IT-402 Class 10
IT-402 Class 10
IT-402 Class 10
Gyan Success Treasury
Entrepreneurial Skills - II -
Green Skills - II -
Database Management System -
Web Applications and Security -
Practice Papers - -
Gyan Success Treasury
CBSE Term II Class X
Part B Subject Specific Skills Marks
Gyan Success Treasury
CBSE Circular
Acad - 51/2021, 05 July 2021
z ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ
(f'k{kk ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds v/khu ,d Lok;r laxBu)
To cover this
situation, we
have given
both MCQs and
Questions in
each Chapter.
Gyan Success Treasury
z ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ
(f'k{kk ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds v/khu ,d Lok;r laxBu)
Gyan Success Treasury
In this Chapter...
! Entrepreneur ! Myths of Entrepreneurship
! Qualities/ Characteristics of a ! Advantages of Entrepreneurship
Good Entrepreneur
! Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
! Functions of an Entrepreneur
! Role and Significance/Importance
of Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Qualities/Characteristics of a
Good Entrepreneur
The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the French word
‘entrepreneur’ which means to undertake. An entrepreneur The major qualities/characteristics of a good
is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most entrepreneur are linked below
of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. !
Leadership An entrepreneur must possess the
Howard W. Johnson was an American educator. He says characteristics of leadership and must lead a team for
entrepreneur is composite of three basic elements achievement of goals. The leader is able to clearly articulate
(i) invention, (ii) innovation and (iii) adaptation. their ideas and has a clear vision. An entrepreneurial leader
According to Joseph Schumpeter, ‘‘Entrepreneurs as realises the importance of initiative and reactiveness and
innovators, who use the process of entrepreneurship to they go out of their way to provide a support to the team.
shatter the status quo of the existing products and services, !
Risk Taking An entrepreneur with rational planning and
to set new products, new services.’’ firm decisions bear the risks. They have differentiated
approach towards risks. Good entrepreneurs are always
Entrepreneurship and Society ready to invest their time and money but they always have a
An entrepreneur has some personal qualities which back up for every risk they take.
influence his behaviour. No doubt, he lives in a society !
Innovativeness With the changing needs and requirements
and therefore economic opportunities and gains affect him.
Entrepreneur creates organisations. Entrepreneurship is of customers production should meet requirements with the
affected by economic opportunities and gains as the help of innovative ideas. An entrepreneurial venture does
entrepreneur lives in a society. Entrepreneurs promote not have to restrict itself to just one innovation or even one
investment, increase in production bring competitiveness type of innovation. Success can be built on combination of
in business, reduce costs of products and raise the standard innovation. For example, a new product delivered in a new
of living in society. way with a new message.
Gyan Success Treasury
! Goal-oriented Goal-oriented entrepreneurs achieve the ! Appointment of Managerial and Other Work Force It is
maximum results from their efforts in business due to the the entrepreneur who appoints the management staff as
fact they work towards clear and measurable targets. well as other work force as per the requirement and needs
! Decision-maker An entrepreneur has to take many of the enterprise.
decisions to put his business idea into reality. He ! Factors of Production The factors of production i.e. land,
chooses the best suitable and profitable alternative. labour, capital etc., should be in appropriate proportion and
! Highly Optimistic A successful entrepreneur is always to maximise output of these factors is the responsibility of
optimistic and the present problems does not matter to the entrepreneur.
them. He is always hopeful that the situation will ! Control and Direction He must exercise control over all
became favourable for business in future. departments and direct them on a timely basis.
! Motivator An entrepreneur has to create a spirit of ! Finding Suitable Market A proper research must be done
team work and motivate them. So that he gets full to find a suitable market for selling the products. Other
cooperation from the employees. functions like advertisement and publicity, appointment of
! Self-confident An entrepreneur should have selling agents, providing incentives to various selling
confidence to achieve his goals otherwise he won’t be intermediaries to promote sales should be given priority.
able to convince his team to achieve his goals. ! New Inventions and Innovations New inventions and
! Action-oriented An entrepreneur should have an innovations must be encouraged and introduced in
action oriented vision and ideology to plan things well. production, sales, marketing, advertisement etc.
! Dynamic Agent An entrepreneur creates new needs ! Establishing Relations with Government An entrepreneur
and new means to satisfy them. He has the ability to must establish good relations with government and its
visualise new ventures and new plans. functionaries. His functions are to obtain licences, payment
of taxes, selling the product to government, provision for
! High Achiever An entrepreneurs are high achievers as
export-import etc.
they have a strong urge to achieve. The most important
characteristic is his achievement motivation. !
Establishing Contacts with Competitors An entrepreneur
must form contacts with the competitors to analyse the
Trust in Self An entrepreneur believes on their own
market. He must be in a position to make opportunities out
decisions and actions as he has trust in his perseverance
of the given situation.
and creations. He does not believe in luck.
Role and Significance/Importance of Entrepreneur
Functions of an Entrepreneur
The various functions of an entrepreneur may be classified An entrepreneur is the builder of economic growth. He
and described as under promotes the prosperity of a country by his initiative and skill
for innovation and dynamic leadership. He creates wealth,
Innovation It includes introducing new products, opens up employment opportunities and fosters the other
opening new markets, new sources of raw material and segments of economic system.
new organisation structure. The role and significance of an entrepreneur are given under
Risk Taking An entrepreneur has to take risk by the following headings
choosing one among various alternatives. !
Organiser of Society’s Productive Resources An
Decision-making It includes stabilising organisation’s entrepreneur is the organiser of society’s productive
aims and objectives and changing them according to resources. He is the person who assembles the unused
changing conditions, taking decisions on effective natural, physical and human resources of the society,
techniques, utilisation of financial resources etc. So, combines them properly, establishes effective coordination
decision-making is an important function of an between them and makes the economic activities dynamic.
entrepreneur. !
Helpful in Capital Formation An entrepreneur is helpful in
Organisation and Management An entrepreneur capital formation as we know that increase in the rate of capital
organise and manage various economic and human formation is quite essential for the economic development of
factors through planning, coordination, control, any country. Those nations which are not able to increase the
supervision and direction. rate of capital formation or does it nominally remain backward
Size and Scale of Business Unit An entrepreneur has from industrial development’s point of view.
to decide about the size of business unit as he wants to !
Increase in Employment Opportunities An entrepreneur
establish one production unit or more dependent upon creates maximum employment opportunities in the society
the demand of the product. Similarly, he has to decide by way of establishing new industries, developing and
about scale of production i.e. small scale, middle scale expanding the existing industries and by undertaking
or large scale. innovative activities.
Gyan Success Treasury
! Development of New Production Techniques An ! Talent is more Important than Industry This is not true
entrepreneur does not feel contended only with the as the nature of industry an entrepreneur chooses greatly
existing techniques of production. Hence, he carries out effects the success and growth of the business.
various experiments for saving time, labour and capital in ! Most Startups are Successful Mostly in the developing
the production, as also to improve the variety and quality countries startups fail as they could not manage to earn
of the product and service. high profits.
! Visionary Leader An entrepreneur has a good vision
towards the achievement of his goals. He is able to Advantages of Entrepreneurship
recognise profitable opportunities and conceptualise The main advantages of adopting entrepreneurship as a
strategies. career are discussed below
! Contribution of the Execution of Government Policies ! Independence An entrepreneur is himself a boss or
An entrepreneur provide an important contribution in owner and he can take all the decisions independently.
implementing government policies and achieving the ! Exciting Entrepreneurship can be very exciting with
national goals. An entrepreneurs cooperate with the many entrepreneurs considering their ventures highly
government for implementations of development plans of enjoyable. Everyday will be filled with new opportunities
the country. to challenge your determination, skills and abilities.
! Higher Productivity Entrepreneur have the ability to ! Wealth Creation The principal focus of
produce more goods and services with less inputs. They entrepreneurship is wealth creation and improved
play an important role in raising productivity. livelihood by means of making available goods and
! Initiator An entrepreneur is the one who initiates the services. Entrepreneurial venture generates new wealth,
process of creating an enterprise by coming up with the new and improved products, services or technology form
idea for the business and planning out how to turn that entrepreneurs, enable new markets to be developed and
idea into reality. new wealth to be created.
! Backbone of Capitalist System Capitalist economy is one !
Flexibility As an entrepreneur you can schedule your
in which there is a freedom to save and invest to compete work hours around other commitments, including quality
and operate any business. An entrepreneur plays a vital time you would spend with your family.
and prominent role in the enterprise because he controls !
Status Success in entrepreneurship beings a
market by assuming the role of a competitor and a leader. considerable fame and prestige within the society.
Ingredient of Modern Production System An !
