A Model To Evaluate The Effect of The Internet Marketing On Hotels Performance in Fuzzy Environment Arezoo Sadat Ayatollah, Alireza Naser Sadrabadi, Hossein Sayyadi Tooranloo

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International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974

Vol.3 (4), 289-296April (2015)

Research Paper
A model to evaluate the effect of the Internet marketing on hotels performance in fuzzy environment
Arezoo Sadat Ayatollah1, Alireza Naser Sadrabadi*2, Hossein Sayyadi Tooranloo3
1Graduate student IT Management at the University of Science and Arts.
2Ph.D. in Management and faculty member of the University of Yazd.
3 Ph.D. in Management and faculty member of Vali-E-Asr UniversityOf Rafsanjan
Available online at: www.IJSMD.Com
Received 7th October 2014, Revised 3th November 2014, Accepted 11th November 2014
Rapid growth of Internet marketing in hotel industry has triggered several studies on hospitality, internet reservation, and effect of
Internet marketing in hotel performance. Websites designed for marketing are specifically effective in dealing with intangible nature
of hotel services and wining competitive advantages. In the case of tourism organizations, the content of websites provides more
opportunity for participation the customer. In addition, such websites can be used as a source of information regarding preferences of
the customers and to provide customized services. Knowing this, Internet marketing and assessment of its performance have been
subject of many studies. On the other hand, qualitative nature of the Internet marketing variables highlights necessity of using fuzzy
logic. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to assess the effect of Internet marketing on performance of hotels using a
mathematical model based on date envelope analysis (DEA) and Gray’s Entropy in fuzzy environment. As in the recommended model
used of gray entropy technique to determine the high and low coefficients of input and output variables and used of fuzzy DEA
technique to determine the efficiency of E-marketing. The using of output entropy and Composition gray with the DEA, provided the
new model for evaluating E-marketing in fuzzy environment.
Keywords: Internet marketing, performance of hotel, fuzzy date envelope analysis, entropy.
Introduction information regarding their priorities; this also helps the
Ever increasing development of information and organizations to provide customized services (Doolin et
communication technology (ICT) has been immensely effective al.,2002). Chang and Law (2003) showed that an interesting
on commercial procedures. As the most effective ground for design with useful information in the website increase sale and
electronic marketing with worldwide coverage, the Internet has credit of hotels. Scaglione et al. (2009) analyzed earning per
made international markets reachable by many companies. room before and after running website by hotels and found that
However, it is notable that many businesses lack enough a positive relationship between popularity of website and
knowledge concerning how to use different E-marketing performance of hotel(Merono-Cerdan et al., 2007). Cerdan
techniques and its effect on domesti c markets and export. andAcosta (2007) examined 228 Spanish companies and
Recent rapid development of the Internet has induced showed that there is positive relationship between content of
considerable changes in the operation of hotel industry. Internet website and performance of the companies. Furthermore,
makes travel information and online transaction available and knowledge of how to work with the Internet is a critical and
acts as a new marketing tool (Doolin et al.,2002). Information essential factor in expansion of Internet-based transactions and
based nature of tourism products can enjoy global accessibility its effect on performance of company. On the other hand, there
of the Internet and capability to use multimedia possibilities. are studies that argue for different results regarding the
Furthermore, The Internet is a key tool to promote and advertise relationship between acceptance of Internet marketing and
tourism services. Web hotels and Internet marketing procedures performance of businesses. Shung, Huang, Low, and Wang
are no longer an exclusive advantage of large chain hotels. (2008) argued that there is no significant difference between
Websites with beautiful and user friendly design act as effective performances of business under different level of acceptance of
and inexpensive software packs in the hand of independent and e-business. Sigala (2004) used DEA to analyze effect of ICT
small hotels for marketing and advertisement; which also positive effect and found that ICT fails to increase profitability
intensifies competitive in the market(Lituchy et al.,2000, of hotels in many cases. They maintained that integrity of ICT
Merono-Cerdan et al.,2007). Marketing website can bring in is more important than access to ICT services in realization of
distinguishing value for hotels. Some of web-based services are performance objectives. The present study is an attempt to
provision of online information, information sharing, and online propose a model based on fuzzy DEA and Gray’s Entropy. The
transaction. Fast and easy marketing have been subject of model is aimed survey the effect of Internet marketing tools. To
several studies on Internet reservation hospitality and its effect this end, a hotel located in Shiraz, Iran was selected as case
on hotel performance (Hashim et al.,2010, Scaglione, 2009). study.
Marketing website helps dealing with intangible nature of hotel
services and wining competitive advantages (Baloglu & pekcan, Theoretical framework
2006). Website contents enable tourism organizations to Internet-based Marketing
evaluate participation of the customers and to collect The Internet is a dynamic and live media and provides
opportunity for emergence of new philosophy of marketing.
*Correspondent Author Alireza Naser Sadrabadi ([email protected]) This philosophy represents a new definition of marketing
Manuscript No: IJSMD-KINA-2014-432 through which the customer is dealt with as an individual. In

