Contact List WASH Cluster Myanmar Dec2020

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WASH Cluster Contact List (as of 01 December 2020)



Nothern Shan

Flood Rakhine CSO


r 2020)
Main Menu W

Sr. Organization Acronym Organization Type Mr/Ms


5 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Ms.
6 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Mr.
7 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Mr.
8 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Mr.
9 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Mr.
10 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Ms.
11 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Ms.
12 Action Contre la Faim ACF INGO Mr.
13 ADRA Myanmar ADRA INGO Mr.
14 ADRA Myanmar ADRA
15 ADRA Myanmar ADRA INGO Ms.
16 ADRA Myanmar ADRA INGO Mr.
17 American Red Cross ARC Red Cross Mr.
18 American Red Cross ARC Red Cross
19 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Mr.
20 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Ms.
21 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Mr.
22 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Mr.
23 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Ms.
24 BRAC Myanmar BRAC INGO Mr.
25 BRAC Myanmar BRAC INGO Mr.
26 BRAC Myanmar BRAC INGO Ms.
27 BRAC Myanmar BRAC INGO Mr.
28 Bremen Overseas Research and Development AssociatBORDA INGO Mr.
29 Bremen Overseas Research and Development AssociatBORDA INGO Mr.
30 Bridge Asia Japan BAJ INGO Ms.
31 Bridge Asia Japan BAJ INGO Mr.
32 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Ms.
33 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Mr.
34 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Mr.
35 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO Ms.
36 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO
37 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO Mr.
38 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO
39 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO Ms.
40 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO
41 CESVI Foundation cesvi INGO
42 Christian Aid Myanmar CAM INGO Mr.
43 Christian Aid Myanmar CAM INGO
44 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
45 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
46 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
47 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
48 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
49 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
50 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
51 Community Development Association CDA INGO Mr.
52 ZOA (from relief to recovery) zoa. INGO Mr.
53 ZOA (from relief to recovery) zoa. INGO Mr.
54 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Ms.
55 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
56 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Ms.
57 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
58 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
59 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Ms.
60 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO
61 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
62 Community Development Association CDA LNGO Mr.
63 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
64 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Ms.
65 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
66 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
67 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
68 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
69 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
70 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
71 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
72 Cordaid Cordaid INGO Mr.
73 Dan Church Aid DCA INGO
74 Dan Church Aid DCA INGO
75 Dan Church Aid DCA INGO Mr.
76 Dan Church Aid DCA INGO
77 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO
78 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Mr.
79 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Mr.
80 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Mr.
81 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Ms.
82 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Mr.
83 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO
84 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO
85 Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO Mr.
86 DFID DFID Donor Mr.
87 DFID DFID Donor Mr.
88 Embassy of Canada Embassy of Canada Embassy Ms
89 Embassy of Canada Embassy of Canada Embassy Mr.
90 Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar Embassy of Switzerland Embassy Mr.
91 Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar Embassy of Switzerland Embassy Ms.
92 European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office ECHAO Donor
93 European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office ECHAO Donor Mr.
94 ECHO ECHO Donor
95 ECHO ECHO Donor Ms.
96 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Natio fao UN
99 GIZ GIZ Ms.
100 GIZ GIZ Mr.
101 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
102 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
103 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
104 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
105 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
106 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
107 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
108 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
109 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
110 Independent Independent
111 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
113 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
114 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
115 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
116 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
117 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
118 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Mr.
120 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
121 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Mr.
122 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
123 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
124 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
125 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
126 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
127 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
128 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Mr.
129 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
130 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
131 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
132 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
133 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross Ms.
134 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescentifrc Red Cross
135 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross
136 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
137 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross
138 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Mr.
139 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
140 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross Mr.
141 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross
142 International Medical Corps IMC INGO
143 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross
144 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross
145 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Ms.
146 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO
147 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
148 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
149 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
150 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Ms.
151 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
152 International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentIFRC Red Cross Mr.
153 Japan International Co-operation Agency JICA Donor
154 Johanniter International (JOIN) thejohanniter INGO Ms.
155 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
156 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
157 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
158 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
159 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
160 Trócaire Trócaire INGO
161 Trócaire Trócaire INGO Ms.
162 Trócaire Trócaire INGO Mr.
163 Trócaire Trócaire INGO Mr.
164 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Mr.
165 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Mr.
166 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
167 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Ms.
168 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
169 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Ms.
170 Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO Mr.
171 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO
172 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Mr.
173 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Ms.
174 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Mr.
175 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Ms.
176 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO Mr.
177 Kachin Baptist Convention KBC-HDD-NSS LNGO Mr.
178 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
179 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
180 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
181 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
182 Lien AID Lien AID INGO Mr.
183 Lien AID Lien AID INGO Mr.
184 Lien AID Lien AID INGO Mr.
185 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO Ms.
186 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO
187 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO
188 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO Mr.
189 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
190 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
191 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
192 International Rescue Committee IRC INGO Mr.
193 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
194 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
195 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
196 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
197 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
198 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
199 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
200 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Ms.
201 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
202 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
203 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
204 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO Ms.
205 Lutheran World Federation LWF INGO
206 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
207 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
212 Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF INGO Mr.
213 Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF INGO Ms.
214 Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF INGO
215 Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF INGO
216 Maggin Development Consultancy Group MDCG LNGO Mr.
217 MERCY Malaysia MERCY INGO Mr.
218 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
219 MERCY Malaysia MERCY INGO Mr.
220 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
221 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
222 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
223 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
224 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
225 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
226 Myanmar Medical Association MMA LNGO
227 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
228 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
229 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
230 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
231 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
232 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
233 Mount Zion Co., Ltd. Mount Zion Co., Ltd. INGO Mr.
234 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
235 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
236 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO
237 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
238 Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF INGO Mr.
239 Mercy Corps MERCY Corps INGO Mr.
240 MERCY Malaysia MERCY INGO Mr.
241 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
242 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Ms.
243 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
244 Myanmar Information Management Unit MIMU UN Ms.
245 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
246 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
247 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
248 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
249 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Ms.
250 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Ms.
251 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Ms.
252 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
253 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
254 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
255 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross
256 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross
257 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
258 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
259 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
260 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
261 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
262 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO
263 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
264 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
265 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross Mr.
266 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
267 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
268 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
269 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
270 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Ms.
271 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Ms.
272 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Mr.
273 Green Life Alliance for Development GLAD INGO
274 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Ms.
275 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Ms.
276 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Ms.
277 Oxfam Oxfam INGO
278 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Mr.
279 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Mr.
280 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Mr.
281 PACT Myanmar PACT INGO Mr.
282 people in need. PIN INGO
283 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Mr.
284 people in need. PIN INGO
285 people in need. PIN INGO
286 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
287 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
288 people in need. PIN INGO
289 people in need. PIN INGO Ms.
290 people in need. PIN INGO
291 people in need. PIN INGO
292 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
293 Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO Mr.
294 Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO
295 Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO Mr.
296 Oxfam Oxfam INGO
297 Première Urgence Internationale PUI INGO Mr.
298 Première Urgence Internationale PUI INGO Mr.
299 Oxfam Oxfam INGO
300 Oxfam Oxfam INGO Ms.
301 Relief International RI INGO Mr.
302 Relief International RI INGO Ms.
303 Relief International RI INGO Mr.
304 Samaritan's Purse SP INGO
305 Samaritan's Purse SP INGO Mr.
306 Samaritan's Purse SP INGO Ms.
307 Samaritan's Purse SP INGO
308 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
309 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
310 Relief International RI INGO Ms.
311 Relief International RI INGO Mr.
312 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
313 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Ms.
314 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO
315 Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO Mr.
316 Save The Children International SCI INGO Ms.
317 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
318 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
319 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
320 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
321 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
322 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
323 ECHO ECHO Donor
324 Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO
325 Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO Mr.
326 Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO Mr.
327 Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO Mr.
328 Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO Mr.
329 Solidarites International SI INGO Ms.
330 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
331 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
332 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
333 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
334 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
335 Save The Children International SCI INGO Ms.
336 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
337 Solidarites International SI INGO Ms.
338 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
339 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
340 Solidarites International SI INGO
341 Solidarites International SI INGO
342 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
343 Solidarites International SI INGO
344 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
345 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
346 Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar Embassy of Switzerland Donor Ms.
347 SWEDISH RC Swedish RC Red Cross
348 Trócaire Trócaire INGO Ms.
349 UN Women UNWOMEN UN Ms.
350 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
351 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
352 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
353 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
354 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
355 Solidarites International SI INGO
356 Solidarites International SI INGO
357 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
358 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN
359 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
360 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
361 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
362 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
363 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
364 Solidarites International SI INGO Ms.
365 Solidarites International SI INGO Mr.
366 Solidarites International SI INGO
367 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
368 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
369 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
370 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
371 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
372 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
373 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
374 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
375 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
376 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
377 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
378 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
379 United Nations Development Programme undp UN
380 United Nations Development Programme UNDP UN Mr.
381 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Mr.
382 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Mr.
383 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
384 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Ms.
385 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
386 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Ms.
387 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Mr.
388 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN
389 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Ms.
390 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Mr.
391 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Ms.
392 Catholic Relief Services CRS LNGO Mr.
393 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Ms.
394 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN
395 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN
396 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN
397 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Mr.
398 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
399 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Ms.
400 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Ms.
401 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
402 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
403 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
404 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Mr.
405 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Ms.
406 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Mr.
407 United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS UN Ms.
408 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
409 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN
410 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
411 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
412 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
413 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
414 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
415 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Mr.
416 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Mr.
417 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Ms.
418 CARE International Myanmar CARE INGO Mr.
419 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN
420 United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN Ms.
421 United States Agency for International Development USAID Donor Mr.
422 United States Agency for International Development USAID Donor Mr.
423 United States Agency for International Development USAID Donor
424 United States Agency for International Development USAID Donor Ms.
425 UN-TECH Consultancy UN-TECH Consultancy UN
426 WaterAid WaterAid INGO
427 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
428 WaterAid WaterAid INGO Mr.
429 Welthungerhilfe WHH INGO Mr.
430 World Food Programme WFP UN
431 World Food Programme WFP UN
432 World Health Orgnization WHO UN Mr.
433 World Health Orgnization WHO UN Mr.
434 World Health Orgnization WHO UN Ms.
435 World Health Orgnization WHO UN Mr.
436 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Mr.
437 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Ms.
438 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Ms.
439 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Mr.
440 Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN LNGO Ms.
441 Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN LNGO Ms.
442 Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN LNGO Mr.
443 Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN LNGO Ms.
444 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
445 Embassy of Japan Embassy of Japan Embassy Ms.
446 #N/A Mr.
447 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
448 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
449 PACT Myanmar PACT INGO Mr.
450 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
451 Save The Children International SCI INGO
452 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
453 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
454 United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat UN Mr.
455 Peace Winds Japan - Myanmar PWJ INGO Mr.
456 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
457 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Mr.
458 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
459 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Mr.
460 Thirst Aid Thirst Aid INGO Ms.
461 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
462 Malteser International Malteser INGO Ms.
463 Malteser International Malteser INGO Mr.
464 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Ms.
465 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
466 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
467 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
468 Embassy of Canada Embassy of Canada Donor Mr.
469 World Concern Myanmar WCM INGO Mr.
470 WaterAid WaterAid INGO Mr.
471 World Vision Myanmar WV INGO Mr.
472 Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO Ms.
473 Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO Ms.
475 United States Agency for International Development USAID
476 #N/A
477 #N/A
478 #N/A
479 HARP Facility HARP Donor Ms.
480 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
481 United States Agency for International Development USAID
482 USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA
483 HARP Facility HARP Donor
484 USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Donor Ms.
485 USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Donor Ms.
486 USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Donor Ms.
487 United States Agency for International Development USAID Donor Ms.
488 United States Agency for International Development USAID
489 HARP Facility HARP Donor Mr.
490 HARP Facility HARP Donor
491 Loi Yang Bum Community Development Loi Yang Bum CBO Mr.
492 Loi Yang Bum Community Development Loi Yang Bum CBO Ms.
493 Loi Yang Bum Community Development Loi Yang Bum CBO Ms.
494 Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG CBO Ms.
495 Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG CBO Mr.
496 Humanity & Inclusion HI INGO Mr.
497 Humanity & Inclusion HI INGO Ms.
498 Humanity & Inclusion HI INGO Ms.
499 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO Ms.
500 arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa INGO
501 Community Health And Development CHAD LNGO Mr.
502 Community Health And Development CHAD LNGO Mr.
503 American Refugee Committee ARC INGO Mr.
504 American Refugee Committee ARC INGO Mr.
505 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
506 Christian Aid Christian Aid INGO Ms.
507 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross
508 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
509 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
510 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN
511 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN Mr.
512 United nations Office for the Coordination of HumanitaUNOCHA UN
513 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
514 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Ms.
515 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
516 Muslim Aid UK MA-UK INGO Mr.
517 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
518 Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH INGO
519 Action Based Community Development ABCD
520 Action for Green Earth AGE
521 Action for Green Earth AGE
524 Peace Winds Japan - Myanmar PWJ INGO Mr.
525 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
526 Myanmar's Heart Development Organization MHDO LNGO Mr.
527 Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross
528 Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG CBO Ms.
529 Swanyee Development Foundation SDF CBO Mr.
530 Swanyee Development Foundation SDF CBO Mr.
531 Thazin Community Development Institute TCDI CBO Mr.
532 Treasue Land Development Association TLDA CBO Mr.
533 Christian Aid Myanmar CAM Mr.
534 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Mr.
535 Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO Ms.
536 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Ms
537 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
538 Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW INGO Mr.
539 people in need. PIN INGO
540 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
541 people in need. PIN INGO Mr.
542 people in need. PIN INGO Ms.
543 Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG CBO Mr.
544 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee UNHCR UN Mr.
545 Norwegian Refugee Council NRC INGO Mr.
546 Norwegian Refugee Council NRC INGO Ms.
547 Norwegian Refugee Council NRC INGO Ms.
548 Christian Aid Myanmar CAM INGO
549 Christian Aid Myanmar CAM INGO
550 Global family Global family INGO
551 Global family Global family INGO
555 Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO Mr.
556 Medical Action Myanmar MAM LNGO
557 Myanmar Health Assistant Association MHAA LNGO
558 Raiki Community Development Foundation RCDF
559 Raiki Community Development Foundation RCDF
560 Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH
561 Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH
562 Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH
563 Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH
564 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
565 United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN Mr.
566 World Food Programme WFP UN Ms.
567 DFID DFID Donor Ms.
568 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Mr.
569 Welthungerhilfe WHH INGO Ms.
571 Save The Children International SCI INGO Mr.
572 World Vision Myanmar WV
573 World Vision Myanmar WV
574 Myanmar Development Network MDN LNGO Mr.
575 International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross Ms.
576 Save The Children International SCI INGO Ms.
WASH Contact List, Myanmar

Name Position Phone number Email Address

Benoit Gerfault 09 2536 32748 [email protected]

