Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Every element, compound, mixture or material has its own thermal characteristics, heat
capacity, specific heat and enthalpy to name a few.
When a material is subjected to heat its temperature will increase by an amount determined by
its specific heat. As the temperature of the material is increased it can lead to chemical or physical
processes in the sample such ah melting and is accompanied by changes in the latent heat of fusion,
heat of reaction and enthalpy changes. The detection of these changes is the basis of thermal analysis.
Thermal analysis has a wide range of techniques, one of which is Differential Scanning Calorimetry or
DSC. [1]
What is DSC?
DSC measures temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in a material. It
is a thermoanalytical technique involving a sample material and a reference material. It measures the
difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference as a
function of temperature. Throughout an experiment the temperature of the sample and the reference is
nearly the same and is maintained. The temperature program for a DSC analysis is designed such that
the sample holder temperature increases linearly as a function of time. Over a range of temperatures to
be scanned, the heat capacity of a reference sample should be well-defined. [1]
The most widely used thermoanalytical technique is DSC. It is used for the characterization of
polymers, organic materials, metals ceramics and composites. The DSC measurement is basically a
function of differential heat flow with temperature for compounds that exhibit thermal transitions,
thermal transitions such as melting, crystallization and glass transition. Such measurements provide
quantitative and qualitative information about physical and chemical changes that involve endothermic
or exothermic processes. [1]
Studying phase transitions, such as melting, glass transitions or exothermic decompositions, is
the main application of DSC. With great sensitivity, a DSC detects these transitions involving energy
changes or heat capacity changes. [1]
E.S. Watson and M.J. O'Neill developed this technique back in the 1960’s. DSC was commercially
introduced at the 1963 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. [1]
Figure 1 shows an example of a Differential Scanning Calorimeter.
Types of DSC
There are two types of Differential Scanning Calorimeters namely, the heat flux DSC and the
power compensation DSC. A differential method of measurement is used by both types of DSC.
Differential method of measurement is a method of measurement in which the measurand is compared
with a quantity of the same kind, of known value only slightly different from the value of the measurand,
and in which the difference between the two values is measured. [2]
When a sample undergoes a physical transformation such as phase transitions, heat will more or
less flow to it than the reference so that both are maintained at the same temperature. This is the
fundamental principle of Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The amount of flowing to the sample
depends on whether the process is exothermic or endothermic. If a solid sample melts into liquid, it will
require more heat flowing to the sample to increase its temperature at the same rate as the reference
because of the absorption of heat as it undergoes the endothermic phase transition from solid to liquid.
If a sample unergoes an exothermic process, less heat is required to raise the sample temperature. The
observed difference in heat flow between the sample and reference enables the Differential Scanning
Calorimeter to measure the amount of heat absorbed or released during transitions. [1]
The result of a DSC experiment is a curve normally called as DSC curve. It is a curve of heat flux
versus temperature or time. DSC curve is used to calculate enthalpies of transitions. Calculation is done
by integrating the peak corresponding to a given transition. Enthalpy of transiton can be expressed
through the equation
∆ H =KA
where ∆ H is the enthalpy of transition, K is the calorimetric constant and A is the are under the curve.
The determination of the calorimetric constant is determined by analyzing a well-characterized sample
with known enthalpies of transition and differs from instrument to instrument. [1] Figure 2 shows an
example of a DSC curve.
Figure 2.DSC curve of lauric acid recorded at 0.2 8C/min scanning rate
Applications of DSC
Through the use of DSC one can determine many characteristic of a sample. The DSC gives
observations on the crystallization and melting characteristics of a material. It can also give observations
on glass transition temperatures. Oxidation and other chemical reactions can also be studied through
the use of a Differential Scanning Calorimeter. [1]
Liquid Crystals
In liquid crystals, a liquid in a liquid crystalline state, DSC makes it possible to observe
the small e Using DSC, it is possible to observe the small energy changes that occur as matter transitions
from a solid to a liquid crystal and from a liquid crystal to an isotropic liquid. [1]
Oxidative Stability
In oxidative stability, DSC is used to study the stability and oxidation of samples. It
involves a special test that is done isothermally, the sample being brought to a desired test temperature
under an inert atmosphere. Oxygen is added to the system. If there is an observed deviation in the
baseline, oxidation occurs. This analysis is used to determine the stability and optimum storage
conditions for materials or compounds. [1]
Drug Analysis
In drug analysis, DSC serves as a tool for studying curing process which allows the fine
tuning of polymer properties. After the glass transition, a positive peak in the DSC curve appears which
means the cross-linking of polymer molecules in the curing process is exothermic. [1]
Examination of the Composition of polymers is done with the use of DSC. The
percentage crystallinity of a polymer can also be found using DSC. It can be found from the
crystallisation peak from the DSC graph since the heat of fusion can be calculated from the area under
an absorption peak. Impurities in polymers can be determined by examining thermograms for
anomalous peaks, and plasticisers can be detected at their characteristic boiling points. [1]
Though there are low quantity of literatures to support that DSC can be of use in
characterizing metals it is known that it is possible to use DSC to find solidus and liquidus temperature of
a metal alloy, but the widest application is, by now, the study of precipitations. [1]
[1] SAM, D. s. (n.d.). Retrieved December 30, 2010, from scribd.com:
[2] Höhne, G., Hemminger, W., & Flammersheim, H.-J. (1996). Differential Scanning Calorimetry . Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. p 7,8,14,22,24,28-29