05 10 1499 CV
05 10 1499 CV
05 10 1499 CV
RE: No. 08-11922-F; Nancy B. Hamon, by and through her Agent and Attorney-
in-Fact, John L. Roach vs. R. Michael Lagow and Brenda Lagow
TO: PlaintinffNancy Hamon, by and throughher attorney of record, Mr. Donovan Campbell,
Jr., Rader & Campbell, 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1125, Dallas, Texas 75207
R. MICHAEL LAGOW and BRENDA S. LAGOW, make this their Defendants' Response
3. The legal theories and, in general, the factual bases of the responding party's claims
and defenses.
Defendants have denied generally the allegations raised in Plaintiffs lawsuit. Defendant
Brenda Lagow has also raised an affirmative defense that any notes that were executed by her were
withoutconsiderationbecause shewasnotpersonallyliableon the originalnote executedbyMichael
Lagow. By requiring Brenda Lagow to assume the obligation owed by her husband as his separate
debt, Plaintiff has charged Brenda Lagow interest in excess of the amount allowed by law. As a
result, Plaintiff has forfeited the principal amount of the "loan" to Brenda Lagow, forfeited the
interest charged, and is liable to Brenda Lagow for three times the amount of unlawful interest
charged, together with attorneys' fees.
The name, address, and telephone number of persons having knowledge of relevant
facts, and a brief statement of each identified person's connection with the case.
Nancy Hamon
% Donovan Campbell, Jr.
Rader & Campbell
2777 Stemmons Freeway
Suite 1125
Dallas, Texas 75207
JohnL. Roach
% Donovan Campbell, Jr.
Rader & Campbell
2777 Stemmons Freeway
Suite 1125
Dallas, Texas 75207
Ms. Roach purports to act as the attorney-in-fact for the Plaintiff in this lawsuit.
R. Michael Lagow
Brenda S. Lagow
6627 Velasco
Dallas, Texas 75214
(214) 828-0703
Robert H. Renneker
The Adolphus Tower
1412 Main Street, Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75202
RobertH. Renneker is a 1978 graduate ofthe University ofTexas School ofLaw. Between
1978 and 1980 he servedas a briefingattorney for the Court ofCivil Appealsfor the SixthSupreme
Judicial District of Texas. Renneker has been actively engaged in the practice of law in Dallas
County, Texas (and throughout the State of Texas) since 1980 and is rated "av" by Martindale
Hubbell. Renneker is admitted to practice before all the courts in the State of Texas, the United
States District Courts for the Northern, Eastern, Southern,and Western Districts ofTexas, the Fifth
and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
Not applicable.
11. In a suit allegingphysical or mental injury and damages from the occurrence that isthe
subject of the case, all medical records and bills obtained by the responding party by
virtue of an authorization furnished by the requesting party.
Not applicable.
12. The name, address, and telephonenumber of any personwho may be designated as a
responsible third party.
illy submitted,
Robei Renneker
Texas No. 16778800
Atrue and correct copy ofthe foregoing Defendants' First Amended Response toPlaintiffs
Request for Disclosure was served on the attorney for the Plaintiff, Mr. Donovan Campbell, Jr.,
Rader &Campbell, 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite^Lia^Dallas, Texas 75207, by^telecopy and
regular mail on this the 29th day of July, 2009.
Transaction Report
Transaction(s) completed
No. TX Date/Tine Destination Durat ion P. J Result Mode
attorney and counselor
1412 Main Street, Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 742-7100
Telecopier (214)742-7110
E-Mail: [email protected]
RE: No. 08-11922-F; Nancy B.Hamon, byand through herAgent and Attorney-
in-Fact, John L. Roach vs. R. Michael Lagow andBrenda Lagow
IMPORTANT This message isintended only for the use ofthe individual or entity to which it Is addressed and may contain information that isprivileged,
confidential,andexempt fiwn disclosure raider applicable law. Ifthe reader ofthis message is not the Intended recipient, orthe employeeor8{^rcsponsMefor
delivering this messageto theintended recipient, you Are herebynotifiedthat anycSssenrimtien.distribution, oreopyingofthis eonwioitlealionisstrictly prohibited.
Ifyoureceivethiscommunicntion inerror, please notifyus immediatelybytelephone and returnthe original messageto US rtthe aboveaddress v)ntheUnited States
Postal Service. Thank you.
