Section 13210 Composite Elevated Water

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Section 13210


Note to Contract Specifier

Specification clauses requiring revision or insert are high lighted and underlined.
Specification notes are high lighted and italicized. Contact Landmark for technical assistance
with project specific modifications and appurtenances not listed - phone 817 439 8888 or email
[email protected].


1.01 Summary

A Work Included

This section includes the design, construction, testing, and commissioning of a

Composite elevated tank and related work including foundations, mechanical, and

B Related Documents

Drawings and the general provisions of this document, including General Conditions,
Supplemental Conditions, Special Provisions and other Division 1 Sections apply to work
in this section.

C Related Sections

Section 03300 Concrete

Section 09900 Coatings
Section 16000 Electrical

** Spec Note – add or revise Sections as required.

1.02 References

The latest version of the following Specifications, Codes and Standards are referenced in
this section.
ACI 117 Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials
ACI 304 Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete
ACI 305 Hot Weather Concreting
ACI 306 Cold Weather Concreting
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
ACI 347 Guide to Formwork for Concrete
AISC S335 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

November 23, 2015 13210 - 1 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

ANSI ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
ASTM A 123 Zinc Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
ASTM A 240 Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip for Pressure Vessels
ASTM A 285 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel
ASTM A 774 Welded Stainless Steel Fittings
ASTM A 778 Welded Stainless Steel Tubular Products
AWWA D100 Welded Steel Tanks for Water Storage
AWWA D102 Coating Steel Water Storage Tanks
AWWA C652 Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities
FAA 70/7460-1H Obstruction Marking and Lighting
NFPA NEC National Electric Code
NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems
NSF 61 Standard for Drinking Water System Components
OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
SSPC VIS-89 Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel

1.03 System Description

A Elevated Tank

The Composite elevated tank shall consist of the following: foundation, reinforced
concrete support structure and a welded steel water tank. The support structure shall
extend vertically from the foundation as a circular concrete wall. A concrete slab shall be
provided as structural support for the steel tank within the perimeter of the wall. A
reinforced concrete ring beam shall be provided to connect the steel tank, concrete dome
and concrete support wall. The elevated tank shall be in accordance with the shape,
dimensions and details required by these specifications and drawings.

B Operating Parameters

Minimum capacity within operating range gallon

Maximum operating range ft
Maximum fill rate gpm
Elevation - overflow/top capacity level ft
- grade slab ft
- final ground ft
Support wall diameter +/- 2 ft

** Spec Note – contact Landmark for tank sizing information**

C General Design Standards

Structural design of the elevated storage tank shall conform to the following design
standards except as modified by this section.

Foundations and Support Structure ACI 318 and ASCE 7

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Composite Tank AWWA D107

D Design Loads
Design loads shall be in accordance with ASCE 7 for Category IV (essential facility)

1. Dead load shall be the estimated weight of all permanent construction.

2. Water load shall be the weight of water when the tank is filled to overflow.

3. Roof live load in addition to snow load: none.

4. Roof snow load shall be the larger of 15 psf. or the snow load determined in
accordance with ASCE 7. Ground snow load shall be determined from Figure 7-1 in

5. Wind loads shall be in accordance with ASCE 7 for wind exposure category C, and
basic wind speed of 90 mph. (see Figure 6-1 in ASCE 7)

** Spec Note – basic wind speed will increase for hurricane coastal regions**

6. Horizontal and vertical seismic loads shall be in accordance with ASCE 7 and the
Site Class as determined in the soil investigation report.
Importance factor I = 1.50.
Response Modification Coefficient R = 3.0 in accordance with ASCE 7

E Combination of Loads
The effect of combination of loads shall be considered in accordance with the following.

1.4D + 1.6F + 1.6(L+S)

1.2D + 1.2F + L + 0.5S + 1.6W
1.2D + 1.2F + L + E
0.9D + 1.6W
0.9D + F + E

D = Effect of dead load.

F = Effect of water load.
E = Effect of horizontal and vertical seismic load.
L = Effect of interior or roof live load.
S = Effect of roof snow load.
W = Effect of wind load.

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F Foundation Design
The foundations shall be designed by the Contractor to safely support the structure based
on the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Foundations shall be sized in
accordance with AWWA D107, Section 7, "Foundations”.

1.04 Submittals

A Submit the following with the proposal:

A preliminary section view drawing of the tank proposed for this project. The drawing
shall include sufficient detail to illustrate tank geometry, materials of construction,
primary dimensions, support wall thickness and pour height, concrete slab thickness, the
elevation of low and high water levels, interior wet, interior dry and exterior paint areas,
and other information required to show compliance with the specification. If the
proposed design does not comply with the specifications, the bid shall be rejected.

B Construction Drawings
Provide elevation, plan and sectional view drawings of the foundation, support structure,
tank and all appurtenant equipment and accessories. Show the location, dimensions,
material specifications, and finish requirements. The submission shall be sealed by
professional engineer registered in the State of the project.

Foundation details shall include excavation, soil protection and backfill.

Reinforced concrete details shall include construction joints, openings and inserts.
Reinforcement shall be clearly indicated on the structural drawings and identified by
mark numbers that are used on the fabrication schedule. Location, spacing and splice
dimensions shall be shown. Placement and fabrication details shall conform to ACI 318.
Steel tank details shall include weld joints and a layout showing all primary and
secondary shop and field welds.