elmar.loreti [email protected]
Isabelle Boittin 09 4200 93165 [email protected]
Stephanie Scholz Project Development Officer 09 4213 65855 [email protected]
Josephine Carlson Director of Programme 09 979173509 [email protected]
Erk Fort ACF Country Director [email protected]
Lapo SOMIGLI Field coordinator 09 43206903 [email protected]
Yann WASH PROGRAM MANAGER [email protected]
Alice Victor Deputy Field Coordinator Rakhine [email protected]
Khin Thant Zin Liaison manager [email protected]
Tin Tin Oo Liaison Communication 09 4217 13549 [email protected]
Marcel Beding WASH PM [email protected]
Aung Bo Bo Htay Technical Staff 09 4203 20637 [email protected]
Agnes Seng Sam Programme Officer 09 4000 20406 [email protected]
Hkawn Din WASH/ M&E Officer 09 8937 92074 [email protected]
Brenda Britton M&E Coordinator 09 4513 56457 [email protected]
Finbarr Sweeney DRR Livelihood Delegate [email protected]
Manish A. Tewani Country Representative, Myanmar [email protected]
Otas Akhionbare WASH Advisor Programme Coordinator 09 9615 66161 [email protected]
Lizz Harrison Head of Program [email protected]
Ralf Thill Country Representative [email protected]
Aung Kyaw Htet Project Manager 09 9540 50561 [email protected]
Wint Thu Thu Aung Project Manager/ Training Expert 09 2605 69606 [email protected]
Annaklara Eriksson Lead Communications +959977122783 [email protected]
Aung Ko Ko Emergency Response Coordinator 09 2540 53316 [email protected]
Hnin Su Wai Project Coordinator 09 9771 22781 [email protected]
Sharmin Sultana Country Rep; [email protected]
Alex Viwat Campbell 85512709534 [email protected]
Phyo Myint Oo 09 7954 44706 [email protected]
Sandi Hla Htway Admin/ Finance Officer 09 2503 31606 [email protected]
Than Tun Project Manager 09 2525 63692 [email protected]
Nilar Shwe Program Director 09 4959 3432 [email protected]
Dr Kyi Zaw Win 09 4420 00036
Senior Manager-Rural Program                                        [email protected]
Raymundo S.Rodriguez WASH Program Officer 09 2557 58617 [email protected]
Diego Fionda [email protected]
Patrizia Gattoni [email protected]
pietro fiore 09 7821 00983 [email protected]
Rachele Pagani [email protected]
Aye Myint San M & E Manager 09 4005 03244 [email protected]
Katiz Benassi Head of mission assistant 09 75010 6581 [email protected]
Ralf Nico Thill cesvioverseas [email protected]
Kyaw Zin Tun Senior Programme Officer (Humanitarian & R09 5406 648 ,+95 (1) 3780 [email protected], [email protected]
Yeeshu Shukla Regional Emergency Manager- South East Asia [email protected]
Aung Hlaing Oo Program Officer [email protected]
Hlaing Myint Project Officer [email protected]
Dr Khin Maung Win President/CEO 09 5190 558 [email protected]
Myo Kyaw Thu External Engagement Coordinator 09-421157859 [email protected]
Pyae Phyo Hein Logistics 09 430 41638 [email protected]
Zaw Lu Htet Project Manager 09 771858767 Project Manager
Didier Boissavi WASH Advisor 09 4268 93641 [email protected]
Dr. Thein Swe Oo Assistant Project Manager 09-794848814 [email protected]
95 9428408559
Jules Gouron WASH Consultant  95 9979995448 [email protected]
Efrain Guzman, [email protected]
May Thet New Oo WASH Advisor (+)95 9 7777 05132 [email protected]
Ahmed Benhamouche WASH advisor 09 254798500 [email protected]
Esther de Jong Program Advisor (Health) 09 2523 65439 [email protected]
Guido De Vries Country Director 09 4236 78568 [email protected]
Teuntje De Glee Head of Program Quality 09 2523 65439 [email protected]
Sonya Hahm Program Manager 09 429976908 [email protected]
Moses Tumsiime Project Manager 09 441584310 [email protected], m.tumusiim
Hee Jung Son Program Manager 09 251747290 [email protected]
Ye Htin Aung DM&E Officer 09 4049 06124 [email protected]
Paul Roelofsen Country Rep +959781583612 [email protected], [email protected]
Ms. Joana Paula Villaflor Humanitarian Programme Manager 09 265472603 [email protected]
Neal Deles Humanitarian Aid and Reslience Coordinator [email protected]
Judith Vollebregt Humanitarian aid project manager. [email protected]
Tun Zaw Min Humanitarian Aid Coordinator 09 4215 13535 [email protected]
Luna Falquina Humanitarian Coordinator 09 9754 03454 [email protected]
Naw Seng M&E Officer +95 9 784916250 [email protected]
Aung Myat Htut [email protected]
Jade Burton [email protected]
Priscy Leunis Interm [email protected]
Andreas Kiaby Country Director – Myanmar & Thailand 09 4302 9645 [email protected]
Mani Kumar Head of Programme 09 4302 9840 [email protected]
Phyu Kyi Khaing [email protected]
[email protected]
Julio Ortiz Arguedas [email protected]
Maung Hla Tun WASH Senior Officer [email protected]
Kyaw Wanna Oo Deputy PM/HMA Officer 09 4015 33671 [email protected]
Mathias Ntawiha WASH coordinator 09 898013283 [email protected]
Moe Thandar Win WASH Team Leader 09 402527531 [email protected]
Jesus Capilla WASH PM [email protected]
Pia M.Larsen Grants Manager 09 2548 84944 [email protected]
Brenna Carmody Head of Progs [email protected]
Conie Pamposa Grants Manager 09 4291 32682 [email protected]
Alistair McArthur 09 254798500 [email protected]
Ashley Sarangi 09 4203 29711 [email protected]
Maria C. Ramirez Serrano First Secretary (Cooperation) 09 25453 8451 [email protected]
Zaw Moe Aung 09 254 538 450 [email protected]
Mark Haeussermann Head of humanitarian aid [email protected]
Kyi Mar Soe Senior Project Officer [email protected]
Luc Verna [email protected] [email protected]
Sai Nandar Tun 95 9 261237 086 [email protected]
Nicolas Louis [email protected]
Win Win Thein PO 09 4217 46278 [email protected]
andrea.berloffa [email protected]
Enrica MONTERSINO Project Manager 09 762 049 287 [email protected]
Justine Denis Technical Asst. 09 444476343 [email protected]
Anna Schelling Advisor, GIZ-FNS project 09 4427 81741 [email protected]
Zaw Min Tun WASH Technical Advisor 09 7982 30379 [email protected]
Christian Snoad WASH Technical Advisor `+507 6243 1238 (Whatsapp) 
[email protected]
La San Aung MEAL Officer 09425016022/09793886 [email protected]
Latt Aung Project Support Officer 09 400037938 [email protected]
Tu Aung @Patrick Regional Coordinator Kachin M:+95(9)257393364 [email protected]
Dr. Myo Min Kyaw Program Manager 09 4000 42560 [email protected]
Kareng Mabut Program Manager 1398 8211 945 [email protected]
Lamung Doi Awng WASH coordinator 1533 4343 997 [email protected]
Naw Bawk Assistant Protection Officer 18288105180 (China [email protected]
Maran Zau Seng Project officer 1330 8820 506,09 4015 [email protected]
Andrew Shantz 09 7950 73302 [email protected]
Alexander Humbert Deputy co. +(95) 9 455 750 626 [email protected]
Tin Oo Maung Watsan Coordinator 09 448080765, 09 762020 [email protected]
Benjamin moon [email protected]
Benjamin Sanchez Water and Habitat Coordinator [email protected]
Charlotte Nicol Deputy Head of Sub Delegation 09 254386073 [email protected]
Daniel Owe-Young Water and Habitat Engineer 09 250 146 284 [email protected]
Bann Zahir Water and Habitat Delegate 09 2621 79244 [email protected]
David Kaelin Coordinator +(95) 9 264 312 906 [email protected]
Maud TRUTTA Water and Sanitation Technical Assistant 09 97066 4202 [email protected]
Eric Weissen +(95) 944 264 432 [email protected]
Shane Wilkes Water & Habitat Engineer +95 94 42 645 796 [email protected]
La Ring Seng Water and Habitat Engineer 09 454030532, 09 440006 [email protected]
Nang Zar Chi Tun [email protected]
Madis Org Engineer +(95) 9 264 312 909 [email protected]
Mark Myerson [email protected]
Moh Moh Aung WatHab Field Officer 09 403704384 [email protected]
Kyaw Soe Khine HARP F Regional Co-ordinator [email protected]
Aung Hein 09 2502 17019 [email protected]
Nestor Salgueiro [email protected]
Tammo Van Gastel [email protected]
Emilie Agnes Forestier Engineer +(95) 9 258 681 243 [email protected]
Mya Mya Soe 09 4217 14578 [email protected]
Ana Zarkovic WASH Delegate 09 4593 51971 [email protected]
carlos.prats [email protected]
Jesper Fridolf Program Coordinator 09 2637 28300 [email protected]
Gurudatta Shirodkar Livelihood Delegate 09 254798500 [email protected]
Joy Singhal Head of Country Office 09 4201 04010 [email protected]
Wai Yan Aung 09 4283 32002 [email protected]
Yvonne Josephine Muller Yvonne Muller Engineer +95 (0)94202811442 [email protected]
Wirakhman Maharlika Somantri (Wira) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion 09 4201 04070 [email protected]
Sonja Bjorklund Programme Coordinator Tel./Fax: (+95 - 1) 383 68 [email protected]
Syed Yasir Ahmad Global WASH Adviser +447424927611 [email protected]
Jessie Kanhutu Programme Manager 09 420104040 [email protected]
Maria Goreti 09 254798500 [email protected]
Aye Nandar Hlaing [email protected]
Haja Kakay Women’s Protection and Empowerment Sen09 4526 16942 [email protected]
Kyaw Thu Wynn Field Operation Manager 09 250225209 [email protected]
Sein Hlaing National Health Director 09 4250 30903 [email protected]
U Aung Cho 094 21006740 [email protected]
Dr May Hnin Hlwar Phyu Project Manager 09-400002750 [email protected]
Ye’ Myint Soe Senior Operation Officer 09 258414499 [email protected]
Ritva Jantti Health Programme Manager 09 960 313 460 [email protected]
Noriko Sakurai 09 5034 812 [email protected]
Nilar Linn [email protected]
Doi San Humanitarian Program Officer [email protected];
Hunter Michelsen [email protected]
John Condon Humanitarian Programme Quality Advisor +959448012850 [email protected]
N-Shang La Nu Humanitarian Program Officer 09 2597 24271 [email protected]
Tania Cheung [email protected]
Tsegaye Challa Irish Aid Project Manager 09 4515 66767 [email protected]
Wint War Htay Humanitarian Programme Officer +959 422 489 527 [email protected]
Saw Nay Oo Keh 09970223901 [email protected]
Win Naing Htun Humanitarian Programme Officer 09 4015 50007 [email protected], winnaing.htun@trocaire.
Mr Awng Ja WASH Technician 09 2585 58941 [email protected]
Mr Naw Lawn Watsan Supervisor 9459454187 [email protected]
Win Ko Latt WASH Officer 09-420024563 [email protected]
Nang Sam Hom Humanitarian Coordination Officer 09 440 649180 [email protected]
Cai Tao Program manager [email protected]
Li Li Program officer [email protected]
Gun Mai WASH Technical Officer 9.40007674809261E+020 [email protected]
Majubrangnu M&E Coordinator 09 790430658 [email protected]
Nawlawn WatSan Technician Assistant 09 45873 4971 [email protected], [email protected]
Ja Ra Project coordinator (ADRA project) 09 3614 4115 [email protected]
Shan Lum Wash Project Coordinator 09 4016 22477 [email protected]
Ms.Seng Raw Coordination Office Coordinator [email protected]
J Tu Htoi WASH Project Coordinator 09 788038591 [email protected]
Zaw Too Aung Field Coordinator 09 9624 56628 [email protected]
Labang awn Project Manager 09 2540 74651 [email protected]
Ja Bu WASH Manager 09 400022948 [email protected], [email protected]
Ying Saung WASH project Manager 09 4236 85248 [email protected]
David Melody Program Director [email protected]
IAN CHEN Programme Manager 09 4593 55619 [email protected]
Phyo Myint Oo 09 7954 44706  [email protected]
Saw Kyaw Programme Coordinator 09 2505 24797 [email protected]
Mary Pham Education Coordinator 09 2571 78204 [email protected]
David Mueller [email protected]
Mariolein Coren Program Coordinator 09 9769 83237 [email protected]
Francesca Paola Traglia Deputy Program Coordinator 09 78119 3243 [email protected]
Aleksandra Davidovska Field Coordinator 098 8773 5839 [email protected]
Soe Myint Senior WASH Manager 09 420760312, 09 9574 [email protected]
Than Shwe Snr Government Liaison and Access advisor [email protected]
Aung Than Project Manager 09 4505 42984 [email protected]
Ma Nwe Yee DRR Partner Coordinator 09 260022229 [email protected]
Naw Moe Thidar Aung WASH Officer 09 421014615 [email protected]
Ms. Janine Rothmayer Project Manager 09 262179119 [email protected]
Minn Naing, [email protected]
Ngwe Daung Hlaing Country WASH Coordinator 09 260918232 [email protected]
Claudia Plock Country Programme Advisor +95 44181 7967 [email protected]
Nils Den Tex [email protected]
Ms. Leah Bugtay [email protected]
K.H. Kamal Program Manager 09 897165170 [email protected]
Ei Pyu Pyu Win Senior Officer 09 452483223 [email protected]
Ka Baw Htoo Project Manager 09 783125752 [email protected]
Kanika Chakraborty Coordinator - Gender and Protection 076 9947 765 [email protected]
Hari Prasad Awasthi Project Coordinator 09 3612 4423 [email protected], [email protected]
Richard Hocking [email protected]
Serge Birtel Program coordinator 09 79311 8320 [email protected]
Gabriela Service Project Support Manager 09 4289 36997 [email protected]
Heidi Cockram Country Director 09 45911 9617 [email protected]
Sarah Eggert Project Coordinator [email protected]
Sarah Eggert Country Representative Mob +95 (0) 945 608 [email protected]
Dupraz Julier logistic Coordinator 09 4015 34095 [email protected]
Thidar Aye Mission Technical Referent (WatSan) 09 5054 449 [email protected]
Bryony Lau Deputy Head of Mission 9421742116 [email protected]
Peter logistic Coordinator 09 5089430 [email protected]
Tyzar Kyaw Zaw 09 254798500 [email protected]
Kyaw Kyaw "Louisa" Nandar Programme Development Officer [email protected]
Khin Saw Wai 09 250330134 [email protected]
Vladimir Hernandez [email protected]
Hkun Lat Assistant Project Coordinator 09 260541 797 [email protected]
Ja Nu Humanitarian Programme Coordinator (+95) 9 505 9 330 [email protected]
Kai Ja Project Coordinator 09 2540 71283 [email protected]
Thiha Tun Assistant Project Coordinator 09 4000 53452 [email protected]
Khin Lat Hlaing Area Coordinator 09 2653 59740 [email protected]
Khar Nan Project Coordinator 6243077, 1536 8672 850 [email protected]
Dr. Lahpai Zau Seng Project Coordinator 09 790435321 [email protected]
Ko Khin Mg Naing Engineer 09 3603 1199 [email protected]
Myint Myint Htay Humanitarian Focal Person 09 2593 85165, 09 4731 0 [email protected]
Zawng Nyoi Assistant Project Coordinatior 09 90683 7824 [email protected]
Phyu Ei Aung Program Coordinator 09 4400 01263 [email protected]
Wutyi Soe Humanitarian Project Coordinator 09 7680 52204, 09 2501 9 [email protected]
Zaw Htun Lat Humanitarian Projramme Coordinator 09 250 215353 [email protected]
Saw Ray Ywa Dee 09 9757 93107 [email protected]
Genevieve C. Balolong Project Manager 09 890 364 340 [email protected]
Gbogbah 09 250198390 [email protected]
Jeannoel.walkowiak Country Director [email protected]
Mr. Saifullah Programme Coordinator 09 457570623 [email protected]
Project Medical Co-ordinator ERS [email protected]
Anthony Etim 09 2682 72426
Cash and Voucher Assistance  Programs Manager  [email protected]
Shalom 09 254798500 [email protected]
Ebou Jammeh Humanitarian Program Manager 09-441219804 [email protected]
EMILY BREWSTER Program Development & Institutional Fundraising Coordinator [email protected]
Walkowiak J Noel Program Manager 09 9763 66612 [email protected]
Shon Campbell 09 4500 39936 [email protected]
Htu Bu HP Coordinator 09 4731 7424 [email protected]
Tsu Aung WASH Engineer 09 9748 52479 [email protected]
Aung Htun Sr. WASH Officer 09 2500 75279 [email protected]
Prof: Dr Mya Thu President 09 977115501 [email protected]
Dr Thida Kyu Director 01 392028 Ext 107 [email protected]
Thandar Moe Supporting Officer 09 783336923,09 [email protected]
Tin Tin Lay Engineer 09 254798500 [email protected]
U Thaung Oo Head of sub office 09 2540 98920 [email protected]
U. Ganesh Local Representative Kachin 09 4915 5925 [email protected]
U Aung Li Programme Officer 09 6933 75917 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kyi Myo Aung Assistant Engineer [email protected]
Khaing Mar Lin Program Coordinator 09 2569 22475 [email protected]
Aung Kyaw Kyaw Htwe Program Coordinator 09 5408 186 [email protected]
Dicky Doe Program Coordinator 09 7879 94965 [email protected]
Zaw Win Kyaw Program Coordinator 09 7990 72702 [email protected]
Em Htoo [email protected]
Htin Lin Aung Program Officer 09 7784 36574 [email protected]
Than Aung WASH manager 01392028~30 #107 [email protected]
U Sithu Toe Nyunt Hub Manager 09 79592 0944, 09 [email protected], [email protected]
U Nay Bu Manager 09 2564 92471 [email protected]
Aung Ko Ko Htway Program Director of MHDO 09 9729 51450, 09 4480 2 [email protected]
Saw Teddy Program Consultant 09 5142164 [email protected]
U Kyaw Lwin Oo Project Manager 09 250432578 [email protected]
Aye Aye Mu Program Officer 09 262031083 [email protected]
Zin Mi Lwin Engineer 09 421747501 [email protected]
Aye Yin WASH Coordinator 09 421768254 [email protected]
Innocen Thu Program Manager 09-261659312 , 09-97823 [email protected]
Mee Mee Tun WASH Coordinator 09 421737005 [email protected]
Sophie Ford Humanitarian Programme Adviser 09 4553 00163 [email protected]
Su Su Htay Humanitarian Programme Manager 95-9970922452 [email protected]
Tom Wildman [email protected]
Oo Win Naing Humanitarian Coordinator 09 2543 15986 [email protected]
Kaspar Roelle Humanitarian Programme Advisor 09 7992 58447 [email protected]
Mr. Abayneh Asrat WASH Coordinator [email protected]
Dr Soe Min WASH Focal [email protected]
People in need rakhine management mail [email protected]
Pier Francesco Donati WASH coordinator 09 4261 43412 [email protected]
EWA Klimuk HoP 09 2512 69747 [email protected]
Andrius Kudaba Programme Development Officer 09 2512 69716 [email protected]
Myint Thu M&E officer 09 2532 39389 [email protected]
Tereza Vavrinova Interim Area Manager Rakhine 09 266930846, +420 724 [email protected]
Laurel Jansung Program Quality Support Officer 09 4479 06314 [email protected]
Andrea Szenasi Monitoring and Evaluation/Capacity Building09 763 813 40 [email protected]
Connor Nierynck Operations Officer 09 4462 29419 [email protected]
Abe Simons Head of Programmes  09 2686 45601 [email protected]
David Htui.Aung Project Manager 09 79 80 55 952 [email protected]
David Htoi Aung Humanitarian Project Coordinator(MHF proj09 7980 55952 [email protected]
mmr.depprogco [email protected]
Soe Moe Kyaw [email protected]
Ania Gaboune MEAL Coordinator 09 455168383 [email protected]
Josh Kreger Head of Mission 09 4501 29365 [email protected]
Ange MERALLI BALLOU Country Director 09 45012 9365 [email protected]
Alaa Jouma Area Manager 09 96015 0051 [email protected]
Sonya Milonova WASH Coordinator +95 926 454 2915   [email protected]
Zaw Min Oo Humanitarian Program Coordinator 09 4025 94952 [email protected]
Lay Thinzar New Humanitarian Programme Officer 09-253201986 [email protected]
