Turner Warrant 3

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ARREST WARRANT 2022A3810700369 ‘STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA [] conn Ly Mnsoat ot Orangeburg THE STATE, against ‘oaz-oese08 Bowen Gray Tuner 3361 Jackson Dr Orangeburg, SC 29118-3123 Prove (SOSTET-TIE 3s sec M S_ iy Weight 109 Disa sc OF = aoe sc0380000 public employee Offense cose: 2605 code/Orsinance See: 16-05-1040(B) eet with. according to the law ws) Te ate: RETURN ‘A copy of the arest warrant was delvered to detensant ————— eS RETURN WARRANT TO: General Sessions 151 Docket Street P. 0, Box 9000 Orangeburg, SC 29116 DEFENDANT COPY DEFENDANT COPY STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) DEFENDANT FE] coum] tnicoaty or) AFFIDAVIT copy Orangeburg as Persnsly appeared tore me the aflnt Andrew G Hayes wo being duly swom deposes and says that defendant Bowen Gray Tumer probable cause to beleve thatthe defendant named above did commit based “onthe follwing, fats INCIDENT REPORT OF EVENTS AND AUDIO AND VIDEO BODY CAMERA FOOTAGE OF EVENTS. ‘OCCURRED IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGEBURG, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Dee Sonate ot tant ‘STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA fx] com] Muniatty ot Orangeburg ARREST WARRANT TO ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF THIS COUNTY: It eppeering fom the above afidavt that thee re reasonable grounds 10 belive that on ormbout 5/8/2022 etendant Bowen Gray Tumer 3d vote the cinial lane of the Slate oF South Carina (or oninance of KK] conv] Mnepatyot Orangeburg DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: ‘Threat Thr ) 28 stort blow 7g life, person or family of public employee en 5/11/2022 ) ages assess Post Office Box 9000 await Orangeburg, SC 29116- a aan Tomine (6247-2011 Judge Cos: Issuing cout [X] Magis] Mil CO cv 7436 ) DEFENDANT COPY DEFENDANTCOPY DEFENDANTCOPY DEFENDANT COPY DEFENDANT COPY

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