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
fact, Internet-based marketing is constituted of two elements of performance (outputs) or performance production activities
marketing and being virtual. The virtual nature enables direct (behavior). Outputs control is specifically done by focusing on
and mutual communication with the customer and possibility to the outcomes of behavior or by using explicit goals and
retrieve the record of communication for further examinations. performance. Behavioral performance assessment suits
All virtual communication is established through electronic situations in which performance outcomes are not easily
medium, which in the case of virtual marketing is “the measurable and when there is a clear cause and effect
Internet.” However, Internet-based marketing is the process of relationship between the activities and outputs (Botten &
establishing and keeping relationship with the customer through McManus, 1999). In addition, financial performance suits
online activities that also facilitate sharing idea, products, and perceiving organizational effectiveness based on several
services that leads to satisfaction of the both sides (Mohammed, advantages that profitable firms bring to the society and their
2001). As a result of introduction of the Internet in the business stakeholders ( Randolph & Dess, 1984, Snow et al., 1980).
world and development of digital economic foundations to Sharma and Apchena (2005) found that hotels performance is
support realization of modern marketing goals in e-transaction, subject to internal factors such as staff training, investment in
Internet-based marketing has drawn great deal of attention as a equipment, and availability of financial resources and external
key competitive factor in the international markets. Increase of factors such as organizational environment, standard systems of
computation capacity, fast information processing, better search services and products. Furthermore, there is a positive and
engines, removal of unnecessary dealers and that many works considerable relationship between performance of hotels and
are now done electronically have positively influenced organizational assets (e.g. organizational structure, human
transactions process time and performance. Value of e-business resource management and policy) and credit assets of the
and e-marketing is increasing. The customer in the modern company (reputation of services and products among the
market is real customer plus virtual customer; the idea that customers). Other studies have argued that there is a correlation
constitute backbone of Internet-based marketing. between brand name and performance of company (Aaker,
One of the purposes of Internet-based marketing is to create 1996, Phillips et al., 2002). Kim et al. (2003) surveyed the
online income through perceiving needs of the customers. This effect of aspects of brand name of hotels in their performance
is not possible unless online customer gain more knowledge of and showed that brand name image is considerably effective on
available products and services and feel committed to them financial performance of hotels. Kim et al. (2003) argued that
(Kwana Irene et al., 2005). brand name image is a long-run measure and, thus, marketing
Internet-based marketing is a new philosophy and business staff need to develop an accurate knowledge of specifications of
activity that encompasses marketing goods, services, brand name. A strong brand name leads to considerable increase
information, and attitudes via the Internet and other electronic in income and vice versa.
tools ( El-Gohary, 2011). The nature of tourism industry gives a Performance measurement has to do with the relationship
key role to the Internet technology in the marketing. There are between inputs and outputs. Performance assessment of the
varieties of definition of e-marketing each with specific units of organization is not straightforward specially when the
viewpoint to e-marketing. Struss and Raymond defined e- inputs (resources and expenditures) and the outputs (services
marketing as the same phenomenon as traditional marketing and the products) are multi aspects(Cook, Seiford,2009, Wu,
that uses IT to realize its goals and also improves performance 2006). DEA is a nonparametric method to experimentally
of marketing ( Straus, Judy and Frost, Raymond, 2001). From measure performance pertinent to multiple decision-making
another viewpoint, e-marketing occurs when technical units (MDUs). DEA can receive different inputs and used as a
