Whitepaper Baanworkflow2
Whitepaper Baanworkflow2
Whitepaper Baanworkflow2
White Paper
BaanDEM Workflow
Introduction to concept 1
Product description 2
Architecture 4
Introduction to concept
Organization modeling
The organization model represents the enterprise, or parts of an
enterprise, from an organizational perspective. In the organiza-
tion model, employees, employee groups, and roles can be
defined. In figure 2 an example of the process-role-employee
relationship can be seen. Employee groups, which is a group
of employees, is a new concept within the DEM Tool. It is
mandatory to use if the extended scheduling feature of a
process is to be used. For workflow, the organization model
supports the settings of authorizations, and makes it possible to
schedule tasks in a workflow environment based on modeled
Figure 1 Process definition with the DEM Tool characteristics.
In the DEM Tool, roles can be defined for the specific
tasks/skills that need to be performed in an organization. These
roles are then linked to the business processes and/or activities
that require these tasks or skills.
It is possible to limit the authorizations of the different roles.
There are several levels of authorizations that can be defined, by
linking the roles, to different processes and activities, and by
linking employees to the roles. The authorizations defined
during the linking of roles to processes and activities
automatically applies for the employee while carrying out tasks
from the worklist handler.
Installation of the worklist handler
Before the worklist handler can be started it must be installed
on the client. The worklist handler requires an installation of a
Java package which must be installed separately. This is done
through an install session in the Baan menu browser.
The worklist handler (see figure 3) contains a series of
worksheets (tabs) that represent different views on the worklist Baan workflow is a modular client/server system integrated into
for a certain user. The different worksheets can be created by the Baan environment.
the user with the help of a filter, which makes the display The workflow components run through inter-process
contain only the relevant records for this specific view. communication procedures such as Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) and External Data Representation (XDR). The compo-
Each worksheet has three boxes: nents allow you to communicate independently from the
• The left upper box, called Folder, allows the user to group underlying hardware, the architecture of a local or wide area
the process instances, for example by customer, by project, or network (LAN/ WAN), and the corresponding network
by order. Several actions, such as diarizing, resubmitting, protocols.
rerouting, and renaming are possible for the folders. The client/server architecture and the network architecture
• The right upper box, called Process Instances, is connected to work with data within the Workflow Management System
the selected folder, and shows the process instance which is (WMS) that is available on different computers and at different
currently being worked on. Actions such as launching, locations. If you process a workflow on a PC, you can integrate
diarizing, resubmitting and rerouting can be performed for data from a local UNIX computer as well as data from a WMS
the process instances. on another location, town, country, or an intranet server.
• The bottom box called Work Items of the Selected Process
Instance contains the work items which can be started for
execution of tasks. It is possible to start, skip, diarize,
resubmit, reroute, and reject the different work items.
Workflow Processing Modeling
Run-time processing
Process Instance Viewer
Workflow Server
WorkFlow Engine
Applications Administration
Notepad Workflow
The main components of Baan Workflow are the Workflow Workflow engine
Server and the Worklist Handler which includes Process The workflow engine is the core component of Baan Workflow.
Instance Viewer. Both are connected through the Workflow It controls the workflow management on the server and
Application Programming Interface. organizes any type of access to the workflow database.
Baan Workflow consists of the following modules: The following functionality is some of the general functionality
On the server side: of the workflow engine.
• Workflow Engine
• Workflow Database Processing requests received by client components
On the client side: The engine is linked to the user terminals through the workflow
• Workflow System Administration (WSA) API. Requests received through this interface are processed and
• Worklist Handler answered by the workflow engine. As the users of the client
• Process Instance Viewer systems don’t have direct access to the workflow data, the run-
A standardized interface: time system must make the data available on request. This gives
• Workflow Application Programming Interface you strict control of data and safeguards data integrity.
(Workflow API)
• CLI programs Distribution
• Tool Agent interface The workflow engine distributes the jobs among the users’
worklist handlers, while considering specified access and
Workflow server execution rights as well as comprehensive substitution
The workflow server consists of two components: planning. The engine also reroutes orders that are being
• The workflow engine executed. This saves the workflow user completely from
• The workflow database questions concerning responsibilities or official channels for a
business process.
