20 Pro Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets

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Some of the key takeaways are that a pro-metabolic diet focuses on eating more quality food to boost metabolism and burn fat effortlessly. It aims to balance hormones, reduce bloating and cellulite, and improve digestion, energy levels, mood, and sleep.

Some potential benefits mentioned include having more energy, better sleep, less anxiety or stress, improved mood and happiness, greater focus and clarity, reduced bloating and improved digestion, elimination of cravings, and balanced hormones.

Most people can expect to see some initial results within a few days or a week in the form of more energy, better sleep, less bloating or cravings. Further results like fat loss may be noticed over subsequent weeks as metabolism and hormones balance out.


Quick, easy and effortless liftestyle and Nutritional strategies to:

- Boost and heal metabolism

- Burn fat effortlessly
- Balance hormones
- Reduce bloating and cellulite
- Improve digestion and gut health
- Improve mood, energy and sleep

By Cheryl Leigh and Blair Loveday


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A slow metabolism can be a miserable and frustrating experience. Fat loss stalls, energy
plummets, hormones go crazy, cravings become uncontrollable and sleep becomes a struggle.
Challenges also arise as belly fat increases, energy dives, you feeling of flatness, lack of focus,
everything is slow, your body feels cold and stomach bloating is problematic and even cellulite
becomes worse.

Pro Metabolic Life is about creating healthy, happy, hormonally balanced and great looking

As a coach, I see too many dieters destroying their metabolism, health and wreaking havoc with
their hormones. This is done by under eating, cutting carbs or eliminating entire food groups. It
does not need to be this way.

Pro-Metabolic meal plans are based on actual research and quantitative results. The framework
is supported by scientific research. We have spent years researching, learning and teaching Pro-
Metabolic nutrition. Our approach focuses on being optimally healthy first as a priority to get
into great condition. This is not a lose weight quickly at all cost gimmick but rather a lifestyle
system. To achieve success, we focus on nutrition, emotional well-being and the day-to-day
factors that impact the way we live our lives.

This e-book is written with EVERYONE in mind and is not focused on bodybuilders or
competitors. It does not matter if you have never stepped foot inside a gym or if you are a
seasoned athlete. As a professional athlete, I have perfected the art of shedding body fat
healthily without sacrificing energy and vitality. I do this using a Pro-Metabolic nutritional
approach whilst remaining healthy with my metabolism firing.

Pro-Metabolic strategies will help you if you:

• Put on weight easily or struggle to get lean.
• Have a slow metabolism.
• Want to learn how to eat more food without putting on body fat.
• Struggle with hormonal imbalance, bloating or cellulite.
• Struggle with food cravings, emotional eating issues or food intolerances.

A Pro-Metabolic nutrition plan aims to increase thyroid gland functioning. This results in an
increased metabolic rate, increased protein uptake and more efficient fat burning. This
nutritional framework is based upon the research and published findings of a leading American
endocrinologist and hormone researcher, Dr. Raymond Peat.

The Pro-Metabolic nutritional framework will reduce cortisol, balance estrogen, support efficient
thyroid functioning, stabilize insulin, reduce inflammation and encourage a fast metabolism with
outstanding results.

A healthy body with a fast metabolism will lose fat effortlessly. Forcing fat loss from a stressed,
damaged body is a miserable experience. It is so worthwhile to invest the time to improve

The correct nutritional framework is paramount to achieving great results. Not only does it
determine what you look like, it is crucial to your health, energy, immunity, digestion, mood,
skin, body composition, recovery, training, and fat loss.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 4

Pro-Metabolic Nutrition will not destroy your health, create emotional eating or food issues. It
is about supporting fat loss rather than forcing fat loss. It is about eating more good quality
food and NOT less. It is about balance, nourishment, health and vitality.

Losing weight by dieting, starving, over-exercising and stressing your body all work until they
stop working. This strategy also has a huge cost to your health and metabolism. The focus loses
fat healthily and easily by increasing the rate at which your body burns energy.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is different to any traditional weight loss plan. We find that fat loss
favours a fast metabolism and a balanced body. This is how we achieve success with our clients
and athletes.

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What is Pro-Metabolic Nutrition?

Lifestyle strategies.

1. Reduce stress.
2. Get sunlight on your skin.
3. Stop doing excessive cardio.
4. Only use natural personal care products.
5. Get good quality sleep.
6. Improve your mindset.
7. Incorporate resistance weight training.
8. Eat regularly.
9. Include Epson salt and magnesium.
10. Improve bowel health and effective elimination.

Nutritional strategies.

11. Include simple sugars.

12. Reduce Muscle Meat.
13. Add gelatin or bone broth.
14. Use Coconut oil.
15. Avoid PUFA’s.
16. Salt your Food.
17. Enjoy Dairy Products.
18. Drink Coffee.
19. Avoid cruciferous vegetables.
20. Eliminate artificial sweeteners.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 6


Pro-metabolic nutrition is a nutrition system based around food selections that will help up-
regulate thyroid gland activity, creating a faster metabolism. Our nutritional framework is based
upon the research of a leading American endocrinologist and hormone researcher, Dr. Raymond

A healthier thyroid gland leads to a faster metabolism. Supporting and stimulating thyroid gland
functioning will increase your metabolism.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is designed around nutrition that will help maintain hormonal balance
and reduce excess estrogen. Excess estrogen often results in fat storage, cellulite or other
hormone related conditions. A hormonally balanced body will provide greater results.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition helps to achieve optimal health by supplying the body will all of the
nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it requires. A healthier body will achieve greater

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is designed to improve digestion with an objective to avoid bloating, IBS
and other digestive issues.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition focuses on balance with everything, especially all food groups and
macros in order to keep blood sugar stable and the body constantly burning fat stores. It
achieves this by combining all macros together in each meal.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition improves sleep and creates more energy.