Katie Tiller Country Director [email protected]
Beth Spiby Program Development [email protected]
Paul McKnight Country Director 09 2545 31072 [email protected]
Megan McNerney Program Development Officer 097751 61305  [email protected]
Rachel Kettle Program Development 09 2659 19924 [email protected]
Saw Eh Gaw Htoo 09 420112826 [email protected]
Dr. Aung Soe Moe Kyaw Emergency Project Manager 09 421761208, 09 976807 [email protected]
Kelly Thayer Head of Rakhine Programs 09 8897 11764 [email protected]
Aung Aung Oo WASH Project Manager 09 2520 80078 [email protected]
Ye Win Thu [email protected]
Wutyi Soe Humanitarian Programme Coordinator (+95-09) 76802204, [email protected]
La Doi Nan Assistant Project Coordinator 09-440283124 [email protected]
Khaung Dau Seng Data Compiler 09 423720125 [email protected]
Alicia Gimeno DFID Consortium Manager 09 250 86 42 12 [email protected]
Aung Myo Min WASH Project Coordinator 09 2505 98175 [email protected]
DEREJE ALEMU DENEKE WASH SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER 09 450 707469, 09 [email protected]
Philippa Shala  Proposal Writer Coordinator 09 7687 23704 [email protected]
Khant Phyo Wai WASH Project Manager 09 4300 8814 [email protected]
Thaw Si Htin Zaw Emergency Manager 09 45625 0150 [email protected]
Thet Paing Htoo Emergency Preparedness & Standby Infrastructure Coordinator [email protected],[email protected]
BUHA-COLLETTE Julien Technical Lead 09 4032 33238 [email protected]
Naw Aung Project officer 09 444906807 [email protected]
Hkawng Sing Project Manager 09 4015 89715, 09 7974 0 [email protected]
Hkun Myat Project Manager 09 4000 44096,09 7906 [email protected]
Lasi Hka Awng WASH Technican 09 7907 63632, 09 2643 1 [email protected]
Mr. Waje Htingnan M&E/Database 09 793835289 [email protected]
Lizel Roque Communication & Reporting Officer 09 895 567 185 [email protected]
Damien Damien 09 425 007 166
Food Security & Livelihoods / MEAL Coordinator [email protected]
San Mai Deputy Field Coordinator 09 793113375 [email protected]
Htoi Raw Hygiene Promotion Supervisor 09 259431808 [email protected]
D. Sar Aung Deputy Field Coordinator 09 259076921 [email protected]
Lawrence Kyaw Zeyar Lin WASH Activities Manager 09 43205348 [email protected]
Katherina SPM 09 783557139 [email protected]
Shane Brady Head of Program – Humanitarian 09 4201 08893 [email protected]
Sara Ubbiali Programme Manager 09 421751554 [email protected]
[email protected]
James Brinson WATSAN Program Manager [email protected]
Camille Lehembre Field Coordinator 09 421 025 178 / 09 971 [email protected]
WASH Manager [email protected]
Gardie Nigatu Abuye Field Coordinator 09 4552 58467 [email protected]
[email protected]
Marta Tremolada Deputy Field Coordinator 09 966 931065 / 09 887 7 [email protected]
Marine Ricau Sanitation Manager [email protected]
Barbara Rothenberger Deputy Head Humanitarian Aid [email protected]
Peppe (Giuseppe) Magliulo WASH Delegate SRC 09 9640 90673 [email protected]
Myat Lin Hlaing WASH advisor 09 425028058 [email protected]
April Pham [email protected]
Cecil Dunne [email protected]
A Mar Zaw WASH in Schools Officer 09 7322 6151 [email protected]
Anu Paudyal Gautam <[email protected] specialist, EAPRO UNICEF regional office [email protected]
Aye Win WASH Specialist 09 9534 49987 [email protected]
Han Min Htet @ Thargyi WASH Officer 09 440 224 018 [email protected]
WASH Activity Manager for Pauktaw WaSH projects [email protected]
09 43134129 [email protected]
Kencho Namgyal Chief of WASH 0945 7166 611 [email protected]
Gerda Binder [email protected]
Htoot Min WASH Officer 09 4211 23083 [email protected]
James Robertson WASH Specialist 09 9727 21299 [email protected]
Jane Strachan Emergency Specialist +95 9250344968 [email protected]
Kapzo Lian WASH Officer 09 253566833 [email protected]
Khin Aung Thein WASH Officer 09 2525 83875 [email protected]
Valentina Bidone Deputy Country Director Programs 09 8989 40996 [email protected]
Aye Maung SI - Sanitation Supervisor [email protected]
WASH Coordinator [email protected]
Jeff Silverman Rakhine WASH Cluster Coordinator (+95) 9258308118 & (+ [email protected]
Kyaw Thet WASH Officer 09 4207 31457 [email protected]
Maung Maung WASH Officer 09 5073 712, 09 9759 778 [email protected]
Mee Mee Thaw WASH Cluster Information Management Offi09 4512 07533 [email protected],[email protected]
Mya Than Tun WASH Officer 01 5498 34 [email protected]
Samer Hatoum WASH Consultant 09 4444 57210 [email protected]
Sanda Lwin WASH Officer 09 7322 3197, 09 2596 96 [email protected]
Sunny Guidotti WASH Specialist (National WASH Cluster Coo09 9755 67912 [email protected]
Eyad aldubai WASH Specialist (National WASH Cluster Coo09 4006 31743 [email protected]
Than Kyaw Soe WASH Officer 09 4315 3492 [email protected]
Theingi Soe WASH Specialist 09 4283 56776 [email protected]
Tin Lay Naing Field Officer 09 2588 65828, 09 7807 0 [email protected], [email protected]
BATCHELOR Peter [email protected]
U Tun Tun Head of Office 09 7907 67012 [email protected]
Shaun Scales National Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster Coordinator [email protected]
Geraldine Salducci Protection Sector Coordinator [email protected]
Lae Yee Win WASH Officer (Cluster Coordination) 09 2548 20143 [email protected]
Thi Thi Lwin Assistant Information Management Officer 09 5081 063,95-1-524022, [email protected],[email protected]
Shakeela Ellahi   Child Protection Sub-Cluster Coordinator  09 4051 49615 [email protected]
Lei Yee Nway WASH Officer 09 4500 15864 [email protected]
Oddy Angelo 09 4304 0553 [email protected]
Rajakumar Gollamandala Programme Coordinator 09 73235506 [email protected]
New Tha Zin Hlaing Field Engineer 09 4500 35110 [email protected]
Htun Lynn M&E Coordinator 09 2502 72185 [email protected]
Hsu Myat Thiri Senior Engineer 959 509 7313, 959 96 [email protected]
Kyaw Myat Htut Emergency Response Programme Manager 09 7353 8718, 09 2582 [email protected]
San San Htay Field Engineer 09 253269215 [email protected]
Mr. Vishnu Parasad Field Project Manager 09 785268334 [email protected]
U Tun Aung Phyu Field Program Coordinator 09 422504178 [email protected]
U San Shwe Kyaw Field Engineer 9421721781 [email protected]
Ye Win Senior Township Coordinator 09 5183 248 [email protected]
Greg Puley Deputy Head of Office 09-59797007855 [email protected]
Helena Mazarro Emergency Preparedness Officer 09 7970 07819 [email protected]
Mari Sawai Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer 09 79700 7852 [email protected]
Myo Thiha Kyaw Humanitarian Affairs Specialist 09 5021 918 [email protected]
San Aung Li (Peter) National Coordination Officer 09 797007856 [email protected]
Thein Win National Coordination Officer 09-797007871; [email protected]
CC Ting Lum Assistant Field Officer (CCCM) 09 4421 31719 [email protected]
Deepika Bhardwaj Snelter/ NFI/ CCCm/ (Sub) National Cluster 09 4034 87563 [email protected]
Zaw Zaw Filed Assoicate 09 4217 12258 [email protected]
Naing Soe Aye Laison Officer 09 254798500 [email protected]
Derran Matthew Moss-Dalmau Rakhine Coordinator 09 797007850 [email protected]
Odicea Angelo Barrios [email protected]
Alexandra Robinson GBV Programme Specialist [email protected]
Degiree Lichtenstein Programme Analyst 09 9636 21296 [email protected]
Andrea Irwn Consultant 09 9561 65064 [email protected]
Lucy Stevens Program Officer 09 4550 50320 [email protected]
Mollie Fair [email protected]
Dr. Mahkawnghta Awng Shar Programme Analyst (SRHR) 0944000 3637 [email protected]
Kyaw Zin Latt   Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian09 2637 47300 [email protected]
Yin Yin Tun                Field Office Coordinator 09 4500 12001 [email protected]
Myint Aye Sr. Project Officer 09 456261162 [email protected]
Dr.Htet Su Kyi Programme Analyst 09-5186931 [email protected]
Kazutaka Sekine 09
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Sp 4541 60579 [email protected]
Harlan Hale Regional Advisor [email protected]
Joanna Ribbens 09 5419 586 [email protected]
Debbie Murphy Regional Advisor [email protected]
Melissa Joy    Wash focal person [email protected]
Shein Kyi CZO Consultant 09 7992 49680, 09 2501 3 [email protected]
Penny Dutton Country Director 09 7822 28728 [email protected]
Tin Aung Thein Field Coordination Officer 09 797007854 [email protected]
Shihab Uddin Ahamad Country Director 95 09431 81626 [email protected]
Thurein Maung Maung Senior Program Coordinator 95 9788 209369 [email protected],[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Allison GOCOTANO [email protected]
Dr Thet Zaw Htet National Technical Officer 09 2534 22229 [email protected]
Dr. Theingi Myint National technical officer 09 5052259 [email protected]
Win Bo (Dr) National Technical Officer (ERM) [email protected]
M Zaw Naw Field Coordinator 09 4701 0761 [email protected]
Dr, Su Daung Hlaing Area Program Manager 09 5950 16093 [email protected]
Myat Htwe Mon Response/Food Manager 09 44517 5764 [email protected]
Paing Chit Oo WASH Specialist  09 451768614 [email protected], [email protected]
Brang San Aung WASH Project Coordinator [email protected]
Kaw Hpang Harp-F Project Coordinator [email protected] 
Gum Ja Awng Program Manager 09790645621, (+86) 1473 [email protected], [email protected],
Mary Tawm Executive Director, member of JST 09 4709 9657 [email protected]
Kyaw Aung Oliver Head of Mission 09 2323 64919 [email protected]
Yoko Kai Coordinator [email protected]
Gunilla Ölund Wingqvist 46(0)31-786 9204 [email protected] ,gunilla.olund.wingqvist@gmail.
Policy analyst / Environmental Adviser                                 
46(0)766 22 9204                                    
U Zaw Lin Tun WASH Program Manager 09 792646399
Dr.Soe Naing Program Coordinator 09 780004431 [email protected]
Dr.Aung Kyaw Thu Program Coordinator 09 420043259 [email protected]
Dr. Asok Poudel Sharma Project Manager 09 424568833 [email protected]
Marielle Snel Senior Global Humanitarian WASH specialist+962-(0)798517587 H501 [email protected]
Vicent Penzoni HOP 09 2618 31760 [email protected]
Saw San Myint Kyi DRRWG focal point being Head of Region 09 450049483 [email protected]
Myint Aye Project Officer 09 2549 48168 [email protected]
U Nay San Program Manager 09 253689518 [email protected]
Ye Min Aung WASH Officer 09-443173118 [email protected]
Moe Thu Gyi  HEA Division Director [email protected]
Khaing Kyaw Nyo Field Coordination Officer [email protected]
Nyein Lwin                          WASH Department coordinator             09 25406 0938         [email protected]
Thin New Soe Program Director 09 5006 064 [email protected]
Nay Win Myint Country Technical Coordinator 09 4505 40410 [email protected]
Ma Nwe` Yee Project Manager 09 260088889 [email protected]
Rakesh Mohan Program Coordinator [email protected]
Rose Mary Ja Seng Nau Junior Project Manager 09 7704 61427 [email protected]
Dr Win Tun Kyi National Director 09 5170 5839, 09 5068 33 [email protected]
Zono Mawia Emergency & Relief Project Manager 09 4000 222 596 [email protected]
Robert Sithu Aung Programme Coordinator 095- 09 500 2669, 00951- [email protected]
Francesca Bellone First Secretary (Development) and Vice-Cons09 254 538 447 [email protected]
Tim Petry WASH Technical Advisor [email protected]
Munawar Hassan Head of Programmes & Policy 09 7501 27935 [email protected]
Aung Mya Kyaw Emergency Engagement Coordinator 09 426186767 [email protected]
Hla Win Deputy Humanitarian Program Unit Manage09-252458542 [email protected]
Thaw Tar La Pyae Lin WASH Officer 09-264885252 [email protected]
Stephanie Riddell Food for Peace Officer Asia Europe +1(571) 216 0444 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Esther Perry [email protected]
Rebecca Thompson Emergency Humanitarian Coordinator [email protected]
Peter Mcgeachie Deputy Team Leader 09 7689 33438 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Carney, Allen [email protected]
Adira Zwelling Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) [email protected]
Deborah Murphy OFDA rep: [email protected]
Elissa Brandolph [email protected]
[email protected]
Aung Naing Program Director 09 4200 91381 [email protected]
Moira Reddick [email protected]
Mr. La Ring Director 09-400018553 [email protected]
Ms. Lu Seng Project Manager 09-973761665 [email protected]
Ms. Ei Thanda Htun M&E 09-457934741 [email protected]
Naw Rhoda Program Coordinator 09 2562 40785 [email protected]
U Aung Tun Min WASH Officer 09 263865327 [email protected]
Mr. Geoffrey OLUNGA Field Coordinator 09 267175782 [email protected]
Ei Mon Soe Project Manager (WASH, Health and Protect09 2508 27610 [email protected]
Eva Lecat Operations Coordinator 09 7609 47173 [email protected]
Kyaw Zaw Linn WASH Engineer [email protected]
Sai Tun Tun Win WASH Team Leader 09 4037 61254 [email protected]
Shan Tu Project Coordinator (GBV) 09 4000 20544 [email protected]
Aung Seng Lat Project Coordinator (WASH & Nutrition) 09 9664 09122 [email protected]
Dr. Oscar V. Fudalan Jr. Program Manager [email protected]
Zaw Win Tun WASH Coordinator 09 43134129 [email protected]
Than Htun Hlaing WASH Coordinator 09 264395402 [email protected], Thanhtun.hlaing@mauk-myanma
Sandi Kyaw Gender & Protection Officer 09-2045038 [email protected]
Ms.Rubi Mena Water and Habitat Delegate 09 44854 7114 [email protected]
Tu Sau Accountability Learning officer 09-259183604 [email protected]
Gun Tawng WASH Officer 9263388641 [email protected]
G Yaw Ying CP Officer 09-423673485 [email protected]
Tom Otunga Humanitarian Affairs Officer 09 797007816 [email protected]
Kyaw Kyaw Soe Sr National Coordination Officer 09-797007865 [email protected]
Moses Tumusiime Program Manager (+95) 09 441584310, (+95)[email protected]
Sarah Fewkes Senior Programme Coordinator 09 951 190 737  [email protected]
Ahlam Ali Technical Specialist- Gender, SGBV, Protecti 09 4055 11304 [email protected]
Jezeer Hameed Program Manager +(95) 9447632832 [email protected]
U Kyaw Shwe [email protected]
Yvan Grayel
Aung Myat Soe WASH Officer 9252828471 [email protected]
Chit Mya Director 9421725637 [email protected]
Aung Nay Lin Engineer 9421737198 [email protected]
Than Htay WASH Officer 944736231 [email protected]
Maung Khin San WASH Officer 9252063696 [email protected]
U Kyaw Shwe Hydro-geologist (Specialist) 09 254396294 [email protected]
Sam Myint Naing D.A 09 88810787 [email protected]
Tun Tun Naing D.C 9425180026 [email protected]
La San Dar Project Coordinator 9422555102 [email protected]
Myint Myat Thar Engineer 9456712609 [email protected]
Aung Naing Win Engineer 9265412419 [email protected]
Than Win Hlaing PM 9443429009 [email protected]
Kyaw Soe Lin Data Management Officer 9774138157 [email protected]
Khun Phoe Sein Area Manager 9782769374 [email protected]
Thein Htwe Project Officer 09 26311545 [email protected]
Nyein Chan Maung Maung Project Coordinator 09 4200 64396 [email protected]
May Moe Aung WASH Consortium Coordinator 09 770883254 [email protected]
Khin Aye Thwe Senior Protection and Inclusion Officer [email protected]
Dr. Tun Zaw Min Humanitarian Coordinator [email protected]
Soe Thiha Senior Technical Officer 09 42659 3712 [email protected]
Andrius Kudaba Rakhine Area Manager 09 251269716 [email protected]
Paul Thibault Emergency Programmes Advisor 09 7699 63751 [email protected]
Mr. San Aung WASH Officer 09 7856 90745 [email protected], sumdusanaung@gmai
Soe Akari Kyaw WASH Officer 09 897233497 [email protected]
Saw Yoshu Regional Manager 09 255264794 [email protected]
Remo Fambri CCCM / Shelter cluster + UNHCR shelter/NFI09 897693451 [email protected]
U Yaw Htan shelter Coordinator 09 440201675 [email protected]
Khin Li Li Naing Soe Shelter Officer 09 425223554 [email protected]
Shada Qahoush Shelter Programme Development Manager 09 44619 9951 [email protected]
Etienne Berges Program Development Manager 09 401702234 [email protected]
Bo Tin Aung Program Coordinator 09 421766608 [email protected]
U Ngwe Toe Development director 09 73063301 [email protected]
U Min Htin Field Coordinator 09 267941587
Salai Lowh Htay Area Coordinator/ Emergency Coordinator 09 264 909 635 [email protected]
Antonio Piccoli Project Manager [email protected]
Giuseppe Busalacchi Project Manager/Head of Base 09 455 308 989 [email protected]
Kyaw Thet Aung Project Officer 09 456991280
Ye Min Naing Project Medical Coordinator 09 423696210
Zaw Ye Thu Township Project Coordinator 09 787735960
Kyaw Shein Field Coordinator 09 45042348 [email protected]
Maung Nge Supervisor 09 890346171 [email protected]
Zaw Linn Tun WASH Technical Surge Support [email protected]
Moe Thandar Win WASH PM [email protected]
Maung Nyo Project Manager 09 250027560
Sébastien Naissant Emergency Programme Coordinator 09 896152908 [email protected]
Cin Than Kham Chief of Field Office 09 455875879 [email protected]
Sai Han Lynn Aung WASH Officer [email protected]
Sanda Aung Monitoring Assistant 09 401546341 [email protected]
Rebecca Thompson Humanitarian Advisor Rakhine Surge Suppor 7415967230 [email protected]
Mr. Harold Deladerriere WatHab delegate 09 405 150 239 [email protected]
Ma Khin Ohn Mar WASH expert 09-257734339 [email protected]
Ko Thaw Tar Head Of Office 09-421179692 [email protected]
Ko Zaw Min Regional Operation Manger 09-421137116 [email protected]
Moo Kale Program Analyst 09-403591881 [email protected]
Ko Soe Man Project Coordinator 09-43179621 [email protected]
Thura Tun Consultant 09 425303373, 09 781668 [email protected], [email protected]
Karine Sarah Rose Lacroix Wathab (WASH) Delegate [email protected]
Nicole Starkey Myanmar Education in Emergencies Sector 09 966896190 [email protected]
Yango Mand National
Location NSS Kachin Rakhine Chin Others Remark Flood Updated Date
n alay Custer
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Yangon 1 7-Nov-19
Maungdaw 1
Sittwe 1 3-Jan-18
Sittwe 1 10-Aug-18
Sittwe 1 10-Aug-18
Sittwe / Yangon 1 1 18-Jan-19
Sittwe 1 7-Nov-19
Yangon 1 1 6-Sep-17
Myitkyina 1 29-Nov-18
Myitkyina 1 23-May-19
Yangon 1 6-Sep-17
Yangon 1 21-Mar-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 1 1 10-Jun-20
Yangon 1 1 no activities in Central & NRS Rakhine
1 23-Apr-19
Yangon 1 7-Nov-19
Ann 1 no activities in Central & NRS Rakhine 12-Sep-17
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 1
Yangon 1 1 9-Nov-18
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1 1 23-Nov-18
Yangon 1 1 1 23-Nov-18
Rathedaung 1
Yangon 1

