health conditions and provides teachers with an introductory guide to assist them in identifying students with
mental health issues.
emotional and behavioral disorders, behavior issues, depression, suicide, identification
Child and adolescent mental health is a growing concern in without disabilities reported that their children experience
the United States. Currently, 20% of children experience serious emotional and behavioral difficulties. While special
severely debilitating mental health issues at some point education may provide mental health services for identified
within their lifetime (Merikangas, et al., 2010). Of children students, those not receiving special education services typ-
between the ages of 8 to 15, 13% have issues related to ically receive no intervention for these issues from the
mental health, the most common being attention-deficit/ school (Repie, 2005). Consequently, school personnel often
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), followed by mood disorder have difficulty identifying students with mental health
and major depressive disorder (Centers for Disease Control issues prior to major incidents of problem behavior
and Prevention [CDC], 2013). As a result, schools are (Edmonds-Cady & Hock, 2008).
becoming major service providers of many basic mental The identification of behaviors associated with mental
health treatment services, including assessment, behavior health issues in the classroom is unfamiliar territory for
management, and specialized programs (Pastor & Reuben, most general education and special education teachers.
2009). Students who receive services under the Individuals Repie (2005) found that school psychologists, counselors,
with Disabilities Education Act (1997) related to mental general education teachers, and special education teachers
health typically fall under the eligibility category of emo- did not understand the mental health needs of the children
tional and behavioral disorder (EBD) or the other health in their school. Similarly, Anthony, Anthony, Morrel, and
impairment category. However, this does not account for all Acosta (2005) focused on teacher awareness of externaliz-
students that experience mental health issues. ing and internalizing behavioral issues, finding that the
Student mental health issues are characterized as a stu- teachers had difficulty identifying the internalizing behav-
dent experiencing difficulties regulating their mood, iors of students. These results are similar to the body of
thoughts, or behaviors (CDC, 2013). As the research con-
cerning the mental health needs of students identified as 1
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
EBD evolves, few studies focus on the emotional and
Corresponding Author:
behavioral difficulties of other students who experience Robbie J. Marsh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 10824 Myrtle Grove
mental health issues while in school. In a survey conducted Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89166, USA.
by Pastor and Reuben (2009), parents of children with and Email: [email protected]
research related to the under identification of internalizing assigned seats, asking to use the restroom, using the pencil
behaviors, which typically do not interfere with the class- sharpener, remaining quiet during instruction), school cam-
room environment or challenge the teacher’s authority pus rules (e.g., walking in the halls, using a locker, truancy,
(Gresham & Kern, 2004). using appropriate language), and rules at home (e.g., run-
With the increasing recognition that mental health issues ning away, staying out late at night; Furlong et al., 2004).
are common in young people, educators may be required to The second manifestation of difficult temperament involves
act as the first line of prevention (Johnson, Eva, Johnson, & persistent argumentative behavior or tantrums related to
Walker, 2011; Wyn, Cahill, Holdsworth, Rowling, & Carson, perceived unreasonable demands by the child/youth (APA,
2000). This involves understanding externalizing versus 2013). Tantrums may involve screaming, crying, whining,
internalizing behaviors exhibited by students who may be arguing, throwing items, hiding under desks, hitting, kick-
struggling with mental health issues. Furthermore, preven- ing, biting, or spitting. As is the case with aggression,
tion includes the understanding of behaviors that may not behaviors related to difficult temperament have to occur
necessarily be problematic to classroom instruction, but ulti- consistently over a 6-month span (APA, 2013; Johnson
mately impact student outcomes in school and life beyond et al., 2011). The causes of a difficult temperament are
the boundaries of school. This column is an introduction for attributed to neurodevelopmental difficulties related to mal-
educators to a complex issue that is gaining momentum. nutrition or other health issues, witnessing parental argu-
ments, or poor interactions with parents at an early age
(APA, 2013; Kauffman & Landrum, 2013).
