Guide For Reading: Doris Lessing
Guide For Reading: Doris Lessing
Guide For Reading: Doris Lessing
Doris Lessing
(1919— ) was born in Per This story is about a boy who works hard to achieve a goal.
sia (now Iran) of British par goal would you like to attain? Using the format you see below
ents and raised in a remote your goal in a box. On the lines pointing to the box, list the wa,
area of southern Africa. She which you intend to reach your goal (use more than three hr.
left school at fifteen and had necessary). Then, as you read the story. evaluate what Jerry c
a variety of jobs, including chil to achieve his objective.
dren’s nurse, telephone oper
ator, and typist. She moved to
England in 1949 and pub
lished her first novel, The
Grass Is Singing, the following
year. Most of Lessing’s work
centers on social and political
questions. “Through the Tun Knowing the following words will help you as you read ‘Thr
nel,” however, focuses on the the Tunnel,”
inner life of a single child. (kn trish n) n.. A shrn) n: The act of a..
feeling of remorse for having humbly and earnestly (p
done something wrong (p. 147) (frànd) n.: A leaflike
(pram’ n tOr of seaweed (p. 150)
ez) n. High places extending (kn vul siv)
out over a body of water (p Marked by an involuntary..
147) cular contraction (p. 152)
(loO m ns) adj. (gout) n: A spurt. s. .“
Going to the shore on the first morning path with her, he blurted out, “I’d like to go
of the vacation, the young English boy and have a look at those rocks down there.”
stopped at a turning of the path and looked She gave the idea her attention. It was a
down at a wild and rocky bay, and then over wild-looking place, and there was no one
to the crowded beach he knew so well from there; but she said, “Of course, Jerry. When
other years. His mother walked on in front you’ve had enough, come to the big beach.
of him, carrying a bright striped bag in one Or just go straight back to the villa, if you
hand Her other arm, swinging loose, was like.” She walked away, that bare arm, now
very white In the sun. The boy watched that slightly reddened from yesterday’s sun,
white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, swinging. And he almost ran after her
which had a frown behind them, toward the again, feeling it unbearable that she should
bay and back again to his mother. When she go by herself, but he did not.
felt he was not with her, she swung around. She was thinking, Of course he’s old
“Oh, there you are, Jerry!” she said. She enough to be safe without me. Have I been
looked Impatient, then smiled. “Why, dar keeping him too close? He mustn’t feel he
ling, would you rather not come with me? ought to be with me. I must be careful.
Would you rather—” She frowned, consci He was an only child, eleven years old.
entiously worrying over what amusements She was a widow. She was determined to be
he might secretly be longing for, which she neither possessive nor lacking in devotion.
had been too busy or too careless to imagine. She went worrying off to her beach.
He was very familiar with that anxious, As for Jerry, once he saw that his moth
apologetic smile. Contrition sent him run er had gained her beach, he began the steep
ning after her. And yet, as he ran, he looked descent to the bay. From where he was, high
back over his shoulder at the wild bay; and up among red-brown rocks, it was a scoop of
all morning, as he played on the safe beach, moving bluish green fringed with white. As
he was thinking of it. he went lower, he saw that it spread among
Next morning, when It was time for the small promontorles and inlets of rough,
routine of swimming and sunbathing, his sharp rock, and the crisping, lapping sur
mother said, “Are you tired of the usual face showed stains of purple and darker
beach, Jerry? Would you like to go some blue. Finally, as he ran sliding and scraping
where else?” down the last few yards, he saw an edge of
‘Oh, no!” he said quickly, smiling at her white surf and the shallow, luminous move
out of that unfailing impulse of contrition ment of water over white sand, and, beyond
—a ‘rt of chivalry. Yet, walking down the that, a solid, heavy blue.
He ran straight into the water and began them, but kept his distance at a stone’f
swimming. He was a good swimmer. He throw. They were of that coast; all of them
went out fast over the gleaming sand, over a were burned smooth dark brown and speak
middle region where rocks lay like discolored ing a language he did not understand. To b
monsters under the surface, and then he with them, of them, was a craving that filled
was in the real sea—a warm sea where his whole body. He swam a little closer; they
Irregular cold currents from the deep water turned and watched him with narrowed.
shocked his limbs. alert dark eyes. Then one smiled and waved.
When he was so far out that he could It was enough. In a minute, he had swum in
look back not only on the little bay but past and was on the rocks beside them, smiling
the promontory that was between It and the with a desperate, nervous supplication.
big beach, he floated on the buoyant surface They shouted cheerful greetings at him: and
and looked for his mother. There she was, a then, as he preserved his nervous, uncom
speck of yellow under an umbrella that prehending smile, they understood that he
looked like a slice of orange peel. He swam was a foreigner strayed from his own beach,
back to shore, relieved at being sure she was and they proceeded to forget him. But he
there, but all at once very lonely. was happy. He was with them.