Yangon 1

Yangon 1 1
Yangon 1 1 9-Nov-18

Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 1 2-Aug-18
Sittwe 1 17-Mar-20
Yangon 1 6-Sep-17
KyaukPyu 1 1-Jul-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1 1 31-Jul-18
Sittwe 1 17-Mar-20
Yangon 1 21-Oct-20
Yangon 1 29-Apr-19
Yangon 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yangon 1 1
yangon 1 13-Aug-19
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Sittwe 1 21-May-19
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18
Yangon 1 1 14-Nov-18
Sittwe 1 never present in WCM 7-Nov-17
Sittwe 1 7-Feb-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1 1 31-Oct-18
Yangon 1 1 1 1 1 31-Oct-18
Myitkyina 1 1 9-Jul-19
Yangon 1 9-Jul-19
Myitkyina 1 5-Feb-19
Myitkyina 1 21-Oct-19
Yangon 1 19-Aug-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1 31-Oct-18
Yangon 1 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1

Myitkyina 1
Sittwe 1 20-Oct-20
Myitkyina 1
Sittwe/ Pauktaw 1 15-Oct-18
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18
Sittwe 1 1 29-Jan-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 18-Jan-19
Yangon 1 1 14-Nov-18
sittwe 1 17-Jun-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1-Dec-20
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 29-Apr-20
Yangon 1 1 29-Apr-20
Yangon 1 2-Sep-20
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1
Yangon 1 1

Kyauk Taw 1
Sittwe 1 14-Jan-19
Sittwe 1 30-Oct-18
sittwe 1 30-Oct-18
1 1 1 1-Nov-19
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Laiza 1
Laiza 1
Laiza 1 22-Jan-19
Laiza 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18

Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 13-Feb-19
Yangon 1
Yangon/Sittwe 1 1 1
Sittwe 1 1 1 17-Sep-18
Yangon 1 1
Lashio 1 1-May-20
Kyaing Tong

Lashio 1
Sittwe 1 13-Nov-17
Mrauk U 1

Maungdaw 1 never present in WCM

Sittwe 1
Yangon 1

Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 never present in WCM 3-Jul-18
Yangon 1
Sittwe/ Rathidaung 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1 1 10-Aug-18
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 never present in WCM
Sittwe 1 never present in WCM
Yangon 1
Lashio 1
Muse 1
Yangon 1
Myebon 1
Lashio 1 17-Jul-20
Lashio 1
Yangon 1 1 1 1
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1

Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1

Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 24-Jan-19
Yangon 1 20-Dec-19
Lashio 1 1
Bhamo 1
Bhamo 1
Lashio 1 17-Jul-20
Yangon 1 19-Dec-19
Laiza 1 16-Jul-20
Laiza 1 16-Jul-20
Myitkyina 1 11-Oct-18
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Bhamo 1
Bhamo 1
Muse 1
Yangon 1 1
Myitkyina 1
Lashio 1
Yangon 1 8-Jul-19
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Yangon 1 19-Jul-18
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
sittwe 1 4-Sep-18
Yangon 1 1 10-Aug-18
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 13-Mar-20
sittwe 1 7-Oct-20
sittwe 1 21-Dec-20
Minbya 1
Sittwe 1
sittwe 1 6-May-19
sittwe 1 14-Jan-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 1 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 19-Sep-19
Maungdaw, Buthedaung 1
sittwe 1 9-Aug-19
sittwe 1 9-May-19
sittwe 1 9-May-19
Sittwe 1 12-Sep-17
Sittwe 1 13-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 20-Jun-18
Cambodia 1
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 12-Sep-17
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1 6-Sep-17

Yangon 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 23-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 14-Nov-18
Ann 1
Yangon 1
Maungdaw, Buthedaung 1 21-Dec-18
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1
Yangon 1 1 1 31-Jul-18
Bhamo 1
Bhamo 1
Bhamo 1 30-Oct-18
Laiza 1
Myitkyina 1 29-Oct-19
Lashio 1
Lashio 1
Myitkyina 1 6-Nov-18
Myitkyina 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Maungdaw 1 23-Apr-19
Maungdaw, Buthedaung 1 21-Dec-18

Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1
sittwe 1 29-Apr-20
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1 14-Nov-18
Yangon 1 1
Yangon 1
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Yangon 1 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 2-Jul-18
Yangon 1 2-Jul-18
Lashio 1
Sittwe 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 29-Apr-19
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1
sittwe 1 1-Mar-19
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 14-May-19
Yangon 1 14-May-19
Yangon 1 14-May-19

Yangon 1 6-Sep-17
Yangon 1 1 1 1 30-Mar-18
Sittwe 1
Kutkai 1 7-Nov-17
Yangon 1 1 1
Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidau 1
Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidau 1 17-Jun-19
Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidau 1 17-Jun-19
Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidau 1
Sittwe 1
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
Yangon 1 15-Jan-19
Sittwe 1 21-Jan-20
Mandalay 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon/Sittwe 1 1 1
Yangon 1 14-May-19
Yangon 1 1 14-Nov-18
Yangon 1 1 18-Jan-19
Sittwe 1 17-Jun-19
Yangon 1 7-Nov-19
Yangon 1 9-Dec-19
Yangon 1 20-Dec-19
Yangon 1 24-Feb-20
Yangon 1 1
Myitkyina 1

Yangon 1 1
Sittwe 1 1-Mar-19
Yangon 1 29-Jan-19
Yangon 1 28-Sep-17

Sittwe 1 28-Mar-18
Lashio 1 2-Apr-19
Taunggyi/ Lashio 1 Based in Taunggyi
Yangon 1 1 31-Oct-18
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Yangon 1 1 1
Yangon 1 21-Jan-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1
Yangon 1 1 28-Feb-20
Mrauk_U 1 17-Mar-20
Myebon/Sittwe 1 11-Dec-20
Myebon/Sittwe 1 20-Jun-18
Yangon 1 17-Jun-20
Yangon 1 17-Jun-20
Lashio 1 17-Jul-20
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Yangon 1 1
Sittwe/ Pauktaw 1
Yangon 1 1 1 1
Yangon 1 1 1 31-Jul-18
Sittwe 1 22-Jan-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 8-Oct-18
Myitkyina 1 22-Jan-20
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 22-Jan-20
Yangon 1 15-Jan-19
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1 14-May-19
Bhamo 1 23-May-19
Bhamo 1 29-Jan-18
Bhamo 1 29-Jan-18
Sittwe 1 1-Mar-19
Yangon 1 1
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18
Sittwe 1 1-Mar-19
Sittwe 1
Bhamo 1 29-Jan-18
Bhamo 1 29-Jan-18
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1 5-Dec-19
Sittwe 1 1-Mar-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 1 1 17-Dec-18
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 20-Sep-18
Sittwe 1 2-Apr-19
Pauk Taw 1 21-Dec-18
Yangon 1

Yangon 1 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1
Maungdaw 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 15-Jul-19
Sittwe 1 5-Nov-20
Yangon 1 1 1 1
sittwe 1 1 9-Sep-19
Sittwe 1
Mandalay 1
Yangon 1 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1
Yangon 1 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 29-Aug-19
Mandalay 1
Yangon 1
Lashio 1

Myitkyina 1
Yangon 1 3-Feb-20
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1
sittwe 1
Sittwe 1 21-Sep-18
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 14-Nov-18
Yangon 1 14-May-19
Yangon 1 29-Aug-19
Yangon 1 1 1 13-Aug-18
Sittwe 1 17-Jun-19
Sittwe 1 25-Jul-19
Sittwe 1 25-Jul-19
sittwe 1 25-Jul-19
Chin 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 4-Mar-20
Yangon 1 7-Nov-17
Myitkyina 1
Lashio 1
Myitkyina 1
Myitkyina 1 2-Sep-19
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1
Sittwe 1 21-Dec-18
Yangon 1 14-Nov-18
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 6-Sep-17
Yangon 1 14-May-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1 29-Oct-19
Yangon 1 1 22-Jun-20
Maungdaw 1 25-Aug-20
Maungdaw 1
Lashio 1 13-Nov-19
Sittwe 1 11-Mar-19

Yangon 1
yangon 1 30-Jul-19
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1 6-Mar-18
Yangon 1 1

Yangon 1
Myitkyina 1
Sittwe 1 19-Sep-19

Waingmaw 1
Waingmaw 1 20-Sep-18
Yangon 1 1 1 31-Jul-18
Waingmaw 1 21-Jun-18
Mai Ja Yang 1 1
Mai Ja Yang 1
Mai Ja Yang 1
Mai Ja Yang 1 1
Yangon 1
Yangon 1 1 5-Jun-20
Göteborg, Sweden 1 22-Jun-18
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Hpa-an 31-Jul-18
Jordan 1 27-Jun-19
Yangon 1 1 14-Nov-18
Hpa-an 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 14-Nov-18
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 1 31-Jul-18
sittwe 1 22-Jul-19
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
Yangon 1 1 2-Aug-18
1 24-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 23-Jun-20
Maungdaw 1 23-Apr-19
Yangon 1 18-Jan-19
Yangon 1 5-Sep-19
Yangon 1 5-Sep-19
Yangon 1 1 13-Aug-18
Yangon 1 1 5-Sep-18
Yangon 1 17-Sep-18
Yangon 1 6-May-19
Mrauk U 1 17-Jun-19
Sittwe 1 15-Mar-19
Sittwe 1
Yangon 1 24-Jan-19
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Sittwe 1 3-May-19
Yangon 1 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 21-Oct-19
Yangon 1 4-Apr-19
Yangon 1 1 6-Nov-18
yangon 1 5-Dec-19
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Yangon 1 1 2-Apr-19
Yangon 1 6-Nov-18
Myitkyina 1 19-Feb-19
Myitkyina 1 19-Feb-19
Myitkyina 1 19-Feb-19
sittwe 1 1 14-May-19
Sittwe 1 23-Apr-19
Sittwe 1 1-Nov-19
Myitkyina 1 7-Jan-20
Yangon 1 26-Jun-19
Yangon 1 1 10-Jun-20
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Myitkyina 1 8-Feb-19
Myitkyina 1 8-Feb-19
sittwe 1 13-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 13-Sep-19
Sittwe 1 12-Sep-17
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Lashio 1 17-Jul-20
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
sittwe 1 4-Mar-20
Lashio 1 30-Sep-19
Sittwe 1 30-Sep-19
Sittwe 1 13-Mar-20
sittwe 1 1-May-20
Sittwe 1 30-Sep-19
Yangon 1

sittwe 1 25-Feb-20
sittwe 1 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
Hpa-an 1 31-Jul-18
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
sittwe 25-Feb-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
sittwe 1 12-Aug-20
sittwe 1 12-Aug-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
1 1-Apr-20
Myitkyina 1 12-Jun-20
Mrauk-U 1 23-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 23-Mar-20
Sittwe 1 1 23-Mar-20
Myitkyina 1 17-Nov-20
Myitkyina 1 17-Nov-20
1 1 1-Apr-20
Yangon 1 9-Jun-20
Sittwe 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
1 1
Sittwe 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Yangon 1 22-Sep-20
Yangon 1 22-Sep-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Yangon 1 9-Jun-20
Hakha 1 9-Jun-20
Hakha 1 9-Jun-20
Paletwa 1 9-Jun-20
Yangon 1 22-Jun-20
Myitkyina 1 3-Jul-20
Lashio 1 17-Jul-20
Lashio 1 20-Jul-20
Lashio 1 20-Jul-20
Lashio 1 20-Jul-20
Lashio 1 20-Jul-20
Yangon 1 5-Oct-20
Sittwe 1 9-Nov-20
Sittwe 1 2-Dec-20
Acronym Organization
ABCD Action Based Community Development
ACF Action Contre la Faim
AGE Action for Green Earth
ARC American Red Cross
Arche noVa arche noVa Initiative for People in Need
BAJ Bridge Asia Japan
BORDA Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
CAM Christian Aid Myanmar
CARE CARE International Myanmar
CDA Community Development Association
CDN Consortium Dutch NGO’s
CDN-Zoa Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA
cesvi CESVI Foundation
CHAD Community Health And Development
Cordaid Cordaid
CRS Catholic Relief Services
DCA Dan Church Aid
DRC Danish Refugee Council
ECHAO European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office
Embassy of Canada Embassy of Canada
Embassy of Japan Embassy of Japan
Embassy of Switzerland Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GLAD Green Life Alliance for Development
HARP HARP Facility
HPA Health Poverty Action
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IMC International Medical Corps
Independent Independent
IOM International Organization for Migration
IRC International Rescue Committee
IRW Islamic Relief Worldwide
JICA Japan International Co-operation Agency
KBC Kachin Baptist Convention
KBC-HDD-NSS Kachin Baptist Convention
KMSS Karuna Mission Social Solidarity
Lien AID Lien AID
Loi Yang Bum Loi Yang Bum Community Development
LWF Lutheran World Federation
Malteser Malteser International
MAM Medical Action Myanmar
MA-UK Muslim Aid UK
MDCG Maggin Development Consultancy Group
Metta Metta Development Foundation
MHAA Myanmar Health Assistant Association
MHDO Myanmar's Heart Development Organization
MIMU Myanmar Information Management Unit
mm.missions-acf mm.missions-acf
MMA Myanmar Medical Association
MRCS Myanmar Red Cross Society
MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland
OFDA USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Oxfam Oxfam
PIN people in need.
PLAN Plan International Myanmar
PUI Première Urgence Internationale
PWJ Peace Winds Japan - Myanmar
RCDF Raiki Community Development Foundation
rescue. rescue.
RI Relief International
SCI Save The Children International
SDF Swanyee Development Foundation
SHALOM Nyein (Shalom) Foundation
SI Solidarites International
SP Samaritan's Purse
TCDI Thazin Community Development Institute
TGH Triangle Generation Humanitaire
thejohanniter Johanniter International (JOIN)
Thirst Aid Thirst Aid
Trócaire Trócaire
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNFPA United Nations Population Funds
UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee
UNICEF United Nations Children Funds
UNOCHA United nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UN-TECH Consultancy UN-TECH Consultancy
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WaterAid WaterAid
WCM World Concern Myanmar
WFP World Food Programme
WHH Welthungerhilfe
WHO World Health Orgnization
WPN Wunpawng Ninghtoi
WV World Vision Myanmar
zoa. ZOA (from relief to recovery)
Main Menu Government C
(16 Ju
No. State District Township
1 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
2 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
3 Kachin Bhamo District Shwegu
4 Kachin Bhamo District Mansi
5 Kachin Bhamo District Momauk
6 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
7 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
8 Kachin Bhamo District Mansi
9 Kachin Bhamo District Momauk
10 Kachin Bhamo District Shwegu
11 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
12 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
13 Kachin Bhamo District Momauk
14 Kachin Bhamo District Mansi
15 Kachin Bhamo District Shwegu
16 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
17 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
18 Kachin Bhamo District Bhamo
19 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
20 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
21 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
22 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
23 Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw
24 Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw
25 Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw
26 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
27 Kachin Myitkyina District Myitkyina
28 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
29 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
30 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
31 Rakhine Sittwe District Ponnagyun
32 Rakhine Sittwe District Rathedaung
33 Rakhine Sittwe District Pauktaw
34 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Mrauk-U
35 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Kyauktaw
36 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Minbya
37 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Myebon
38 Rakhine Maungdaw District Buthidaung
39 Rakhine Maungdaw District Maungdaw
40 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Kyaukphyu
41 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ramree
42 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Manaung
43 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ann
44 Rakhine Thandwe District Thandwe
45 Rakhine Thandwe District Taunggup
46 Rakhine Thandwe District Gwa
47 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
48 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
49 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
50 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
51 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
52 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
53 Rakhine Sittwe District Pauktaw
54 Rakhine Sittwe District Ponnagyun
55 Rakhine Sittwe District Rathedaung
56 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Mrauk-U
57 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Mrauk-U
58 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Kyauktaw
59 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Minbya
60 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Myebon
61 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Kyaukphyu
62 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Kyaukphyu
63 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ramree
64 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Manaung
65 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ann
66 Rakhine Thandwe District Thandwe
67 Rakhine Thandwe District Thandwe
68 Rakhine Thandwe District Taunggup
69 Rakhine Thandwe District Gwa
70 Rakhine Maungdaw District Maungdaw
71 Rakhine Maungdaw District Maungdaw
72 Rakhine Maungdaw District Buthidaung
73 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
74 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
75 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
76 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
77 Rakhine Sittwe District Ponnagyun
78 Rakhine Sittwe District Rathedaung
79 Rakhine Sittwe District Pauktaw
80 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Mrauk-U
81 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Kyauktaw
82 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Minbya
83 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Myebon
84 Rakhine Maungdaw District Buthidaung
85 Rakhine Maungdaw District Maungdaw
86 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Kyaukphyu
87 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ramree
88 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Manaung
89 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ann
90 Rakhine Thandwe District Thandwe
91 Rakhine Thandwe District Taunggup
92 Rakhine Thandwe District Gwa
93 Rakhine
Sittwe District Sittwe
94 Rakhine
Sittwe District Sittwe
95 Rakhine
Sittwe District Sittwe
96 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
97 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
98 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
99 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
100 Rakhine Sittwe District Sittwe
101 Rakhine Sittwe District Ponnagyun
102 Rakhine Sittwe District Rathedaung
103 Rakhine Sittwe District Pauktaw
104 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Mrauk-U
105 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Kyauktaw
106 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Minbya
107 Rakhine Mrauk-U District Myebon
108 Rakhine Maungdaw District Buthidaung
109 Rakhine Maungdaw District Maungdaw
110 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Kyaukphyu
111 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ramree
112 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Manaung
113 Rakhine Kyaukpyu District Ann
114 Rakhine Thandwe District Thandwe
115 Rakhine Thandwe District Taunggup
116 Rakhine Thandwe District Gwa
Government Contact list (State)
(16 July 2020)
Office Name
Planning Office Narni Win Baw
Planning Office Daw Phyu Zan
Planning Office Daw Khin Khin San
Planning Office U Hla Kyaing
Planning Office Daw Bauk Zan
Department Of Rural Development U Tun Kyaw Kyaw Myo
Department Of Rural Development Daw Phyo Thandar
Department Of Rural Development U Htay Myin
Department Of Rural Development U Tin Zaw Lin
Department Of Rural Development U Thein Lin
Township Development Affairs U Win Zaw Oo
Township Development Affairs Htwal Jar
Department of Health Dr. Htet Aung
Department of Health Dr.Thein Aung
Department of Health Dr Sai Tun
Department of Public Health U Maung Maung Htay
Department of Health Dr. Thet Aung
Department of Health U Yon Ouk
Water Resources Utilization Department Twin Hlaing
Kachin State Development Affairs U Win bo
Township Development Affairs U Khin Maung Myint
Township Development Affairs U Nay Lin Kyaw
Department Of Rural Development Ko Khy
Department Of Rural Development Water Supply
Department of Health Htay Win
Department of basic education ye aung
MoH Dr. Z Lwam Khaung
General Administration Department U Sai Thaw Win
General Administration Department U Kyaw Swar Tun
General Administration Department U Aung Zaw Oo
General Administration Department U Soe Min Thein
General Administration Department U Aung Myint Thein
General Administration Department U Khin Maung Soe
General Administration Department U Maung Thar Sein
General Administration Department U Thiha Zaw
General Administration Department U Tun Nyein Naing
General Administration Department U Zarni Kyaw
General Administration Department U Shwe Hla Aung
General Administration Department U Aung Ye
General Administration Department U Soe Moe Kyaw
General Administration Department U Htun Linn Aung
General Administration Department U Kyan Aye
General Administration Department U Ko Ko Myat
General Administration Department U Kyaw San Kyaw
General Administration Department U Saw Min Thu
General Administration Department U Than Win
State- Department Of Rural Development U Aung Myo Lwin
State- Department Of Rural Development U Oo Kyaw Nyunt
State- Department Of Rural Development U Nyi Nyi Swe
State- Department Of Rural Development U Win Myint
District - Department Of Rural Development U Saw Wai
Department Of Rural Development U Than Soe Oo
Department Of Rural Development U Aung Myat Oo
Department Of Rural Development U Kyaw Thant Zin
Department Of Rural Development U Myo Zaw Aung
District - Department Of Rural Development U Oo Chit Maung
Department Of Rural Development U Tun Yan Naing Thu
Department Of Rural Development U Aung Khine Zaw
Department Of Rural Development U Khin Maung Win
Department Of Rural Development U Ba Saw
District - Department Of Rural Development U Oo Saw Tun
Department Of Rural Development U Oo Tin Maung
Department Of Rural Development U Aung Tun
Department Of Rural Development U Tin Aung Khant
Department Of Rural Development Daw Tin Tin Kyi
District - Department Of Rural Development U Aung Thein Tun
Department Of Rural Development U Tin Maung Htay
Department Of Rural Development U Nyi Nyi
Department Of Rural Development U Oo Saw Win
District - Department Of Rural Development U Saw Tun
Department Of Rural Development U Thein Tun
Department Of Rural Development U Htun Hlaing
State Health Department Dr. Sai Win Zaw Hlaing
State Health Department Dr. Zaw Zaw Aung
State Health Department Dr. Khin Khin Zaw
Township Health Department Dr. Kyi Kyi Thar
Township Health Department Dr. Aung Sit Tun
Township Health Department Dr. Tin Myint Oo
Township Health Department Dr. Ko Ko Aung
Township Health Department Dr. Khin Maung Than
Township Health Department Dr.Than Htun Oo
Township Health Department Dr. Nay Win Tun
Township Health Department Dr. Than Tun
Township Health Department Dr. Saw Min Thein
Township Health Department Dr. Kyaw Maung Maung Thein
Township Health Department Dr. Ye Lwin Maung
Township Health Department Dr. Aung Naing Soe
Township Health Department Dr. Saw Min
Township Health Department Dr. Aung Kyaw Moe
Township Health Department Dr. Tun Tun Win
Township Health Department Dr. Hla Tun Zaw
Township Health Department Dr. Kaung San Myat
State- State Department of Distaster
Management U Win Zaw Htay
State- State Department of Distaster
Management U Htoon Htoon Oo
State- State Department of Distaster
Management U Aung Sann Minn
State Education Department U Tin Thein
State Education Department U Aung Kyaw Nyein
State Education Department Daw Aye Aye San
State Education Department U Kyaw Naing
Township Education Department U Aye Than
Township Education Department U Nyi Htway
Township Education Department Daw Nu Nu Thar
Township Education Department U Win Naing
Township Education Department U Aung Kyaw Than
Township Education Department U Thein Myaing
Township Education Department U Kyaw Tun Aung
Township Education Department U Aung Htay
Township Education Department U Maung Tin Aung
Township Education Department U Kyar Sein Aung-
Township Education Department U Saw Win
Township Education Department Daw Waing Sein
Township Education Department U Than Tin
Township Education Department Daw Than Than Aye
Township Education Department Daw Thein Tin
Township Education Department Daw Oo Kyaut Khin
Township Education Department U Zaw Tun Aung
st (State)

