Universally Speaking: The Ages and Stages of Children's Communication Development From 5 To 11 Years
Universally Speaking: The Ages and Stages of Children's Communication Development From 5 To 11 Years
Universally Speaking: The Ages and Stages of Children's Communication Development From 5 To 11 Years
The ages and stages of children’s
communication development
From 5 to 11 years
The Communication Trust
The Communication Trust is a coalition of 50 voluntary and community
organisations with expertise in speech, language and communication.
We harness our collective expertise to enable the children’s workforce
and commissioners to support all children and young people’s
communication skills, particularly those with speech, language and
communication needs (SLCN).
We do this by raising awareness, providing information and workforce
development opportunities, influencing policy, promoting best practice
among the children’s workforce and commissioning work from our
The Trust was founded in 2007 by Afasic, BT, Council for Disabled
Children and I CAN.
Pearson Assessment
This booklet, along with the rest of the suite of the Universally
Speaking booklets, was originally produced with the support of Pearson
Assessment. They are publishers of standardised assessments for a
range of speech, language and communication needs.
By age 5... 6
By age 7... 10
By age 9... 14
By age 11... 18
When developing language, Use the ‘Children should be Special Education Needs
most children go through the able to…’ sections to learn and Disability
same stages; some will be about typical development
Identifying needs and making
quicker, others a little slower.
Use the ‘How to check it out...’ effective provision for children
sections to think about the and young people with SEND is
Universally Speaking provides
children you know an important part of the 2014
information that will help you
SEND Code of Practice1 with
to support children to develop
Use the ‘Top 4 things to do’ to recognised benefits. Universally
skills in line with their age as
support speaking and listening Speaking sets out expected
well as help you to identify and
in school progress in speech, language
support children who may be
and communication and so
struggling. Use the pullout ‘Checklist’
can help practitioners begin
for particular children you’re
to identify where children and
Children’s speech, language concerned about
young people may be struggling.
and communication is
See page 24 for information It can also help practitioners
‘everybody’s business’. Parents
on children with English as to gather useful information
and staff who see and work
an Additional Language. which would support further
with children regularly are
assessment of needs and inform
often the experts in knowing
initial planning for support.
about a child’s communication.
With the right information and
1 Department of Education, Department for
access to the right help at the Health (2015). Special educational needs
right time early on, everyone and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- Statutory guidance for organisations which
can really make a difference. work with and support children and young
people who have special educational needs
or disabilities.
Check out the information in
this booklet to find out whether
the children you work with are
on the right track. Also, find out
what helps them learn how to
listen, talk and communicate
as well as what to do if you
have concerns about any of the
children you work with.
Language is the vehicle for learning
It enables understanding and expression of thought, it supports
thinking, problem solving and reasoning and it’s accepted as
being critical to cognitive development.2 Being able to talk and
listen well is important in school – to learn, make friends and feel
confident. Poor language puts children at risk of poor reading and
writing, poor behaviour and poor attainment.
Supporting communication development is easy when
you know how
It doesn’t take lots of thought or planning. Communication is
everywhere, so can be supported in all activities by making slight
changes to current good practice to make it even better.
To increase your own confidence
Many practitioners report that they’re not confident in knowing
what children should be doing at different ages and stages, or how
to support good language skills and spot those children who might
be struggling – the information in this booklet will help.
About 1 million children in the UK have long term,
persistent difficulties
Additionally, in areas of social deprivation, more than 50% of
children start school with delayed language.3 These children
need to be identified early and get access to the right kind
of intervention to minimise the impact of poor language and
communication skills.
2 Goswami, U. and Bryant, P. (2007) Children’s Cognitive Development and Learning (Primary
Review Research Survey 2/1a), Cambridge: University of Cambridge Faculty of Education
3 Locke, A., Ginsborg, J., and Peers, I., (2002) Development and Disadvantage: Implications for Early
Years IJLCD Vol 27 No 1
This section is about 5 Name objects, characters and animals from a description,
understanding language as well E.g. “It lives in the jungle and is fierce with big teeth and is stripy.” Children
as saying words. at this age will ask if they are unsure
4 Feinstein, L., and Duckworth, K. (2006) 5 Use words more specifically to make their meaning clear,
Development in the early years: its importance E.g. “I didn’t want my yellow gloves, I wanted the spotty ones that
for school performance and adult outcomes.
London: Centre for Research on the Wider match my hat”
Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education,
University of London.
Speech sounds Children at 5 should be able to...