Th Pro Metabolic Life meal plans support fat loss rather than force fat loss.

It is nutrition that cares for your body rather than destroying your body.

Nutrition that enables you to eat more rather than eating less.

Nutrition that nurtures your body, rather than depriving your body.

It supplies the body with enough energy and does not starve the body.

It provides a variety of delicious food and does not restrict food groups.

It focuses on nourishing, satisfying, delicious and restorative food.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is the easiest and healthiest way to create a great looing, lean, balanced

Pro Metabolic Life have a number of Pro-Metabolic plans available suitable for everyone
available from our online store


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Stress is by far the greatest cause of ageing, degeneration and reduced metabolic
rate. Emotional stress, relationships stress, financial stress, feeling overwhelmed, too busy,
anxious, guilty, ill, tired and not enough sleep or even the stress of poor nutrition impacts the
healthy and efficient functioning of the body.

Eating processed foods, foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, too many carbohydrates
without fats or protein, or foods which downregulate metabolism is the quickest way to slow
down fat burning.

Regardless of the cause, stress hinders health and metabolism. Cortisol suppresses
mitochondrial respiration (metabolic rate) and robs your body of Vitamin A. Vit. A is essential
for thyroid hormone conversion.

When stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, starving or sick, the adrenals
produce more stress hormones (cortisol) and less of the protective hormones such as
progesterone and DHEA and…boom…hormone imbalance and reduced metabolism results.

Other effects of the excess stress hormone cortisol:

• Inflammation.
• Fluid retention.
• Fat storage.
• Stomach acidity.
• Muscle wastage.
• Arthritis.
• Insomnia.
• Food cravings
• Impaired mood or anxiety.
• Chronic fatigue.
• Hypothyroidism.

Trying to achieve an ideal body with optimal health is likely to be really, really difficult process
when stress hormones are high. If you are serious about your metabolism and health, eat a
diet that does not cause stress…just like Pro-Metabolic nutrition. It is important that
everyone finds balance, calmness and has down time.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 8


Sunlight on your skin is one of our best natural secrets to increase metabolism, get lean and
balance hormones.

The ultraviolet light on the skin directly increases the skins production of the good steroidal
hormones. Even as little as 10–15 minutes of sunlight per day can allow your body to produce
vitamin D and Vitamin D3 in quantities that are protective against cancers. Although you can
get some Vitamin D from nutrition, 90% of your body’s Vitamin D is produced when the body
is exposed to sunlight. Low Vitamin D is closely connected to poor thyroid hormone

Daylight also simulates the body’s ability to use oxygen for energy production that in turn,
increases metabolism.

We recommend that our clients include regular sunlight as a strategy to increase metabolism.

At all times when out in the sun, be sure to exercise caution. If you are fair, be mindful of
overexposing your skin to the sun and avoid getting sunburnt at all costs. Also, be very cautious
when using sunscreen lotions as many contain petrochemicals that do your skin more harm than
good, and remember that sunscreen lotion will prevent you from metabolizing vitamin D!

According to Dr. Ray Peat, “day light stimulates the ability to use oxygen for energy production,
and protects tissues from some of the free-radical toxins that are produced by normal
metabolism, by stress, or by radiation.”

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 9


Excessive or exhausting cardiovascular exercise is stressful to the body and increases

mitochondrial damage, cortisol production, and down-regulates thyroid hormone production
and elevates estrogen. This is all well and good if you are fueling your body with proper
nutrition and rest. For body athletes that are dieting, eating low carbs or doing fasted cardio, any
intense cardio is a recipe for metabolic damage.

To increase metabolic rate and achieve success with our meal plans, we provide a
guideline to reduce any cardio currently being performed until no extra cardio is
required to get and stay lean. Outdoor walking that is not stressful is encouraged and weight
training is recommended. Muscle increases resting metabolic rate and muscle consumes mainly
fat when it is in a resting state.

Blood sugar drops during cardiovascular exercise and cortisol, adrenalin, estrogen and
endotoxins rise. These hormones are antagonists to circulating thyroid hormone T3 and they
cause thyroid hormones to drop. 45 minutes after starting cardio thyroid hormones will start to

Exercising frequently until exhaustion will lower the thyroid gland function. Your primary goal
should be to optimise metabolism to keep it fast if you are trying to get lean.

According to Dr. Ray Peat, a low pulse rate is actually indicative of thyroid damage and is in fact
our body’s adaption to perform with less.

Some fascinating quotes from the research of Dr. Ray Peat.

“Intense exercise damages cells in ways that cumulatively impair metabolism. There is clear evidence that
glycolysis, producing lactic acid from glucose, has toxic effects, suppressing respiration and killing cells.
Within five minutes, exercise lowers the activity of enzymes that oxidize glucose. Diabetes, Alzheimer’s
disease, and general aging involve increased lactic acid production and accumulated metabolic
(mitochondrial) damage.”