C Construction Procedures
Provide procedures for the support structure forming system. Procedures shall include
form removal criteria and minimum elapsed time for adjacent concrete placement.
Provide shop and field weld procedures for all structural joints on the steel tank.

D Design Data
Provide a table showing capacity of the tank in gallons at all levels in one foot
Provide a summary of the design for the foundation, support structure, tank and other
components. Include the design basis, loads and load combinations and results.

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Provide a finite element analysis that accurately models the intersecting elements of the
interface region. The interface region includes those portions of the concrete support
structure and steel tank affected by the transfer of forces from the tank cone and the tank
floor to the concrete support wall. The analysis shall provide results including the shear,
moment, and compression or tension caused by the intersecting elements in the interface

E Product Data
Provide a separate concrete mix design for each concrete compressive strength required
or specified.
Provide technical data and color samples of all coating products.
Provide manufacturers descriptive information for appurtenant equipment and
accessories that are not detailed on the construction drawings.

F Reports/Certification
Provide documentation of all tests, inspections and certifications required by this section.
Provide qualifications of all welders.

Provide proof of insurance for Professional Liability with a minimum limit of $2,000,000
each occurrence and aggregate.

1.05 Quality Assurance

A Experience Requirements of Tank Contractor

The work described in this section shall be performed by a company that specializes in
the design and construction of composite elevated tanks. The tank contractor shall have
the following qualifications:

1. A minimum of ten years experience in composite tank design and construction.

2. The design, construction and commissioning of a minimum ten Composite elevated

tanks of equal or greater capacity in successful service for 10 years. These tanks shall
be of the same design and constructed using forming systems as detailed by this

B Approved Tank Contractors

Acceptable contractors qualified to perform the work specified herein are:

CB&I Constructors, Inc.,

Landmark Structures

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The Engineer and / or Owner shall be the sole and final judge as to the acceptability of a
tank contractor’s qualifications. Bidders not named as a qualified contractor will be
considered non-responsive and their bid will not be opened.

C Quality Assurance

Elevated tank design, concrete support structure construction and steel tank construction
shall not be subcontracted. These items shall be self performed by the contractor.

The contractor shall directly employ a full time professional engineer with a minimum
five years cumulative experience in the design and construction of Composite elevated
tanks. The engineer shall be registered in the State the work is being performed and shall
be in responsible engineering charge of the work.

A qualified supervisor directly employed by the manufacturer shall be on site at all times
during construction of the foundation, support structure and steel tank.

D Regulatory Requirements

The specifications, codes and standards referenced in paragraph 1.02 shall govern the
work with regard to materials, design, construction, inspection and testing to the extent

Personnel safety equipment shall be provided in accordance with OSHA requirements

and manufacturers documentation.

1.06 Delivery, Storage & Handling

A Handling and Shipping

The Contractor shall handle materials and fabricated components in a manner that will
protect them from damage. Allow painted materials adequate cure time prior to stacking
or shipping.

B Storage and Protection

Protect delivered materials and equipment from damage. Store in well drained areas and
provide blocking to minimize contact with the ground.

1.07 Project Conditions

A Permits and Easements

Permits, licenses, and easements required for permanent structures, changes in existing
facilities or advancement of the construction as specified shall be secured and paid for by

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the Owner prior to the start of construction. These include building permits, airspace
authority approval, site access easements, highway crossing permits, etc.
Licenses or permits of a temporary nature required by specific trades shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.

B Existing Conditions
A geotechnical investigation has been carried out at the site and a report has been
incorporated within these specifications. The net allowable bearing pressure of shallow
foundations and/or the allowable capacity of deep foundation elements have been defined
in this report. The Contractor shall be responsible for securing any further geotechnical
information required beyond that provided in this report.

C Access
The Contractor shall provide access from public roads to the tank site unless otherwise

D Working Conditions
1. Safety and Health - The Contractor shall comply with safe working practices and all
health and safety regulations of OSHA, state and local health regulatory agencies and
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Provide protective and lifesaving equipment
for persons working at the site.

1.08 Sequencing and Scheduling

A Schedule
The Contractor shall provide a schedule indicating the design, submittals, site work and
the major components of construction including foundation, support structure and steel
tank. In addition, show tank painting, electrical installation and other significant
activities. Update the schedule as required.

B Certifications
Provide certification from the engineer of record that the elevated tank has been designed
in accordance with the requirements of the specification.
Provide certification that testing and inspection requirements of 3.07 have been
performed and the results comply with the requirements of the specification.

1.09 Guarantees

The Contractor shall guarantee the structure, appurtenant equipment and accessories
provided under this section against defective design, workmanship or materials for a
period of one year from the date of substantial completion. If notified within this period,

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the Contractor shall repair any defects at no cost to the Owner. Defects caused by
damaging service conditions are not covered.
All guarantees for materials, equipment and accessories provided under this section shall
be obtained by the Contractor and submitted.

1.10 Insurance

In addition to any requirements specified in the General and/or Supplemental Conditions,

the Contractor shall maintain Professional Liability insurance with a minimum limit of
$2,000,000 each occurrence and aggregate.

