3rd Party Guidelines HCCBPL

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012

This Guideline applied to any Service PO, Contracts where external manpower is deployed to carry
on any works inside HCCBPL Site (Factories / Distribution Centers / Servicing Locations / Offices

1. Occupational Safety & Health.

a) HCCBPL treats the contractors as partners of our business. We look forward for long-term
association for safe execution of the assignment. We are committed to protect the Safety &
Health of our employees, contractors/contract workers, visitors and community

b) These guidelines have been developed to give contractors/ service providers / vendors-
(collectively referred to as “Contractor”) an understanding of the minimum safety
requirements for working at HCCBPL sites. It will form an important part of the contract. It
only contains minimum applicable general safety requirements.

Contractors are expected to read the requirements carefully and factor these requirements while
making cost estimates and submitting quotation. They will be expected to adhere to these
requirements while providing services.


a) Contractor shall engage competent, dedicated full – time „Safety Supervisor‟ to oversee the
safety of the job site and its workmen including staff. Safety Supervisor will have to be present
at HCCBPL site at all times. The Safety Supervisor will be single point contact during work at

b) In case project work is planned for round the clock execution, Contractor shall ensure that a
safety supervisor is deputed for each shift.


a) Contractor shall ensure that all tools and tackles used by the Contractor and/or its personnel
are in safe working condition. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that
faulty/tampered/substandard instruments/equipments are under no circumstances used. The
contractors will have to keep their equipment in safe working order. HCCBPL representative
may make random checks on the equipment.

b) Contractor shall produce the calibration / test certificates of the instruments / equipments /
lifting tackle and tools used, on demand.

c) Automobiles used for transportation of employees / materials /equipments shall have all the
statutory permissions and shall be in safe working condition.


a) The contractor shall comply with all applicable laws including but not limited to applicable labor
and environmental laws.
The contractor shall provide copies of all necessary licenses, if and when required by HCCBPL.

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
5. Insurance Requirements

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and keeping valid appropriate insurance covers to
cover any damage to any physical property, third party liabilities, general liability, health and
safety of its Personnel (employees, agents, representatives -hereinafter collectively referred to as


a) All PPE must be inspected by the Contractor prior to use by its Personnel to ensure that all PPE
are in proper working condition and at a minimum should adhere to the requirements of
HCCBPL. Protective clothing (boots, gloves, and suits) should be inspected for tears,
discoloration, stains, and cracking prior to use.

b) Damaged or defective PPE shall not be used and should be discarded immediately.

c) Contractor shall stock adequate number of these PPE at site and provide these to his Personnel.

d) Use of following PPE is considered as an essential requirement.

7. Personnel

Contractor shall ensure that only such Personnel are deputed to provide services at
HCCBPL‟site, whose complete details are registered with HCCBPL and who have been granted
access by HCCBPL to HCCBPL site.

8. Clothing

a) All Personnel will wear clean clothing that is in good condition. Sleeved garments must be
worn within HCCBPL site: Loose clothing like sari/ dhoti etc. are generally not permitted in
the HCCBPL sites
b) All Personnel must display identity cards issued by the Contractor and access card as
provided by HCCBPL.

9. Head protection

a) IS certified hard hats with chin strip are to be worn at all construction sites and where any
overhead (above 2 meter height) work is being performed.

b) Contractor must inspect hard hats regularly for cracks, chips, and minimum clearance from the
webbing to the shell of the helmet.

10. Eye and Face Protection

a) Eye protection will be worn when machines or operations may cause potential eye injury from
physical, chemical, or ultraviolet radiation agents. Recommended eye protection for routine
work is impact safety glasses with side shields attached. Activities which present this hazard
include; Glass handling, chipping, grinding, and most heavy hand tool operations.
b) Welding, cutting, or brazing will require the use of welding glasses. Additionally, leather gloves
and a face shield may be required based on the nature of the work. All eye and face protective
equipment must be free of scratches and cleaned regularly

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
c) Any activity, which may pose a chemical splash hazard, requires the use of a face
shield and/or goggles. Face shields must be worn to protect the face and neck when handling
corrosive or injurious liquids.

