MDLP3 Short Story Elements 11

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School: EMA EMITS College Grade Level: 8


Teacher: Maria Rebecca D. Parone Learning Area: ENGLISH

Date: Time:

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a
shared heritage: strategies in examining features of a listening textual information:
strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing material: structural analysis
of words and propaganda techniques: grammatical signals for opinion making,
persuasion and emphasis.

B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information, sources,
grammatical signal for opinion making, persuasion and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance and behavior.

C. Learning Competencies  Describe the notable literary genres contributed by East Asian writers. EN8LT-
 Determine the similarities and differences of Thailand and Philippines in terms
of customs, traditions, and beliefs based on the literary piece discussed.
 Identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems, folktales, and
short stories. EN8LT-IIa-9.2:

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a.) write character analysis for the main character of the story;
b.) retell the story;
c.) compare and contrast one’s character traits to that of Makato; and
d.) relate personal experiences to the experience of the main character.

II. CONTENT Makato and his Cowrie Shells (Thailand)


A. References Grade 8 English module.

1. Teacher’s Guide pages K:12 Curriculum G. p.184 of 247

2. Learner’s Materials Grade 8 quarter 2 module


3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials Marker, pen, paper, and laptop.

from Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning


A. Daily Routine Kindly stand up, everybody. Grace, kindly In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
lead the prayer. and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Good morning class! Good morning mam!
How are you today? Great mam!
That’s good to hear!

Before taking your seats, kindly pick those

pieces of paper around you and arrange
your chairs.
You may now take your seats.

Who is absent for today? None mam!


Before we start our today’s lesson, let’s About coordinating conjunction.

have a short recap of our past lesson. What
was that again?

And what is coordinating conjunction? Coordinating conjunctions connect

elements that are grammatically the same
like two or more words, two equal
phrases, or two clauses.

Very good! It seems that you already

understand our last topic.

B. Motivation / Acitivity 1. Quote, Unquote.

Establishing a purpose for
the lesson I am going to group you into two.
There are strips of papers under you
chair and you are going to arrange it on
the board to create a quotation. The
group who arrange it faster and
explains it well will be the winner.

“Working hard for the things that you

want, whether it is big or small,
always pays off in the end.’’
Group 1- it is really important to be
determined if you want to achieve
Very nice answer Group 1 something because hard work will give a
satisfying result in the end

Excellent! Group 2 Group 2- if you dream for something it

should always be accompanied by an
action to be achieved.

C. Presenting Activity 2.
examples/instances of the Now you Know
lesson. I have here photos which is popular in one
particular country, you are going to try to
name and describe what you see in each

What can you see? Yes , this is a shell

particularly a cowrie shell but do you know
that In African legend, a love of cowrie
shells shows that you could be family to
an ocean spirit of wealth and earth. It
also represents the Goddess of protection in
the ocean. In Africa, and in the Americas,
the cowrie symbolized destiny and
prosperity. Also thought of as the mouth of
An elephant. This is a big mammal that is
popular in thailand

What can you see in our first photo?

Yes jimuel?

Very good! This is an elephant which is

popular in thailand

How about the next photo? Yes Ms.


Very good!
But do you know that this island is also
called james blonde island becase of its That is an island, ma’am.

Another photo, Ms. Sofia? A lettuce. That is popular in our country

Very good. too!
But do you know that lettuce is commonly
used in most of the dishes in Thailand?

Given a chance to visit other countries,

which country would you want to visit?

Did you find Thailand interesting?

Today, we are going to have a story

originated from Thailand which is entitled
Makato and the cowrie shell.

Are you ready?

Let’s have first our today’s learning goal.
At the end of the lesson, the students are
Please read it in chorus. expected to:
a.) write character analysis for the main
character of the story;
b.) compare and contrast one’s character
traits to that of Makato;and
c.) retell the story through a role play
d.) relate personal experiences to the
experience of the main character.