1.11 Contract Award

Contract award will be based on an evaluated bid analysis. Evaluations will consider
capital cost and maintenance costs over a 60 year life cycle. The owner reserves the right
to award the contract based on the evaluation criteria, not on the low bid. The Owner will
be the sole and only judge in this evaluation.

Maintenance analysis will be performed by establishing the present value of future tank
coating requirements based on industry standard repaint cycles and costs. A 3% inflation
rate and a 5% interest rate shall be used in the life cycle cost analysis.

** Spec Note – life cycle analysis shall be included for contracts considering alternate tank
styles. Contact Landmark for life cycle analysis program.


2.01 Materials

A Reinforced Concrete
Concrete materials and reinforcement shall comply with ACI 318, except as modified in
this section.

B Steel Tank
Steel tank components, including steel plates, sheets, structural shapes and filler metals
shall be in accordance with AWWA D107, Section 5, "Steel Tank".

2.02 Concrete Foundation

The concrete foundation shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318. Minimum
specified compressive strength shall be 4000 psi at 28 days. The service load
reinforcement tension stress shall not exceed 30,000 psi under dead plus water load
unless flexural cracking is otherwise controlled in accordance with ACI 318.

2.03 Concrete Support Structure

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The concrete support structure shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318. The
specified compressive strength of concrete shall be as required by design, but not less
than 4000 psi at 28 days. The maximum specified compressive strength of concrete for
the wall and dome shall be 6000 and 5000 psi respectively.

A Support Wall
Support wall shall be reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 8 inches exclusive
of any architectural relief. Wall thickness shall be provided such that the average
compressive stress due to the weight of the structure and stored water is limited to 25%
of specified compressive strength, but not greater than 1000 psi. A minimum total wall
reinforcement of 0.15% vertically and 0.20% horizontally shall be distributed
approximately equally to each face. A minimum of 0.75% vertical reinforcement shall be
provided in the top 6 ft. of the wall extending into the concrete ring beam. Minimum
concrete cover for interior / exterior faces shall be 1 inch and 1-1/2 inches respectively.

B Tank Floor
Tank floor shall be a reinforced concrete dome not less than 8 inches thick. The average
compressive stress due to the weight of the structure and stored water shall not exceed
13% of the specified compressive strength, nor greater than 600 psi. Minimum total
reinforcement in orthogonal directions shall be 0.40% distributed approximately equally
to each face. Additional reinforcement shall be provided for stress caused by edge
restraint effects.

C Openings
The effects of openings in the wall shall be considered in the design. Not less than 60%
of the interrupted reinforcement in each direction shall be placed each side of the
opening. Reinforcement shall extend past the opening not less than half the transverse
opening dimension.
Openings wider than 3 ft. 6 in. shall be subjected to a rigorous analysis taking into
account the stress concentrations and diminished lateral support that exist in the vicinity
of such openings. Each side of the opening shall be designed as a column in accordance
with ACI 318.
Openings 8 ft. 0 in. or wider used for vehicle access shall be strengthened against vehicle
impact and local buckling by means of an internal buttress located on each side of the
opening. The buttress shall consist of a thickened, reinforced concrete wall section that is
integrally formed and placed with the support wall. The buttress section shall be not less
than 3 ft. 0 in. wide and 6 in. thicker than the nominal wall dimension.

2.04 Concrete Support Structure / Steel Tank Interface

A Interface Region
The interface region includes those portions of the concrete support structure and steel
tank affected by the transfer of forces from the tank cone and the tank floor to the

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concrete support wall. This includes a ring beam and connection details. The Contractor
shall provide evidence that a thorough review of the interface region has been performed.
Finite element and finite difference analyses are the required methods for examining such
local stresses in detail.
The geometry of the interface shall provide for positive drainage and not allow either
condensate or precipitation to accumulate at the top of the concrete wall or ring beam.

B Ring Beam
The ring beam shall be reinforced concrete with a nominal width and height of at least
two times the support wall thickness. Minimum radial and circumferential reinforcement
shall be 0.25%. For direct tension, reinforcement shall be provided such that the average
service load stress in tension reinforcement due to the weight of the structure and stored
water does not exceed 12,750 psi.
Ring beam design shall consider unbalanced forces from the steel tank cone and concrete
dome, load conditions varying with water level, eccentricity of loads resulting from
design geometry, and allowance for variations due to construction imperfection and

2.05 Steel Tank

A General

The steel tank shall be all welded construction and shall be designed in accordance with
AWWA D107, Section 5, “Steel Tank”. The required capacity and dimensions of the
tank are noted on the drawings and in this section of the specifications. All exposed lap
joints shall be fully seal welded on both sides.

B Plate Thickness

All members shall be designed to safely withstand the maximum stress to which they
may be subjected during erection and operation. The minimum thickness of any steel
plate shall be 1/4 in., except that plate used as a membrane over the structural concrete
floor shall have a minimum thickness of 1/4 in.

C Roof Support

All structural members supporting the roof of the steel tank shall be flat bar or sealed
square tubular sections. I-beams or other sections with horizontal projections may be
used if the nominal depth is 10 in. or greater. Support beams shall be seal welded to the
underside of the roof plate along the entire length of the beam.

D Cone

Conical sections of the tank that support water shall be designed in accordance with
AWWA D107, Section 5, “Steel Tank”.