06/23/2009 12:57 2146309996 RADERCAMPBELL PAGE 02
June 23,2009
Enclosed are an original and two (2) copies ofSupplement to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel
Production from Defendants in the above-referenced matter. Please file the original of this
Supplement among the papers in this case and return two file-stamped copies to me via the person
delivering same.
(214) 742-7100
TELECOPY: (214)742-7110
E-MAIL: [email protected]
September 4,2009
Re: No. 08-11922-F; Nancy B. Hamon, by and through her Agent and Attorney-in-Fact,
John L. Roach vs. R. Michael Lagow and Brenda Lagow
Enclosed please find (1) Defendants' First Supplemental Answer; (2) the Original
Counterclaim of Defendant Brenda S. Lagow; and (3) Defendants' Second Amended Response to
Plaintiffs' Request for Disclosure.
NO. 08-11922-F _ /' ;"-
0$ 0^ ' • •:. / ;
NANCY B. HAMON, by and through § IN THE DISTRICT COURT ^ ja,y
her Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, John L. § ".';/r c•. '' <?;;4/
Plaintiff, § '-'•••V^Mf-
§ - "5*5
BRENDA S. LAGOW, one ofthe Defendants in the above-styled and numbered cause, files
Michael Lagow, who in turn executed a promissory note payable to Plaintiff in the same amount.
The note bore interest at the rate of 6% per annum and matured on June 12, 2003. The funds
advance to R. Michael Lagow were for use in his business. Brenda S. Lagow neither executed the
to Plaintiffin the amount of$750,000. The amount ofthisnote represented a renewal and extension
of the June 12,2002 note together with an additional advance of $250,000. As with the June 12,
2002 note, Brenda S. Lagow neither executed the December 1, 2003 note nor received any funds
advanced by Plaintiff.
12, 2002 note and the December 1, 2003 note, Brenda S. Lagow neither executed the note nor
received any funds advanced by Plaintiff.
1.4 On November 24,2004 afourth note was executed payable toPlaintiffinthe amount
of$300,000. Upon information and beliefthis note was executed by both R. Michael Lagow and
Brenda S. Lagow.
of $1,300,000, which was in renewal and extension of the April 15,2004 note andtheNovember
24, 2004. Although Brenda S. Lagow was not personally liable on the April 15, 2004 note, the
renewal and extension oftheNovember 24,2004 note was apparently conditioned onheragreement
2.1 At all times material hereto, the maximum amount of interest that Plaintiff could
charge Defendant Brenda S. Lagow onthe$300,000 note was 18% perannum, which, asofAugust
2.2 Byrequiring Brenda S. Lagow to assume the obligation evidenced by theApril 15,
2.3 Brenda S. Lagowis entitled to recover from Plaintiffthree times the amount ofexcess
amount of lawful interest, Brenda S. Lagow is also entitled to recover from Plaintiff the sum of
2.4 Brenda S. Lagow has been required to retain the services of Robert H. Rennekerto
represent her in this matter andis entitled torecover her reasonable attorneys' fees and costs from
WHEREFORE, Brenda S. Lagow praysthat aftera trial on the merits,shehave and recover
theamount prayed for in this counterclaim and that she have such further relief to which she may
be entitled.
$rt H. Renneker
Texas Bar No. 16778800
A true and correct copy of the foregoing Original Counterclaim of Defendant Brenda S.
Lagowwasserved ontheattorneys forthePlaintiff, Mr. Donovan Campbell, Jr.,Rader & Campbell,
2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1125, Dallas, Texas 75207, and Mr. J. Patrick Bredehpft, Bredehoft
& Associates, 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1125, Dallas, Texas 75207 by telecopy and regular
mail on this the 4th day of September, 2009.
NO. 08-11922-F ~ ' '. ,0",..,
First Amended Answer and the Original Counterclaim of Defendant Brenda S. Lagow and without
waivingsame, file this their Defendants' First SupplementalAnswerand in support thereof would
3.1 Plaintiffhas contracted for and charged Defendant Brenda S. Lagow interest at a rate
3.2 Because the notes forming the basis of Plaintiffs claims against Defendant are
3.3 To the extent that the statutory and common law penalties for charging usurious
interest do not exceed the amount claimed by Plaintiff, Defendants are entided to offset and credit
for all common law and statutory penalties as a result of Plaintiffs contracting for and collecting
usurious interest.
spectftdly subrnittedf
Robert H. Renneker
Texas Bar No. 16778800
R. MICHAEL LAGOW and BRENDA S. LAGOW, make this their Defendants' Response
3. The legal theories and, in general, the factual bases of the responding parry's claims
and defenses.
