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Mollie A. Bily, Young W. Kwon, and Randall D. Pollak

12 February 2010

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Prepared for: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Arlington VA.
Monterey, California 93943-5000

Daniel T. Oliver Leonard A. Ferrari

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This report was prepared for and funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research

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This report was prepared by:

Mollie A. Bily
Lieutenant, United States Navy

____________________________ ____________________________
Young W. Kwon Randall D. Pollak
Professor Lt Col, United States Air Force
Department of Mechanical and Department of Mechanical and
Astronautical Engineering Astronautical Engineering

Reviewed by: Released by:

_________________________ _______________________
Knox T. Millsaps Karl van Bibber
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10, February 2010 Technical Report April 2009 - February 2010
Damage Detection in Composite Interfaces through Carbon
Nanotube Reinforcement


Mollie A. Bily, Young W. Kwon and Randall D. Pollak


Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943 NPS-MAE-10-003


Air Force Office of Scientific Office (AFOSR)
Arlington, VA


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy
or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Use of carbon nanotubes along composite interfaces was studied to both improve fracture strength and monitor interfacial
damage progression. Both carbon fiber and E-glass fiber composites were manufactured with vinyl ester resin using vacuum-
assisted resin transfer molding. First, the effects of single-step curing (i.e., co-curing) versus two-step curing (i.e., curing a
new section to a previously cured section) was studied using Mode II fracture testing. The results showed the two-step cured
interface was as strong as the co-cured interface, thus validating the use of two-step curing during modular construction or
repair of composite sections. Application of carbon nanotubes to the composite interfaces was then accomplished through
two-step curing, using acetone as a dispersant. Mode II testing indicated significant improvement of the interface fracture
toughness for both carbon fiber and glass fiber samples with carbon nanotubes. Because carbon nanotubes have very high
electrical conductivity, the electrical resistance was measured across the interface during Mode II loading. As the interface
crack grew, there was an increase in electrical resistance (approximately linear for carbon fiber specimens until final failure).
The study demonstrated the feasibility of electrical resistance measurement with dispersed carbon nanotubes to monitor
damage along critical interfaces, while simultaneously improving fracture properties.
15. SUBJECT TERMS Carbon Nanotubes, Structural Health Monitoring, Crack Growth, Crack Propagation, Resistance Testing

a. REPORT b. c. THIS Unclassified 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
Unclassified ABSTRACT PAGE U 86
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18



TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................... iii

I. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1
A. MOTIVATION ..................................................................................................1
B. CARBON NANOTUBES..................................................................................3
C. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................5
D. OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................7
II. COMPOSITE SAMPLE CONSTRUCTION ................................................................9
A. SAMPLE SPECIFICATION .............................................................................9
B. MATERIALS...................................................................................................10
C. VACUUM-ASSISTED RESIN TRANSFER MOLDING..............................10
III. PHASES OF RESEARCH...........................................................................................21
A. FAMILIARIZATION (PHASE I) ...................................................................21
B. CO-CURED VS. TWO-STEP CURED (PHASE II).......................................21
TESTING (PHASE V).....................................................................................22
IV. TESTING.....................................................................................................................25
A. EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................25
B. PROCEDURE..................................................................................................26
C. CALCULATIONS...........................................................................................27
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................................29
A. FAMILIARIZATION (PHASE I) ...................................................................29
B. CO-CURED VS. TWO-STEP CURED (PHASE II).......................................29
TESTING (PHASE V).....................................................................................47
VI. CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................................55
VII. RECOMMENDED FURTHER STUDY.....................................................................59
PROTOTYPE BASED ON A CNT NETWORK............................................62
APPENDIX A. TEST DATA TABLES .................................................................................63
RELEASE RATES ..........................................................................................63
WITH AND WITHOUT CNT REINFORCEMENT ......................................64
CNT REINFORCEMENT ...............................................................................66
CNT REINFORCEMENT ...............................................................................68
WITH CNT REINFORCEMENT....................................................................69
APPENDIX B. ONE-SLIDE PROJECT SUMMARY...........................................................71
REFERENCES (ALPHABETICAL LISTING) ......................................................................73
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST ............................................................................................75


Figure 1. Single-walled carbon nanotube. ................................................................................3

Figure 2. SEM images of clustered CNT network....................................................................4
Figure 3. Geometry of samples under load...............................................................................9
Figure 4. Bottom layer of distribution media used for co-cured samples...............................11
Figure 5. Peel ply laid on top of distribution media for co-cured samples.............................11
Figure 6. Bottom five layers of a sample................................................................................12
Figure 7. Peel ply and distribution media on top of stacked fiber layers................................12
Figure 8. Gage board and resin trap........................................................................................13
Figure 9. Spiral tubing used at the top and bottom of sample set-up......................................13
Figure 10. Vacuum tape used to seal the sample setup...........................................................14
Figure 11. Rolling out the plastic sheet used to form the vacuum bag...................................14
Figure 12. Sample setup under vacuum..................................................................................15
Figure 13. Resin at inlet with bubbles after mixing................................................................15
Figure 14. Resin running through a sample evenly. ...............................................................16
Figure 15. Resin completely through a sample.......................................................................17
Figure 16. Bottom layer of two-step cured sample covered with CNTs. ...............................18
Figure 17. Teflon® layer used to build initial crack in sample. .............................................19
Figure 18. Remaining fiber material stacked on top of bottom plate. ....................................19
Figure 19. Mode II test setup in Instron test machine.............................................................25
Figure 20. Fluke 8840A multi-meter and Instron Mode II test setup. ....................................26
Figure 21. Schematic of three-point bending test for Mode II. ..............................................27
Figure 22. Picture of three-point bending test for Mode II.....................................................27
Figure 23. Normalized mean values of GII for carbon fiber composite samples with two-step and
one-step curing.......................................................................................................30
Figure 24. Crack propagation path for a co-cured carbon fiber coupon.................................31
Figure 25. Crack propagation path for a two-step cured carbon fiber coupon. ......................31
Figure 26. Surface crack propagation path for a co-cured coupon. ........................................32
Figure 27. Surface crack propagation path for a two-step cured coupon. ..............................32
Figure 28. Carbon fiber Mode II resistance testing in bent position. .....................................34
Figure 29. Electrical resistance increases for carbon fiber composite coupons after crack
propagation upon unloading. .................................................................................34
Figure 30. Load-extension data for carbon fiber composites with CNTs...............................37
Figure 31. Load-extension data for carbon fiber composites without CNTs..........................37
Figure 32. Normalized mean values of GII for carbon fiber coupons with and without CNT
reinforcement. ........................................................................................................38
Figure 33. Crack propagation path of carbon fiber composite without CNTs........................39
Figure 34. Crack propagation path of carbon fiber composite with CNTs.............................39
Figure 35. Fiberglass coupon with gap in the layer of CNTs. ................................................40
Figure 36. Fiberglass coupon with continuous layer of CNTs. ..............................................40
Figure 37. Normalized mean values of GII for fiberglass coupons with and without CNT
reinforcement. ........................................................................................................42
Figure 38. Load-extension data for fiberglass coupons with CNTs. ......................................43
Figure 39. Load-ectension data forfiberglass coupons without CNTs. ..................................43
Figure 40. Path of crack propagation in fiberglass coupons without CNTs. ..........................44
Figure 41. Crack propagation image for fiberglass coupon without CNTs............................44
Figure 42. Path of crack propagation in fiberglass coupons with CNTs. ...............................45
Figure 43. Crack propagation image for fiberglass coupon without CNTs............................45
Figure 44. Surface view of crack propagation path in fiberglass coupon with CNTs. ...........46
Figure 45. Surface view of crack propagation path in fiberglass coupon without CNTs.......46
Figure 46. Resistance vs. crack length for all carbon fiber coupons with CNTs....................49
Figure 47. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #1..............................50
Figure 48. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #2..............................50
Figure 49. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #3..............................50
Figure 50. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #4..............................51
Figure 51. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #5..............................51
Figure 52. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #6..............................51
Figure 53. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #8..............................52
Figure 54. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #9..............................52
Figure 55. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #10............................52



In the past decade, composite structures have been in the forefront of structural
research. For example, the Department of the Navy has looked at both carbon fiber and
fiberglass composites for use in construction of ship superstructures, submarine sails, and
structures of unmanned aircraft. 1 Many promising steps have been taken to ensure that
composites are increasingly integrated into structural use. However, a recurring
hindrance to successful integration of composite structures is the ability to withstand
failure in critical areas of stress concentration, especially in those areas where
discontinuities in the reinforcing material (e.g., fibers) are present, such as the joints
between composite sections or at composite/metal interfaces. Often, the failures in such
regions are matrix-dominated – i.e., the weaker matrix material of the composite fails due
to interply delamination, bonding failure between the matrix and adhesive (in the case of
adhesive joints), or other failure mode not avoidable through the use of high-strength
reinforcing material such as continuous fibers. 2

Perhaps even more important than the ability to withstand failure is the ability to
detect damage and thereby predict failure before it occurs. Thus, the design challenge for
large composite structures is not only designing for strength in high-stress structural weak
points, but also designing for confidence in safety and reliability at those weak points by
ensuring structural integrity. Such confidence is a result of in situ monitoring or periodic
inspections which can detect and monitor defects (cracks, delaminations, etc.) before they
progress to a critical stage. As composite materials are generally non-homogeneous with
unique failure modes, detecting such damage can be more difficult than with traditional
engineering metals, especially at joints and other areas where: (a) geometries are more
complex, (b) there may be adhesives, fasteners, dissimilar structural materials, and/or

1 A.P. Mouritz, E. Gellert, P. Burchill, and K. Challis, “Review of Advanced Composite Structures for
Naval Ships and Submarines,” Composite Structures 53 (2001): 21–41.
2 R. Jones, H. Alesi, W.K. Chiu, and S. Galea, “A Preliminary Study into the Matrix Dominated Non-
linear Behavior of Graphite/Epoxy Laminates,” Composite Structures 30 (1995): 193-199.

other material non-linearities, and (c) in situ sensing equipment can decrease strength due
to additional stress concentration effects.

The Navy’s F/A-18 program had to deal with the challenge of incorporating large
composite structures while ensuring structural integrity in a demanding operational
environment. The F/A-18 helped pioneer the use of composite-to-metal interfaces as a
primary load path through the design of the composite wing. 3 The composite wing is
bonded to the titanium root using a step lap joint between the graphite epoxy and
titanium. During developmental testing, delamination was discovered in the joint and
subsequent detailed testing showed matrix-dominated delamination within the composite
to be the dominant failure mechanism at the joint (rather than failure of the adhesive used
to bond the wing to the root). According to Boeing engineers, bolts were added to the
step lap joint to provide confidence in the structural integrity, although testing may not
have necessarily justified their need or effect. 4 However, the presence of traditional
fasteners in the design provided managers added confidence in the structural integrity of
the joint. It could be argued that this confidence was misplaced, as the addition of the
fasteners may have actually reduced the joint’s strength, but they may have enhanced the
ability to detect critical damage before catastrophic failure.

Similar materials issues have been faced in the commercial development of the
Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the civil development of NASA’s Ares/Constellation launch
system. Both systems have incorporated large composite structures to a much greater
degree than used in the past for such applications, and both have required much effort to
address concerns regarding the reliability and durability of such structures. One of the
recent challenges faced by the 787 team has also been in the area of the wing root. 5 The
wings are stiffened by composite stringers attached to the skin and titanium root, and
flexural stresses encountered in testing led to delamination issues at the highly-loaded
wing roots, requiring redesign of the stringers and addition of fastener bolts along the top
of the wing, causing significant delays to the development schedule. The Ares program

3 R. Jones and H. Alesi. “On the Analysis of Composite Structures with Material and Geometric Non-
linearities,” Composite Structures 50 (2000): 417-431.
4 R. Grounder (The Boeing Company). Personal communications, 8 Aug 2008.
5 D. Gates. “Boeing 787 May not Fly this Year,” The Seattle Times, 22 Jul 2009.

had evaluated composites for many of the structural components. 6 Despite performance
advantages of composite materials, some of these components are now incorporating
more traditional alloys due to manufacturing concerns and to enhance confidence in
structural integrity, such as the design of the J-2X extended rocket nozzle. The J-2X is to
be the largest nozzle extension shell ever used on a liquid-propelled rocket and was
planned to be made of a carbon fiber composite, but was changed to an aluminum-based
design in later iterations despite the potential lower performance and higher weight. 7

These examples illustrate the need for improved mechanisms to simultaneously

strengthen and provide health monitoring of critical interfaces in order to fully realize the
potential of large composite structures for military, civil, and commercial applications.