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2.06 Appurtenances and Accessories

A General
Accessories shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Specifications, Codes
and Standards listed in 1.02, and the operating requirements of the structure.

B Ladder Access

Ladders shall be provided from the slab on grade inside the base of the support wall to
the upper walkway platform located below the tank floor. The tank floor manhole shall
be provided with ladder access from the upper platform. A ladder shall extend from the
upper platform, through the access tube interior to the roof. A ladder mounted on the
access tube exterior shall be provided for access to the tank interior, extending from the
roof manhole to the tank floor.
Ladders that terminate at platforms or landings shall extend a minimum of 48 in. above
the platform elevations. A safety extension shall be provided at the top of the ladder
under hatch(s). The safety extension shall be a Ladder Up Safety Post as manufactured by
Bilco or equal. The post shall extend 42-inches above the top of the ladder and be
constructed of hot dip galvanized steel. Mounting hardware shall be galvanized.
Ladders located in the concrete support structure and access tube interior shall be
galvanized steel. Tank interior ladders shall be coated in accordance with the tank
interior coating system.
Ladder side rails shall be a minimum 3/8 in. by 2 in. with a 16 in. clear spacing. Rungs
shall be minimum 3/4 in. diameter, spaced at 12 in. centers and plug welded into holes
drilled in the side rails. Tank interior ladders shall be provided with 1 in. diameter rungs
and 1/2 in. x 2 in. side rails and shall be fully seal welded.
Ladder shall be secured to the adjacent structure by brackets located at intervals not
exceeding 10 ft. Brackets shall be of sufficient length to provide a minimum distance of
7 in. from the center of rung to the nearest permanent object behind the ladder. Ladder
brackets located on the access tube exterior shall be reinforced at the access tube shell so
that potential ice damage is confined to the ladder and bracket and not the access tube

C Safe Climbing Device

High strength aluminum, rigid rail safe climbing devices shall be provided on all ladders.
Rails shall be center mounted and extend from 3 ft. above the ladder bottom to the top of
the ladder section. Mounting brackets, fasteners and splice bars shall be provided as
required for a rigid installation.

Three trolleys with snap hooks shall be provided that are designed to be operated with the
aluminum rail. A safety body harness with front and side rings shall be supplied for each

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A caution sign shall be provided at the lowest point of access to the ladder requiring safe
climbing devices. The sign shall read “CAUTION – Safety Equipment Required When
Climbing Ladder “. The sign shall be secured to the wall.

D Rest Platforms

Rest platforms shall be provided at maximum 50 ft. intervals along the support wall
ladder. Platforms shall be minimum 3 ft. by 5 ft. and complete with handrails, mid rails
and toe plates in accordance with OSHA requirements. Grating shall be used for the
walking surface and shall be suitably hinged at the ladder penetration. Platforms shall be
arranged for straight run ladder and operable without removing fall prevention
equipment. All components shall be galvanized steel.

E Platforms

A 4 ft. wide upper walkway platform shall be located at the top of the support wall to
provide access from the support wall ladder to the roof access ladder located on the
interior of the access tube. Platforms shall be provided with handrails, mid rails and toe
plates in accordance with OSHA requirements. Grating shall be used for the walking
surface. All components shall be galvanized steel.

F Support Wall Doors

1. Personnel Door - Door frames shall be 16-gauge with concealed reinforcement at
hardware locations. Expansion type anchors for existing openings shall be installed
near the top, bottom and intermediate point of each jamb to rigidly secure the frame.
Doors shall be 1 3/4 in. thick insulated, reinforced, full, flush type with 18-gauge face
sheets and concealed reinforcement at hardware locations. All edges shall be finished
flush with watertight seams. Shop applied finish for the frame and door shall be
baked on rust inhibitive primer. Field finish shall be compatible with the tank
exterior. Standard hardware shall be stainless steel and include three 4 1/2 in. by 4
1/2 in. hinges, industrial duty closer and lockset.
Quantity and location of personnel door(s) shall be as shown on the drawings.

2. Overhead Vehicle Door - Door installation shall be on the interior face of the support
wall. The door frame shall be a steel plate fabrication suitably detailed, fastened and
reinforced to accept the door. Operation shall be manual with a chain hoist. The
curtain shall be formed of 22-gauge steel interlocking slats with end locks and wind
locks designed for a wind loading of 20 psf. Torsion springs shall be mounted on a
solid torsion rod, which is attached to an exterior mounted spring tension adjustment
wheel. A 24-gauge steel hood shall be provided with a weather seal to protect the
assembly. Steel brackets shall be installed to the interior face of the wall with
expansion anchors which enclose and support the counterbalance assembly with
sealed bearings. Steel curtain guides are mounted to the brackets. The curtain,
bottom bar, brackets, guides, hood, pipe and chain shall be galvanized. Provide with
locking device.

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Size, quantity and location of vehicle door(s) shall be as shown on the drawings.

G Tank Openings
1. Floor - Provide a 30 in. diameter manhole through the tank floor. The manhole shall
be operable from a ladder located on the upper platform and shall be designed to
withstand the pressure of the tank contents without leakage. The manhole assembly
shall include a stainless steel hand wheel operator and threaded components.

