Electricity & Magnetism Lecture Notes For Phys 121

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Lecture notes for Phys 121

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman

Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102
(Dated: March 9, 2022)

These notes are intended as an addition to the lectures given in class. They are NOT designed
to replace the actual lectures. Some of the notes will contain less information then in the actual
lecture, and some will have extra info. Not all formulas which will be needed for exams are
contained in these notes. Also, these notes will NOT contain any up to date organizational or
administrative information (changes in schedule, assignments, etc.) but only physics. If you notice
any typos - let me know at [email protected]. I will keep all notes in a single file - each time you can
print out only the added part. A few other things:
Graphics: Some of the graphics is deliberately unfinished, so that we have what to do in class.
Preview topics: can be skipped upon the 1st reading, but will be useful in the future.
Advanced topics: these will not be represented on the exams. Read them only if you are really
interested in the material.


I. Introduction 2
A. Vectors 2
1. Single vector 3
2. Two vectors: addition 3
3. Two vectors: scalar (dot) product 5
4. Two vectors: vector product 6
B. Fields 8
1. Representation of a field; field lines 10
2. Properties of field lines and related definitions 10

II. Electric Charge 12

A. Notations and units 12
B. Superposition of charges 12
C. Quantization of charge 12
D. Charge conservation 12
E. The Coulomb’s Law 14
F. Superposition of forces 15
G. Reaction of a charge to electrostatic and other forces 17

III. Electric field 24

A. Field due to a point charge 24
1. Definition and units 24
2. Vector Fields and Field Lines 25
B. Field due to several charges 26
1. Definition and force on a charge in a field 26
2. Superposition of fields 27
C. Electrostatic Field Lines (EFL) 31
1. Field lines due to a dipole 31
D. Continuos charge distribution 32

IV. Gauss Theorem 35

A. Quantification of the number of lines 35
B. Deformations of the Gaussian surface 35
C. Definition of the flux 38
D. Gauss theorem 39
E. Gauss Theorem (GT) and Coulomb’s law 39
F. Applications of the GT 40
1. Charged spherical shell 41
2. Uniformly charged sphere 42
3. Uniformly charged infinite line 43
4. Uniformly charged non-conducting plane 44
G. A metal conductor 46
1. Field near the surface of a conductor 47

V. Electrostatic potential (EP) 50

A. Definitions, units, etc. 50
B. Work and energy in electrostatic field 52
1. Conservative forces 52
C. Interaction of two charges 53
D. Potential due to a point charge 53
E. Relation to electric field 57
1. Potential from field 57
2. Field from potential 58
F. Conductors 60

VI. Properties of a conductor in electrostatics 61

VII. Capacitance 64
A. Definitions, units, etc. 64
1. Definition 64
B. An isolated sphere 65
C. A spherical capacitor 66
D. Parallel-plate capacitor 67
E. Capacitor with a dielectric 68

F. Capacitor and a battery 70
G. Energy 70
H. Connections of several capacitors 71
1. Parallel 71
2. Series 71
I. Physics of the dielectrics 74

VIII. Current 75
A. Definitions and units 75
B. Resistance of a wire 76
C. Relation to field 76
D. Power 77
1. Single resistor 77
2. Simple connections 77
E. Series and parallel connections 77
F. Ampmeter and voltmeter 79
1. Branching of current in parallel connections 80
G. Microscopic picture of conductivity 81
H. Dielectric 81
I. Liquids (electrolytes) 81

IX. Circuits 82
A. The reduction method 82
B. The real battery 83
C. The potential method 84
D. Multiloop circuits and the Kirchoff’s equations 86
E. RC circuits 88

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 1st Lecture


A. Vectors

A vector is characterized by the following three properties:

• has a magnitude

• has direction (Equivalently, has several components in a selected system of coordi-


• obeys certain addition rules (”rule of parallelogram”). (Equivalently, components of

a vector are transformed according to certain rules if the system of coordinates is

This is in contrast to a scalar, which has only magnitude and which is not changed when a
system of coordinates is rotated.
How do we know which physical quantity is a vector, which is a scalar and which is
neither? From experiment (of course). Examples of scalars are mass, kinetic energy and
(the forthcoming) charge. Examples of vectors are the displacement, velocity and force.

Tail-to-Head addition rule.

1. Single vector

Consider a vector ~a with components ax and ay (let’s talk 2D for a while). There is an
associated scalar, namely the magnitude (or length) given by the Pythagorean theorem
a ≡ |~a| = a2x + a2y (1)

Note that for a different system of coordinates with axes x′ , y ′ the components ax′ and ay′
can be very different, but the length in eq. (1) , obviously, will not change, which just means
that it is a scalar.
Another operation allowed on a single vector is multiplication by a scalar. Note that the
physical dimension (”units”) of the resulting vector can be different from the original, as in
F~ = m~a.

2. Two vectors: addition





-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1

~ = A+
FIG. 1: Adding two vectors: C ~ B.
~ Note the use of rule of parallelogram (equivalently, tail-to-
~ = (−2, 1), B
head addition rule). Alternatively, vectors can be added by components: A ~ = (1, 2)
~ = (−2 + 1, 1 + 2) = (−1, 3).
and C

For two vectors, ~a and ~b one can define their sum ~c = ~a + ~b with components

cx = ax + bx , cy = ay + by (2)

The magnitude of ~c then follows from eq. (1). Note that physical dimensions of ~a and ~b
must be identical.
Preview. Addition of vectors plays a key role in E&M in that it enters the so-called ”super-
position principle”.

3. Two vectors: scalar (dot) product

If ~a and ~b make an angle φ with each other, their scalar (dot) product is defined as

~a · ~b = ab cos (φ)

or in components
~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by (3)

Example. See Fig. 1.

~ = (−2, 1), B
A ~ = (1, 2) ⇒ A
~ ·B
~ = (−2)1 + 1 · 2 = 0

(thus angle is 90o ).

~ and C
Example Find angle between 2 vectors B ~ in Fig. 1.

~a · ~b
General: cos θ = (4)

In Fig. 1:
√ √ √
~ = (1, 2), C
~ = (−1, 3) ⇒ B =
B 12 + 22 = 5, C = (−1)2 + 32 = 10

(−1) · 1 + 3 · 2 1
cos θ = √ √ = √ , θ = 45o
5 10 2

A different system of coordinates can be used to evaluate ~a · ~b, with different individual
components but with the same result. For two orthogonal vectors ~a · ~b = 0 in any
system of coordinates. The main application of the scalar product is the concept of
work ∆W = F~ · ∆~r, with ∆~r being the displacement. Force which is perpendicular to
displacement does not work!
Preview. We will learn that magnetic force on a moving particle is always perpendicular
to velocity. Thus, this force makes no work, and the kinetic energy of such a particle is

Example: Prove the Pythagorean theorem c2 = a2 + b2 .

4. Two vectors: vector product

At this point we must proceed to the 3D space. Important here is the correct system of
coordinates, as in Fig. 2. You can rotate the system of coordinates any way you like, but
you cannot reflect it in a mirror (which would switch right and left hands). If ~a and ~b make
y x


x y

FIG. 2: The correct, ”right-hand” systems of coordinates. Checkpoint - curl fingers of the RIGHT
hand from x (red) to y (green), then the thumb should point into the z direction (blue). (Note that
axes labeling of the figures is outside of the boxes, not necessarily near the corresponding axes;
also, for the figure on the right the origin of coordinates is at the far end of the box, if it is hard
to see in your printout).

an angle φ ≤ 180o with each other, their vector (cross) product ~c = ~a × ~b has a magnitude

c = ab sin(φ)

The direction is defined as perpendicular to both ~a and ~b using the following rule: curl the
fingers of the right hand from ~a to ~b in the shortest direction (i.e., the angle must be smaller
than 180o). Then the thumb points in the ~c direction. Check with Fig. 3.
Changing the order changes the sign, ~b × ~a = −~a × ~b. In particular, ~a × ~a = ~0. More
generally, the cross product is zero for any two parallel vectors.
Ring Diagram:

FIG. 3: Example of a cross product ~c (blue) = ~a (red) × ~b (green). (If you have no colors, ~c is
vertical in the example, ~a is along the front edge to lower right, ~b is diagonal).


  
i x j =k
  
j xk = i
  
kx i = j
  
 i xk =- j , etc. 
k j

Suppose now a system of coordinates is introduced with unit vectors î, ĵ and k̂ pointing
in the x, y and z directions, respectively. First of all, if î, ĵ, k̂ are written ”in a ring”, the
cross product of any two of them equals in clockwise direction the third one, i.e.

î × ĵ = k̂ , ĵ × k̂ = î , k̂ × î = ĵ

Example. Fig. 1:
~ = −2î + ĵ , B
A ~ = î + 2ĵ

~ ×B
A ~ = (−2î + ĵ) × (î + 2ĵ) = (−2) · 2î × ĵ + ĵ × î =

= −4k̂ − k̂ = −5k̂

(Note: in Fig. 1 k̂ goes out of the page; the cross product A ~ goes into the page, as
indicated by ”-”.)
More generally, the cross product is expressed as a 3-by-3 determinant

î ĵ k̂

ay az ax az ax ay

~a × ~b = ax ay az = î − ĵ + k̂ (5)

b b b b b b

y z x z x y
bx by bz

The two-by-two determinants can be easily expanded. In practice, there will be many zeroes,
so calculations are not too hard.
Preview. Vector product is most relevant to magnetism; it determines, e.g. the magnetic
force on a particle in a field, F~ = q~v × B
~ with q being the charge, ~v the velocity, and B
~ the

intensity of magnetic field at the location of the particle.