Ambition Fulfilment Through entrepreneurship one
entrepreneur has become the ‘balancing wheel’ of can fulfil his ambitions into original products or services.
modern global economy. They seek the unique product,
change the technical frontiers and reshape public desires. Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship
Today, entrepreneurs act as an ingredient of modem Some of the disadvantages of entrepreneurship as a career
production system as they create wealth and are discussed below
employment. !
Huge Amount of Time You have to dedicate a huge
amount of time to your own business. Entrepreneurship
Myths of Entrepreneurship is not easy and for it to be successful, you have to take a
Entrepreneurship is a set of activities performed by the level of time commitment.
entrepreneur. It is the process of identifying opportunities in !
Risk An entrepreneurship involves high risk of loss. If
the market place. It is the attempt to create value. Many
entrepreneurs believe a set of myths about entrepreneurship the business fails then it will wipe away all the personal
and the most common are as follows savings.
Starting a Business is Easy In reality, it is a very difficult
Hard Work An entrepreneur has to work very hard to
and challenging process to start a successful business. make the new business very successful.
The rate of failure of new ventures is very high but small !
Uncertain Income There is no regular or fixed income
entrepreneurship are comparatively easier to start. available to an entrepreneur. So, there is uncertain kind
Lot of Money to Finance New Business Successful of income received by an entrepreneur.
entrepreneurs design their business with little cash also. !
Incompetent Staff A new entrepreneur may not be able
Startups cannot be Financed Under the schemes like to hire qualified and experienced staff so there are
MUDRA, entrepreneurs can raise loans from banks. chances of incompetency by the staff due to lack of
experience and knowledge.
Gyan Success Treasury
PART 1 4. In which situation an entrepreneur will not be able
to convince his fellow beings? If he/she is
Objective Questions (a) low self-confident
(c) risk-taker
(b) innovative
(d) None of these
Ans. (a) Entrepreneurs are confident that they will make their
Multiple Choice Questions business succeed. They exude that confidence in
everthing they do. An entrepreneur will only be able to
1. Innovation of an entrepreneur includes convince his fellow beings, if he/she is low self-confident.
(a) division of work
(b) opening new markets 5. Incompetent staff means
(c) introducing new products (a) experienced staff
(d) Both (b) and (c) (b) qualified staff
Ans. (d) Entrepreneur creates new businesses based on (c) not experienced and qualified staff
innovative ideas. New goods and services offered by (d) None of the above
entrepreneurial ventures stimulate growth in the related Ans. (c) Entrepreneurs should hire competent staff who are
businesses, pushing up the overall growth of an economy. well-qualified and experienced according to the nature of
Thus, innovation of an entrepreneur includes opening the work to be done. Incompetent staff should not be
new markets and introducing new products. hired because they are not experienced and qualified staff.
2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of 6. How does an entrepreneur can get the work done
entrepreneurship as a career? from his/her team?
(a) Uncertainty (a) By creating a spirit of teamwork
(b) Independency (b) By motivation
(c) Ambition fulfilment (c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above (d) Using harsh words and actions
Ans. (a) Entrepreneurship does not guarantee 100% success. Ans. (c) An entrepreneur should be able to motivate his/her
Entrepreneurship is a risky proposition. If you have not team to perform their best. He/She is responsible for the
done your calculations right, the business might fail or ill/high spirit of a team by motivating them positively. An
may not achieve the success you initially thought. Thus, entrepreneur can get the work done from his/her team by
one of the disadvantage of entrepreneurship as a career is motivating them.
7. Which of the following is/are the function(s) of an
3. Which of the following does an entrepreneur entrepreneur?
perform to achieve his goals? (a) Innovation (b) Risk taking
(a) Advertisement and publicity (c) Decision-making (d) All of these
(b) Appointment of selling agents Ans. (d) An entrepreneur should be innovative who can
(c) Both (a) and (b) introduce new products, raw materials and organisation
(d) New organisation structure structure. An entrepreneur should be able to take choose
Ans. (c) Entrepreneurs create new businesses that offer new one among various alternatives, the end results of which
goods and services and create new type of employments. are unpredictable. An entrepreneur should be able to
New ventures can stimulate the related businesses or take decision on their own.
sectors that support them. These have a positive 8. Which of the following is an advantage of
cascading effect on the entire economy of a country. entrepreneurship as a career?
Thus, to find a suitable market, an entrepreneur
(a) Risk (b) Hardwork
performs advertisement and publicity, appointment of
selling agents. (c) Independence (d) None of these
Gyan Success Treasury
Ans. (c) An entrepreneur is his own boss. He can take all only `10,000. In the beginning you can hire space and
decisions himself. He need not obey someone. Thus, an equipment.Thus, a lot of money is required to start an
advantage of entrepreneurship as a career is his/her entrepreneurial venture.
independence in the field of work.
14. Which of these is the main aim of
9. Decision-making function of entrepreneur includes entrepreneurship?
(a) Hardwork (a) Earning profit
(b) Risk bearing (b) Providing innovative products and services
(c) Utilisation of financial resources (c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Innovative (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans. (b) Decision-making function of an entrepreneur is Ans. (c) An entrepreneur earns profit by providing new and
subjected to risk as there is always uncertainty around innovative products and services to the people. An
whether the decision will lead to good or bad for the entrepreneur does not believe in luck or fate. He believes
future. in his own firm decisions and actions. He has trust in his
perseverance and creations. He pulls his own strings.
10. ‘An entrepreneur has to get the work done through Thus, the main aim of entrepreneurship is earning profit
others.’ Which characteristic of the entrepreneur and providing innovative products and services.
does this statement depict?
(a) Motivator (b) Organiser 15. Mary buys bulbs for her business from Noida. She
(c) Innovator (d) None of these learns that bulbs are cheaper in Faridabad. So, she
Ans. (a) An entrepreneur motivates his/her team members to
decides to start buying bulbs from there.
work hard and get the work done by them timely and (a) Make decisions
positively. (b) Divide income
(c) Take risks
11. Which of the following characteristics should an
(d) Goal-oriented
entrepreneur have?
(a) Innovativeness (b) Motivator Ans. (a) Mary takes the decision on her own which is best for
her business.
(c) Goal-oriented (d) All of these
Ans. (d) An entrepreneur incorporates his/her innovative ideas !
Case Based MCQs
to work. He/She is also a motivator as they
inspires/motivates his/her teammates to get their work Direction Read the case and answer the following
done. He/She must be goal-oriented as without a fixed questions.
goal the work cannot be done.
16. Entrepreneurship development is the process of
12. Rehnuma has two people who work for her. Every improving the skills and knowledge of
day, she spends one hour with them to learn about entrepreneurs through various training and
what they have done that day. This means she classroom programs. Entrepreneurship
(a) Creates a new product development is concerned with the study of
(b) Divides income entrepreneurial behaviour, the dynamics of
(c) Manages the business business set-up, development and expansion of the
(d) Innovates a product enterprise. The whole point of entrepreneurship
Ans. (c) She manages the business by listening of the work development is to increase the number of
done by them, learning about their problems and entrepreneurs. This accelerates employment
motivating them for future work to be done. generation and economic development.
Entrepreneurship is promoted to help lessen the
13. Which of the following statement is true about unemployment problem, to overcome the problem
entrepreneurship? of stagnation and to increase the competitiveness
(a) A lot of money is needed to start an entrepreneurial and growth of business and industries.
Entrepreneurship development concentrates more
(b) Entrepreneurial ventures are mostly successful.
on growth potential and innovation.
(c) Entrepreneurial ventures are easy to start.
Entrepreneurship development has gained
(d) Most of the entrepreneurial ventures end up as
failures. increasing significance in developing an economy.
It is an organised and systematic development. It is
Ans. (a) Raising the necessary funds is very difficult for an
entrepreneur. A business can be started with limited a tool of industrialisation and a solution to
money. For example, Infosys Technology was started with unemployment problem for any country.
Gyan Success Treasury
(i) Which of the following is the concern related to the 17. Business includes all those economic activities
study of entrepreneurship development? which are concerned with the
(a) Entrepreneurial behaviour production/purchase and sale or exchange of
(b) Dynamics of business set-up goods and services with the objective of earning
(c) Development and expansion of the enterprise profits. A business enterprise is an economic
(d) All of the above institution as it is engaged in the production
(ii) Which of the following is a tool of industrialisation and/or distribution of products and services in
and a solution to unemployment problem for any order to earn profits. A factory owner, a
country? shopkeeper, a transport company, an insurance
(a) Entrepreneur company, a commercial bank, an advertising
(b) Entrepreneurship
agency, etc., are examples of business
enterprises. Hence, business may be defined as
(c) Entrepreneurship development
an economic activity involving the production
(d) None of the above
and sale of goods and services to earn profits by
(iii) The whole point of entrepreneurship development is satisfying human needs.
related to
On the other hand, entrepreneurship is the process
(a) increase the number of stakeholders
of discovering an opportunity, mobilising
(b) increase the number of entrepreneurs resources, launching an enterprise to explore the
(c) decrease the number of shoppers opportunity. It is an attempt to create value.