11. Hand Protection

a) Gloves are to be used when hands are exposed to sustained heat and
sparks, wet concrete, friction, abrasion, corrosive materials, solvent or chemical contact,
electrical exposure, etc.
b) Activities involving potential physical injury from hot-work, abrasion, or
pinching hazards require the use of leather, cut resistant or cloth gloves.
c) Activities involving potential contact with corrosive materials require the
use of chemically protective gloves.
d) While handling chemicals, the Contractor shall ensure that its Personnel handle the chemical
in strict accordance with „Material Safety Data Sheet‟ provided by the manufacturer of such
chemical. Further, the Contractor shall provide PPE to its Personnel in accordance with the
recommendations made by the manufacturer of the such chemical.
12. Foot Protection

a) A steel toe shoe or safety shoe is required to work in all areas.

b) Neoprene rubber boots will be used in areas where caustic soda is used.
c) All Personnel must wear steel-toed safety shoes, appropriate for the work they are
performing, which are clean and in good condition.
d) Cloth or canvas shoes, sandals or open toed footwear are prohibited in the facility.

13. Body Protection

a) Neoprene aprons will be worn in any areas where employees use caustic soda or a corrosive
agent. A chemically resistant over suit may be used for chemical spill protection
b) Chemically resistant suit should be used in areas where splash may occur onto the body.
14. Hearing Protection

Ear plugs or muffs, as may be required by law, are to be used when exposed to
loud noise levels over extended periods of time.

15. Fall Protection

a) Safety belts attached to a lanyard will be worn by all Personnel, to position them to prevent a
fall from unprotected heights of 8 feet or more. Contractor will have to supply adequate
number of safety belts / harnesses for its Personnel.
b) A full body harness attached to a lifeline will be worn by Personnel while working at a >8ft
height or while moving on the top of vehicles (trucks) while doing loading/unloading
operations of raw materials or finished goods.
c) Safety belts and body harnesses must be IS/CE marked. Mobile Elevated Work
Platforms/ladders should be sturdy and suitable for the job to be carried out. HCCBPL will
have the right to periodically check such platforms/ladders.
d) Wherever Lifelines are provided – they should be mandatorily used

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012

a) Scaffolds:

a) A scaffold should be firm and strong enough to bear the load of workers and materials. It is
recommended that scaffolds should be erected in such a way that they can withstand at least
four times the anticipated working load.
b) All scaffolding will be metallic. No wooden scaffolding is allowed.
c) Contractor must provide toe guards of at least 150 mm and guardrails at 500 mm & 1000 mm
on all working platforms.
d) Only step ladder to be provided for all height related work.

b) Lifting tackles:

a) All cranes/hoist practices must be in compliance with all applicable legislative requirements.
b) The lifting machines, chain pulley blocks etc. must be tested by a competent third party and
valid test certificates should be submitted to HCCBPL.
c) Drivers who operate cranes and other heavy machinery shall possess requisite driving license
for the same.

c) Welding:

a) Only welding equipment confirming to ISI/ BIS standards will be allowed.

b) Welding machines and welding cables shall be in good condition.
c) Contractor must provide face shield / leather hand gloves to the welder.
d) Use of portable fire extinguisher near the work place.
e) It is recommended that direct current welding machine are used

d) Electrical Safety

a) Use portable grinders, drilling machines, etc. conforming to ISI/BIS standards.

b) All equipment should have proper earthing arrangements.
c) Open connections will not be permitted. Only proper junction / extension boxes for long
distances will be allowed.
d) Main incoming supply should be protected with RCCB (Residual current circuit breaker)/ELCB.
e) Regular periodical checking of all portable electrical equipment to be done and proper records to
be maintained.


All the rotating machinery / parts should be protected with proper guards. For example, hand
grinding machines shall possess proper guard on grinding wheel.


a) No LPG cylinders will be allowed at HCCBPL site for gas cutting.

b) Standard color code for rubber hoses (DA –red, oxygen- black) to be followed.