Defendants have denied generally the allegations raised in Plaintiffs lawsuit. Defendant
Brenda Lagow has also raised an affirmative defense that any notes thatwere executed byherwere
withoutconsideration because she wasnot personallyliableonthe original note executedbyMichael
Lagow. By requiring BrendaLagowto assume the obligation owedby her husbandas his separate
debt, Plaintiffhas chargedBrenda Lagow interest in excess of the amovmt allowed by law. As a
result, Plaintiff has forfeited the principal amount of the "loan" to Brenda Lagow, forfeited the
interest charged, and is liable to Brenda Lagow for three times the amount of unlawful interest
charged, together with attorneys' fees.
5. The name, address, and telephone number of persons having knowledge of relevant
facts, and a brief statement of each identified person's connection with the case.
Nancy Hamon
% Donovan Campbell, Jr.
Rader & Campbell
2777 Stemmons Freeway
Suite 1125
Dallas, Texas 75207
JohnL. Roach
% Donovan Campbell, Jr.
Rader & Campbell
2777 Stemmons Freeway
Suite 1125
Dallas, Texas 75207
Ms. Roach purports to act as the attorney-in-fact for the Plaintiffin this lawsuit.
R. Michael Lagow
Brenda S. Lagow
6627 Velasco
Dallas, Texas 75214
(214) 828-0703
Robert H. Renneker
The Adolphus Tower
1412 Main Street, Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75202
Robert H. Renneker is a 1978 graduate ofthe University ofTexas School of Law. Between
1978 and 1980 he served as a briefing attorney for the Court ofCivil Appeals for the Sixth Supreme
Judicial District of Texas. Renneker has been actively engaged in the practice of law in Dallas
County, Texas (and throughout the State of Texas) since 1980 and is rated "av" by Martindale
Hubbell. Renneker is admitted to practice before all the courts in the State of Texas, the United
States District Courts for the Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Districts ofTexas, the Fifth
and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.
10. In a suit alleging physical or mental injury and damages from the occurrence that is the
subject of the case, all medical records and bills that are reasonably related to the
injuries or damages asserted or, in lieu thereof, an authorization permitting the
disclosure of such medical records and bills.
Not applicable.
11. In a suit alleging physical or mental injury and damages from the occurrence that is the
subject of the case, all medical records and bills obtained by the responding party by
virtue of an authorization furnished by the requesting party.
Not applicable.
12. The name, address, and telephone number of any person who may be designated as a
responsible third party.
. I
Defendant is unaware of any responsible thirdparty at the presenttune. \
RdbertH. Renneker
Texas Bar No. 16778800
A true and correct copy of the foregoing Defendants' Second Amended Response to
Plaintiffs Request for Disclosure was served on the attorneys for the Plaintiff, Mr. Donovan
Campbell, Jr., Rader& Campbell, 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1125,Dallas, Texas 75207, and
Mr. J. Patrick Bredehoft, Bredehoft & Associates, 2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1A125, Dallas,
Texas 75207by telecopy andregular mailon thisthe4&-day of September,
RE: No. 08-11922-F; Nancy B. Hamon,by and throughher Agent and Attorney-
in-Fact, John L. Roach vs. R. Michael Lagow and Brenda Lagow
Transaction Report
Transaction(s) completed
No. TX Date/Tioe Destination Duration P.i Result Mode
SinSF.P-r.4 14:56 2146309996 "'°107' °12 0K LJH-
Attorney and Counselor
1412 Main Street, Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 742-7100
Telecopier (214)742-7110
E-Mail: [email protected]
RE* No. 08-11922-F; Nancy B. Hamon, by and through her Agent and Attorney-
in-Fact, John L. Roach vs. R. Michael Lagow and Brenda Lagow
DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED: (1) Defendants' FirstSupplemental Answer; (2)
the Original Counterclaim of Defendant Brenda S. Lagow; and (3)
Defendants' Second Amended Response to Plaintiffs' Request for
No. 08-11922-F
COMES NOW Nancy B. Hamon, by andthrough her Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, JohnL.
Roach, Plaintiffinthe above-captioned action (the "Plaintiff'), and, in accordance with Texas Rules
of Civil Procedure 251 and 252 and Local Rule 3.01, files this her Plaintiffs Uncontested First
Motion for Continuance ofTrial Setting (the "Motion") and would show the Court as follows.