Externalizing Behaviors
Externalizing behavior refers to those behaviors directed
Behavior Impulsivity
outward toward the social environment (Furlong, Morrison,
& Jimerson, 2004). These behaviors usually present chal- Behavior impulsivity often is manifested as sudden aggres-
lenges in school (Furlong et al., 2004). Typically associated sive outbursts or inattention and disorganization (APA,
with these behaviors are conduct disorder, oppositional 2013). These outbursts may involve property destruction,
defiant disorder, and ADHD. Students who exhibit aggres- screaming, hitting, or kicking. Inattention is defined as trou-
sion, a difficult temperament, or behavior impulsivity may ble sustaining attention to tasks for prolonged periods of
be considered as showing externalizing behavior (Furlong time, difficulty providing details in describing events, and
et al., 2004). responding to discussions with off-topic statements (APA,
2013; Kauffman & Landrum, 2013). Disorganization is the
lack of ability to perform tasks requiring multiple steps
Aggression (APA, 2013). These behaviors are not predetermined and
Aggression often manifests itself as deliberate verbal threats result from issues or stresses a student is experiencing inter-
toward peers and school staff, physical actions (e.g., hitting, nally (APA, 2013; Kauffman & Landrum, 2013). As with
kicking, biting) that cause physical harm, and severely dam- aggression and difficult temperament, impulsive behaviors
aging the property of others (American Psychiatric must occur consistently over a 6-month span to be consid-
Association [APA], 2013). This does not mean that all stu- ered a problem (APA, 2013; Johnson et al., 2011). The
dents who are aggressive have externalizing behavior disor- cause of impulsive behavior may stem from early childhood
ders; however, displaying persistent aggressive acts over the trauma, hyperactivity, or stress (APA, 2013; Furlong et al.,
span of 6 months is not considered typical behavior (APA, 2004; Kauffman & Landrum, 2013).
2013; Johnson et al., 2011). The aggressive behavior may
stem from traumatic experiences, witnessing family mem-
Internalizing Behaviors
bers being verbally or physically aggressive, poor academic
skills, poor self-concept, and even a history of reinforcement Internalizing behavior refers to behaviors directed inward,
associated with aggressive or violent behaviors (Furlong toward the individual (Gresham & Kern, 2004). These
et al., 2004). In addition, these students often experience dif- behaviors often go unnoticed because of their subtle nature
ficulty in negotiating social situations and may lack higher- (Gresham & Kern, 2004). The two categories of internaliz-
order problem-solving skills (Furlong et al., 2004). ing behavior disorders are anxiety-related disorders and
mood disorders.
Difficult Temperament
Anxiety-Related Disorders
A difficult temperament typically is manifested in two dif-
ferent ways. The first form involves students engaging in Disorders characterized by the onset of fight or flight behav-
behavior that persistently defies established rules (APA, ioral and psychological responses to people or situations that
2013), that is, well-known classroom rules (e.g., sitting in are non-life-threatening are considered to be anxiety-related
(APA, 2013; Gresham & Kern, 2004). Internally, these simultaneously are at a particularly high risk for developing
behaviors include increase in heart rate, respiratory rate, further mental health issues (Kauffman & Landrum, 2013).
and muscle tension (APA, 2013). Although understanding Anxiety, social withdrawal, and other internalizing behav-
the internal behaviors related to anxiety is important, iden- iors often occur in conjunction with externalizing behaviors
tifying a student based on these behaviors is very difficult (Kauffman & Landrum, 2013).
(Gresham & Kern, 2004). However, children and youth also
exhibit observable behavior related to anxiety. These
Identification and Awareness
include skipping class, truancy, or leaving class for long
periods of time (Kauffman & Landrum, 2013). Research supports interventions at the classroom level to
prevent social and emotional problems in children and
youth as well as to modify negative thought patterns and
Mood Disorders promote self-regulation (Anthony et al., 2005; Polsgrove &
Mood disorders are characterized by disturbances in mood Smith, 2004). However, for students to receive support,
that affect overall functioning. These include sleeping pat- they first must be identified. In the classroom, teachers must
terns, eating patterns, and the ability to perform day-to-day be aware of common student behaviors that are indicators
tasks (APA, 2013; Gresham & Kern, 2004). Similar to stu- of possible mental health problems.
dents with anxiety-related disorders, students experiencing Externalizing behaviors may be more easily identified in
mood disorders exhibit a variety of internal behaviors such the classroom, as they are disruptive to the class environ-
as disruptive thinking, decreased energy, and suicidal ide- ment, as shown in Table 1.
ation that make them difficult to identify (Gresham & Kern, While the internal characteristics of a student struggling
2004; Kauffman & Landrum, 2013). These children/youth with an internalizing behavior disorder are difficult to
may exhibit observable behavior such as difficulty complet- observe, there are some common observable behaviors
ing school work, rapid increase or decrease in weight, com- associated with internalizing behavior disorders that may be
plaining of stomach pains, or becoming disinterested in noticed in the classroom, as shown in Table 2.
activities they previously enjoyed (APA, 2013; Gresham & There is a significant amount of overlap of behavior related
Kern, 2004). It is important to be aware of these behaviors to internalizing behavior disorders, as behaviors related to
as these students often are at an increased risk for suicide mood disorders are usually the initial indicators of other men-
(Gresham & Kern, 2004; Johnson et al., 2011). tal health issues (Johnson et al., 2011). Regardless of the men-
Educators must be aware that externalizing behaviors tal health issue a student may be experiencing, simply
may occur along with internalizing behaviors. Students identifying that a student may need assistance for a mental
who exhibit both internalizing and externalizing behaviors health issue is what is most important (Johnson et al., 2011).
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