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have received much attention for a wide variety of
applications since their discovery almost two decades ago, and remain at the forefront of
nanotechnology research to solve the most vexing engineering problems. Carbon-carbon
bonds are amongst the strongest of chemical bonds found in nature, and are the basis for
the strength of carbon nanotubes. CNTs are made of sp2 hybridized carbon bonds, with
each atom joined to three neighbors creating a hexagonal lattice structure like that found
in sheets of graphite (i.e., graphene). 8 The lattice structure forms a tube with a nano-
sized diameter and can be several millimeters in length, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Single-walled carbon nanotube. 9

6 R. Messinger. “Evaluation of Advanced Composite Structures Technologies for Application to
NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration,” NASA Technical Report, NASA/CR-2008-215120, Jul 2008.
7 Government Accountability Office (GAO). “NASA: Constellation Program Cost and Schedule Will
Remain Uncertain Until a Sound Business Case Is Established,” GAO Report 09-844, 25 Sep 2009.
8 R. Saito and M. S. Dresselhaus, Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes (Imperial College Press,
1998), 11–12.
9 The Venton Research Group. Development of Carbon Nanotube Modified Microelectrodes. n.d.
http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/ventongroup/nanotube.html (accessed September 9, 2009).

CNTs may be classified as single-walled, double-walled, or multi-walled, based
on the number of concentric graphene sheets making up the nanotube. Although many
strides have been made in the manufacturing of CNTs, they are still quite expensive (on
the order of $100s per gram). CNTs have an extremely high elastic modulus (greater
than 1 TPa), high tensile strengths (up to 63 GPa), and are extremely lightweight, making
them ideal for reinforcement of composite materials.10 One concern in the use of carbon
nanotubes is their propensity to cluster due to attraction between the nanotubes. Figure 2
shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of a cluster of multi-walled CNTs
(from the Materials Laboratory of the Naval Postgraduate School’s Department of
Mechanical and Astronautical Engineering).

Figure 2. SEM images of clustered CNT network.

10 P.J.F. Harris. “Carbon Nanotube Composites,” International Materials Review 49 (2004): 31.

It has already been demonstrated that inclusion of CNTs in areas of high stress
concentration can increase a material’s ability to withstand stress at these critical areas. 11
However, a secondary benefit could be the use of CNTs to monitor composite materials
to detect damage in such areas. Compared to metals, the failure of composites can be
much more insidious due to the accumulation of damage within the heterogeneous
structure of dissimilar materials with a variety of different failure modes, ultimately
leading to component failure. 12 The health monitoring potential of CNTs arises from
their very high electrical conductivity (in general). When properly dispersed within a less
conductive media, a network of CNTs can increase the electrical conductivity. As
damage progresses within the component, this network is disrupted and the electrical
conductivity should decrease, which can be measured as an increase in electrical
resistance. Thus, employing a network of CNTs at a critical juncture would provide a
dual purpose for their inclusion in the composite material. Composite materials could be
strengthened at key points, while simultaneously detecting interfacial damage. By
reinforcing only at key points (rather than dispersing throughout the composite matrix),
the costs of adding CNTs are not overly prohibitive for large structures.


Recent studies have been conducted which advance the feasibility of damage
detection in composite materials through the use of CNTs. During one study, a CNT-
enhanced polymer material was used to fabricate a piezoresistive strain sensor for
structural health monitoring. This sensor proved to have a linear symmetric strain
response under static and dynamic loading, however the CNTs were only included within
the sensor itself. 13 A similar study showed that multidirectional strains could be
measured using an isotropic film of CNTs placed on a four-point probe. This probe then

11 Susan Faulkner, Study of Composite Joint Strength with Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement, Naval
Postgraduate School, MS thesis, September 2008, 1–42.
12 I. Weber, and P. Schwartz, “Monitoring Bending Fatigue In Carbon-Fibre/Epoxy Composite
Strands: A Comparison Between Mechanical and Resistance Techniques,” Composites Science and
Technology 61 (2001): 849–853.
13 I. Kang, M.J. Schulz, J.H. Kim, V. Shanov, and D. Shi, “A Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensor for
Structural Health Monitoring,” Smart Materials and Structures, 15 (2006): 737–748.

could be moved around to different locations sensing a linear strain response in all
locations. 14

Another study focused solely on the use of CNTs as a replacement for strain
gauges. 15 This study placed semi-conductive multiwall CNT-fiberglass–epoxy polymer
composites under both tensile and cyclic loading to detect failure. It was shown that the
multiwall CNTs were able to outperform regular strain gauges in sensing different types
of failures. This was due to their ability to be interspersed within the composite and, as a
result, be more sensitive to the changing stress fields around them. The use of such
embedded strain gauges could provide valuable information on the actual loads
experienced in service by composite components.

In addition to work done on strain gauges, very recent research has been
conducted using CNTs to monitor crack progression. In one study, CNTs were first
dispersed into a polymer matrix and then infiltrated into layers and bundles of
conventional fibers. Thostenson and Chou used this percolated network as a sensor to
detect the onset, nature, and evolution of damage in an advanced polymer-based
composite. 16 A similar study demonstrated that a network of CNTs throughout the
composite material is an effective way to monitor fatigue-induced damage, as well as
provide opportunities for damage repair.17 A follow-on study by Thostenson and Chou
showed that a high aspect ratio was necessary throughout the entire network of CNTs to
ensure high conductivity to allow for damage detection. 18 They also investigated CNTs
as a means to monitor the structural integrity of a mechanically-fastened composite

14 P. Dharap, Z. Li, S. Nagarajaiah, and Barrera, E.V, “Nanotube Film Based on Single-Wall Carbon
Nanotubes for Strain Sensing,” Nanotechnology, 15 (2004): 379–382.
15 M. Nofar, S.V. Hoa, and M.D. Pugh, “Failure Detection and Monitoring in Polymer Matrix
Composites Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Using Carbon Nanotube Networks,” Composites
Science and Technology (2009): 1–22.
16 E.T. Thostenson and T. Chou, “Carbon Nanotube Networks: Sensing of Distributed Strain and
Damage for Life Prediction and Self Healing,” Advanced Materials, 18 (2006): 2837–2841.
17 W. Zhang, V. Sakalkar, and N. Koratkar, “In Situ Health Monitoring and Repair In Composites
Using Carbon Nanotube Additives,” Applied Physiscs Letters, 91 (2007).
18 T. Chou and E.T. Thostenson. “Carbon Nanotube/Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites for in Situ Sensing,”
September 17-29, 2008. University of Maryland University College, Adelphia, MD. Office of Naval
Research Solid Mechanics Program Review Meeting: Marine Composites and Sandwich Structures: 42–49.

joint. 19 Additional studies have also given insight into the use of electrical conductivity
as a means to quantify disruption of CNT networks, thereby enabling detection and
monitoring of material damage. 20 , 21 , 22 In general, in just the last three years,
exploitation of the electrical conductivity of CNT networks for use in composite
structures has drawn increasing interest by a number of researchers.

Previous investigations of CNTs for health monitoring generally used a network

of CNTs dispersed throughout the composite base material to enable damage detection.
Although they indicated the potential for such detection, such an approach may not
address interfacial damage mechanisms. In order to achieve this type of damage
detection, a layer of CNTs percolated along the matrix surface needs to be studied. Such
a localized approach has economic benefits as well, as the very expensive CNTs are used
only in critical areas such as joints and stress concentrations, rather than dispersed
throughout the composite material. This localization may be especially beneficial for
large composite structures which are fabricated or repaired by joining modular sections.


The objective of this research is to advance the uses of CNTs within composite
materials to detect and monitor damage at critical interfaces, while simultaneously
enhancing the fracture properties at such interfaces.

Previous research showed that CNTs can increase the fracture toughness of the
composite interface significantly; however, only one assembly mode (two-step cured)
was studied. 23 The first objective of this research is to determine the critical strain
energy release rate, G, and crack propagation characteristics of a carbon fiber vinyl ester
resin composite during Mode II fractures for both single-step cured (i.e., co-curing two

19 E.T. Thostenson and T. Chou. “Carbon Nanotube-based Health Monitoring of Mechanically

Fastened Composite Joints,” Composites Science and Technology, 68 (2008): 2557-2561.
20 F. Deng and Q. Zheng. “An Analytical Model of Effective Electrical Conductivity of Carbon
Nanotube Composites,” Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008).
21 C. Lu and Y. Mai. “Anomalous Electrical Conductivity and Percolation in Carbon Nanotube
Composites,” Journal of Materials Science, 43 (2008): 6012-6015.
22 K. Ahmed, W. Pan, and S. Shi. “Electrical Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Multiwalled
Carbon Nanotube and Alumina Composites,” Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006).
23 Faulkner, “Study of Composite Joint Strength with Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement,” 15–42.

sections along the interface) and two-step cured (i.e., curing one section to a previously
cured section) composite sample sets. This comparison will help determine whether two-
step curing of carbon fiber composites degrades mechanical properties compared to co-
curing. If the results are similar, the methods could be interchanged and allow for more
flexibility in the composite material assembly process. More significantly for this study,
it would be desirable for two-step curing to not degrade the integrity of the interface, as
two-step curing makes the application of a CNT layer along the interface much more
practical. Thus, this initial research phase serves as a prerequisite to the use of a
dispersed CNT layer along an interface using two-step curing.

If it can be shown that two-step curing does not significantly diminish fracture
properties, the next step is to validate previous recent research suggesting that the
addition of CNTs of a given type and specified concentration (based on capability to
enhance fracture toughness) does indeed enhance fracture properties of carbon fiber and
glass fiber composites during Mode II loading. By independently fabricating a new set of
samples through the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process,
confidence in previous test results can be ensured.

If it can be validated that the addition of a CNT layer during such two-step curing
will enhance fracture properties, the final phase of this research is to exploit the electrical
conductivity of CNT networks in order to monitor damage along the composite interface.
Such damage (namely, crack growth along the interface) should disrupt the CNT
network, thus affecting the electrical conductivity as measured by an increase in electrical
resistance. When damage has progressed to the point that CNTs are no longer touching
each other, the electrical resistance should be a maximum. A procedure using electrical
current to test for damage would provide a relatively simple method for maintenance
inspections or in situ health monitoring. The added advantage of such an approach is that
the sensors (i.e., the CNT network) are simultaneously improving the fracture properties.
This double benefit (less susceptibility to damage while providing means to detect
damage) can make composite materials more attractive for those military, civil, and
commercial applications where confidence in safety and reliability are paramount.



Three different sample sets were constructed during this research. The first set
consisted of two types of carbon fiber composite coupons: one set of coupons being co-
cured, and the other set being two-step cured. The second and third sample groups also
consisted of two coupon types per sample set. One coupon group was fiber composite
with resin only (i.e., without a CNT layer), while the other fiber composite group was
CNT-reinforced. The differences between the second and third sample sets were the type
of base reinforcing material used, being carbon fiber and fiberglass, respectively.

Each sample set consisted of the same basic coupon construction, with varying
parameters, and materials. All coupons had pre-existing cracks built into them in order to
represent an area of high-stress concentration. The basic parameters are depicted in
Figure 3, while the second and third sample sets also had stainless steel metal sheets built
into each end to allow for current to run through the sample sets. For these two sample
sets of coupons, the length of the crack was made sufficiently longer so that the extra
width of the thin piece of metal did not affect the test results.

