Safety Data Sheet: Revised: AE
Safety Data Sheet: Revised: AE
Safety Data Sheet: Revised: AE
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
Chemical Trade Name (as used on label): Chemical Family/Classification:
Non-Spillable Lead Acid Battery Electric Storage Battery
Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary Battery, Telephone:
Deep Cycle Battery For information and emergencies, contact Hawker's
Manufacturer's Name/Address: Environmental, Health & Safety Dept. at 423-238-5700
Hawker Powersource Canada Corporate Office
P.O. Box 808 3-61 Parr Boulevard 24-Hour Emergency Response Contact:
9404 Ooltewah Indsutrial Drive Bolton, Ontario CHEMTREC DOMESTIC: 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC INT'L: 703-527-3877
Ooltewah, TN 37363 L7E 4E3
Acute Toxicity Aquatic Chronic 1 Explosive Chemical, Division 1.3
(Oral/Dermal/Inhalation) Category 4 Aquatic Acute 1
Skin Corrosion/Irritation Category 1A
Eye Damage Category 1
Reproductive Category 1A
Carcinogenicity (lead compounds) Category 1B
Carcinogenicity (arsenic) Category 1A
Carcinogenicity (acid mist) Category 1A
Specific Target Organ Category 2
Toxicity (repeated exposure)
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Form #: SDS 853024H
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
Exposure Limits (mg/m3) Note: N.E.= Not Established
(Chemical/Common Names)
Lead and Lead Compounds
(inorganic) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 (b)
Antimony 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (b,e)
Arsenic 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.2 0.01 N.E
Calcium N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Tin 2 2 2 2 2 N.E
Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) 1 0.2 1 1 0.2 0.05 (c)
Polypropylene N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Polystyrene N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Styrene Acrylonitrile N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Styrene Butadiene N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Polyvinylchloride N.E N.E N.E N.E 1 N.E
Polycarbonate, Hard
Rubber, Polyethylene N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
Silicon Dioxide
(Gel Batteries Only) N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E N.E
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Form #: SDS 853024H
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
Stability: Stable X_ Unstable ___
This product is stable under normal conditions at ambient temperature.
Conditions To Avoid: Prolonged overcharge; sources of ignition
Incompatibility: (Materials to avoid)
Sulfuric Acid: Contact with combustibles and organic materials may cause fire and explosion. Also reacts violently with strong reducing agents,
metals, sulfur trioxide gas, strong oxidizers and water. Contact with metals may produce toxic sulfur dioxide fumes and may release flammable
hydrogen gas.
Lead Compounds: Avoid contact with strong acids, bases, halides, halogenates, potassium nitrate, permanganate, peroxides, nascent hydrogen
and reducing agents.
Arsenic compounds: strong oxidizers; bromine azide. NOTE: hydrogen gas can react with inorganic arsenic to form the highly toxic gas-arsine.
Hazardous Decomposition Products:
Sulfuric Acid: Sulfur trioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfuric acid mist, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide.
Lead Compounds: High temperatures likely to produce toxic metal fume, vapor, or dust; contact with strong acid or base or presence of nascent
hydrogen may generate highly toxic arsine gas.
Hazardous Polymerization:
Will not occur
Routes of Entry:
Sulfuric Acid: Harmful by all routes of entry.
Lead Compounds: Hazardous exposure can occur only when product is heated, oxidized or otherwise processed or damaged to create dust, vapor
or fume. The presence of nascent hydrogen may generate highly toxic arsine gas.
Sulfuric Acid: Breathing of sulfuric acid vapors or mists may cause severe respiratory irritation.
Lead Compounds: Inhalation of lead dust or fumes may cause irritation of upper respiratory tract and lungs.
Sulfuric Acid: May cause severe irritation of mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach.
Lead Compounds: Acute ingestion may cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and severe cramping. This may lead rapidly to systemic
toxicity and must be treated by a physician.
Skin Contact:
Sulfuric Acid: Severe irritation, burns and ulceration.
Lead Compounds: Not absorbed through the skin.
Arsenic Compounds: Contact may cause dermatitis and skin hyper pigmentation.
Eye Contact:
Sulfuric Acid: Severe irritation , burns, cornea damage, and blindness.
Lead Components: May cause eye irritation.
Effects of Overexposure - Acute:
Sulfuric Acid: Severe skin irritation, damage to cornea, upper respiratory irritation.
Lead Compounds: Symptoms of toxicity include headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, muscular aches and weakness, sleep
disturbances and irritability.