Example. See Fig. 1.
~ ×B
A ~ = k̂((−2)2 − 1 · 1) = −5k̂

B. Fields

So far we were dealing with scalars or vectors attributed to a single particle (or a single
point, if you prefer). Consider now a much more general situation when a scalar or a
vector is attributed to every point in space. This brings us to a concept of a field, scalar
or vector, respectively. Field can also depend on time. A good example of a scalar field
is the temperature (or pressure) map which you see in the weather forecast. Similarly, the
velocities of the air flow (usually superimposed on the same map) give a vector field.




-2 -1 0 1 2
2 2

H 1

0 0

L -1

-2 -2
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2

Examples of scalar and vector fields: weather maps. Top - pressure field (scalar); lines
connect points with identical pressure. Lower: wind velocity fields; left - regular flow from
high to lower pressure, right - turbulent flow (note regions with non-zero circulation, ”tor-
~ of an
nadoes”). The left maps are similar to those for potential V and electrostatic field E
electric dipole. The type of the map on the right is encountered in time dependent fields,
such as those which lead to electromagnetic radiation.

1. Representation of a field; field lines

How to represent a field in a picture? For a scalar field the best way is to draw lines of a
constant level, e.g. lines with constant temperature every 10o C (another good example is a
topographic map which indicates levels of constant height. Try to sketch maps of a hill top,
of a crest and of a ”saddle”).
For a vector field graphical representation can be harder. The easiest approach would
be to select a large number of points in space and to draw vectors from each of them (see,
e.g., the example of gravitational field later in these notes). You might not always enjoy
the picture, however, since it will look too ”discrete”, while one feels that field should be
continuous. A much better way is to draw the ”field lines” - see Fig. 4. They give information
about both magnitude and direction of the vector field. Many non-trivial mathematical
theorems about the field are easily justified in terms of such pictures. Field lines also
provide an enormous boost for physical intuition since rather abstract vector constructions
are replaced by simple, easy to understand pictures.

FIG. 4: Example of vector field lines. At each point the direction of vector field is tangent to the
line. The magnitude of the vector field at a given point is proportional to the density of lines.

2. Properties of field lines and related definitions

The condition that the magnitude of the vector field at a given point is proportional to
the density of lines, generally speaking, would require that some lines should be added or
removed at various places in the picture. Remarkably, however, for the fields we are going to
consider this happens only at some special points, and otherwise field lines run continuously.
Points from which lines start are often called ”sources”, and points where they vanish are

~ sources and sinks for field lines are positive and negative
Preview. For electrostatic field E
charges, respectively. Only there the lines can start or interrupt. (See the gravitational
example below, which is similar to a negative charge; a positive charge will have lines going
out). There are no magnetic charges in Nature, and thus magnetic field lines never start or
end, but either loop (around currents) or come and go to infinity.
Example. Gravitational field at any point ~r outside of a planet is defined as the ratio of
a force F~ on a probe to the mass of that probe, m. Show that this equals the gravitational
acceleration ~g (~r). Sketch the vector field lines for the field ~g - see Fig. 5.

FIG. 5: Gravitational field around a planet. Left - representation by vectors, right - representation
by field lines. Since the density of lines determines the magnitude of field, the latter decays inversely
proportional to square of the distance from the center. The structure of this field is very similar
to the electrostatic field outside a negatively charged sphere.

Gravitational field is detected by a probe, but we need a quantitative feature which is

independent of the actual probe m:

Mm F~g M
F~g = −G 3 ~r , = −G 3 ~r = ~g
r m r

Here ~r is from the center of the planet to the observation point (do not need the probe
anymore). Similarly, can construct a scalar function, the gravitational potential.

Vg ≡ Ug /m = −G /m = −GM/r

1 2
|Vg | = vesc , and |Vg | ≪ c2

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 2nd Lecture


A. Notations and units

Notations: q, Q or (special) e for the charge of an electron.

Units: C (coulombs). Very large! (Historically, C was introduced as A · s, with A being
the ampere, for current. Today it is more common to treat C as another fundamental unit,
which together with kg (kilogram), m (meter) and s (second) determines the SI system of
units. The ampere A is then derived as C/s).
Charge of an electron
e ≃ −1.6 · 10−19 C

In fact, this charge is quite appreciable and can be directly measured in the lab.

B. Superposition of charges

If several charges, positive or negative q1 , q2 , ... etc., are placed on a small particle, at
large distances that particle will act as a single charge with

Qtot = q1 + q2 + . . . (6)

C. Quantization of charge

The smallest charge is the charge of an electron, i.e. for any observable charge Q one
should have
Q/e = 0 , ±1 , ±2 , . . .

D. Charge conservation

In a closed system
Qtot = const (7)

This is a fundamental Law of Nature, which is valid even if the number of elementary
particles is not conserved (as in nuclear reactions)!
Examples. Decay of a neutron into a proton and an electron (+ some kind of neutrino which
has no charge and is of little interest here):

n0 → p+ + e− + ν 0

Example Annihilation of the electron e− and a positron e+ :

e− + e+ = 2γ 0

E. The Coulomb’s Law

If two charges q1 , q2 are separated by a distance r, the force between them is

q1 q2
F =k , k ≃ 9 · 109 N · m2 /C2 (8)
with positive sign referring to repulsion and negative to attraction. The force acts along
the line connecting the two charges - see Fig. 6.
(some books write the product of absolute values of charges, to emphasize that F is the magnitude
of force, which is always positive. However, the form given by eq. (8) is correct, and has more
information as long as you know what it means).

FIG. 6: The Coulomb interaction between charges. Figures are drawn to scale, with radii of
charges being proportional to their magnitudes, and forces being proportional to predictions of the
Coulomb Law. Positive and negative charges are indicated by red and blue, respectively. Note
the following: (a) same charges repel each other, while opposite charges are attracted. (b) Forces
acting on each of the two interacting charge are the same in magnitude, even if charges are different
(otherwise the 3rd Law of Newton would be violated). (c) Forces become extremely large if the
two charges are very close to each other, even if both charges are small

If one really wants to be pedantic (e.g., when dealing with a computer which has a poor

sense of humor), the Coulomb’s law can be formulated in a vector form: If ~r12 is the vector

which points from charge 1 to charge 2 (with r = |~r12 |, as before), then the vector of force

F~21 which acts on charge 2 (and is due to interaction with charge 1) is given by

q1 q2
F~21 = k 3 ~r12 (9)

Example: check the above equation for a pair of charges from Fig. 6) [in fact, those
pictures were generated by a computer using eq. (9)].
The vector version of Coulombs Law is more convenient in large formal calculations with
many charges.

F. Superposition of forces

Consider a charge, let’s call it q0 which interacts with many other charges in the system,

q1 , q2 , ..., etc. Then the total force which acts on q0 is the vector superposition of individual

forces, i.e.
qi q0
F~0, net = F~01 + F~02 + . . . =
k 3 ~ri0 (10)
This is illustrated in Fig. 7 where the charge of interest, q0 is the one in lower right.

FIG. 7: The principle of superposition. The total force (black arrow in the picture) acting on a
given charge equals the vector sum of all three individual forces which act on this charge due to
its pairwise interaction with every other charge present in the system.

Example: Q = 2 µC, a = 1 mm. Find the force on the charge at the origin.
y, mm

1.0 q2=-Q


q0=-Q F01 q1=Q

x, mm
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


q √
2 2
F0 = F01 + F02 = 2 · F01

Q2 9 −6 2 −3 2 4

2 × 3.6 · 104 = . . .

F01 = k 2
≈ 9 · 10 2 · 10 /(10 ) = 3.6 · 10 N , F0 =

Continuous qi : sum over ”all other charges” qi is replaced by a corresponding integral

(volume, surface or linear integral depending on the actual charge distribution).
→ dV , or dA , or dl

qi → ρdV , or σdA , or λdl

Here ρ, σ and λ are the volume charge density, surface charge density and linear charge
density, respectively, with units

[ρ] = C/m3 , [σ] = C/m2 , [λ] = C/m

G. Reaction of a charge to electrostatic and other forces

Recall that the 2nd Law of Newton

F~ = m~a , or F~ = d~p/dt (11)

is valid for any force, whatever its origin. So, if m is the charge q0 and F~0, net is the total
electrostatic force acting on that charge, as in eq. (10), then the 2nd Law allows one to find
the acceleration ~a, as for any other particle. If other, non-electrostatic forces also act on the
charge, they should be just added to give the total force, and the 2nd Law will allow to find
Advanced: although we are talking about electrostatics, particles are permitted to move, albeit
not too fast. If they do move fast, with speeds comparable to the speed of light, the 2nd Law
in the above version need correction, and Coulomb’s also needs to be modified to account
for retardation. (Equivalently, magnetic fields due to particle motion must be included). In
addition, rapidly accelerating charges will emit electromagnetic waves, which are not part of
the story (yet).

Example: Estimate the speed of an electron in a hydrogen atom with radius about 0.53 ·
10−10 m.

FIG. 8:

Solution: the centripetal acceleration a = v 2 /r is due to coulomb interaction between the

electron and the proton. Thus,
e2 9 (1.6 · 10
) −8
F =k ≃ 9 · 10 2 ≈ 8.2 10 N
r2 (0.53 · 10 )

From 2nd Law find the acceleration of the electron:

ae = F/me ≈ 8.2 10−8/(9.1 · 10−31 ) = . . .

with me being the mass of electron.