2. Roof - Provide two 30 in. square weather proof access hatches on the roof of the tank.
One hatch shall allow egress from the access tube to the roof. The second hatch,
located adjacent to the first, shall allow access to the interior of the tank via the ladder
mounted on the exterior of the access tube. The opening shall have a minimum 4 in.
curb. Provide aluminum covers with a 2 in. down turned edge, stainless steel
hardware, hold open arm and a locking mechanism.

H Access Tube
Provide a minimum 48 in. diameter centrally located access tube through the steel tank to
provide access to the tank roof from the upper walkway platform. The access tube shall
incorporate a 2 in. by 2 in. channel to collect condensation that may form on the interior
surface. A flexible 3/4 in. PVC hose complete with backflow preventer shall drain the
channel to the overflow pipe.

I Roof Railing
A 42 in. high roof handrail shall be provided to enclose all centrally located roof
accessories. The roof railing shall be a minimum of 18 ft. in diameter.

J Rigging Access
Provide a 24 in. x 36 in. opening at the top of the support wall. This opening shall be
accessible from a platform and shall provide access to the exterior rigging rail located at
the tank/support wall intersection. The access opening shall be provided with a hinged
stainless steel cover or a removable vent in accordance with 2.06.M.2.
A minimum 24 in. diameter opening shall be provided on the tank roof to provide access
to the tank interior rigging rail.
K Rigging Rails
Provide permanently installed rigging rails suitable for rolling trolleys at the interior of
the tank at the wall/roof and access tube/roof connections. Provide an exterior rigging
rail at the base of the tank adjacent to the support structure.
L Piping
1. Inlet/Outlet Pipe - Provide a inch diameter inlet/outlet pipe that extends from
the base of the support structure to the tank floor elevation. Provide a minimum 6 in.
high removable silt stop where the inlet/outlet pipe enters the tank. The bottom
capacity level of the tank's operating range shall be at or above the elevation of the
top of the silt stop. Pipe material within the support structure shall be Schedule 10S

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Type 304L stainless steel. Piping below the grade slab shall be flanged cement lined
ductile iron suitably restrained to prevent movement.
The inlet/outlet pipe shall be designed to support all related static and dynamic loads.
Suitable galvanized steel brackets, guides and hangers shall be provided on the
support wall and tank floor at intervals not exceeding 20 feet.
The inlet/outlet pipe shall be designed and constructed to accommodate any
differential movement caused by settlement and by thermal expansion and
contraction over the range of extreme temperature differences expected for the
support wall and pipe. The required flexibility shall be provided by an expansion
joint located near grade in the vertical section of pipe.
2. Overflow Pipe - Provide a inch diameter overflow. The top of the overflow
shall be located within the tank at the overflow elevation. It shall run vertically
beside the central access tube and extend through the tank floor, at which point it
shall turn 90° and run under the tank floor to the support wall. This horizontal run
shall be sloped to drain. The pipe shall then turn 90° and run vertically beside the
support wall to grade. A base elbow shall direct the overflow through the support
wall, where the pipe shall be terminated with a flap valve. Pipe material within the
support structure shall be Type 304L (minimum 11 gauge) stainless steel. If the top
of overflow is located above top capacity level, the tank shall be designed for the
additional capacity provided by the difference.

The entrance to the overflow pipe shall be designed for the maximum inlet flow rate
specified in 1.03B. The design shall be based on the water level cresting within 6 in.
above the overflow elevation. A conical weir shall be provided if the entrance
capacity of the overflow pipe diameter is not adequate. A vortex prevention device
shall be used.
The overflow shall be designed to support all related static and dynamic loads.
Suitable galvanized steel brackets, guides and hangers shall be provided on the
support wall and tank floor at intervals not exceeding 20 ft. The overflow pipe and
weir section within the tank shall be carbon steel and supported by the central access
The overflow pipe shall be designed and constructed to accommodate any differential
movement caused by settlement and by thermal expansion and contraction over the
range of extreme temperature differences expected for the support wall and pipe. A
layout with sufficient upper offset to accommodate differential movement is
acceptable. If this method is not applicable, the required flexibility shall be provided
by an expansion joint located near grade in the vertical section of pipe.
The overflow pipe shall penetrate the support wall approximately 1 ft. above grade
and discharge through a flap valve onto a 5 ft. wide x 15 ft. concrete splash pad.

3. Stainless Steel Requirements - Pipe and fittings shall be Type 304L stainless steel
fabricated from material meeting the requirements of ASTM A-240. Fabrication,
inspection, testing, marking and certification of pipe and fittings shall be in
accordance with ASTM A-778 and A-774 respectively. All fittings less than 18

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inches shall be smooth flow, fittings larger than 18 inches may be of five section
mitre construction. Backing flanges shall be in accordance with ASTM A285-C
drilled to ANSI B16.5 Class 150. Pipe, fittings and welds shall be cleaned and
Pipe, fittings and flange thickness shall be in accordance with the manufacturers
certified pressure rating for the applicable service pressures. The design pressure
rating shall be minimum 125 psi for piping located within closed or valve sections.

4. Tank Drain – A tank drain shall be provided to completely drain the tank contents if
the inlet/outlet pipe does not intersect the low point of the tank. A four inch drain
pipe located at the low point of the tank floor shall be fitted with a threaded plug and
tee handle.