(d) increase the number of developers Business and entrepreneurship are complementary
(iv) Which of the following does entrepreneurship to each other and cannot be separated.
development does not accelerate? (i) What is the name given to the process of
(a) Employment generation (b) Economic development discovering an opportunity, mobilising
(c) Stagnation of resources (d) All of these resources, launching an enterprise to exploit the
(v) Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about opportunity?
entrepreneurship development? (a) Entrepreneurship
(a) Entrepreneurship development is an organised and (b) Entrepreneurship development
systematic development. (c) Entrepreneurship activities
(b) Entrepreneurship development concentrates more on (d) Entrepreneur
growth potential and innovation.
(c) Entrepreneurship development is the process of (ii) In which of the following activity a business
improving the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs enterprise is involved?
through various training and classroom programs. (a) Production and/or distribution of products and
(d) All of the above services in order to earn profits.
Ans. (i) (d) Entrepreneurship development is a study of the (b) Discovering an opportunity and mobilising
dynamics of being an entrepreneur. It depicts the exact resources.
behaviour of an entrepreneur that he/she should follow (c) Launching an enterprise to exploit the opportunity.
for the development and expansion of the enterprise. (d) All of the above
(ii) (c) Entrepreneurship development is a solution of (iii) Which of the following is/are complementary to
unemployment for the youth of the society and leads a each other?
country towards its development and upliftment. (a) Entrepreneurship and marketing
(iii) (b)Entrepreneurship development is to inspire the youth (b) Business and sales
for being an entrepreneur and thus to increase the (c) Business and entrepreneurship
number of entrepreneurs of a country. (d) Business and marketing
(iv) (c) Entrepreneurship development accelerates the
(iv) Which of the following is/are example(s) of
solution to the problem of stagnation of resources as their
will always be a flow of resources without any logging.
business activities?
(a) An advertising company
(v) (d) Entrepreneurship development concentrates on
economic and potential growth of a country as it (b) A factory owner
promotes innovativeness, decision-making, risk-bearer (c) A transport owner
and many more. Entrepreneurs have the ability to (d) All of the above
produce more goods and services with less inputs. They (v) Which of the following statement(s) is/are false
play an important role in raising productivity. about business?
Gyan Success Treasury
(a) Business may be defined as an economic activity involving 3. What do you mean by the term entrepreneurial
the production. skills?
(b) Business is concerned about the sale of goods and services
Ans. Entrepreneurial skills are the basic skills that help an
to earn profits by satisfying human needs.
entrepreneur to start, develop, finance and
(c) Both (a) and (b)
successfully run a business. Every entrepreneur who
(d) Business is an attempt to create value.
is starting a business must have a complete
Ans. (i) (a) According to the National Knowledge Commission knowledge of the various aspects of his/her business,
(NKC), “Entrepreneurship is the set of activities not only for the success of his venture; but also for its
performed by an entrepreneur.” Thus, entrepreneur growth and expansion.
precedes entrepreneurship.
An entrepreneurship deals with discovering an 4. Explain the risk bearing characteristic of an
opportunity, utilising and mobilising resources, launching entrepreneur.
an enterprise to explore the opportunity. Ans. An entrepreneur has to have patience to see his
(ii) (a) A business enterprise is much different from an efforts bearfruit. In the intervening period (time gap
entrepreneurship. A business enterprise mainly subjected between the conception and implementation of an
to economic activities profit/loss and many more. idea and its results), an entrepreneur has to assume
Whereas an entrepreneurship is basically concerned risk. If an entrepreneur does not have the willingness
about the overall development of their company with to assume risk, entrepreneurship would never
their country. succeed.
(iii) (c) Business and entrepreneurship are complementary to 5. Explain the role of an entrepreneur as a
each other as they are different in the way they both catalytic agent.
operate. Business is about profit/loss statement and Ans. As Joseph Schumpeter says, entrepreneur’s task is
entrepreneurship is about growth. “creative destruction”. He destroys to create new
(iv) (d) The business activities given in the options are not things. He changes and transmutes values. He
innovative in any essence of work. These are traditional searches change and responds to it. He is a change
business that are going round. Thus, these (an advertising creator. Ralph Harwitz writes in his book ‘Realities of
company, a factory owner, a transport owner) are business Profitability’, The entrepreneur makes a happening,
activities. wants piece of action, is the growth man. Without
(v) (d) Business is not an attempt to create value whereas an him there is no happening, no action, no growth.
entrepreneurship business is all about traditional work
which does not involve innovativeness. Entrepreneurship 6. Explain the quality of an entrepreneur as a
is concerned with creating new products, innovative passionate person.
ideas and to create value of the products. Ans. Successful entrepreneurs are passionate about
making their business succeed. They genuinely love
their work and are willing to put in extra hours to
PART 2 make their business succeed. Success gives them a
joy that goes beyond money.
Gyan Success Treasury
9. Why an entrepreneur is considered as an (ii) Lot of Money is needed to Startup a New Venture
‘enterprising man’? Again, this depends on the type and scale of the
business venture. There are ventures that can be
Ans. A business does not get started by itself. It is the started with a small amount of money. Big ventures
entrepreneur who takes the risks and is willing to face need a lot of investment.
devastating failure. He braves uncertainty, strikes out on
his own wit, devotion to duty and singleness of purpose, (iii) A Startup cannot Borrow from the Banks Today
somehow creates business and industrial activity where our government is promoting startup ventures and
none existed before. His values and activities have become offering them loans on easy terms under various
integral to corporate culture. government schemes such as MUDRA
(Micro-units Development and Refinance Agency)
10. How does an entrepreneur promotes economic and MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises)
prosperity of a country? scheme.
Ans. Entrepreneurs can bring about drastic changes in the very (iv) Businesses either Flourish or Fail This is not
structure of the economy. They stand beyond challenges always the case. Some ventures initially falter or
and make huge profits in every economic system. They are have lackluster growth rates. However, with right
an important source of economic development. They create re-planning and effort they may go on to achieve a
jobs, wealth and capital in the country. They promote healthy growth.
investment, increase production and bring competitiveness (v) A Good Idea is the only Requirement for a
in business, reduce costs of products and raise the standard Successful Enterprise Remember that even the
of living in society. best of ideas need proper execution to become a
11. Why an entrepreneur is highly optimistic? reality. Ideas are important, but so are planning,
talent, leadership, communication and a host of
Ans. A successful entrepreneur is always optimistic and is not
other factors.
disturbed by the present problems faced by him. He is
always optimistic that the situation will become favourable 14. Define an entrepreneur. Explain the leadership
for business in future. and decision-making qualities of an entrepreneur.
12. Explain the role and significance of entrepreneurs. Ans. An entrepreneur is someone who perceives
opportunity, organises resources needed for exploiting
Ans. The role and significance of entrepreneurs are discussed
that opportunity and exploits it.
An entrepreneurial leader realises the importance of
(i) Organiser of Society’s Productive Resources An
initiative and reactiveness as they go out of their way
entrepreneur is the organises of society’s productive
to provide all support to the team.
resources. He is the person who assembles the unused
natural, physical and human resources of the society, Decision-making is an important function because it
combines them properly, establishes effective includes stabilising organisation’s aims and objectives
coordination between them and makes the economic and changes them according to the changing
activities dynamic. conditions.
(ii) Helpful in Capital Formation An entrepreneur is 15. Explain the role and significance of an
helpful in capital formation or we know that increase in entrepreneur as an enterprising man and a
the rate of capital formation is quite essential for the visionary leader.
economic development of any country.
Ans. Enterprising Man A business does not get started by
(iii) Increase in Employment Opportunities An itself. It is the entrepreneur who takes the risks and is
entrepreneur creates maximum employment willing to face devastating failure. He braves
opportunities in the society by way of establishing new uncertainty, strikes out on his own and through native
industries, developing and expanding the existing wit, devotion to duty and singleness of purpose,
industries and by undertaking innovative activities. somehow creates business and industrial activity
13. What are the myths of entrepreneurship? Explain. where none existed before. His values and activities
have become integral to corporate culture.
Ans. The myths of entrepreneurship are as follows
Visionary Leader An entrepreneur has a good vision
(i) It is Easy to Start a Business This depends on the scale
and sense of mission. He instills inspiration.
of the enterprise. Starting up a large entrepreneurial
venture is a challenging process. Small scale enterprises He is able to recognise potentially profitable
are easier to set up. Moreover, the rate of failure of new opportunities and to conceptualise the venture
ventures is quite high all over the world. Just about strategy. He is the key force in successfully moving the
one-third of all enterprises become profitable only after idea from the laboratory to the market place. He has
operating for several years. the sense of accomplishment.
