Advantages and Disadvantages (L5R)
Advantages and Disadvantages (L5R)
Advantages and Disadvantages (L5R)
Name Ring Types Description Effect
Ally [name] Water Interpersonal You have proven yourself to someone, who is May reroll up to 2 dice at check involving relationship to [name]
willing to help you (within reason)
Animal trainer Water Interpersonal, You are well versed in animal behaviors and May reroll up to 2 dice at check for which animal training is beneficial
mental effective techniques for training them
Ambidexterity Air Physical You can compensate if dominant hand is lost May reroll up to 2 dice at check where ambidexterity is beneficial
Benten´s Air Interpersonal, Know with certainty whether or not a May reroll up to 2 dice at check where the favor of the Fortune of Benten is
blessing spiritual character is romantically interested after beneficial
interacting with them
Bishamon´s Water Physical, Recover from physical exhaustion twice as May reroll up to 2 dice at check where the favor of the Fortune of Bishamon is
blessing spiritual fast as others beneficial
Blackmail on Fire Interpersonal You have incriminating evidence on May reroll up to 2 dice at check involving demanding favors from [name]
[name] someone, which you use to force them to
help you
Blessed lineage Void Interpersonal, 50+ status character understand that they May reroll up to 2 dice at check where your esteemed lineage is beneficial
spiritual might suffer a loss of prestige if they harm
Blissful Water Interpersonal Your partner serves as ally in everything you May reroll up to 2 dice at check for which your good relationship with you
betrothal do betrothed or spouse is beneficial
Blood of Fire Mental, You cannot be killed by storms and instead May reroll up to 2 dice at check for which you need to take a great risk
Osano-wo spiritual wake up later in a place of GM´s choice,
miraculously safe and with 0 void points
Criminal Air Interpersonal You have cultivated allies and associations May reroll up to 2 dice at check that benefits from your criminal connections
connections among Rokugan´s criminal underworld
Daikoku´s Water Interpersonal, You can always discern whether a given May reroll up to 2 dice at check where your strong financial knowledge is
blessing spiritual commodity is going to rise or fall after beneficial
spending a scene in the relevant market
Dangerous Fire Physical, NPC´s remember your name and face after May reroll up to 2 dice at check where your good looks is beneficial
allure interpersonal interacting with you
Dead eyes Earth Mental After what you have seen, the world holds no May reroll up to 2 dice at check that relies on avoiding fear or exuberant emotions
true dread for you anymore
Ebisu´s Earth Physical, -30 status characters are innately trusting of May reroll up to 2 dice at check where the favor of the Fortune of Ebisu is
blessing spiritual you unless you give them a reason not to be beneficial
Expert tracker Air Mental, You can easily detect signs of passing and May reroll up to 2 dice at check for which your tracking ability is beneficial
physical follow the tracks across all terrain
Famously Air Fame, Other people believe you by default unless May reroll up to 2 dice at check where you can leverage your reputation for
honest interpersonal given evidence to the contrary telling the truth
Famously Void Fame, Other people believe your good fortune by May reroll up to 2 dice at check where you can leverage your reputation for
lucky interpersonal default unless given evidence to the contrary having things turn out your way
Famously Earth Fame, Other people believe in your reliability by May reroll up to 2 dice at check where you can leverage your reputation for
reliable interpersonal default unless given evidence to the contrary keeping your oaths and bargains
Famously Fire Fame, Other people believe in your ability to get May reroll up to 2 dice at check where you can leverage your reputation for
successful interpersonal results by default unless given evidence to the efficiency
Famously Water Physical Other people believe in your ability to May reroll up to 2 dice at check where you can leverage your reputation for
wealthy procure wealth by default unless given access to resources
evidence to the contrary
Flexibility Water Mental, You can fit through spaces too tight for others May reroll up to 2 dice at check where flexibility is beneficial
Friend of the Void Interpersonal You are a known benefactor and ally of the May reroll up to 2 dice at check for which you need to leverage your position for
Brotherhood Brotherhood of Shinsei Shinseist piety
Name Rin Types Description Effect
Animal bond Earth Interpersonal, A small, mundane animal follows you around (silhouette -3 strife after a check to interact with animals
mental 0-1)
Can follow instructions but might need incentives
Armament Earth Mental You know the name and function of all arms and armor + -3 strife after a check to make or study arms or armor
can equip and wield it (-things from outside Emerald
Bonsai Air Mental You a great deal about the art of bonsai -3 strife after a check to interact with a bonsai piece
Brushwork Air Mental, You can identify the signature styles of numerous different -3 strife after a check to study or practice brushwork
physical schools and individual artists
City Water Interpersonal, You know a particular city extremely well, including the -3 strife after a check to learn or share knowledge of [city]
[choose one] mental popular locations, dangerous areas and open secrets
Curiosity Fire Mental You always think of news to learn about and overcome -3 strife after a check to seek answers on an intriguing question
Creatures Fire Mental You can easily identify strange creatures and monsters and -3 strife after a check to study or hear tales of odd creatures
know them by heart
Daredevil Fire Mental, You can risk your life without consideration and hesitation -3 strife after a check to risk your life
Enlightenment Void Spiritual You cannot be tempted with material wealth or the -3 strife after a check to detach yourself from material concerns
promise of power
Fashion Fire Interpersonal, You always know the current trends in your home region -3 strife after a check to interact with worn works of art
mental and you quickly pick up what they are elsewhere after
spending some time there