M Ventilation
1. Tank Ventilation - A tank vent shall be provided, located centrally on the tank roof
above the maximum weir crest elevation. It shall consist of stainless steel or
aluminum components, including a support frame, screened area and cap. The
support shall be fastened to a flanged opening in the tank roof. The vent cap shall be
provided with sufficient overhang to prevent the entrance of wind driven debris and
precipitation. A minimum of 4 in. shall be provided between the roof surface and the
vent cap.
The tank vent shall have an intake and relief capacity sized to prevent excessive
pressure differential during the maximum flow rate of water, either entering or
leaving the tank. The overflow pipe will not be considered as a vent. The maximum
flow rate of water entering the tank is specified in 1.03B. The maximum flow rate of
water exiting the tank shall be calculated assuming a break in the inlet/outlet at grade
when the tank is full. The vent shall be provided with an insect screen. Vent
capacity shall be determined based on open area provided by the screen.
In addition to the tank vent, a pressure/vacuum relief mechanism shall be provided
that will operate in the event of vent failure. The mechanism shall be designed to
return automatically to its original position after operation. The pressure/vacuum
relief mechanism shall be located on the tank roof above the maximum weir crest
elevation, and may be incorporated in the vent assembly.

2. Support Structure Ventilation - Ventilation within the support structure shall comply
with the governing building code requirements, based on occupancy classification.
As a minimum, one louvered vent shall be provided at the top of the support wall.
This vent shall be accessible from the upper platform and may also be designed to
provide access to the exterior rigging rails located at the tank/support wall
intersection. Vents shall be accessible from the interior ladders, platforms or floors
provided. Vents shall be stainless steel or aluminum and provided with a removable
insect screen.

N Interior Floors

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1. Slab on Grade - Provide a 6 in. thick, 3500 psi concrete floor slab in the base of the
support structure. The slab shall be supported on compacted granular fill and shall be
reinforced with #4 reinforcing steel at 12 in. centers each way. Provide 1/2 in.
expansion joint between floor slab and support wall and at pipes and supports that
extend through the floor. Place cap strip and sealant over the expansion joint. The
slab shall be sloped at 0.5% toward the truck door for drainage.

2. Structural Floor – Provide a composite construction structural floor located

ft. above the slab on grade. The design shall comply with the applicable
requirements of AISC S335. It shall be designed for a minimum uniform live load of
125 psf. The floor shall consist of a concrete slab supported by a galvanized formed
steel deck and galvanized steel girders.

The structural floor shall be a clear span design supported entirely by the concrete
support wall. All loads transferred from the structural floor to the support wall shall
be considered in the design. The wall shall be strengthened as required in the
vicinity of connections causing point load or eccentric conditions. Loads transferred
from the structural floors to the foundation shall be considered in the design of the

Unless structural floor and supports are isolated from the wall, loads on the wall
caused by thermal stresses in these members shall be considered. An analysis of the
lateral loading condition shall be performed and the wall strengthened accordingly.

Provide a galvanized steel access stairway adjacent to the support wall. Access
openings through the structural floor shall be protected with 42 in. high galvanized
steel handrails.

O Level Monitoring

1. General - Provide three 3/4 in. couplings welded to the inlet/outlet pipe 5 ft. above
grade. Each coupling shall be provided with a stainless steel nipple and an isolation

2. Pressure Gauge - Provide a pressure gauge in accordance with ASME B40.1 Grade
2A. The dial shall be 4 1/2 in. diameter with black markings on white background.
Pressure range is 0-100 psi.

P Lightning Protection

Provide a lightning protection system for the elevated tank structure and any roof
mounted equipment that may be damaged by lightning.

Minimum requirements include two 28 strand by 14 gauge copper conductors bonded to

the steel tank 180 degrees apart. The conductors shall be fastened to the interior support
wall at 3 foot minimum spacing, and shall terminate with buried 5/8 inch diameter by 8
foot long copper clad ground rods.

November 23, 2015 13210 - 16 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

Lightning protection for obstruction lights shall consist of an air terminal mounted on the
support and formed to fit around the fixture. The 1/2 inch diameter copper air terminal
shall extend a minimum of 10 inches above the light fixture and shall connect to a copper
conductor that terminates in a bonding plate secured to the tank roof.

2.07 Electrical and Lighting

Electrical work shall be in accordance with Division 16

[Obstruction lighting shall be provided in accordance with FAA standards. The

obstruction light shall be centrally located on the roof of the tank above all permanent
installations. It shall be a steady burning, dual fixture type with a lamp-out relay switch.
The fixture shall be weather sealed, corrosion resistant, with aluminum base and
housing. Red globes with 116-watt clear traffic signal lamps rated at 8000 hour life shall
be provided. A pilot light located near the electrical panel shall be provided to indicate
when the primary bulb has failed.]

** Spec note – remove Paragraph 2 if obstruction lighting not required**

2.08 Steel Tank Painting

Refer to Section 09900 for tank coatings. Galvanized, stainless steel and concrete
surfaces are not coated.

2.09 Source Quality Control

A Tests
Review mill test certifications of all steel plate, structural components and reinforcement
to ensure compliance with specification requirements.
B Inspections
Provide inspection of shop fabricated components in accordance with AWWA D107,
Section 9, “Inspection and Testing”.