It’s normal for children at 5 to
5 Produce speech that is clear and easy to understand, though may
still struggle with some sounds,
still have some immaturities
especially ‘r’ and ‘th’. There are
lots of reception age children with 5 Develop good knowledge and understanding of sounds and words,
‘wabbits’ and ‘fums’. which are important for reading and spelling
Combinations of consonant 5 Break words up into syllables,
sounds at the beginnings and E.g. “Fri..day” – 2 syllables, “Sat…ur..day” – 3 syllables
ends of words can be tricky, E.g.
pider for spider, fower for flower 5 Recognise words that rhyme or sound similar,
E.g. “Cat and hat – they rhyme”, “Bananas and pyjamas – they sound
Words with 3 or more syllables
can be difficult, E.g. paske tti for
spaghetti, efalent for elephant 5 Work out what sound comes at the beginning of a word,
E.g. “Sit begins with ‘s’. Sun, silly, Sam and sausage all begin with ‘s’.”
Children need to know what 5 Begin to add something that’s gone wrong in their own stories,
important elements are necessary E.g. “…but the little boy dropped his big ice cream on the floor and he
to tell a story and how to structure was very sad and crying...”
these in order to tell a story that
5 Describe events. These may not always be joined together or in the
makes sense.
right order, E.g. “Daddy was cross. We was late for the football. It was
broken. The car tyre”
5 Give details that they know are important and will influence the
listener, E.g. “Ahmed fell over that stone, Javid didn’t push him”
Check out how children Check out how children Check out how children
can talk can listen can take part
Listen out for children’s language. Check out children’s listening Watch out for social
Watch out for those who struggle and understanding. Watch interaction skills. Watch out
out for those who watch for children who seem isolated
5 Ask them to summarise
others carefully or look lost or or struggle to join in
a recent task or event using
‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘what 5 Do they use language to ask,
happened’ and ‘what could we 5 Can children understand negotiate, give opinions and
do next’ questions – have some longer 2 to 3 part spoken discuss ideas and feelings? E.g.
children ask the questions and instructions? E.g. “Choose a “If we finish our work quietly,
the others answer. pencil in a colour you like, then will we have golden time after
draw round your hand really break?”
5 Play this quick carpet time
carefully onto the big yellow
game: How many animals can 5 Talk to children about what
you think of in 20 seconds? they enjoyed most that day
Children should have no 5 Can they listen carefully to – these conversations often
problem listing things that a question and focus on the include different games or
belong to familiar categories. key information needed in the activities they enjoyed playing
answer? E.g. “Why didn’t the with friends
5 Does a child regularly sound
little red hen want to share her
muddled or disorganised when
bread at the end of the story?”
talking? Do they regularly forget
words or miss out important
pieces of information? If so,
they may be struggling.
1. Teach children how to listen – them fill in gaps of understanding ending. Encourage an ethos of
encourage them to identify good and play around with how the word asking for clarification, saying
listening skills in themselves. looks and feels. Perhaps set up a when they don’t understand and
word wall in class. what they’re struggling with.
2. Use good practice strategies to
teach new vocabulary – link new 3. Give explicit structures for 4. Give plenty of time for
words to those children already supporting narrative skills – children to think and respond to
know. Ask the children if they have stories should have who, where, questions.
heard of the word before, help when, what happened and an
If you’re worried about a child in your care there’s more information at www.talkingpoint.org.uk
You should also talk to the child’s parents about your concerns.
5 Use sound and letter links to read and spell unfamiliar words
By age 7...
Check out how children Check out how children Check out how children
can talk can listen can take part
Listen out for children’s Check out children’s listening Watch out for social
language. Watch out for those and understanding. Watch out interaction skills
who struggle for those who take a long time
5 Do you see them taking
to respond or who are very
5 Are children able to turns in groups and with other
quiet and watch other children
understand and learn topic children to talk, listen and be
to work out what to do
vocabulary? Have a display with part of a conversation? Are
topic vocabulary – get children 5 Can children understand there any children who seem
to choose one of the words and more complex 2 to 3 part isolated, who do not join in with
encourage them to say it on its spoken instructions? E.g. “In other children?
own and in a sentence of at least your groups, choose one of the
5 Have you noticed children
6 words. Does it make sense? famous people in history we
being more aware of the need
Have they understood the word? have talked about and decide
to talk differently to adults and
between you the top 5 reasons
5 Can they use more peers? Have you noticed any
they were good or not so good.”
complicated language to justify different phrases being used?
or explain? Think of a story they’ll 5 Do they ask lots of questions Are there children who seem
know, which has a familiar to find out specific information? unaware of this?
character in it and encourage Including ‘how’ and ‘why’ and
the children to say whether the respond appropriately to the
character is good or bad. Then answers?
get them to justify why they
think that. You can add counter
arguments to get them thinking,
E.g. “We know the big bad wolf is
bad because he eats grandma, but
maybe he’s just hungry?”
If you’re worried about a child in your care there’s more information at www.talkingpoint.org.uk.