P a


Figure 3. Geometry of samples under load.

where: 2L = length
h = thickness
a = initial crack length
P = applied load


Sample sets one and two were both constructed of TORAY T700CF carbon fiber
weave with a vinyl-ester matrix whose base was DERAKANE 510–A. The third sample
set also used DERAKANE 510–A to create the base, but this time was made with
bidirectional fiberglass woven roving. Typically, fiberglass woven roving is categorized
by weight in ounces per square yard; for this research, 24-oz per square-yard E-glass
woven roving was used. Both the carbon fiber weave and the fiberglass woven were
chosen based on their current use in DoD structural projects.

In order to make the vinyl ester matrix, the DERAKANE 510–A had to be cured
and hardened. The hardening chemicals used for this process are methyl ethyl ketone
peroxide (MEKP) and cobalt naphthenate (CoNap). MEKP was used to initiate the
chemical reaction to cure the DERAKANE 510–A, while CoNap was used to ensure that
the reaction occurred in the desired cure time. For this research, the desired cure time
was 60 minutes, which provided enough time for the DERAKANE to completely
penetrate all layers of the woven materials.

The above two hardeners work well if the ambient temperature is between 70˚F
and 80˚F, in which case the combination of hardeners was 1.25 weight percent MEKP
and 0.20 weight percent CoNap. For most of the research, the ambient temperature was
below 70˚F and a third chemical, N-dimthylaniline (DMA), was needed to ensure a cure
time of 60 minutes. When DMA was used in combination with the previously stated
weight percentages for CoNap and MEKP, a total of 0.05 weight percent of DMA was
required. If DMA was not included at these lower room temperatures, cure times would
be much longer than the desired 60 minutes.


One technique for making composite materials in industry is vacuum-assisted

resin transfer molding (VARTM), which was used in this project to construct the three
different sample sets required for testing. The VARTM process uses a vacuum to pull
resin through the many layers of fiber to ensure a uniform distribution of resin throughout

the sample. This technique was extremely beneficial when working with CNTs, as they
did not shift or move when the resin was run through the sample.

To begin making the two-step cured samples, a layer of peel ply was placed on a
piece of glass to allow for easy removal of the sample upon completion of the VARTM
process. The glass used must be at least 1.27 cm (0.5 in) thick, in order to be able to
withstand the extreme heat generated during the resin curing process. When making a
co-cured sample, a layer of distribution media is laid down first, covered by a layer of
peel ply, as shown in Figures 4 and 5.

Figure 4. Bottom layer of distribution media used for co-cured samples.

Figure 5. Peel ply laid on top of distribution media for co-cured samples.

Next, the sample size was chosen and the fiber materials were cut to the
appropriate size. For all samples, 10 layers of fabric were cut, five for the bottom layer,
and five for the top layer. The bottom five layers were then placed on top of the peel ply,
as shown in Figure 6. For the co-cure process, a Teflon® film of thickness 0.0051 cm
(0.002 in) was placed partially on top of the bottom five layers in order to build a crack
into the sample. The last five layers of fiber material were evenly stacked on top of the
fiber material and Teflon® already in place. Then another layer of peel ply, followed by
a piece of distribution media, was stacked on top of the complete co-cure sample. For the
double-cure sample, the bottom five layers were covered with the peel ply and
distribution media, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. Bottom five layers of a sample.

Figure 7. Peel ply and distribution media on top of stacked fiber layers.
In order for the resin to be pulled through the fiber material, a Rietschel Thomas
Vacuum Pump model 2688CE44 was used. Tubing was hooked up to this pump and run
through a gauge board to a resin trap, as shown in Figure 8. The resin trap was used to
protect both the pump and gauge board from excess resin. From the resin trap, solid ½-
inch diameter plastic tubing was measured and cut to be used inside the vacuum bag as
the outlet for the resin. This same tubing was used to suck resin from the bottom of the
sample to the top. Attached to both the inlet and outlet tubes, and spread across the top
and bottom of the sample, was spiral tubing, as shown in Figure 9. This tubing allowed
for an even distribution of the resin throughout the sample.

Figure 8. Gage board and resin trap.

Figure 9. Spiral tubing used at the top and bottom of sample set-up.

Once the tubing was assembled and secured, strips of vacuum bag tape were laid
out in a box shape around the sample stack. The strips were placed about 2 to 3 inches
from the sample stack, so as not to interfere with the resin being run through the sample.
The tape was used to hold the plastic sheet in place, which ultimately acted as a vacuum
bag, as shown in Figures 10 and 11. The plastic sheet was cut to fit the square box
already made, and was carefully rolled out onto the tape, as shown in Figures 11 and 12.
The vacuum was turned on, and the newly-created bag was thoroughly checked to make
sure there were no leaks. If there were to have been a leak in the bag, air bubbles would
have entered both the bag and the sample, making the sample unusable. Once it had been
verified there were no leaks, the vacuum was left on to ensure a continuous vacuum
pressure throughout the rest of the VARTM process.

Figure 10. Vacuum tape used to seal the sample setup.

Figure 11. Rolling out the plastic sheet used to form the vacuum bag.
Figure 12. Sample setup under vacuum.

While the vacuum was still running, the temperature was noted and the
appropriate amounts of resin and hardeners were mixed to ensure a 60-minute cure time.
Once mixed, the resin was transferred to the inlet of the vacuum bag and the inlet tube
was clamped to prevent the resin from flowing through the sample. As a result of mixing
and transferring the resin to a new bucket, small bubbles are formed throughout the resin,
seen in Figure 13. Enough time (about 10-15 minutes), was allowed for these bubbles to
dissipate before running the resin through the sample. If allowed to run through the
sample, these bubbles would have gotten caught and ruined the sample.

Figure 13. Resin at inlet with bubbles after mixing.

After sufficient time had passed and no small bubbles could be seen in the resin,
the inlet tube was unclamped slowly to allow the resin to enter the vacuum bag. The
resin flowed evenly through the sample at a steady pace, as shown in Figure 14. The
resin was allowed to run all the way through the spiral tubing on the top, in order to
ensure all fibers were coated with the resin as in Figure 15. One aid used to ensure that
all fibers were covered with resin was the placement of the distribution media at the
beginning of the VARTM setup. When both a top and bottom layer were used, the
bottom distribution media hung out the bottom of the sample by about ½ inch. The top
distribution media was then place under the top spiral tubing and even with the bottom of
the sample. This placement aided in sucking the resin up from the bottom of the sample,
through the middle, and out the top.

Figure 14. Resin running through a sample evenly.

Figure 15. Resin completely through a sample.

As the resin started to cure, it became extremely hot and started to gel. When this
occurred, and all the layers were covered with resin, the resin inlet tubing was again
clamped to ensure no air was pulled into the sample. The time it took for this to happen
depended on the thickness and size of the sample, as well as the amount of resin and
hardeners used. The sample was left with the vacuum pump running until the sample
cured. If the resin and hardeners were mixed and added correctly, this was about 60
minutes. After this time, the pump was shut off, but the sample was left at least 12 hours
to ensure complete curing of the sample. At this point, the co-cured sample was
complete and was taken to a water jet to get cut into the correct coupon size. For the two-
step cured process more work was needed to complete the sample.

Since the bottom layer of the two-step cured sample was the only thing made the
first time through, the initial crack and top layer were then manufactured. To do this, the
first start step was to take the newly-made bottom layer, and sand the top surface with
100 grit sand paper in order to roughen the surface. Next, the sanded surface was cleaned
with acetone, in order to make sure that all sanded particles are removed. The acetone
was allowed to fully dry before continuing the VARTM process. When working with

CNTs, they were dispersed over the top of the entire sanded composite plate using
acetone, again ensuring enough time was allowed for the acetone to dry, as shown in
Figure 16.

Figure 16. Bottom layer of two-step cured sample covered with CNTs.

For sample sets two and three, thin pieces of stainless steel plates were fastened to
the top and bottom of the sample, as shown above in Figure 16. The stainless steel was
needed to allow for a point to secure conductive test equipment to the sample and not
interfere with any other testing. For all other samples, this step was skipped.

Finally, the same steps as before were followed. Peel ply was laid on the glass
followed by the bottom composite plate. The crack was formed using the same Teflon®
material as before and as shown in Figure 17. The previously-cut five pieces of fiber
material used to make the top plate were carefully stacked on top, shown in Figure 18.
More peel ply was used, again followed by a piece of distribution media on top. Tubing
was cut, tape was laid out, and the vacuum bag was sealed and tested. The resin was then
mixed, allowed to sit while bubbles were popped, and then the resin was run through the
sample. The resin got hot, gelled, and 60 minutes later it was completely cured and the

pump was shut off. Again, the sample was given about 12 hours to sit and fully set.
Once the two-step cured plate was complete, it was taken to be cut using a water jet.

Steel sheet (electrical contact)

Teflon film (initial crack)

CNTs dispersed on previously cured bottom layer

Steel sheet (electrical contact)

Figure 17. Teflon® layer used to build initial crack in sample.

Figure 18. Remaining fiber material stacked on top of bottom plate.




Phase I consisted of a familiarization stage, during which samples were

constructed by the student to learn the finer ins and outs of the VARTM technique.
Many samples were constructed, but only the final few were used for this research
project. During this phase, samples were fabricated and investigated to improve the
fabrication process. A number of samples were cut into coupons and tested in order to
increase familiarity with the test equipment, but no data were collected during this phase.


Phase II was conducted in order to compare the results using a co-cure method
versus a two-step cure method when making samples. This phase consisted of two
different sets of carbon fiber composite samples that did not include CNTs. Samples
were cut into coupons 2.4 cm wide, 0.42 cm thick, and 17 cm long, based on applicable
ASTM standards. The coupons were tested in Mode II under three-point bending and
critical strain energy release rate, G, was calculated. Comparison of GII values between
co-cured versus two-step cured samples was then accomplished.


Once Phase II was complete, two new carbon fiber composite sample sets were
constructed. One set of samples was the same as the Phase II two-step cured samples,
while the other sample set included a layer of CNTs dispersed through the center of the
sample along the interface between the top and bottom layers. The CNT surface
concentration was 7.5 g/m2 and they were dispersed using acetone. The selection of CNT
surface concentration, as well as the selection of acetone as the dispersing agent, was
based on results from compression testing of CNT-reinforced scarf joints during previous
research conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School. 24

24 Y.W. Kwon, R. Slaff, S. Bartlett, and T. Greene, “Enhancement of Composite Scarf Joint Interface
Strength through Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement,” Journal of Materials Science (2008): 1–9.

Additionally, built into each sample set at the ends were thin pieces of stainless
steel metal, which served as contact points for electrical conductivity testing. These
sample sets were then cut into the same size coupons as used in Phase II.

The purpose of this phase of research was to determine if a layer of CNTs could
be used to detect crack propagation making use of the high electrical conductivity of
CNTs. Both sets of samples were tested in Mode II, while an electrical current was run
through them and the resistance was monitored. The resistance changes before, during,
and after Mode II testing were noted for those coupons with CNT layer. The critical
strain energy release rate, G, was calculated and compared for the coupons with and
without CNT reinforcement.


Upon completion of Phase III, similar-sized sample sets as used in Phase III were
constructed and cut into coupons, except fiberglass was used as the base reinforcing
material rather than carbon fibers. As glass fibers are orders of magnitude less
conductive than carbon fibers, a higher CNT dispersion concentration of 10 g/m2 was
used to provide adequate networking to ensure electrical conductivity through the
interface. The purpose of testing with fiberglass was to determine if the electrical
conductivity of CNTs could be exploited in composite materials with a significantly less
conductive nature. Ideally, even in low conductive materials, some current will flow
through the CNT layer, allowing for crack propagation to be detected. Both sets of
samples were tested in Mode II, while an electrical current was run through them and the
resistance was monitored. The resistance changes before, during, and after Mode II
testing were noted for the coupons with CNT layer. Critical strain energy release rate, G,
was calculated and compared for those coupons with and without CNT reinforcement.



