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LI102004 English 4

Semester 2/2021

Book: Studio Upper-intermediate by Lindsay Clandfield and Philip Kerr. Helbling.

Coordinators: Puttatida Duangchanchote E-mail: [email protected] Tel 0622646195

Vorachi Piata E-mail: [email protected] Tel 0648839863
(1) Grading 100%
1. Quiz 1 20% (40 items unit 7A, 8A, 9A, 9B) 60 minutes Google form
2. Final examination 20% (40 items unit 10A, 11A, 12A, 12B) 60 minutes WBA
3. Group project (short movie) 25% (5 progress oral report/5 m script/15 class presentation)
4. Online workbook 15% (submission deadline March 21 at 4 pm)
5. Class participation 15%
6. Attendance 5%

(2) Lesson Plan (not complete!!!!!!!!! update Nov 28)

Week Unit / Skill Content/Teaching and Learning Activities Assignments

1 Unit 7 class 1 * Book purchasing (for students

who don’t have TB from the first
Dec 7 - 10 7A 1. Class orientation semester)
*Fri Dec 10 University 2. Ice breaking activities
Constitution Town
day 3. -Discuss “What are the most famous
universities in your country? What is special
about them?”

-Discuss and share ideas to the class about the

criteria each student has in choosing his/her

4. Vocabulary P.62 Ex. 1, 2, 3

5. Grammar (adjective order) P.63

Ex. 9,10

2 Unit 7 class 2 class 2

Dec 13 - 17 7A P. 62 Exercise 5, Have the students discuss the WB: vocabulary p.37 ex. 1,2
University pros and cons of studying in a university in
*Mon Dec 13 town another country, and say whether they want to
KKU study in another country.
ent day 1. Reading P.62-63 ex. 6, 7, 8

class 3 class 3

Additional video on adjective order (8 minutes): WB: grammar p.37 Ex. 3 - 6

2. Students do pair work to write a 150 word

essay telling why their major
subject/faculty/university (choose one) is a good
place to study at. Based on Ex. 10, P. 63, students
need to use at least three series of adjective
order in their writing. Then present their stories
to the class (reading aloud with good

Students may begin their writing like this:

“As a KKU student, I believe that this university is

a good place to help me]=\ craft my skill as an
engineer…The first thing that helps me learn a lot
is having a lot of nice and student-friendly
teachers… Based on the above qualities, KKU is
the right place to shape me into my future path
of engineering life.”

3 Unit 7 class 4 class 4

Dec 20 - 24 7B P. 64 Listening and Reading Exercises 4, 5a, 5b, Allow Ss to discuss the project
details in the class in group and
Movie P.65 Ex.8 complete the form.
P.65 Relative Clauses (optional: to be used in
the movie, not in the test)

-Assign and explain project :A 10-minute Short


. class 5

Unit 8 Reading p.70 ex.1,2,3,4

8A On page 70, Read a passage about “Anger

Management 101” Then write the answer for the
Anger following questions.
1.1 What is the purpose of the article?

1.2 According to the passage, how can anger

affect your life?

1.3 The “Description” section said there are both

good and bad dangers. Explain why you think
some anger is good?

1.4 Where will the learning take place? What

techniques will you be trained?

1.5 What is the purpose of the “Instructor”


1.6 What do you think is the reason for this

course to open only for those who are 18 years
and older?

4 Unit 8 class 6 class 6

Dec 27 - 31 8A 2. grammar (linkers of purpose) p.71 ex.5,6,7 WB: grammar p. 41 ex. 3,4,5

*Fri Dec 31 Anger class 7

NY holiday managemen
1. vocabulary ex. 8,9 class 7
WB: vocabulary p.41 ex. 1,2

5 Unit 9 class 8 class 8

Jan 4 - 7 9A A home 1. vocabulary p.80 ex. 1,2,3,4 WB: vocabulary p.48 ex. 1,2
of your own
*๋Mon Jan 3 2. listening p.80
NY holiday
ex. 5,6

class 9

3. reading p.81 ex.7,8,9 class 9

1. grammar (cleft sentence) p.81 ex. 10,11,12 WB: grammar p. 48 ex. 3,4,5

2. speaking p.81 ex.13

6 Unit 9 class 10

Jan 10 - 14 9B Quiet 1. speaking p.82 ex. 1

2. reading p.82 - 83 ex. 2,3,4

class 11 class 11

1. grammar (comparing nouns) p.82 ex. 5,6 WB: grammar p. 49 ex. 4,5

Study “Comparing Nouns” on Page 82 and 140,

then make “10 sentences” using structures for
noun comparison that you have learnt from the
above pages.