To find speed v use F = me ac
v2 e2
m =k 2
r r
(the heavy proton practically does not move). Or,
9 · 109 (1.6 · 10−19 )2
v = ke /(me · r) = ...
9.1 · 10−31 × 0.53 · 10−10
(Check that it does not exceed speed of light!).
Acceleration of the proton:
ap = F/mp = a
with mp ∼ 1.67 · 10−27 kg. Note: F - same (3rd Law !).

What other forces can act on a charge? The answer depends whether we consider an
elementary charge or just a charged ”macroscopic” particle (which can be tiny on a human
scale, like a fine dust particle).
If the charge is elementary, there is only one other long range force which can act on it.
This is the force of gravity, Fg = m~g with ~g being the gravitational acceleration. (Nuclear
”forces” which can act on protons are of very short range, about 10−14 m, not of human
scale at all. They are also not ”forces” in the strict meaning of word, since they do not lead
to anything like the 2nd Law).
The gravitational interaction between 2 elementary charges is negligibly small (estimate!),
but if a charge interacts with a huge body, like a planet, the electrostatic and gravitational
forces can be comparable, as in the Millican experiment.
Discussion. Relation between the Coulomb’s Law and the Newton’s Law of gravitation

m1 m2
FG = −G

with G ≃ 6.7 · 10−11 N m2 /kg 2 .

Compare to Coulomb’s law:
r −2 - same!
m1,2 - analogous to q1,2
”-” in the formula AND m1,2 > 0
Compare forces between two electrons:

m2e e2
FG = −G , F e = k
r2 r2
FG Gm2e

Fe ke2

FG 10−10−60
∼ 10−38
∼ 10−42
Fe 10
For a non-elementary charge one can introduce other forces, similarly to what is commonly
done in regular mechanics. For example, for two suspended light charged pit balls one can
discuss the tension force T~ as the third force which equilibrates the gravitational F~g and the

electric Fe forces (i.e., F~e + F~g + T~ = 0 if the system is in equilibrium - see example below. In
principle, tension is not a fundamental force but is also of electromagnetic origin, but this is
only in principle. In reality, one cannot predict the value of T from considering interactions
of elementary charges in the thread, and T must be deduced from measurements.
Advanced: There is a fundamental difficulty in E&M, What is the size of an electron? If it is
finite, there are enormous forces trying to break it apart (see Coulomb’s Law). Which forces prevent
it from breaking? (we do not know, and at the moment it seems impossible to introduce such forces
consistently, so that they satisfy relativity, conservation of energy and momentum, etc.). The other
option is that electron is an infinitesimal point, but then one encounters INFINITY(!) when the
center of the electron is approached. The latter is very hard to deal with, both mathematically and
conceptionally, but seems to remain the only option which is currently available.

Example: In a Lab demo two light balls with m = 1 milli-gram each are suspended on
two massless threads with L = 1 m. When charged with equal negative charges Q the balls
separated by r = 2 cm . Find Q and the number of extra electrons on each ball.






T~ + m~g + F~e = 0

Let sin θ = r/2L ≈ tan θ:

T sin θ − Fe = 0

T cos θ − mg = 0

Fe = mg tan θ = k
mgr 3

Q≈− ∼ 0.5 · 8 · 10−6+1−6−10
Advanced. Insufficiency of classical mechanics to get the size of an atom
Have [k] = N · m2 /C 2 , [e] = C, [m] = kg. Let us try to construct length:

[m] = [kg · m3 /s2 C 2 ]α [C]β [kg]γ

No solution! What to do? Need a new fundamental constant (Bohr). It is ~ ∼ 10−34 J · s (Plank’s
Extra credit (optional): estimate the size of an atom by adding ~ to previous dimensions.

Example. A dust particle with m1 = 4 µg and q1 = 7µC is 3 cm away from another
particle with m2 = 8µg and q2 = 5µC. Find acceleration for each.

q1 q2 9 7 ∗ 10
∗ 5 ∗ 10−6
F =k = 9 ∗ 10 = 350 N
r2 (3 ∗ 10−2 )2

F 350 m F
a1 = = = 8.75 ∗ 1010 2 , a2 = = 0.5a1
m1 4 ∗ 10 −9 s m2
In all examples below Q = 5.0 µC, q = 2.0 µC, distances (if given) are in mm; red is
positive , blue is negative. You need to find the resultant force on the black (positive)
charge q. y, mm



-Q q Q
x, mm
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5




In the above r1 (from red) = r2 (from blue) = 1.0 mm. Forces on q add up:

Qq Qq Qq 9 5.0 ∗ 10
∗ 2.0 ∗ 10−6
F =k + k = 2k ≃ 2 ∗ 9 ∗ 10 = 1.8 ∗ 105 N
r12 r22 r12 (1.0 ∗ 10−3 )2

y, mm


Q -2Q q x, mm
-2 -1 1 2



In the above r1 (from red) = 3.0 mm, r2 (from blue) ≃ 1.2 mm. Forces subtract and resul-
tant is towards left:
2Qq Qq 2 1 9 −6 −6 2 1
F = k 2 −k 2 = kQq 2
− 2 ≃ 9∗10 ∗5.0∗10 ∗2.0∗10 2
− =
r2 r1 r2 r1 (1.2 ∗ 10 )
−3 (3.0 ∗ 10−3 )2

= 1.15 ∗ 105 N

Let L = 3.0 cm. Find x so that F = 0 (figure no to scale!).
q Q -2Q
x L

In the above r1 (from red) = x and r2 (from blue) = L + x. Forces subtract:

Qq 2Qq 1 2 L+x
k 2
=k 2
, or 2 = 2
and x = √
x (L + x) x (L + x) 2
√ √ L 3.0 cm
2 x = L+x, x( 2−1) = L and x = √ ≃√ = 7.2 cm (to the left of the smaller charge)
2−1 2−1

Directions only


-Q 2 




2Q -1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 -Qx

2Qq Qq Qq
F =k 2
− k 2
= k 2
≃ 4.5 ∗ 104 N
r1 r1 r1

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 3rd Lecture


A. Field due to a point charge

1. Definition and units

Consider the Coulomb’s law, eq. (9), but now we treat the charges unequally. The 1st
charge is the primary charge, just q, the second charge is a probe , a small charge with a
value q0 . The law can now be written as

q · q0
F~0 = k 3 ~r
with F0 being the force which acts on the probe and ~r pointing from the primary charge
towards the location of the probe.
Now consider the following ratio

F~0 /q0 = k 3 ~r

The most remarkable fact about this expression is that it does not depend on the probe!
Thus, the ratio is a characteristic of the charge q only, but not of q0 . It deserves a name -
~ (~r). The units however, are derived
the electric field at point ~r and a standard notation E
h i
from the known ones: E ~ = N/C (and later we learn that this is the same as V/m, volts
per meter). Explicitly, one has for a field due to a point charge q

~ = k q ~r
E (12)

or, without vectors

E=k (13)
with positive sign indicating that field goes away from the charge and negative sign indicating
a field going towards the charge, if it happens to be negative. r is just the distance from
charge q to the observation point, and we do not need the probe at this point anymore(!)

2. Vector Fields and Field Lines

~ (~r) is defined for any point in space around q. Instead of showing the
The vector E
vectors, however, it is much more convenient to depict the field lines (see the Introduction).
Such lines have the property that their tangent coincides with the direction of a vector at
a given point. Since E~ always points away from the positive charge (towards a negative

charge), for a single charge the field lines will be just straight lines, as in Fig. 9. Note that
positive and negative charges serve, respectively, as ”sources” and ”sinks” for the field lines.

FIG. 9: Vector fields (upper row) and electric field lines (lower row) due to single point charges.
Note that the field becomes infinitely strong when a charge is approached.

B. Field due to several charges

1. Definition and force on a charge in a field

~ (~r) as
Similarly to the field of a single charge, in a general case one can introduce field E
a ratio of the force which acts on a small probe placed at ~r to the magnitude of the probe.
(After that, the probe does not matter).
~ is assumed to be known at a given
In practice, this definition is often reversed. Field E
point, and one is asked to find the force on a charge q which is placed there (the charge may
or may not be called ”probe” in this case). From the definition one has

F~ = q E
~ (14)

Note that if the charge is negative (blue), the force is opposite to the field. If the blue
object has mass m and is to be balanced against force of gravity:

qE = mg

T~ + m~g + F~e = 0

−T sin α + Fe = 0

T cos α − mg = 0

mg tan α = Fe = qE

2. Superposition of fields

Since the force obeys the superposition principle, the latter is also valid for the fields. The
~ at a given point is determined by a vector sum of contributions of individual
total field E

~ =E
E ~1 + E
~2 + . . . (15)

~ 1, E
The fields E ~ 2 , etc. are determined by eq. (12) with ~r replaced by a vector pointing from

a corresponding charge to the observation point.

Example Field due to a dipole. We will consider the observation point equally distanced
from both charges, as in fig. 10. The distance between charges is d and the distance from
each charge to the observation point is L. Both charges are identical in magnitude and equal
±q, respectively.
Let the two charges have respective coordinates ~r1 = (−d/2, 0) and ~r2 = (d/2, 0); the
~ 1 be the field
observation point is then located at ~r0 = (0, h), with h = L2 − d2 /4. Let E

o -r

r o-r 2


d r2-r1

FIG. 10: Evaluation of a field due to a dipole. Left - from similar triangles. Right - from vectors.
As a reminder, a tiny probe is shown at the observation point, equally distanced from both charges.
In reality, there is nothing present at that point, just field.

from positive (red) charge and E ~ 2 field from the negative (blue) charge. The black horizontal
~ dip = E
field is their resultant E ~1 + E ~ 2 . From similar triangles

Edip /E1 = d/L ⇒ Edip = E1

From E1 = kq/L2 : Edip = (16)
Advanced. Alternatively, we can use vectors and the superposition principle:

~ dip = E
E ~ 2 = kq ~r0 − ~r1 − kq ~r0 − ~r2 = kq {~r0 − ~r1 − ~r0 + ~r2 } = kq {~r2 − ~r1 }
~1 + E
L3 L3 L3 L3

which is a vector pointing to the right (from positive to negative, parallel to the dipole) with
the same magnitude.