This phase put both the carbon fiber and fiberglass composites reinforced with
CNTs in Phases III and IV through more testing. This testing was designed to determine
the reliability of the resistance readings collected in Phases III and IV, as well as

determine if there is a relationship between the changes in crack length and the changes
in resistance. Thus the two key questions to be addressed were:

(1) Are the measured increases in resistance actually due to crack growth?

(2) Is there a relationship between crack length and electrical resistance?

To address the first question, it was necessary to measure the electrical resistance
of samples before loading, and then load so that no crack growth would occur, and then
remeasure the resistance. If one is to use the conductivity of the CNT layer as a damage
monitoring sensor, it is important that significant increases in electrical resistance do not
occur during general loading with no additional crack growth. If the CNT layer’s
conductivity is significantly affected by load cycles in which no macroscopic damage
accumulates, this health monitoring approach may have limited practical value.

The first testing in this phase used the previously cracked sample sets with CNTs
from both Phases III and IV, and slowly loaded them to a desired load prior to the point
of further crack propagation. The resistance readings were then read while under load,
and then upon unloading of the sample. This step was then repeated several times to
determine the consistency of the resistance readings.

To address the second question in this research phase, the crack length acquired
during previous testing of each coupon was measured along with the corresponding
resistance reading. The cracked coupon was then placed under a high enough load for the
crack to propagate. Upon propagation of the crack, and while still under load, a
resistance reading was taken. The load was removed and another resistance reading was
measured. This procedure was repeated until it was no longer possible to propagate the
crack further. The resulting data was used to determine relationships between change in
crack length and change in resistance readings.




All tests were conducted using an Instron Tension/Compression Machine (Model

Number: 4507/4500), shown in Figure 19. All testing phases were conducted using a 10-
kN load cell. Collection of data generated by the Instron was done by a Series IX
computer software which was also used to control the Instron to achieve desired test
requirements. Additionally, for Phase III, IV, and V, the coupons were hooked up to a
Fluke 8840A multi-meter as displayed in Figure 20. This device was used to measure the
resistance within the coupons throughout the entire test period. Data produced from this
machine was collected by hand at 30-second intervals.

Figure 19. Mode II test setup in Instron test machine.

Figure 20. Fluke 8840A multi-meter and Instron Mode II test setup.


In order to model a Mode II fracture, in which only shear force affects crack
propagation, each sample set was tested using a three-point bending test. This test was
chosen based on previous research conducted.

The setup used is shown in Figures 21 and 22. For all tests, the Instron held the
center support stationary, attached to the load cell, while the base supports were
incrementally moved up into the stationary support. The higher the base moved the
greater the load felt on the coupon became, resulting in higher shear stresses felt at the
crack tip. A plot of force versus displacement was provided from the Series IX computer
software and used to help calculate the Mode II critical strain energy release rate, GII.

P a


Figure 21. Schematic of three-point bending test for Mode II.

Figure 22. Picture of three-point bending test for Mode II.

Additionally, during Phase III, IV and V testing, the resistance of each coupon
was monitored. At the point of crack propagation, the resistance through the coupon was
annotated and compared to that of the initial resistance reading. The resistance was again
taken after the test had stopped and the coupon was still bent. Another reading was taken
after the coupon was removed from the Instron and returned to a load free state.


In order to calculate the Mode II critical strain energy release rate, GII, a
compliance method was used, which is based on the slope of the load versus

displacement obtained during testing; i.e., a linear slope before crack propagation. Once
the compliance is obtained, the following equation is used to calculate GII: 25

9a 2 Pc2 C
G II =
2b(2 L3 + 3a 3 )

The initial crack length (a), coupon width (b), and the span length (2L) are all
dependent on coupon geometry pre-determined prior to the start of the test. The critical
load, Pc, was determined based on the local maximum or slope change in the load versus
displacement curve, as well as observation. Compliance was determined after the
completion of the test by taking the inverse of the slope of the load versus displacement
prior to crack propagation.

The compliance method is actually one of two ways to calculate GII. The first
method based on the Modified Beam Theory method requires material properties to be
known, as well as precise measurement of height and thickness of the samples. The
second method, the compliance approach, was chosen as it does not require material
properties to be known. Although it could easily be determined what these material
properties are, they vary depending on the CNT included and the thickness of coupon.
The compliance approach indirectly measures the material properties when calculating
the compliance.

No additional calculations were required for Phase III and IV resistance testing.
All data collected were already in the desired form of resistance measurements. For
Phase V, the slopes of the lines formed by data points on the crack length versus
resistance graphs were calculated.

25 M. Todo, T. Nakamura, and K. Takahashi, “Effects of Moisture Absorption on the Dynamic

Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Carbon/Epoxy Composites,” Journal of Composite Materials 34
(2000): 630–648.



During this phase, several samples were made although very few were useable.
The first four sets of samples constructed were four times thicker than those ultimately
tested in follow-on phases. The first two of these samples did not turn out properly due
to a leak in the vacuum bag seal that, even after repair, allowed too much air in to salvage
the sample. The third sample did not turn out to be good due to the thickness of the
sample, and the inability of the pump to completely pull the resin through the entire
sample. To fix this problem, on the fourth sample an extra strip of distribution media was
used in the middle bottom portion of the sample. This allowed for three different paths
for the resin to follow, ensuring the middle of the sample was thoroughly infused with
resin. On most days this sample would have turned out correctly, but it never gelled in
time allowing air to enter in. It was discovered that the relatively cool temperatures of
Monterey CA (less than 70 degrees for most of the year in the laboratory) necessitated
the addition of N-dimthylaniline (DMA) to ensure proper resin cure times.

The last two samples constructed in Phase I were used to ensure that all
procedures consistently worked. With the use of DMA included in the resin and hardener
mixture, all samples were made successfully. These samples were not put through Mode
II testing, but were used to test new cutting techniques. Normally, samples of this nature
were cut into coupons using a water jet, but after trial and error it was determined that a
band saw with the correct blade would also cut composite samples quite well.


The first coupon tested was a two-step cured coupon with a 2.6 cm initial crack
length, span length of 15 cm, and width of 2.4 cm. The load was applied in the middle of
the span length at a location of 4.9 cm from the crack tip. Prior to signs of crack
propagation, this coupon failed at the point of the load application. This failure mode
was not desired, and so the displacement rate was slowed down to 0.5 mm/min from 1
mm/min. This was meant to ensure that the bending stress within the sample would not
exceed the failure stress before the crack propagated to failure.
The second coupon, tested with the new test speed, was also a two-step cured
coupon with the same geometry. Again, the coupon failed at the point of load application
prior to any crack propagation. Since the crack length was relatively small compared to
the span length, critical bending stresses were reached prior to the onset of crack
propagation. To correct for this problem, the base supports on the Instron were moved
closer together, leading to a span length of 12 cm as the ideal span length for the testing
in this phase. After trial and error, the ratio of crack length to one-half the span length for
the test speed of 0.5 mm/min needed to be greater than 0.4 for the carbon fiber composite
samples to avoid exceeding critical bending stresses prior to crack propagation.

Once a set span length was acquired, test results showed a slight increase in GII
for two-step cured coupons over that of co-cured coupons, although this increase was not
statistically significant at the α = 0.05 level (i.e., a two-sided 90% confidence interval).
Figure 23 shows the normalized average values of GII, showing the five two-step cured
coupons with GII values 3.8% higher on average than the six co-cured coupons. The GII
calculations for each coupon are tabulated in Appendix A, Section A.

90% confidence intervals
Normalized G II Values







Two-Step Cured Co-Cured

Figure 23. Normalized mean values of GII for carbon fiber composite samples with two-
step and one-step curing.

Upon further investigation, it was observed that the crack propagation was similar
for both the two-step cured and co-cured sample sets. For both cases, the crack initially
propagated from the built-in crack tip and ran along the centerline of the coupon
perpendicular to the load application. Figures 24 and 25 show the path of crack
propagation as described.

Figure 24. Crack propagation path for a co-cured carbon fiber coupon.

Figure 25. Crack propagation path for a two-step cured carbon fiber coupon.

After testing was complete, coupons in which crack propagation occurred were
pulled apart to inspect the cracked surface. Both the co-cured and two-step cured
coupons experienced the same type of failure. In some areas, the joint interface bond was

broken through the resin, while in others the resin was pulled away from the fibers, as
shown in Figures 26 and 27.

Figure 26. Surface crack propagation path for a co-cured coupon.

Figure 27. Surface crack propagation path for a two-step cured coupon.

Since the co-cured and two-step cured samples failed in a similar manner, a
possible cause for the two-step cured higher GII values is related to the VARTM process.
Since the surface of the bottom resin layer is sanded and cleaned carefully with acetone
when fabricating two-step samples, micro-scale defects like voids in the resin layer may

be reduced, allowing for a stronger boundary interface to form between the top and
bottom layers. Again, however, the slight increase in GII was not statistically significant.


This phase began with Mode II testing of all carbon fiber composite coupons
containing CNTs. Based on Phase II results, a ratio of crack length to one-half the span
length of greater than 0.4 was desired; as a result, the initial crack length was chosen to
be 4 cm, with a span length of 16 cm, and width of 2.4 cm. These geometry parameters
resulted in a ratio of 0.5, which with a Mode II test speed of 1 mm/min, resulted in
coupon failure through crack propagation.

Prior to the start of testing each coupon was measured to determine its resistivity
for baseline comparisons. Each of these starting resistance readings can be seen in
Appendix A, Section B, which shows a varying degree of starting resistances. This
variability is due to the unevenly spread CNT, directly resulting from the dispersion
technique used during the VARTM process. Each value recorded, however, was constant
to within a tenth of an ohm, and was read several different times before recording values.
So, coupon-to-coupon variability is due to each coupon having a physically different
dispersed CNT network, but each network then has a very stable electrical resistivity.

During the actual testing, values of the resistance readings were recorded
manually at 30 second intervals. These values varied little from the initial readings
throughout the entire test. In fact, most of the averages of these readings, with the
exception of those coupons with higher initial resistance readings, matched within 14%
of the initial resistance readings. Even when the sample cracked and continued to crack,
the resistance readings stayed constant varying only a few ohms at a time. The average
resistance readings throughout the test are also summarized in Appendix A, Section B.

When the test was complete the sample was left in the bent position shown in
Figure 28. The readings taken in the bent position were again constant, only fluctuating
to the tenth of an ohm, and within 4% of the initial resistance values. When the coupons
were released from this bent position, the resistance readings for all coupons increased, as
shown in Appendix A, Section B. Again the variance in the increase percentage can be

attributed to the CNT dispersion method used during the VARTM process. On average,
the increase in resistance readings for carbon composite coupons with a layer of CNTs
was 15.7%, although the majority of coupons had increases less than 10% as shown in
Figure 29. It is important to reiterate that these increases were seen after the coupons
were unloaded. Thus, even after the crack had propagated, the electrical resistance was
not significantly altered while still under load. Only after returning to the unbent position
was the damage evident through higher resistance readings.

Figure 28. Carbon fiber Mode II resistance testing in bent position.


% Increase in Resistance






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coupon Number
Figure 29. Electrical resistance increases for carbon fiber composite coupons after crack
propagation upon unloading.

After experiencing positive results from the carbon fiber composite coupons with
CNT reinforcement, those without CNT reinforcement were tested. The first coupon
tested was setup with the same geometric parameters and Mode II test speed. However,
since the speed was faster than that used in Phase II, the coupon failed through bending in
the middle at the point of load application. Another coupon was tested to ensure that
these test parameters which worked well for CNT-reinforced coupons were inadequate
for those without CNTs. This second coupon failed in the same manner, and as a result
the geometric parameters were changed for the rest of the coupons. The remaining eight
coupons were tested having an initial crack length of 4 cm, a span length of 15 cm, and
width of 2.4 cm.

