Corruption Psyychosocial Issue
Corruption Psyychosocial Issue
Corruption Psyychosocial Issue
Bista, D.B. (1992). Fatalism and Development (Nepal's struggle for
Modernization). Orient Longman, Calcutta 1992
Kieffer, Charles H. (1984). Citizen empowerment: A developmental
perspective. In J. Rappapol1, C. SWIft & R. Hess, R.. (Eds.).
Studies in empowerment: Steps toward understanding and
action (p. 9-36). New York: Haworth.
Prestby JE, Wandersman A, Florin P, Rich R, Chavis D. Benefits,
costs, incentive management and partiCipatiOn In volunt~ry
organizations: a means to understanding ~nd promotmg
empowerment. American Journal of Community Psychology
1990;18(1):117-149. Niranjan Prasad Upadhyay'
Tanner, 2001. Emerging Methods in Research Participation and
Empowerment Processes in Nepal. Occasional Papers in Introduction
Sociolooy and Anthropology, Vol. VII. Central Department
of SoC~logy Anthropology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. The word corruption is very universal. Today social
p.p. 147-173. researchers are indulging to deal corruption in their own
Tanner, 2001. The Project: A Brief Discussion From the Development ways. Especially, psychologists argue that nice and clean man
Context. SAMAJ: Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. may change his or her behaviour on the basis of social and
Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal. p.p. 25- family pressures and circumstances. American psychologist,
27. David G. Myers (1994) has stressed in his book entitled
Tatsuoka, M.M. (1971). Multivariate analysis. Techniques for
"Exploring social psychology" that nice people also become
educational and psychological research. New York: Wtley.
corrupted through excessive social pressures. Basically, in
Uphoff, Norman (1992) Learning from Gal Oya:Possibilities for
Participatory Development and Post·Newtolllan SOCial developing countries like Nepal, the people are always trying to
Science. Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press. accumulate money and want to be rich persons by different
Zimmerman, M. & Rappaport, J. Citizen Participation, Perceived means. In day -to day practice, family members begin to put
Control and Psychological Empowerment. Community pressure on the nice and clean service man to get money by any
Psychology Journal, 1989. means. Actually, such types of daily pressures of the family may
Zimmerman, M. (1992). Taking Aim on Empowerment Research: On disturb the mental balance of government and non-governmental
the Distinction Between Individual and PsychologIcal personnel. In fact, in every aspect of life the man is negatively
Conception. American Journal of Community Psychology, 18, imitating others behaviors in different way of actions like
169-177. marriage ceremony, thread wearing ceremony, birthday,
construction of huge buildings, purchasing lands, cars,
diamonds, gold etc.
Corruption is an antisocial activity, which is learnt
through nastiest parenting. Effective parenting by implication,
aims at primarily the best type family climate for a congenial fact that the large amount of such undue goods and services used
socialization of the individual, as well as, a healthy development to go directly to their respective masters. Because of all these
of his or her personality and self. Every one's personality is the reasons, the noble sermon (or the Dibya Upadesh) of Prithibi
creation of his or her family. Family provides a frame - work arayan Shah, the founder of modern Nepal, was undermined
within which human being may find roots, continuity and sense and violated right from that period, though the words of the
of belonging. Parents serve as the first socializing agents. sermon regarded both the bribe -receiver and bribe - offerer as
Especially, sound family environment always persists enemy of the nation. Now they are thrown into the dustbin of
disciplines, moral and obedience lessons. Mainly, such history leaving a legacy of protected type of corruption and
diversified effective lessons impart good manner, corruption free institutionalization of all SOlis of malpractices. As a result, social
mind, and acquired integrated personality. At the same time, it is status remained only on the money and power irrespective cf its
essential to say that psychosocial approach is purely interlinked source. People with black money gained power and emerged as
with social behavioral phenomena and which is product of elites of the nation. This situation also gave a positive chance for
society. So, in this article I have managed to deal various the emergence of wing of contractors and sub -{;ontractors
disciplines pertaining to corruption. Basically, man is influenced within the institutionalized pattern of corruption in epa!.
by various factors and those factors disturb his entire personality. Studies have shown that a very open economy is
Consequently, he or she may be diverted towards wrong path. significantly associated with lower corruption. An economist,
Corruption is a major obstacle to development .It Paolo Mauro (1997) introduces a research article on "Why worry
undermines democracy and destroys the credibility of about corruption?" in the Economic issues Series. In that article
government. Effective democracy requires a comprehensive he stresses that when civil service pay is too low, civil servants
attack on corruption as a factor of social disintegration and may be obliged to use their positions to collect bribes as a way of
distortion of the economic system that undermines the legitimacy making ends meet.
of political institutions. Transparency International has done HMG has initiated important steps towards good
exceptionally remarkable work in creating worldwide awareness governance and corruption control in this fiscal year. The
about the dangerous implication of the growing menace of government is committed to prepare a Comprehensive Anti
corruption, especially for billions of people living in developing Corruption Strategy and its implementation for corruption
countries. control in the next fiscal year. The strategy regarding the
Corruption in Nepal is so rampant that in spite of many corruption eradication had to be prepared and implemented by
efforts to reduce it, it exists at all levels of public bureaucracy. mid-October 2002 (Public Statement on Income and Expenditure
This is really a great challenge to the campaign of national on the Fiscal year2002-2003, His Majesty's Government,
development (Administrative Reform Commission's Report, Ministry of Finance, Bagdarbar, Kathmandu, 'epal).
