MDLP3 Short Story Elements 11
MDLP3 Short Story Elements 11
MDLP3 Short Story Elements 11
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a
shared heritage: strategies in examining features of a listening textual information:
strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing material: structural analysis
of words and propaganda techniques: grammatical signals for opinion making,
persuasion and emphasis.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information, sources,
grammatical signal for opinion making, persuasion and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers. EN8LT-
Determine the similarities and differences of Thailand and Philippines in terms
of customs, traditions, and beliefs based on the literary piece discussed.
Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and
short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2:
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a.) write character analysis for the main character of the story;
b.) retell the story;
c.) compare and contrast one’s character traits to that of Makato; and
d.) relate personal experiences to the experience of the main character.
3. Textbook Pages
B. Other Learning
A. Daily Routine Kindly stand up, everybody. Grace, kindly In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
lead the prayer. and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Good morning class! Good morning mam!
How are you today? Great mam!
That’s good to hear!
C. Presenting Activity 2.
examples/instances of the Now you Know
lesson. I have here photos which is popular in one
particular country, you are going to try to
name and describe what you see in each
Very good!
But do you know that this island is also
called james blonde island becase of its That is an island, ma’am.
D. Discussion / Discuss new Pair it up! (6 minutes) The students will participate actively in
concepts and practicing The words and definitions will be the activity and will give the following
new skills #1 written separately on strips of cartolina. answers:
The teacher will then divide the class
into four (4) groups, and will distribute starve-to suffer or die
the strips of papers to each group. because you do not have enough to eat.
Students will match each word to its Example: She will either die from the
cold or starve to death
accurate meaning and will earn points
sensible- reasonable,
if the will be able to use the word practical, and showing good judgment.
appropriately in a sentence. Example: It’s sensible to keep a
note of your student number.
good-tempered - pleasant, kind, and not
easily made angry.
Example: I have always admired
my mom for being
fertile - fertile land or soil is able to
produce good crops.
Example: We bought a fertile land.
journey - especially British
English an occasion when
you travel from one place to
another, especially over a long distance.
Example: She was always
with me in my journey across Europe.
kind-hearted- kind
and generous.
Example: She has an unbelievable
kind-hearted sister.
splendid - very good
Example: Her ideas are always splendid
cowrie - a small shiny shell that was used
in the past as money in parts of Africa and
Example: The cowrie has no value
prosperous - rich and
Example: We wished for a
prosperous new year.
We are going to watch a short story from
Thailand entitled Makato and the Cowrie
shell. Listen carefully and be ready to
answer the questions after.
Makato, is an orphan little boy who work
hard for his daily living.
When Makato found the Yes, Ma’am. I will definitely do the same.
cowrie shell I will buy a seed for further use.
So, if you were Makato when
you found a cowrie shell would
you do? Will you do the same?
Makato hasn’t that much I don’t think I will easily have the same
money to buy seeds idea just like what he did but if I was in
the same situation I will work until I cab
If you were him would you do buy seeds.
the same?