AIK CH 7 Part 2
AIK CH 7 Part 2
AIK CH 7 Part 2
Dividends Received
Equity in income of
unconsolidated affiliates.............................. 24 2.4 2.4
Distributions beyond equity
in income of affiliates c................................. 5.8 0.0 5.8
= Dividends from unconsol. affiliates............ 169A $ 8.2 $0.0 $ 8.2
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS ............... $ 805.2 $0.0 $ 805.2
Total costs and expenses [22A] + Taxes on earnings [27] + Minority interests [25] +
Interest income [19] = $5,531.9 + $265.9 + $7.2 + $26.0 = $5,831
It is assumed that accruals, payrolls, etc., are part of item [175].
A reconciling amount to tie in with the $8.2 dividends from affiliates (item 169A)
versus equity in earnings of affiliates (item 24).
Zett Company
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Year Ended December 31, Year 2
Interest........................................................................................... 4,000
Income taxes...................................................................... 6,000
Niagara Company
Statement of Cash Flows
For Year Ended December 31, Year 9
[a] Sales................................................................................ $1,000
Less increase in receivables......................................... (20)
Cash collections............................................................ $980
[b] Cost of goods sold......................................................... $ (650)
Add increase in inventories........................................... (20)
Less increase in payables............................................. 25
[c] Interest expense............................................................. $ (50)
Less increase in interest payable.................................. 10
[d] Income tax expense........................................................ $ (40)
Less increase in deferred income tax.......................... 10
Note: Purchase of fixed assets is computed from depreciation expense plus change in
fixed assets ($100+$50). Dividends paid is computed from net income and change in
retained earnings ($60-$30).
Net income.................................................................................................................... $ 60
Add depreciation........................................................................................... 100
Part I.
Part II.