Liquid-Supported Denture-A Boon To Flabby Ridges

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e-ISSN: 2320-7949

Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences

p-ISSN: 2322-0090

Liquid-Supported Denture- A Boon To Flabby Ridges

Radhika Shrivastava, Suryakant C Deogade*, Sneha S Mantri and Sumathi K
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Case Report

Received: 14/12/2016 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 25/01/2017 Extreme resorption of edentulous maxilla and mandible often poses
Published: 01/02/2017 a challenge to a prosthodontist while fabrication of successful complete
dentures in such clinical cases. Optimum retention and stability of dentures is
*For Correspondence more problematic to achieve in severely resorbed ridges. The factors, such as
the position and quantitative changes in the morphology of denture bearing
Dr. Suryakant C. Deogade, Flat No- areas of maxilla and mandible decide the future design of the prosthesis.
502, Block-D, Apsara Apartment, South The concept of liquid supported prosthesis helps in distribution of stresses
Civil Lines, Pachpedi Road, Jabalpur, uniformly and evenly and provides an alternative treatment approach in flabby
Madya Pradesh, India- 482001, Tel: ridges. This article presents a case report which describes the fabrication
9907348038. of liquid supported complete denture to aid in the management of these
compromised conditions.
E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: Cushioning effect, Liquid

supported dentures, Resorbed ridges

‘Flabby tissue’ is a hyperplastic growth of soft tissue that replaces alveolar bone and is seen most commonly in long-
term denture wearers [1]. This superficial growth affecting the maxillary and mandibular edentulous ridges is often mobile that
interferes with the denture wearing. A constant trauma from ill-fitting denture is the probable cause for this entity [2]. In an
edentulous mouth, this condition is more often seen in the anterior area [3-5]. This hyperplastic growth is comprised of loose
fibrous and dense collagenised connective tissue [6]. Rehabilitation of patients with such flabby ridges poses a great amount of
difficulty for a prosthodontist. As the flabby tissues are easily distorted while impression making steps, the dentures fabricated
on such foundations are often compromised in its retention and stability. Several treatment modalities offered in such patients
include surgical excision of flabby mass, implant-supported dentures or conventional prosthesis without surgery [1]. Selection of a
particular therapy depends on systemic health and need of the patient, extent of flabby mass, financial burden on patient and skill
of the prosthodontist. In many cases, surgical procedure is not worthwhile, hence the most conservative methods is approached.
Chase [7] suggested the use of flexible material on the fitting surface of the removable prosthesis to condition the irritated
and abused mucosa. However, this was a temporary solution and might, also cause candidal growth. Chase and Kakade [7,8] have
given stress on the concept of tissue conditioning which is gaining momentum as dental clinicians become aware that conditioned
tissue will support a denture more comfortably. This concept of oral mucosa conditioning may also prove in preservation of
alveolar bone. In recent scenario of dentistry, this concept is not new.
In patients with flabby ridges, incorporation of elastic fitting surface allows in reducing stresses and trauma on the mucosal
soft tissue as well makes it suitable to withstand masticatory forces [8]. A provision incorporating liquid within such prosthesis
can make out a better solution for such clinical situations [9-13]. The limitations in previously reported techniques have led to
the introduction of an alternative approach to conventional prosthesis, called liquid-supported dentures. This case presentation
explains the method of fabricating a removable prosthesis based on liquid-supported concept in a severely resorbed maxilla with
flabby tissue in anterior region.

A 55-year-old male patient reported the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, for prosthodontic rehabilitation
of the edentulous maxilla and mandible. The patient was wearing a set of complete dentures since last 5 years that were loose
and ill-fitting. Intraoral examination revealed edentulous maxillary and mandibular residual ridges. After removal of dentures,

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e-ISSN: 2320-7949
Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences
p-ISSN: 2322-0090

underlying soft tissue seemed to be inflamed in general and flabby in maxillary anterior region. The mandibular ridge was very
poor and needed equal attention like maxillary ridge (Figure 1). The overall health of the patient was debilitating and frail. Hence,
the complete denture treatment planning was discussed and modified according to the need of the patient. The final treatment
plan was decided including maxillary and mandibular complete dentures based on liquid-supported and neutral zone concepts,

Figure 1. Intraoral view of maxillary and mandibular edentulous arches.

The preliminary impressions of both the arches were made with irreversible hydrocolloid (Dentalgin; Prime Dental Products,
Mumbai, India). Special trays were fabricated and border molding and definitive impressions were performed in a conventional
manner. For maxillary, the flabby area was marked in the patient’s mouth and transferred on the tray. Later, this area was cut
forming a window to expose flabby mass and recorded by syringing light body addition silicone material (Aquasil, Dentsply/caulk)
(Figure 2). Jaw relations were recorded and face bow transfer was completed. The master casts were mounted by using centric
relation record on a semi-adjustable articulator (Hanau Wide Vue). For mandibular, an acrylic tissue stops were prepared that
maintained the established vertical height. Then, the neutral zone was recorded using tissue conditioner (Viscogel) by asking
the patient to perform various functional movements. A putty index was formed around the recorded neutral zone into which the
molten modelling wax was poured to duplicate the neutral zone. The teeth arrangement was carried within the limits of neutral
zone and the waxed-up trial dentures were tried intraorally to check the appearance and occlusion.

Figure 2. Definitive maxillary and mandibular impressions.