“Men who went for a run before breakfast were found to have broken chromosomes in their blood cells,
but if they ate breakfast before running, their chromosomes weren’t damaged.”

“Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or
“aerobic” (i.e. anaerobic) exercise. Many health-conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic
program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal proteins, oils instead of butter, carotene
instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of stimulating life.”

“In experiments, T3 production is stopped very quickly by even “sub-aerobic” exercise, probably because
of the combination of a decrease of blood glucose and an increase in free fatty acids. In a healthy person,
rest will tend to restore the normal level of T3, but there is evidence that even very good athletes remain in
a hypothyroid state even at rest.”
“Exercise lowers the level of thyroid hormones, partly by accelerating their breakdown.”

“Prolonged endurance exercise will usually slow the pulse because of adaptive inhibition of the thyroid. I
have seen some people with the dark circles, fatigue, and other symptoms that stopped as soon as they
stopped their daily running.”

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 10


Toxins from many chemical laden personal care and cleaning products (moisturisers, etc.) are
known as xenogestrogens as they mimic estrogen. Excess estrogen is linked to a host of
insidious symptoms from fat gain, PMS, headaches, fibroids, fluid retention, cravings and a
reduction in thyroid production. Toxins lower cellular respiration and interferes with cell

If improving your metabolism and achieving hormonal balance is your goal, you need to be very
wary of chemical laden skin care products. Skin absorbs everything – chemical laden products
result in a surplus of excess estrogen. Don’t feed cellulite or risk disrupting the endocrine system
by slapping on moisturises with parabens, parfums and sodium laurel sulphate.

Additives, emulsifiers, colourings, chemicals and hormones from both food and skin care
products can be toxic. They can slow down fat burning, increase estrogen load, and cause a
hormonal imbalance.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 11


We consider the ability to get quality, quantity, restorative, and undisturbed sleep an integral
piece of the puzzle. It increases metabolism, get helps to get lean and supports a hormonally
balanced, healthy life.

Lack of quality sleep is a significant stressor, resulting in exhaustion and fatigue.

We are forever stressing upon our clients that to optimise results, sleep must be maximised. Take
sleep seriously if you are serious about achieving your goals.

Sleep is essential for fat burning, muscle growth, cell renewal, detoxification, hormonal balance,
energy production and so much more.

Most occasions insomnia is often a result of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline and
parathyroid being too high at night. This could be due to poor nutrition, lifestyle factors or other
stress related issues.

What can help?

Pro-Metabolic nutrition including calcium, sugar, salt, glycine and saturated fats will do
wonders to down-regulate stress hormones and induce sleep. All Pro-Metabolic meal
plans include these nutritional strategies at the end of the day to help with quality sleep and
ensure fat is burnt during sleep.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 12


“As you think….so you shall be.”

Things are always created twice. The mental creation always precedes the physical creation. This
can be said about anything that is created. Buildings, bridges, gardens, dinner parties, fashion,
jewellery, furniture, hairstyles and YOU.

Your physique…your body…your health…your relationships…your success. Until you can

visualise and see the body you that you wish to create, or the life you want to live it will never

The longer that we coach helping people to create great looking healthy bodies, the more
convinced we are that mindset impacts metabolism. Positivity and self-belief impact fat loss
success. The correlation is evident anecdotally.

You will become the person you mentally see yourself becoming!

You may see yourself competing, losing weight, getting stronger and being successful. They
must all first be created in your mind’s eye. It is imperative to own it, believe in it, see it and feel

Negative and self-limiting thoughts will ALWAYS slow down metabolism and hamper your
ability to achieve greatly…period!!

Even one single negative thought can be toxic. Negative thoughts will drain you of your energy,
motivation and focus.

I have written an e-Book all about mindset and my 50 most powerful strategies to improve
motivation, focus and discipline. Available from my online store:

‘The Unbeatable Mind’


©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 13


Muscle increases resting metabolic rate and muscle consumes mainly fat when it is in a resting
state. Therefore the more muscle you have the faster your metabolism and the more fat you will
burn even at rest

Squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows and military press are all core exercises that training plans
should be built around. These exercises should form the basis of all training programs and
included every session if you are serious about chiseling your body and achieving results.
All of my training programs are created around the basic compound exercises. Basic compound
exercises improve strength and they encourage significant muscle growth.
Quite simply, training programs built on split lunge jumps, mountain climbers, box jumps, stair
runs, clap push-ups, side lateral raises or leg extensions will not produce the results that heavy
compound weight training achieve.
I have developed a range of weight training programs that deliver results, from 2 or 3-day
beginner programs to 4 and 5-day advanced programs.
Available to purchase online now at:

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A critical component for boosting metabolism to burn fat fast is regular eating. Fat loss can be
expedited if meals are eaten at frequent intervals throughout the course of the day. This enables
blood sugar levels to stay as level as possible.

If too many hours are left between meals then you risk blood sugar levels dropping. In response
to this, the body will send out hunger signals or even start to crave sugars. When this happens,
your body is in fact wanting energy and wanting to eat.

Once blood sugar drops, your next meal is unlikely to satisfy you and it makes sticking to a
reasonable eating schedule very difficult.

