Load Dependent Interference Margin For Link Budget Calculations of OFDMA Networks
Load Dependent Interference Margin For Link Budget Calculations of OFDMA Networks
Load Dependent Interference Margin For Link Budget Calculations of OFDMA Networks
5, MAY 2008
Abstract— Link budget calculations are essential in the plan- reduced. This effect should also be considered when planning
ning of wireless networks to get a reliable estimate of maximum wireless networks.
cell radius and guaranteed signal to interference plus noise In networks using code division multiple access (CDMA),
ratios at the cell border. In future networks using orthogonal
frequency division multiple access, the interference introduced it is state of the art to consider a load dependant margin for
by co-channel cells depends on the amount of subcarriers the intra- and inter-cell interference [7]. There is no intra-cell
utilized in the interfering as well as in the considered cell. If interference when using OFDMA due to orthogonality among
distributed subcarrier allocation is applied, frequency diversity the subcarriers. Nevertheless, there is inter-cell interference
and interference averaging effects can be obtained. A method which depends upon the load, i.e. the amount of utilized sub-
is derived in this paper to consider load dependent margins for
interference from co-channel cells in the link budget calculation. carriers, in the co-channel cells. In this paper a load dependant
This margin makes the estimation of the maximum cell radius interference margin (IM) for wireless networks using OFDMA
more accurate. with distributed subcarrier allocation is derived. Compared to
Index Terms— Interference margin, link budget calculation, a noise limited scenario the maximum pathloss is reduced by
orthogonal frequency division multiple access. the IM so that still a given required signal to interference plus
noise ratio (SINR) is guaranteed to the user at the cell border.
This paper is organized as follows. In section II, the system
model is described that is used throughout this investigation.
with 0 ≤ l < 1. For l = 0, the system is noise limited and there 4.5
is no co-channel interference. For l = 1, the system would be QPSK
interference limited and all subcarriers are interfered by co-
channel interfering cells. Due to assumption of a constant SIR, 3.5
4 4
l=0.1 analyt. l=0.1 analyt.
l=0.2 analyt. l=0.2 analyt.
3.5 l=0.5 analyt. l=0.5 analyt.
l=0.1 sim. l=0.1 sim.
l=0.2 sim. 3 l=0.2 sim.
interference margin in dB
l=0.5 sim. l=0.5 sim.
interference margin in dB
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 required SNR in dB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
required SNR in dB
Fig. 4. Interference Margin for 16QAM rate 3/4, reuse 3 (SIR = 8 dB).
Fig. 2. Interference Margin for QPSK rate 1/2, reuse 1 (SIR = 0 dB).
l=0.5 sim.
required SNR is high compared to the SIR, the load is high
in co-channel cells and higher order modulation and coding
schemes shall be used. This is also reflected in the proposed
1.5 model. Due to the assumption of a constant SIR the model
leads to lower bound results. If the interference power density
gets close to the spectral noise power density an SINR > SIR
has to be considered in (7) which is no longer independent
0 of the cell radius. Nevertheless, the proposed model helps
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
required SNR in dB to improve the link budget calculation due to taking load
dependant inter-cell interference for OFDMA networks into
Fig. 3. Interference Margin for 16QAM rate 1/2, reuse 3 (SIR = 8 dB). account. The estimation of the maximum possible pathloss in
the link budget calculation gets more accurate.
high compared with the SIR and l is small. Due to interleaving R EFERENCES
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