Before packing heat cured acrylic resin, a polyethelene sheet (Biostar, Scheu-dental, Germany) of 1 mm thickness was
placed on the maxillary final cast and it was vacuum heat pressed (Figure 3). The adapted sheet was cut approximately 2 mm
short from the denture-limiting borders of the maxillary cast. This sheet was incorporated in the denture during the packing of
heat cured acrylic resin and the dentures were processed. The processed dentures were finished and polished and checked in
patient’s mouth for necessary adjustments. After delivering dentures, the patient was instructed to wear it at least for 2 weeks.
The patient was then recalled to proceed further for conversion of existing maxillary denture into a liquid-supported one. The
patient’s comfort with that of the denture with polyethylene sheet was evaluated and checked for any inconvenience. The sheet
was then removed from the fitting surface of the maxillary denture (Figure 4). This removal left multiple crevices throughout
the denture borders that were used as guides for placing new sheet of 0.5 mm thickness. Fitting surface of denture was then
recorded with putty consistency elastic material and the impression was poured in dental stone to obtain a duplicate cast. This
step transferred the same duplication of sheet-denture junction. Another sheet of 0.5 mm thickness was placed on this cast and
adapted under heat vacuum so that a hollow space of 0.5 mm is created. The sheet was cut and adjusted according to the putty
index and sealed to the crevices using cyanoacrylate and auto-polymerizing acrylic resin. This prevented the escape/or seepage
of liquid in and out of the hollow (Figure 5). The glycerine was then syringed into hollow cavity through the holes created in buccal
flanges in molar area. The vertical dimension at occlusion was verified and the holes were sealed with auto-polymerizing acrylic
resin. The seal was checked for any leakage. The narrowing of 0.5 mm that created in this way does not appear problematic for
the fit of the denture8. The denture was delivered to the patient after polishing and the proper instructions were given towards the
cleanliness of prosthesis (Figure 6). Patient was advised to clean the tissue surface using soft cloth and recalled at an interval of
1 day, 1 month and 3 months.

RRJDS | Volume 5 | Issue 1 | March, 2017 67

e-ISSN: 2320-7949
Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences
p-ISSN: 2322-0090

Figure 3. A 1 mm thick polyvinyl sheet adapted on the invested master cast prior to packing and kept 2 mm short from the denture-
limiting structures.

Figure 4. At recall appointment, 1 mm thick sheet is removed from the processed denture.

Figure 5. Fitting surface of completed liquid-supported denture.

Figure 6. Intraoral view of prosthesis.

The flabby tissue in maxillary anterior region was the prime concern in this case which might have led to an uneven
distribution of forces from prosthesis while in function. This problem was solved by altering the conventional impression and
denture processing techniques. In liquid-supported prosthesis, the denture base assumes its pre-shaped form in absence of any
applied force, however; it adapts to the modified form of denture-supporting tissue when functioning under masticatory load. The
hydrodynamics of mucosa plays an important role in providing support, retention and stability [14]. This also, prevents overloading
of soft tissue due to uniform stress distribution over all dentures bearing area. Liquid-supported concept enhances comfort level
and prevents soreness [14,15]. In this clinical report, polyethylene thermoplastic clear sheet (Biostar, Scheu-dental, Germany) was
employed due to its softness, flexibility and biocompatibility. The liquid used was glycerin because of its clearness, viscosity and
biocompatibility. Glycerin is also used, as a vehicle in liquid medications.
The tissue surface of liquid-supported denture was lined with a close-fitting flexible sheet that provided hollow inside for
liquid. This acts as a relining for the prosthesis and possesses significant benefit to the existing denture designs. In the absence

RRJDS | Volume 5 | Issue 1 | March, 2017 68

e-ISSN: 2320-7949
Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences
p-ISSN: 2322-0090

of occlusal forces, the sheet remains in the pre-formed form and behaves as a soft liner. However, in occlusal loading the forces
are uniformly distributed throughout the denture bearing area resulting in optimal stress distribution. This concept of liquid-
supported denture works better in extremely resorbed/flabby or abused/inflammed ridges. Even, it is indicated in patients with
lichen planus, erythema multiforme, pemphigus and diabetes mellitus [2].
For this case a soft, flexible and dense polyethylene sheet was employed that possessed excellent physical and mechanical
properties. The cyanoacrylate used in this case is usually used in surgery as an alternative to suturing. The glycerine used is clear,
odourless and has good thermal stability, water repellency and low surface tension. It also, acts as a vehicle or a preservative in
various liquid medications proving it’s in vivo safety [11].The patient was given proper instructions to maintain denture care and to
clean the fitting surface with soft cloth or cotton. He was recalled back after 24 h, 1 week and 3 weeks for regular check-up and
follow-up. The biggest advantage of this technique is that we can refill the hollow cavity with glycerine in case of leakage. However,
the major drawback was to achieve a complete seal at the junction of polyethylene sheet and tissue surface of the denture.
Additionally, the future relining is not possible in liquid-supported dentures.

Flabby ridges, often, causes problems in denture retention as well in stability and poses a real challenge to a prosthodontist
for achieving the basic objectives of impression making. Surgical intervention and implant-supported dentures may not be pos-
sible to be applied in all those clinical conditions. Liquid supported denture can stand a better option in such situations while
considering conventional prosthodontics. This concept can further improve the patient’s comfort and acceptance because of
uniform distribution of masticatory forces.

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