Allah Knows Best

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Allah knows best!

This information is from Ustaz Harun DIN; he read an article about Mars (the
planet nearest to the Earth) has experienced reverse revolving in last
September. This shows that the planet in the vicinity of Mars will also
experience the same event .. So there will be the sun arises from the west
which is the sign of ‘Kiamat’.. AT that time, the door will be closed for
repentance ... According to astronomist, this is only the waiting time for
EARTH. This information is not disclosed widely and its spread was stopped
by 'NASA' because it is favorable to the Muslims. Allah knows best

Rasulullah s.a.w to that .....

"Whoever prays when the sun sets .... it is the
fact that he is praying in between two horns of the devil "

Signs behind the Bismillah

Bismillah is the term / short name of the Holy 'BISMILLAHIR ROHMAANIR

ROHIIM' which means' In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most
Merciful. '

BENEFITS Of Bismillah
1. The first one is written Qalam Bismillah. So when you write something,
then write the first because Bismillah was written in each revelation that
Allah revealed to Gabriel.

2. Bismillah for you and your house, tell them whenever to apply for
something must be with Bismillah. I will not leave Bismillah since it points
down to Adam. (Hadith Qudsi)

3. When Bismillah was revealed to the world, all the clouds ran to the west,
silent winds, rough sea, listening to the whole animal and demons scattered
all over.
4. By Allah, alone, is not Bismillah is recited at the pain but the
medication for it and not Bismillah recited above but God gave a blessing
to them.

5. Whoever wants to live happily and to be a martyr, then recite Bismillah,

each time to start a good thing.

6. The number of letters in BISMILLAH have 19 letters and the angel for
fire are 19

( QS.AL Muddatsir: 30). Ibn Mas' ud said: "Those who want God to save
from 19 angel fire must recite Bismillah 19 times each day. '

7. Each letter has JUNNAH Bismillah (guardian / servant) and each letter
said, 'Whoever read Bismillah, we are the strength and we are the power. '

8. Whoever appraised Bismillah, Allah will carry his name in heaven, and
will forgive the parents’ sins.

9. Whoever recite Bismillah, he/she will get appraised by the mountain.

10. The man who read Bismillah 21 times before sleep,he/she will be
protected from Shaitan, theft and fire, sudden death and demolition.

11. The man who read Bismillah 50 times in front of the unjust, there will
be fear in the hearts of the wicked then there’ll be courage and great pride
to the reader.

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relay the knowledge and the person practice, he will be
eewarded even he is gone .... '


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