infrastructures are available (databank, terminals, servers, secondary tools for decision-making. The method, in particular,
software, and so on) and the customer can use such does not need mathematical computation for production
technologies. This is usually realized through the website functions and determines and analyzes inefficiency of each
(Business Research and Studies Institute, 2004). Stan believed DMU. DEA is widely used in variety of production and service
that when the 4Ps of marketing are realized in electronic form, industries including hotels(Chen, 2007, Chung & Law, 2003).
we have e-marketing (Stan, 2003). Smith and Chaffey also For instance, Barwer (2005) used DEA for analyzing technical
defined e-marketing as realization of marketing goals by and allocative efficiencies of hotels. Sigla, Jonse, Wook, and
employing electronic communications technologies such as the Ieri (2005) have recently developed DEA application through a
Internet, email, e-books, databanks and mobile phone (Smith & step-by-step approach and measured performance of hotel
Chaffy, 2001). Prasad et al. defined e-marketing as employing rooms. Boti et al. (2009) found that plural form networks are on
the Internet in doing marketing activities pertinent to the average more efficient than strictly franchised and wholly
customer distribution and sale channels, marketing researches owned chains.
and communication management (Prasad et al., 2001). At any rate, many studies use DEA techniques to survey
relationship between online marketing and performance of
Assessment of performance of hotels using DEA hotel.
Following implementation of business strategies, the Gray relationship analysis can be directly used for assessing
management needs to measure organizational effectiveness by the main data so that there is no need for additional interactions.
measuring the performance. Performance might be differently The method is widely used for analyzing performance and
perceived by stakeholders and throughout life cycle of the multi-criteria decision-making problems (Chou & Tsai, 2009,
company (Cook & Seiford, 2009, Wu, 2006). Performance Tung & Lee, 2009, Wang, 2009, Wu, 2006). Gray Entropy
measurement might be done to focus more on results of actual method is a goal weighting technique that does not need
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
accurate statistical assumptions. The present study used Wen, Turkey, and Emirates. As the results indicated, the websites
Chang, and You’s (1998) Gray Entropy to relative weight of were featured with preliminary features and not all the
DEA inputs. potentials of the Internet and the website to establish effective
communication with the customer were actualized. The surveys
Literature review showed that less than 50% of the features of the websites had
A study titled “Using e-marketing, internal conditions and been utilized.
organizational performance in small software businesses in Sorayaie et al. (2009) examined the effect of using Internet-
Austria” discussed few viewpoints regarding utilization of e- based marketing in improvement of business conditions of
marketing in Business to Customer (B2C) field and its relation selected firms in Iran. They argued that, this type of marketing
with internal success factors and the criteria pertinent to is a strategic factor and competitive advantages in gaining more
performance of small and medium size enterprises (MES and market share inside and outside the country for Iranian firms.
MEs) in Austria. Discovery analysis was performed on The results showed that the companies could enjoy saving
information from 141 software enterprises in Austria. E- money and time by using the technologies and following the
marketing was generally used among the SMEs under study, principles introduced in the study.
while some of MEs tended to use traditional e-marketing tools. Vazifedoust and Yari (2010) surveyed the effect of using
The study showed that firms that find their strength in branding, modern e-marketing methods in attracting tourists to Iran as the
pricing, variety of products, entering international market, and case study. They concluded that electronic and Internet tools
possessing new technologies are more open toward e- have made considerable changes throughout the tourism
marketing. The study found a positive relationship between services including airlines, hospitality services, tour managers,
utilization of e-marketing and the factors in organizational travel agencies, and tourism destinations. The results also
performance among MEs in particular. The hypothesis of the showed that introduction of e-business was an undeniable