3.01 Foundation

A Excavation
The foundation bearing surface and excavation shall be inspected by a representative of
the geotechnical engineer prior to foundation construction. Verification of the applicable
design and construction recommendations is required. The geotechnical engineer shall
be retained by the Contractor. After verification of the foundation bearing surface,

November 23, 2015 13210 - 17 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

provide a 2 in. thick concrete working slab within the lower excavation limits. Grade the
site to prevent runoff from entering the excavation.

B Concrete Construction
For shallow foundations, reinforcement placed adjacent to a concrete working slab shall
have a 2 in. minimum cover, and shall be supported by precast concrete block, metal or
plastic bar supports.
The sides of foundations shall be formed using any suitable system conforming to ACI
318. Earth cuts shall not be used as forms for vertical surfaces. Forms shall be provided
on top sloping surfaces steeper than 2.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. Straight form panels
may be used to form circular foundation shapes. The minimum design radius shall be
maintained at all sections.

C Finish
Formed surfaces shall have a smooth form finish when exposed and a rough form finish
when not exposed.
Unformed surfaces shall have a troweled finish when exposed and floated finish when
not exposed.

3.02 Concrete Support Structure

A Architectural Concrete Construction

The exposed exterior surface of the concrete support wall is designated architectural
concrete. The concrete and formwork requirements of this section shall be strictly
enforced to ensure concrete of the highest practicable architectural standard. Formwork
design, installation and removal shall comply with the minimum requirements of ACI
318, ACI 117 and the applicable requirements of ACI 347, except as modified by this

Attention shall be given to ensure the same concrete design mix is used throughout the
support wall. The proportion, type and source of cement and aggregates shall not be
changed. Uniform moisture content and placing consistency shall be maintained.

Placement is crucial to achieving architectural concrete. All wall concrete shall be placed
vertically and directly inside the reinforcement cage with drop chutes to prevent form
splatter and the resulting surface finish variations. Placement methods that introduce
concrete horizontally through wall reinforcement are strictly prohibited.
Support wall reinforcement shall be installed with plastic supports. Maximum spacing of
supports for welded wire fabric shall be 5 ft. centers, horizontal and vertically. Forming
systems shall be designed with the provision of ties and bracing such that concrete
components conform to the correct dimensions, shape, alignment and elevation.
Embedded items shall be properly positioned and secured. Form surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned of concrete residue and coated with a release agent prior to placing
reinforcement. Do not allow excessive release agent to accumulate on the form surface.

November 23, 2015 13210 - 18 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

Steel forms shall be coated with a non-staining, rust preventative form oil or otherwise
protected. Steel formwork with rust stains and damaged surfaces shall not be used.

Support wall concreting shall incorporate segmented placement procedures. Temporary

vertical bulkheads shall divide the wall pour into segments corresponding to a single
truckload of concrete. The bulkheads shall be located at rustications, braced rigid and
tight to maintain vertical alignment under concrete load. Wall segment concrete shall be
placed vertically and continuously to full form height from a single truck load of
concrete. Vertical pour rate shall be a minimum of 15 feet per hour .Placement from
multiple loads is not permitted. Temporary bulkheads shall not be removed until adjacent
concrete is placed.

The forming system for the pedestal wall shall be fully engineered and detailed with
procedures to meet the increased demands of architectural concrete. The support wall
shall be constructed with a jump form process using form segments prefabricated to
match the wall curvature. Concrete pour height shall be a minimum of 6 ft. and a
maximum of 10 ft. Form panels shall be designed for lateral pressures associated with
full height plastic concrete head and eccentric loads resulting from the segmented wall
pour procedure.

Form panels shall extend the full height of the concrete pour using only vertical panel
joints. Form system shall be designed to lap and be secured to the previous wall pour.
The space between the form and the previous pour shall be sealed to prevent grout
leakage. Wall forms shall incorporate a positive means of adjustment to maintain
dimensional tolerances specified. Wall forms shall be adjusted for vertical plumb and
circularity and locked into position with through wall form ties prior to concrete
placement. Working platforms that allow safe access for inspection and concrete
placement shall be provided. Form surfaces shall be steel, plastic or fiberglass coated

The form system shall incorporate a uniform pattern of vertical and horizontal
rustications to provide architectural relief to the exterior wall surface. Rustication strips
shall be sealed to the form face to eliminate the grout leakage that results in broken
corners, color variations and rock pockets. Broken edges and chamfers will not be
accepted. All construction joints and panel joints shall be located in rustications. Vertical
panel joints shall be sealed using closures which combine with the form pattern to
eliminate grout leakage and panel joint lines. All joints shall be grout tight. The vertical
and horizontal rustications shall be proportioned and combined to impart a symmetrical
architectural pattern to the completed structure. Form ties shall be located in a uniform
pattern. No architectural form treatment is required on the interior surface.