Again prior to the start of testing, each coupon was measured to determine its
resistivity for baseline comparisons. Each of these starting resistance readings can be
seen in Appendix A, Section B, which shows a varying degree of starting resistances.
For the non-reinforced carbon fiber composite coupons, the initial resistance readings
were rather inaccurate and by no means repeatable. Each time the coupons were hooked
up to the multi-meter they started at a given value and fluctuated widely. After
fluctuating for a time, the resistance readings for all coupons began to steadily increase,
due to a capacitive effect. This behavior validated the conductive nature of CNTs, as the
composite was much less conductive across the interface when they were not included.
In these coupons without CNTs, the resin (non-conductive in nature) greatly affected the
resistance. Since the thickness of the layer of resin, compared to that of the surrounding
carbon, was thin, the carbon was able to sense some of the electricity being run through
the stainless steel. This flow of electricity was then transferred to the resin. The resin
was thereby charged by the surrounding carbon, and in essence became a capacitor.

During Mode II testing of these carbon fiber composite coupons without CNTs,
resistance readings were recorded manually at 30 second intervals. These values
typically started high and as the load was increased, they gradually decreased. For each
coupon tested, at a certain point during the Mode II testing, the values became steady and
unchanging. These values were extremely low in comparison to the initial fluctuating
values experienced prior to testing. The low steady resistance readings were a result of
the sample being placed under stress. When placed under stress, the carbon did not
charge the resin layer as it had before. Instead, the resin layer was likely compressed and
too thin for the carbon to charge. Hence, the low readings were due to the flow of
electricity through the carbon fibers.

When the test was complete, the coupon was left in the bent position and a
resistance reading was recorded. Readings taken in the bent position, for all carbon fiber
composite coupons without CNTs, were steady (only fluctuating to the tenth of an ohm).
These resistance readings were very low compared to the initial readings, and are listed in
Appendix A, Section B. Also given are the average resistance values during Mode II
testing. When the coupons were released, and returned to a flat position, an additional
reading was taken. The resistance for each increased, and then steadily began to climb,
again taking on the behavior of a capacitor. The values recorded in the appendix are the
values taken upon initially being returned to the flat position. All readings are the
baseline from which the resistance started to quickly grow. Thus, unlike the carbon fiber
composite coupons with CNTs, these coupons responded poorly to the electrical
resistance test. Such electrical resistance testing would not be capable of detecting
interfacial damage in the carbon fiber composite without CNTs. Thus, the addition of a
CNT layer is necessary for structural health monitoring of the interface using electrical
resistance testing, despite the fact that carbon fibers are themselves quite conductive.

To determine the strengthening effects of the CNT layer (and thereby verify the
results of previous thesis research), the GII values for both the carbon composites with
and without CNTs were calculated. Figures 30 and 31 show each coupon’s load versus
extension (displacement) graphs used to calculate the required GII values. The two
graphs show that carbon fiber composites carry load similarly for both with and without
CNTs, however, the crack initiation point for composites with CNTs is delayed. Those
coupons with CNTs also were able to reach higher loads before complete failure. This
finding was verified by the test results that showed there was an increase in GII for carbon
fiber composite coupons with CNTs over that of those without CNTs. Figure 32 displays
the normalized average values of GII for Phase III coupons, along with the respective
90% confidence intervals. This comparison indicates that the ten carbon fiber composite
coupons reinforced with CNTs had GII values 25% higher (on average) than the eight
pure carbon fiber composite coupons. The actual values for each coupon can be seen in
Appendix A, Section C. From this data, it is important to note that each sample set had a
similar standard deviation, but the mean values for CNT-reinforced samples were
considerably higher and this increase was statistically significant.

Figure 30. Load-extension data for carbon fiber composites with CNTs.

Figure 31. Load-extension data for carbon fiber composites without CNTs.

90% confidence intervals
Normalized G II Values 1.2







With CNTs Without CNTs

Figure 32. Normalized mean values of GII for carbon fiber coupons with and without
CNT reinforcement.

Based on previous Naval Postgraduate School research 26 , the layer of CNTs

within the carbon fiber composite acted as expected. The coupons without CNTs
experienced crack propagation at the initial crack tip, followed by propagation through
the joint interface. Coupons with CNTs first experienced cracking at areas away from the
crack tip, giving evidence of the strengthening effect of the CNTs along the interface.
These cracks then propagated back towards the initial crack tip. These different crack
propagations can be verified by observing the surface of the joint interfaces where
cracking occurred. Figure 33 shows the relatively smooth joint interface of a coupon
without CNTs, with few fibers broken. This is a result of the crack propagating through
the joint interface. Figure 34, on the other hand, shows the rougher joint interface of a
composite coupon containing CNTs. The rough surface has CNTs on both sides, as well
as several areas were the crack propagated back to the initial tip through fibers. The
crack was forced to propagate through the fibers due to the CNTs at the joint interface
strengthening it and making it resistance to crack propagations.

26 Faulkner, “Study of Composite Joint Strength with Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement,” 27–30.

Figure 33. Crack propagation path of carbon fiber composite without CNTs.

Figure 34. Crack propagation path of carbon fiber composite with CNTs.


This phase began with Mode II testing of all fiberglass composite coupons
containing CNTs. Based on the results of Phase II, the initial crack length was chosen to
be 4 cm, with a span length of 16 cm, and width of 2.4 cm. These geometry parameters
along with a Mode II test speed of 1 mm/min, resulted in coupon failure through crack
propagation rather than due to bending stresses.

Prior to the start of testing each coupon was measured to determine its resistivity
for baseline comparisons. Unfortunately, only four of the coupons actually registered any
resistance on the multi-meter. An advantage to using fiberglass for testing is that the
CNTs inside the fiberglass composite could easily be seen as a black layer along the
interface. For the six coupons that did not conduct, gaps within the coupons that were
devoid of CNTs were detected as shown in Figure 35. Each of the four coupons that did
conduct had a visual path of CNTs that were continuous throughout the entire length of
the coupon, as displayed in Figure 36. Thus, in order for CNTs to be effective as a health
monitoring sensor in non-conductive media, they must be “touching” within a continuous
network. Validation of this continuity is very easy, however, by testing the resistance.

Top layer of coupon

Gap in CNTs
Bottom layer of coupon

Figure 35. Fiberglass coupon with gap in the layer of CNTs.

Top layer of coupon

Bottom layer of coupon No gap in CNTs

Figure 36. Fiberglass coupon with continuous layer of CNTs.

In order to ensure that CNTs are adequately dispersed, better methods for
dispersion during the VARTM process should be investigated. Proper dispersion should
result in no open gaps, as experienced in this particular sample set. Optimizing the CNT
dispersion was not an objective of this particular project and is left for future study.

Even though only four of the coupons were conductive, all coupons containing
CNTs were put through Mode II testing and values of the resistance readings were
recorded manually at 30 second intervals. The six coupons that initially did not conduct
continued to register no resistance readings during the entire test. The values for the four
conducting fiberglass coupons, although much higher than those obtained for the carbon
fiber coupons in Phase III, showed the same steady trend. During the test, the resistance
readings varied little from the initial readings, and matched within 6%. Even when the
sample cracked and continued to crack, the resistance readings stayed constant varying
only a few ohms at a time, again consistent with Phase III carbon fiber coupons with
CNTs. The average resistance readings during loading for the four conducting coupons
are tabulated in Appendix A, Section D.

When the tests were completed, the samples were left in the bent position as done
for the carbon fiber coupons. The six coupons that were non-conductive still registered
no resistance; however, the remaining four continued to give good resistance readings.
The readings in the bent position were constant, but all readings had increased from the
initial values, some by as much as 30%. When the coupons were released from this bent
position, the resistance readings of these four coupons continued to increase while the
non-conducting coupons remained unchanged. Both the bent and flat readings for the
four conducting fiberglass coupons are listed in Appendix A, Section D. Although each
coupon showed an increase in resistance, some showed higher percentages than others.
This variance can be contributed to the CNT dispersion method used during the VARTM
process. On average the increase in resistance readings for fiberglass coupons with CNTs
was 42.9%. Although much higher, this increase was consistent with increases in carbon
fiber composites. The higher values are likely attributable to the less conducting nature
of the glass fibers compared to carbon fibers, thus making resistances much higher when
the CNT network is disrupted.

Next, the fiberglass coupons without CNTs were tested. These ten coupons each
acted as an open circuit before, during, and after Mode II testing, as expected for a non-
conductive media. This was exactly how the fiberglass composite samples with gaps in
the CNT layers also behaved.

Although previous Naval Postgraduate School showed CNTs could strengthen

carbon fiber composites, the Phase IV tests were the first attempt at determining the
strengthening capability of CNTs for this type of fiberglass composite. Again, the critical
GII values for both the fiberglass coupons with and without CNTs were compared. Test
results showed an increase in GII for fiberglass composite coupons with CNTs (9 data
points) over that of pure fiberglass coupons (ten data points). Figure 37 displays the
normalized average GII values, along with the respective confidence intervals, showing
the coupons with CNTs to have GII values 54% higher than those without, with this
difference being statistically significant at the α = 0.05 level. The actual values for each
coupon are tabulated in Appendix A, Section E.

90% confidence intervals
Normalized G II Values







With CNTs Without CNTs

Figure 37. Normalized mean values of GII for fiberglass coupons with and without CNT

Unlike the failure of carbon fiber composite coupons described in the previous
section, the fiberglass coupons failed in a more unusual manner. During testing of
fiberglass coupons with CNTs, a loud cracking sound could be heard upon failure
followed by a quick decrease in the loading. This can be seen in Figure 38, which
displays the load versus extension graph for all fiberglass coupons with CNTs. The peak
of each graph closely corresponds to the crack propagation point observed visually,
audibly, and graphically. This loud cracking sound was not observed during testing of
fiberglass composites without CNTs; instead a soft crackling sound could be heard. Also
with the pure fiberglass coupons, after the crack could be visually and audibly verified,
loads being applied still continued to climb. This can be shown in Figure 39, which also
displays the location where the crack could be seen and heard.

0.7 Coupon 1

0.6 Coupon 2

0.5 Coupon 4
Coupon 5
Load (kN)

Coupon 6
Coupon 7
Coupon 8
Coupon 9
Coupon 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Extension (mm)

Figure 38. Load-extension data for fiberglass coupons with CNTs.

Figure 39. Load-extension data for fiberglass coupons without CNTs.

Differences in both the sound of failure, and crack propagation can be directly
attributed to the CNTs. In the non-reinforced samples, crack propagation began at the tip
of the initial crack, and continued to propagate through the joint interface, as shown in
Figures 40 and 41. This crack occurred early in the loading cycle and slowly propagated
while still maintaining an increasing load. For the fiberglass composites reinforced with
CNTs, they too initially propagated from the crack tip through the joint interface.
However, at a certain point the crack took the path of least resistance under the layer of
CNTs, as shown in Figures 42 and 43. This result was widely observed in the CNT-
reinforced samples, and was the source of the loud cracking sound.

Figure 40. Path of crack propagation in fiberglass coupons without CNTs.

Figure 41. Crack propagation image for fiberglass coupon without CNTs.

Figure 42. Path of crack propagation in fiberglass coupons with CNTs.

Figure 43. Crack propagation image for fiberglass coupon without CNTs.

After all testing was completed, coupons in which crack propagation occurred
were pulled apart to inspect the cracked joint interface surface, and verify crack
propagation paths. When the fiberglass coupons with CNTs were pulled apart, one side
contained more CNTs than the other. Looking closer, it could be seen that initially the
crack did propagate through the layer of CNTs, but then quickly took the path of least
resistance under the layer of CNTs through the fiberglass. The fiberglass coupon without
CNTs showed a slightly different crack propagation path. The joint interface bond was
broken through the resin by the crack propagation, resulting in the resin being pulled
away from the fibers. Both surface interfaces are shown in Figures 44 and 45.

Figure 44. Surface view of crack propagation path in fiberglass coupon with CNTs.

