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1. What is the .NET Framework?

NET Framework is a software development framework for building and running

applications on Windows.
2. What is CLR?
CLR( common language runtime) is the basic and Virtual Machine component of the . NET
Framework. It is the run-time enviornment in the . NET Framework that runs the codes and
helps in making the development process easier .

3. What is CTS?
Common Type System known as CTS in . Net Framework, CTS is one of the core
architectural part of . Net Framework. CTS (Common Type System) standardizes the data
types for all programming languages in .Net.

4. What is JIT?
Just-In-Time compiler(JIT) is a part of Common Language Runtime (CLR) in . NET which
is responsible for managing the execution of . NET programs regardless of any . NET
programming language. ... The JIT compiler converts the Microsoft Intermediate
Language(MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language(CIL) into the machine code.

5. What is an application domain?

An application domain is a logical isolation boundary created around .NET applications so
that applications do not access or affect each other.

6. What are the contents of assembly?

A .NET static assembly can consist of following elements:
a) Assembly Manifest - The Metadata that describes the assembly and its contents
b) Type Metadata - Defines all types, their properties and methods.
c) MSIL - Microsoft intermediate language
d) A set of Resources - All other resources like icons, images etc.

7. What is a garbage collector?

The garbage collector (GC) manages the allocation and release of memory. The garbage
collector serves as an automatic memory manager.

8. What is namespace in VB net with example?

Namespaces are used to organize the classes. It helps to control the scope of methods
and classes in larger . Net programming projects.

9. What is root namespace for fundamental types in .net

The System namespace is the root namespace for fundamental types in . NET. This
namespace includes classes that represent the base data types used by all applications.
10. What is entry point method of VB.NET program?

Public Sub Main() indicates the entry point of VB.Net program.

11. What are the main differences between functions and subroutines?

● A sub performs a task but does not return a value.

● A function returns a value of the tasks performed.
● Subs can be recalled from anywhere in the program and in multiple types.
● Functions are called by a variable.

12. What is the purpose of Must Override keyword in VB.NET?

Must Overrides lets you entirely replace a method from a base class.

13. What is the purpose of NotOverridable keyword in VB.NET?

The NotOverridable modifier prevents a property or method from being overridden in a
derived class

14. What is the purpose of Dim statement in VB.NET?

Dim is short for the word Dimension and it allows you to declare variable names and their

15. What is the purpose of Sub statement in VB.NET?

A sub procedure is usually used to accept input from the user, display information, print
information, manipulate properties or perform some other tasks.

16. What is the purpose of VB.NET Form control?

A Form is used in VB.NET to create a form-based or window-based application. Using the
form, we can build a attractive user interface. It is like a container for holding different
control that allows the user to interact with an application.

17. What is the purpose of VB.NET PictureBox control?

The PictureBox control is used for displaying images on the form. The Image property of
the control allows you to set an image both at design time or at run time.
18. Which namespaces are required to enable the use of databases in ASP.NET pages?

● The System.Data namespace.

● The System.Data.OleDb namespace (to use any data provider, such as Access, Oracle,
or SQL)
● The System.Data.SQLClient namespace (specifically to use SQL as the data provider)

19. What are the objects of ADO.NET?

● DataSet.
● SQLDataSetCommand.
● SQLCommand.
● SQLParameter.
● SQLConnection.
● SQLDataReader.
● SQLError.

20. What are the different components of .NET?

The components of . NET are CLR, Garbage Collector, JIT Compiler and base class library.

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