Wall forms shall not be disturbed or removed until the concrete has attained sufficient
strength to prevent forming operations or environmental loads from causing surface
damage or excessive stress. Support wall concreting operations shall occur a maximum of
once per day. Forms are to be removed and the concrete finish inspected prior to the
subsequent placement of the next wall pour. Multiple form movements and concrete
placements within a day are not permitted Form removal shall be based on early age

November 23, 2015 13210 - 19 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

concrete strength testing. The minimum concrete strength shall be established by the
Contractor, based on an analysis of stress at critical stages throughout the forming and
concrete operations. Early age concrete testing shall be in accordance with ACI 228.1R-
95. Pull Out testing in accordance with ASTM C 900-99, Maturity Method testing in
accordance with ASTM C 1074-93, or field cured cylinders compressive strength tested
in accordance with ASTM C 172 are the acceptable methods to determine early concrete

The structural floor system shall be designed to support all temporary construction loads.
Adequate shoring and bracing shall be provided to transfer loads without appreciable
movements. Shoring and forms for the structural dome slab shall remain in place until
the concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry the floor weight without damaging
deflections. A system of precast segments, concreted and structurally tied together can be
used in lieu of cast in place.
In periods of cold weather as defined by ACI 306, concrete surfaces shall be protected in
accordance with recommendations until the component attains 35% of the specified
compressive strength. At this time, protection may be removed subject to the allowable
temperature differential. A reasonable temperature differential shall be defined, based on
component thickness and restraint conditions.
B Finish
Provide a smooth form finish without rub for the interior and exterior support wall. Tie
holes shall be plugged using grout on the interior and manufactured plugs on the exterior
which match the color of the cured concrete as closely as possible. Provide a light
sandblast to the exposed exterior concrete support wall surface.

C Dimensional Tolerances
Support structure concrete construction shall conform to the following:
Variation in thickness:
wall.........................................-3.0% to +5.0%
dome .......................................-6.0% to +10%
slab floor…………………….-3.0% to +5.0%
Support wall variation from plumb:
in any 10 feet of height ..........1 inch
in any 50 feet of height ..........2 inch
maximum in total height ........3 inches
Support wall diameter variation .........0.4%
not to exceed ..........................3 inches
Dome floor radius variation ...............1.0%
Level alignment variation:
from specified elevation.........1 inch
from horizontal plane .............1/2 inch
Offset between adjacent pieces of formwork:
exterior exposed surfaces…. ..1/8 inch
interior exposed surfaces….. .1/4 inch

November 23, 2015 13210 - 20 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

D Mock Up Panel
A mock up panel shall be constructed using the proposed form surface and concrete.
Minimum size will be 4 ft wide by 6 ft high. This panel shall be agreed upon by the
Contractor and Engineer as the reference standard with which to judge surface quality,
appearance and uniformity of texture and color for each individual lift.

Review and acceptance of formed concrete surface must be made immediately upon form
removal. Succeeding pours shall not be placed until the most recent wall pour has been
stripped and the form surface approved. The Engineer shall not delay the Contractor by
lack of attendance. Non-attendance by the Engineer or designated representative will be
understood to mean acceptance. The Contractor shall be responsible to inform the
Engineer as to pour schedule.

Concrete with surface defects exceeding limitations specified herein or not meeting the
standard represented by the mock-up panel shall be repaired to meet that standard.

3.03 Steel Tank

A Welding
Welding procedures and general welding requirements shall be in accordance with
AWWA D107, Section 9.5, "Welding".
No structural welding is permitted to any steel embedded in hardened concrete, unless the
weld is at least 2 ft. from the embedment interface.
Grinding of weld contour shall approximate Condition "D" of NACE Standard RP0178.

B Fabrication
Layout, cutting, forming, edge preparation and workmanship for steel tank components
and fabrications shall be in accordance with AWWA D107, Section 5.4, "Fabrication and
Construction Requirements".

C Tank Erection
Steel tank erection procedures and general requirements shall be in accordance with
AWWA D107, Section 5.4, "Fabrication and Construction Requirements".

D Tolerances
Steel tank tolerances shall be in accordance with the requirements of API 650, Section
Steel cone shall be constructed to the following tolerance. The deviation from the
theoretical conical surface shall not exceed 0.032 √RT, when measured in the radial
direction over length 4√RT, where R is the radius normal to the plate surface at the point
of consideration, and T is the plate thickness.

November 23, 2015 13210 - 21 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

3.04 Field Quality Control

A Concrete Testing and Inspection

The evaluation and acceptance of concrete shall be in accordance with Section 03300 of
this specification.
The support wall radius, plumb and thickness shall be verified for each concrete lift at all
vertical form panel joints and at a minimum of 60 degree intervals. Vertical alignment
and radius shall be checked using a visible beam laser. Measurement shall be made to the
outside form surface. A log of the measurements and an inspection report certified by the
tank designer shall be provided to the Owner at project completion.

B Steel Tank Testing & Inspection

Inspection procedures for the steel tank shall be in accordance with AWWA D107,
Section 9, "Inspection and Testing". Radiographic inspection of full penetration butt-
welded joints shall be made by an independent inspection company retained by the
Erection tolerance of the steel cone in the radial direction shall be measured. Provide
field measurements at 30 degree intervals.

Weld joints of plate over the structural concrete floor shall be tested for leaks by vacuum
box / soap solution testing, or equivalent method prior to grouting.

3.05 Cleaning

A Site

The project site shall be kept in a clean and safe condition at all times. The Contractor
shall remove all construction equipment and debris at project completion.

B Tank Disinfection

Water and sufficient pressure for flushing, cleaning, initial testing and disinfection shall
be supplied by the Owner at no cost to the Contractor. Disinfection shall be in
accordance with AWWA C652. Tank leakage test shall be performed during disinfection.


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