Figure 45. Surface view of crack propagation path in fiberglass coupon without CNTs.

The differences in crack surfaces can also explain the differences in the physical
observations, as well as the differences in the loads each sample set was able to carry.
The pure fiberglass composite acted as the two-step cured samples tested during Phase II.
The crack propagated through the joint interface, an area which was inherently stronger
due to the VARTM process. This allowed for higher loads to be carried and slower crack
growth. The fiberglass without CNTs acted more like the co-cured samples from Phase

II. Once the crack propagated into layers above or below that of the CNTs, it was
propagating through a weaker resin bond allowing faster crack propagation and lower
loads to be carried. This is likely why, although crack propagation was prolonged in the
fiberglass with CNTs, those without were still able to carry higher loads.



This phase began with testing of the four fiberglass composite coupons containing
CNTs, from Phase IV, for which resistance readings were able to be obtained. All
coupons tested were placed on the Instron with the same test setup from Phase III and IV.
Thus, a span length of 16 cm and width of 2.4 cm were still used. Before placing the
coupons into the machine, however, the lengths of the cracks resulting from Phase IV
Mode II tests were measured and recorded. Once loaded into the Instron, a load of 100
kN was applied to the coupons such that the crack was stationary without growth and the
corresponding resistance readings were taken for both bent and unbent readings. This
was done at least three times for each sample. The resulting resistance readings are
tabulated in Appendix A, Section F.

Although the readings varied from the cracked resistance readings taken in Phase
IV (as shown in Appendix A, Section D), each coupon was consistent in itself, only
varying by at most 6.35%. Again the differences between the coupons can be attributed
to the uneven distribution of CNTs within the coupons. The readings also varied from
those taken in Phase IV due to the slightly different location point where the multi-meter
was attached to the sample. In future applications, the exact location of the test
equipment should be marked in order to ensure consistent readings from one test to the
next, as it was shown that the exact location of the contact points had some noticeable
effect on measurements.

After taking the consistency readings, the fiberglass coupons were then manually
loaded for crack growth using the Instron machine. Unfortunately, no useful information
was gathered from this step. Upon crack propagation, resistance readings jumped to over
1 MΩ. These high readings were indications that the CNTs were no longer touching and
the sample was now acting as an open circuit. In essence, the crack had severed the

continuous layer of CNTs and began to propagate below the layer of CNTs. This is what
was observed and discussed in the Phase IV results when the samples were pulled apart
for inspection.

The same type of tests were then conducted using all carbon fiber composite
coupons containing CNTs from Phase III. The same geometry was used, and the lengths
of the cracks resulting from previous Mode II tests during Phase III were measured and
recorded. This time a load of 50 kN was applied to the coupons. The corresponding
resistance readings for both the bent and unbent positions were taken. This was done at
least three times for each sample. The resulting resistance readings are tabulated in
Appendix A, Section G.

As with the fiberglass composites, the readings for the carbon fiber composites
were consistent for each coupon. The average change in resistance was 1.26% with the
highest resistance change being 8.77%. Any difference between the coupons can be
attributed to the uneven distribution of CNTs within the coupons. As was seen with the
fiberglass, the resistance of carbon fiber coupons also varied from those measurements
taken in Phase III. As already discussed, this is due to the different placement of where
the multi-meter was attached to the sample.

After taking the consistency readings, the carbon fiber coupons were then
manually cracked using the Instron machine. Once the crack propagated, which was
determined by both sight and sound, the new crack length was measured, and the
corresponding resistance reading was taken. This was done repeatedly until the crack tip
had reached the point of load application, and it was no longer possible to further crack
the coupons with the Instron machine. The resulting data was then plotted to determine
the relationship between change of crack length and change in resistance. Figure 46
shows all the data collected for coupons with CNTs on the same graph.

Figure 46. Resistance vs. crack length for all carbon fiber coupons with CNTs.

Because the resistance readings from coupon to coupon vary due to unique CNT
dispersions, it’s useful to see the trends in resistance versus crack length for individual
coupons, and determine if these trends follow similar relationships. The nine figures
which follow Figures 47 through 55) show the same data as in Figure 46, but data for
each coupon are plotted separately. The electrical resistance varied approximately
linearly with crack length for those samples with four data points, as these figures show.
A least-squares linear regression line is shown for each, even if there were less than four
data points. These figures show that no standard slope fits each plot, although an average
value was taken to be 13.68 ohms/mm with a standard deviation of 14.52 ohms/mm. The
fact that each plot of resistance versus crack length has a different slope presents a
challenge to the use of dispersed CNTs as a means for damage progression. It appears
that it is very important to make the CNT networks as uniform as possible. In addition,
calibration for each specimen may be required.

Figure 47. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #1.

Figure 48. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #2.

Figure 49. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #3.
Figure 50. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #4.

Figure 51. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #5.

Figure 52. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #6.
Figure 53. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #8.

Figure 54. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #9.

Figure 55. Electrical resistance vs. crack length, carbon fiber coupon #10.

These figures appear to have similar general trends independent of the starting
crack length and initial resistance reading. With each incremental increase in crack
length, the resistance values increased. Although it was difficult to predict how much the
crack would propagate each time it was loaded, the resistance never failed to increase,
even with the smallest increase in crack length. This increase in resistance is related to
the fact that the cracks for carbon fiber coupons with CNTs propagated through the layer
of CNTs. Thus, as the crack continued to propagate, the CNTs were separated from each
other, and their ability to conduct throughout the sample decreased. The more holes in
the layer of CNTs, the harder it is to conduct, and thus an increase in resistance.

Although there seems to be a linear relationship, more testing needs to be done to

verify these findings. More data points need to be taken in order to truly determine if a
linear relationship is the correct one to assign to the resistance behavior of CNTs
dispersed along composite interfaces. For future work, this data could be improved by
ensuring a more even dispersion of CNTs, designated test equipment positions for the
multi-meter, and using a more rigorous method to predict crack propagation in
intermediate steps.



In summary, interface strength of woven fabric composite layers was studied

using Mode II fracture strength testing. Both carbon fiber and E-glass fiber composites
were used with the vinyl ester resin. These composites were fabricated using the
VARTM process. The project consisted of five experimental phases. The first phase was
merely a familiarization phase to allow the student researcher to gain proficiency in
constructing and testing composite samples. Next, the co-cured composite interface
strength of carbon fiber composite samples was compared to that of the two-step cured
interface as used, for example, in the scarf joint technique. The test results showed that
the two-step cured interface was as strong as the co-cured interface. This finding is
significant in that it suggests that a two-step curing process does not diminish fracture
properties compared to co-curing, allowing the use of a two-step curing process for
modular construction or repair of large structures. In addition, two-step curing may more
easily enable the application of carbon nanotubes to the interfaces where reinforcing
materials such as fibers are discontinuous, especially if VARTM is used as the assembly
process. It is important that the use of two-step curing does not diminish the very
properties the addition of carbon nanotubes is meant to improve.

The next two sets of tests were focused on the application of carbon nanotubes to
the composite interface using the two-step curing technique. One set of tests was
conducted using carbon fiber composite samples, while the other set of tests used E-glass
fibers. For each material, Mode II fracture testing was accomplished on samples
containing CNTs dispersed along the interface, as well as samples without the addition of
CNTs. The results indicated a significant improvement of the interface fracture
toughness due to CNTs for both the carbon fiber and fiberglass composites. The carbon
fiber samples showed a 25% improvement in Mode II critical strain energy release rate
with the addition of CNTs compared to the baseline without CNTs. Likewise, the
increase was 54% for the fiberglass samples. These results validate previous Naval
Postgraduate School research with carbon fiber composites which showed that Mode II
fracture properties can be significantly improved by adding a dispersed CNT layer along
critical interfaces where failure is matrix dominated.
Lastly, the final phase of research focused on the ability to detect interface crack
growth using the CNTs introduced at the interface. Because CNTs have high electrical
conductivity, the electrical resistance was measured through the interface during Mode II
loading which induced crack propagation. For fiberglass coupons, only the initial crack
propagation was detected through increased resistance because the interface was so
strengthened by the addition of CNTs that the crack actually propagated below the CNT
layer after breaking through the fibers. This led to an open circuit condition once the
crack propagated. This is not a discouraging result by any means, as the normally non-
conductive fiberglass material was conductive before loading with the CNT layer added,
and crack growth was then associated with a large increase in resistance. Thus, the CNT
layer both strengthened the interface and provided means of determining when crack
propagation occurred.

In the carbon fiber samples, however, the crack propagated along the interface as
loading increased, and a gradual increase of electrical resistance was observed as a
function of crack length. As a result, the change of electrical resistance in terms of crack
length change could be studied for carbon fiber samples. It appears that a linear
relationship exists between electrical resistance and crack length for these carbon fiber
samples. However, because the distribution of CNTs was unique for each coupon, the
actual values of resistance and the slope of the resistance vs. crack length curve was
different for each sample. This result is not surprising, and indeed was as expected since
the electrical conductivity is based on the distribution of the CNT network. Ensuring a
more uniform distribution is certainly possible compared to the manual means used for
this testing, but the VARTM process and the nanoscale network of the CNTs both make
the repeatability of uniform dispersion a difficult task. Uniformity can be improved but
never truly attained. This limitation has practical significance as it may be difficult or
impossible to determine crack length (and thus predict when failure will occur) based on
electrical resistance measurements alone. However, if resistance can be shown to vary
roughly linearly with crack length (or in some other known fashion), then it may be
practical to use resistance measurements to determine crack length if the two are
correlated using a crack length measurement. For example, if the resistance increased 5
ohms while the flaw size increased 5 mm for a particular joint, then future electrical

resistance increases could be expected to increase 1 ohm for every 1 mm crack length
growth. The necessity of such correlation may make the use of embedded CNT layers
more advantageous when combined with other non-destructive evaluation techniques,
rather than used as a stand-alone means for structural health monitoring.

One important point regarding the use of electrical resistance measurements to

detect damage is that the resistance increases observed in this study tended to occur after
the specimens which cracked were unloaded. Thus, while the specimens were still in the
bent position, it was more difficult to detect whether they had cracked using electrical
resistance. But once they returned to their unbent position, resistances were higher if
cracking had occurred. This result suggests that electrical resistance measurements
should be compared when the interface is under no load (or a constant baseline load) to
determine the extent of damage, rather than measure and compare the resistance while
under load to that before loading.

This phenomenon also led to the speculation that the increasing resistance could
be more due to straining and unstraining of the CNT layer rather than propagation of the
interfacial crack. For this reason, the additional tests were conducted in which
precracked specimens were loaded without further crack propagation, with resistance
measured before, during, and after loading. The increases in resistance were generally
very small if no further cracking occurred. Thus, it appears that electrical resistance
increases were more associated with crack propagation and not with disruption of the
CNT layer for loads in which no crack propagation occurred. But it is important to note
that such small increases under loads without crack propagation may become less
insignificant if more and more load cycles were to be applied. For this project, many
cyclic loads were not considered. A follow-on study should investigate the effect of
repeated load cycles on the CNT layer’s resistance for loads at which macroscopic crack
propagation does not occur. This analysis would be useful in determining if the electrical
resistance of the CNT layer is stable enough under load cycles to be useful for damage
monitoring, or whether it is overly sensitive so that a large number of false positives may
occur when cracks have not reached critical stages.

Although there is much work yet to be done to make the use of CNT layers a
practical means for structural health monitoring of key interfaces, there are two key
takeaways from this study: (1) the use of CNTs significantly improved the Mode II
fracture properties along interfaces for two different composites of military importance,
and (2) the electrical resistance of the CNT layers within these composites increased as
damage progressed at the interface. These two results suggest the promise of CNTs for
health monitoring of critical interfaces in composite structures. Avenues for further study
are discussed in the next chapter.