Fortune- Void Mental, You can identify any common portents along with their -3 strife after a check to discern the future
telling spiritual implications to the future
Gourmet Water Interpersonal, You know a great deal about food preparation -3 strife after a check involving high quality food
You can always identify the ingredients in a dish,
including potentially dangerous ones
Generosity Water Interpersonal You can always identify the gift for a particular person -3 strife after a check to acquire or give a gift
Gossip Air Interpersonal At the start of each scene, you can always identify the -3 strife after a check to spread or receive rumors
character who will know the juiciest rumor
History Earth Mental You can discern the era and context of any object, -3 strife after a check to remember a historical anecdote
structure or text you encounter after a short study
Ikebana Water Mental You can always identify a plant, its physical properties and -3 strife after a check related to flower arrangement
meaning by any of its parts
Knotwork Air Mental You can identify and tie dozens of different knots and -3 strife after a check to interact with a knot
know their appropriate uses
Military Earth Mental You can almost always suggest an appropriate tactic for -3 strife after a check related to your knowledge of military history
history any situation based on your knowledge
Navigator fire Mental You can quickly make sense of any map, no matter the -3 strife after a check to navigate
condition, and always know which direction is north
Playfulness Air Interpersonal When you something untoward to someone lower or equal -3 strife after a check to gently mock or chide someone
status, they will write it off as your playful nature
Provocation Fire Interpersonal You can always identify a point of sensitivity that you can -3 strife after a check to get a rise out of someone
push upon in another person
Researcher Air Mental You are never at a loss for where to begin to research a -3 strife after a check to research a topic
Rock Void Mental You know the proper methods of arranging a rock garden -3 strife after a check related to rock gardening
gardening and can explain the symbolism of different arrangements
Sake Water Mental You can identify regional variations in sake and other -3 strife after a check to interact with alcohol
It takes twice the amount of alcohol as most people for you
to become intoxicated
Secrets Void Mental, You instinctively know if something you have heard is -3 strife after a check to acquire or preserve a secret
interpersonal common knowledge or information someone wants
Stories Earth Mental, You can recall any story have been told in full detail -3 strife after a check to recall or tell a story
Tea Void Physical, You can identify regional variations in tea -3 strife after a check to interact with tea
spiritual You can acquire the natural ingredients to make rustic teas
with relative ease
Travel Water Mental, You can comfortably fit in even in strange environments -3 strife after a check to travel to new location or interact with a novel thing
Wordplay Air Mental, You can always identify rhetorical and literary meanings -3 strife after a check to interpret or create a play on words
physical in the works of others
Other samurai who know this may look down +1 void point if check failed
upon you
Allergy Air Physical You have allergy to a common substance Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check that exposes you to
[choose one] the source of you allergy
Exposure causes severe discomfort or even a
life threatening condition +1 void point if check failed
Benten´s Air Interpersonal, Your romantic efforts are always stymied and Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to express your
curse spiritual your gestures to get romantic attention admiration to someone
+1 void point if check failed
Bishamon´s Water Physical, You find it very hard to lift heavy objects Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to recover quickly
curse spiritual
It takes you twice as long as others to regain +1 void point if check failed
your stamina after hard labor
Bitter Water Interpersonal Your betrothed or spouse often undermine your Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to interact with your
betrothal efforts betrothed or spouse
Cognitive Void Mental, scar You sometimes lose your ability to focus and Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check for which you must
lapses think consciously (GM discretion) recall anything that happened during a cognitive lapse
+1 void point after longer lasting lapse +1 void point if check failed
Cursed Void Interpersonal, Your family carries a curse of your and the GM Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to that does or could
lineage spiritual ´s choosing invoke the curse
You can lift and carry only half as much as +1 void point if check failed
Fukurokujin Fire Mental, It takes you twice as long to grasp an academic Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to extrapolate how
´s curse spiritual field as others to do something in a field of study
Haunting Void Interpersonal, The spirit has their own agenda, which Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to defy the will of
spiritual interferes with you at inappropriate times (GM the spirit haunting you
+1 void point if check failed
Hunted by Earth Spiritual Animals dislike you and show it in a variety of Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to interact with an
chikushō-dō ways animal
Jurōjin´s Void Physical, Poison and disease seem to strike you more Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to sustain yourself
curse spiritual easily
+1 void point if check failed
It takes you twice as long as normal to recover
from disease and injury
Kisshōten´s Water Physical, Children instinctively dislike you and are Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check for which you need
curse spiritual obstinate in the face of your demands to communicate with children
If you are only missing a hand you can strap +1 void point if check failed
things to your arm for use
Lost eye Water Physical, scar Your field of vision is narrower and your depth Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check for which a wide
perception is somewhat diminished field of sight or depth perception would be beneficial