Gyan Success Treasury
16. Do you think an entrepreneur is innovative by An entrepreneur does not have to restrict itself to
nature? Discuss. just one innovation rather he must use
combination of innovation.
Ans. Customer’s requirements and tastes keep on changing,
therefore, production should meet the customer’s (vi) Decision-maker An entrepreneur has to take many
requirements. Thus, innovativeness is another important decisions to put his business idea into reality. He
characteristic of an entrepreneur. He always tries to out chooses the best suitable and profitable
strive others by taking initiative in doing new things, i.e. alternative.
exploring new products, new markets, new raw materials, 20. What are the functions of an entrepreneur?
new methods of production etc. Explain.
17. Do you think entrepreneur is a leader? Discuss. Ans. The functions of an entrepreneur are as follows
Ans. An entrepreneur is essentially a leader. According to K.L. (i) New Inventions Encouraging new inventions and
Sharma, a psychologist, entrepreneurs are men who exhibit introducing innovations in production, production
qualities of leadership in solving problems. They have to techniques, sales, marketing, advertisement etc.
lead a team for achievement of goals. Thus, an entrepreneur (ii) Establishing Relations with Government To
must have all universally accepted qualities of a leader, i.e. establish relations with government and its
initiative, high energy level, self-confidence, human functionaries. In this regards his functions are
relations skills, motivational skills, creativity and keen (a) obtaining licences, (b) payment of taxes, (c)
desire to solve problems. selling the product to government, (d) Provision
18. Explain the creative and determined nature of an for export-import etc.
entrepreneur. (iii) Size and Scale of Business Unit To decide about
size of business unit, i.e., he wants to establish one
Ans. Creativity Creativity is probably the most important trait of
production unit or more etc. which is dependent
an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs often come up with
upon demand of the product. Similarly, he has to
innovative solutions and repurpose their products to market
decide about scale of production, i.e., small scale,
them to new industries. Repurposing means transforming a
middle scale or large scale.
product for an alternative use.
(iv) Organisation and Management An entrepreneur
Determination Successful entrepreneurs do not believe
organises and manages various economic and
that something cannot be done. They make determined
human factors through planning, coordination,
efforts and work hard to achieve success in all their
control, supervision and direction.
(v) Factors of Production Another important function
Long Answer Type Questions of an entrepreneur is the factors of production i.e.
land, labour, capital etc., should be in right
19. Explain characteristics or qualities of an proportion and to maximise output of these factors
entrepreneur. is the responsibility of the entrepreneur.
Ans. The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs are as 21. Explain the role of an entrepreneur as “Person
follows with higher productivity” and “Ingredient of
(i) Goal-oriented Entrepreneur is goal-oriented. Firstly, modern production system.”
he sets a goal to achieve, i.e. to earn profit by producing Ans. Person with Higher Productivity Entrepreneurs have
goods and services and after reaching one goal he the ability to produce more goods and services with
proceeds to another goal. less inputs. They play an important role in raising
(ii) Highly Optimistic A successful entrepreneur is always productivity. John Kendrick Bangs writes, “Higher
optimistic and is not disturbed by the present problems productivity is chiefly a matter of improving
faced by him. He is always optimistic that the situation production techniques, and this task is the
will become favourable for business in future. entrepreneurial function par excellence.” Two keys to
(iii) Trust in Self An entrepreneur does not believe in luck higher productivity are research and development and
or fate. He believes in his own firm decisions and investment in new plant and machinery. But there is a
actions. He has trust in his perseverance and creations. close link between R & D and investment
He pulls his own strings. programmes, with a higher entrepreneurial input into
(iv) Leadership An entrepreneur must possess the both.
characteristics of leadership and must lead a ream for Ingredient of Modern Production System
achievement of goals. The leader is able to clearly Entrepreneur has become the ‘balancing wheel’ of
articulate their ideas and has a clear vision. modern global economy. They seek the unique
product, the marketing breakthrough. They change
(v) Innovativeness With the changing needs and
technical frontiers and reshape public desires. They
requirements of customers production should meet
create wealth and employment.
requirements with the help in innovative ideas.
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22. Discuss the importance of entrepreneurship. services or technology from entrepreneurs, enable
new markets to be developed and new wealth to be
Ans. If we go through the business history of India, we come
across many names who have emerged as successful
entrepreneurs, like Tatas, Birlas, Dalmia, Modi, Ambani (iv) If offers Flexibility As an entrepreneur you can
etc. These business houses started as small scale schedule your work hours around other
enterprises and have made their name in the list of commitments, including quality time you would
industrialists of world fame. spend with your family.
The success of small enterprises and their growth to (v) Status Success in entrepreneurship brings a
leading industrial houses can be attributed to considerable fame and prestige within the society.
entrepreneurs themselves. Thus, it is important to (vi) It offers Ambition-fulfilment Through
understand the success story of such entrepreneurs. entrepreneurship one can fulfil his ambitions into
There are definitely some common personal original products or services.
characteristics in entrepreneurs. 23. Describe the disadvantages of entrepreneurship as
The entrepreneur is in essence an institution which a career.
comprises of all people required to perform various
Ans. Some of the common disadvantages of entrepreneurship
functions. The task of such people is to innovate, adjust
as a career are as follows
or combine various factors of production, and expand on
account of change in demand and market conditions. (i) Huge Amount of Time You have to dedicate a huge
They must acknowledge the opportunities and must also amount of time to your own business.
be in a position to make opportunities out of a given Entrepreneurship is not easy and for it to be
situation. successful, you have to take a level of time
(i) It give Freedom An entrepreneur is himself a boss or
(ii) Risk Entrepreneurship involves high risk of loss. If
owner and he can take all the decisions
the business fails then it will wipe away all the
personal savings.
(ii) It can be Exciting Entrepreneurship can be very
(iii) Hard Work Entrepreneur has to work very hard to
exciting with many entrepreneurs considering their
make the new business very successful.
ventures highly enjoyable. Every day will be filled
(iv) Uncertain Amount There is no regular or fixed
with new opportunities to challenge your
income available to an entrepreneur. So, there is
determination, skills and abilities.
always uncertainty in terms of income.
(iii) It Allows to Set your own Earnings The principal
focus of entrepreneurship is wealth creation and (v) Incompetent Staff A new entrepreneur may not be
improved livelihood by means of making available able to hire qualified and experienced staff so there
goods and services. Entrepreneurial ventures are chances of incompetency by the staff due to lack
generate new wealth. New and improved products, of experience and knowledge.
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Chapter Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of these is not a characteristic of a successful entrepreneur?
(a) Risk taking (b) Determination
(c) Nature lover (d) Innovativeness
2. An entrepreneur is the ………………… of society's productive resources.
(a) organiser (b) developer
(c) innovator (d) producer
3. An entrepreneur has to take ………………… by choosing one among various alternatives.
(a) risk (b) coordination
(c) action (d) trust
4. An entrepreneur has a good ………………… and sense of ………………… .
(a) vision, mission (b) mission, losing
(c) vision, motivation (d) motivation, betrayal
5. Ravi’s customer comes to his store and starts shouting at him. He does not get angry. He listens to what his
customer is saying. He is ………………… .
(a) hardworking (b) confident
(c) patient (d) prying new ideas
6. Susheela decides to sell her company tyres in Sri Lanka. It does not sell and she has a loss. She apologises to the
people who work for her. She says she will plan better next time. She ………………… .
(a) takes responsibility for your mistakes
(b) thinks before making a decision
(c) does not give up
(d) is creative
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Green Skills-II
In this Chapter...
! Sustainable Development ! Solutions for Sustainable
! Importance of Sustainable Development
Development ! Short-Term Solutions
! Problems Related to ! Long-Term Solutions
Sustainable Development
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! Limitation of Development Limited but effective use of pollution etc., there is substantial uncertainty about the
means and resources are enough for the people to satisfy extent and outcomes of environmental degradation.
their basic needs. Limited and non-renewable means and ! The overall effects of economic activities on the
resources go on decreasing in globally due to over-use. environment are continuously changing.
