Operating Systems INT2206-6 Summer 2018-2019: Uetots
Operating Systems INT2206-6 Summer 2018-2019: Uetots
Operating Systems INT2206-6 Summer 2018-2019: Uetots
Home ► My courses ► Operating Systems ► INT2206-6 Summer 2018-2019 ► 16 May - 22 May ►
Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
on Sunday, 19 May 2019, 8:00 PM
State Finished
on Sunday, 19 May 2019, 8:34 PM
taken 34 mins 7 secs
Marks 16.00/20.00
Grade 8.00 out of 10.00 (80%)
1 Suppose a disk has 200 cylinders (marked from 0 to 199); the head is currently at the cylinder
Incorrect 109 with the direction toward the cylinder 199; The disk request string is 98, 183, 37, 122, 14.
Suppose C-SCAN disk scheduling algorithm is used, calculate the total numbers of cylinders the
Mark 0.00 out of
head has to move (e.g. 432)?
Flag question
Answer: 387
2 Given the following RAID system in the following figure. How much is the performance of the
Correct system improved?
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Select one:
4 times
6 times
5 times
3 times 1/7
3/10/2020 Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
3 Suppose a system uses (1-level) indexed allocation with the block size of 4KB; the pointer size of
Correct 4 bytes. A file has the size of 3MB. Which is the correct location at the file offset (from 0) 128
Mark 1.00 out of
Select one:
Flag question
(block index, offset)=(31, 0)
4 Suppose a disk has 200 cylinders (marked from 0 to 199); the head is currently at the cylinder
Correct 16; Disk request string is 98, 183, 37, 122, 14. Suppose FCFS disk scheduling algorithm is used,
calculate the total cylinders the head has to move to serve the above requests (e.g. 432)?
Mark 1.00 out of
Answer: 506
Flag question
5 A system uses extent-based disk allocation with the block size of 2KB. An extent consists of 100
Correct blocks; a file has the size of 25.3MB. Calculate the extent number (starting from 0) at file offset
(from 0) 13MB?
Mark 1.00 out of
Answer: 66
Flag question
6 Suppose a level-5 RAID system has 12 hard-disks of size 500 GB. which is the maximum size of
Correct data can be stored on the system?
approximate 6.5 TB
approximate 6 TB
7 Given the following RAID system in the following figure. How much is the performance of the
Correct system improved?
Remove flag 2/7
3/10/2020 Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
Select one:
5 times
4 times
3 times
6 times
8 A system uses linked index block allocation with the block size of 2KB; pointer size of 4 bytes.
Correct Suppose a file has the size of 20MB. Which is correct information of the file offset (from 0) 12
Mark 1.00 out of
Select one:
Flag question
(index block, block offset, offset)=(12, 11,0)
(index block, block offset, offset)=(13, 11,0)
9 Suppose a disk has 200 cylinders (marked from 0 to 199); the head is currently at the cylinder
Correct 161; the disk request string is 28, 83, 137, 12, 141. Suppose FCFS disk scheduling algorithm is
used, calculate the total cylinders the head has to move to serve the above requests (e.g. 432)?
Mark 1.00 out of
Answer: 496
Flag question
10 A system uses linked index block allocation with the block size of 2KB; pointer size of 4 bytes.
Correct Suppose a file has the size of 20MB. Which is correct information of the file offset (from 0)
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 3/7
Flag question Select one: Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
11 A UNIX file system has 12 direct pointers (named from 1 to 12), 1 single indirect pointer, 1 double
Correct indirect pointer, 1 triple indirect pointer; the block size is 2KB, and the pointer is 4 byte. Given
the logical address x=8388612. Which is the correct information about the location of the above
Mark 1.00 out of
12 Suppose a disk has 200 cylinders (marked from 0 to 199); the head is currently at the cylinder 53
Correct with the direction toward the cylinder 199; The disk request string is 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124,
65, 67. Suppose LOOK disk scheduling algorithm is used, calculate the total number of cylinders
Mark 1.00 out of
the head has to move (e.g. 432)?
Flag question
Answer: 299
13 Given the following RAID system in the following figure. How much is the performance of the
Correct system improved?
Flag question
Select one:
2 times 4/7
3/10/2020 Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
4 times
5 times
3 times
14 A system uses extent-based disk allocation with the block size of 2KB. An extent consists of 100
Correct blocks; a file has the size of 25.3MB. Which is the position in the form of (extent number, block
number, offset) at file offset (from 0) 15MB?
Mark 1.00 out of
Select one:
Flag question
(extent number, block number, offset)=(76, 80, 0)
(extent number, block number, offset)=(76, 79, 0)
(extent number, block number, offset)=(77, 79, 0)
15 A UNIX file system has 12 direct pointers (named from 1 to 12), 1 single indirect pointer, 1 double
Incorrect indirect pointer, 1 triple indirect pointer; the block size is 1KB, and the pointer is 4 bytes. Given
the logical address x=7834. Which is the correct information about the location of the above
Mark 0.00 out of
16 Given the following RAID-2 system in the following figure. Suppose each disk is 120 GB, which
Correct is the maximum size of data can be stored on the system?
Flag question 5/7
3/10/2020 Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
Select one:
approximate 480 GB
approximate 360 GB
approximate 240 GB
approximate 720 GB
17 Suppose a disk has 200 cylinders (marked from 0 to 199); the head is currently at the cylinder 53
Correct with the direction toward the cylinder 199; The disk request string is 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124,
65, 67. Suppose LOOK disk scheduling algorithm is used, show the order of the served requests
Mark 1.00 out of
(e.g. 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67)?
Flag question
Answer: 65 67 98 122 124 183 37 14
18 A UNIX file system has 12 direct pointers (named from 1 to 12), 1 single indirect pointer, 1 double
Correct indirect pointer, 1 triple indirect pointer; the block size is 2KB, and the pointer is 4 bytes. Given a
valid logical address x=2493668. Which is the correct information about the location of the
Mark 1.00 out of
above address?
1.00 6/7
3/10/2020 Bài kiểm tra cuối chương 7+8
19 A system uses linked list disk allocation with the block size of 2KB; the pointer size of 4 bytes.
Incorrect Suppose a file has the size of 15.5MB. Calculate the offset in the block containing data at file
offset (from 0) 15.25KB?
Mark 0.00 out of
Flag question
Answer: 7
20 A UNIX file system with the block size of 4KB; pointer size of 4 bytes; 12 direct pointers; 1
Incorrect indirect pointer; 1 double indirect pointer; and 1 triple indirect pointer. Calculate the maximum file
size in KB (e.g. 12) when only the direct pointers are used?
Mark 0.00 out of
Answer: 4299165744
Flag question
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