Effects of Overexposure - Chronic:
Sulfuric Acid: Possible erosion of tooth enamel, inflammation of nose, throat and bronchial tubes.
Lead Compounds: Anemia; neuropathy, particularly of the motor nerves, with wrist drop; kidney damage; reproductive changes in males and
females. Repeated exposure to lead and lead compounds in the workplace may result in nervous system toxicity. Some toxicologists report abnormal
conduction velocities in persons with blood lead levels of 50mcg/100 ml or higher. Heavy lead exposure may result in central nervous system damage,
encephalopathy and damage to the blood-forming (hematopoietic) tissues.
Sulfuric Acid: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mist containing sulfuric acid" as a
Group 1 carcinogen, a substance that is carcinogenic to humans. This classification does not apply to liquid forms of sulfuric acid or sulfuric
acid solutions contained within a battery. Inorganic acid mist (sulfuric acid mist) is not generated under normal use of this product. Misuse of the
product, such as overcharging, may result in the generation of sulfuric acid mist.
Lead Compounds: Lead is listed as a Group 2A carcinogen, likely in animals at extreme doses. Per the guidance found in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200
Appendix F, this is approximately equivalent to GHS Category 1B. Proof of carcinogenicity in humans is lacking at present.
Arsenic: Arsenic is listed by IARC as a Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans. Per the guidance found in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 Appendix F, this is
approximately equivalent to GHS Category 1A.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure:
Overexposure to sulfuric acid mist may cause lung damage and aggravate pulmonary conditions. Contact of sulfuric acid with skin may aggravate
diseases such as eczema and contact dermatitis. Lead and its compounds can aggravate some forms of kidney, liver and neurologic diseases.
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Form #: SDS 853024H
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
Acute Toxicity:
Inhalation LD50:
Electrolyte: LC50 rat: 375 mg/m3; LC50: guinea pig: 510 mg/m3
Elemental Lead: Acute Toxicity Point Estimate = 4500 ppmV (based on lead bullion)
Elemental Arsenic: No data
Oral LD50:
Electrolyte: rat: 2140 mg/kg
Elemental Lead: Acute Toxicity Estimate (ATE) = 500 mg/kg body weight (based on lead bullion)
Elemental Arsenic: LD50 mouse: 145 mg/kg
Elemental Antimony: LD50 rat: 100 mg/kg
The 19th Amendment to EC Directive 67/548/EEC classified lead compounds, but not lead in metal form, as possibly toxic to reproduction.
Risk phrase 61: May cause harm to the unborn child, applies to lead compounds, especially soluble forms.
Environmental Fate:
Lead is very persistent in soil and sediments. No data on environmental degradation. Mobility of metallic lead between ecological compartments is slow.
Bioaccumulation of lead occurs in aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants but little bioaccumulation occurs through the food chain.
Most studies include lead compounds and not elemental lead.
Environmental Toxicity: Aquatic Toxicity:
Sulfuric acid: 24-hr LC50, freshwater fish (Brachydanio rerio): 82 mg/L
96 hr- LOEC, freshwater fish (Cyprinus carpio): 22 mg/L
Lead: 48 hr LC50 (modeled for aquatic invertebrates): <1 mg/L, based on lead bullion
Arsenic: 24 hr LC50, freshwater fish (Carrassisus auratus) >5000 g/L.
Additional Information:
· No known effects on stratospheric ozone depletion.
· Volatile organic compounds: 0% (by Volume)
· Water Endangering Class (WGK): NA
Spent batteries: Send to secondary lead smelter for recycling. Spent lead-acid batteries are not regulated as hazardous waste when the requirements of
40 CFR Section 266.80 are met. This should be managed in accordance with approved local, state and federal requirements. Consult state environmental
agency and/or federal EPA.
Place neutralized slurry into sealed containers and handle as applicable with state and federal regulations. Large water-diluted spills, after
neutralization and testing, should be managed in accordance with approved local, state and federal requirements. Consult state environmental
agency and/or federal EPA.
Following local, State/Provincial, and Federal/National regulations applicable to end-of-life characteristics will be the responsibility of the end-user.
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Form #: SDS 853024H
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
Excepted from the hazardous materials regulations ( HMR) because the batteries meet the requirements of 49 CFR 173.159(f) and 49 CFR 173.159a
of the U.S. Department of Transportation/s HMR. Battery and outer package must be marked " NONSPILLABLE" or "NONSPILLABLE BATTERY"
Battery terminals must be protected against short Circuits.
