Fat and Protein Metabolism

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February 24, 2022 Fat Metabolism

NCM 116 – Metabolism • Main energy- storage molecules

• Adipose tissues are broken down into fatty
acids and glycerol, some are released in the
(4) Fat and Protein Metabolism blood, muscle, and liver use it as source of
• Happens in mitochondria
Lipids • 2 carbon atoms are removed from the end of
fatty acid chain to form acetyl-CoA (acetyl
• They include triglycerides, steroids,
coenzyme A)
phospholipids, and fat-soluble vitamins
• Acetyl CoA enter the citric acid cycle and be
Triglycerides – most common type of lipid in the used to generate ATP
diet (95%); big chunks of fat; aka triacylglycerol; • Triglycerides and cholesterol- in food when
can be saturated or non-saturated) taken in the mouth does not change its
composition, except for butter fat where they
Steroids and phospholipids – 5%
are acted on upon by the salivary and gastric
Phospholipids- ex. Lecithin found in egg yolk; lipase
used for growth and repair of tissues; • In the small intestine, bile coming from the
combination of protein and fats liver which has been stored in gall bladder
will act upon these fats and convert them into
Cholesterol- precursor of all steroids in the body;
fatty acid and glycerol where they enter the
a steroid (found in liver, egg yolk, milk, cheese
LACTEALS in the center of microvillis and
butter and meat)
join the lymph in the lympathic system to be
o LDL (low-density lipoprotein)- bad transported to the liver for synthesis.
cholesterol; can stick and clog arteries, o Won’t be mixed with amino acids and
making BP shoot up causing glucose. Amino acids and glucose
hypertension mix with the blood because they are
o HDL- good cholesterol; helps in fat water-soluble (circulatory system).
metabolism Fats enter in lacteals (center)
(lympathic system).
Lipoprotein- carrier molecules by which lipids
o Triacylglycerol – Diacylglycerol –
are transported to other cells for energy and to
Monoacylglycerol (absorbable form
adipose tissues for storage
of fat in body)
Uses of Lipids
Fat Anabolism
1. Produce ATP
• Storage of fat as adipose tissues
2. Stored in adipose tissue as reserved food
• Ketosis- excess accumulation of ketones
3. Component of cell membrane, bile salts, and
(remnant of glucose) in blood as in the case
steroids (sex hormones)
of diabetes mellitus
4. Construct myelin sheath
5. Eicosanoids derived from fatty acids are Ketogenesis
involved in inflammation, tissue repair,
smooth muscle contraction • Catabolism of Fat- Liver cells use PRO and
6. Each fat-soluble vitamin has its function in CHO to make fats then release them into the
the body blood to be carried to adipose tissues for

storage. (1 gram fat yields 9 kilocalories of 5. Methionine
heat) 6. Lysine
• Gluconeogenesis- converts fats and protein 7. Tryptophan
into glucose if glucose is absent in the diet as 8. Phenylalanine
in fasting and starvation
Non-essential Amino Acids
1. Alanine
3. Proline
Protein 4. Hydroxylproline
• The fundamental constituent of protoplasm. 5. Aspartic Acid
Substance of a very large molecular weight 6. Glutamic Acid
made up of combination of units of building 7. Histidine
stones called amino acid. 8. Norleucine
• CHON – plus Nitrogen component 9. Asphagin

Hydrolysis Nitrogen Equilibrium

• Breakdown of protein with the aid of • Intake of protein nitrogen is more than
enzymes in the stomach and in the small adequate to replace the Nitrogen lost in the
intestine urine, feces, sweats, hair, nails, and
• Pepsinogen is converted into active pepsin epidermal debris. The surplus of Nitrogen is
by Hydrochloric acid (produced by parietal not retained but converted to Urea.
cells of stomach) and will act on protein Negative Nitrogen Balance
foods, which will be converted into Proteases
and Peptones- two types of minor protein. • If the intake is at its normal value, output is
• Pancreatic juice which contains Trysinogen greater in terms of Nitrogen
and Chymotrypsinogen and Carbopetidases • Example: Debilitating illness, cancer, fasting
enters the duodenum via common bile duct Positive Nitrogen Balance
will get in contact with Enterokinase Enzyme
and will be converted to Trypsin and • If the intake is greater than that of the output
Chymotrypsin • Example: growth and development,
• Trypsin will act on peptide bonds pregnancy, during recovery from illness
• Chymotrypsin will act on Proteases
Protein Anabolism
• Peptones and Peptides will be converted to
amino acids • Protein synthesis resulting in by-products
• Aminopeptidases from the intestine helps to such as enzymes, antibodies, body secretions,
convert small polypeptides into amino acid blood constituents
• Enterokinase in small intestine assist • Body growth is dependent on protein
Chymotrypsin in its work anabolism

Essential Amino Acids Protein Catabolism or Deamination

1. Threonine • Removal of amino group and excreted in

2. Valine urine and urea while their carbon skeleton
3. Leucine can be converted into Glucose in the liver
4. Isoleucine • Ammonia is converted to Urea

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