This chapter recommends further research to advance the capability of carbon

nanotube networks to both strengthen key interfaces while providing means of damage
detection through electrical resistance measurements. There are three primary thrusts
which are proposed for further study:

1. Investigation of the electrical conductivity enhancement of carbon nanotube

networks in composite media at both the nanoscale and macroscale.

2. Investigation of the efficacy of carbon nanotube networks to improve strength

properties and provide damage detection capability in composite interfaces of
military significance.

3. Development of a structural health monitoring prototype incorporating a carbon

nanotube network in a composite structure under representative loading.

Each of these areas are discussed in more detail in the paragraphs below.



This area of proposed research should build on some of the recent study to better
understand the mechanisms of electrical conductivity enhancement of CNT networks in
solid media, particularly those networks dispersed along interfaces within composite
materials. A more fundamental understanding of these mechanisms allows better
modeling of CNT networks for structural health monitoring applications. The insights
derived from such modeling can reduce the dependence on experimental exploration,
better focus experimental study using the most promising design parameters, and validate
experimental results. If the interaction of CNTs with matrix and/or adhesive material can
be better understood at the nanoscale, such information may better predict results at the
macroscale using such techniques as multiscale numerical simulation.

There are a large number of design parameters which have yet to be adequately
studied. Investigation of these design parameters may be best approached initially using
an experimental strategy utilizing a design of experiments methodology to characterize

CNT networks based on those properties which are deemed the most desirable.
Examples of such desirable properties may include sensitivity of the network’s electrical
resistance to damage, stability of resistance measurements to load cycles without damage,
ability to be dispersed uniformly, and cost. Possible design parameters are listed below.

ƒ The type of CNTs used (e.g., single-walled, double-walled, multi-walled; a

combination thereof; or more complex geometries)

ƒ The length and aspect ratio (length to diameter) of CNTs

ƒ The surface concentration of dispersed CNTs

ƒ The type of dispersant used to distribute the CNT network

ƒ The use of functionalization (i.e., the addition of side groups to the outer CNT
wall through chemical treatment) to prevent CNT clustering

ƒ The type of matrix and/or adhesive materials

ƒ Fabrication technique and related process variables

It is certain that no single combination of design parameters will be ideal for all
applications, and thus a representative baseline (or baselines) should be established for
which such study can initially be focused. Lessons learned from this baseline
configuration can then be exploited in the next recommended area of study. One
example of recent Naval Postgraduate School in this area is the investigation of CNTs to
improve the mechanical properties of adhesive joints. 27 It was found that the type, size,
and functionalization (in this study, carboxyl side groups were used) of the CNTs played
a very significant role in improving the joint strength of steel-composite and composite-
composite adhesive joints. While some design parameter settings significantly improved
the joint strength under Mode II loading, others reduced strength. These findings are
consistent with previous Naval Postgraduate School experimental work. Thus, it is not as
simple as “add CNTs, improve mechanical properties.”

27 Garrett L. Burkholder, The Effects of Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement on Adhesive Joints for Naval
Applications, Naval Postgraduate School, MS thesis, December 2009.


The objective of this area of research would be to further evaluate the use of CNT
networks (and/or other nanoparticles or nanofibers) as a means to strengthen and monitor
composite joints of military interest. A basic research strategy should ideally include the
following general tasks:

1. Experimental study of interface strength with added nanoparticles/nanofibers.

2. Numerical modeling (based on first principles or empirical relationships) of

interface strength with added nanoparticles/nanofibers.

3. Experimental study of progressive damage monitoring of composite


4. Numerical modeling (based on first principles or empirical relationships) of

progressive damage monitoring of composite interfaces.

The interface(s) under study should be chosen based on relevance to the

sponsoring agency. Types of interfaces include the inter-layers of laminated composite
plates, scarf joint interfaces, the skin-core interfaces of sandwich composites, and
adhesive layer interfaces. The tests reported in this technical report focused solely on
crack propagation under Mode II loading in a three-point bend test. Other modes of
failure should also be addressed, to include Mode I, Mode II, and mixed Mode I/II crack
propagation under both static and dynamic loads. In addition, effects of cyclic loading on
the stability of electrical resistance measurements across the nanoparticle/nanofiber layer
should be investigated to ensure resistance increases correspond to actual physical
damage rather than progressive load cycles. The insights gained from the proposed
research in the previous section would be very useful in setting design parameters, such
as the type, size, and surface concentration of nanoparticles. However, a detailed study
of electrical conductivity mechanisms and influence of design parameters is not
necessarily a prerequisite to experimental testing and empirically-based numerical


The final area of proposed study focuses on the development of a laboratory

prototype structural health monitoring system utilizing a CNT network (or other
nanoparticle/nanofiber). The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of simultaneously
strengthening and monitoring a critical interface using nanotechnology. To this point, the
proposed research focused on better understanding of the strengthening and conductivity
effects of nanolayers in composite materials. This phase of research would utilize these
findings for one or more interfaces (preferably both simple in design and relevant to real-
world applications). The tasks required would likely include the following:

1. Fabricate a component which requires health monitoring of a critical interface

(or interfaces) with and without CNT reinforcement.

2. Subject the component to representative loads (static, dynamic, and cyclic)

and measure electrical resistance across the interface as damage progresses.

3. Calculate and compare strength characteristics, and correlate electrical

resistance values to physical damage progression.

4. Develop a structural health monitoring algorithm to assess damage and predict

residual strength and/or life based on status of damage.

5. Construct a new set of components with CNT reinforcement and subject them
to similar loads, using the reasoning algorithm to predict residual strength and
life based on damage monitoring.

6. Compare predictions to actual performance and improve as necessary.

Based on both F/A-18 and 787 Dreamliner delamination issues near the wing
root, a suggested scenario could be a slender component subjected to flexural stresses
(static, dynamic/impact, and cyclic) for either a composite plate adhesively bonded to a
metal root, a composite stiffener bonded to a metallic skin, a sandwich composite plate,
or a laminated composite plate.

All three of the proposed research areas could be concurrent areas of study, with
cross-flow of lessons learned and insights.




Two-Step Cured
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
2D 1.016E+03 9.4697E-06 713.901 6.5 2.6 2.40
2E 9.533E+02 8.6957E-06 721.556 6.5 2.6 2.40
2G 6.521E+02 6.7340E-06 608.57 6.0 2.6 2.40
2H 7.168E+02 7.0771E-06 643.331 6.0 2.5 2.40
2I 6.745E+02 9.2507E-06 545.831 6.0 2.5 2.40
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1C 8.905E+02 1.0905E-05 584.557 6.5 2.8 2.40
1D 8.741E+02 1.1186E-05 589.716 6.5 2.7 2.40
1E 8.850E+02 1.1236E-05 592.069 6.5 2.7 2.40
1F 5.933E+02 9.0909E-06 534.883 6.0 2.4 2.40
1G 6.372E+02 9.2851E-06 512.308 6.0 2.6 2.40
1H 7.500E+02 9.7182E-06 511.263 6.0 2.8 2.40


With CNTs
Average Resistance Resistance Percent
Sample Resistance in Bent in Flat Increase
Number During Testing Position Position in
(Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms) Resistance
1 173.3 173.1 173.5 182.2 5.14%
2 26.5 26.5 26.9 28.1 6.04%
3 49.3 49.2 49.2 51.2 3.85%
4 71.6 71.6 71.1 73.1 2.09%
5 232.5 234.9 235.2 241.4 3.83%
6 287.2 286.4 277.6 293.1 2.05%
7 74.5 85.2 75.2 123.4 65.64%
8 1081.0 1043.5 1046.0 1112.0 2.87%
9 455.6 281.1 148.5 622.8 36.70%
10 252.5 300.1 288.8 326.2 29.19%
Average 270.4 255.2 239.2 305.4 15.7%
Without CNTs
Average Resistance Resistance Percent
Sample Resistance in Bent in Flat Increase
Number During Testing Position Position in
(Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms) Resistance
1 91.25 25.93 16.61 76.60 -16.05%
2 9.16 4.27 3.67 6.23 -31.99%
3 1750.00 322.15 8.75 5500.00 214.29%
4 9.73 7.50 7.94 9.82 0.92%
5 18.10 10.64 5.05 18.10 0.00%
6 35.30 9.71 10.80 38.40 8.78%
7 453.00 8.82 5.21 71.30 -84.26%
8 435.20 58.56 4.30 454.00 4.32%
9 230.00 6.37 4.55 59.50 -74.13%
10 17900.00 23.00 7.25 1270.00 -92.91%
Average 2093.17 47.69 7.41 750.40 -7.10%


With CNTs
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 1.069E+03 1.8797E-05 480.229 8.0 4.0 2.40
2 1.161E+03 1.7953E-05 512.076 8.0 4.0 2.40
3 1.056E+03 1.6129E-05 515.066 8.0 4.0 2.40
4 1.103E+03 1.5898E-05 530.225 8.0 4.0 2.40
5 1.208E+03 1.9084E-05 506.515 8.0 4.0 2.40
6 1.023E+03 1.5361E-05 519.672 8.0 4.0 2.40
7 1.272E+03 1.7123E-05 548.763 8.0 4.0 2.40
8 9.998E+02 1.6835E-05 490.636 8.0 4.0 2.40
9 1.244E+03 1.7483E-05 537.113 8.0 4.0 2.40
10 1.116E+03 1.6367E-05 525.651 8.0 4.0 2.40
Without CNTs
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
3 8.392E+02 1.8519E-05 395.551 7.5 4.0 2.40
4 8.207E+02 1.6892E-05 409.557 7.5 4.0 2.40
5 9.486E+02 1.6313E-05 448.06 7.5 4.0 2.40
6 1.045E+03 1.6892E-05 462.116 7.5 4.0 2.40
7 7.502E+02 1.8692E-05 372.25 7.5 4.0 2.40
8 9.106E+02 1.9920E-05 397.264 7.5 4.0 2.40
9 1.042E+03 1.7483E-05 453.597 7.5 4.0 2.40
10 8.431E+02 1.5504E-05 433.296 7.5 4.0 2.40


With CNTs
Average Resistance Resistance
Initial Percent
Sample Resistance in Bent in Flat
Resistance Increase in
Number During Testing Position Position
(Ohms) Resistance
(Ohms) (Ohms) (Ohms)
1 38,120 38,572 39,950 44,550 16.87%
2 357,100 336,850 404,100 455,300 27.50%
4 73,090 74,531 88,100 146,500 100.44%
7 717,600 742,434 939,200 909,200 26.70%
Average 296,477 298,096 367,837 388,887 42.9%


With CNTs
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 9.803E+02 1.3106E-05 550.607 8.0 4.0 2.40
2 1.109E+03 1.2516E-05 599.307 8.0 4.0 2.40
4 1.054E+03 1.2063E-05 595.245 8.0 4.0 2.40
5 7.802E+02 1.3986E-05 475.502 8.0 4.0 2.40
6 9.257E+02 1.1148E-05 580.161 8.0 4.0 2.40
7 1.099E+03 1.2788E-05 590.156 8.0 4.0 2.40
8 1.084E+03 1.1481E-05 618.6 8.0 4.0 2.40
9 8.641E+02 1.2610E-05 527.009 8.0 4.0 2.40
10 8.978E+02 1.3986E-05 510.099 8.0 4.0 2.40
Without CNTs
GIIC C Pc L a b
(N/m) (m/N) (N) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 6.181E+02 1.2315E-05 451.026 8.0 4.0 2.40
2 6.142E+02 1.2121E-05 453.201 8.0 4.0 2.40
3 7.960E+02 1.2392E-05 510.283 8.0 4.0 2.40
4 5.929E+02 1.0091E-05 450.409 7.5 4.0 2.40
5 6.796E+02 1.0395E-05 475.106 7.5 4.0 2.40
6 6.245E+02 1.0604E-05 450.901 7.5 4.0 2.40
7 4.611E+02 9.4162E-06 378.589 7.0 4.0 2.40
8 6.594E+02 9.4877E-06 451.02 7.0 4.0 2.40
9 6.475E+02 8.6505E-06 430.048 6.5 4.0 2.40
10 6.594E+02 9.2081E-06 420.631 6.5 4.0 2.40


Each coupon was tested three times (generally) using the following procedure:
1) Measure the crack length and initial resistance reading.
2) Load and unload the coupon allowing no crack to propagate.
3) Measure the resulting resistance reading.