Energy and mood drops as blood sugar levels drops. You will feel like you have hit a brick wall.
Keeping meals evenly timed and evenly balanced (carbs, protein and fats) can keep everything
stable and balanced. Energy stays balanced, mood stays constant and you are neither hungry,
nor full.

Our Pro-Metabolic meal plans have perfect combinations of proteins, carbs and fats at
every meal to ensure blood sugar levels stay even and to ensure even consistent fat

I have a number of Pro-Metabolic plans available suitable for everyone available from our online


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Epsom salt baths improve magnesium levels which will increase metabolic functions, helping
accelerate fat burning, improving hormonal and mineral balance creating a healthier and more
balanced body.

We recommend an Epsom salt bath for any one who is stressed, tired or not recovering well.

This is also highly encouraged for people who have sluggish metabolisms, experiencing trouble
sleeping, who have abnormal or excessive muscle aches or have has unbalanced hormones (PMS
etc.). These are all symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

A magnesium deficiency can lead to an inefficient metabolism, reduced fat burning, hormonal
imbalances, poor quality sleep, low energy, skin problems and unsightly fat storage.

Stress rapidly depletes magnesium from our cells. Stress is the number one cause of magnesium
deficiency. Hypothyroid people or those with slow metabolisms are typically always low in

Magnesium deficiency can result in:

• Reduced metabolic rate and slower fat burning.
• Insomnia.
• Hair loss.
• PMS and other hormone related symptoms.
• Poor recovery from training.
• Chronic fatigue or lack of energy.
• Irritably and mood issues.
• Anxiety or a poor reaction to stress.
• Depression.
• Muscle cramping.
• Gastro intestinal problems.
• Heart problems.
• Constipation.
• Hormonal imbalances.
• Impaired immunity.

Magnesium may be the most important element needed by the human body after oxygen, water
and basic food.

Epsom Salts.

Magnesium is absorbed more efficiently through the skin than our digestive tract. Epsom salts
contain 100% magnesium sulphate. An Epsom salt bath is very easy to prepare. Simply draw a
warm bath, add 2 cups of Epsom salts and soak for 12 minutes three times per week!

Studies consistently show significant improvements in magnesium levels after soaking in an

Epsom Salt bath solution.

All our Pro-Metabolic Nutrition plans include and combine foods that are great sources
of magnesium.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 16


Fast and efficient elimination of the bowels is a sign of good health and a fast
When one is constipated, food sits and ferments, giving off toxic
which increase endotoxins and cause a host of other digestive issues. 
is actually a key indicator of low thyroid gland functioning. A person with a fast metabolism and
up-regulated thyroid gland functioning will have efficient bowel regularity and motions. An
optimally healthy person may have multiple bowel motions per day. The quicker the transit time
for waste products the healthier the gut and the intestines.

most effective way to improve bowel health is to increase
metabolism by eating more Pro-
Metabolic food. Pro-Metabolic food is easily digestible, it reduces bloating, and is a
great solution for those who struggle with digestion or bowel issues. For many this is the
missing link to metabolism and faster fat burning.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 17



"Per calorie, sugar from orange juice, fruit and cane sugar is less fattening than starch, partly because it
stimulates less insulin and when its used with a good diet, it increases the activity of the thyroid hormone "
This results in a faster metabolism, Dr Ray Peat. PHD.
Keeping a steady supply of simple sugars in your diet will help keep your metabolism primed and
your energy high.
By including more natural sugar in your diet, you can increase the number of calories you eat per
day without impacting your body composition. If you increase natural sugars gradually, you will
actually improve metabolic rate and very often get leaner.
• Sugar is a metabolic stimulator. The liver uses glycogen as fuel to convert T4 to T3.
• Sugar protects the body from the catabolic, fat storage effects of cortisol.
• Sugar will help heal a damaged metabolism and helps to reduce inflammation.
• Sugar is easy to digest therefore will help gut issues and keep a flatter tummy.
• Sugar helps prevent muscle degradation.
• Simple sugars are delicious and including them is less likely to produce sugar cravings.
• Simple sugars drive metabolism.
Insulin is not released for fructose to be utilized by cells. It is in the presence of insulin that fat
storage occurs. "Fructose inhibits the stimulation of insulin by glucose, so eating sucrose in
place of starch will reduce the tendency to store fat". Dr. Peat.
Steven Guyenet, biochemist, Ph.D. obesity researcher reports, " fruit is not fattening and may in
fact be slimming". "Eating fruit does not contribute to fat gain but instead favours leanness".
Natural sugars from ripe tropical fruit, raw honey and pure juices will do wonders for your
metabolic rate and health. The right sugars will increase fat burning. The wrong sugars result in
fat storage.

All our Pro-Metabolic plans include simple sugars throughout the day due to their
correlation of increasing metabolism, balance hormones, improve health and accelerate
fat burning. The simple sugars are always combined with a fat or protein to ensure even blood
sugar levels.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 18


Current research concludes that nutrition high in muscle meat is a contributing factor for the
down-regulation of thyroid gland functioning and metabolic rate.

Leading hormone researcher Dr. Ray Peat, has concluded that when muscle meats are eaten on
their own, that the amino acid balance entering the blood stream creates an extreme stress
response releasing cortisol. Excessive cortisol causes lean muscle to be broken down to provide
energy as material for repair and downregulates metabolic rate

Muscle meat such as chicken breast or lean beef is very high in the amino acids tryptophan and
cysteine. An excess of these amino acids inhibits thyroid hormone production. This also
increases the likelihood that metabolism will slow down.

