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Module 17 Physics 605

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RobotStudiotm 6.

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Robotics Products
SE-721 68
Västerås Sweden
1. Physics .........................................................................................................4
1.1. Overview ............................................................................................................ 4
2. Working With Physics ................................................................................4
2.1. Flexible Cables and Hoses................................................................................. 4
2.1.1. Unpack and Work.................................................................................... 4
2.1.2. Create a Cable ........................................................................................ 5
2.1.3. Create a Joint Mechanism .................................................................... 10
2.1.4. Combining Cables with Physics Joints .................................................. 13
2.2. Gravity and Friction .......................................................................................... 16
2.2.1. Working With Gravity and Material Properties....................................... 16
2.2.2. Gravity................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3. Material Properties ................................................................................ 19


1. Physics
1.1. Overview

In this module we will explore some of the physics functions within RobotStudio. Correct
utilization of these tools can result in a much more realistic simulation and help with
visualizing how some aspects of the application may behave on the real world.

In the first section we will work with flexible cables and hoses. This function could be used
to confirm address pack design and determine whether or not there are any potential pinch
points and areas where cabling may catch on the manipulator or peripheral equipment.

In the second section we will look at gravity and friction as it pertains to friction on a tool
holding a product and the effects of gravity and friction on a conveyor.

2. Working With Physics

2.1. Flexible Cables and Hoses
Goal of the first exercise
In this first exercise we will unpack and existing station and then create and manipulate a
cable. We will then create a physics mechanism and then change the cable such that there is
an interaction between the cable and the mechanism.

2.1.1. Unpack and Work

1. Unpack the Pack&Go file GlueStation_Physics into a solution within a new folder called
2. Once the station is open and the controller is running press play to test run the simulation.
3. Save the station as my_GlueStation_Hose.


2.1.2. Create a Cable

1. In the Modeling Tab click on Cable.

2. Change the radius to 20mm and click on the top center of the hose attachment face on the
dispensing system. A Start and Approach point will be created. These are known as
Control Points.


3. Select the attachment face on the dispensing head to create the End Point of the cable.

4. Additional Control Points can be created to affect the initial shape of the cable when it is
created. Create a fifth Control Point by clicking in the middle of the cable and dragging it
up slightly.


5. Click Create.

6. Press Play to run the simulation. Observe the behavior of the hose.
7. Right click on the cable and modify its length so that it is 3500mm long.

8. Press Apply.
9. Press Play to run the simulation again. Note the new behavior of the cable. The new
length causes the cable to intersect the geometry of the door panel.
10. Modify the cable again but this time change the Material to Flexible.


Below the Material selection you also have the ability to change Young’s Modulus. This
describes the elastic property of solid undergoing tension or compression. Each of the three
materials have a predefined value assigned however those values can be adjusted to reflect the
type of material you expect to use in the real application.

11. Run the simulation once again and observe that the cable now falls onto the floor in
addition to intersecting the door panel and the tool.

We will now change some settings in the station so that we have correct interaction between
the cable and the parts it interacts with. By default all objects are set to Inactive.

12. In the Layout Browser right click on the tool (SingleDoser) and change its Physics
Behavior to Kinematic.


13. Change the Physics Behavior for the fixture and workpiece to Fixed.

Depending upon the complexity of the geometry this could take up to a few minutes as
RobotStudio builds Collision Geometry for the fixture and workpiece.

Only set Physics Behavior for those items essential for the simulation.as this can slow down
the graphics depending upon the computer.

14. Run the simulation one more time and observe the new behavior of the cable.
15. Change the cable material back to Medium Hose.
16. Save your station as my_GlueStation_Hose_Complete.


2.1.3. Create a Joint Mechanism

1. Create a new empty station.

2. Import the geometry models Joint_Base.sat, Joint_Link1.sat and Joint_Link2.sat from
the Courseware folder.

3. Turn off Freehand Drag and ensure that it is not selected as active.

Before we define the joints in our mechanism we will start by defining how each
component shall behave when interacting with physics in the simulation.

4. Right click on the Joint_Base and change its behavior to Fixed. This will allow
interaction with the other joints but will assume that this item is bolted down to the

5. For both Joint_Link_1 and Joint_Link_2 change the behavior to Dynamic.


6. In the Modeling tab select Physics Joint – Rotational Joint.

7. For the first part select Joint_Base in the drop down menu and Joint_Link_1 for the
second part.

8. Select the Axis Position by placing the curser in one of the coordinate boxes and then
select the center of the top surface of the post.

9. For the Axis Direction enter a value in the Z dialog box.


10. Click Create.

11. Create a second Rotational Joint using Joint_Link_1 as the first part and Joint_Link_2
as the second part defining its Axis Position and Axis Direction as shown below.