They will be explained in more detail further on. All documents required for operating a business process are
submitted automatically to the respective user at the correct
point in time. The engine is responsible for controlling access
rights. Any access to workflow data is subject to access control
of the workflow engine.
Executing activities Workflow database
When a workflow user starts an activity instance from within The workflow database looks after workflow specific attributes.
the worklist handler, the server is instructed to execute The data required for workflow control is filed in this database.
prepared commands such as fetching and editing the data first. Workflow system attributes containing all control all relevant
Then all further sequences for the operations that must be data, and some of the workflow attributes (folder process
executed on the client are rerouted by the server to the instances, and activity instance attributes) which contain
requesting worklist handler. The worklist handler starts the important information for the workflow user are also stored in
respective application, such as a certain Baan session or any the database.
other application, using these data. The engine is informed after Most of the data stored in the database consists of data such as:
the activity instances started on the users’ terminals have been • Compiled process definitions, containing control information
executed. The engine carries out activity instances such as for handling the process instances.
saving data and sets the state following the activity to be • The organization model and corresponding definitions of
fulfilled. Thus the process instance gets a new status which access rights.
means that the following activities are now ready to be • Administrative information on individual process definitions
executed. In other words, the activities are instantiated. The and references to attached documents, figures, spreadsheet
workflow engine makes the respective entries in the users’ calculations, and other workflow data.
worklist handler. • Journals for generating statistics together with all executed
actions and finished process instances.
Control of target dates You can only access this information from within the
The workflow engine independently manages target dates and application (user programs) through the workflow engine,
deadlines. A target date or deadline specifies the punctual which guarantees central access control. You can perform direct
execution of certain operating steps. In case a target date has queries through the interface of the chosen relational database.
been exceeded, the engine starts the processing steps that have The WSA tool gives you easier and more direct access to the
been modeled by the user in advance. You could, for example, data.
define the notification of the respective user after a first The interface of the workflow engine to the chosen SQL
deadline has been exceeded. You can also transfer the access database is oriented toward the ANSI-SQL standard. It is,
rights to another user automatically. therefore, easy to attach the workflow software to a new
The workflow engine is also responsible for the resubmission of database system.
a process instance at a specified date, at which time the process
instance with the corresponding work items will reappear in the
users’ worklist.
Workflow client
Baan workflow has three client components, one for the
workflow administrator, and two for the workflow users.
The components are the following ones:
• The Workflow System Administration tool (WSA)
• The Worklist Handler Worklist handler
• The Process Instance Viewer The worklist handler is the WMS component that is most
frequently used by the workflow users. The users can see all
Workflow system administration tasks and actions they currently must carry out. A combined
The WSA is the interface between the workflow administrator mask displays both a list of folder numbers to be processed and
and the workflow server. The administration is provided as a a detailed list of the single work items that must be carried out.
tool for administrators, and is installed on the client side. By Graphic control and elements and a clear menu structure
using this tool, they administer the workflow database on the support the users in business processing.
server side. The administration tool provides a menu driven The worklist handler can be switched into different modes:
access to the database tables. • The worklist mode, used for activity instances that must be
Because all workflow attributes (process definitions, operated at once.
organization models, activities, and so on) are stored in the • The resubmission mode for activity instances that must be
database, the administration tool enables both the control of carried out later on.
business processes, as well as fast intervention in the process The workflow engine informs the workflow users in the
instances. If a workflow user makes an incorrect decision, the worklist mode about actions that must be started. These work
administrator can revise it. items can be sorted according to their priority, so that users can
The WSA is responsible for the administration of all see at once which work item is the most urgent one. Workflow
organizational data. User/group data and access rights are users can also define sort criteria such as folder numbers. From
administered, passwords are determined, and substitutions are this list of jobs, users can select the one they want to carry out.
planned. You can analyze states of process instances with In the resubmission mode, activity instances (for example, ‘Deal
respect to resource consumption and generating some statistics. with application’, or ‘Fill form’) can be diarized for a certain
Examples of the numerous statistics are analyses about the period of time. Furthermore, the users can skip work items,
average processing time, the average time needed for single reroute them to other users, resubmit or reject them, and order
work items, the number of process instances, and so on. Apart further information or statistics.