Cysteine and tryptophan are released in large amounts during periods of stress. This results in an
anti-metabolic and thyroid suppressing response that results in toxic effects.

Pro-Metabolic meal plans are high in non-inflammatory and non-thyroid suppressing

protein sources such as dairy, eggs, shellfish, seafood, gelatin and bone broth. This plays a
critical role in increasing metabolic rate and increasing fat burning.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 19


Gelatin or bone broth is considered an essential part of Pro-Metabolic nutrition.

Gelatin is a super pro-metabolic protein source. It supports incredible healing, is pro-thyroid

gland supporting, has hormone-balancing powers and is totally void of the inflammatory amino
acid tryptophan.

Gelatin is derived from bone, connective tissue, beef hide or pork skin. It is derived from
collagen which is a protein contained in the skin of animals. It contains the essential amino acids
glycine, lysine and proline. These amino acids are necessary to accelerate cell growth. Unlike the
protein from pure muscle meat, gelatin contains no tryptophan. Tryptophan in high doses causes
inflammation in the body.

Prior to the move towards processed foods, gelatin was plentiful in most nutrition. Much more
of the animal was consumed rather than just the premium cuts of muscle meats. Traditional
nutrition would consist of bone broths with chicken-foot soup, drumsticks, lamb shank meals
and beef stews. These foods contained a whole-animal balance of amino acids that provided
better support for a variety of biological processes.

According to leading Endocrinologist and health researcher Dr. Ray Peat:

“When only the muscle meats are eaten, the amino acid balance entering our blood stream is the same as
that produced by extreme stress, when excess cortisol causes our muscles to be broken down to provide
energy and material for repair. The formation of serotonin is increased by the excess tryptophan in muscle,
and serotonin stimulates the formation of more cortisol, while the tryptophan itself, along with the excess
muscle-derived cysteine, and suppresses the thyroid gland function”.

The equilibrium of amino acids plays a large role in metabolic rate, thyroid function and
hormone production. Muscle meats are high in tryptophan and phosphorous and when
consumed without gelatin or bone broth can increase stress hormones and decrease thyroid

All Pro-Metabolic Meal plans include either Gelatin or Bone Broth to help increase
metabolic rate, fat burning, reduce excess estrogen, reduce cellulite, improve sleep,
digestion, gut health reduce inflammation skin and autoimmune problems, aiding
immune function and balancing hormones.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 20


Coconut oil is a quality saturated fat and is perfect for cooking and adding to foods. Being
entirely saturated, it is the most stable and least susceptible to heat damage or the formation of
toxic byproducts. It is recommended to cook with saturated fats. Saturated fats are stable and do
not break down or change chemically into unhealthful cancer-promoting toxins when used in
cooking. In contrast, most other oils will oxidise when heated leading to free radical formation.
Coconut oil does not lose any nutritional value when heated where other oils do.

Coconut oil increases metabolic rate and heat production that increases fat burning. Coconut oil
contains MCT (medium chain triglycerides) that means it does not need to be digested by bile
salts and goes straight to the liver where it is available as an immediate energy source.

Coconut oil is also anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and contains no polyunsaturated

fatty acids. Fats are essential for hormone production and help fat burning.

Pro-Metabolic meal plans all include coconut oil as it is a metabolic driver, increasing
thermogenesis and metabolism and fat burning. Fats are also considered essential for hormone

Coconut oil is calorie dense so if fat lose is the goal portion sizes still need to managed.

ProComp recommends saturated fats over poly-unsaturated fats. This is in alignment with Pro-
Metabolic nutrition guidelines to promote a healthy, efficient thyroid gland and metabolism.

Saturated fats are good fats.

• Saturated fats increase metabolic rate.

• Saturated fat helps to detoxify the liver, kidneys, pancreases and gut.
• Saturated fats form protection against the oxidations of PUFA’s.
• Saturated fats are not the artery clogging, heart attack-inducing food we are all led to
• The right saturated fats can actually decrease your cholesterol, improve the health of your
body and decrease your chances of heart disease and cancer.
• Saturated fats contain the fat-soluble vitamins.
• Saturated fats assist improving digestion.

I recommend between 20-30% of calories from saturated fats. Saturated fats are also quite

Pro-Metabolic food that contain saturated fats are organic butter, coconut oil, cheese, eggs,
grass-fed beef, dark chocolate and full fat dairy products.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 21


Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids are liquid vegetable oils and are highly unstable and oxidise
easily. They increase the likelihood of accelerated aging, hormonal imbalance, inflammation,
oxidative damage and reduce metabolic rate.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition avoids any foods that are high in Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs).
My goal when working with clients is to increase metabolic rate. PUFA’s do the
complete opposite and are anecdotally linked with metabolism suppression.

Polyunsaturated means that the fatty acid has more than one double bond in the carbon chain.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are chemically incomplete as they are missing out on hydrogen
atoms. This results in the chain becoming unstable and prone to degradation, oxidation and free

PUFAs are often found in fish like sardines swimming around in icy cold artic waters, salmon
and other deep-sea fish living in colder waters. PUFAs are also found in plants in nuts and
seeds. These include sunflower oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, hemp seed
oil, soybean oil, fish oil (omega 3’s), peanut oil, nuts and seeds. The occurrence of PUFAs can
also be found in animal protein fed any of these grains.