-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0

-0.5 x
0.5 1.0 1.5




FIG. 11: Picture of the dipole can be rotated.

Example. Find the field from a dipole if the observation point and the charges form an
equilatteral triangle with side a.
Direction - see Fig. 11. Magnitude: d = L = a and

Edip = kqd/L3 = kq/a2

Another example. Same arrangement, but both charges are positive - Fig. 12.


FIG. 12: Example of evaluation of a field due to two identical positive charges.

~ =E
E ~ 2 = kq ~r0 − ~r1 + kq ~r0 − ~r2 = kq {~r0 − ~r1 + ~r0 − ~r2 }
~1 + E
L3 L3 L3
~ = kq {2~r0 − ~r2 − ~r1 } = kq (0, 2h) = 2kqh (0, 1)
L3 L3 L3
which is a vector pointing up.
In principle, the superposition principle allows one to reconstruct field due to any known
charge distribution. If charges are distributed continuously, one just needs to break the
distributed charge into small individual domains, and threat each of the as a point charge.
This leads to an integral instead of a sum in eq. (15), but otherwise it is the same idea. We
will later see how it works on examples.

C. Electrostatic Field Lines (EFL)

In a general case the structure of field lines is more complex than for a single charge; in
particular they are not straight lines anymore. Nevertheless, some general properties can be

• tangent to the EFL determines the direction of the electric field E

• density of EFL determines the magnitude of E

• EFL originate on positive charges

• EFL terminate on negative charges

• EFL can come and go to infinity

• EFL CANNOT start or end in empty space


• as a rule, EFL CANNOT cross

Looping is not allowed since it would contradict conservation of energy. At the point of
crossing of two lines it would be impossible to determine the direction of the field. (A
special case is the point of zero field; such points however, are extremely rare since all three
components of E ~ must go to zero at the same time).

1. Field lines due to a dipole

Generally, plotting field lines for several charges is not easy. Two things help. First,
directly near charges fields are so strong that other charges do not matter. It is a good
start. Second, in many problems there is some special symmetry which helps to understand
the structure of field.
Field due to a dipole - Fig. 13: Note that there are no points with zero field.
Field due to two identical charges - Fig. 14: There is one point where the field is zero.
For nonsymmetric arrangements, plotting of a field is a work for a (good) computer. For
example, in Fig. 15 there are field of two non-equal charges:




FIG. 13: Electric field lines due to a dipole.




FIG. 14: Electric field lines due to 2 positive charges.

D. Continuos charge distribution

1D : q → λ dx , [λ] = C/m

2D : q → σ dA , [σ] = C/m2

3D : q → ρ dV , [ρ] = C/m3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2

FIG. 15: Electric field lines due to two non-equal charges with the positive charge on the left being
3 times larger. The smaller charge is negative (left figure) and positive (right)

Example. Field from a uniformly charged line at a point (red) equally distanced from
the ends

Contribution of the selected (blue) fragment

~ =k λ dx λ dx
~r = (−x, y) , dE ~
r = k 3 (−x, y)
x +y 2

Then, Z Z
Ex = dEx = 0 (from symmetry), Ey = dEy

If the line is infinite

Ey = kλy p 3
−∞ x2 + y 2
Introducing dimensionless integration variable w = x/y
kλ ∞ dw 2kλ
Ey = √ 3 =
y −∞ w2 + 1 y

Example. Field from a uniformly charged line at a point (red) with distance D from the
end, along the rod

Introduce X = L/2 + D-distance of the red point from the center. Contribution of the
selected (blue) fragment
dE = kλdx/(X − x)2
E= dx kλ/(X − x) = kλ
−L/2 X − x −L/2
1 1 kλL
= kλ − =
D D+L D(D + L)

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 4th Lecture


A. Quantification of the number of lines

The electric field lines give a good qualitative picture of the field, So far, however, we
did not specify the exact number of lines to draw, so that the field intensity intensity was
only proportional to their density. As long as the number lines is our choice, let us try to
determine the number of lines, Φ, in such a manner that the density of lines will be exactly
equal to the intensity of field. We will do that first for a single charge where we know the
1 q
E= (17)
4πǫ0 r 2
where ǫ0 is just another coefficient, related to k ≃ 9 · 109 N · m2 /C 2 which we used before
by k = 1/ (4πǫ0 ).
Now let us surround a single charge by a sphere with radius r, as in Fig. 16. The area of
the sphere is 4πr 2 , and if the charge is at the center of the sphere, the density of lines is

4πr 2

Comparing this to eq. (17), one determines the number of lines as

Φ = q/ǫ0 (18)

B. Deformations of the Gaussian surface

The sphere in Fig. 16 is often called a Gaussian surface. Note that once the number of
lines which emerge from a charge, Φ, is selected the number of lines which cross the surface
does not depend either on its shape or on its size, as long as the charge remains inside - see
Fig. 17.
We are almost ready to prove the Gauss theorem, although some formalities are still

FIG. 16: A charge is surrounded by a sphere with radius r. If Φ is the number of lines which emerge
from the charge, their density will be given by Φ/ 4πr 2 . The number of lines is considered positive

if they go out of the surface (picture on left); if the lines go into the surface (picture on right) their
contribution is negative. For a properly selected Φ, as in eq. (18), the density of lines will exactly
equal to the magnitude of electric field at any distance from the charge.

FIG. 17: Deformations of the Gauss surface. Note that the total number of lines which cross the
surface (with account for sign) does not change as long as the charge remains inside.

The outside charge does not contribute to the flux.

C. Definition of the flux

The more controlled definition of the ”number of lines which cross a given surface” is
via the electric flux.

~ · A.
Vector of the surface area (left) and the flux Φ = E ~ Density of field lines is proportional
(”equal”) to |E|.
Consider a small surface element with area ∆A and let us characterize it by a vector ∆A
which points in the direction of the normal to the surface. The number of lines which cross

this surface, ∆Φ, is determined from the condition that E coincides with the density of
lines. Thus, one obtains

~ · ∆A
∆Φ = E ~ (19)

This is called the flux through the surface element. Note that this flux is a scalar (see
Introduction for pictures).
Similarly, flux can be introduced for any surface, not only small. That surface can be
~ i each characterized by its own ∆Φi (positive or negative),
partitioned in small elements, ∆A
and individual contributions should be just added together. In the limit, this leads to an
~ · dA
integral E ~ over the surface. The most interesting case is when the surface is closed, so

that I
Φ= ~ · dA
E ~ (20)

This serves as a formal definition of the flux. Check that it indeed coincides with the number
of lines in a simple configuration of Fig. 16.
~ obeys the superposition principle, so does the flux. I.e., fluxes due
Since the field E
to several charges just add up (as scalars!). This conclusion is the main reason for the
detour from the more narrative, field line description. (It is not easy to justify from the
start the superposition principle in terms of the field lines since adding an extra charge will
dramatically modify the structure of the field - see the previous lecture).

D. Gauss theorem

Since we have the principle of superposition, and since an individual charge produces a

flux given by eq. (18), one has

Φ = qenc/ǫ0 (21)
where qenc is the net charge enclosed inside the surface. The shape of the surface does not
matter, and so does not matter any outside charge.

E. Gauss Theorem (GT) and Coulomb’s law

Equation (17) from which we started when deriving the GT is a direct consequence of
the Coulomb’s law. So is the GT itself. Conversely, it could be possible to postulate the
GT as a fundamental law, and then derive eq. (17) from it. The only thing which should be
added here are considerations of symmetry (which are important in almost every practical
application of the GT - see below).
Consider again Fig. 16, but imagine now that you do not know the magnitude of the
electric field. You do know, however, that the field is radial (from symmetry!), and the flux

Φ through the Gaussian surface centered at the charge is given by

Φ = 4πr 2E

The field E is yet unknown, but it follows from the GT, eq. (21) with qenc being the single
charge q:
4πǫ0 r 2
This is exactly eq. (17).

F. Applications of the GT

There are two major applications of the GT. The first is finding the field for some sym-
metric, usually continuous distribution of charges. The second type is finding the charge
once something is known about the field, as in the case of the conductor.
In the first group of applications the key point is selection of a ”good’ Gaussian surface,
which is consistent with symmetry. Then, the flux Φ can be evaluated, and field E found
from the GT. Let’s see how it works.