You should also talk to the child’s parents about your concerns.
5 Infer meanings, reasons and make predictions, E.g. “Now, class 4, I’m
going to count to 10” [Mrs Jones is getting cross, if we don’t stop messing
around, someone will end up having to go and see the head teacher]
By age 9...
Check out how children Check out how children Check out how children
can talk can listen can take part
Listen out for children’s Check out children’s listening Watch out for social
language. Watch out for those and understanding. Watch interaction. Are there some
who struggle out for children who are slow children who seem isolated,
to respond or rarely ask for find it hard to join in or come
5 Can they use complex
clarification across as rude or immature?
grammar and sentences
effectively to plan, summarise 5 Can children tell you when 5 Do they manage to keep
and explain choices? Ask they haven’t understood and conversations going, ask
the children to plan a party be reasonably clear about what questions, make comments and
for a group of 3 year olds elements they’re struggling with? show interest in each other?
– encourage them to think Give children instructions that
5 Have you noticed children
of where it might be, what contain vocabulary you know
being more aware of the need
children might do and eat. Get they won’t understand. How do
to talk differently in different
them to summarise their plans they respond?
situations? E.g. With school
and explain why they’ve made
5 Can they make inferences? Tell visitors or speaking in an
decisions around games, food
the children you’re going to do assembly.
and the venue.
a quiz, say different statements
5 Can they discuss visits where they have to infer
or activities including topic meaning, E.g. “Today I need my
vocabulary? Give children group umbrella – what do you know that
roles to discuss a visit or topic. I am not telling you?”
5 Can they pick out key pieces
of information? At the end of a
lesson, get the children to tell you
the most important points.
If you’re worried about a child in your care there’s more information at www.talkingpoint.org.uk
You should also talk to the child’s parents about your concerns.
5 Understand and enjoy simple jokes and recognise simple idioms, but
can’t really explain why they’re funny or what they mean, E.g. Doing
something ‘at the drop of a hat’
By age 11...
Check out how children Check out how children Check out how children
can talk can listen can take part
Listen out for children’s Check out children’s listening Watch out for social
language. Watch out for those and understanding. Watch interaction. Are there some
who struggle out for children who are slow children who seem isolated,
to respond or rarely ask for find it hard to join in or come
5 Can they explain the rules
clarification across as rude or immature?
of grammar and do they
know when a sentence is not 5 Have a range of words that 5 Can they negotiate and
grammatically correct? E.g. have two meanings, can children explain different scenarios and
Say individual sentences – tell you different meanings of possible outcomes? Set up a
encourage children to hold up the words? E.g. A pen you write class debate – are children able
a green traffic light card if they with and a pen where we keep to present clear arguments and
think it’s grammatically correct, animals. evidence, negotiating and using
an orange coloured card if persuasive arguments?
5 Can they understand different
they’re not sure and a red card
question types? For example 5 Can they organise group
if they think it’s not correct.
– Ask an open question “What games and explain the rules
5 Can they use questions to has happened to the sugar?” – effectively?
help conversations flow? Have can they give a full appropriate
the children pair up and tell answer?
each other about a recent – Ask a closed question “Which is
If you’re worried about a child
event. Encourage them to ask most soluble, icing sugar or brown
in your care there’s more
questions of each other. Do sugar?” Can they give the short
information at
some children struggle? answer required?
– With a rhetorical question,do
You should also talk to the
they know no answer is needed
child’s parents about your
“What a great experiment.”
5 Watch out for literacy or
behaviour difficulties – these
are strongly linked with speech,
language and communication
needs (see page 25) and can
mask underlying language
1. Play around with words – have 2. Give children plenty of time 4. Encourage children to support
a range of words with more than to think before responding to each other’s thinking – act like a
one meaning and get children to questions and instructions. detective – how do we know this
explain the meaning. Get children will happen, how do we know this
3. Encourage an ethos of asking
to build category maps or word character is good – what evidence
for clarification, saying when they
webs for topic vocabulary. can we find?
haven’t understood something, or
what they’re struggling with.
What can you do to 5 Using the right level of language for each child and
support language knowing how to build on their language skills is key – this
and communication is why it’s so important to know how language develops.
with the children 5 Check that children understand the language used
you work with? and instructions given – ask them to repeat back what
they think you said or what they need to do.
Around 10% of all children have 5 Speech sounds – children 5 Social use of language
long term, persistent SLCN and may have speech that is – children may have a good
many more have less severe difficult to understand. They vocabulary and can put
needs. Children with SLCN may may not say the right sounds sentences together, but they
have difficulties with: for their age or may mix up may struggle to know how
and miss out sounds in words, to use their language to have
making their speech unclear, conversations, play and socially
E.g. “A tup of tea” interact well with others.