Development works should be conducted as per carrying ! Due to rise in income, the demands for improvement in
capacity. environmental quality will increase as well as the
! Long Lasting Development Sustainable development resources available for investment but it is not mandatory
aims at achieving the goal of economic and social in some cases as problems are observed to get worse as
development without destroying the Earth’s means and income rise.
resources. It attempts to create the concept of ! Rise in population is another problem that would further
maintaining the present work for the future and lead to severe environmental degradation in the future.
conserving the natural resources for future generation. ! Another challenge is rise in demand for energy as it is
So, due to the realisation of importance of sustainable estimated that the total manufacturing outputs in
development, now there is a transcending concern for developing countries will increase to about six times the
survival of the people and planet. We need to take a current levels by 2030.
holistic view of the very basis of our existence. It is
important to reconcile ambitious economic development Another challenge is rise in demand of food crops with the
growth of population. To protect fragile soils and natural
and preserving the natural resources and ecosystem.
habitats, this will have to be achieved by raising yields on
! Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable existing crop land.
development has three main components economy,
environment and social inclusion. It seeks to ensure Solutions for Sustainable Development
economic development, while protecting the Inspite of difficult circumstances sustainable development is
environment through participation of the societies and achievable however, it would require a lots of concentrated
communities. The United Nations Sustainable and coordinated effort. The achievement of sustainable
Development Summit 2015, has set seventeen specific development requires the integration of economic,
goals towards achieving sustainable development. Given environmental and social components at all levels.
are summarised in the graphic below Short-Term Solutions
The short-term solutions related to sustainable development
are as follows
The practice of illegal deforestation and smuggling of
forest resources should be stopped.
Proper balance ought to be maintained between
deforestation and afforestation.
Planning and building of industrial zones to manage and
process are types of wastes.
Proper treatment system, recycling of waste and their
proper disposal should be undertaken.
Problems Related to Sustainable !
Adoption of Rainwater Harvesting Techniques,
Development drip/sprinkler irrigation and use of alternative sources of
Some problems related to sustainable development are as energy.
follows !
Less chemical fertilizers should be used along with
Poor management of natural resources combined with environment-friendly pesticides and weedicides.
growing economic activities will continue to pose serious !
Polluting industries should be relocated outside the
challenges to environment. cities, far away from the populated areas.
The most significant environmental problems are Long-Term Solutions
associated with resources that are renewable such as air
The long-term solutions related to sustainable development
and water. They have finite capacity to assimilate
are as follows
emissions and wastes but if pollution exceeds this
capacity ecosystem can deteriorate rapidly.
Government should make policies against illegal
To assess the regenerative capacity of natural resources is
difficult. In the cases of soil erosion, atmospheric
Awareness campaigns should be launched for farmers and
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! Ecology must be protected through imposition of taxes and fines. ! Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
! Practice of sustainable agriculture must be promoted such as employment and decent work for all.
permaculture, agroforestry, mixed farming, multiple cropping ! Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable
and crop rotation. industrialisation and foster innovation.
United Nations Sustainable Development Summit (2015) sets ! Reduce inequality within and among countries.
global development goals. These goals are termed as Agenda ! Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and production.
2030. The goals are as follows ! Ensure sustainable consumption and production.
! End poverty in all forms everywhere. ! Take urgent action to combat climate change and its
! End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition impacts.
and promote sustainable agriculture. ! Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and
! Ensure healthy lives and well-being for all. marine resources.
! Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and ! Sustainably manage forests, halt and reverse land
promote lifelong learning. degradation, halt biodiversity loss.
! Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. ! Promote peaceful and inclusive societies.
! Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. ! Revitalise the global partnership for sustainable
! Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern development.
energy for all.
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PART 1 Ans. (d) A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that
cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace
quick enough to keep up with consumption. There are
Objective Questions four major types of non-renewable resources: oil,
natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.
Multiple Choice Questions 5. The concept of sustainable development is
(a) easy and practicable
1. Sustainable forest management were developed in
Europe during the centuries. (b) too subjective and complex
(a) 16th and 18th (b) 17th and 18th (c) an utopian idea which can never be put into practice
(c) 18th and 19th (d) 19th and 20th (d) All of the above
Ans. (b) Sustainable forest management were developed in Ans. (b) The concept of sustainable development is too
Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. The idea of subjective and complex as the needs of the present
sustainable development became widely accepted during generation had to fulfilled by keeping in mind about
the 20th century due to the raised environmental issues. the future ones. It is not an easy task to be performed
and also at the same time not an utopian task.
2. Do you agree with the view that greater economic
activity will certainly lead to greater damage to the
6. If sustainable development is neglected, then
environment? (a) we shall have a safe and secure environment
(b) it will destroy ecology and environment
(a) Yes (b) No
endangering the survival of future generation
(c) Not certainly (d) Cannot be said (c) mankind will continue to live and prosper
Ans. (a) As for the greater economic activities trees are cut (d) All of the above
down, forest are removed to make roads, buildings, etc and Ans. (b) If sustainable development is neglected, then it will
thus it leads to greater damage to the environment. destroy both flora and fauna. The future generation will
3. Sustainable development is necessary because not be having non-renewable resources as it is limited
(a) it helps to promote and conserve the environment in matter. Thus, endangering the survival of future
(b) it aware the people for effective use of natural generation.
resources 7. What is the most serious problem as far as
(c) it aims at achieving the goal of economic and social sustainable development in agriculture is
development concerned?
(d) All of the above (a) To raise yields on existing croplands without
Ans. (d) Sustainable development is necessary/important as it extending the area under cultivation.
promotes and conserves the environment for future (b) To raise yields by extending the area under
necessities. It makes the people aware for the effective use cultivation.
of natural resources like air, water, soil, minerals and (c) Both (a) and (b)
forests. It aims at achieving the goal of economic and social (d) None of the above
development of the people tend to love in the society. Ans. (a) The serious problem in the field of agriculture is
4. Which of these is non-renewable source of energy? that to raise the quality and quantity of crops to be
(a) Wind power (b) Solar power grown on existing cropland instead of increasing the
(c) Hydroelectricity (d) Coal land under cultivation.
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8. Why is it important to adopt sustainable (c) A green economy is one that promotes education
development? among children.
(d) None of the above
(a) To save ecology and environment
Ans. (a) A green economy is one that promotes economic
(b) To save mankind
development while making sure that the environment is
(c) Both (a) and (b) protected. In a green economy, growth in employment
(d) None of the above and income are driven by public and private investment
Ans. (c) It is very important to adopt sustainable development in such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that
for each individual on this Earth to save our environment are environmentally-friendly.
for the existence of both flora(plants) and fauna(animals).
Humans are the only living beings, who can make
13. Achievement of sustainable development requires
extensive modifications to their natural environment. the integration of which component at all levels?
(a) Ecological (b) Economic and social
9. We need to realise our moral and ethical (c) All of these (d) None of these
obligations to
Ans. (c) In order to achieve sustainable development, requires
(a) mother Earth the integration of ecological, economic and social
(b) to our future generations components. Our environment is an integral part of our
(c) Both (a) and (b) existence. Without our environment our existence, itself,
(d) None of the above would not be possible.
Ans. (c) We need to realise our ethical and moral obligations 14. United Nations Sustainable Development Summit
to the mother Earth. Human beings are caretakers of the (2015) set up development goals called as
planet and responsible trustees of the legacy of future
(a) Agenda 2010 (b) Agenda 2030
(c) Agenda 2050 (d) Agenda 2040
10. Which of the following is a major problem of Ans. (b) United Nations Sustainable Development Summit
sustainable development? (2015) set up development goals called as Agenda 2030.
(a) Turning the concept of sustainability into framing By 2030, UN Sustainable Development Goals should be
policies and rules. achieved. Sustainable development is defined as a type of
(b) Striking a balance between development and its development that meets the needs of the present without
consequent damages to the environment. compromising the ability of the future generations to
(c) Both (a) and (b) meet their own needs.
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Sustainable development is a form of development !
Case Based MCQs
that aims to fulfil the needs of the present generation of
humans while keeping the needs of the future Direction Read the case and answer the following
generations in mind. questions.
In order to incorporate the concept of sustainable 15. The United Nations Sustainable Development
development, some policies and rules are to be framed. Summit, has set seventeen specific goals towards
The problem arises when to frame the policies and rules achieving sustainable development. The goals of
and also at the time of implementation. A major problem the sustainable development give us a fair idea
is also to strike a balance in nature due to the economic about the main problems and challenges that are
development of the society.
halting the growth of sustainable practices around
11. …………… jobs that contribute substantially to the world. As sustainable development tries to
preserving or restoring the natural environment. manage factors in three broad areas: economy,
(a) Green (b) Green-collared social and the environment, the problems can also
(c) Either (a) or (b) (d) None of these be viewed from these broad areas. The problems to
Ans. (c) Green or green-collared jobs are jobs that contribute sustainable development can be identified as:
substantially to preserving or restoring the natural poverty, hunger and exclusion (economic
environment. This includes jobs that help to protect problems); unemployment, lack of social justice,
ecosystems and biodiversity. war and conflicts, building peaceful and inclusive
12. What is the green economy? societies, building strong institutions of governance
(a) A green economy is one that promotes economic and supporting the rule of law (social problems)
development while making sure that the environment and environmental pollution, degradation of natural
is protected. resources, loss of biodiversity global warming and
(b) A green economy is one that promotes social climatic changes (environmental problems).
development of the country.