Position Contact Phone Email

Assistant Director 09 2033 073, 074 50611 [email protected]
Assistant Director 09 4003 5920
Township Officer 09 4000 28204
Township Officer 09 4000 49168
Township Officer 09 2602 36511
Township Officer 09 7965 65913, 09 64740 88
Junior Engineer 09 2520 51830 [email protected]
Township Officer 09 4000 14388
Township Officer 09 4000 58500
Township Officer 09 4025 82174
Executive Engineer 074 50276
09 2572 96793
Township Medical Officer 07456056, 074 56180
Township Medical/Public Health Officer 074 54178
Township Medical/Public Health Officer
HA-1 09 2586 69548 [email protected]
Head of Hospital/Public Health Officer 074 50179
Upper Clerk 09 2563 50873
Assistant Engineer 09 4305 3990
Chief Engineer 09 5340 75f4
Engineer 09 2401 143
Health Assistant 09 4703 9918, 09 7910 72342
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
assistant director 9256350894, 9790593314 [email protected]
Special Disease Control/ EPI Team 09 783706767 [email protected]
State Secreatory 043 23235
Ditector Coordination Centre (CC) 09 422190199
Township Administrator 09 961845802
Township Administrator 09 261284149
Township Administrator 09 256050470
Township Administrator 09 5330325
Township Administrator 09 448049625
Township Administrator 09 796715003
Township Administrator 09 454208844
Township Administrator 09 43126162
Township Administrator 09 452144744
Township Administrator 09 401559700
Township Administrator 09 250465566
Township Administrator 09 887733837
Township Administrator 09 250124900
Township Administrator 09 448016951
Township Administrator 09 779775212
Township Administrator 09 450054360
Township Administrator 09 960622260
Director 09 260011006
Deputy Director 09 421710322
Assistant Director 09 265516136
Deputy Director (Admin)
District Officer 09 8520406
Township Officer 09 49666384
Township Officer 09 250764759
Township Officer 09 453074220
Township Officer 09 253473280
District Officer 09 250637187
Township Officer 09 421714128
Township Officer 09 421732813
Township Officer 09 421727630
Township Officer 09 250898804
District Officer 09 421734335
Township Officer 09 250327211
Township Officer 09 49641862, 09 250329577
Township Officer 09 421733182, 09250609377
Township Officer 09 8506628
District Officer 09 5415120
Township Officer 09 2210590
Township Officer 09 258834209
Township Officer 09 253464028
District Officer 09 421734335
Township Officer 09 421757217
Township Officer 09 456256247
State Director 09 5213648 [email protected]
Deputy Director 09 2301689 [email protected]
Deputy Director 09 252908242 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 41000133 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 421726399 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 450539997 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 43142413 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 264368124 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 250238201 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 253188943 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 421754161 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 421715475 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 450226874 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 253478360 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 428530306 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 25409567 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 250125399 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 251044270 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 250125191 [email protected]
Township Medical Officer 09 250321915 [email protected]

Director 043 2023069, 043 2022903

Assistant Director 09 677530048

Staff Officer 09 422532391 [email protected]

SED Ph-09263010 755
Staff-0fficer Ph-09421733364
D-SED Ph-09254168932
Staff-0fficer Ph-09421747562
TEO Ph-09250881760
TEO Ph-09450019452
TEO Ph-09265035258
TEO Ph-09421722922
TEO Ph-09421753512
TEO Ph-09424107907
TEO Ph-09409269017
TEO Ph-09260733314
TEO Ph-09450035877
TEO Ph-09421739535
TEO Ph-09254948529
TEO Ph-09250125801
TEO Ph-09440233072
TEO Ph-09678266000
TEO Ph-09250237764
TEO Ph-09421723035
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a table slicer. Table supported in Excel 2013 or later.
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in Excel 2013 or If the shape was modified in an earlier version of
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or earlier, the slicer can't be used.
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modified in an earlier
version of Excel, or if
shape was
saved in Excel
represents 2007
a table
or earlier,
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are supported
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If the shape was

modified in an
earlier version of
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in Excel 2007 or
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can't be used.

Organization Acronym Organization

International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Red Cross

Kachin Baptist Convention KBC LNGO

Metta Development Foundation Metta LNGO

United Nations Children Funds UNICEF UN

Danish Refugee Council DRC INGO

Save The Children International SCI INGO

United nations Office for the Coordination UNOCHA UN

United Nations High Commissioner for RefUNHCR UN

Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS LNGO

Health Poverty Action HPA LNGO

Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Red Cross

United Nations Development Programme undp UN
World Vision Myanmar WV INGO

Welthungerhilfe WHH INGO

Trócaire Trócaire INGO

Cordaid Cordaid INGO

International Federation of Red Cross and RIFRC Red Cross

Dan Church Aid DCA INGO

Solidarites International SI INGO

United Nations Population Funds UNFPA UN

World Health Orgnization WHO UN
Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN LNGO

people in need. PIN INGO

HARP Facility HARP Donor


Loi Yang Bum Community Development Loi Yang Bum CBO
Plan International Myanmar PLAN INGO
Humanity & Inclusion HI INGO
Community Health And Development CHAD LNGO

Myanmar Medical Association MMA LNGO

Nyein (Shalom) Foundation Shalom LNGO

Action Based Community Development ABCD (empty)

Action for Green Earth AGE (empty)
Norwegian Refugee Council NRC INGO

Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa INGO

Main Menu KACHIN WASH Cluster Contact list

Name Position
Daniel Owe-Young Water and Habitat Engineer
Charlotte Nicol Deputy Head of Sub Delegation
La Ring Seng Water and Habitat Engineer
Bann Zahir Water and Habitat Delegate
Mr. Harold Deladerriere WatHab delegate
Shan Lum Wash Project Coordinator
Majubrangnu M&E Coordinator
Nawlawn WatSan Technician Assistant
Ja Ra Project coordinator (ADRA project)
J Tu Htoi WASH Project Coordinator
Mr Awng Ja WASH Technician
Mr Naw Lawn Watsan Supervisor
Ms.Seng Raw Coordination Office Coordinator
Kai Ja Project Coordinator
Thiha Tun Assistant Project Coordinator
Khar Nan Project Coordinator
Phyu Ei Aung Program Coordinator
Hkun Lat Assistant Project Coordinator
Khin Lat Hlaing Area Coordinator
Zawng Nyoi Assistant Project Coordinatior
Aye Win WASH Specialist
Sanda Lwin WASH Officer
Han Min Htet @ Thargyi WASH Officer
Kyaw Wanna Oo Deputy PM/HMA Officer
Julio Ortiz Arguedas (empty)
Cecil Dunne (empty)
San Aung Li (Peter) National Coordination Officer
CC Ting Lum Assistant Field Officer (CCCM)
Deepika Bhardwaj Snelter/ NFI/ CCCm/ (Sub) National Cluste
Ja Bu WASH Manager
Kareng Mabut Program Manager
Lamung Doi Awng WASH coordinator
Maran Zau Seng Project Officer
Gun Mai WASH Technical Officer
Dr. Myo Min Kyaw Program Manager
Naw Bawk Assistant Protection Officer
Cai Tao Program Manager
Li Li Program officer
U. Ganesh Local Representative Kachin
U Thaung Oo Head of sub office
U Aung Li Programme Officer
U Tun Tun Head Of Office
M Zaw Naw Field Coordinator
Paing Chit Oo WASH Specialist 
Dr, Su Daung Hlaing Area Program Manager
Thurein Maung Maung Senior Program Coordinator
Myat Lin Hlaing WASH Advisor
Tsegaye Challa Irish Aid Project Manager
Wint War Htay Humanitarian Programme Officer
N-Shang La Nu Humanitarian Program Officer
Doi San Humanitarian Program Officer
Priscy Leunis Interm
Neal Deles Humanitarian Aid and Reslience Coordinato
Judith Vollebregt Humanitarian aid project manager.
Naw Seng M&E Officer
Tun Zaw Min Humanitarian Aid Coordinator
Aung Myat Htut (empty)
Ritva Jantti Health Programme Manager
Andreas Kiaby Country Director – Myanmar & Thailand
Phyu Kyi Khaing (empty)
(empty) WASH coordinator
WASH Manager
San Mai Deputy Field Coordinator
Htoi Raw Hygiene Promotion Supervisor
D. Sar Aung Deputy Field Coordinator
Lawrence Kyaw Zeyar Lin WASH Activities Manager
Gardie Nigatu Abuye Field Coordinator
Dr. Mahkawnghta Awng Shar Programme Analyst (SRHR)
Dr Thet Zaw Htet National Technical Officer
Mary Tawm Executive Director, member of JST
Kaw Hpang Harp-F Project Coordinator
Brang San Aung WASH Project Coordinator
Gum Ja Awng Program Manager
David Htui.Aung Project Manager
Saw Eh Gaw Htoo (empty)
Mr. San Aung WASH Officer
Christian Snoad WASH Technical Advisor
La San Aung MEAL Officer
Latt Aung Project Support Officer
Tu Aung @Patrick Regional Coordinator Kachin
Hkawn Din WASH/ M&E Officer
Agnes Seng Sam Programme Officer
Mr. La Ring Director
Ms. Lu Seng Project Manager
Ms. Ei Thanda Htun M&E
David Htoi Aung Humanitarian Project Coordinator(MHF proj
Ei Mon Soe Project Manager (WASH, Health and Protec
Shan Tu Project Coordinator (GBV)
Aung Seng Lat Project Coordinator (WASH & Nutrition)
Dr. Lahpai Zau Seng Project Coordinator
Hkun Myat Project Manager
Hkawng Sing Project Manager
Lasi Hka Awng WASH Technican
Naw Aung Project Officer
Mr. Waje Htingnan M&E/Database
Aung Myat Soe WASH Officer
Chit Mya Director
U Yaw Htan shelter Coordinator
Khin Li Li Naing Soe Shelter Officer
Didier Boissavi WASH Advisor
Ahmed Benhamouche WASH Advisor

Phone number Email Address Location (empty)

09 250 146 284 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 254386073 [email protected] Yangon This shape represents a slicer.
Slicers are supported in Excel
09 454030532, 09 440006436 [email protected] Yangon 2010 or later.
09 2621 79244 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 405 150 239 [email protected] Myitkyina If the shape was modified in
09 4016 22477 [email protected] Myitkyina an earlier version of Excel, or
if the workbook was saved in
09 790430658 [email protected] Myitkyina Excel 2003 or earlier, the
09 45873 4971 [email protected], nawlawMyitkyina slicer cannot be used.
09 3614 4115 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 788038591 [email protected] Bhamo
09 2585 58941 [email protected] Bhamo
9459454187 [email protected] Bhamo
(empty) [email protected] Bhamo
09 2540 71283 [email protected] Bhamo
09 4000 53452 [email protected] Bhamo
6243077, 1536 8672 850 [email protected] Laiza
09 4400 01263 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 260541 797 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 2653 59740 [email protected] Bhamo
09 90683 7824 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 9534 49987 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 7322 3197, 09 2596 96241 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 440 224 018 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4015 33671 [email protected] Myitkyina
(empty) [email protected] Myitkyina
09 450 707469, 09 454292220 [email protected]
(empty) [email protected] Myitkyina
09 797007856 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4421 31719 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4034 87563 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 400022948 [email protected], jabu@Myitkyina
1398 8211 945 [email protected] Laiza
1533 4343 997 [email protected] Laiza
1330 8820 506,09 4015 38172 [email protected] Laiza
9.40007674809261E+020 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4000 42560 [email protected] Myitkyina
18288105180 (China phone) [email protected] Laiza
(empty) [email protected]
(empty) [email protected] Laiza
09 4915 5925 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 2540 98920 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 6933 75917 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 7907 67012 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4701 0761 [email protected] Waingmaw
09 451768614 [email protected], paingc Waingmaw
09 5950 16093 [email protected] Waingmaw
95 9788 209369 [email protected],thureinYangon
09 425028058 [email protected] Yangon
09 4515 66767 [email protected] Myitkyina
+959 422 489 527 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 2597 24271 [email protected] Myitkyina
(empty) [email protected]; Myitkyina
(empty) [email protected] Yangon
(empty) [email protected] Yangon
(empty) [email protected] Yangon
+95 9 784916250 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4215 13535 [email protected] Myitkyina
(empty) [email protected] Myitkyina
09 960 313 460 [email protected] Yangon
09 4302 9645 [email protected] Yangon
(empty) [email protected] Yangon
(empty) ygn.wash.coordo@solidarites-my Yangon
09 793113375 myi.field.coo.dpty@solidarites-m Myitkyina
09 259431808 [email protected]
09 259076921 bmo.field.coo.deputy@solidarite Bhamo
09 43205348
09 4552 58467 bmo.field.coo@solidarites-myanmBhamo
0944000 3637 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 2534 22229 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4709 9657 [email protected] Mai Ja Yang
(empty) [email protected]  Mai Ja Yang
(empty) [email protected] Mai Ja Yang
09790645621, (+86) [email protected], gumj Mai Ja Yang
09 79 80 55 952 [email protected] Yangon
09 420112826 [email protected] Yangon
09 7856 90745 [email protected], sum Myitkyina
`+507 6243 1238 (Whatsapp)  [email protected] (empty)
09425016022/09793886548 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 400037938 [email protected] Myitkyina
M:+95(9)257393364 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 8937 92074 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4000 20406 [email protected] Myitkyina
09-400018553 [email protected] Myitkyina
09-973761665 [email protected] Myitkyina
09-457934741 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 7980 55952 davidhtoi.aung@plan-internationaMyitkyina
09 2508 27610 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4000 20544 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 9664 09122 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 790435321 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4000 44096,09 7906 01603 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4015 89715, 09 7974 00734 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 7907 63632, 09 2643 13961 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 444906807 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 793835289 [email protected]
9252828471 [email protected] Sittwe
9421725637 [email protected] Sittwe
09 440201675 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 425223554 [email protected] Myitkyina
09 4268 93641 [email protected] Yangon
09 254798500 [email protected] Yangon
shape represents a slicer. This shape represents a slicer.
rs are supported in Excel Slicers are supported in Excel
or later. 2010 or later.

shape was modified in If the shape was modified in

rlier version of Excel, or an earlier version of Excel, or
workbook was saved in if the workbook was saved in
l 2003 or earlier, the Excel 2003 or earlier, the
cannot be used. slicer cannot be used.
Main Menu SHAN (North) WASH Clust

Organization Acronym Name

arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa Sai Tun Tun Win
Lizz Harrison
Christian Aid Christian Aid Sandi Kyaw
Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa Didier Boissavi
Ahmed Benhamouche
Cordaid Cordaid Priscy Leunis
Neal Deles
Judith Vollebregt
Green Life Alliance for Development GLAD Innocen Thu
Health Poverty Action HPA Win Ko Latt
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Moh Moh Aung
Ms.Rubi Mena
Nang Zar Chi Tun
International Federation of Red Cross and RIFRC Ritva Jantti
International Rescue Committee IRC Kyaw Thu Wynn
Ye’ Myint Soe
Haja Kakay
Dr May Hnin Hlwar P
Johanniter International (JOIN) thejohanniter Nilar Linn
Kachin Baptist Convention KBC-HDD-NSZaw Too Aung
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS Ying Saung
Gun Tawng
Tu Sau
Metta Development Foundation Metta Htu Bu
Ko Khin Mg Naing
Myint Myint Htay
Khaung Dau Seng
La Doi Nan
Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Thandar Moe
Myanmar's Heart Development OrganizatioMHDO U Nay Bu
Relief International RI Lay Thinzar New
Zaw Min Oo
Save The Children International SCI Thaw Si Htin Zaw
Ko Zaw Min
Trócaire Trócaire Win Naing Htun
Myat Lin Hlaing
United Nations Children Funds UNICEF Tin Lay Naing
G Yaw Ying
United nations Office for the Coordination UNOCHA Thein Win
Kyaw Kyaw Soe
United Nations Population Funds UNFPA Dr.Htet Su Kyi
Welthungerhilfe WHH Ma Khin Ohn Mar
World Vision Myanmar WV Moo Kale
Ko Soe Man
Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN Mary Tawm
SHAN (North) WASH Cluster Contact list

