Hexagon MI EDGECAM Product Brochure A4 Web EN
Hexagon MI EDGECAM Product Brochure A4 Web EN
Hexagon MI EDGECAM Product Brochure A4 Web EN
Industry leading CAM system for NC part programming
Industry leading CAM system
for NC part programming
EDGECAM is a market leading computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system for NC part
programming. With unparalleled ease of use and sophisticated toolpath generation,
it’s the only CAM system you’ll need for milling, turning and mill-turn machining.
EDGECAM utilises your in-house knowledge and experience to drive the CAM process
with automation tools to suit different applications - allowing you to maintain your
competitive edge.
• Radial Milling
Allows the user to machine features around the
diameter giving flexibility to the user to turn the
component, then create the mill features using
Mill / Turn simulation driven tooling
EDGECAM offers a full kinematic simulation package.
All the cycles and movements are supported along with • Y Axis Milling
the full graphics of the machine, tails stocks and steadies The Y axis milling capabilities allows the engineer
allowing the programmer to visually simulate the machine more control over the toolpath creation and CNC code
motion and avoid collisions as they program. Looking output. EDGECAM supports plane switching where
for a complete digital twin? EDGECAM offers complete available on the machine tool and keeps the CNC code
integration with NCSIMUL for true 1:1 G-Code verification. to a minimum by outputting arcs as required
In a Mill Turn environment EDGECAM fully supports the The 4 axis turning option in EDGECAM allows major
use of B axis head work whether working on single spindle advantages and functionality which is not always easily
or sub-spindle machines. Features include: achieved at the machine control. EDGECAM programming
techniques allow you to use more than one turret at the
same time in the mill turn programming environment. This
• B axis positioning on upper turret allowing more means you can use two fixed cutting tools in the same
precise and varied approaches to Mill/Turn parts giving cycle by using a number of Four Axis commands from the
the engineer a more flexible approach to programming Cycles menu.
complex components
EDGECAM supports the use of Upper and Lower Turret
• The B axis can be programmed to tilt to any number of configurations and will support simulation of these
angles to allow the many milling options available to including features such as:
tackle any number of features such as Faces, Pockets
and Holes
• Mirrored Turning
• B axis machining on both the main and sub spindles
maximises productivity allowing optimum machine • Balanced Turning
performance. These features are also supported by our
Full Kinematic Simulator with collision detection when • Synchronised Turrets
using for 4 / 5 axis Simultaneous work. This provides
accurate feedback of the part being cut before release
to the actual machine
Intelligent Machining From Native CAD Data
EDGECAM Milling provides functionality to program wire frame geometry or solid model component parts on a variety of
machine tool configurations, from 2.5 axis milling to complex surface tool paths on 3 to 5 axis milling machines.
It seamlessly integrates 4 and 5 axis simultaneous machining within its milling and mill / turn environment to allow a
range of multiaxis cutting strategies to be applied to the most complex tooling or components.
EDGECAM offers ease of use operational programming with intuitive dialogs making programming simple for the new
user and comprehensive tool path control for the more advanced requirements. EDGECAM offers range of milling
commands for the production engineer which can be used on both milling machines with W axis and Quills plus lathes
with driven tools with .
Features at a glance:
• In process stock
• Angle Heads
• Probing
• Tool Libraries
• Indexing and Part Positioning • Reduced fixturing, as the cutter can be presented to
the component at any required angle
• Angle Heads
• 5 axis machining is now common place in all areas
• Shop Floor Documentation of the operation process of manufacturing as high technology machines have
is automatically created along with tooling kit/list, become more affordable along with design demands
operation breakdown and can be stored centrally on a requiring more complicated tool paths
server so all production staff can access the data
• 3 to 5 axis Tool Path Conversion & Tool Path Control
• Introduction to 5 axis is made easier with the 3 to 5
axis tool conversion and the peace of mind that the • Turn Milling & SWARF Milling Side Wall Axial Relief Feed
program is correct using the machine tool simulator
• 5 axis Positioning
• EDGECAM’s 4 axis strategies are ideal for the rotary
machining of automotive and aerospace components • Tool Path Control
such as camshafts, crankshafts and blades, as well as
the production of rotary dies and components for the
oil & gas industry
With an extensive suite of advanced 3D cycles that are ideally suited for rapidly generating toolpaths for all surface and
solids machining needs, EDGECAMs advanced machining cycles bring optimised toolpath control, reduced cycle times
and an overall higher level of machining efficiency.
Unlike many CAM systems, EDGECAM is ‘CAD neutral’, so whatever CAD system you use, interoperability between CAD
and CAM is seamless, with no data translation. This means that you machine exactly what the designer intended and
toolpaths remain associative to the master model.
EDGECAM can directly load: Autodesk Inventor®, Solid Edge®, SolidWorks®, Pro/ENGINEER®, Pro/DESKTOP® Unigraphics
files up to and including NX5, and CATIA V5. EDGECAM also accepts files in the following independent formats: IGES,
DXF, VDA, Parasolid®, STEP AP203 and AP214 files and ACIS.