D. Discussion / Discuss new Pair it up! (6 minutes) The students will participate actively in
concepts and practicing The words and definitions will be the activity and will give the following
new skills #1 written separately on strips of cartolina. answers:
The teacher will then divide the class
into four (4) groups, and will distribute starve-to suffer or die
the strips of papers to each group.  because you do not have enough to eat.
Students will match each word to its Example: She will either die from the
cold or starve to death
accurate meaning and will earn points
sensible- reasonable, 
if the will be able to use the word practical, and showing good judgment.
appropriately in a sentence. Example: It’s sensible to keep a
note of your student number.
good-tempered - pleasant, kind, and not
easily made angry.
Example: I have always admired
my mom for being
fertile -  fertile land or soil is able to
produce good crops.
Example: We bought a fertile land.
journey - especially British
English an occasion when
you travel from one place to
another, especially over a long distance.
Example: She was always
with me in my journey across Europe.
kind-hearted- kind 
and generous.
Example: She has an unbelievable
kind-hearted sister.
splendid - very good
Example: Her ideas are always splendid
cowrie - a small shiny shell that was used
in the past as money in parts of Africa and
Example: The cowrie has no value
prosperous - rich and 
Example: We wished for a
prosperous new year.
We are going to watch a short story from
Thailand entitled Makato and the Cowrie
shell. Listen carefully and be ready to
answer the questions after.
Makato, is an orphan little boy who work
hard for his daily living.

He wants to meet the King of Sukkotai,

which is Pra ruang.
Activity 3: Makato and Cowrie Shell
He impressed the king by being hard
1. Who is Makato in the story? working sensible, and kind hearted.

According to the African legends, the

2. What is Makato’s dream for his cowrie shells are representing the goddess
future? protection which is highly powerful and is
connected with the strength and power of
3. How did Makato impress the King the Ocean. ... Due to this, the cowrie
Pra Ruang? shells are also been recognized as
prosperity. Even more, these shells also
4. What is symbolically represented symbolize the power of density.
by the cowrie shell?
Learn to love or value small things,
because being a hard working, diligent
man you'll received a good reward.
5. What is the Moral lesson of the

E. Discussion / Discuss new Activity 4. Do the Web

concepts and practicing For this activity, you are going to fill this
new skills #2 character web in front with the characters
of the story.

You will be randomly selected though this

wheel of fortune.

F. Application / Developing Activity 4: Makato and Me

Mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment) You are going to fill in the venn
diagram with the comparison of
Makato’s characteristics to that of your

G. Valuing / Finding Life lessons

practical application about
the lesson What lessons in life have you learned from
Makatos experiences?

H. Generalization / Making For our next activity we are going to

generalization and have a game, entitled stop and
abstractions about the answer. I have here set of questions in
lesson the box. The one who’s holding the box
as the music stops will be the one to
answer the question. Are you ready?
1. Who is the main character of Yes, Ma’am.
the story?
2. Where did the story originated? In Thailand Ma’am.
3. What does the cowrie shell It was used as a money but has a small
represents? amount.
4. What is the moral lesson of the Learn to love or value small things,
because being a hard working, diligent
man you'll received a good reward.
5. Retell the story in a brief way.
There is an orphan named Makato, a
young boy. He did not have any way to
support himself. He worked hard doing
any jobs he could to survive. He set out
one day after preparing. The journey led
him to a bigger town. He asked a woman
for water and told her that he got on a
journey to see the king, who was said to
be kind. Makato worked with the king’s
elephants and began working for her. He
eventually encountered the king. During
the encounter, he picked up a cowrie shell
that was lying on the road and offered it to
the king. The King said that he could keep
it. Makato pondered what he could do to
honor the king’s gift. He saw lettuce seeds
at a stall in the market and thought that he
could grow them. He asked the woman
about them, and she let him have as many
as would stick to his finger in return for
his treasured cowrie shell. Makato grew
the lettuces. The king visited him once
more. Makato gave one lettuce to the king
and told him that he grew them from the

The king was impressed and gave him a

job in the castle. Makato grew up and
married the daughter of the king.

I. Evaluation / Evaluating Activity 6 “What Makato Did vs. What

learning I’ll Do”. (10 minutes)
The students will compare and contrast
their own qualities to that of Makato’s,
given the following circumstances.

 When Makato found the Yes, Ma’am. I will definitely do the same.
cowrie shell I will buy a seed for further use.
So, if you were Makato when
you found a cowrie shell would
you do? Will you do the same?
 Makato hasn’t that much I don’t think I will easily have the same
money to buy seeds idea just like what he did but if I was in
the same situation I will work until I cab
If you were him would you do buy seeds.
the same?

J. Agreement / Additional  Given the chance to change the

activities for application or ending of the story, how would
remediation you end it?



Prepared by: Maria Rebecca D. Parone

Checked by: Mrs. Rose Ann Gabona-Colinares


Approved by: Mrs. Evelyn Ferrera


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