Why are polyunsaturated fats bad for your health?

• PUFA’s suppress thyroid production.
• Suppressed thyroid production down-regulates metabolism resulting in slower fat
burning, decreased protein synthesis and fat storage.
• Consuming PUFA in excess (concentrated form) results in high levels of inflammation in
the body.
• The bulk of “age spots” on the skin are produced by the decomposition of the
polyunsaturated fats.
• PUFA’s are yeast stimulants (unlike saturated fats) and harmful to gut bacteria/candida.
• Oxidized PUFA’s lead to free radical damage that leads to premature aging and
degenerative conditions.
• PUFA, which contains both Omega 3, and Omega 6 fatty acids are involved in
atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
• PUFA interferes with insulin sensitivity.

Studies have linked PUFA and high levels of inflammation in the body leads to heart disease,
diabetes, cancer, nervous system damage, impaired learning, impaired wound healing, liver
damage, digestive disorders and damage to reproductive organs.

How does polyunsaturated fat affect your metabolism?

Your thyroid is essential for a strong metabolism and the body’s production of energy. The
thyroid produces T4 and T3. T4 is primarily converted to T3 in the liver. T3 is the active thyroid
hormone and is used in cells and is referred to as the “hormone of respiration”.
Polyunsaturated fats suppress your thyroid’s function on just about every level. PUFAs
block the secretion of your thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland itself. Then they also block
the transportation of the thyroid hormone within your bloodstream. Last but not least…they
block your cells from properly utilizing the hormone once it has been received.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 22

When cooking, only cook in healthy saturated cooking fats and avoid canola, peanut oil,
sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, vegetable oil and coin oil. This can be confusing at times as many
of these products are labeled as healthy and heart approved.

Consuming animals fed on PUFAs transfers the harmful components directly from the food
source to the consumer. It is very important to read all of the labels of meat products and only
select the naturally grass fed products.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition does not not contain any artificial additives, high levels of foods
with hydrogenated fats or concentrated PUFAs.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 23


Salt is completely misunderstood. Salt will increases fat burning, reduces stress and minimize
bloating. Salt suppresses cortisol and reduces inflammation.

Salt is thermogenic and increases heat production. It increases metabolic rate by increasing
mitochondria respiration, which decreases body fat (specifically abdominal fat) by decreasing the
activity of fat synthesizing enzymes. Increased salt is also anti-inflammatory. Salt is directly
linked to decreasing the negative effects of cortisol.

Conversely, salt deprivation has the opposite effect. Nutrition deficient in salt will slow your
metabolism, lower body temperature, create inflammation, stress and degenerative illness.
People on low salt diets have increased blood pressure and higher cortisol levels.

The benefits of salt:

• Increases metabolic rate and heat production in the body.
• Reduces bloating.
• Help to suppress stress hormones aldosterone.
• Improves muscle function.
• Supports thyroid gland function that leads to a faster metabolism and fat loss.
• Improves insulin sensitivity resulting in more stable blood sugar levels and less fat
• Reduces the risk of coronary events.
• Has a positive effect on blood pressure.
• Reduces inflammation and cramping.
• Assists with magnesium absorption.
• Relieves constipation.
• Improves sleep.
We recommend using clean, unrefined, non-ionized White Sea salt and not pink or grey salt.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 24


Calcium plays a pivotal role in fat metabolism inside fat cells. Calcium is also a huge stimulator
to the metabolism and is necessary to keep parathyroid stress hormone low.

Dairy is a great Pro-Metabolic protein source because it is high in calcium, low in iron and has a
valuable amino acid profile that does not suppress thyroid functioning.

Research clearly shows that you will get leaner quicker if you include dairy in your diet. There is
an increasing body of evidence supporting dairy’s role in helping to accelerate fat loss.

As Pro-Metabolic nutrition is about keeping metabolism fast and thyroid gland active we
recommend milk, yoghurt, cheese and even totally natural and portion controlled ice cream

Research has found that three or more serves of dairy per day helps to lose weight by actually
speeding up fat burning processes and reducing accumulated fat.

How does dairy help with fat loss?

1. Calcium is critical for most metabolic functions. Fat loss favours a fast metabolism.
2. As concluded by Dr. Ray Peat an esteemed endocrinologist, “Calcium inhibits the fat-
forming enzymes, fatty acid synthase, reducing the formation of fats and at the same
time it activates the uncoupling proteins in the mitochondria which a re-associated with
increased longevity. Milk and calcium increases the metabolic rate, the uncoupling
proteins burn calories faster while they protect against free-radical oxidations. …. So,
the uncoupling proteins burn calories faster, at the same time that your reducing fat
synthesis and milk is, as far as I know, the only food that does both of those things
3. “When you consume adequate calcium from dairy products this helps balance fat
burning/storing hormones (increasing thyroid functioning and reducing cortisol and
excess estrogen) by decreasing PTH. PTH is a stress hormone that exacerbates other
stress hormones like adrenalin, cortisol and estrogen that lead to low thyroid function, a
slow metabolism and difficulty losing weight. “The high ratio of phosphate to calcium in
meat activates a variety of stress processes” – Dr. Ray Peat.
4. “A high intake of calcium supports energy metabolism. In recent years there have been
studies showing that regular milk drinkers are less fat than people who don’t drink it.
Although the high-quality protein and saturated fat undoubtedly contribute to milk’s
anti-obesity effect, the high calcium content is probably the main factor.” – Ray Peat,

What if dairy cannot be tolerated?

