Deir-E Gachin Caravansarai
Deir-E Gachin Caravansarai
Deir-E Gachin Caravansarai
Directions: After reading through all of the material in the Blackboard folder dedicated to your empire, and with your building in mind, fill in at least FOUR of
the following:
How is your chosen BUILDING TYPE important to this empire? In this empire’s approach to PRACTICE, what activities define the
role of the “architect”?
Caravanserai building type supported the flow of commerce, information and
people across the network of trade routes covering Asia, North Africa and Architectural and engineering design
Southeast Europe, and of course the Silk Road. It is a roadside inn for
travelers to rest and recovers from a day’s jurney.
What general concerns for CONTEXT do you observe in your What significant building TECHNOLOGIES (materials & methods)
building? are evident in your building and how prevalent are they in the
Located along rural roads in the countryside, middle of the desert. It was
placed on the ancient rout from Ray to Qom, alongside the Silk Road, that has Four-Iwan plan with huge courtyard in the middle, four circular towers at the
been the gathering point of the connecting routes between many routes. corners and two additional half oval towers at the main entrance. Exterior
walls are three meters thick, resistant against natural dangers and disasters.
Materials used are brick, limestone, adobe and plaster, common for the area.
Who were the primary PATRONS of your building and what status What defining THEORY of the empire’s architecture is evident in
did they hold in society? your building?
Restoration was done by Safavid Dynasty Shahs during 16-18th century Specific geometric patterns on the architectural elements, their structure, and
placement, play a symbolic role in the architecture of the Safavid empire and
have a higher connection to the spiritual belief and laws of Islam. It is evident
in the Deir-e Gachin Caravansarai building though the overall building plan
and several structural elements that were used are very similar to the Mosque
buildings of the Safavid Empire. Decorative elements can be seen only in the
mosque area, the most important place where travelers can pray to be closer
to God. The rest of the interior and exterior are covered in brick which can
be interpreted as simple, down-to-earth places for rest.
What are the defining elements of DESIGN for this empire and how are they manifest in your building?
-great use of geometry elements, repetition, balance and symmetry
-Four-Iwan layout of the structure
-Extensive use of Pointed arches
-Vaults along all four Iwans
-Water feature in the middle of courtyard
-Interior and Exterior walls covered in colored brick or most commonly colorful tile and muqarnas
Deir-e Gachin Caravansarai design demonstrates most of the design elements during the Safavid Empire. We can see that the Four-Iwan plan was used for the
structure, extensive use of Pointed arches and vaults along the four Iwans. We can see an overall symmetry, of geometric elements, the repetition of the
structure elements represents the balance within the society and specific order. The water feature in the middle of the large courtyard is a symbol of clarity
and life. A Mihrab wall in Caravansarai points out to Mecca and a specifically designated area for a mosque is highly decorated in colored brick and muqarnas
and looks very different from any other room or area within the complex.