Mona Mae L. Consigna - Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan Format
Mona Mae L. Consigna - Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan Format
Mona Mae L. Consigna - Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan Format
Grade-III Araling Panlipunan
During and after the 30 minutes learning session, at least 80% of the students are
expected to:
1. create a simple map showing form of lands and bodies of water in their own province
and region,
2. locate the form of lands and bodies of water in their own province and region,
3. and reflect on the importance of using map and compass rose.
A. Preparation/Preliminary Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Classroom Management/ Checking of Attendance
c. Recall the previous topic
1. Review the previous topic to the pupils.
2. Ask them if they fully comprehended the previous topic.
3. Present examples from previous topic and connect it to
the present topic.
d. Motivation
Dora: The Explorer
1. Present a PowerPoint Presentation.
2. Let the pupils guess the character’s name being portrayed on
each slide.
3. Introduce the character named The Map.
4. Play a video of the character The Map singing a particular
song and ask the pupils with the following questions:
What have you seen in the video?
What was the song that The Map has sung?
What did The Map do for Dora and Boots?
5. Explain to the pupils the importance of The Map and proceed
to introduce the subject matter.
B. Lesson/Activity Proper
C. Application
Direction: Choose the best option that corresponds to the stem question.
This post-evaluation test is intended only for 10 minutes to be carried out via
Kahoot application (1 point each).
3. Hain sa mga musunod an dili kinahanglan sa paghimo nan mapa nan ato
a. mapa nan lain lugar
b. direksyon sanan distansya
c. ngayan nan probinsiya sa rehiyon
d. simbolo sanan ngayan nan porma nan lupa sanan tubig
5. Uno man na mapa an ato gamiton kun gusto nato makit-an kun uno na
klase na produkto nan isa kalugar?
a. pan-topograpiya
b. pan-ekonomiya
c. pan-klima
d. waya sa pili-anan an sakto na tubag
7. Uno man an gamit para magsukod nan hamubo ra na mga distansya nan
lugar o butang?
a. mapa
b. compass rose
c. ruler
d. waya sa pili-anan an sakto na tubag
Create a simple map showing form of lands and bodies of water in their own province
and region.
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