1. Charged spherical shell

Consider a shell with radius R charged with a charge Q uniformly distributed over its
surface. From symmetry, field lines are radial. For an arbitrary radius of the Gaussian
surface r the flux is given by
Φ= E · dA = E dA = E · 4πr 2

although the field E is yet unknown, and we find it from the GT. The result strongly
depends on whether we are inside or outside the real shell. One has:

The Gauss surface (dashed) with radius r outside the shell (left) and inside the shell (right).
Outside, r > R: qenc = Q; inside, r < R: qenc = 0. Thus
GT (outside): Φ = ⇒ E(r > R) = = k as if charge Q was the center
ǫ0 4πǫ0 r 2 r2
GT (inside): Φ = 0 ⇒ E(r < R) = 0 everywhere inside, not only at the center

Example. A spherical shell with R = 5 m has a net charge of Q = 1 µC uniformly

distributed over the surface. What is the magnitude of the electric field at (a) a distance
r = 1 m from the center of the sphere and (b) a distance d = 1 m from the surface of the
(a): r < R ⇒ E(r) = 0
Q 9 1 · 10
(b): r = R + d > R ⇒ E(r) = k 2
= 9 · 10 2
= 2.5 · 102
(R + d) (5 + 1) C

2. Uniformly charged sphere

Let ρ be the charge density inside a sphere with radius R. The above relation Φ = 4πr 2E
is still valid. For qenc in the GT one has:
Outside, r > R: qenc = Q, with Q = 4/3 · πR3ρ being the total charge, and E = Q/ (4πǫ0 r 2 ),
exactly like before. Inside, r < R: qenc = 4/3 · πr 3 ρ, and the GT gives

4πr 2 E = qenc /ǫ0 , E(r) = r

At the surface the field is given by E0 = ρR/3ǫ0 and this result can be approached from
the outside as well (show this!). The structure of field is shown in Fig. 18. This problem






1 2 3 4

FIG. 18: The field of a uniformly charged sphere. The field is given in scaled units, E/E0 with E0
being the field at the surface (see text).

is also of interest in gravitational context, representing, e.g. the gravitational acceleration

both inside and outside Earth.
Other types of symmetry will be discussed in class. Here is the summary only:

3. Uniformly charged infinite line

Units: [λ] = C/m

Symmetry: cylindrical
Gaussian surface: cylinder coaxial with the line, with radius r and arbitrary length L.

Flux (only side surface contributes) Φ = 2πrLE , charge inside qenc = λL

From GT: 2πrLE = λL/ǫ0 , E = (22)
2πǫ0 r
Example. At a distance r1 = 1 cm from a charged line the electric field equals E1 = 200
N/C. a) Find λ. b) Find E2 at a distance r2 = 2 cm from the line.

λ = E1 × 2πǫ0 r1 = 200 × 2π × 8.85 ∗ 10−12 × 1.0 ∗ 10−2 = ...

E2 = E1 = E1 /2
Example (harder). A thin-walled conducting cylinder with R = 3.0 cm is uniformly
charged with σ = 7.0 nC/m2 . Find E1 at r = 1 cm and E2 at r = 4 cm.
Can start from scratch. Use cylindrical Gauss surface with radius r and length L, as before.
The flux is Φ = 2πrLE while the enclosed charge for r > R is Qenc = σ ∗ 2πRL and Qenc = 0
for r < R. From GT
σ R
2πrLE = σ ∗ 2πRL/ǫ0 , ⇒ E = , r>R
ǫ0 r
E = 0, r < R
7.0 ∗ 10−9 3
r = 4.0 cm: E = = ...
8.85 ∗ 10−12 4

4. Uniformly charged non-conducting plane

Units: [σ] = C/m2

Symmetry: planar -see Fig. 19

FIG. 19: Electric field due to an infinite positively charged plane. Left: the selected Gauss surface
(rectangular box with dimensions L × h × 2x with the part of infinite plane (purple) with area
A = hL which fits inside the box. Right: side view. Since field lines are parallel to each other,
their density remains constant and the magnitude of the field is independent of the distance x from
the plane and is given by eq. (23). For a negatively charged plane the picture would be similar,
with lines going into the plane.

Gaussian surface: rectangular box with one face (with area A = hL) parallel to the plane.
The charged plane cuts the box in the middle.
Flux and enclosed charge:

Φ = 2AE , qenc = Aσ ⇒ (Gauss)) 2AE = Aσ/ǫ0

E= (23)
and x does not matter!

Example. ForQ = 2 µC, σ = 1 µC/m2 and m = 10−4 kg find the angle with vertical.

L 
 E



x: − T sin θ + Fe = 0 , y: T cos θ = mg ⇒
σ −6 10−6
mg tan θ = Fe = QE = Q = 2 · 10 = ...
2ǫ0 2 · 8.85 · 10−12
tan θ = Fe /(10−4 · 9.8) = . . .

G. A metal conductor

Impossibility of electric field inside metal (left) - otherwisde current, and impossibility of a
charge inside (right) - would violate Gauss theorem.

A charged conductor (with a cavity). Left: all extra charge Q goes to the outside surface;
inside no charge/no field. Right: far away outside acts as a point charge Q regardless of
actual shape.

Charge q inside a cavity in a conductor which also carries an extra charge Q. Charge on
inner surface is allways −q to ensure zero field inside the metal (from Gauss). Charge on
the outer surface follows from conservation of charge.

1. Field near the surface of a conductor

E=0 + E=
Field is now ’one-sided’ (compare with fig. 19 for an insulator). For a conductor, Gauss
theorem gives

E= (near conducting surface) (24)

Example. A square has a a side of 1 cm. The field E = 105 N/C makes an angle 20o with
the normal. Find ∆Φ.

∆Φ = ∆A ~ = ∆A E cos θ = (0.01)2 105 cos 20o = . . . N · m2 /C

Example. In the figure below there are 3 charges q1 = 1 nC (smaller red), q2 = −2 nC (light
blue) and q3 = 3 nC (bigger red). Find the flux through a) the football shaped Gaussian
surface and b) through the rectangular box.

Example. A metal spherical shell has an inner radius of R1 = 0.5 cm and an outer radius
R2 = 1 cm. The sphere is originally charged with Q = 4 nC and an extra charge q = 1 nC
is placed at the center of the cavity. Plot E(r).

E=k(q+Q)/r 2

E, arb.u.

E=kq/r 2 12

E=0 10

r, cm
0.5 1.0 1.5 

Example (harder). A large planar sheet of non-conducting material (dielectric) is placed

in the vertical y − z plane and has thickness of 1 cm in the x-direction. The material is
charged with a uniform charge density ρ = 0.3 nC/m3 . Plot E(x).
y cm


x, cm
-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0



Example. A thin straight wire has a linear charge with λ = 1 µC/m. The wire is
surrounded by a coaxial metal cylinder with R1 = 2 cm and R2 = 3 cm. Find E in N/C at
r = 0.5 cm, 2.1 cm, 4 cm. The same, if the cylinder is also charged with λ1 = 3 µC/m.

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 5th Lecture


A. Definitions, units, etc.

The EP at a given point in the electric field (which is created by all other charges in the
Universe) is defined as the potential energy of a unit positive charge if it were placed at that
point. In other words, if you place a small probe q0 at a given point ~r, and that probe has
a potential energy U (~r), the potential V (~r) is defined as

V (~r) = U (~r) /q0 (25)

The actual value of q0 , or even its sign, do not matter - we shall see it later.
Units: V (volts); V = J/C
Major application: In practice, often the EP can be calculated (or measured) first. Then,
potential energy of a given charge q which is placed at a given point in the field (created by
other charges) is given by
U (~r) = qV (~r) (26)

If a charge is being moved from one point (A) to another point (B), the work done by the
field on that charge is given by

WAB = UA − UB = −∆U = q (VA − VB ) = −q∆V (27)

Conventions. The direct physical meaning is given to the difference of potentials. Adding
a constant to V will not matter. By convention, potential at infinity is selected as zero (if
not stated otherwise). If there are grounded conductors in the problem, zero potential is
associated with them.
Example. A positively charged particle with charge q and mass m is placed at a point
with potential V1 . Find the speed of the particle when it reaches a point with V2 < V1 .
Solution: from energy conservation

1 2 1
mv + qV2 = 0 + qV1 , mv 2 = q(V1 − V2 ) > 0
2 2
v = 2(q/m) · (V1 − V2 )

Outlook. We will do the following. First, I will remind you for which type of forces it
makes sense to talk about the potential energy, and how it is related to work. Next, I will
show that the Coulomb’s force is of such type. Next, we will calculate the potential energy
of one point charge in the field of another point charge, and use the original definition to
find the EP. Then, we will examine the connection between the EP and the field E, ~ and

consider the EP in and around conductors.

B. Work and energy in electrostatic field

1. Conservative forces


FIG. 20: Path-independence of the work done by a force. For any force the work is given by eq.
(28), but for special ”conservative” forces, the work does not depend on the actual path which
connects points A and B. For such forces one can talk about potential energy, U (~r) and use eq.
(29) to determine the work on a path. The electrostatic force is of that kind.

For any force F~ the work along a selected path can be obtained as
WAB = F~ · d~s (28)

For some fundamental forces, however, the actual path does not matter - see Fig. 20. Then,
one can introduce potential energy, and not care about the path:

WAB = UA − UB (29)

The gravitational force was of such kind, so is the Coulomb’s force (we show that below).
Such forces are known as ”conservative”, to emphasize that the full mechanical energy
(potential plus kinetic) is conserved.
With the convention that potential energy is taken as zero at infinity, one has
Z ∞
UA = F~ · d~s (30)

This gives us a prescription how to calculate U if the force is known.

C. Interaction of two charges

From eq. (30) one has

Z ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
kq1 q2 1
U (rA ) = F~ · d~s = F (r)dr = dr = kq1 q2 dr =
rA rA rA r2 rA r2
1 1
= kq1 q2 − = kq1 q2
r rA rA
Thus, with r = rA , the distance between charges, the interaction energy is given by

q1 q2
U(r) = k (31)

This can be positive (repulsion) or negative (attraction). (The latter means that field per-
forms negative work when the charge is dragged to infinity).
For more than two charges, q1 , q2 , q3 , etc. multiple pairwise interactions must be consid-
ered (with rik being the distance between charges i and k), and the total energy is just the
q1 q2 q1 q3 q2 q3
U(r) = k +k +k + ... (32)
r12 r13 r23

D. Potential due to a point charge

We start with eq. (31) but treat one charge as the ”primary” charge q, and the other as
the probe q0 . Then
U =k
by definition, V is U/q0 , thus
V (r) = (33)
This is a potential of electric field due to a point charge at a distance r from that charge.
If there are several charges, potentials just add up (as scalars!, which is much easier)

kq1 kq2 kq3

V (r) = + + + ... (34)
r1 r2 r3

Here r1 , r2 , etc. are the distances from each charge to the observation point.