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(i) What is/are the area(s) which are to be managed in gained unprecedented momentum. The
order to get sustainable development? developmental activities in the last few centuries
(a) Social, economic and environmental have led to a widespread destruction of the natural
(b) Agriculture, economic and environmental environment and resulted in many environmental
(c) Social, economic and user-friendly problems.
(d) Social, drastic and environmental (i) Who can make extensive use of environment?
(ii) Unemployment is which type of factor? (a) Human (b) Animals (c) Plants (d) Resources
(a) Social factor (b) Economic factor (ii) Which of the following is/are natural resource(s)?
(c) Environmental factor (d) Physical factor (a) Petrol (b) Coal
(iii) What is/are the problem(s) that can termed as (c) Soil (d) Diesel
environmental problem? (iii) After which activity, the natural resources are
(a) Hunger (b) Pollution exploited unprecedently?
(c) War and conflicts (d) All of these (a) Pollution
(iv) What is the main aim of sustainable development? (b) Industrial revolution
(a) To save the resources (c) Due to the outcome of Brundtland Report
(b) To conserve the environment (d) None of the above
(c) To think about the future generation (iv) Which of these is/are an integral part of the
(d) All of the above existence of human being?
(v) United Nations Sustainable Development Summit (a) Environment (b) Wealth
happened in the year …………… . (c) Luxuries (d) All of these
(a) 2014 (b) 2015 (v) Which of the following human activities impacted
(c) 2016 (d) 2020 the nature?
Ans. (i) (a) The three broad areas which are to managed in (a) We remove water from rivers, lakes and aquifers for
order to achieve sustainable development are social, drinking and cleaning.
economic and environmental. (b) We fulfil our food-related needs from both wild and
(ii) (a) Unemployment is a social factor related to achieve fanned plants and animals.
sustainable development. Sustainable development (c) We cut down trees to get timber that is used as
promotes green jobs which helps in preserving or building material.
restoring the natural environment. (d) All of the above
(iii) (b) Pollution is an environmental problem and it a Ans. (i) (a) Human can make extensive use of resources
major problem related to achieve sustainable present in the environment by using their various
development. Pollution is caused by human activities activities. Animals do not cook food, wear clothes,
resulting in pollution water, air and land. require houses and may more. We require all these to
live a healthy life and thus exploiting the
(iv) (d) The main aim of sustainable development is to
‘live today and think for the future.’One should try to
save the resources for the future generation by (ii) (c) Soil is available naturally on Earth, thus it is
limiting their consumption today. natural resource. It is also abundantly available. Soil
is formed when large rocks breaks down into sand
(v) (b) The United Nations Sustainable Development
and silt. We are using soil abundantly to fulfil our
Summit was organised in the year 2015 in which 17
sustainable goals were decided which was about to be
achieved by 2030. (iii) (b) Due to the evolution of industries, human started
polluting and exploiting the natural resources like
16. Humans are the only living beings, who can make water, air, soil, and thus affecting the normal habitat
extensive modifications to their natural of animals. For our own needs, trees are being cut
environment. In this way, they are able to create an down, resulting in the decreasing number of forests
artificial environment for themselves to carry out which is the natural habitat of animals. The needs of
various social, political and business activities for humans are exploiting the environment manifoldly.
their development. Man has been modifying his (iv) (a) We have been using the resources since out the
natural environment from time immemorial and first walk on Earth. We have being using the
exploiting various natural resources such as soil, resources abundantly and not giving anything to the
water, forests, wildlife, minerals etc., to fulfil his nature. We can live without wealth and luxuries but
various needs. After the industrial revolution in the not without environment. Thus, environment is an
integral part of the existence of human being.
18th century, the exploitation of natural resources
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(v) (d) Humans have being exploiting the nature 5. Which serious question was raised by the first
manifoldly by various activities. This shows how Brundt Commission Report?
selfish a human can be as we are taking everything
from the nature without giving it anything. We Ans. One of the earliest international commissions dealing with
should conserve our environment for future the question of ecology and environment was the Brundt
generation by limiting our consumption of resources Commission. The First Brundt Report raised a very
both renewable and non-renewable. serious question, - “Are we to leave our successors a
scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished
landscapes and ailing environment?”
6. The most significant environment problems are
PART 2 related to which type of resources?
Subjective Questions Ans. The most significant environmental problems are associated
with resources that are renewable such as air and water.
They have a finite capacity to assimilate emissions and
Short Answer Type Questions wastes but if pollution exceeds this capacity ecosystem
will deteriorate rapidly at a huge pace.
1. Give the definition of sustainable development as
suggested by Brundtland Report.
7. “Uncertainty is an inherent part of environmental
problems and this uncertainty breeds complacency.”
Ans. According to Brundtland report, development that Do you agree with the statement? Explain.
meets the needs of the present, without compromising
the ability of future generation to meet their needs is Ans. Yes, I agree with this statement.
sustainable development. Assessment of whether the regenerative capacity of a
natural resource has been exceeded is difficult and
2. How does sustainable development helps to complex. In the cases of soil erosion, atmospheric
manage climate change? pollution, and loss of biodiversity, there is substantial
Ans. Climate change can be mitigated through sustainable scientific uncertainty about the extent of environmental
development practices. These practices seek to reduce degradation and consequences of degradation.
the use of fossil-based sources of fuel such as petrol,
diesel, natural gas and coal. Fossil fuels as sources of
8. Discuss the role of sustainable development to
energy are unsustainable since they will be depleted at provide financial stability.
some time. Their burning is also responsible for the Ans. Sustainable development practices have the ability to
emission of greenhouse gases and consequent global create more financially sustainable economies across the
warming and climate change. globe. Developing countries that cannot access fossil fuels
can leverage renewable forms of energy to power their
3. Write any three challenges to sustainable economies. From the development of renewable energy
development. technologies, these countries can create sustainable jobs
Ans. Three challenges to sustainable development are as opposed to finite jobs based on fossil fuel technologies.
(i) Rise in population level would lead to severe 9. What are the forms of sustainable agriculture?
environmental degradation in the future.
Ans. In sustainable agriculture the production of crops takes
(ii) Poor management of natural resources combined place with the efficient use of resources without damaging
with growing economic activities will continue to the environment. Crop rotation, organic farming, use of
pose serious challenges to environment. bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, combining animal
(iii) Due to rise in income, the demands for farming with crop farming are some examples of
improvement in environmental quality will increase sustainable agricultural practices.
as well as the resources available for investment but
it is not mandatory in some cases as problems are 10. The achievement of sustainable development
observed to get worse as income rise. requires what?
Which type of industries should be relocated outside Ans. The achievement of sustainable development requires the
the cities? integration of economic, environmental and social
components at all levels.
Ans. Polluting industries should be relocated outside the
cities far away from the populated area. These industries 11. Write four development goals given by United
pollute both the water and air by disposing the waste in Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015.
them. The polluted is then used by animals for drinking Ans. Any four development goals given by United Nations
and human beings for various activities, this leads to Sustainable Development Summit 2015 are as follows
depletion of their health. In humans, various health (i) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and
issues are raised in the course of time. modern energy for all.
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(ii) Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, (iii) Sustainable development aims at achieving the goal
employment and decent work for all. of economic and social development without
(iii) Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable destroying the Earth’s means and resources.
industrialisation and foster innovation. 17. What will happen, if we ignore the vital signs of an
(iv) Reduce inequality within and among countries. ailing environment?
12. How one can save forest from being cut? Ans. The Earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining
Ans. Save and recycle paper to protect trees from being cut. health. We need to realise our ethical and moral
obligations to the mother Earth. Human beings are
Do not buy products obtained from wild animals such as
caretakers of the planet and responsible trustees of the
leather, fur and ivory. Collect honey without completely
legacy of future generations.
removing the beehives.
Due to the realisation of importance of sustainable
13. What should be done to make efficient use of development, now there is a transcending concern for
electricity? survival of the people and planet. We need to take a
Ans. To make efficient use of electricity are as follows holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The
(i) Don’t waste electricity. Turn off lights and unplug environmental problem does not necessarily signal our
appliances when not in use. demise, rather it is our passport for the future.
(ii) Select clean, renewable energy sources like solar 18. Explain the short-term solutions related to
lights. sustainable development.
(iii) Avoid cars or do car-pools and use cycles or public Ans. The short-term solutions related to sustainable
transport. development are as follows
14. How one can save fisheries industry from being (i) The practice of illegal deforestation and smuggling of
extinct? forest resources should be stopped.