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
c) Use proper trolleys to transfer compressed gas cylinders. Rolling of the cylinders will not be
d) Cylinders shall be properly supported by chains / clamps.
e) All cylinders shall have valve caps & flash back arrestor during usage.
f) Cylinder regulators to be IS marked regulators.
g) Torches, rubber-tubing etc. conforming to ISI/BIS standards will be allowed.
h) Use cylinders (Oxygen, acetylene) approved by the Explosives Department. Submit copies of
the test certificates/ suppliers authorization to Safety / project in-charge.
i) Standard colour codes for the cylinders must be followed. (Oxygen: Black; Acetylene: Maroon)
j) Cylinder in use to be mounted on trolley. No rolling of cylinders will be allowed.
k) Provide goggles & hand gloves to cutters and helpers.
l) Provide flash back arrestor to avoid backfires.

Contractors safety induction and trainings.

Contractor shall ensure that the Contractor and its Personnel attend the „contractor safety induction‟
and various trainings conducted by HCCBPL, from time to time.

Conducting Safety Trainings/Audits/Meetings

Contractor shall ensure that on periodic basis, it conducts audits and meetings with its Personnel to
ensure that that the safety requirements of HCCBPL are being adhered to. Contractor shall conduct
periodic trainings for its Personnel which shall, at the minimum include trainings on:-

a) Potentially hazardous conditions present in the work area .

b) Identification of required personal protective equipment for the work operations.
c) Instructions to each Personnel on the proper procedure for reporting unsafe conditions they may
d) Instructions regarding the immediate reporting of work-related injuries or illness.
e) Implementing immediate action to correct reported or observed substandard safety.
f) Conducting daily inspections of their work areas and taking necessary corrective actions to eliminate
substandard practices and /or conditions.
g) on Conducting safety meetings and submitting copies of meeting to the Project Safety and Health
h) Assisting the Site Manager and Project Safety & Health Manager in incident investigations and
preparation of required reports.
i) Effectively attending all safety meetings.
j) Asisting in the implementation of the Emergency Response Plan.

Contractor shall train its Personnel to follow - Work Permits – Permit to Work system ( PTW) of HCCBPL
which addresses how to handle hazardous work. PTW includes identification of hazard , complying to
complete personal protection (PPE) , following safe work procedures and safety and protection of HCCBPL

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
General Site Requirements.

Injury Reports and Lost Time Determination:

Contractors shall maintain accurate accident and injury reports and shall furnish such details and
provide such reports as may be required by HCCBPL from time to time.

Hazardous Materials.

Prior to bringing on HCCBPL site or purchasing any chemical compound, solvent, cleaner, etc.,
contractors shall ensure that it poses a minimal hazard, defined as the ability of the compound to
harm personnel directly or indirectly.

The site Manager has the authority to reject the use of on site storage, or require a correction in the
method or use, of any product, based on the evaluation of the product hazard potential, and
contractor‟s inability to ensure control of the material.

Contractors shall ensure that Personnel are instructed and trained in the use of potential/hazardous
materials and protective measures necessary for each product. Contractor is also responsible for the
protection of all other contractor‟s employees who may be affected by the use of these products.

Contractors are responsible for all environmental monitoring associated with the use of their products,
employing techniques dictated by proven industrial hygiene principles and guarantee no environment

Prior to commencement of any work presenting a significant hazard potential, contractors must
submit a written plan to the Safety, Health and Environmental manager detailing its intended use and
precautions/protection measures to be employed. All MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be
displayed on all hazardous material storage area with ventilation, firefighting & concrete flooring.

D.G. Sets used lubricant oil should be disposed off to PCB‟s authorized agency.

Safe Work Areas:

Each Contractor Safety Supervisor shall be expected to become familiar with the conditions in each
area of the project to which the Personnel are assigned. Unsafe conditions which exist in the work,
shall be corrected by them prior to commencement of work, whenever possible. When necessary,
problems shall be brought to the attention of the contractor safety supervisor who will initiate
corrective action. The supervisor shall seek the assistance of the contractor Safety Supervisor on
complex issues.