Example. 3 identical charges Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = Q
are placed at the vertexes of a right triangle with
side a. A 4th charge Q4 = q is placed at the center
of hypotenuse. Find the potential at the point ”o”
in the figure. Solution:

Vo = kQ1 /r1o + kQ2 /r2o + kQ3 /r3o + kQ4 /r4o =

√ √
= kQ(1/a + 1/a 2 + 1/a) + kq/(a 2/2)

For a continuous charge distribution the generalization is straightforward. The distribu-

tion is broken in tiny fragments with charges dq = ρ (~r) dv with ρ being the charge density
and dv the elementary volume. Each fragment is then treated as a point charge, and the
sum becomes an integral
V =k (35)
The integration is carried out over the entire volume where the charge is distributed, and
r is the distance from the integration point to the observation point (where the potential
is measured). Note that the observation point can be both outside or inside the charge
distribution. (In the latter case the distance r can go to zero when the integration and
observation points coincide, but the integral still converges - this is an advantage of living
in a 3-dimensional space).
Example. Find the potential of a charge Q = 1 nC uniformly distributed over the volume
of a cube with side a = 1 cm at a distance d = 100 m from center. Solution. Exact
integration VERY hard, but note d ≫ a thus

V ≈ kQ/d ≃ 9 · 109 · (1 · 10−9 )/100 = . . .

Example. A charged insulating rod with (possibly non-uniform) linear density λ. Find V
at a distance D from the end of the rod (red dot). Use L = 1 m, D = 9 cm for calculations.
Explore the cases λ = const = 1µC/m and λ = αx with α = 1µC/m2
dV dx x
D 0 L

λ dx λ(x) dx
dV = k , r =x+D ⇒ V =k
r 0 x+D

1) λ = const
dx L+D
V = kλ = kλ ln(x + D)|L0 = kλ(ln(L + D) − ln D) = kλ ln
0 x+D D

Note: cannot take the limit L → ∞ (unlike the case of the field E).
2) λ = αx
L L L    
x dx (x + D) − D 1 L+D
V = kα = kα dx = kα 1−D dx = kα L − D ln
0 x+D 0 x+D 0 x+D D

Example. A charged rod with (possibly non-uniform) linear density λ. Find V at a
distance H from the end of the rod (red dot) in the perpendicular direction. Use L = 1 m,
H = 9 cm for calculations. Explore the cases λ = const = 1µC/m and λ = αx with
α = 1µC/m2
0 L

H r

λ dx 2 λ(x) dx
dV = k , r = x2 + H 2 ⇒ V = k √
r 0 x2 + H 2
1) λ = const
dx √ L √
V = kλ √ = kλ ln(x + x2 + H 2 ) = kλ(ln(L + L2 + H 2 ) − ln H)

0 x2 + H 2 0

Note: cannot take the limit L → ∞ (unlike the case of the field E).
2) λ = αx
L L L2
x dx d(x2 )/2 1 dz
V = kα √ = kα √ = kα √ =
0 x2 + H 2 0
x +H 2 2 0 z + H2
1 √ √
= kα · 2 x2 + H 2 = kα( L2 + H 2 − H)
2 0

E. Relation to electric field

1. Potential from field

∞ ∞
W 1 1
VA = = F~ · d~s = ~ · d~s
q q A q A
Thus, Z ∞
VA = ~ · d~s
E (36)
Or, for arbitrary initial and final points, A and B

VB − VA = − ~ · d~s
E (37)
Note the minus sign! - the potential always decreases in the direction of the field. (Analogy
with water runing downhill).
Simplest example: If field is constant,

~ · ∆~r
VB − VA = −E

∆~r being the vector from A to B. Along the constant field

VB − VA = −Ed (38)

In the direction perpendicular to field, potential is not changing. This determines equipoten-
tial surfaces, which are flat planes in the above example. For a point charge the equipotential
surfaces are spheres, as follows from eq. (33). More generally, the equipotential surfaces can
be of complex shape, but they are always perpendicular to field lines - see Fig. 21.

FIG. 21: Field lines (blue) and equipotential surfaces (red) for a single charge, a dipole, two equal
charges of the same sign, and two unequal charges of the same sign. For clarity of the figure,
equipotential surfaces are not shown in the immediate vicinity of the charges (where they become
very close to each other); also direction of the field lines is not indicated since it depends on the
actual signs of the charges. Note that at the intersection points the equipotential surfaces and the
field lines are orthogonal to each other.

2. Field from potential

In the simplest example of a constant field,


∆s being the distance between the equipotential surfaces. In a more general case, this
relation also can be used, only approximately for small ∆s; it does, however, become exact
in the limit ∆s → 0, so that
The derivative is taken in the direction of the fastest change in V .
To get individual components of E ~ consider eq. (36) with d~s = dx~i + dy~j + dz~k. Now

consider only a displacement in the x-direction (so that dy = 0 and dz = 0), and take a

derivative to get rid of the integral. One has

Ex = − (39)

and similarly for other components.

~ Solution
Example. For V (x, y) = x2 + x − 3xy 2 − y 5 + 7 find E.

Ex = −dV /dx = −2x − 1 + 3y 2 , Ey = −dV /dy = 6xy + 5y 4

Question (Advanced). It looks that the scalar quantity V contains as much information
~ However, E
as the vector E. ~ is characterized by 3 numbers, while V by just one?? The
~ are not independent, but obey special relations (which
reason is that the 3 components of E
actually allow us to introduce V ), so that everything is consistent.

F. Conductors

E=0, V = const

Left: since field inside a conductor is always zero (otherwise current!), the potential is
Right: The field inside an empty cavity must be zero - otherwise VA 6= VB , which is
Example. A conducting sphere has a charge Q = 1 µC and radius R = 2 m. (a) Find the
field E and the potential V at a distance d = 1 m from the surface. (b) Find the potential
VR of the sphere.


Q Q 9 1 · 10
3 N
(a) from Gauss, outside the sphere E(r) = k 2 = k = 9 · 10 = 10
r (R + d)2 (2 + 1)2 C
Since field is the same as from a point charge and V (∞) = 0 (also outside)
Q Q 1 · 10−6
V (r) = k =k = 9 · 109 = 3 · 103 volt
r R+d 2+1
(b) since potential is continuous
Q 1 · 10−6
VR = V (r) @ r = R ⇒ VR = k = 9 · 109 = 4.5 · 103 volt
R 2
(and this is potential of the entire sphere, not only surface).



• inside: electric field is zero (otherwise - current!)

• outside: field lines approach the surface at 90o (otherwise - surface current).


~ = 0 and the GT)

• inside: no free charge (follows from E

• surface: there can be surface charge (see below) .

• Extra charge: when paced on conductor always goes to external surface.

• external electric field: additional charges, positive and negative, will appear on the
surfaces. The amount and distributions of such charges will be to ensure E ~ = 0 inside
the conductor and, at the same time to satisfy the conservation of charge.


• inside: constant

• surface: constant (same as inside)

• continuous (unlike E which can be discontinuous when crossing the surface)

• (by convention) zero at infinity or at a grounded conductor

Example (harder): charge q at the center of an uncharged conducting spherical shell with a and
b the external and external radii, respectively.

• 0 < r < a : E = kq/r 2 (unmodified, from symmetry); if the sphere was initially charged
with Q, this result would not change

• a < r < b : E = 0 (as inside any conductor)

• r > b : E = kq/r 2 (unmodified, from GT and symmetry); if the sphere was initially charged
with Q, this result would change to E = k(q + Q)/r 2


• inner surface: −q (to ensure E = 0 inside)

• outer surface: +q (from charge conservation); if the sphere was initially charged with Q, this
result would change to q + Q.

If the charge q would be not in the center, properties which rely on symmetry would be lost.
However, the results which rely only on the GT and charge conservation will hold.
Potential (uncharged sphere):

• Outside: field outside is unmodified by the shell, thus the same potential, kq/r with r > b

• outer surface: same, with r = b (potential is continuous!)

• inside the body of the metal shell: same constant kq/b

• inside the cavity: same field as from a free charge, thus the potential can differ only by a
V (r) = + const , r < a
const from the condition
kq kq 1 1
V (a) = + const = ⇒ const = kq − a <0
a b b /

(Advanced). When a conductor is brought into electric field, it strongly affects both the
field lines and the equipotential surfaces - see Fig. 22



-2 -1 1 2




-2 -1 0 1 2

FIG. 22: The structure of equipotential surfaces (red) and electric field lines (blue) around a
conducting sphere. Left: The sphere is uncharged and placed in a uniform electric field. Right:
the sphere is grounded and is placed near a point charge. Note that field lines terminate on the
surface of a conductor, approaching it at a right angle. The entire conductor has the same potential.

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 6th Lecture


A. Definitions, units, etc.

1. Definition

Consider an isolated conductor. Let us place on it some charge Q. The conductor will
acquire some voltage V . By definition, the capacitance

C = Q/V (40)

In most cases it does not depend on Q or V , but is determined solely by the geometry of
the conductor.
Units [C] = C/V = F (farads)
Capacitors. We will see that the capacitance of a single conductor is usually very small. A
simple capacitor is a combination of two conductors, one charged with a charge +Q and the
other −Q. The same definition for C is used, only now V is understood as the absolute value
of the difference of potentials between the conductors. For a clever arrangement, capacitance
of a combination can be billion times larger than capacitances of individual conductors.