On the edge of a small cape that marked They began diving again and again from
the side of the bay away from the promon a high point into a well of blue sea between
tory was a loose scatter of rocks, Above rough, pointed rocks. After they had dived
them, some boys were stripping off their and come up, they swam around, hauled
clothes. They came running, naked, down to themselves up, and waited their turn to dive
the rocks. The English boy swam toward again. They were big boys—men. to Jerry.
where he would go. If he died there, he would water paled. Victory filled him. His lungs
lie until one day—perhaps not before next were beginning to hurt. A few more strok
year—those big boys would swim into it and and he would be out. He was counting wik
find It blocked. ly; he said a hundred and fifteen, and then.
He put on his goggles, fitted them tight, a long time later, a hundred and fifteer.
tested the vacuum. His hands were shaking. again. The water was a clear jewel-green all
Then he chose the biggest stone he could around him. Then he saw, above his head, a
carry and slipped over the edge of the rock crack running up through the rock. Sun
until half of him was in the cool, enclosing light was falling through it, showing th’
water and half in the hot sun. He looked up clean, dark rock of the tunnel, a singl.
once at the empty sky, filled his lungs once, mussel shell, and darkness ahead.
twice, and then sank fast to the bottom with He was at the end of what he could do
the stone. He let it go and began to count. He He looked up at the crack as if it were filled
took the edges of the hole in his hands and with air and not water, as if he could put hic
drew himself Into It, wriggling his shoulders mouth to It to draw In air. A hundred and
in sidewise as he remembered he must, fifteen, he heard himself say inside his head
kicking himself along with his feet. —but he had said that long ago. He must gn
Soon he was clear inside. He was in a on Into the blackness ahead, or he would
small rockbound hole filled with yellowish- drown. His head was swelling, his lungs
gray water. The water was pushing him up cracking. A hundred and fifteen, a hundred
against the roof. The roof was sharp and and fifteen pounded through his head, ano
pained his back. He pulled himself along he feebly clutched at rocks In the dark
with his hands—fast, fast—and used his pulling himself forward, leaving the brief
legs as levers. His head knocked against space of sunlit water behind. He felt he was
something; a sharp pain dizzied him. Fifty, dying. He was no longer quite conscious. He
fifty-one, fifty-two... He was without
struggled on in the darkness between lapses
light, and the water seemed to press upon into unconsciousness. An immense, swell
him with the weight of rock. Seventy-one, ing pain filled his head, and then the dark
seventy-two. . . There was no strain on his
ness cracked with an explosion of green
lungs. He felt like an inflated balloon, his light. His hands, groping forward, met noth
lungs were so light and easy. but his head ing: and his feet, kicking back, propelled
was pulsing. him out into the open sea.
He was being continually pressed against He drifted to the surface, his face turned
the sharp roof, which felt slimy as well up to the air. He was gasping like a fish. He
as sharp. Again he thought of octopuses, felt he would sink now and drown; he could
and wondered if the tunnel might be filled not swim the few feet back to the rock. Then
with weed that could tangle him. He gave he was clutching it and pulling himself up
himself a panicky, convulsive kick forward, on to it. He lay face down, gasping. He could
ducked his head, and swam. His feet and see nothing but a red-veined, clotted dark.
hands moved freely, as if in open water. The His eyes must have burst, he thought: they
hole must have widened out. He thought he were full of blood. He tore off his goggles and
‘. :.
Chflde liassam
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
the least importance”? 1. Art. Doris Lessing uses vivid word pictures
describe the setting of this story. Using h
10. Why do many young people set up situations words as a guide, draw a picture to illustrate tI
story. You may wish to show the bay. the rock
in which they challenge themselves? Give
or the underwater tunnel. You may add any dr
some examples.
tails that you wish. but be sure to include the e
ements described by the author
/r, JJ Ii i Id 2 Cross-curricular Connection. If you were
produce this story on television or in a mov
what music would you use? In a group of thrcr
Atmosphere is the prevalent feeling created or four people, exchange ideas about what typE
by a ctory or a scene Descriptions of a story’s of music would best accornoany the story. Yot
setting often help establish the atmosphere. hut group might have specific suggestions in mino
dialogue and action may also play a role in defin or you might need to listen to several pieces c
ing a storys mood The atmosphere developed music before choosing one When your group
in a story sets up your expectations about the has made its selection, bring in the music no’
events and the outcome In Through the Tunnel” play it for the class
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