Emergency Procedures:

Each Contractor Safety Supervisor shall become familiar with the emergency procedures developed
for the project so that he may provide the leadership necessary to cope with serious injuries, fires,
evacuations, etc.

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
Accident investigations:

Contractor Safety Supervisors are required to participate actively in the investigation of any untoward

First Aid.

Contractor Safety Supervisors shall ensure that all Personnel are aware of and execute their obligation
to immediately report to them injuries, however minor. There should be first aid box provided at the
different site locations.

Review Meeting with Contractor teams. HCCBPL and Contractors shall regularly meet to review the
progress of work carried out by contractor. During such meetings the safety processes mentioned in
this guideline shall be reviewed

Road Safety Guidelines

All the contractors have to follow the road safety guidelines defined by HCCBPL

Safety Audit Program:

In order to provide on-the-job safety training for Contractors Safety Supervisors, a Safety Audit
Program will be established on the project. The intended results of the program are to intensify safety
awareness of supervisors and to assist them in the recognition and elimination of hazards on the
project. For this purpose Safety Audit Team would be set up

Contractor shall appoint, on a rotational basis, a different non-manual Personnel each week as the
Contractor audit team member.

Safety audit members, including representative of the Contractor, will conduct a minimum of two
safety inspections of the Contractor‟s entire work area each month.

Contractor‟s Safety Supervisor shall accompany the safety audit members on inspections to assist in
the identification and redemption of unsafe acts or conditions.

If required, the safety audit members will recommend remedial action to respective supervisors.

Safety Code

1. The contractor shall be responsible for the safety of the Personnel deployed by him and he
shall be liable to pay the necessary compensation in case of accidents, as per the
Workmen's Compensation Act.

2. Working platform, gangway, stairways, etc. should be so constructed that they should not
sag unduly or unequally. Such gangway, stairway, etc. should have adequate width and
should be suitably fastened as described in the para above.

3. No floor, roof or other parts of the structure shall be so overloaded with materials or debris
as to render it unsafe.

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Safety Guideline for any work at HCCBPL Sites 2012
5. All trenches and excavations shall be provided with necessary fencing and lighting.
Excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5m of the edge of the trench or half of the
depth of the trench whichever is more. All trenches of depth 1.2m or more shall be supplied
with at least one ladder for each 30m length or fraction thereof. Cutting shall be done from
top to bottom. Under no circumstances, undermining or undercutting shall be done.

6. No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or
readymade paints.
7. In case any injury is sustained by any Personnel, the Contractor shall be responsible and
liable for ensuring that the injured are provided appropriate medical care, including
hospitalization, without any delay.

Special condition

No hutment at HCCBPL site until unless risk assessment is not done and proper waste disposal
mechanism is in place.

Safety training before engaging Personnel in HCCBPL site at gate before startup of activity is

Cleanness & Hygiene to be maintained at HCCBPL site.

Insurance policies to be maintained during the defect liability period

In case the Contractor deputes more than two hundred (200) Personnel at HCCBPL‟s site, the
Contractor, in addition to a supervisor shall be required to depute a Dedicated & Qualified Safety
Officer for each shift to supervise the work. Contractor shall also appoint one substitute for each

All Electrical & Mechanical equipments to be in good condition with proper Noise insulation and
should be environmental friendly. Generators should have Acoustic enclosure.

All equipments should have proper calibration certificate at the time of working within the factory

Contractor to provide uniform to their Personnel with proper safety equipment (Shoes, Helmet,
Belts, etc. complete)

Contractor to make his own arrangement for water & electricity switch boards on HCCBPL site.

Project Hand Over:-

a) Before completion of the project, Contractor and HCCB technical team must perform the
safety inspection to insure that all Safety aspects related to the projects are fulfilled.
b) All Machine Guards, interlocks, Safety features must be verified and training related to
usage of it must be given to the end users.
All documents related to project must be handed over to the HCCBPL site team, All operational SOP
must be defined and handed over to the team.

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