EEEM Arnulpho Mattos: - Rasuras e Uso de Corretivo Não Serão Permitidos - Somente Caneta Com Tinta AZUL Ou PRETA

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EEEM Arnulpho Mattos Valor: 10,0 Nota:

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Professor: Flaviane Almeida

Aluno (a): Nº:

Instruções: - Leia atentamente as questões.
- Rasuras e uso de corretivo não serão permitidos Data: / / 2022 Turma:
- Somente caneta com tinta AZUL ou PRETA

1. Passe as frases seguintes para as formas 2. Sobre o PRESENT CONTINUOUS é

Continuous. A. Precisamos usar o verbo “to be” para
construção de frases.
a) They are walking along the beach. B. Quando o verbo é terminado em consoante
+ vogal + consoante (cvc), duplica-se a
Neg. ____________________________________
última consoante e acrescenta-se ING.
C. Os verbos terminados em W e X não são
Int. ______________________________________
D. Usamos o Present Continuous para falar de
ações que aconteceram no passado.
b) Pedro is working a lot. E. Na negativa usamos o not depois do verbo
to be.
Neg. ____________________________________

3. Passe os verbos abaixo para o present

Int. _____________________________________

a) SAY ____________________________
c) We are writing a good book.
b) LIE __________________________
c) STOP __________________________
Neg. ____________________________________
d) RUN __________________________
e) SNOW ___________________________
Int. ______________________________________
4. Marque a alternativa em que a frase está
correta de acordo com o present continuous

d) Paul is sending an e-mail to his mother. A. You is talking on the phone.

Neg. ____________________________________ B. Jane and Anna is learning French.
C. He is plaing video game.
Int. ______________________________________ D. Paul is living in a wonderful town.
E. She aren’t studying for the exam.
5. Leia a charge e marque a opção correta. A. John is watching a cartoon.
B. Juliet is working.
C. Bryan is having a lot of fun
D. Anna is sleeping
E. Bryan isn’t working

7. O texto fala sobre uma “Busy family” – (Uma

família ocupada). Escreva abaixo o que cada
A. Garfield is happy because he is going to do membro da família está fazendo.
B. Jon is ready to go out and run.
C. Garfield is ready to eat lasagna.
D. Jon and Garfield are walking on street.
E. Jon is singing in the rain.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões 6 e 7.

John is watching TV and talking with Anna,

his sister. John and Anna are watching a
cartoon on TV now. They are on vacation, so
they are having a lot of fun.
Their mother, Juliet, is cooking and talking with
a friend on the cellphone. Juliet is very busy
at the moment.
Their father, Bryan, is working in a big store
and will come home to have lunch with his
As you can see, John, Anna, Juliet and Bryan
are doing different things right now. But at
lunchtime they will do the same thing: to eat.
When they are eating, they don't like to talk a
lot or make jokes. Juliet and Bryan are very
serious parents.
But this ordinary family is always doing new
things whenever it's possible.

6. Marque a alternativa correta.

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