study was based on the assumption that there is a relationship necessity and its expansion was inevitable.
between utilization of e-marketing and possessing stronger Medan and Lee (1982) studied marketing strategies for
competitive situation. The hypothesis was supported hotels and found that any marketing analysis in hotel industry
(Bernroider, 2008). must be based on utilization of marketing strategies and
In another study titled “integrating the Internet and individual/organizational/chain inference. Doubtlessly, income
marketing operation” it was emphasized that acceptance and of hotel from the sale of services and products depends on
utilization of the Internet for advanced marketing operations marketing strategies.
creates challenging opportunities for firms of whatever sizes. Sin et al. (2005) analyzed attitudes toward market and
However, this may depreciate investments already made on business performance in hotel industry. They found that there is
current marketing channels; that is, there is a radical innovation a positive attitude toward market and the attitudes are
to be concerned about. Through innovation literature review, significantly aligned with marketing and financial performance.
the study tried to find if there is any and to what extent Balglo and Pekan (2006) studied website design and
difference between firms of different sizes that utilize advanced marketing via the website among luxurious hotels in Turkey as
Internet-based marketing operation and those that do not. The case study. Their results confirmed that hotels in Turkey have
conceptual model of the study was based on a set of not realized full potentials of the Internet regarding e-marketing
internal/external factors such as size of the firm, tendency to in hotel industry.
takeover other firms, entrepreneurship motivations, Gohari (2012) surveyed the effective factors in e-marketing
management’s support, and market demand. The data was and implementation of the strategies as to e-marketing in
collected from 379 Sweden Producing Firms and the results tourism companies and SMEs in Egypt as case study. The
showed that the set of the factors that lead the firm to utilization results confirmed the role of environmental factors in popularity
of advanced Internet-based operations are mainly a function of of e-marketing.
size of the firm(Bengisson maria et al., 2007). Sinaghi et al. (2013) measured performance of hotel using
The effect of the Internet on marketing activities of SMEs balance scorecard method. The results showed that website of
was surveyed in 2000 by another study titled “e-marketing and Spanish hotels were designed for the visitors and provide biased
SMEs; operational lessons for future.” The study was an information toward investment, which is valuable information.
attempt to find out whether there has been changes in e- In addition, a significant positive relationship was found
marketing operation of institute? Managers or expert of IT – between size of hotel and information provided regarding
who directly worked on e-marketing activities of their company investment and social mediators. In addition, the study found a
- were interview in detail and thorough semi-organized method. significant relationship between customer, marketing, web 2.0,
The results emphasized role of the Internet in modern business and classification of social mediators. At any rate, no significant
world and that readiness for e-marking in many of companies is relationship was found between investment opportunity and the
at preliminary stages. Still, the results showed that e-marketing four types of investments.
followed an ascending trend since 2000. SMEs have unrealized
potential for e-marketing and using these potential demands Methodology
serious and comprehensive (Audrey et al., 2007) . The preset study is an applied work regarding the goal and
Hamdizade and Mojara (2008) made a comparative an analytical-descriptive work regarding data gathering method.
assessment of luxurious hotels’ website based 7C model in Literature review was carried out using library sources (e.g.
internet-based marketing. The hotels were based in Iran, books, magazines, scientific reports, and dissertation). First,
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development
International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
inputs, outputs, and Internet-based marketing tools in hotel
industry were determined. Inputs and outputs pictured in figure
1 (Shuai and Wu, 2011) were used. Afterward, the effect of
Internet-based marketing on performance of hotels was assessed
using fuzzy DEA.