from these standard analyses, you can use several log files and When an activity has been carried out, the corresponding
journals to observe and evaluate workflow processing. process instance is adapted automatically. New activity instances
can then be carried out. They are entered in the users’ worklist
handler according to access rights that have been defined in the
process definition during the design phase. Depending on a
users’ access rights, a process definition may completely
disappear from the worklist handler whose user has just started
the process instance. This dependency, however, also implies
that users are always allowed to start any of the activity
instances entered as work items in their worklist handler.
System Administration
Process instance viewer Workflow application programming
The process instance viewer is a tool for graphic representation interface (Workflow API)
of the current status of process instances. For this purpose, the The workflow API is an interface to the workflow engine on the
process instance based on the business process, modeled supported client platforms. It is the main interface from the
according to the Petri net conventions, appears in a graphic client to the workflow engine and to the workflow database.
window. The workflow API consists of a library of C-functions with
To display the status of a process instance, tokens are placed on which the services of the workflow engine can be used. These
those statuses that have been fulfilled last. The activity instances services include access to the contents of the database and help
that follow the marked states must be carried out next. So, the start both new process instances and activity instances.
process instance viewer represents an important information Using this interface, C-programmers can develop their own
tool for the users. At any time, users can get graphic applications that communicate with the workflow engine in a
information on the process instance status. The workflow quick and efficient way. The workflow API is also used for the
administrator can monitor or supervise the status of a process requests to the workflow engine in a quick and efficient way.
instance, for example, you can find out why a target date has The workflow API is also used for requests to the workflow
been exceeded. engine by applications installed on the same computer on
Moreover the process instance viewer can be started from which the engine is active. All client programs supplied together
within the worklist handler. It displays the Petri net of the with WMS (such as the worklist handler and the process
process instance for the present folder. instance viewer) use the workflow API as a link to the workflow
Workflow interface This common and exclusive interface to the workflow engine
Server and client components are linked through the Workflow can be used by all applications and thus guarantees reliable
Application Programming Interface (Workflow API). The access control.
administrators can also use special CLI commands to get direct The server function exists as a functions library in the workflow
access to the workflow database or to start special operations. API. There is one function for each module operation. The
With the Tool Agent Interface, Workflow Processing Clients and interface provides no direct access to global data structures but
other external applications can communicate with the workflow a handle is administered for each connection that is established.
engine. Parts of these interface components are installed on the As a result, the link between client and server is restricted to
server side and the client side. the parameters of the C-functions of the workflow API, which
leads to better maintenance of the workflow applications.
Moreover, from a client operation, you can make multiple use
of the server.
Founded in 1978, Baan Company (NASDAQ: BAANF; ASE: BAAN) is a global provider of enterprise business solutions. Baan
Company offers a comprehensive portfolio of integrated services and best-in-class, component-based applications that span an
organization’s entire value chain including E-Business and Web Commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise
Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management, and Corporate Knowledge Management. Deployed at more than 12,000 customer
sites worldwide, Baan Company solutions enable organizations to drive strategic business growth, improve business processes,
reduce operating complexity, and increase corporate flexibility.
Baan Company has dual headquarters in Barneveld, The Netherlands and Herndon, Virginia, USA and can be found on the World
Wide Web at www.baan.com.
No part of this document may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint, microfilm or audiotape, electronically, mechanically or any other means, or stored
in an information retrieval system, without prior permission from Baan Company N.V. The information in this document shall not constitute and should not be con-
strued as a warranty of any kind with respect to the software described herein. Baan Company N.V. furthermore assumes no liability for any damages incurred, directly,
from any errors, omissions or discrepancies between the software and the information in this document.
Baan Company N.V., Baron van Nagellstraat 89 Baan USA, Inc, 2191 Fox Mill Road, suite 500
P.O. Box 143, 3770 AC Barneveld, The Netherlands Herndon, Virginia 20171, United States of America
Phone: +31 342 428888 Phone: +1 703 471 8785 (800-617 6525) www.baan.com