Position Phone number Email Address

WASH Team Leader 09 4037 61254 Teamleader.Lashio@arche-nova
Head of Program (empty) [email protected]
Gender & Protection Officer 09-2045038 [email protected]
WASH Advisor 09 4268 93641 [email protected]
WASH Advisor 09 254798500 [email protected]
Interm (empty) [email protected]
Humanitarian Aid and Reslience C(empty) [email protected]
Humanitarian aid project manager(empty) [email protected]
Head Of Office 09-421179692 [email protected]
Program Manager 09-261659312 , 09-978237270 [email protected]
WASH Officer 09-420024563 [email protected]
WatHab Field Officer 09 403704384 [email protected]
Water and Habitat Delegate 09 44854 7114 [email protected]
(empty) (empty) [email protected]
Health Programme Manager 09 960 313 460 [email protected]
Field Operation Manager 09 250225209 [email protected]
Senior Operation Officer 09 258414499 [email protected]
Women’s Protection and Empowe09 4526 16942 [email protected]
Project Manager 09-400002750 [email protected]
(empty) (empty) [email protected]
Field Coordinator 09 9624 56628 [email protected]
WASH project Manager 09 4236 85248 [email protected]
WASH Officer 9263388641 [email protected]
Accountability Learning officer 09-259183604 [email protected]
HP Coordinator 09 4731 7424 humanitarian.Metta.lso@gmail.
Engineer 09 3603 1199 [email protected]
Humanitarian Focal Person 09 2593 85165, 09 4731 0031 [email protected]
Data Compiler 09 423720125 [email protected]
Assistant Project Coordinator 09-440283124 [email protected]
Supporting Officer 09 783336923,09 452006484 [email protected]
Manager 09 2564 92471 [email protected]
Humanitarian Programme Officer09-253201986 [email protected]
Humanitarian Program Coordinat 09 4025 94952 [email protected]
Emergency Manager 09 45625 0150 thawsihtin.zaw@savethechildren
WASH SENIOR PROGRAM M 09 450 707469, 09 454292220 dereje.deneke@savethechildren.
Regional Operation Manger 09-421137116 [email protected]
Humanitarian Programme Officer09 4015 50007 [email protected], winnai
WASH Advisor 09 425028058 [email protected]
Field Officer 09 2588 65828, 09 7807 02208 [email protected], tlnain
CP Officer 09-423673485 [email protected]
National Coordination Officer 09-797007871; 09-440065436 [email protected]
Sr National Coordination Officer 09-797007865 [email protected]
Programme Analyst 09-5186931 [email protected]
WASH expert 09-257734339 Khin.Ohnmaroo@welthungerhif
Program Analyst 09-403591881 [email protected]
Project Coordinator 09-43179621 [email protected]
Executive Director, member of J 09 4709 9657 [email protected]
Location (empty)
This shape represents a This shape represents
Lashio slicer. Slicers are supported a slicer. Slicers are
Yangon in Excel 2010 or later. supported in Excel
2010 or later.
Lashio If the shape was modified in
Yangon an earlier version of Excel, If the shape was
Yangon or if the workbook was modified in an earlier
Yangon saved in Excel 2003 or version of Excel, or
earlier, the slicer cannot be if the workbook was
Yangon used. saved in Excel 2003
Yangon or earlier, the slicer
Lashio cannot be used.
Taunggyi/ Lashio
Mai Ja Yang
Main Menu RAKH

Organization Acronym Name

Action Contre la Faim ACF Lapo SOMIGLI
Alice Victor
Khin Thant Zin
Tin Tin Oo
Marcel Beding
American Refugee Committee ARC Zaw Win Tun
Dr. Oscar V. Fudalan Jr.
arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa Wint Thu Thu Aung
Lizz Harrison
Kyaw Zaw Linn
Bridge Asia Japan BAJ Than Tun
Sandi Hla Htway
CARE International Myanmar CARE Raymundo S.Rodriguez
Myint Aye
Dr Kyi Zaw Win
Kyaw Zin Latt  
Yin Yin Tun               
Christian Aid Myanmar CAM Thein Htwe
Community Development Association CDA Myo Kyaw Thu
Dr. Thein Swe Oo
Zaw Lu Htet
Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa Esther de Jong
Didier Boissavi
Ahmed Benhamouche
Hee Jung Son
Sonya Hahm
Nyein Chan Maung Maung
May Moe Aung
Cordaid Cordaid Paul Roelofsen
Priscy Leunis
Neal Deles
Judith Vollebregt
Ms. Joana Paula Villaflor
Danish Refugee Council DRC Mathias Ntawiha
Moe Thandar Win
Jesus Capilla
Maung Hla Tun
DFID DFID Alistair McArthur
GIZ GIZ Zaw Min Tun
Anna Schelling
Tin Oo Maung
Justine Denis
Antonio Piccoli
HARP Facility HARP Kyaw Soe Khine
Christian Snoad
Rebecca Thompson
Humanity & Inclusion HI Mr. Geoffrey OLUNGA
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Aung Hein
Wai Yan Aung
Mya Mya Soe
Yvonne Josephine Muller
Emilie Agnes Forestier
Gurudatta Shirodkar
Shane Wilkes
Karine Sarah Rose Lacroix
International Federation of Red Cross and RIFRC Maria Goreti
Jessie Kanhutu
Ritva Jantti
International Rescue Committee IRC Aung Than
U Aung Cho
Soe Myint
Aleksandra Davidovska
Than Shwe
Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW Ka Baw Htoo
K.H. Kamal
Ei Pyu Pyu Win
Ms. Leah Bugtay
Soe Thiha
Khin Aye Thwe
Dr. Tun Zaw Min
Lutheran World Federation LWF Hari Prasad Awasthi
Mary Pham
Kanika Chakraborty
Maggin Development Consultancy Group MDCG Tyzar Kyaw Zaw
Malteser International Malteser Ngwe Daung Hlaing
Nils Den Tex
Rakesh Mohan
Ma Nwe Yee
Khin Saw Wai
Ms. Janine Rothmayer
Genevieve C. Balolong
Naw Moe Thidar Aung
Ma Nwe` Yee
MEDAIR MEDAIR Gabriela Service
Sarah Eggert
Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF (empty)
Mercy Corps MERCY CorAnthony Etim
MERCY Malaysia MERCY Shalom
Muslim Aid UK MA-UK Walkowiak J Noel
Mr. Saifullah
Than Htun Hlaing
Ebou Jammeh
Tin Tin Lay
Kyi Myo Aung
Moses Tumusiime
Jezeer Hameed
Sarah Fewkes
Ahlam Ali
Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS (empty)

Than Aung
U Sithu Toe Nyunt
Myanmar's Heart Development OrganizatioMHDO Zin Mi Lwin
Saw Teddy
Aung Ko Ko Htway
U Kyaw Lwin Oo
Aye Aye Mu
Norwegian Refugee Council NRC Shada Qahoush
Oxfam Oxfam Mee Mee Tun
Aye Yin
Pier Francesco Donati
Sonya Milonova
Ania Gaboune
Mr. Abayneh Asrat
people in need. PIN People in need rakhine management
Andrius Kudaba
Tereza Vavrinova
Paul Thibault
Dr. Aung Soe Moe Kyaw
Soe Akari Kyaw
Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG U Aung Tun Min
Naw Rhoda
Saw Yoshu
Plan International Myanmar PLAN Thaw Tar La Pyae Lin
Hla Win
Relief International RI Aung Aung Oo
Kelly Thayer
Save The Children International SCI Thaw Si Htin Zaw
Shane Brady
Aung Myo Min
Alicia Gimeno
Khant Phyo Wai
Nicole Starkey
Solidarites International SI (empty)

James Brinson
Marine Ricau
Marta Tremolada
Sara Ubbiali
Camille Lehembre
Aye Maung
United Nations Children Funds UNICEF Kyaw Thet
Lei Yee Nway
Lae Yee Win
Kapzo Lian
Jeff Silverman
Shakeela Ellahi  
United Nations High Commissioner for RefUNHCR Zaw Zaw
Remo Fambri
United Nations Human Settlements Progra UN-Habitat San San Htay
Mr. Vishnu Parasad
U Tun Aung Phyu
U San Shwe Kyaw
United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS Naing Soe Aye
United nations Office for the Coordination UNOCHA Tin Aung Thein
Derran Matthew Moss-Dalmau
Khaing Kyaw Nyo
Tom Otunga
United Nations Population Funds UNFPA Kazutaka Sekine
World Health Orgnization WHO Dr. Theingi Myint
World Vision Myanmar WV Aung Mya Kyaw
RAKHINE WASH Cluster Contact list

Position Phone number

Field Coordinator 09 43206903
WASH Program Manager (empty)
Deputy Field Coordinator Rakhine (empty)
Liaison manager (empty)
Liaison Communication 09 4217 13549
WASH PM (empty)
WASH coordinator 09 43134129
Program Manager (empty)
Project Manager/ Training Expert 09 2605 69606
Head of Program (empty)
WASH Engineer (empty)
Project Manager 09 2525 63692
Admin/ Finance Officer 09 2503 31606
WASH Program Officer 09 2557 58617
Sr. Project Officer 09 456261162
Senior Manager-Rural Program                  09
Emergency Preparedness and Humanitarian09 2637 47300
Field Office Coordinator 09 4500 12001
Project Officer 09 26311545
External Engagement Coordinator 09-421157859
Assistant Project Manager 09-794848814
Project Manager 09 771858767
Program Advisor (Health) 09 2523 65439
WASH Advisor 09 4268 93641
WASH Advisor 09 254798500
Program Manager 09 251747290
Program Manager 09 429976908
Project Coordinator 09 4200 64396
WASH Consortium Coordinator 09 770883254
Country Rep +959781583612
Interm (empty)
Humanitarian Aid and Reslience Coordinat(empty)
Humanitarian aid project manager. (empty)
Humanitarian Programme Manager 09 265472603
WASH coordinator 09 898013283
WASH Team Leader 09 402527531
WASH PM (empty)
WASH Senior Officer (empty)
(empty) 09 254798500
WASH Technical Advisor 09 7982 30379
Advisor, GIZ-FNS project 09 4427 81741
Water and Sanitation Technical Assistant 09 97066 4202
Project Manager 09 762 049 287
Watsan Coordinator 09 448080765, 09 762020324
Technical Asst. 09 444476343
Project Manager (empty)
HARP F Regional Co-ordinator (empty)
WASH Technical Advisor `+507 6243 1238 (Whatsapp) 
Emergency Humanitarian Coordinator (empty)
Field Coordinator 09 267175782
(empty) 09 2502 17019
(empty) 09 4283 32002
(empty) 09 4217 14578
Yvonne Muller Engineer +95 (0)94202811442
Engineer +(95) 9 258 681 243
Livelihood Delegate 09 254798500
Water & Habitat Engineer +95 94 42 645 796
Wathab (WASH) Delegate (empty)
(empty) 09 254798500
Programme Manager 09 420104040
Health Programme Manager 09 960 313 460
Project Manager 09 4505 42984
(empty) 094 21006740
Senior WASH Manager 09 420760312, 09 9574 38762
Field Coordinator 098 8773 5839
Snr Government Liaison and Access adviso(empty)
Project Manager 09 783125752
Program Manager 09 897165170
Senior Officer 09 452483223
(empty) (empty)
Senior Technical Officer 09 42659 3712
Senior Protection and Inclusion Officer (empty)
Humanitarian Coordinator (empty)
Project Coordinator 09 3612 4423
Education Coordinator 09 2571 78204
Coordinator - Gender and Protection 076 9947 765
(empty) 09 254798500
Country WASH Coordinator 09 260918232
(empty) (empty)
Program Coordinator (empty)
DRR Partner Coordinator 09 260022229
09 250330134
(empty) 09 250198390
Project Manager 09 262179119
Project Manager 09 890 364 340
WASH Officer 09 421014615
Project Manager 09 260088889
Project Support Manager 09 4289 36997
Project Coordinator (empty)
Project Medical Co-ordinator ERS (empty)
Cash and Voucher Assistance  Programs Manager 
09 2682 72426
(empty) 09 254798500
Program Manager 09 9763 66612
Programme Coordinator 09 457570623
WASH coordinator 09 264395402
Humanitarian Program Manager 09-441219804
Engineer 09 254798500
Assistant Engineer (empty)
Program Manager (+95) 09 441584310, (+95) 09 95
Program Manager +(95) 9447632832
Senior Programme Coordinator 09 951 190 737 
Technical Specialist- Gender, SGBV, Prote09 4055 11304
(empty) (empty)

WASH Manager 01392028~30 #107

Hub Manager 09 79592 0944, 09 459583083
Engineer 09 421747501
Program Consultant 09 5142164
Program Director of MHDO 09 9729 51450, 09 4480 25714
Project Manager 09 250432578
Program officer 09 262031083
Shelter Programme Development Manager09 44619 9951
WASH coordinator 09 421737005
WASH coordinator 09 421768254
WASH coordinator 09 4261 43412
WASH Coordinator +95 926 454 2915  
MEAL Coordinator 09 455168383
WASH coordinator (empty)
(empty) (empty)
Rakhine Area Manager 09 251269716
Interim Area Manager Rakhine 09 266930846, +420 724 166 50
Emergency Programmes Advisor 09 7699 63751
Emergency Project Manager 09 421761208, 09 976807098
WASH Officer 09 897233497
WASH Officer 09 263865327
Program Coordinator 09 2562 40785
Regional Manager 09 255264794
WASH Officer 09-264885252
Deputy Humanitarian Program Unit Manag09-252458542
WASH project Manager 09 2520 80078
Head of Rakhine Programs 09 8897 11764
Emergency Manager 09 45625 0150
WASH SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER09 450 707469, 09 454292220
Head of Program – Humanitarian 09 4201 08893
WASH Project Coordinator 09 2505 98175
DFID Consortium Manager 09 250 86 42 12
WASH project Manager 09 4300 8814
SPM 09 783557139
Myanmar Education in Emergencies Sector09 966896190
(empty) (empty)

09 43134129
WASH coordinator (empty)
WASH Activity Manager for Pauktaw WaS(empty)
WATSAN Program Manager (empty)
Sanitation Manager (empty)
Deputy Field Coordinator 09 966 931065 / 09 887 735847
Programme Manager 09 421751554
Field Coordinator 09 421 025 178 / 09 971 813 897
SI - Sanitation Supervisor (empty)
WASH Officer 09 4207 31457
WASH Officer 09 4500 15864
WASH Officer (Cluster Coordination) 09 2548 20143
WASH Officer 09 253566833
Rakhine WASH Cluster Coordinator (+95) 9258308118 & (+95) 09
Child Protection Sub-Cluster Coordinator  09 4051 49615
Filed Assoicate 09 4217 12258
CCCM / Shelter cluster + UNHCR shelter/09 897693451
Field Engineer 09 253269215
Field Project Manager 09 785268334
Field Program Coordinator 09 422504178
Field Engineer 9421721781
Laison Officer 09 254798500
Field Coordination Officer 09 797007854
Rakhine Coordinator 09 797007850
Field Coordination Officer (empty)
Humanitarian Affairs Officer 09 797007816
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights09 4541 60579
National Technical Officer 09 5052259
Emergency Engagement Coordinator 09 426186767
t list

Email Address Location (empty)

This shape represents a
[email protected] Maungdaw slicer. Slicers are supported
[email protected] Sittwe in Excel 2010 or later.
[email protected] Sittwe
If the shape was modified in
[email protected] Sittwe an earlier version of Excel,
[email protected] Sittwe / Yangon or if the workbook was saved
[email protected] Sittwe in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Ann
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Rathedaung
[email protected] Maungdaw
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Maungdaw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
Project Manager KyaukPyu
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe/ Pauktaw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon/Sittwe
[email protected] Kyauk Taw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] (empty)
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] (empty)
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Mrauk U
[email protected] Sittwe/ Rathidaung
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Maungdaw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Minbya
[email protected] Myebon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected], [email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected]
[email protected] Ann
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Maungdaw, Buthedaung
[email protected] Maungdaw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Maungdaw, Buthedaung
[email protected] Maungdaw, Buthedaung
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected]
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected], Thanhtun.hlain Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected], sithutoenyunt@redcro Sittwe
[email protected] Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidaung
[email protected] Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidaung
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidaung
[email protected] Rathidaung/ Maungdaw/ Buthidaung
[email protected] (empty)
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon/Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] (empty)
[email protected] Mrauk_U
[email protected] Mrauk-U
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Myebon/Sittwe
[email protected] Myebon/Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe/ Pauktaw
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Pauk Taw
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected]
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Maungdaw
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Mrauk U
is shape represents a This shape represents a
cer. Slicers are supported slicer. Slicers are supported
Excel 2010 or later. in Excel 2010 or later.

the shape was modified in If the shape was modified in

earlier version of Excel, an earlier version of Excel,
if the workbook was saved or if the workbook was
Excel 2003 or earlier, the saved in Excel 2003 or
cer cannot be used. earlier, the slicer cannot be
Main Menu CHIN WA

Organization Acronym Name

Christian Aid Myanmar CAM Etienne Berges
Bo Tin Aung
Global family Global familU Ngwe Toe
U Min Htin
GRET GRET Salai Lowh Htay
Giuseppe Busalacchi
Antonio Piccoli
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS Kyaw Thet Aung
Medical Action Myanmar MAM Ye Min Naing
Myanmar Health Assistant Association MHAA Zaw Ye Thu
Raiki Community Development FoundationRCDF Kyaw Shein
Maung Nge
Triangle Generation Humanitaire TGH Moe Thandar Win
Maung Nyo
Zaw Linn Tun
TGH Sébastien Naissant
United Nations Children Funds UNICEF Cin Than Kham
Sai Han Lynn Aung
United Nations High Commissioner for RefUNHCR Remo Fambri
World Food Programme WFP Sanda Aung
CHIN WASH Contact list

Position Phone number

Program Development Manager 09 401702234
Program Coordinator 09 421766608
Development director 09 73063301
Field Coordinator 09 267941587
Area Coordinator/ Emergency Coordinator09 264 909 635
Project Manager/Head of Base 09 455 308 989
Project Manager (empty)
Project Officer 09 456991280
Project Medical Coordinator 09 423696210
Township Project Coordinator 09 787735960
Field Coordinator 09 45042348
Supervisor 09 890346171
WASH PM (empty)
Project Manager 09 250027560
WASH Technical Surge Support (empty)
Emergency Programme Coordinator 09 896152908
Chief of Field Office 09 455875879
WASH Officer (empty)
CCCM / Shelter cluster + UNHCR shelter/09 897693451
Monitoring Assistant 09 401546341
Email Address Location (empty)
This shape represents a This shape represents a
[email protected] Yangon slicer. Slicers are supported slicer. Slicers are supporte
in Excel 2010 or later. in Excel 2010 or later.
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Paletwa If the shape was modified
If the shape was modified in
(empty) Paletwa an earlier version of Excel, an earlier version of Exce
[email protected] Paletwa or if the workbook was saved or if the workbook was
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the saved in Excel 2003 or
[email protected] Sittwe earlier, the slicer cannot b
slicer cannot be used.
[email protected] (empty) used.
(empty) Paletwa
(empty) Paletwa
(empty) Paletwa
[email protected] Paletwa
[email protected] Paletwa
[email protected] Yangon
(empty) Paletwa
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Hakha
[email protected] Hakha
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Paletwa
This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was
saved in Excel 2003 or
earlier, the slicer cannot be