12. Click Create and Close.

13. In the Physics browser note the tree structure overview of the joints and behavior
assigned to each item.

14. In the Modeling Tab create a Component Group, rename it to Hose_Arm, then drag
and drop all three components into the group.

15. Save the Hose_Arm as a library item into the CourseWare Library folder.
16. Activate the Freehand Drag feature and see how the links can be moved in the graphics
17. Close the station without saving.


2.1.4. Combining Cables with Physics Joints

In the next example we will combine what we learned about creating cables with the
mechanism created in the last exercise. You could use the basis of the ideas here to
simulate dress pack on a robot in order to validate the motion requirements and their effects
on the design of the dress pack.

1. Open the station my_GlueStation_Hose as was saved at the beginning of the chapter on
page 4.
2. Import the library Hose_Arm and set its position to 750,-1750,0 with orientation 0,0,90.


3. Start creating a cable with radius 20mm and a start and end point as was done in the first
exercise. Do not click create or close yet.

4. Click on the cable to make two control points.

5. Using the freehand handles carefully move the two control points such that the cable
passes straight through the eye of the Hose_Arm. Note that some reorientation of your
view in the station will be required.

Also note the cable color is shown in yellow when there is an intersection between the
cable and a piece of geometry. Both end pieces (which are attached to the dispensing
station and the tool) are yellow and so is the cable where it intersects the eyelet in the
support stand. When the cable is clear of the eyelet that section will become grey.


6. Click Create.

7. Change the length of the cable to 4000mm.

8. Press Play to watch the simulation.

9. Save your station as my_GlueStation_Hose_Support and also create a Pack&Go.

Try modifying the cable by applying different lengths and changing the material properties.
What happens if the cable is too short?

Try changing the material properties for the Hose_Arm. What happens?


2.2. Gravity and Friction

2.2.1. Working With Gravity and Material Properties
In the following exercises we will work with boxes and some conveyors to see how gravity
can have an effect on the simulated process.

2.2.2. Gravity

1. Open the station Roller Conveyor. This can be found in the CourseWare Stations

2. Start the simulation in order to activate the Smart Component SC_CreateBoxes. (Note
that all items that consume time in RobotStudio need to have a “Simulation” running.)
3. Right click on SC_CreateBoxes, select Properties then click on diNewBox.


A new box will be created below the first one. In the next steps we will turn on some
features so that gravity can affect the copy of the box.
4. Stop the simulation. Since the box copy is marked transient the copy will be removed
from the station.

Enable the Physics Floor

5. From the Modeling Tab select Physics Floor. Check the enable box and click Apply
then Close.

By enabling the Physics Floor we will ensure that any objects that are physics enabled
land on the floor and do not continue to fall within the virtual environment.

6. Expand the node of SC_CreateBoxes, right click on the Source and select Properties.


7. Click on the drop down menu under Physics Behavior to change the copy to Dynamic.

8. Click Apply and Close.

9. Start the simulation again and trigger the creation of a new box with diNewBox. A
new box will created and it will fall and land on the floor. Note that if additional copies
are created they will stack on top of one another.


10. Stop the simulation.

11. Save the station as RollerConveyor_Gravity.

2.2.3. Material Properties

In the next section will enable physics properties on the conveyor and then manipulate the
material properties to allow the box to interact with the conveyor.

Change the Conveyor Properties

1. Open the station RollerConveyor_Gravity.

2. Right click on Roller conveyor 1 and change the Physics Behavior from Inactive to

3. Run the simulation and create a new box. Note that the new box falls onto and stays on
the conveyor.


4. Right click again on the Roller Conveyor 1 and select Physics > Material > Edit

RobotStudio includes a number of “Built In” materials. From this interface we can
create a copy of one of the default materials and then manipulate its properties in order to
influence the behavior of the items in the simulation.


5. Select Steel as the material and then click copy.

6. Change the name of the material to Steel Rollers.

7. Reduce the Roughness value (friction) to 0.01.

8. Close the Physics Materials window.
9. Right click again on the Roller Conveyor 1 and select the Steel Rollers property so that
it is in effect. (Note that this needs to be done each time the material is changed or the
properties are adjusted.)


10.Run the simulation again and view the behavior. The copied box should slide down the
conveyor and end up on the floor under the second conveyor.

11. Save the station as RollerConveyor_Properties.

Adjust the properties for the pallet and both conveyors so that the box rolls down the first
conveyor, over the second conveyor and then lands on the pallet.

Hint! What material is the box made of?


© Copyright 2017 ABB All right reserved.

Robotics Products
SE-721 68 Västerås


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