1. Jury trial is presently set to commence in this case on October 5, 2009. Plaintiff
hereby requests a continuance ofthis trial setting on all ofthe following grounds.
2. Additional time is required for Plaintiff to complete potential document and
deposition discovery, especially with respect to recently pled claims and defenses of Defendant
Brenda S. Lagow. On or about September 4, 2009, approximately thirty (30) days prior to the
present trial setting, this Defendant ("Ms. Lagow") filed her Original Counterclaim ofDefendant
Brenda S. Lagow (the "Counterclaim") alleging, for the first time, that Plaintiff committed usury
Plaintiff three times the amount of "excess interest" plus $300,000.00. Additionally, on or about
September 4, 2009, both Defendants filed their Defendants' First Supplemental Answer (the
"Supplemental Answer") also alleging, for the first time, an affirmative defense ofusury. Because
these two pleadings were filed so close in time to the current trial setting, Plaintiff has had no
adequate opportunity to obtain potential documents relevant to these new claims and defenses or
totake oral depositions ofDefendants regarding same. After potential further document production
and an adequate time for Plaintifftoreview documents, Plaintiffanticipates that oral depositions will
benecessary. There isnot sufficient time to complete such discovery before the current trial setting.
3. In addition, the procedural status of this case dictates that a continuance should be
granted. Immediately before the September 4, 2009 new pleadings were filed by Defendants,
Plaintiff was preparing to file and serve its Plaintiff's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (the
"MSJ") regarding Plaintiffs primary claims of default on the Promissory Notes and breach of
contract. Plaintiffanticipated that the Court's decision onthis MSJ would either obviate the need
for any trial whatsoever or significantly streamline any trial necessary on claims or defenses
remaining after ruling on the MSJ. Defendants' new pleadings have now required some
modification of the MSJ before Plaintiff files same, but Plaintiff anticipates filing this MSJ in the
immediate future and setting it for hearing at theCourt'searliest available opportunity, subject to
claims and defenses currently advanced by all parties can bedetermined by the Court in its ruling
on the upcoming MSJ, which determination, again, could significantly streamline any necessary trial
or, perhaps, render needless any trial whatsoever. On the present trial setting, however, insufficient
time remains for the prompt filing and twenty-one-day notice requirement for any hearing on such
MSJ. Accordingly, a reasonable continuance isnecessary to allow proper filing and processing of
such MSJ.
mediation. Some initial settlement inquiries have been made between the parties, butthe present
trial setting does not allow for significant, substantive settlement negotiations and any potential
mediation. While it is premature to anticipate whether full settlement could be reached, even if
partial settlement can be accomplished in the near future, any necessary trial could be significantly
streamlined. Additional time isnecessary to devote tosuch settlement-mediation efforts, asopposed
5. Accordingly, Plaintiffproposes atrial continuance offour tosix months, with the trial
6. Because this casehas been on file forjust overone year, in accordance with Local
Rule 3.01(b), Plaintiff has indicated approval ofthis Motion in writing by his signature below.
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiff moves the Court to grant this
Uncontested Motion and to continue the trial setting in this case and reset same for sometime in
January-March 2010 or another date convenient to the Court in the first quarter of2010. Plaintiff
also prays for such other and further relief, special or general, atlaw orin equity, to which she may
be justiy entitled.
J. Patrick Bredehoft
State Bar No. 00787132
Bredehoft & Associates
2777 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1124
Dallas, Texas 75207
Telephone No.: (214) 819-8085
Telecopy No.: (214) 630-9996
^^tx/) V&kA
Donovan Campbell, Jr
Nancy B. Hamon, by and through her Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, Jolm L. Roach, Plaintiff
in this case, hereby confirms that he has read and understood the above Motion, that he agrees with
its contents, and that he personally approves ofthe continuance sought herein.
Ihereby certify that on this 3£r>dav of September, 2009, atrue and correct copy of the
foregoing document (and any attachments) was forwarded by hand delivery, telecopy transmittal,
and/or certified mail, return receipt requested, to all counsel ofrecord, as follows:
BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Donovan
Campbell, Jr.,who, being by me dulysworn on oath, deposed and saidthat he is counsel of record
to Plaintiff in the above-referenced action; that he has read the above and foregoing Plaintiffs
Uncontested First Motion for Continuance; and that the factual statements contained therein are
within his personal knowledge and are true and correct.
A->cAjl/Mua( 0/
Donovan Campl
My Commission Expires: