Point of View: Subsistence Needs

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Name: Kent Ivan Onin Section: ABMSHS401

Date: 4/10/22 Score:

Point of View
Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs

Directions: Discuss the following questions briefly. (11 items x 5 points)

1. What is the difference between the minimum wage and the living wage? Do you think successful
companies are morally obliged to give wages above the minimum? Explain your answer.

The difference between the minimum wage and the living wage are:

The minimum wage is the most widely recognized term in the realm of employee compensation.
It is the smallest amount of money an employee can sell their labor. It is also usually decided during talks
between the government and industry, and occasionally trade unions. This strategy, on the other hand, does
not always operate as intended. There are occasions when there are no true representations of workers, or
the method is employed only once in its entirety or is neglected in the workplace while the living wage is the
lowest wage at which subsistence needs can be met by an employee. It is also what workers need to give their
families’ decent standards of living.

A minimum wage is a legal limit on how much a worker can be paid per hour. It is illegal to pay someone
less than the minimum wage. A living wage is a minimum wage that an individual or family needs to stay out
of poverty. This sum is usually larger than the minimum wage and is not legally required.

2. Television personalities, athletes, and other celebrities receive unimaginable fees. Meanwhile,
teachers receive very meager salaries. Do you think this is an injustice? Explain your position.
I don't think this is an injustice treatment of teachers because they decided to be teachers rather than actors, singers, or
sports. I'm sure they could've all been actors, singers, or athletes. They aspired or wanted to be teachers.
Athletes, TV personalities, movie stars, and other celebrities have to be profitable. They are not compensated if they do not
generate revenue for their companies.

3. Differentiate the stakeholder model of a corporation vs. corporate social responsibility (CSR).

The term ‘stakeholder’ refers to somebody literally who “holds the bet of wager on the outcome of an
enterprise as well as, also generally, the result of a game of a horse race.” The stakeholder model of the
corporation is a corporate governance theory that asserts that the organization should serve the interests of all
stakeholders rather than just shareholders. While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concerns the obligation of
business companies to ensure their business benefit the society as well as the environment social responsibility is the
general way of a person(s) being responsible for the societal and environmental benefits.

4. How can companies continue to implement CSR in a pandemic?

There are still projects firms can carry out which is CSR departments, on the whole, concentrate on specific,
predetermined concerns. However, Covid-19 is currently the focus of global attention because so many people
are affected by the virus, the public is watching how businesses respond. If ever there was a time for firms to
get it right, it's now. Those who take the initiative will best illustrate how to be a moral compass for others.
CSR's fundraising strategies were faced with unexpected and substantial hurdles as a result of social distancing
measures. Employees' opportunities to participate in charity activities were limited, causing unhappiness for
both employees and the non-profits they wanted to assist.

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5. What can you say about businesses that use animals for experimentation, entertainment, and
gaming? Do you think these businesses are morally objectionable? Why or why not?
I think these businesses are not morally objectionable because animals, especially food animals, were not here
on this planet for our fun, entertainment, experiments, testing, or mistreatment of any kind but it depends on
the details of each case. It is a matter of balancing the welfare of animals with the legitimate needs of people an example
is a zoo or wild animals in a park.

6. What can you say about businesses that have a Padrino system? (Gaining promotion through
family afiliation or friendship)

The benefits of a padrino is their values like family treatment under in a company and their values are
pakikisama (Fellowship), Utang na loob (Gratitude), etc. and it refers the nepotism cronyism which is called
family affiliation and friendship. But it has a negative value which is considered not thinking about the welfare
of others one the examples is someone who applies for a job instead they read their skills first but it prefers
people who are strong and relevant who can be called friends or relatives that considered promoting in a
company even without applying.

7. The prices for almost all commodities rose due to the pandemic, especially pork meat. What can
you say about the government setting the maximum price limit for pork meat? Is it fair for both
the consumer and the seller? Explain.
Due to the pandemic, the government set the maximum price limit for pork meat because One of the main
causes of the high inflation rate is the high price of fresh pork due to supply scarcity. As you may know, the
African Swine Fever (ASF) arrived on our shores in 2019 via smuggled swill feed from China. Swill feed is made
up of food leftovers and/or waste that may contain or have come into touch with virus-infected or other
pathogen-infected meats. Swill feed is technically prohibited, yet it is nonetheless commonly employed in the
hog farming sector.

8. Comment on how most fast-food chains produce food with an appearance far from its
appetizing advertisements. What type of direct misrepresentation was shown?
There are more powerful ways to advertise to a fast-food restaurant such as Tv ads, billboard ads, bus stop ads, and
virtually everywhere. The direct presentation showed as direct marketing.

9. Explain how there will be unfair competition for an ice cream franchise.
It would be unfair competition for an ice cream franchise because of circumstances where consumers have been misled, or
deceptive trade practices, as well as practices designed to restrict or alter a company's revenue. In all cases, the activity
can legally give rise to a tort action. That is, the wrongful act is such that the perpetrator can and should be held civilly
liable in a court of law. Some forms of unfair competition are crimes, as well.
10. What usually causes a breach of contract?
Legally, one party's failure to fulfill any of its contractual obligations is known as a "breach" of the contract. A breach can
occur when a party fails to perform on time, does not perform in accordance with the terms of the agreement, or does not
perform at all, depending on the circumstances. As a result, a breach of contract is typically classified as either a "material
breach" or a "immaterial breach" for the purposes of identifying the appropriate legal solution or "remedy" for the breach.

11. Will it be unethical if honor students are given an unlimited number of absences throughout the
semester? Explain.

I think it would be unethical if honor students are given an unlimited number of absences throughout the
semester because no attendees in class and it is possible the student cannot take the exams or other activities.
The limit of absences has only 15 are allowed.

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Rubric for grading:
Criteria Performance Indicators Points
Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and factual 3
Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement of ideas in
Organization of ideas 2
the paragraph
Total 5

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