7 Unit 9 class 12 class 12

Jan 17 - 21 9B Quiet 1. vocabulary p. 82 ex. 7,8 WB: vocabulary p.49 ex. 1,2,3

Study Vocabulary Activity7 on page 82, then

select 6 words and write a sentence for each of
these words. The selected word must be in two
forms (noun, adjective) in the sentence. Ex. If
the word you select is “dark”, then your
sentence must be something like, “That cave is
too dark. I will never get in there. Darkness
makes me scared.”

class 13

1. writing and speaking p.83 ex. 9,10

2. quiz1 guidelines and preparation

8 Quiz 1 class 14 class 14

Jan 24 - 28 (7A,8A,9A, Phase 1: Movie Plot Presentation

*Tue Jan 25 class 15
Inauguration Quiz1

Jan 31 - Feb 4
10 Unit 10 class 16 class 16

Feb 7 - 11 10A Walk 1. vocabulary p.88 ex.1,2,3,4a 1) WB: vocabulary p.52 ex. 1,2,3

2. reading p. 88 - 89 2) Reading Page 88-89: “Stepping

into VR” Then write your answers
class 17 for the following questions.
1. grammar (participle clauses) p.89 ex. 9,10,11 1. What does the passage
2. speaking p.89 mainly discuss?

2. In Part B, what does it

mean by “VR is a truly
immersive experience”?

3. What is the problem of VR

as mentioned in Part A?

4. What improvement was

done in Part B in order to
make VR more effective?

5. What is the writer’s

attitude as presented in Part

6. In Part D, what are the pros

and cons of the circular VR

7. In Part E, what is the user

required to do instead of stopping
using the Appalachian Trail in the
middle of the way?

8. In Part F, what can be

concluded about VR walking
and actual walking ?

class 17

WB: grammar p.52 ex. 4,5

11 Unit 11 class 18

Feb 14 - 18 11A Uncanny Phase2: Peers and Teacher Review of the Movie
valley Script
*Wed Feb 16
Makha Bucha class 19
class 19

1. reading p. 98 ex. 1,2,3

12 Unit 11 class 20 class 20

Feb 21 - 25 11A Uncanny 2. grammar (like/unlike/as if/ as though) p. 98 ex. WB: grammar p.59 ex. 4,5,6
valley 4,5,6

class 21
class 21
1. vocabulary p.99 ex.7,8
WB: vocabulary p.59 ex. 1,2,3
2. speaking p.99 ex. 9,10

13 Unit 12 class 22 class 22

Feb 28 - Mar 12A Culture 1. reading p.106 ex.1,2,3,4 WB: grammar p.63 ex. 3,4,5,6
4 hack
2. grammar (reflexive pronoun and each other)
p.107 ex. 5,6

class 23

1. vocabulary p.107 ex.7,8,9

class 23
2. writing p.107 ex.10
WB: vocabulary p.63 ex. 1,2

14 Unit 12 class 24

Mar 7 - 11 12B Food 1. speaking p. 108 ex. 1

2. reading p.108 ex .2,3

class 25 class 25

1. listening p.109 ex.4,5 WB: vocabulary p.64 ex. 1,2,3,4

2. vocabulary p.109 ex. 6,7,8

15 Unit 12 class 26

Mar 14 - 18 12B Food 1. speaking p.109 ex .9

class 27

Phase3: Short Film presentation1

16 class 28 Online workbook deadline:

Mar 21 - 25 Phase3: Short Film presentation2 March 21, 2022 / 4 pm.

class 29

final examination guidelines and preparation

17 class 30

Mar 28 - Apr class score announcement


18 20%
***Final Examination***
Apr 4 - 25

(3) Online workbook : 15% (submission deadline March 21 at 4 pm) taken from the average achievement.

Average Achievement % Score (15%)

95 - 100 15

90 - 94 14

85 - 89 13

80 - 84 12

75 - 79 11

70 - 74 10

60 - 69 9

50 - 59 8

40 - 49 7

30 - 39 6

10 - 29 5

0-9 0
(4) Class participation (crown collection) 15%
Teachers can design activities in the classes to engage students, especially speaking skills. Students can get a
maximum of 10 crowns (15 points) throughout the semester.

(5) class attendance 5%

Teachers must check students’ class attendance. Each absence will reduce 0.5% as the following table.

no. of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

score% 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

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