B. An isolated sphere

Consider a conducting sphere with radius R. To find C we place on it a charge Q and find
Outside of the sphere the field is the same as from a point charge Q placed at the center
of the sphere
E(r) = , r>R
(we had this result before from the Gauss theorem). If the field is the same, so will be the
V (r) = , r≥R
The surface, and thus the entire sphere will have a potential
VR =
One thus has
CR = Q/V = R/k

which is more common to write as

CR = 4πǫ0 R (41)

Since ǫ0 is very small so is the typical capacitance.

Example. Find the capacitance of a conducting sphere of the size of Earth, R ≃ 6400 km.

C ≃ 6.4 · 106 /(9 · 109 ) ≈ 0.7 mF

In practice small C means that an attempt to store larger charge will be accompanied by a
dangerously high voltage V = Q/C.

C. A spherical capacitor

Let us surround the inner sphere (radius R1 ) by a larger thin spherical shell with radius R2 .
The charge Q is placed on the inner sphere, and the charge −Q on the outer one. The field
is now given by
E = kQ/r 2 , R1 < r < R2 and E = 0 , r > R2

Since between the spheres the field is the same as from a single, the potential is almost as
V (r) = kQ/r + const

. The const, however, does not matter as long as one need the difference
1 1 R2 − R1
∆V = VR1 − VR2 = kQ − = kQ
R1 R2 R1 R2

From here one gets

1 R1 R2
C = Q/∆V =
k R2 − R1
which is usually written as
R1 R2
Csph = 4πǫ0 (42)
R2 − R1
Note that for R2 close to R1 the capacitance Csph can be very LARGE compared to the one
of a single sphere of the same size.

D. Parallel-plate capacitor

Q -Q Q -Q

FIG. 23: Structure of electric field inside of a parallel-plate capacitor (right) starting from the
principle of superposition (left, edge effects are neglected). Note the following: (a) there is no field
outside the capacitor; (b) charges on the plates are always the same in magnitude and opposite in
signs (and +Q is ”the charge of a capacitor”); (c) field is directed from positive plate to negative,
which has a lower potential; the field has a magnitude given by eq. (43) if the space between plates
is empty and is always related to potential difference by eq. (44).

The field of a single large charged plane is given by


(we had this from the Gauss theorem; σ = Q/A is the charge density of the plate with area
A). For two plates charged with opposite signs, the field between the planes will double, so

σ Q
E= = (43)
ǫ0 Aǫ0

Here A is the area of each plate. The field E is uniform, thus

|∆V | = E · d (44)

(d being the distance between the plates). For C one has

C = Q/ |∆V | = (45)

This also can be derived from the formula for a spherical capacitor for R2 ≈ R1 = R (and
with 4πR2 being the area A) and with a small difference R2 − R1 = d.

E. Capacitor with a dielectric

κ=1 (air) κ=2 (diel.)

Q -Q Q -Q

Physics of a dielectric is hard and will be discussed separately. At the moment, we just
use the formal property that if field E is created by some fixed charges ±Q, placing of a
dielectric plate perpendicularly to the field, as in the figure, will reduce that field inside the
plate in accordance with
E → E/κ

κ > 1 is known as the dielectric constant, and is listed in Tables for most of the common
insulating materials. Consider now the entire space between the plates of a parallel-plate
capacitor filled with a dielectric. The charge Q is fixed. The formula for the voltage differ-
ence, ∆V = −Ed, remains the same, but the field is κ times smaller, and so is ∆V . The
capacitance, C = Q/∆V will be increased

C= (46)

Example Given C = 1 pF , A = 50 cm2 , κ = 2 find d in mm. Solution:

Aǫ0 κ Aǫ0 κ 50 · 10−4 × 8.85 · 10−12 × 2

C= ⇒ d= = = . . . × 1000 mm
d C 1 · 10−12

F. Capacitor and a battery

Schematics is shown in Fig. 24. Note that as long as the capacitor is connected to the

FIG. 24: Schematic representation of a capacitor and a battery. The short fat terminal is negative.
The capacitor acquires the same voltage V as between the terminals of the battery. The charge
taken by the capacitor is Q = CV . If disconnected from the battery, the capacitor will keep this

battery it has the same voltage V , regardless of other things (e.g. if we move the plates
apart or if a we insert a dielectric). If C is changed, extra charge will be supplied (or taken
away) by the battery in order to keep the same V . Once disconnected, the capacitor will
keep the charge. Voltage can change if C is changed.

G. Energy

Let q the the current value of the charge (which is smaller than Q). Bringing an extra
charge dq from the negative plate to the positive plate requires work dW with
1 1 Q 1 Q2
dW = V (q)dq = q · dq , ⇒ W = q · dq =
C C 0 C 2
The total work is the energy UC stored in the capacitor, i.e.

Q2 1
UC = = V 2C (47)
2C 2

Example. Given A = 50 cm2 , κ = 2, d = 0.3 mm, Q = 1 nC. Find U. Solution:

Aǫ0 κ 50 · 10−4 × 8.85 · 10−12 × 2 Q2
C= = = . . . , U = = ...
d 0.3 · 10−3 2C

Question. A capacitor is connected to a battery. What happens to the energy when a
dielectric plate is inserted? Where does the energy come from?
Question. A capacitor is charged and disconnected from a battery. What happens to the
energy when a dielectric plate is inserted?

H. Connections of several capacitors

FIG. 25: Parallel (left) and series (right) connections. If each pair of the capacitors will be replaced
by a single equivalent capacitance, as in Fig. 24, with the values of Ceq given by eq. (48) or eq.
(49), the battery will ”not know” about the change. In particular, the total charge taken from the
battery will be Q = Ceq V , the energy stored will be (1/2)V 2 Ceq , etc.

1. Parallel

See Fig. 25 (left).

Same: Voltage
Add up: charges

Q = q1 + q2 + . . . = C1 V + C2 V + . . . = V (C1 + C2 + . . .)

Ceq = C1 + C2 + . . . (48)

2. Series

Fig. 25 (right).

Same - charge.
Add up - voltages.

q q 1 1
V = V1 + V2 + . . . = + + ... = q + + ...
C1 C2 C1 C2
1 1 1
= + + ... (49)
Ceq C1 C2
In many cases, more complex circuits can be analyzed using the so-called reduction
method. Examples will be given in class.
Example. All C’s equal 1 µF . Find Ceq

Solution. Let C1 - upper; C2 and C3 - middle.

C2 C3 C 3
C23 = = , Ceq = C23 + C1 = µF
C2 + C3 2 2

Example. All C’s equal 1 µF . Find Ceq

Solution. Let C1 - upper; C2 and C3 - middle and lower right.

C12 C3 2·1
C12 = C1 + C2 = 2C , Ceq = = µF
C12 + C3 3

Example. All C’s equal 1 µF and Vab = 1 V . Find Ceq , all voltages and charges

C1 C2
C12 = = 0.5 µF , C123 = C12 + C3 = 1.5 µF
C1 + C2
C123 C4
Ceq = = 1.5/2.5 = 0.6 µF , Q = V Ceq
C123 + C4
q4 = Q since in series with ”battery”; V4 = q4 /C4

On the 1-2-3 combination

q123 = Q since in series with ”battery”; V123 = q123 /C123

(equivalently, V123 = Vab − V4 )

V3 = V123 , q3 = V3 C3
q1 q2
q1 = q2 = V123 C12 , V2 = , V2 =
C1 V2
Example. A charge Q is placed on a combination of 2 capacitors connected in parallel.
Find Q1 and Q2

I. Physics of the dielectrics


FIG. 26: Electric properties of a dielectric. The left figure shows a torque which acts on a single
dipole molecule when placed in electric field. When an external field is applied to a dielectric (right
figure), molecules tend to orient themselves along the field. The orientation is not perfect due
to thermal collisions and other interactions of molecules with each other. Any macroscopic inner
volume (as the sphere shown in the picture) will still contain, on average, zero charge. Nevertheless,
the left-hand side of the dielectric gets a negative, and the right-hand side a positive surface charges.
Those create additional field (not shown in the picture) which points left, effectively reducing the
external field inside the dielectric.
Even if the original dielectric consists of non-polar molecules, they will acquire a dipole moment
once placed in electric field, leading to a similar picture.

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 7th Lecture


A. Definitions and units

dq ∆q
i= ≃ (50)
dt ∆t
Units: [i] = A = C/s (amperes)
Density of current:
J = i/A (51)

Units: [J] = A/m2

J - vector, i -scalar; i1 = i2 and if A1 > A2 then J1 < J2

Major dependence (”Ohm’s rule”):

i = V /R (52)

R-resistance; [R] = Ω = V /A (ohms)

B. Resistance of a wire

R=ρ (53)
ρ-resistivity (selected values will be given in class).

ρ(T ) ≃ ρ0 [1 + α (T − T0 )]

α > 0 for metals

Example. A wire has a resistance R. It is then stretched (without losing mass) so that
the new length L1 = 3L. Find the new resistance R1 .
Solution. Since volume AL = const = A1 L1 , it is convenient to re-write eq.(53) as
L2 L2

R=ρ and R1 = ρ 1 ⇒ R1 = R = 9R
AL A1 L1 L

C. Relation to field

From eqs. (53) and (52) one has

i= = = , J= E
R ρL/A ρ ρ

1/ρ = σ - conductivity

D. Power

Units: [P ] = J/s = W (watts)

1. Single resistor

∆W ∆q
work: ∆W = V ∗ ∆q , power: P = =V ∗
∆t ∆t
P = iV = = i2 R (54)

2. Simple connections

In parallel:
P = P1 + P2

If R1 > R2 ,
V2 V2
P1 = < P2 =
R1 R2
In series:
P = P1 + P2

If R1 > R2 ,
P1 = i2 R1 > P2 = i2 R2

Example. How many meters of wire (d = 2 mm , ρ = 10−6 ohm − m) is needed to

construct a 100 volt, 3.1 kW heater?