1975-76). Basically, right from the inception of Rana rule in Recently, (2002 year) Upadhyay introduces an article
Nepal, public servants had become bold enough to collect and on "A fight for corruption control in Nepal" in the Journal of the
save the money any how for the personal use of the Ranas, their Nepal Administrative Staff College. In that article he remarks
immediate bosses and themselves. The proverb" one who takes that in the case of epal although people may have the
honey out of the beehive, licks his hand" also became popular temptation to flout the law for their political gain, if the law is
and it boosted up their courage to gain some personal privilege implemented rather sternly it may be difficult in the initial period
from their respective positions in civil service (Poudyal, 1984). but in the long run that gets settled and the politics gets its own
This psychological encouragement was also supported by the course of action. Furthermore, there is necessary to make a law
196 Occasional Papers N. P. UpadhayaJ Corruption: A Psychosocial .. 197
that requires a person to declare the legal source of the wealth But, it is suffering from a bad image among the public. A recent
acquired by him. Such strategy will greatly contribute to the survey of NGO postulates that people see corruption thriving
fight for controlling corruption. In this subject, Chief under political protection. As high as 84 percent of the survey
Commissioner presents following figure, which shows the respondents were pessimistic about the possibility of corruption
involvement and relationship of diversified agencies pertaining control. They do not even file a complaint against corrupt
to corruption control. behaviour, as no remedy would be available.
Particularly, poor societies with heavy state intervention
and regulations and regulations create numerous monopoly rents
with discretionary powers bestowed on government officials.
Minislries. various departments government and semi
Some economists have come up with a simple equation placing
government agencies
corruption, C, as a function of monopoly (M), discretion (D) and
Special accountability (A): C =M+D-A. This demonstrates clearly how
Auditor General's
Ollice ~
I Department corruption exists in an environment where a state organization
"" I has monopoly power over the distribution of goods, discretion to
"" decide who receives them and is not accountable for its actions
Public AccouO( ,,~---- Supreme (Wagle, 1998).
- Corruption
~Court epalese administration is characterized by different
kinds of pathological trailS such as the pathology of persistence,
pathology of conservatism, pathology of growth, pathology of
Department of
Revenue intelligence
-4-- Courtor status, pathology of self -service, pathology of buck- passing,
,". Appeal pathology of delay, pathology of nepotism and favoritism and
pathology of corruption. The existence of these bureau-
Local bodies ...
\\ 1Il. CI1iCf District
pathologies have been recognized the major reasons that impede
\ public bureaucracy on its developmental role. Poudyal, (1986)
\ stresses that corrupt environment of the country has been one of
Press Media
~ the major reasons for the existence of the pathology of
Ci\ il ocicly Office of Attorney corruption. Pervasiveness of corruption in Nepalese society has
General not left any circle untouched from below to top levels. It is
moreover institutionalized and has been accepted as mode of life.
At the same time people within the country do not bother about
Figure I. Relationsip of Ministries, departments and semi- the source and nature of income, they worship money and all are
government agencies in corruption control (Adapted from behind it. Because of this corrupt environment, developmental
Upadhyay, S.N., A fight for corruption control in Nepal, undertakings of the country are facing lot of problems and the
Administration and Management Review, Volume 14,No.l, bureaucracy is caught within the corrupt circle.
2002,Nepal Administrative Staff College, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur Chiefly, to secure an efficient civil service, it is essential
Nepal). . to protect it from political and personal influences. In countries
Ghimire, H. (2001) has recently introduced an article on where this principle has been neglected, and the spoils system
Pro- poor governance as good governance in Kathmandu Post. has taken its place, an inefficient and disorganized civil service
He states that the government is, of course not bad in everything.
N. P. Upadha)'al Corruption: A Psychosocial... 199
198 Occasional Papers
pathology of conservatism, pathology of growth, pathology of Upadhyay,. N.P. (2002,). Corruplion in Nepali bureaucracy. The
status, pathology of self -service, pathology of buck- passing, Hlmalayan,(Eng.) The Himalayan Times, APCA House
pathology of delay, pathology of nepotism and favoritism and Slllgha Durbar, Baidyakhana Road Kathmandu Nepal '
pathology of corruption. The existence of these bureau- pathologies Wagle, S. (1998). Literature Review on the corruptio~ debat~ in the
have been recognized the major reasons that hamper public economIcs literature . A Journal of Ad min ..rstratlOn
burcaucracy on its developmental role. Psychologically, Management and Development, Kathmandu, Nepal. '
government and non -governmental organizations must impart
awareness-building programs pertaining to corruption control.