Each of the rows below represents the different trial runs for each sample.

New Crack Final Resistance
Resistance Load Percentage
Length Reading
Reading (N) Change
(cm) (Ohms)
Coupon 1 (Avg = 0.30%)
6.4 44300 100 44500 0.45%
6.4 44500 100 44600 0.22%
6.4 44600 100 44700 0.22%
Coupon 2 (Avg = 3.49%)
6.2 771100 100 820100 6.35%
6.2 739000 100 739200 0.03%
6.2 739200 100 709000 4.09%
Coupon 4 (Nonconductive after loading)
6.5 285500 100 over 1 MΩ N/A
Coupon 7 (Avg = 2.24%)
6 912600 100 891200 2.34%
6 914400 100 908200 0.68%
6 904600 100 871100 3.70%


Each coupon was tested three times (generally) using the following procedure:
1) Measure the crack length and initial resistance reading.
2) Load and unload the coupon allowing no crack to propagate.
3) Measure the resulting resistance reading.

Each of the rows below represents the different trial runs for each sample.

New Crack Final Resistance
Resistance Load Percentage
Length Reading
Reading (N) Change
(cm) (Ohms)
Coupon 1 (Avg = 0.29%)
5.7 182.1 50 182.3 0.11%
5.7 180.8 50 181.8 0.55%
5.7 181.5 50 181.9 0.22%
Coupon 2 (Avg = 0.35%)
5.5 28.9 50 28.8 0.35%
5.5 28.8 50 28.7 0.35%
5.5 28.8 50 28.9 0.35%
Coupon 3 (Avg = 1.08%)
6.3 51.3 50 51.7 0.78%
6.3 50.5 50 51.6 2.18%
6.3 51.2 50 51.6 0.78%
6.3 51.2 50 51.5 0.59%
Coupon 4 (Avg = 0.20%)
5.8 67.2 50 67 0.30%
5.8 67 50 66.9 0.15%
5.8 67 50 67.1 0.15%
Coupon 5 (Avg = 0.67%)
5.6 365.1 50 370.1 1.37%
5.6 372.2 50 371.1 0.30%
5.6 370.1 50 371.4 0.35%

(Table G continued)
New Crack Final Resistance
Resistance Load Percentage
Length Reading
Reading (N) Change
(cm) (Ohms)
Coupon 6 (Avg = 4.62%)
6.1 93.5 50 101.7 8.77%
6.1 108.4 50 108.6 0.18%
6.1 99.4 50 103.2 3.82%
Coupon 8 (Avg = 0.33%)
7.2 839.2 50 836.7 0.30%
7.2 840.1 50 846 0.70%
7.2 847.7 50 847.7 0.00%
Coupon 9 (Avg = 1.55%)
6.6 157.7 50 163 3.36%
6.6 161.2 50 159.1 1.30%
6.6 160.5 50 160.5 0.00%
Coupon 10 (Avg = 2.66%)
6.6 276.5 50 278.1 0.58%
6.6 276.1 50 276.6 0.18%
6.6 276.6 50 256.6 7.23%


Damage Detection in Composite Interfaces through 
Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement
Young Kwon, Randall Pollak ‐‐‐ Funding Document #F1ATA09134G002
Damage Detection in Composite Interfaces through Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement
Modular Construction and Repair of  MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: Current Impact

• 25% improvement in Mode II critical strain 

Large Composite Sections 1.4
Application of CNTs 
• Discontinuities  in  reinforcing  fibers  and  1.2
90% confidence intervals
energy  release  rate  (GII)  for  carbon  fiber 
along carbon fiber 

Normalized G II Values
stress concentrations are concerns at joints • 1.0 composite interface 
composite  specimens  using  dispersed  CNT 
Lack of confidence in structural integrity  0.8 significantly  layer • 54% improvement in GII for glass fiber 
Nanocomposites 0.6 improved Mode II  composite  specimens  when  CNTs  added  •
fracture toughness Interfacial  damage  across  CNT  layer  can  be 
• Nanoparticles improve interface strength • 0.4

Dispersing  nanoparticles  throughout  matrix  monitored  using  electrical  resistance  (linear 


is very costly, overdesigns large structures relationship  demonstrated  for  carbon  fibers 

with  vinyl  ester  resin)  • Baseline  resistance 

Evaluation / Health Monitoring With CNTs Without CNTs

and slope varies from sample to sample due 
• Traditional  NDE  methods  challenging  for  • Carbon  and  glass  fiber  composites  fabricated  using  to unique CNT dispersion for each sample
heterogeneous materials at complex joints  • vacuum‐assisted  resin  transfer  molding  • Demonstrated 
In situ sensors generally reduce strength  no  weakening  using  two‐step  curing  compared  to  co‐
cured  samples  • Application  of  dispersed  CNT  layer  with  changes as 

Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)  two‐step  curing  improved  interfacial  fracture  toughness  crack grows 

• Significant improvement in fracture  for  both  carbon  and  glass  fiber  composites  • Electrical  for a carbon 
strength may be realized using CNT network  resistance shown to increase linearly with interfacial crack  fiber sample
along interface • Mechanical properties  length for carbon fiber composite samples
dependent on maintaining network • High 
electrical conductivity of CNTs can be 
exploited to monitor interfacial damage
Planned Impact
• Initial  feasibility  study  is  completed 

showing  application  of  CNTs  can  improve 
mechanical  properties  at  critical  interfaces 
while  simultaneously  providing  means  of 
monitoring damage at such critical interfaces
CNTs dispersed on carbon fiber composite interface 
improved fracture strength while acting as in situ sensor 
Future Research Goals
LIMITATIONS OF INITIAL STUDY: • Experimental  investigation  of  relevant 
• Focus  on  Mode  II  fracture  under  3‐point  bend  test  • interfaces  (e.g.,  adhesive  joints,  skin/core 
Used  woven  fabric  composites  with  vinyl  ester  resin  • sandwich  composites,  etc.)  • Multiphysics
Choice of CNT type  and  concentration based on fracture  modeling  of  interfaces  with  nanoparticles  •
Scanning electron microscope image of dispersed CNTs  strength, not optimized for damage detection sensitivity Prognosis capability for military applications

Publications and presentations from this project:

(1) Bily MA, Kwon YW, Pollak RD. “Study of composite interface fracture and
crack growth monitoring using carbon nanotubes,” Applied Composite Materials
(accepted for publication, doi 10.1007/s10443-009-9124-4).

(2) Kwon YW, Bily MA, Pollak RD. “Preventing and monitoring crack growth in
composite interfaces using carbon nanotubes,” abstract submitted for 2010
National Space & Missile Materials Symposium.



Ahmed, K., W. Pan, and S. Shi. 2006. Electrical Conductivity and Dielectric Properties
of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube and Alumina Composites. Applied Physics
Letters 89.

Bily M.A., Y.W. Kwon, and R.D. Pollak. Study of Composite Interface Fracture and
Crack Growth Monitoring using Carbon Nanotubes, Applied Composite Materials
(accepted for publication, doi 10.1007/s10443-009-9124-4).

Burkholder G. L. “The Effects of Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement on Adhesive Joints

for Naval Applications,” Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 2009.

Callister, William D., Jr. Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7th ed.,
New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2007.
Chou, Tsu-Wei and Erik T. Thostenson. Carbon Nanotube/Vinyl Ester Nanocomposites
for in Situ Sensing. September 17–19, 2008. University of Maryland University
College, Adelphia, MD. Office of Naval Research Solid Mechanics Program
Review Meeting: Marine Composites and Sandwich Structures.
Deng, F., and Q. Zheng. 2008. An Analytical Model of Effective Electrical Conductivity
of Carbon Nanotube Composites. Applied Physics Letters 92.
Dharap, P., Z. Li, S. Nagarajaiah, and E.V. Barrera. 2004. Nanotube Film Based on
Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes for Strain Sensing. Nanotechnology 15.

Faulkner, Susan. “Study of Composite Joint Strength with Carbon Nanotube

Reinforcement,” Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

Gates, Dominic. “Boeing 787 May not Fly this year,” The Seattle Times, 22 Jul 2009.

Gounder, Raj. Senior Manager for Strategic Development, The Boeing Company.
Personal communications at Boeng Tech Expo, 8 Aug 2008.

Government Accountability Office (GAO). NASA: Constellation Program Cost and

Schedule Will Remain Uncertain Until a Sound Business Case Is Established.
GAO Report 09-844, 25 Sep 2009.

Harris, P.J.F. 2004. Carbon Nanotube Composites. International Materials Review 49.

Jones, R., and H. Alesi. 2000. On the Analysis of Composite Structures with Material
and Geometric Non-linearities. Composite Structures 50.

Jones, R., H. Alesi, W.K. Chiu, and S. Galea. 1995. A Preliminary Study into the Matrix
Dominated Non-linear Behavior of Graphite/Epoxy Laminates. Composite
Structures 30.

Kang, I., M.J. Schulz, J.H. Kim, V. Shanov, and D. Shi. 2006. A Carbon Nanotube Strain
Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring. Smart Materials and Structures 15.

Kwon, Y.W., R. Slaff, S. Bartlett, and T. Greene. 2008. Enhancement of Composite Scarf
Joint Interface Strength through Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement. Journal of
Materials Science.
Lu, C., and Y. Mai. 2008. Anomalous Electrical Conductivity and Percolation in Carbon
Nanotube Composites. Journal of Materials Science 43.
Messinger, R. Evaluation of Advanced Composite Structures Technologies for
Application to NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration. NASA Technical Report,
NASA/CR-2008-215120, Jul 2008.

Mouritz, A.P., E. Gellert, P. Burchill, and K. Challis. July 2001. Review of Advanced
Composite Structures for Naval Ships and Submarines. Composite Structures 53.
Nofar, M., S.V. Hoa, and M.D. Pugh. 2009. Failure Detection and Monitoring in Polymer
Matrix Composites Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Using Carbon
Nanotube Networks. Composites Science and Technology.

Saito, R. and M. S. Dresselhaus. Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes. 1998.

Imperial College Press.
The Venton Research Group. Development of Carbon Nanotube Modified
Microelectrodes. n.d. http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/ventongroup/nanotube.html
(accessed September 9, 2009).
Thostenson, E.T., and T.W. Chou. 2006. Carbon Nanotube Networks: Sensing of
Distributed Strain and Damage for Life Prediction and Self Healing. Advanced
Materials 18.
Thostenson, E.T., and T.W. Chou. 2008. Carbon Nanotube-based Health Monitoring of
Mechanically Fastened Composite Joints. Composites Science and Technology

Todo, M., T. Nakamura, and K. Takahashi. 2000. Effects of Moisture Absorption on the
Dynamic Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Carbon/Epoxy Composites. Journal
of Composite Materials 34.
Weber, I., and P. Schwartz. 2001. Monitoring Bending Fatigue In Carbon-Fibre/Epoxy
Composite Strands: A Comparison Between Mechanical and Resistance
Techniques. Composites Science and Technology 61.

Wong, M., M. Paramsothy, X.J. Xu, Y. Ren, S. Li, and K. Liao. December 2003.
Physical Interactions at Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Interface. Polymer 44.
Zhang, W., V. Sakalkar, and N. Koratkar. 2007. In Situ Health Monitoring and Repair In
Composites Using Carbon Nanotube Additives. Applied Physiscs Letters 91.


1. Defense Technical Information Center

Ft. Belvoir, Virginia

2. Dudley Knox Library

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

3. Research Office, Code 41

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

4. Dr. David Stargel

Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Arlington, Virginia

5. Professor Young W. Kwon

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

6. Lt Col Randall D. Pollak

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

7. Professor and Chairman Knox T. Millsaps

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California



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