Organization Acronym Name

International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Benjamin Sanchez
David Kaelin
Alexander Humbert
Charlotte Nicol
La Ring Seng
Shane Wilkes
International Rescue Committee IRC Sein Hlaing
Aye Nandar Hlaing
Metta Development Foundation Metta Zaw Htun Lat
Wutyi Soe

Ja Nu
Ye Win Thu
Relief International RI Katie Tiller
United Nations Children Funds UNICEF James Robertson
Mee Mee Thaw
Theingi Soe
Mya Than Tun
A Mar Zaw
Jane Strachan
Sunny Guidotti
Samer Hatoum
Eyad aldubai
Kencho Namgyal
Htoot Min
Khin Aung Thein
Oxfam Oxfam Tom Wildman
Sophie Ford
Su Su Htay
Pier Francesco Donati
Oo Win Naing
Kaspar Roelle
ACTED ACTED Benoit Gerfault
Isabelle Boittin
Stephanie Scholz
Danish Refugee Council DRC Pia M.Larsen
Conie Pamposa
Jesus Capilla
Save The Children International SCI Thaw Si Htin Zaw
Thet Paing Htoo
Shane Brady
Alicia Gimeno
Philippa Shala 
U Kyaw Shwe
Vicent Penzoni
Malteser International Malteser Serge Birtel
Ngwe Daung Hlaing
Minn Naing,
Nay Win Myint
Claudia Plock
Action Contre la Faim ACF Josephine Carlson
Erk Fort
Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF Dupraz Julier
Thidar Aye
Bryony Lau
United nations Office for the Coordination UNOCHA Helena Mazarro
Myo Thiha Kyaw
Greg Puley
Odicea Angelo Barrios
Mari Sawai
United Nations High Commissioner for RefUNHCR Thi Thi Lwin
Geraldine Salducci
Shaun Scales
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS Labang awn
Robert Sithu Aung
Rose Mary Ja Seng Nau
Dr Win Tun Kyi
Zono Mawia
Health Poverty Action HPA Nang Sam Hom
Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Than Aung
Prof: Dr Mya Thu
Dr Thida Kyu
Tsu Aung
Aung Htun
World Vision Myanmar WV Myat Htwe Mon
Moe Thu Gyi 
(empty) (empty) Stephanie Riddell
Bremen Overseas Research and DevelopmenBORDA Alex Viwat Campbell
Phyo Myint Oo
Independent Independent Andrew Shantz
DFID DFID Ashley Sarangi
Rebecca Thompson
United States Agency for International Dev USAID (empty)

Joanna Ribbens
Melissa Joy   
Debbie Murphy
Elissa Brandolph
European Commission Humanitarian Aid OfECHAO Sai Nandar Tun
Luc Verna
Japan International Co-operation Agency JICA Noriko Sakurai
United Nations Human Settlements Progra UN-Habitat Oddy Angelo
Myint Aye
Rajakumar Gollamandala
New Tha Zin Hlaing
Htun Lynn
Hsu Myat Thiri
Samaritan's Purse SP Paul McKnight
Rachel Kettle
Beth Spiby
Megan McNerney
WaterAid WaterAid Penny Dutton
Shihab Uddin Ahamad
Munawar Hassan
CESVI Foundation cesvi pietro fiore
Diego Fionda
Aye Myint San
Katiz Benassi
Mount Zion Co., Ltd. Mount Zion C
Saw Ray Ywa Dee
Myanmar Information Management Unit MIMU Shon Campbell
arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa Otas Akhionbare
Ralf Thill
Aung Kyaw Htet
Lizz Harrison
Kyaw Zaw Linn
Embassy of Canada Embassy of Zaw Moe Aung
Maria C. Ramirez Serrano
American Red Cross ARC Manish A. Tewani
Finbarr Sweeney
Welthungerhilfe WHH Thurein Maung Maung
BRAC Myanmar BRAC Aung Ko Ko
Annaklara Eriksson
Sharmin Sultana
Hnin Su Wai
Trócaire Trócaire Win Naing Htun
Myat Lin Hlaing
John Condon
Saw Nay Oo Keh
CARE International Myanmar CARE Nilar Shwe
Dr Kyi Zaw Win
Kyaw Zin Latt  
Cordaid Cordaid Priscy Leunis
Neal Deles
Judith Vollebregt
Luna Falquina
Tun Zaw Min
Jade Burton
International Medical Corps IMC Syed Yasir Ahmad
Myanmar's Heart Development OrganizatioMHDO Aung Ko Ko Htway
Htin Lin Aung
Khaing Mar Lin
Aung Kyaw Kyaw Htwe
Dicky Doe
Zaw Win Kyaw
MERCY Malaysia MERCY Vladimir Hernandez
Kyaw Kyaw "Louisa" Nandar
International Federation of Red Cross and RIFRC Ana Zarkovic
Jesper Fridolf
Ritva Jantti
Joy Singhal
Sonja Bjorklund
Wirakhman Maharlika Somantri (W
Dan Church Aid DCA Mani Kumar
Andreas Kiaby
Phyu Kyi Khaing
Muslim Aid UK MA-UK Walkowiak J Noel
Solidarites International SI (empty)
Valentina Bidone
Damien Damien
Lizel Roque
SWEDISH RC Swedish RCPeppe (Giuseppe) Magliulo
UN-TECH Consultancy UN-TECH CoShein Kyi
Lutheran World Federation LWF Francesca Paola Traglia
Mariolein Coren
United Nations Population Funds UNFPA Lucy Stevens
Alexandra Robinson
Degiree Lichtenstein
Mollie Fair
Andrea Irwn
Christian Aid Myanmar CAM Kyaw Zin Tun
Yeeshu Shukla
World Health Orgnization WHO Allison GOCOTANO
Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar Embassy of SBarbara Rothenberger
Mark Haeussermann
Kyi Mar Soe
Community Development Association CDA Pyae Phyo Hein
Aung Hlaing Oo
Hlaing Myint
Dr Khin Maung Win
Ye Htin Aung
Islamic Relief Worldwide IRW Kyaw Aung Oliver
Première Urgence Internationale PUI Ange MERALLI BALLOU
Josh Kreger
Lien AID Lien AID Saw Kyaw
Phyo Myint Oo
UN Women UNWOMENApril Pham
Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN Brang San Aung
people in need. PIN David Htui.Aung
Andrius Kudaba
Myint Thu
EWA Klimuk
Laurel Jansung
Andrea Szenasi
Connor Nierynck
Abe Simons
Saw Eh Gaw Htoo
HARP Facility HARP (empty)
David Melody
Christian Snoad
Peter Mcgeachie
Moira Reddick
Aung Naing
Thirst Aid Thirst Aid Thin New Soe
Embassy of Canada Embassy of Francesca Bellone
#N/A (empty) (empty)

Esther Perry
ADRA Myanmar ADRA Brenda Britton
Aung Bo Bo Htay
Embassy of Japan Embassy of Yoko Kai
Catholic Relief Services CRS Kyaw Myat Htut
World Concern Myanmar WCM Tim Petry
USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistan OFDA (empty)
Deborah Murphy
Adira Zwelling
Carney, Allen
Plan International Myanmar PLAN Soe Moe Kyaw
Phyu Sin Saytanar Action Group PSSAG Naw Rhoda
Humanity & Inclusion HI Eva Lecat
Norwegian Refugee Council NRC Shada Qahoush
Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa Esther de Jong
Didier Boissavi
Teuntje De Glee
Ahmed Benhamouche
May Thet New Oo
Guido De Vries
Myanmar Development Network MDN Thura Tun
ZOA (from relief to recovery) zoa. Jules Gouron
ECHO ECHO Win Win Thein
Nicolas Louis
YANGON WASH Cluster Contact list

Position Phone number

Water and Habitat Coordinator (empty)
Coordinator +(95) 9 264 312 906
Deputy co. +(95) 9 455 750 626
Deputy Head of Sub Delegation 09 254386073
Water and Habitat Engineer 09 454030532, 09 440006436
Water & Habitat Engineer +95 94 42 645 796
National Health Director 09 4250 30903
(empty) (empty)
Humanitarian Projramme Coordin09 250 215353
Humanitarian Project Coordinator09 7680 52204, 09 2501 94841
Humanitarian Programme Coordin(+95-09) 76802204, 250194841
Humanitarian Programme Coordin(+95) 9 505 9 330
(empty) (empty)
Country Director (empty)
WASH Specialist 09 9727 21299
WASH Cluster Information Manag 09 4512 07533
WASH Specialist 09 4283 56776
WASH Officer 01 5498 34
WASH in Schools Officer 09 7322 6151
Emergency Specialist +95 9250344968
WASH Specialist (National WASH 09 9755 67912
WASH Consultant 09 4444 57210
WASH Specialist (National WASH 09 4006 31743
Chief of WASH 0945 7166 611
WASH Officer 09 4211 23083
WASH Officer 09 2525 83875
(empty) (empty)
Humanitarian Programme Adviser09 4553 00163
Humanitarian Programme Manage95-9970922452
WASH coordinator 09 4261 43412
Humanitarian Coordinator 09 2543 15986
Humanitarian Programme Adviso09 7992 58447
(empty) 09 2536 32748
(empty) 09 4200 93165
Project Development Officer 09 4213 65855
(empty) (empty)
Grants Manager 09 2548 84944
Grants Manager 09 4291 32682
WASH PM (empty)
Emergency Manager 09 45625 0150
Emergency Preparedness & Standby(empty)
WASH SENIOR PROGRAM M 09 450 707469, 09 454292220
Head of Program – Humanitarian 09 4201 08893
DFID Consortium Manager 09 250 86 42 12
Proposal Writer Coordinator 09 7687 23704
(empty) (empty)
HOP 09 2618 31760
Program Coordinator 09 79311 8320
Country WASH Coordinator 09 260918232
(empty) (empty)
Country Technical Coordinator 09 4505 40410
Country Programme Advisor +95 44181 7967
Director of Programme 09 979173509
ACF Country Director (empty)
logistic Coordinator 09 4015 34095
Mission Technical Referent (Wat 09 5054 449
Deputy Head of Mission 9421742116
logistic Coordinator 09 5089430
Emergency Preparedness Officer 09 7970 07819
Humanitarian Affairs Specialist 09 5021 918
Deputy Head of Office 09-59797007855
(empty) (empty)
Associate Humanitarian Affairs Of09 79700 7852
Assistant Information Managemen09 5081 063,95-1-524022, 52402
Protection Sector Coordinator (empty)
National Shelter/NFI/CCCM Clust(empty)
Project Manager 09 2540 74651
Programme Coordinator 095- 09 500 2669, 00951-392937
Junior Project Manager 09 7704 61427
National Director 09 5170 5839, 09 5068 333
Emergency & Relief Project Mana09 4000 222 596
Humanitarian Coordination Office09 440 649180
WASH Manager 01392028~30 #107
President 09 977115501
Director 01 392028 Ext 107
WASH Engineer 09 9748 52479
Sr. WASH Officer 09 2500 75279
Response/Food Manager 09 44517 5764
HEA Division Director (empty)
Food for Peace Officer Asia Euro+1(571) 216 0444
(empty) 85512709534
(empty) 09 7954 44706
(empty) 09 7950 73302
(empty) 09 4203 29711
Humanitarian Advisor Rakhine S 7415967230
(empty) (empty)

(empty) 09 5419 586

Wash focal person (empty)
Regional Advisor (empty)
(empty) (empty)
(empty) 95 9 261237 086
[email protected] (empty)
(empty) 09 5034 812
(empty) 09 4304 0553
Project Officer 09 2549 48168
Programme Coordinator 09 73235506
Field Engineer 09 4500 35110
M&E Coordinator 09 2502 72185
Senior Engineer 959 509 7313, 959 96 509 7313
Country Director 09 2545 31072
Program Development 09 2659 19924
Program Development (empty)
Program Development Officer 097751 61305 
Country Director 09 7822 28728
Country Director 95 09431 81626
Head of Programmes & Policy 09 7501 27935
(empty) 09 7821 00983
(empty) (empty)
M & E Manager 09 4005 03244
Head of mission assistant 09 75010 6581
(empty) 09 9757 93107
(empty) 09 4500 39936
WASH Advisor Programme Coord 09 9615 66161
Country Representative (empty)
Project Manager 09 9540 50561
Head of Program (empty)
WASH Engineer (empty)
(empty) 09 254 538 450
First Secretary (Cooperation) 09 25453 8451
Country Representative, Myanma(empty)
DRR Livelihood Delegate (empty)
Senior Program Coordinator 95 9788 209369
Emergency Response Coordinator09 2540 53316
Lead Communications +959977122783
Country Rep; (empty)
Project Coordinator 09 9771 22781
Humanitarian Programme Officer09 4015 50007
WASH Advisor 09 425028058
Humanitarian Programme Quality+959448012850
(empty) 09970223901
Program Director 09 4959 3432
Senior Manager-Rural Program    09
Emergency Preparedness and Huma 09 2637 47300
Interm (empty)
Humanitarian Aid and Reslience C(empty)
Humanitarian aid project manager(empty)
Humanitarian Coordinator 09 9754 03454
Humanitarian Aid Coordinator 09 4215 13535
(empty) (empty)
Global WASH Adviser +447424927611
Program Director of MHDO 09 9729 51450, 09 4480 25714
Program officer 09 7784 36574
Program Coordinator 09 2569 22475
Program Coordinator 09 5408 186
Program Coordinator 09 7879 94965
Program Coordinator 09 7990 72702
(empty) (empty)
Programme Development Officer (empty)
WASH Delegate 09 4593 51971
Program Coordinator 09 2637 28300
Health Programme Manager 09 960 313 460
Head of Country Office 09 4201 04010
Programme Coordinator Tel./Fax: (+95 - 1) 383 682 / 383
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 09 4201 04070
Head of Programme 09 4302 9840
Country Director – Myanmar & T09 4302 9645
(empty) (empty)
Water and Sanitation Technical As09 97066 4202
Country Director 09 45911 9617
Program Manager 09 9763 66612
Program Development & Institutio(empty)
WASH coordinator (empty)
Deputy Country Director Program09 8989 40996
Food Security & Livelihoods / MEAL
09 425 Coordinator
007 166
Communication & Reporting Offi09 895 567 185
WASH Delegate SRC 09 9640 90673
CZO Consultant 09 7992 49680, 09 2501 36039
Deputy Program Coordinator 09 78119 3243
Program Coordinator 09 9769 83237
Program officer 09 4550 50320
GBV Programme Specialist (empty)
Programme Analyst 09 9636 21296
(empty) (empty)
Consultant 09 9561 65064
Senior Programme Officer (Humani 09 5406 648 ,+95 (1) 378078
Regional Emergency Manager- So(empty)
(empty) (empty)
Deputy Head Humanitarian Aid (empty)
Head of humanitarian aid (empty)
Senior Project Officer (empty)
Logistics 09 430 41638
Program officer (empty)
Project Officer (empty)
President/CEO 09 5190 558
DM&E Officer 09 4049 06124
Head of Mission 09 2323 64919
Country Director 09 45012 9365
Head of Mission 09 4501 29365
Programme Coordinator 09 2505 24797
Programme Manager 09 4593 55619
(empty) 09 7954 44706 
(empty) (empty)
WASH Project Coordinator (empty)
Project Manager 09 79 80 55 952
Programme Development Officer 09 2512 69716
M&E Officer 09 2532 39389
HOP 09 2512 69747
Program Quality Support Officer 09 4479 06314
Monitoring and Evaluation/Capaci09 763 813 40
Operations Officer 09 4462 29419
Head of Programmes  09 2686 45601
(empty) 09 420112826
(empty) (empty)
Program Director (empty)
WASH Technical Advisor `+507 6243 1238 (Whatsapp) 
Deputy Team Leader 09 7689 33438
(empty) (empty)
Program Director 09 4200 91381
Program Director 09 5006 064
First Secretary (Development) an 09 254 538 447
(empty) (empty)

(empty) (empty)
M&E Coordinator 09 4513 56457
Technical Staff 09 4203 20637
Coordinator (empty)
Emergency Response Programme09 7353 8718, 09 2582 66995
WASH Technical Advisor (empty)
(empty) (empty)
OFDA rep: (empty)
Foreign Disaster Assistance (U (empty)
(empty) (empty)
(empty) (empty)
Program Coordinator 09 2562 40785
Operations Coordinator 09 7609 47173
Shelter Programme Development 09 44619 9951
Program Advisor (Health) 09 2523 65439
WASH Advisor 09 4268 93641
Head of Program Quality 09 2523 65439
WASH Advisor 09 254798500
WASH Advisor (+)95 9 7777 05132
Country Director 09 4236 78568
Consultant 09 425303373, 09 781668411
WASH Consultant  95 9428408559 95 9979995448
PO 09 4217 46278
(empty) (empty)
Technical Lead 09 4032 33238
Email Address Location (empty)
This shape represents a This shape represents
[email protected] Yangon slicer. Slicers are supported slicer. Slicers are
in Excel 2010 or later. supported in Excel 20
[email protected] Yangon
or later.
[email protected] Yangon If the shape was modified in
[email protected] Yangon an earlier version of Excel, If the shape was modi
[email protected] Yangon or if the workbook was saved in an earlier version o
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the Excel, or if the workb
[email protected] Sittwe slicer cannot be used. was saved in Excel 20
[email protected] Yangon or earlier, the slicer ca
[email protected] Yangon be used.
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon/Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Sittwe
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected],philips.o Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] (empty)
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected],[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected],thurein.mgmg@welth Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected] Yangon
[email protected], winnaing.htun@trocaLashio
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[email protected] Yangon
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[email protected] Myitkyina
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[email protected] Mai Ja Yang
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If the shape was modified

in an earlier version of
Excel, or if the workbook
was saved in Excel 2003
or earlier, the slicer cannot
be used.
Main Menu Mandalay WASH
Mandalay 1

Organization Acronym Name

United Nations Children Funds UNICEF Than Kyaw Soe
Maung Maung
World Vision Myanmar WV Myat Htwe Mon
Samaritan's Purse SP Rachel Kettle
PACT Myanmar PACT Dr Soe Min
Plan International Myanmar PLAN Soe Moe Kyaw
Mandalay WASH Cluster Contact list

Position Phone number

WASH Officer 09 4315 3492
WASH Officer 09 5073 712, 09 9759 77893
Response/Food Manager 09 44517 5764
Program Development 09 2659 19924
WASH Focal (empty)
(empty) (empty)
Email Address Location (empty)
This shape represents a This shape represents a
[email protected] Mandalay slicer. Slicers are supported slicer. Slicers are
in Excel 2010 or later. supported in Excel 2010
[email protected] Mandalay
or later.
[email protected] Yangon If the shape was modified in
[email protected] Yangon an earlier version of Excel, If the shape was modified
[email protected] Mandalay or if the workbook was saved in an earlier version of
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the Excel, or if the workbook
[email protected] Yangon slicer cannot be used. was saved in Excel 2003
or earlier, the slicer canno
be used.
This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are
supported in Excel 2010
or later.