3D machining technology is embedded in all EDGECAM’s Waveform cycle is superior to the traditional roughing
milling cycles and applies 2D or 3D toolpaths based upon cycle where machinable geometry is offset inward or
the cycle being used and the interrogation of the geometry outward by % step over. Traditional tool paths have to run
to be machined. slower feeds and speeds due to the variable widths of cut
condition when encountering corners and material entry.
This command is sometimes referred to as scanning. This intelligent cycle can automatically remove areas of
A series of parallel toolpaths are applied to the model residual material left behind by the tool size and depths of
to produce a finish part or used with depths of cut to cut. Intermediate slices may be used to reduce the size
produce a roughing cycle. of the step left by the roughing cycle. Only the step region
is machined for intermediate slices. Rest roughing allows
the use of large tools to clear away the bulk of the material
Profiling for the main roughing then select a smaller tool to remove
residual material, thus optimising cycle times.
Profiling commands are essential not only for 2.5D
machining, but also for 3D freeform machining. You use
this cycle to finish surfaces in a series of XY profiles Projection
down the Z axis on surfaces and solids. Using cusp height
control, this will adjust the depths of cut to maintain a When machining 3D forms, specific tool path patterns
constant surface finish. Steep and shallow areas can may be required such as circular, radial or spiral on a boss,
also be controlled allow the shallow areas to be finished possibly following flow curves. Controlling these paths is
using alternate techniques. 3D profiling can be applied made easy by creating 2D tool paths then projecting the
to follow profiles in XY and Z moves, reducing air cut time patterns onto the part surface. This technique is very
by following the components 3D form. Lead in and lead useful for engraving logo’s and text.
out moves are calculated to avoid any gouging of the
component or stock.
The use of Rest Finishing and Pencil Milling cycles allow • Avoid expensive collisions and costly prove-outs
the user to machine the internal corners and radii of the
model, ensuring the finished component is fully machined • Optimise the cutting process
with little or no hand dressing.
• Reduce cycle time
Many complex parts are not all freeform shapes where
full XYZ movements of the machine tool are required, but • ‘View Comparison’ identifying areas of un-cut material
have many flat areas where a standard end mills would be
produce a faster toolpath and superior finish. EDGECAM’s
Flat Land command will automatically seek out and
machine these Flat regions.
EDGECAM has the ability to keep the stock updated live When machining inside a bore, loose material can build up
within the sequence tree. The stock model is rest material, around the insert which can result either result in insert
or material that hasn’t been machined. Subsequent failure or severely decreased tool life. EDGECAM will allow
toolpaths will automatically detect the rest material you to retract tool out of a bore or away from a diameter
resulting in 100% efficiency for any turning toolpath after a set numbers of cuts. The user can retract the tool
throughout the EDGECAM sequence. Update stock is mid cycle, to a known position, after a set number of cuts
supported from the most basic 2 axis turning center, to clear any loose material out of the bore.
right through to a CYB multi turret sub spindle Mill / Turn.
When back turning into a recess or groove it’s important
that the back turning cycle knows the current condition Sub spindles
of stock to avoid air cutting and potential collisions on the
approach into the recessed area. On a sub spindle turning EDGECAM fully supports turning centers with a sub
center, when a component is transferred from the main spindle & twin turrets, including:
spindle to the sub spindle, the live stock transfers with it.
Any subsequent machining on the sub spindle will detect
the stock in the state that it left the main spindle which • Bar pull & bar feed
ultimately provides the most efficient machining sequence
possible. • Part pick and return
It is imperative that not just the tool in contact with Twin turret support for both single and twin spindle lathes
material is checked for collisions, but also tools that including:
are not in use on a turret. Most turning centers offer a
relatively small working envelope that can be collision
rich. A good example of this is on static turrets where • Balanced turning
tools such as boring bars, can extend out further than
the tool in cut. EDGECAM will not only collision check the • Z lag options improving metal removal
tool in cut but also all of the tools on the turret against
the machine tool kinematics, fully supporting Mini Turrets, • Mirrored turning
capto tooling and programmable steadies.
• Turret synchronization and simulation
Cycle control
Jason West,
Astro Machine Works
Although the Concentric pattern looks much simpler at the may have to reduce the cycle feed rate to compensate
first glance the problem is that the tool “digs” into each and thus, increase the manufacturing time.As Waveform
corner causing the tool to overload, leading to reduced tool maintains a constant engagement the feed rate can remain
life or tool breakage. In reality the machine tool operator at the optimal value throughout the cycle. This will improve
the tool life and greatly reduce the risk of tool breakage.
Features at a glance
To maintain a constant chip load the cycle uses the The links within the cycle are aware of the rapid and High
philosophy that we machine from “Stock to part”. This Feed rate settings for the machine tool. When moving
reduces the amount of intermittent cuts, particularly on to the next cut the cycle will automatically choose the
external regions, which means the tool is engaged with fastest method to get to that point. In localised areas the
the material for longer without lifting clear. Traditionally, tool will stay at depth, but on long moves the tool retracts
cycles generally offset the component until they meet the and rapids to position.
stock. This can lead to the generation of sharp corners and
discontinuous tool paths.
Stay at depth
For pocket regions the tool will helical in to depth at
the center and open the pocket up so that it can create When the tool stays at depth the path will automatically
a continuous spiral cut until the edge of the pocket is move around the stock when required. The moves at depth
reached. Any remaining corners are then removed. can be at high Feed and allows the user to specify a small
retract to stop the tool rubbing on the floor of the part.
Feature finding
EDGECAM Wire offers predefined cutting strategies • Multiple tagging options with auto tag removal
for automatic ordering of rough, finish and tag removal
passes to accommodate common shop floor needs such • Reverse cutting on roughing, finishing and tag
as ‘attended day cutting’ and ‘unattended night cutting’. removal passes
Other features include:
• No-core pocket destruction of round, irregular
and tapered apertures
• 4 axis ‘null span’ support including reliable offsetting
where small spans are eliminated
User defined fixtures, including vices, chuck and clamps Joseph Batz,
can be applied using the fixture manager. Sable Engineering
EDGECAM WORKXPLORE features a wide range of 2D EDGECAM WORKXPLORE comes with a full range of
and 3D measurement functions that are highly accurate specialist analysis tools which can be used to help make
due to the high precision B-rep 3D model employed. quotes, diagnostics, assembly notes or for 3D models
Even non-expert CAD users can quickly get to grips production preparation. It also offers a range of analysis
with the software’s measurement functions and functions which are usually only available with more
obtain good results instantly by using the software’s costly CAD solutions. As well as being extremely fast
predefined selection modes (points, 2D entities, planes, and efficient (even on very large models), the software’s
surfaces, etc). Measurements can be automatically functions are very easy to use with results being displayed
included as measurement entities and can be anchored in color on the 3D model. In a single mouse click, labels
to characteristic points of the part. Entity labels are automatically inserted on surfaces displaying accurate
automatically pivot to remain visible at all times. values resulting from various calculations.
EDGECAM WORKXPLORE’s specialist measurement High performance dynamic sectioning allows users to
functions allow expert CAD users to recover point clusters explore inside a part or an assembly easily and accurately.
from three-dimensional measuring equipment or machine The dynamic reference controller allows users to control
probes and to quickly check any data revision against the the section plane with the mouse in rotational and panning
original CAD geometry. The software also allows users directions or following a guide curve. The cross section
to easily generate control point files for transmission to can be made visible on the 3D model or as an isolated
three-dimensional measuring equipment or NC machines. entity and can be extracted and exported via the DXF,
DWG, etc interfaces.
Part Analyser
EDGECAM WORKXPLORE includes a fully functional Whatever their CAD software skill level, it is important for
animation kernel allowing users to generate exploded company staff to be able to use communication tools that
views or animated assembly movements. Setting capture their personal expertize and enable this to be
up animations is achieved by simply initiating basic exploited by other staff members.
movements such as translation, rotation or following a
guide curve. Predefined scenes have therefore been created and
stored in the software. The configurations, orientations
and views of these scenes are saved in a fixed state along
Interference Detection with related annotations, dimensions and labels. Users
can then simply navigate from screen to screen to find the
Dynamic collision analysis functions can be used during configuration preferred by the creator of the scenes:
animations to carry out real time control of mechanism
interoperability or process control. Users can also
generate short videos directly from the animation menu Export
that can then be shown to customers or other project
members. With EDGECAM WORKXPLORE users can quickly convert
standard or native 3D models via the available export
interfaces (IGES, STL, URML). B-rep models can also be
Documentation saved under the IGES format.
EDGECAM WORKXPLORE allows users to easily share The recipient can immediately display and work on
their CAD models throughout the entire design and the 3D model without requiring the original CAD data.
manufacturing chain, with all project members whether Furthermore, user access protection can be applied to
they are product managers, marketing, sales, outside ensure that only the right people access the data.
manufacturing consultants, customers or suppliers.
Complex CNC machining operations can now be easily Using our feature recognition tools, Edgecam Inspect
validated with in process measurements. Manufacturers helps optimize the programming process by allowing the
who are producing high value parts can quickly and easily user to program multiple features with a single mouse
develop probe path and integrate measurement cycles click. The Edgecam Inspect feature set provides the
with machining cycles. Edgecam Inspect provides a following features and part characteristics:
comprehensive set of geometric features and constructions
for measuring part characteristics such as webs, pockets,
thickness and heights while the intuitive user interface and • Points and Point Arrays – evaluate simple axis
work flow allows the user to seamlessly transition from deviation, material condition or profile with single or
programming CAM cycles to measurement cycles. multiple point functions
Programming Environment
Interactive Results
• Customizable
Features at a glance
• Customisable
Direct modelling frees the user from the constraints of EDGECAM Designer’s sketch capabilities allows for the
a traditional modelling system. Rather than modifying a creation of two dimensional shapes using free-form input.
lengthy series of parameters to make a design change,
direct modelling allows the user to push, pull and drag the
geometry to obtain their desired shape. Geometry for Machining
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Printed in United Kingdom. November 2019