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations DGR:
Excepted from the dangerous goods regulations because the batteries meet the requirements of Packing Instruction 872 and Special Provisions A67 of
the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) Dangerous goods Regulations and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical
Instructions. Battery Terminals must be protected against short Circuits.
The words " NOT RESTRICTED" , SPECIAL PROVISION A67" must be provided on an airway bill when air waybill is issued.
Excepted from the dangerous goods regulations for transport by sea because the batteries meet the requirements of Special Provision 238 of the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods( IMDG CODE). Battery terminals must be protected against short circuits.
Section 302 EPCRA Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS):
Sulfuric acid is a listed "Extremely Hazardous Substance" under EPCRA, with a Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) of 1,000 lbs.
EPCRA Section 302 notification is required if 1000 lbs or more of sulfuric acid is present at one site (40 CFR 370.10). For more information consult
40 CFR Part 355. The quantity of sulfuric acid will vary by battery type. Contact your Hawker representative for additional information.
Section 304 CERCLA Hazardous Substances:
Reportable Quantity (RQ) for spilled 100% sulfuric acid under CERCLA (Superfund) and
EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act) is 1,000 lbs. State and local reportable quantities for spilled sulfuric acid may vary.
Section 311/312 Hazard Categorization:
EPCRA Section 312 Tier Two reporting is required for non-automotive batteries if sulfuric acid is present in quantities of 500 lbs or more and/or if lead is
present in quantities of 10,000 lbs or more. For more information consult 40 CFR 370.10 and 40 CFR 370.40.
Section 313 EPCRA Toxic Substances:
40 CFR section 372.38 (b) states: If a toxic chemical is present in an article at a covered facility, a person is not required to consider the quantity of the
toxic chemical present in such article when determining whether an applicable threshold has been met under § 372.25, § 372.27, or § 372.28 or
determining the amount of release to be reported under § 372.30. This exemption applies whether the person received the article from another person
or the person produced the article. However, this exemption applies only to the quantity of the toxic chemical present in the article.
Supplier Notification:
This product contains toxic chemicals, which may be reportable under EPCRA Section 313 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (Form R) requirements.
If you are a manufacturing facility under SIC codes 20 through 39, the following information is provided to enable you to complete the required reports:
If you distribute this product to other manufacturers in SIC Codes 20 through 39, this information must be provided with the first shipment
of each calendar year.
The Section 313 supplier notification requirement does not apply to batteries, which are "consumer products".
* Not present in all battery types. Contact your Hawker representative for additional information.
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Form #: SDS 853024H
Revised: AE
Supersedes: AD
ECO #: 1002195
TSCA Section 8b – Inventory Status: All chemicals comprising this product are either exempt or listed on the TSCA Inventory.
TSCA Section 12b (40 CFR Part 707.60(b)) No notice of export will be required for articles, except PCB articles, unless the Agency so requires in the
context of individual section 5, 6, or 7 actions.
TSCA Section 13 (40 CFR Part 707.20): No import certification required (EPA 305-B-99-001, June 1999, Introduction to the
Chemical Import Requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act, Section IV.A).
Spent Lead Acid Batteries are subject to streamlined handling requirements when managed in compliance with 40 CFR section 266.80 or 40 CFR part 273.
Waste sulfuric acid is a characteristic hazardous waste; EPA hazardous waste number D002 (corrosivity) and D008 (lead).
Hawker supports preventative actions concerning ozone depletion in the atmosphere due to emissions of CFC's and other ozone depleting
chemicals (ODC's), defined by the USEPA as Class I substances. Pursuant to Section 611of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA)
of 1990, finalized on January 19, 1993, Hawker established a policy to eliminate the use of Class I ODC's prior to the May 15, 1993 deadline.
Proposition 65:
Warning: Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer and reproductive harm. Batteries also contain other chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer. Wash hands after handling.
Distribution into Quebec to follow Canadian Controlled Product Regulations (CPR) 24(1) and 24(2).
Distribution into the EU to follow applicable Directives to the Use, Import/Export of the product as-sold.
Article 33 (1) of the REACH regulation (Reg. EC 1907/2006), which entered into force on 1st of June 2007 in the European Union, requires that
manufacturers communicate the presence of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in articles (lead batteries) in concentration greater than 0.1% by
Effective the 27th of June 2018, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) updated the Candidate List with the inclusion of Lead Metal
(CAS No.: 7439-92-1). This inclusion of Lead as an SVHC applies to all of EnerSys Lead based battery products regardless of the design
(Flooded, Gel, AGM, etc…).
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