P = V 2 /R ⇒ R = V 2 /P = . . .
V 2 πd2 /4 1002 π10−6
R = ρL/A ⇒ L = RA/ρ = = = ...
P ρ 3100 10−6

E. Series and parallel connections

See Fig. 27.

1 1 1
= + + ... (55)
Re R1 R2

Re = R1 + R2 + . . . (56)


1 1 2

FIG. 27: The parallel (left) and the series (right) connections. See eqs. (55) and (56), respectively.

A large number (N) of identical resistors R.

series: Req = NR

parallel: Req = R/N

Example. Compare powers released on R1 , R2 , R3 if R1 = R2 = R3 = R.

Assume the leads from points a and b go directly to the terminals of a battery V . Then

I1 = , I2 = I3 = = I1 /2
R1 R2 + R3

P1 = I12 R1 , P2 = I22 R2 = P1 /4 , . . .

F. Ampmeter and voltmeter



ampmeter - in series with resistor, RA ≈ 0 (”ideal ampmeter”, R1 + RA ≈ R1 )

voltmeter - in parallel with resistor, RV ≈ ∞ (”ideal voltmeter”, RRV / (R + RV ) ≈ R)

1. Branching of current in parallel connections

Consider a resistor R1 in parallel with resistor R2 , with currents I1 and I2 and I = I1 + I2

the total current. Since voltage is the same

I1 R2
IReq = I1 R1 = I2 R2 or =
I2 R1

If R1 ≈ 0 (”wire”), I2 ≈ 0 and I1 ≈ I (”path of smallest resistance”)

Example. R = R1 = 1 Ω and R2 = 2 , R3 = 3 , R4 = 4 , R5 = 5 Ω. If I1 = 1 A. What is
the reading of the voltmeter?

R 3

R 4

V 5


R1 1 R1 1 R1 1 R1 1
I2 = I1 = A , I3 = I1 = A , I4 = I1 = A , I5 = I1 = A
R2 2 R3 3 R4 4 R5 5
137 137
I = I1 + I2 + . . . + I5 = A , V = IR = 1 · ≃ 2.28 V
60 60

G. Microscopic picture of conductivity

Let n be the density of electrons (or, other charge carriers), vd - their drift velocity. Then,
density of current

J = envd (57)

If n is very large (as in metals), vd is rather small, a few mm/s.

Example. For n ∼ 1029 m−3 and J ∼ 106 A/m2 estimate vd . Solution.

106 −4 m
J = |e|nvd ⇒ vd = J/(|e|n) ∼ ∼ 10
10−19 × 1029 s

H. Dielectric

I. Liquids (electrolytes)

Dr. Vitaly A. Shneidman, Phys 121, 8th Lecture


A. The reduction method

See the example in Fig. 28, with R14 = R1 + R4 and R23 = R2 R3 / (R2 + R3 ).
1 3 14

2 23

FIG. 28: Example of the reduction method

Not all circuits can be solved by the reduction method - see Fig. 29.
1 2


3 4

FIG. 29: Irreducible circuit

B. The real battery

See Fig. 30
E r

FIG. 30: The real battery. R is the external load. The voltage on the terminals A and B is smaller
than E - see text.

Voltage on the terminals

VAB = iR = R=E <E
r+R R+r

Note that VAB = E only for R → ∞, i.e for an open circuit.

C. The potential method

See Fig. 31. One has

VB = VA − I1 R1 + E1 + I2 R2 − E2

R I 1 R
1 1 2


2 E

FIG. 31: The potential method

For a closed loop, VB = VA and the total potential drop is zero. This is the loop rule.
Example. Real battery revisited.
E r

The real battery. R is the external load, r is the internal resistance. Find the voltage
between the terminals A and B.

start from A: E − Ir − IR = 0 ⇒ I = , VAB = VR = IR = E
R+r R+r
equivalently: VB = VA + E − Ir = VA + E

Start from (a), CCW:

8 1
−4I − 4 − 7I + 12 − 2I − 3I = 0 , I = = A
16 2
1 1
P12 = · 12 = 6 W , P4 = − · 4 = −2 W
2 2
Example. Isolated loop.

CCW current and loop with R1 , R and E: + E − I1 R1 − IR = 0

D. Multiloop circuits and the Kirchoff ’s equations

See Fig. 32.



2 2




FIG. 32: Example of a two-loop circuit

Red loop:
E1 − I2 R2 − E2 = 0

Blue loop:
E1 − I3 R3 = 0

(Note, always try to select a loop with a single resistor, even if with many batteries).
Junction rule:
I1 = I2 + I3

Assume currents i1 , i2 , i, all up.
Loop 1 (start from c):
−iR + i1 r1 − E1 = 0

Loop 2:
+E2 − i2 r2 + i1 r1 − E1 = 0

Junction a:
i1 + i2 + i = 0

left loop, CCW

−I3 R3 + E1 − I1 (r1 + R1 ) = 0

right loop, CCW

+I2 R2 + E2 + I2 r2 + I3 R3 = 0

Junction a:
I1 + I2 = I3

E. RC circuits

Loop equation. Treat capacitor as a ”battery” with ”+” on left; assume counterclockwise
current, loop - CCW, from b:
q dq
−V − iR = 0 with V = and i =
C dt

dq q
differential equation: + = 0 , look for q(t) = Q0 eλt (58)
dt RC
dq q(t) 1
= λQ0 eλt = λq(t) ⇒ λq(t) + =0 ⇒ λ=−
dt RC RC

q(t) = Q0 e−t/τ , with τ = RC (59)

dq Q0 −t/τ q(t) Q0
Current: i(t) = =− e ; voltage: V (t) = = V0 e−t/τ , V0 = (60)
dt RC C C

reduced charge, voltage, current





1 2 3 4 reduced time

FIG. 33: Discharging a capacitor. Reduced time is t/τ , with τ = RC. Reduced charge, voltage,
current are q/Q0 , V /V0 or i/i0 , respectively, with V0 = Q0 /C and i0 = −V0 /R.

Treat capacitor as another ”battery” with ”+” on left. Loop:

q dq
E − V − iR = 0 with V = ,i= ⇒
C dt
dq q E
differential equation: + =
dt RC R
new variable: q̃(t) = q(t) − EC with q̃(0) = −EC
dq̃ q̃
+ = 0 ⇒ q̃(t) = q̃(0)e−t/τ = −ECe−t/τ and q(t) = EC + q̃(t) or
dt RC

q(t) = EC 1 − e−t/τ , same τ = RC (61)
q  dq E
VC (t) = = E 1 − e−t/τ , i(t) = = imax e−t/τ , imax = (62)
C dt R
reduced charge, voltage on C

reduced time
1 2 3 4

Charging a capacitor. Reduced time is t/τ ; reduced charge and voltage are q/EC and V /E,
respectively. Current follows a decay exponential, as in Fig. 33.
Applications (e.g. ”timer”) will be discussed in class.

Examples RC - time-dependent

For an RC charging circuit, how many time constants elapse for the capacitor to charge up
to 95% of its final value?

Q = Qmax 1 − e−t/τ , Q = 0.95Qmax

e−t/τ = 1 − 0.95 = 0.05 , = − ln 0.05 ≈ 3
A C = 0.1 µF capacitor is connected is series with an R = 400 kΩ resistor, and this
combination is connected across an ideal V = 12 volt battery. What is the current in the
circuit when the capacitor has reached 40% of its maximum charge?

Qmax = V C , Q(t) = Qmax 1 − e−t/τ , Q = 0.4Qmax

dQ Qmax −t/τ V
e−t/τ = 1 − 0.4 = 0.6 , i(t) = = e = × 0.6 = . . .
dt τ R

Example. Find all currents at t = 0+ and at t → ∞. Find QC (∞).

1·3 2·4 E
t = 0 : R13 = , R24 = , Re = R13 + R24 , I =
1+3 2+4 Re
V13 = IR13 , I1 = V13 /R1 , I3 = V13 /R3 , . . .

(1 + 2)(3 + 4) E E
t → ∞ : Re = , I1 = I2 = , I3 = I4 =
(1 + 2) + (3 + 4) 1+2 3+4
VA = 0 + I1 · 1 , VB = 0 + I3 · 3 ⇒ VAB = I1 · 1 − I3 · 3 , Q = CVAB

Example. Find all currents at t = 0+ and at t → ∞. Find QC (∞). (in class)

Identical C:

Parallel: Ceq = n C. Series: Ceq = C/n

Identical R:

Parallel: Req = R/n. Series: Req = Rn

Advanced. Transmission lines.
Consider an infinite chain

Idea: remove one repeating link and nothing changes! (”Hilbert Hotel”):

The resistance between the terminals is the same Rx . Thus get an equation
Rx = R +
r + Rx
with one positive root
1 p
Rx = R + R(r + R/4)
Approximate solutions. One can just truncate the chain after some finite number of links,
n. E.g., if only 1 link (2 resistors)
Rx(1) = R + r

If 2 links (4 resistors)
r(R + r)
R(2) = R +
r + (R + r)

Convergence is usually very fast (related to ”continued fractions”).

Notes on magnetism will be in a separate file - ”notes121M.pdf”


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