Crafting new items takes you twice as long as +1 void point if check failed
Lost leg Water Physical, scar You use a crutch, cane or other support to walk Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to reposition
yourself quickly or maintain balance
Traveling by walking takes you twice as long
as others +1 void point if check failed
Lost Void Mental, scar There is a period of your life that you do not Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to recall
memories recall at all information learned during the period of lost memories
The less important a period is to your identity, +1 void point if check failed
the longer it should be
Lost name Void Spiritual Your name now belongs to an oni after being Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check that involves
stolen or offered in a deal personal convictions
The oni knows your every secret, hears your +1 void point if check failed
every thought and can see the world through
your eyes
Maimed arm Fire Physical, scar One of arms is injured, making it much harder Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to use both hands at
to perform activities that involve that arm once
Shadowland´s Void Curse, Each time you spent your last void point, Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to discern your
taint spiritual someone near you suffers a misfortune future
Whispers of Fire Interpersonal, Character who do not know you always assume Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to
failure infamy that you are incompetent
+1 void point if check failed
Whispers of Water Interpersonal, Character who do not know you always assume Must reroll 2 dice containing or when you make a check to get others to
poverty infamy that you don´t have financial solvency follow your lead
Impatience Earth Mental You find it difficult to repress yourself +3 strife after a check to strategically weigh your options
You always strive to seize the opportunity despite risks +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
that might be mitigated if you act later
Intolerance Water Interpersonal Choose one group of humans or supernatural beings +3 strife after a check to interact with members of the chosen group
Your enmity is obvious to all when this is present or +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Irrepressible Earth Interpersonal You find it difficult to pass up the chance to flirt or be +3 strife after a check to interact with (or ignore) someone you are interested in
flirtation flirted with by people you find attractive
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Jealousy Air Physical, You cannot voluntarily pass on a chance to demonstrate +3 strife after a check to compete with someone to demonstrate your excellence
mental your superiority in the eyes of others
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Loathing for Water Interpersonal, You find peasants repugnant +3 strife after a check to interact with peasants
peasants mental
You do your best to avoid interacting with them and your +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
disgust is difficult to hide
Loneliness Void Interpersonal, You derive energy and pleasure from social interactions +3 strife after a check that requires you to be alone
mental and being alone makes you uncomfortable and morose
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Materialism Void Mental You are obsessed with physical possessions +3 strife after a check to give up something of value
You cannot refuse gifts of rarity 3 or higher +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Meekness Fire Interpersonal You cannot interrupt people of higher status and you find +3 strife after a check to stand out or get what you need
it very hard to assert yourself over anyone
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Obtuse Air Mental You cannot enjoy art, music or other frivolities +3 strife after a check to analyze or react to the emotions of others
You generally forget social niceties unless reminded +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Painful honesty Air Interpersonal You are tormented by internal conflict when you lie or +3 strife after a check to mislead someone else
allow a lie to pass
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
You cannot make claims you know to be false
Paranoia Water Physical, You cannot relax unless you have confirmed vital +3 strife after a check to identify danger in your environment
mental information for yourself
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Perfectionism Water Physical, You cannot help but try to improve any work in which +3 strife after a check to interact with an imperfect or unfinished work
mental you identify a flaw
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Phobia Water Physical, You have a debilitating fear of something mundane +3 strife after a check to deal with your phobia
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Reformed water Interpersonal You were once a mahō-tsukai who wielded dreadful +3 strife after a check that reminds you of your former life
mahō-tsukai blood magics
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
If your past becomes public your glory and status
decreases dramatically
Softheartedness Fire Interpersonal, If given the choice to kill someone or show mercy, you +3 strife after a check that involves killing others or letting them die
mental always let them live
+1 void point first time occurring in a scene
Superstition Void Mental, When faced with signs of the supernatural, you become +3 strife after a check to interact with or learn about a supernatural being
spiritual visibly agitated and attempt to leave the scene or acquire
supernatural protection +1 void point first time occurring in a scene
The player may spend 1 void point to seize the target´s advantage and apply it to their own check
Leveraging your disadvantage If a character has a disadvantage that creates a logical edge on a specific check a player may spend 1 void point to
apply it as a corresponding advantage for that check
Exploiting a targets disadvantage A character can choose a target´s known disadvantage that logically could be used against the target for that check
The player may spend 1 void point to exploit the target´s disadvantage and apply it to their own check as a
corresponding advantage