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Tango Steps We begin with a four-part practice sequence.
Leading and following tango can be tricky, so
sometimes it's best to start with a memorized pattern, to become familiar with the steps and style, before moving on to the more challenging dynamics of partnering. Part 1 - Promenades Take closed promenade position and face toward the center of the room. Promenade forward with 2 slow steps, Lead beginning left foot and Follow right foot. Continue forward with two quick running steps. Finish with a slow step forward, stopping on this step, and changing to reverse promenade position, with the Lead's left arm around his partner and the Follow's right hand on her partner's shoulder, clasping opposite hands. The timing is slow-slow-quick-quick-slow. Promenade with the same pattern back to place, beginning on the opposite foot, Lead's right and Follow's left. Add as much drama as you wish. Part 2 - Left and Right Fans Take closed dance position, with the Lead facing Line of Dance and the Follow backing against LOD. The Lead walks forward, as the Follow backs up, taking 2 slow steps. Then the Follow steps back right foot diagonally toward the center of the room as the Lead steps forward left foot, rotating as a couple 90º counterclockwise. Facing in toward the center of the room, the Lead takes a long side step right toward LOD as the Follow takes a shorter side step left. Both close feet together without taking weight. The timing is slow-slow-quick-quick-slow. Taking closed promenade position, facing against LOD, Promenade forward 2 slow steps, with the Lead starting to pass in front of his partner on the second step. Then he steps with his left foot across in front of her, squarely facing back at her, as she steps right foot forward, aimed between his feet. Continue to rotate as a couple through a 180º clockwise turn as the Follow takes a long side step L, facing into the center, and the Lead takes a shorter side step R. Both close feet together without taking weight. The timing is slow-slow-quick-quick- slow