Detailed LP - Figure of Speech 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan

in English for Grade 7

School Jaro National High School Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher Nowelyn S. Reazol Learning Area English
Date April 13, 2021 Quarter 2nd Quarter

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the
Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various
purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and
A. Content Standard
figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and
types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary
selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis,
B. Performance Standard
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses,
and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.
Identify figures of speech that show comparison (simile metaphor,
 Determine the similar functions of simile, metaphor, and
C. Learning Competencies personification;
 Classify the sentences into simile, metaphor, and personification;
 Formulate own examples of simile, metaphor, and personification.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Language in Literature: Philippine Literature pages 203-205
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Priming Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
What was our previous lesson? Our previous lesson is about
differentiating literal from
figurative language.

1. Review Very good. Who can tell me the difference Literal Language is saying exactly
between the two? Yes, Andrew? what the words mean while
figurative language is using words
Very good! in creative way.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity We will have an activity first called Compare
Let me divide you into five (5) groups. You will
be listening to a series of audio clips for 2
minutes. What you are going to do is to write
the two objects being compared in the song.
You will write your answer on a sheet of paper
that I will be distributing. Choose your
representative to share your answers in front.
Do you have any question?
No ma’am.
Did you have fun in our activity? Yes ma’am!

In the songs that you have listened, what “as” and “like” ma’am!
word is used to compare the two objects?

And do you know what figure of speech is It is simile ma’am!

using “as” and “like” to compare two unrelated
2. Analysis
Very nice! Do you know any other figures of (Students give various answers of
speech? figures of speech!)

That’s correct. And our lesson for today is Yes ma’am!

connected to that. Today, we are going to
learn the figures of speech that show

Are you ready to learn?

3. Abstraction Figures of Speech
- is a rhetorical device that achieve a
special effect by using words in a
distinctive way
- it is a use of language that has other
meaning than its normal definition
- It makes the language more creative,
more expressive and just more

Types of Figure of Speech

 Simile – direct comparison that uses

the words “like” and “as”

E.g. He is as tall as a mountain.”

My best friend sings like an

“Can anyone give me an example of Simile?” (Students giving some examples.)

 Metaphor - direct comparison without
the use of “like” and “as”

E.g. Time is a thief. (Time seems to

pass quickly)
Life is a roller-coaster. (Life has ups
and downs)

“Can anyone give me an example of

Metaphor?” (Students giving some examples.)

 Personification- attributing human

actions on inanimate objects

E.g. The moon played hide and seek

with the clouds.
My flowers were begging for water.

“Can anyone give me an example of

(Students giving some examples.)
So class, what are the three figures of
Simile, Metaphor, Personification
Can anyone tell me the similar functions of
the three?
They are used for comparing.
This time, we will have another group activity
to apply what you’ve learned. This activity is
called Figures of Speech Hunt Game.

I will divide you again in five (5) groups. Each

group will be given a cartolina. The cartolina
will be divided into three where you will write
the three figures of speech discussed in each
column. On my cue, you will search around
4. Application the room pieces of paper with sentences on it.
You will post the paper on the correct column.
You will be given one point for each sentence
placed in a correct column. You will have only
5 minutes to complete the task and the group
with the highest point wins.

Are you ready to be a hunter?

Yes ma’am!

Let’s Try This! Answers:

Direction: Identify the figures of speech use in

the following sentences. Write your answer in
a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. The wind wrapped its icy fingers 1.. Personification

around my body. 2. Metaphor
2. The boat was tossed like a cork on 3. Metaphor
the waves. 4. Simile
V. EVALUATION 3. The camel is the ship of the desert.
5. Personification
4. The candy was as hard as a rock.
6. Simile
5. The trees of the forest watched
sympathetically over the lost child. 7. Metaphor
6. Sally join a relay race. When it was 8. Personification
over, her legs felt like lead. 9. Simile
7. The rain was a curtain of water 10. Simile
8. Computers talk to one another.
9. The wax floor was as slippery as an
ice rink.
10. Grandmother’s dresser smelled like a
rose garden.
Identify the type of figures of speech used
in the phrases given below and use it on
your own sentences. Write it on your
VI. ASSIGNMENT notebook.

A. roar of the wind

B. gurgling like a baby

Prepared by:

Teacher 1-Applicant

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