We know that many people are sensitive to dairy products. If dairy has been removed from a diet
for a significant period, the body stops making lactase. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down
lactose; it is best to reintroduce milk slowly to promote the production of lactase. Intolerance
to milk is also often directly correlated with low thyroid functioning. We reintroducing start

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 25


We love our coffee. More specifically, coffee with sugar, cream and gelatin.

We start every day with this delicious brew and feel fantastic knowing that it is a pro-metabolic,
completely balanced beverage that stimulates thermogenesis. Thermogenesis increases fat

Coffee is a potent metabolic stimulator and must be viewed as such. The caffeine in coffee is
powerful and can act like thyroid to increase your metabolic rate and the oxidation of sugar,
making it a health-protective food. Coffee should increase focus, metabolism, motivation and
stabilise energy.

What do I recommend and why?

I recommend adding gelatin, cream and sugar when drinking coffee. I refer to this as a coffee
meal. The coffee meal provides a well-balanced approach where all of the macros are contained.
It provides adequate protein, fats and simple sugars.

Caffeine is a stimulant and has a direct effect on metabolism. Our Pro-Metabolic meal plans
harness coffee’s powerful thermogenic and metabolic properties and promote fat

Other health benefits of caffeine.

Coffee is protective of liver damage, blocks excess iron absorption, as too much iron in the body
is toxic. Coffee contains B vitamins, magnesium and provides the building blocks for uric acid
that is an antioxidant. Coffee is also brain protective. Caffeine is synergistic with progesterone
and increased concentration of progesterone in blood and tissue is beneficial for those with
excess estrogen.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 26


I recommend minimizing the intake of broccoli, leafy greens and other cruciferous vegetables.
These vegetables are associated with reducing metabolic rate, contain PUFA’s and other toxins,
and are composed of cellulose that cannot break down in our intestine. Cellulose results in
bloating, gas and digestive issues.

Vegetables contain cellulose and polysaccharides that are chains of glucose like the chains found
in grains. Polysaccharides are hard to break down and remain in the intestines where the bacteria
feast of them, causing an increase in bacteria that can lead to indigestion, and bloating.

Vegetables are made up of cellulose, which are polysaccharides that are long chain
carbohydrate molecules that the body cannot break down. Cellulose is also known as an
indigestible fiber or roughage. Roughage is fibre and an increased in fibre intake is linked to
inflammation and irritation to our gut.

Bacterial growth in the gut is exacerbated by cellulose as it is left to ferment in our intestine.
This fermentation causes bloating, gas and digestive problems. Remove green vegetables and
you will expedite digestion and…hello flat tummy.

Goitrogenic foods slow thyroid function. Broccoli, cauliflower, green leafy veggies, cabbage,
brussel sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are goitrogens. Goitrogens are substances
found in drugs, chemicals, or foods that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones by
interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland. Goitrogenic foods suppress thyroid function
and lowers metabolism.

We recommend well-cooked zucchini, squash, carrots, mushrooms and capsicum, especially if

cooked in butter or broth. This will aid the digestive process. If you still must eat your broccoli
and leafy greens reduce the regularity and make sure they are well cooked. Cooking for at least
30 minutes reduces goitrogenic substances by one third. Do not eat several goitrogenic food in
one day as goitrogenic foods have a cumulative effect.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 27


This is actually an important topic in a book about fat burning, nutrition, health and metabolism.
Many dieters focused on getting lean believe that they should save calories and replace sugar in
their drinks with artificial sweeteners.

Despite the FDA claiming artificial sweeteners are safe, researches have concluded that there are
pages of possible negative side effects found in studies. Sugar is considered as a metabolic
stimulator that supports thyroid hormone production in the liver.

Sugars and simple carbohydrates are an important energy source, are necessary for brain
function, optimal cell function and liver heath. Natural sugars can help to reduce cortisol and
stress hormones, decrease oxidative damage, assist to build muscle and aid in recovery.

Taking sugars out of your nutrition plan long term is likely to contribute towards the down-
regulation of metabolism, fatigue, sugar cravings, sleep problems, hormonal imbalance and
weight gain. When an artificial sugar is consumed, the body does not get nutritionally what it
needs that often result in sugar cravings and hunger.

We find clients who drink a lot of diet sodas or sugar free gums actually constantly crave sweet
foods and struggle with consistency on their plans. We find that if someone eliminates all
artificial sweeteners and add natural sugars back into their diet, their food totally and completely
satisfies them and they don’t go searching for more to eat. They also no longer experience sugar

Of all of the sweeteners, stevia is the most natural and least toxic. Most studies even show
positive effects of Stevia. That said, why use Stevia when you can use real sugar and benefit from
the metabolic stimulating effects it has. I recommend and chooses sugar or raw honey in my
coffee every day over an artificial alternative

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 28


A revolutionary, science-based nutrition system for faster, healthier fat loss.

