(April. 2022) : B.Tech. (ECE)
(April. 2022) : B.Tech. (ECE)
(April. 2022) : B.Tech. (ECE)
Figure 1
2. The differential gain of a MOS amplifier is 100 V/V with a dominant pole at 10 MHz. The common-
mode gain is 0.1 V/V at low frequencies and has a transmission zero at 1 MHz. Sketch a Bode plot for
the CMRR. (CO-1, 1)
3. For the common-gate stage shown in Fig. 2, calculate the transfer function and the input impedance,
Zin. (CO-1, 1)
Figure 2
4. For an emitter follower biased at IC = 1 mA, having Rsig = RL = 1 kΩ, and using a transistor specified
to have fT = 2 GHz, Cμ = 0.1 pF, CL = 0, rx = 100 Ω, β = 100, and VA= 20 V, evaluate the low-
frequency gain AM, the frequency of the transmission zero, the pole frequencies, and an estimate of
the 3-dB frequency fH. (CO-1, 1)
5. A BJT cascode amplifier uses transistors for which β = 100, VA = 100 V, fT = 1 GHz, and Cμ = 0.1
pF. It operates at a bias current of 0.1 mA between a source with Rsig = rπ and a load RL = βro. Let
CL = Ccs = 0, and rx = 0. Find the overall voltage gain at dc. By evaluating the various components
of τH show that the pole introduced at the output mode is dominant. Find its frequency and hence an
estimate of fH and ft. (CO-1, 1)