If the shape was modified

in an earlier version of
Excel, or if the workbook
was saved in Excel 2003
or earlier, the slicer cannot
be used.
Main Menu RAKHINE Active CSO/NNGO Contact list

Sr. Organization Name Acronym Type Contact Person Position Contact Number Email Address Address Townships Work in Sectors work in

Cooperation with state government,

Hluttaw, political parties, allied social
organisations, and international
organisations for the peace and stability
and development of the Arakan, (2) to
cooperate as necessary for the
2 88 Rakhine Generation Social for 88 RGSDO CSO U Tin Hla Secretary 09 250829742 [email protected] Sittwe solidarity of the Arakan national people,
Developemnt Organization (3) to urge respective government and
companies to have transparency in the
extraction of Arakan natural resources,
and (4) join hands with ethnic brethren
in cooperating in the union peace
processes and the establishment of a
future federal union.

No. 93, Ywar Gyi

3 A Lin Dagar Daw Kyawt Sein President 09 2614836781 North, War Set Street, Sittwe GBV

4 ABC Daw Khin Khin Saw 09 264000990 Sittwe

5 CSO/Party Chairperson Taungup Development of the Chin literature

Acho Chin National Association Salai Kyaw Pownt 09 7 7688 5510 culutre
Community Development,
Organizational Development,
6 Action Based Community ABCD NNGO San Thein Program 09 4505 40163 [email protected] Sittwe Collaborative Platform between
Development Manager CSOs and Government Officials, more
project areas
Financial support
7 Action Green for Earth AGE CSO U Chit Mya Chairperson 09 421725637 [email protected] Sittwe and Maungdaw
Youth empowerment, Organisational
Development, Financial
8 AD - 2030 AD - 2030 CSO U Aung Lin Oo Chairperson 09 450542579 [email protected] Sittwe support/development. Social Cohesion
Service delivery and social cohesion
9 All Arakan Students' Youth Congress AASYC CSO [email protected]
Ancilary Committee for the
10 reconstruction of Rakhine National U Than Tun 09 254812822 Sittwe
Terrirry in the Wesern Frontier

Organisational & financial sustainability

Collaborative platform between
11 Arakan Blood Donation Group ABD CSO Ko Maung Maung Organizer 09 421749139 - Sittwe government hospital and helath

12 Arakan CSO Network Ko Than Hla 09 441870720 Sittwe

13 Arakan Human Right Development AHRDO NNGO U Aung Mra Oo Executive 09 4100 04 97 [email protected] Sittwe
Organization Director

The environmental conservation and

14 Arakan Natural Resource and ANREN U Wong Aye, U Zaya Focal point Taungup nautral resouce shairng.
Environmental Network Kyaw 09 42 544 692, Campaign and demonstration
15 Arakan Research and Watch Ko Kyaw Wai 09 255098267 Sittwe
16 Arakan Rivers Network ARN CSO [email protected] Rakhine

Arakhan Human Rights Development Executive

17 AHRDO NNGO U Aung Mra Oo 09 41000497 [email protected] Sittwe
Orgnisation director
Arakkha Foundation
18 Arakkha Foundation Soe Soe Htay Program 09 254258950 [email protected] Kung Thwe Street All Townships Education & Training, Livelihood,
Director [email protected] Sittwe Decision-Making

19 Arraw Jyan Foundation CSO U Maung Thein Hla Chairperson 09 250452533 Mrauk U

20 CSO Ponngyun
Bawdi Yaung Chi Education Group
21 CBO 09 965523258 Bumay, Sittwe
Bu May Parahitta Aung khine Free Tuition
22 Building Better Society BBS NNGO U Ko Ko Lwin Executive 09 253301075 [email protected] Sittwe
Center For Education Art and
23 Literature CEAL CSO Ko Nyi Kahing Thway Focal point 09 961824832 - Sittwe

24 Charity Youths Sittwe Ko Lynn Eain 09 5154617 Sittwe

25 Clean & Green Social Business Group Ko Myo San Aung 09 421087266 Sittwe

26 Clean Sittwe Ko Aung Zaw Khaing 09 45493366 Sittwe

27 Community Care for Emergency CCERR NNGO Project Officer Rakhine 09 429083521 [email protected] Sittwe
Response and Rehabilitation (CCERR) Focal

28 Community Development Assocation CDA NNGO Nyar Na Project 09-450064823 [email protected] Sittwe
Coordinator WASH & Education
29 Community Empowerment and CERA NNGO Kyaw Naing Soe Director 09 4217 47412 [email protected] Sittwe Multisector response except health &
Resilient Association m nutrition
30 Creative Garden CG CSO U Wanna Thar Mi Founder 09 458373122 [email protected] Sittwe

31 Dai Net Assocaition Ponngyun

32 Emergency Response Association CSO U Mg Ba Phyu Director 09 762518677 Mrauk U

33 Free Funeral Service (Sittwe) FFS CSO U Than Shwe Focal point 09 49 658 547 Sittwe

34 Future Light Education Centre CSO Ma Aye Aye Aung Teacher 09 444 076 775 Ponngyun

35 Green Land U Hla Htay member 09 250331167 Sittwe

36 Green Network Sittwe Ko Moe Kyaw 09 421710080 Sittwe

37 Humanity English Studied Group CSO U Kyaw San Chairperson 09 790 220 282 Ponngyun

38 Kami Force Foundation CSO U Shwe Bo Sein Chairperson 09 456 247 127 Ponngyun

Kayunar Yaung Chi Blood Donation

39 Group Daw Shwe Moe Wine 09 252453684 Sittwe

40 Khami Literature & Cultural CSO U Nay Kyaw Aung Chairperson 09 40008324 Mrauk U

41 Legal Clinic Myanmar LCM NNGO Daw Mya Thuzar Head of 09 421764128 [email protected] Sittwe
Sittwe office
42 Local Peace Network LPN CSO Khin Mg Tun Director 09 263453540 [email protected] Sittwe
43 Local Resource Center LRC NNGO Saw Mya Thandar Head of
Sittwe office 09 454845650 [email protected] Sittwe
44 Maha Punyarakhita Association CSO Ponngyun
45 Maruk U Youth Associaion MUYA CSO Moe Kyaw Chairperson 09 691966999 Mrauk U
46 Mrauk U Educaion Foundation CSO U Maung Kyaw Zaw Chairperson 9250241903 Mrauk U
47 Mrauk U Heritage Trust U Than Myint 9250879443 Mrauk U Striving as a national duty to prevent
Mro Literature and Culture and suppress the menace of the
48 Association CSO U Za Ni Phyu Chairperson 09 250 8311 06 Ponngyun
narcotic drugs, threatening the country;
and participating as an additional force
49 Myamar Anti-Narcotic Association MMANA NNGO Daw Kyaw Ni Hla Focal point 09 254408256 Sittwe in the collective endeavours for
Lwin effective prevention and treatment of
the infection and rapid spread of H.I.V
Myanmar Enhancement to Empower MEET among the intravenous drug users, as
50 NNGO Aye Hla Focal point 09 421732465 [email protected] Sittwe the problem required expeditious and
concerted efforts.
51 Myanmar Health Assistant MHAA NNGO Min Min Aung Manager 09 253770325 [email protected] Sittwe
Association (Health and

52 Myanmar Independent leadership MILI CSO U Mg Than Win Focal point 9260078318 Mrauk U
53 Myanmar Medical Association MMA NNGO Dr. Oo Htun Wai Project 09 2616 55959 [email protected] Sittwe

Myanmar's Heart Development Project

54 MHDO NNGO Khaung Khant Thu Manager 09 253580715 [email protected] Sittwe
Organization (GFD)

55 Myittar Resource Foundation MRF NNGO Kyaw Myo Thant Head of [email protected] Sittwe
Sittwe office 09 258403007 m
56 Myo Youth Parahita Group Ponngyun
57 New Political Generation Force of PGF CSO Swe Naing Tun Executive 09 254 813 426 - Sittwe
Arakan Member

58 Pann Pyo Thu Education foundation Ko Aung Kyaw Nyunt 09 45355227 Sittwe
59 Peace and Development Initiative PDI NNGO Kyaw San Hlaing Director 09 3318 2851 [email protected] Yangon, Sittwe
60 People for people PFP NNGO Pray Thein Director 09 2540 33017 [email protected] Sittwe
61 Poe Ree Prun Alliance Group CSO Ko Aung Kyaw 09-786873845 Ponngyun
62 Poe Shwee Pyni Mahama CSO Ponngyun
Ponnagyun Development Youths
63 CSO U Thein Wanna Chairperson 09 450 541 672 Ponngyun

64 Ponnagyun Enviromental Protection CSO Ponngyun

Group Nay Aung Lin 09 250240117 09 250883532
Ponnakyun Literature and Culture
65 Group Ponngyun

66 CSO One of Taungup social accountability and advocacy

works for township development,
Public Service Committee Ko San Ngwe 09 263 203813 Social Welfare Issues,
Rainbow Women and Children Project pyaesonethu.rainbow.pd18@g
67 Development Foundation RWCF NNGO Pyae Sone Thu Coordinator 09 442813232 Sittwe

68 Rakha Taw Win Blood Donation Daw Nyo Nyo Khaing 09 53046395 Sittwe

69 Rakhine CSO coordination committee Rakhine CSO Soe Naing Focal point 09 421745038 Sittwe
70 Rakhine Ethnic Congress REC CSO Zaw Zaw Htun Secretary 09 421741255 [email protected] Sittwe
09 Supporting to education and health
71 Rakhine Thahaya Association RTA NNGO Hnin Yu Shwe Focal point 450062311/09254 Sittwe
258950 sectors

72 Rakhine Woman Network RWN CSO Daw Nyo Aye Chairperson 09 250332786 Sittwe
73 Rakhine Woman Union RWU CSO Saw Mya Yarzar Lin Chairperson 09 254066936 Sittwe
74 Rakhine Youth New Generation RYNG CSO Ma Oo Khin Thein Focal point 09 4217457502 Sittwe
75 Rakhine Youth New Generation RYNG CSO Khine Saw Oo Focal point 09 789174920 Sittwe

raising legal awareness on access to

76 Ratana Metta Organization RMO NNGO Pan Mya Phyu OiC/Case 09 423710541 [email protected] Sittwe justice and provide legal assistance for
officer children and women who otherwise
could not afford legal representation.

77 U Aung Aung Marm, 09 420 537 007, 09 Taungup Youth development and resource
Roma Hlaine Library U Tin Myint 361 26 182 sharing such as books
Program [email protected]
78 Scholar Institute SI NNGO Aung Shwe Oo Head 09 4200 39503 g Yangon,Sittwe
79 Sein Pyar Enviromental Sein Pyar CSO Than Naing Focal point 09 43096722 Sittwe
Shwe Joint
80 Shwe Karuna Foundation Karuna CSO Kyaw Thein Win Secretary 09 254033646 Sittwe
81 Shwe Min Thar Foundation SMT NNGO Ma Thin Thin Htet Focal point 09 769700600 Sittwe
82 Sittwe CSO Coordination Committee Ko Soe Naing 09 767301509 Sittwe

83 Sittwe Family Shin ThantKo, Kyaw 09 262097339

Linn Oo
84 Sky Education Institue Ko Aung Linn Hein 09 450542579 Sittwe
85 Social; Education and Development SEDA NNGO Ma Hnin Yu Shwe Focal point 09 450062311 [email protected] Sittwe
86 Tawpyarmee Social Association CSO Ponngyun
87 Tha Zin Justic and Legal Aid Tha Zin CSO Nyein Chan Program 09 421746228 - Sittwe
Legal Aid Head
The Center for Diversity and National Head of
88 CDNH NNGO U Thein Myint 09 450542340 [email protected] Sittwe
Harmony Sittwe office
U Rite Mray Social Welfare
89 Association CSO U Kyaw Win 09 250 327 401
90 Wan Lark Foundation Wan Lark NNGO Khaing Kaung San Director 09 450 542 895 [email protected] Sittwe
91 Water Fall Mobile Library Win Myat Thuzar 09 450559732 Sittwe
92 Women Empowerment Development WE DO CSO Wai Wai Tun Director 09 404342531 [email protected] Sittwe
93 Yaung Chi Thit YCT CSO Than Tin Focal point 09 262624132 [email protected] Sittwe
94 Yoma Alinn Education Foundation U Myint Thaung 09 250768525 Sittwe
95 Youth Bright CSO U Kyaw Thein Director 09 400433600 Sittwe
96 Youth of the furture Hein Soe Aung 09 261489577 Sittwe
97 GHNI CSO Ponngyun
Partners Target Population Gender Related activities Comments

Women's empowerment, women's safety and

security as well as access to justice: including Private
Seehthain Yahantaw Myar Organization GBV and Child Protection trainings, legal donors
Women's economic empowerment:
vocational training (sewing and tailoring
Women International, Women Can Do It (WCDI), Women, Youth training); life skills training; leadership and Private
YCT, Rakhine Women Association, RWN, RWU, LCM decision-making training; training in office donors
managemet, basic accounting and report
Those who can't
afford legal

Youth, women

Organization Acronym Name

International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Shane Wilkes
Metta Development Foundation Metta Ja Nu
Relief International RI Katie Tiller
United Nations Children Funds UNICEF Jeff Silverman
Oxfam Oxfam Pier Francesco Donati
Oo Win Naing
Danish Refugee Council DRC Conie Pamposa
Save The Children International SCI Thaw Si Htin Zaw
Philippa Shala 
Vicent Penzoni
Marielle Snel
Malteser International Malteser Ngwe Daung Hlaing
Action Contre la Faim ACF Tin Tin Oo
Medecins Sans Frontieres- Holland MSF Thidar Aye
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity KMSS Labang awn
Myanmar Red Cross Society MRCS Than Aung
Tsu Aung
Samaritan's Purse SP Paul McKnight
Rachel Kettle
CESVI Foundation cesvi Aye Myint San
Katiz Benassi
arche noVa Initiative for People in Need Arche noVa Ralf Thill
BRAC Myanmar BRAC Aung Ko Ko
Hnin Su Wai
Trócaire Trócaire Myat Lin Hlaing
CARE International Myanmar CARE Nilar Shwe
Dr Kyi Zaw Win
Cordaid Cordaid Neal Deles
Judith Vollebregt
Myanmar's Heart Development OrganizatioMHDO Aung Ko Ko Htway
Khaing Mar Lin
International Federation of Red Cross and RIFRC Wirakhman Maharlika Somantri (W
Solidarites International SI (empty)
Lutheran World Federation LWF Mariolein Coren
Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar Embassy of SMark Haeussermann
Kyi Mar Soe
Community Development Association CDA Hlaing Myint
Dr Khin Maung Win
Ye Htin Aung
people in need. PIN Andrius Kudaba
Myint Thu
HARP Facility HARP Peter Mcgeachie
Aung Naing
Thirst Aid Thirst Aid Thin New Soe
Embassy of Canada Embassy of Francesca Bellone
ADRA Myanmar ADRA Aung Bo Bo Htay
Embassy of Japan Embassy of Yoko Kai
Catholic Relief Services CRS Kyaw Myat Htut
USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistan OFDA Deborah Murphy
Consortium Dutch NGO’s-ZOA CDN-Zoa Ahmed Benhamouche
ECHO ECHO Win Win Thein
Nicolas Louis
YANGON WASH Cluster Contact list

Position Phone number

Water & Habitat Engineer +95 94 42 645 796
Humanitarian Programme Coordin(+95) 9 505 9 330
Country Director (empty)
Rakhine WASH Cluster Coordina(+95) 9258308118 & (+95) 09
WASH coordinator 09 4261 43412
Humanitarian Coordinator 09 2543 15986
Grants Manager 09 4291 32682
Emergency Manager 09 45625 0150
Proposal Writer Coordinator 09 7687 23704
HOP 09 2618 31760
Senior Global Humanitarian WASH +962-(0)798517587 H501
Country WASH Coordinator 09 260918232
Liaison Communication 09 4217 13549
Mission Technical Referent (Wat 09 5054 449
logistic Coordinator 09 5089430
Project Manager 09 2540 74651
WASH Manager 01392028~30 #107
WASH Engineer 09 9748 52479
Country Director 09 2545 31072
Program Development 09 2659 19924
M & E Manager 09 4005 03244
Head of mission assistant 09 75010 6581
Country Representative (empty)
Emergency Response Coordinator09 2540 53316
Project Coordinator 09 9771 22781
WASH Advisor 09 425028058
Program Director 09 4959 3432
Senior Manager-Rural Program    09
Humanitarian Aid and Reslience C(empty)
Humanitarian aid project manager(empty)
Program Director of MHDO 09 9729 51450, 09 4480 25714
Program Coordinator 09 2569 22475
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 09 4201 04070
Water and Sanitation Technical As09 97066 4202
WASH coordinator (empty)
Program Coordinator 09 9769 83237
Head of humanitarian aid (empty)
Senior Project Officer (empty)
Project Officer (empty)
President/CEO 09 5190 558
DM&E Officer 09 4049 06124
Programme Development Officer 09 2512 69716
M&E Officer 09 2532 39389
Deputy Team Leader 09 7689 33438
Program Director 09 4200 91381
Program Director 09 5006 064
First Secretary (Development) an 09 254 538 447
Technical Staff 09 4203 20637
Coordinator (empty)
Emergency Response Programme09 7353 8718, 09 2582 66995
OFDA rep: (empty)
WASH Advisor 09 254798500
PO 09 4217 46278
(empty) (empty)
Technical Lead 09 4032 33238
Email Address Location (empty)
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Main Menu ICCG Yangon Contact list
Sector/cluster coordinator contact
Sector/Cluster Title Agency Name
Food Security Sector Food Security Sector Coordinator FAO Reda Lebthai
EiE Sector Coordinator SCI Elisa Radisone
Health Cluster Cluster Coordinator WHO Allison Eugenio Gocotano
Nutrition Cluster Cluster Coordinator UNICEF Jecinter Oketch
Protection Sector Sector Coordinator UNHCR Geraldine Salducci Petruccelli
Child Protection Sub-Sector Sub-sector Coordinator a.i. UNICEF Danee Luhar
SGBV Sub-Sector Sub-Sector Coordinator Alternate UNFPA Eri Taniguchi
Shelter / NFIs / CCCM Cluster Coordinator a.i. UNHCR Geraldine Salducci Petruccelli
WASH Cluster Cluster Coordinator UNICEF Eyad aldubai
Contact list

Mobile No. Email

09 452108103 [email protected]
09 770092263 [email protected]
[email protected]
09 750109495 [email protected]
09 450061374 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
09 450061374 [email protected]
[email protected]

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