Practical No.: 2: A) Exploring and Managing Raster Data: Adding Raster Layers, Raster Styling and Analysis

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Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

Practical No.: 2
A) Exploring and Managing Raster data: Adding raster layers, raster styling and analysis

1. Add Raster layer.

2. Browse a file “glds90ag60.asc” and click on Add button, similarly add “glds00ag60.asc”
file and click on Add button.
3. On the next screen set CRS as EPSG:4326.
4. Right click on “glds90ag60” layer and select “properties”.

5. Select “Symbology”. In “Render type” select “Singleband pseudocolor”. Set 0 in min

textbox and 240 in max textbox. In “Interpolation” select “Linear”. In “color” menu
select “Spectral”. Click on Apply and then Ok buttons.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

6. Go to Raster  Raster Calculator...

7. Click on … button, menu will appear select the path where you want to save output.
Enter name for output file and click on “Save”. Double click on "glds00ag60@1" then
click on “-” and then double click on "glds90ag60@1".

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

8. Click on “OK”. It will create new layer. Select that layer “Right click” on it and select
properties. In properties select symbology tab.
9. In “Render type” select “Singleband pseudocolor”. Set -20000 in min textbox and 6000
in max textbox. In “Interpolation” select “Discrete”. In “color” menu select “Spectral”.
Remove all classification and add as below using + and – buttons.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

10. Explore an area of your choice and check the raster band value using to verify the
classification rule. The green pixel shows negative changes and yellow shows positive

B) Mosaicking and Clipping

11. Go to Layer  Add Layer  Add Raster Layer… Add .tif images.

12. Go to Raster → Miscellaneous → Merge

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

13. In the Merge dialog window provide input layers (select all layers and Press OK). Also, In
Merge dialog window select a file name and location to save merged images. Press Run
button and after successful execution click on close button.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

14. You can now deselect individual layers from layer pane and only keep the merged raster

15. Go to Layer→ Add Vector Layer → select “IND_adm0.shp file” from

“Practical_No_2_Data\IndiaAdminBoundry” then click on Add button and close it.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

16. From layer properties → select Symbology → select any one of the following then click
on Apply and ok buttons:

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

17. Go to Raster → Extraction → Clip Raster by Mask Layer

18. Select the merge raster image as input and Ind_adm0 as mask layer.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

19. Select a file name and location for clipped raster.

20. Press RUN after successful execution click on Close button.

Chetna S. Suthar
Principles of Geographic Information Systems TYBSc (IT), Sem - VI

Chetna S. Suthar

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