Internet-based marketing

Revenue from foods and

Employees drinking sale

Guest rooms DMU

Revenue from rooms
Total costs

Figure 1- Conceptual model

Data envelop analysis
From management viewpoint performance of hotel is with good performance are scored 1 or above 1 (Banker &
outcome performance of different parts of the hotel (Charnes, Chang, 2006, Nahra et al., 2009). Clearly, supper performance
Cooper, Rhodes,1978). DEA is a nonparametric approach that model is recommended as a better method to manage and deal
does not need assumptions regarding production function and performance management in practice. Therefore, Andersen and
functional forms. There are few well-known DEA forms. In the Petersen’s supper performance DEA model (1993) was
last decade, ranking efficient units has become the interests of employed. To estimate relative performance, 48 hotels were
many researchers and a variety of DEA models were developed taken into account.
to use (Li et al., 2007).
Under supper functional model (Andersen, Petersen, 1993), CCR model
a DEA model, high performance units are assigned with points The model assumes n DMUs with m and n as input and
above 1 and units with low performance are assigned with outputs respectively, then performance assessment model is
points below 1. That is, with supper functional model, units defined as (Charnes, Cooper, Rhodes,1978):
Max S k  r 1 u r y rk

 u r y rk  i 1 vi xik  0
p m
s.t r 1
k  1,2,...., n ;

i 1 i
v xik  1; k  1,2,...., n ;
ur    0 , r  1,2,....., p;
vi    0 , r  1,2,....., m;

Where, Xik denotes ith input for kth DMU and Ytk denotes value The above model is the definite model and for fuzzy inputs and
of rth output for kth DMU, and Ur and Vi are input and output of outputs, fuzzy DEA model is as follows:
virtual coefficients respectively, and ε is a positive constant and
Sk is performance of kth DMU. Like multi criteria decision-
making models, DEA does not use weights.
 u ~
Max S  k r 1
y r rk

 y rk  i 1 vi ~
ur ~
p m
s.t r 1
xik  0 k  1,2,...., n ;

 vi ~
i 1
xik  1; k  1,2,...., n ;
ur    0 , r  1,2,....., p;
vi    0 , r  1,2,....., m;

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
If, ~   ~  , ~ 


max L
 
max U
  be a set of alpha interval
~ max
from  , then following models can be used to obtain it:

~  
max L
 : Max S k  r 1 u r  ~y rk 
p L

 u ~y    v ~xik   0
p m
k  1,2,...., n ;
s.t r 1 r rk i 1 i

 v ~x   1;
k  1,2,...., n ;
i 1 i ik

ur    0 , r  1,2,....., p;
vi    0 , r  1,2,....., m;

~ 
max U
 : Max S k  r 1 u r  ~y rk 
p U

 u ~y    v ~xik   0
p m
k  1,2,...., n ;
s.t r 1 r rk i 1 i

 v ~x   1;
k  1,2,...., n ;
i 1 i ik

ur    0 , r  1,2,....., p;
vi    0 , r  1,2,....., m;

Having the minimum and maximum performance of each alpha By obtaining performance of each hotel in the alpha interval,
interval, performance of each unit in alpha interval is obtained the performance is fixed by centroid difuzzyfication method as
using geometric mean. follows:
 i    . 
Max L
Max L
, i  1,..., n,