Ans. In order to save fisheries industry from being extinct, one (ii) Proper balance ought to be maintained between
can follow a number of steps as given below deforestation and afforestation.
(i) Creating awareness about the harmful consequences (iii) Planning and building of industrial zones to manage
of over-fishing. and process are types of wastes.
(ii) Educating people about the sustainable fishing (iv) Proper treatment system, recycling of waste and their
practices that control fishing and provide enough proper disposal should be undertaken.
time for fish to breed and multiply. (v) Adoption of rainwater harvesting techniques,
(iii) Never buy endangered fish. Buy only those fish that drip/sprinkler irrigation and use of alternative sources
are plentifully available and also in-season (not of energy.
during the breeding season). (vi) Less chemical fertilizers should be used along with
environment-friendly pesticides and weedicides.
15. State the points through which one can manage
waste. 19. How one can take care of the environment while
Ans. Some points which one can manage waste are as follows travelling?
(i) Reduce, reuse and recycle before throwing away Ans. In order to take care of the environment while travelling,
things as waste. one should follow the given points
(ii) Use environmentally-friendly methods of waste (i) While travelling, travel in groups, limit water and
disposal. energy use and avoid wastage.
(iii) Use appropriate methods for recycling or disposal of (ii) Practice eco-tourism (tourism that protects the
the electronic and hazardous waste. environment) and make people aware of the need of
practicing eco-tourism.
16. Why there is a need for sustainable development? (iii) Never litter around. Never damage or deface
Give reasons. historical monuments.
Ans. Sustainable development is necessary for the (iv) Walk or cycle while going to nearby places.
maintenance of the environment. (v) Use electric (battery-operated) vehicles if possible.
There is a need of sustainable development because of
the following reasons 20. How did the idea of sustainable development
(i) Sustainable development teaches people to make use originate?
of means and resources for the maximum benefit Ans. The concept of sustainable forest management was
without wastage. developed in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.
(ii) Sustainable development brings about changes in The idea of sustainable development gained wide
people’s knowledge, attitude and skill. acceptance due to environmental concerns in the 20th
Gyan Success Treasury
The concept of sustainable development was popularised In order to do forest management, one should follow the
in 1987 by the “United Nations World Commission on given points
Environment and Development.” In Brundtland Report (i) Save and recycle paper to protect trees from being cut.
named as ‘Our Common Future’, defines sustainable (ii) Do not buy products obtained from wild animals such
development as “development that meets the needs of as leather, fur and ivory.
the present, without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs”, i.e without stripping (iii) Collect honey without completely removing the
the natural world of resources future generations would beehives.
need. This definition of sustainable development, which
is most widely accepted now, contains two key concepts
Long Answer Type Questions
(i) The concept of needs, in particular, the essential 24. Describe the meaning and importance of
needs of the world’s poor which should be given top
sustainable development.
most priority.
Ans. Sustainable development refers to the process of
(ii) The concept of limitations imposed by the state of
economic development where resources are used
technology and social organisation on the
judiciously to satisfy needs of not only present generation
environment’s ability to meet present and future
but also to conserve them for the use of future
generations. Sustainable development takes place
21. ‘The concept of sustainable development is subject without depleting the present natural resources.
to criticism.’ Discuss. The importance of sustainable development is discussed
Ans. Criticism is the final thing that appears on introducing a below
new concept, as wide acceptance is almost rare. (i) It helps to conserve and make use of means and
Turning the concept of sustainability into policy raises resources for the maximum benefit without wastage.
questions about how to assess the well-being of present (ii) It awares the people about the responsibility to use
and future generations. The issue is more complicated and preserve natural resources.
because our children do not just inherit environmental (iii) It creates the feeling that natural resources are the
pollution and resource depletion, but also enjoy the fruits common property of all and nobody can use the
of our labour, in the forms of education, skills and property according to his personal will. It helps to
knowledge (i.e. human capital), as well as physical conserve natural and social environment.
capital. They may also benefit from investments in (iv) People’s participation is to be given priority in
natural resources, improvement in soil fertility and development work in order to achieve the aim of
reforestation. sustainable development.
Thus, in considering and calculating what we pass on to (v) It attempts to create the concept of maintaining the
future generations, we must take account of the full present work for the future and conserving natural
range of physical, human and natural capital. resources for future generation.
22. ‘Total world consumption of cereals will almost 25. Describe any four major problems associated with
double by 2030.’ Suggest measures to maintain sustainable development.
‘sustainable development’ in the light of this
Ans. Four problems associated with sustained development
development. are as follows
Ans. Total world consumption of cereals will have to almost (i) The concept of sustainable development is subject to
double by 2030. To protect fragile soils and natural criticism. What, exactly, is to be sustained in a
habitats, almost all of this increase will have to be sustainable development? Any positive rate of
achieved by raising yields on existing cropland rather exploitation of a non-renewable resource will
than by extending the area under cultivation. At present eventually lead to exhaustion of Earth’s final stock.
we are losing the forests at a fast pace. Thus, problems
(ii) Turning the concept of sustainability into policy
and challenges are formidable.
raises questions about how to assess the well-being of
23. State the points through one can do water and present and future generations. The issue is more
forest management. complicated because our children do not just inherit
Ans. In order to do water management, one should follow the environmental pollution and resource depletion, but
given points also enjoy the fruits of our labour, in the forms of
education, skills, and knowledge (i.e. human capital),
(i) Use water wisely. Turn off the tap when you are not
as well as physical capital.
using it.
(iii) Poor management of natural resources, combined
(ii) Get leaking taps and pipes fixed immediately.
with growing economic activities, will continue to
(iii) Treat drain water properly before allowing it to flow pose serious challenges to environment. The problem
into local water bodies. arises because people, institutions and governments
Gyan Success Treasury
have failed to evolve mechanism and policies to Due to the realisation of importance of sustainable
strike a balance between development and development, now there is a transcending concern for
conservation of resources and preservation of survival of the people and planet. We need to take a
environment. holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The
(iv) The commonly held view that greater economic environmental problem does not necessarily signal our
activity necessarily hurts the environment, is based demise, rather it is our passport for the future. To save
on static assumptions about technology, tastes and ourselves and our future generations from catastrophe, we
environmental investments. In reality, the require to take a holistic view, an ecological view, seeing
relationships between inputs and outputs and the the world as an integrated whole, rather than a
overall effects of economic activities on the dissociated collection of parts.
environment, are continually changing. 28. Mention some of the basic components of a green
26. Mention the main principles of sustainable economy.
development. Ans. Some of the basic components of a green economy are as
Ans. Main principles of sustainable development are follows
(i) Respect and care for all forms of life. (i) Efficient and Sustainable Transport System A green
economy must have an efficient and sustainable public
(ii) Improving the quality of human life.
transport system. It should promote the use of cycles,
(iii) Minimising the depletion of natural resources. carpools, public vehicles driven by green fuels, etc. to
(iv) Conserving the Earth’s vitality and diversity. minimise the damage to the environment.
(v) Enabling communities to care for their own (ii) Sustainable Industry Sustainable industry uses
environment. improved processes to reduce, reuse and recycle
(vi) Changing personal attitude and practices towards water, raw materials, non-renewable minerals, energy,
the environment. etc. It has an efficient waste disposal system that
causes no damage to the environment and creates zero
27. Why is it important to adopt sustainable pollution.
development? Explain. (iii) Sustainable Agriculture In sustainable agriculture
Ans. A three-year study using satellites and aerial the production of crops takes place with the efficient
photography undertaken by the United Nations long ago use of resources without damaging the environment.
warned that the environment had deteriorated so badly Crop rotation, organic farming, use of bio-fertilizers
that it was ‘critical’ in many of eighty-eight countries, and bio-pesticides, combining animal farming with
investigated. In view of all these findings and problems, crop farming are some examples of sustainable
sustainable development acquires much importance. agricultural practices.
Nature and mankind live and die together.
(iv) Efficient Management of Land Resources Land is
The Earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining used for farming, forests, factories, homes, roads, etc.
health. We need to realise our ethical and moral In a green economy, land is used in such a way that it
obligations to the mother Earth. Human beings are meets the requirements of people without causing
caretakers of the planet and responsible trustees of the damage to the environment.
legacy of future generations.
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Chapter Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is sustainable development?
(a) Economic development at zero damage to ecology
(b) More and more development
(c) Development that meets the needs of present without endangering
the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
(d) All of the above
2. Sustainable development requires proper use of
(a) natural resources (b) man-made resources
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) human resources
3. The greatest problem related to sustainable development is to safeguard further depletion of which of the
(a) Fisheries and forests
(b) Croplands and grasslands
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
4. The concept of ‘sustainable development’ became popular as the Brundtland Report in the year
(a) 1986 (b) 1987
(c) 1988 (d) 1990
5. To save water as a resources which techniques must be adopted?
(a) Rainwater harvesting (b) Sprinkler irrigation
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Recycling of waste
6. During the working lifetime of children born today, the population of the world will almost
(a) double (b) triple
(c) destroy (d) remain same
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In this Chapter...