• Different meal plans provided for each week of the program with two options for each
• Includes Pro-Metabolic food selection guide and how to substitute food if required.
• Includes information about metabolism, thyroid gland functioning, hormones and health
• Includes a progress sheet designed to record results.
• Several different starting calorie ranges to choose from.

Upgrade to the complete package that includes 2 e-Books and 3 training plans (over $70
value !!!!!!) for only an additional $29.95

Do you want to lose body fat?

• WITHOUT starvation.
• WITHOUT following a boring diet.
• WITHOUT cutting carbohydrates.
• WITHOUT performing excessive cardio.

These meal plan programs are perfect for people that:

• Have trouble losing weight or putting weight on easily.

• Are caught in the cycle of low calories, low carbohydrates and excessive exercise.
• Experience food cravings and struggle with emotional eating.
• Suffer from bloating and experience digestive issues.
• Struggle with estrogen related issues such as PMS, PCOS or low libido.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 29

• Have unsightly cellulite, varicose veins or pelvic floor issues.
• Struggle with fatigue, exhaustion or have a hard time getting up in the morning.
• Suffer from sleep issues.
• Have a hard time putting on muscle or changing body composition.
• Have low body temperature or cold hands or feet.
• Suffer from thinning or falling out hair?
• Struggle with mood issues like irritability, anxiety or depression.
• Are affected by food intolerances like lactose, dairy or gluten.
• Are sick to death of eating boring, plain food.

Do you dream of eating a variety of delicious, nourishing food? Pro-Metabolic plans include fruit, juices,
yoghurts, quality natural ice-cream dark chocolate and cheese.

If this is you then it may be time to listen to your body.

These meal plans will help you:

• Improve metabolism and thyroid hormone conversion.
• Lose fat effortlessly whilst eating MORE food and doing LESS cardio.
• Improve hormonal imbalances.
• Help get greater results from your weight training.
• Provide greater energy.
• Eliminate food cravings, emotional eating issues, bloating and food intolerances.
• Create a great looking, healthy body without deprivation, starvation or cutting carbs.

The Pro Metabolic life nutrition system is based on real results and is backed by scientific
research. We have spent years researching, learning and teaching Pro-Metabolic nutrition. Our
approach focuses on being optimally healthy so that you can get into great condition. These
plans have been carefully created based upon the nutritional research of Dr. Ray Peat using
foods that will help increase metabolic rate and thyroid hormone conversion.
The philosophies are simple…same behaviours = the same outcome. I will teach you how to
break the vicious cycle, how to eat more and how effortless and enjoyable getting into great
shape can be.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is different to any traditional weight loss plan. We recommend MORE
quality food to increase metabolism. A fast metabolism will allow greater and quicker fat
burning. Good quality muscle will be supported, sleep will improve and you will look better. Skin
and hair will improve, hormones will be balanced, mood will become stable and PMS, bloating,
cravings, inflammation or digestive issues will become a thing of the past.

Fat loss actually favours a fast metabolism.

Traditional weight loss diets drop the kilos often by extreme dieting, starving, over-exercising or
stressing the body. This works until it stops working. This strategy also has a huge cost to your
health and metabolism. Our plans focus on losing fat healthily and easily by increasing the rate
at which your body burns energy.

As you will hear me say…. fat loss favours a fast metabolism.

©Copyright Pro Metabolic Life 20 Pro-Metabolic Fat Burning Secrets 30

When will you see results?
Most people experience results within the first few days and definitely within a week. Depending
upon how you were eating prior to starting this plan, it is common to initially have more energy,
sleep better and feel less anxious or stressed. Our clients also report feeling an improved sense of
happiness and mood, have greater clarity, focus and are more productive.
With a Pro-Metabolic nutritional approach, the body is now getting all of the fuel and nutrients
that it needs for energy that leads to greater functioning and efficiencies at every level.
It is also common to reduce bloating and improve digestion with a noticeable improvement
within days or the week. Pro-Metabolic Nutrition focuses on food that is easily digestible, to
experience less and less of the negative symptoms associated with PMS. With increased energy,
clients and athletes are able to function better in their day-to-day lives. Athletes are able to train
with more intensity and recover better as a result of the increased carbohydrates.
It is also highly likely that within the first few days you will reduce or totally eliminate any
cravings for sweet sugary foods. As Pro-Metabolic nutrition uses simple sugars as an energy
source, we find that when you supply your body with what it needs it no longer craves it.
Most people as they transition to a Pro-Metabolic nutrition framework will experience immediate
fat loss. This is not always the immediate goal and on the boost and shred and hormonal
balancing plans, the objective is to working towards increasing metabolic rate, hormonal
balancing and overall health and wellbeing. It is very common to eat more, increase metabolism
rate and still get leaner during all of these programs.
As this is a hormonally balancing nutrition plan, symptoms associated with estrogen dominance
will start to improve. This is a gradual process. The goal is to improve lifestyle factors like stress,
sleep, toxic products, reducing harmful chemicals and a reduction of PUFA’s. These all promote
an improvement of thyroid gland functioning that leads to success in reducing and eliminating

These meal plans are perfect for anyone wanting to create a great looking, healthy body
without sacrificing health, hormones or metabolism.

Cheryl Leigh-Frost and Blair Loveday

Pro Metabolic Life and ProComp International
W: prometaboliclife.com and procompteam.com
E: [email protected]
IG: CherylLeighpro
FB: Pro Metabolic Life by Cheryl Leigh

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