1 U
 
  
n 1 n 1
~ x dx            i 1 x U  x L 
a A
     
 x  x  i x  x 
2 n
i 1
i 1
i 1

i 1 i i

1  2U
  
 
n 1 n 1
~  x dx             i 1 x 2Ui  x 2 L1  
a A
     
2L 2U 2L
x  x n x n i x  i 1 x  i 1
6 i 1 i 1 

 
n 1
 i x  i .x  1i  x  i .x  1i

6 i 0

In particular, when the interval [0, 1] is equally divided by

different alpha intervals, centroid difuzzyfication is done

     
n 1

a  A~ xdx  2  x  x  x  x  2 x  x 

b U L U L U L

 
  n0 n i i
i 1

1  2U
   
x    x 2 L  x 2Un  x 2 Ln   x 2Ui  x 2 Li    
n 1
x A~ x dx 
 a 
6n  i 1 

 
n 1

 x i .x  1i  x i .x  1i

1 U U L L

6n i  0

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
Gray Entropy Where,
Gray systems theory was introduced in Dang (1982) in the
1980. The theory argues that there are three types of systems We ( zi )  zi e (1 zi )  (1  zi )e zi  1
including white system (complete knowledge of information),
black systems (no knowledge of information) and gray systems
xi ( k )
(knowledge of information to some extent)(Guo, 2005). zi 
In spite of standard statistical methods, Gray systems theory Dk
enables us to analyze data featured with uncertainty, multi-
inputs, discreteness, small sample size, and unknown 5. Total entropy is:
distribution. Thus, the theory is an efficient method to deal with
E  k 1 ek
uncertainty with discrete data(Tseng, 2009). In addition, it is a
multidiscipline approach for models featured with limited and 6. Relative weight factors is obtained as:
incomplete information and random uncertainty.
According to Wand, Lin and Hu (2007), entropy weighting k  (1  ek )
method is a target weighting method that, for each criterion, nE
calculates relative importance of all criteria through comparing 7. Normalized weight of each features is:
values of entropy. However, in the case of weighting analysis, k
the standard entropy method based on continuous entropy is not k 
 i
suitable for practical problem with discrete data(Wen et al., i 1
To deal with this problem, gray entropy based on a discrete Summary
type entropy was proposed by Wen et al. (2007) to do the A model based on DEA and Gray Entropy was proposed to
weighting analysis correctly. Chou and Tsai (2009) also assess the effect of Internet-based marketing on performance of
proposed a weighting method by combining Shannon Entropy hotels. To this end, hotels performance assessment model was
and gray relational analyses model(Chou & Tsai, 2009, Wen et first solved by fuzzy DEA without taking into account Internet-
al., 1998). based criterion as an input. Afterward, performance of the
Gray relational analysis is a part of gray systems theory hotels was evaluated with fuzzy DEA by taking into account
proposed for complicated relationship with several factors. In Internet-based marketing. Having the performance under the
the case of decision-making problem with several features, gray both scenarios, the results were compared pairwise using
relational method combines the whole spectrum that parametric and non-parametric tests. With significant difference
performance features can take for any alternative with specific between the performances, one may conclude effectiveness of
value. Therefore, multi features alternatives, after gray Internet-based marketing on performance of hotels. Eventually,
relational analyses, can easily compare different values(Kuo et definite weight of the input/output criteria was measured by
al., 2008). Gray Entropy. The fuzzy nature of the model and that Gray
Following Wen et al. (1998) and Wang et al. (2007), Entropy technique was used in the study removes intrinsic
procedure of weighting gray weighting includes several steps: ambiguities of human judgment and promises results with more
1. Suppose X is a set of factors of gray relation as:
xi  ( xi (1), xi (2), xi (3),... , xi (k )) X , References
Aaker, D.A., 1996. Measuring brand equity across products and
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Andersen, P., & Petersen, N. C. (1993). A procedure for
2. Sum of the values of each feature for all sequences is ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis.
obtained as: Management Science, 39(10), 1261–1264.
Asgharpour M, Multi-criteria decision-making University of
Dk  i 1 xi (k ) .
Tehran Press, Tehran, 1998.
Audrey, Gilmore; Damian, Gallagher; Scott, Henry (2007)
3. Normalized coefficients is obtained as: E-marketing and SMEs: operational lessons for future,
European Business Review ,volume 19 ,number 3
k ,pp.234-247.
(e 1)n
Baloglu, S., & Pekcan, Y. A. (2006). The website design and
Internet site marketing practices of upscale and luxury
Where, n denotes number of criteria. hotels in Turkey. Tourism Management, 27, 171–176.
Banker, R. D., & Chang, H. (2006). The super-efficiency
4. Entropy for specific criteria is: procedure for outlier identification, not for ranking efficient
ek  k i 1We ( z i ) units. European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2),

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development ISSN:2345-3974
Vol.3 (4), 289-296 April (2015)
Bengisson maria ,Boter hakan, vanyushyn Vladimir (2007) Haghighi M, Hoseni Touli, F (2010), A method to measure
Integrating The internet and marketing operations capability of commercial firms to transfer from traditional
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