Unidad 8C Elementary

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8c Pink and blue

1. Compare the two potos in the magazine article.

Say three things which are the same or similar.

• Both photos have toys.
• Both potos have clothes.
• It’s all the same colour.
Say three things which are different.
• The girl has a bicycle.
• The boy has a lot of cars.
• the girl has a lot of pink dresses.

2. Read the article and match these headings with the paragraphs (1-5).

a. Are all girls the same? (Paragraphs 2)

b. Why does this happen? (Paragraphs 4)
c. How it started. (Paragraphs 1)
d. Boy’s favourite colour and toys. (Paragraphs 3)
e. Differences between the past and the present. (Paragraphs 5)

3. Look at these words from the article. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (a-h)

1 Toy b An object for children to play with.

2 Doll e A toy like a person or a baby.

3 Jewellery a Objects you wear on your body, e.g. around your neck, on
you ears, etc.
4 Make-up f Something you put on your face (to improve or change your

5 Unusual d Different from others.

6 Superhero h A person in a story who can do amazing things e.g.

Superman, Batman.
7 Dinosaur g A large animal which lived millions of years ago.

8 Advertisement c A picture or a short film to sell a product or service.

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4. Read the article again. Decide if the information in these sentences (1-7) is:

• In the article (Yes)

• Not in the article (No)

1. Jeongmee is a photographer From South Korea. (Yes)

2. She thinks her daugther is similar to other girls of her age. (Yes)
3. All girls in every country love Pink. (No)
4. The types of toys in the girls “and boys” rooms were also different. (Yes)
5. Jeongmee thinks it’s because of televisión and advertising. (Yes)
6. In the past, children had lots of different colours in their bedrooms. (No)
7. Jeongmee Yoon thinks Pink for girls and blue for boys is bad. (No)

5. Read the sentences with the Word like. Replace like in each sentences (1-3) with the
words wich have a similar meaning (a-c).

1. There are blue toys like robots, dinosaurs and superhéroes. (Such as)
2. Girls like Pink make-up, clothes, or toys for cooking. (Love)
3. Many of these girls were like Seowoo and had lots of Pink things. (Similar to)

a. Love
b. Similar to
c. Such as

6. Complete these sentences in your own words. Then work in pairs. Tell your partner.

1. When I was a child, I liked swimming on weekends.

2. In my living room, I have possesions like pictures, toys and books.
3. I often wear, a T-shirt, trousers and trainers, like other people of my age.

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