2020 ISTSS Poster Presentation
2020 ISTSS Poster Presentation
2020 ISTSS Poster Presentation
recidivism among youth in the juvenile
ffectiveness. “…there was one youth that used to really get just
key predictor of recidivism, trauma- Stakeholder’s Perceived Impact of Yoga on Youth hot tempered. He was always argumentative with
posure to traumatic events is Ø Improved Anger management everything. Then—he was one of our longer-
standing kids in the TIMBY project and yoga. He wa
Ø Calming effect just more pick your battle type guy…he wasn’t as
Ø Better Emotion/Mood regulation quick to anger. He definitely wasn’t as impulsive.”
Ø Relief of trauma symptoms
Ø Yoga as a trigger for trauma symptoms
med, mindfulness-based yoga (TIMBY)
Ø Enhances other DJJ programs
“I can count on one hand, where it brings back some trau
current implementation of the memories and some flashbacks of things that have bee
upsetting that they come back when they get quiet,
especially during savasana. Then that’s when it’s potent
cale implementation of the Facilitators to Implementing Yoga Classes in the Facility upset for them because they’re remembering things.
That…isn’t a bad thing. It’s just something that we have t
Ø Sufficient staffing to support yoga classes aware of as clinicians so that we can follow up with the
Ø Collaboration between departments within the facility
DS and make sure they get some debriefing or counseling
stakeholders from various roles within