! Database Concept ! Creating a Table
! Database Management ! Building Forms
System (DBMS)
! Create and Manage Queries
! Key Fields
! MySQL Command Basics
! Data Storage
! Design Report
! Manipulating Data
! Creating a Database Object
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To overcome these problems, database system was designed. (i) Fields or Columns (Data item) It is an area (within the
record), reserved for a specific piece of data. It is the
Components of a Database individual sub-component of one record. It contains set
A database consists of several components. Each component of characters. e.g. Customer number, customer name,
plays an important role in the database system environment. street address, city, state, phone number, current
The major components of database are as follows address, date of birth, etc. Field in a table is also known
as column or attribute.
(ii) Records or Rows or Tuples It is the collection of data
It is raw numbers, characters or facts represented by value. items of all the fields (information) pertaining to one
Most of the organisations generate, store and process large entity or a complete unit of information, i.e. a person,
amount of data. The data acts as a bridge between the company, transition, etc. Record of a table is also known
hardware and the software. Data may be of different types as row, entity or tuple.
such as User data, Metadata and Application Metadata.
It is an inquiry into the database using the SELECT
It is a set of programs that lies between the stored data and statement. These statements give you filtered data according
the users of database. It is used to control and manage the to your conditions and specifications indicating the fields,
overall computerised database. It uses different types of records and summaries which a user wants to fetch from a
software such as MySQL, Oracle, etc. database.
Hardware It allows you to extract information from the database based
It is the physical aspect of computer, telecommunication and on the conditions that you define in query. MS-Access
database, which consists of the secondary storage devices 2007 supports the database object query.
such as magnetic discs, optical discs, etc., on which data is Forms
In a database, a form is a window or a screen that contains
Users numerous fields or spaces to enter data. Forms can be used
It is the person, who needs information from the database to to view and edit your data. It is an interface in user specified
carry out its primary business responsibilities. The various layout.
types of users which can access the database system are as e.g. A user can create a data entry form that looks exactly like
follows a paper form. People generally prefer to enter data into a
(i) Database Administrator (DBA) A person, who is well-designed form, rather than a table.
responsible for managing or establishing policies for the
maintenance and handling the overall database
management system is called DBA. When you want to print those records which are fetched
from your database, design a report. It is an effective way to
(ii) Application Programmer A person, who writes
present data in a printed format. It allows you to represent
application programs in programming languages to
data retrieved from one or more tables, so that it can be
interact and manipulate the database are called
application programmer.
(iii) End-user A person, who interacts with the database Database Server
system to perform different operations on the database The term database server may refer to both hardware and
like inserting, deleting, etc., through menus or forms is software used to run a database, according to the context. As
called end-user. software, a database server is the back end portion of a database
application, following the traditional client server model.
Features of a Database
Features of a database to let you manage your data are as Database Management
System (DBMS)
It is a collection of programs that enables users to create,
It is the building block of any relational database model, maintain database and control all the access to the database.
where all the actual data is defined and entered. A database It is a computer based record keeping system.
consists of many tables. Tables (relations) consist of cells at
The primary goal of the DBMS is to provide an environment
the intersection of records (rows) and fields (columns).
that is convenient and efficient for user to retrieve and store
Different types of operations are done on the tables such as
information. It acts as an interface between the application
sorting, filtering, retrieving and editing of data. It is also
program and the data stored in the database.
known as a file.
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DBMS is a software package that manages database. e.g. received query with the available data and if the result is
MySQL, INGRES, MS-Access, etc. obtained, it is forwarded to the user.
DBMS is actually a tool that is used to perform any kind of If the output does not completely fulfill the requirements of the
operation on data in database. It also maintains data user, then a rollback (again search) is done and again search
consistency in case of multiple users. The purpose of a process is performed until the desired output is obtained.
DBMS is to bridge the gap between information and data.
Advantages of a Database/DBMS
Some basic processes that are supported by a DBMS are as
follows The centralised nature of database system provides several
! Specification of data types, structures and constraints to advantages, which overcome the limitations of the
be considered in an application. conventional file processing system. These advantages are as
! Storing the data itself into persistent storage. follows
! Manipulation of the database. (i) Reduce Data Redundancy Redundancy means
! Querying the database to retrieve desired information. ‘duplication of data’. This eliminates the replication of
! Updating the content of the database. data item in different files, extra processing required to
face the data item from a large database. This also
A short list of database applications would include:
ensures data consistency and saves the storage space.
! Inventory ! Payroll
(ii) Enforcing Data Integrity It means that, the data
! Membership ! Orders contained in the database is accurate and consistent.
! Shipping ! Reservation Integrity constraints or consistency rules can be applied
Invoicing !
Accounting to database, so that the correct data can be entered into
! Security ! Catalogues the database.
! Mailing ! Medical records (iii) Data Sharing The data stored in the database can be
shared among multiple users or application programs.
Relational Database Management
(iv) Data Security The DBMS ensures that the access of
System (RDBMS) database is done only through an authorised user.
RDBMS is a type of DBMS that stores data in the form of (v) Ease of Application Development The application
relations (tables). Relational databases are powerful, so they programmer needs to develop the application programs
require few assumptions about how data is related or how it according to the user’s needs.
will be extracted from the databases.
(vi) Backup and Recovery The DBMS provides backup
An important feature of relational database system is that a and recovery sub-system that is responsible to recover
single database can be spread across several tables. Base, data from hardware and software failures.
Oracle, DB2, SAP, Sybase, ASE, Informix, Access, etc., are (vii) Multiple Views of Data A view may be the subset of
the examples of RDBMS. database. Various users may have different views of the
database itself.
Working of a Database
(viii) Enforced Standards It can ensure that, all the data
Database is created to operate large quantities of information follow the applicable standards.
by input, store, retrieve and manage the information. It is a (ix) Data Independence System data descriptions are
centralised location which provides an easy way to access the independent from the application programs.
data by several users. It does not keep the separate copies of
a particular data file still a number of users can access the Disadvantages of a Database/DBMS
same data at the same time. There are many advantages of database, but database also
have some minor disadvantages. These disadvantages are as
Request follows
(i) Cost of Hardware and Software Through the use of a
Response System database system, new costs are generated due to
additional hardware and software requirements.
Users (ii) Complexity A database system creates additional
Working of a Database complexity and requirements.
As the diagram shows, DBMS works as an interface between (iii) Database Failures If database is corrupted due to
the user and the centralised database. First, a request or a power failure or it is corrupted on the storage media,
query is forwarded to a DBMS which works (i.e. a searching then our valuable data may be lost or the system will
process is started on the centralised database) on the stop working.
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Data Storage
A data type is a data storage format that can contain a specific type or range of values. The fields within a database often
require a specific type of data to be input.
e.g. A school’s record for a table student may use a character data type for the students first name and last name. The student’s
date of admission and date of birth would be stored in a date format, while his or her marks in each subject may be stored as a
In MS-Access, data types can be categorised into the following types
Data Types Description
Text Allows to store text or combination of text and numbers, as well as numbers that don’t require calculations such as phone
numbers. Also, it is a default data type.
Memo Allows to store long blocks of text that use text formatting.
Number Holds numeric values which are used for calculations and zip code. It includes various types such as Byte, Integer, Long
Integer, (Single, Double) Replication ID and Decimal.
Date/Time Allows to store date and time value for the year 100 to 9999.
Currency Allows to store monetary values that can be used in calculations. Accurate upto 15 digits on LHS and 4 digits on RHS of
decimal point.
AutoNumber Allows to store numbers that are automatically generated for each record. It increases the number automatically when
you add records.
Yes/No Allows boolean value. (i.e. one of two possible values)
OLE Object OLE is an acronym for Object Linking and Embedding. It can store objects such as a video clip, a picture, word
document or any other binary data.
Hyperlink Allows to store hyperlinks such as E-mail addresses.
Attachment Allows to store files such as digital photos. Multiple files can be attached per record.
Lookup Lets you type a list of options, which can be chosen from a drop down list.
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FLOAT (N, D) A small number with floating decimal point. It cannot be unsigned. Its size is 4 bytes. Here, N represents the
total number of digits (including decimals) and ‘D’ represents the number of decimals.
DOUBLE (N, D) A large number with floating decimal point. It cannot be unsigned. Its size is 8 bytes.
DECIMAL (N, D) It cannot be unsigned. The maximum number of digits may be specified in the N parameter. The
maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point is specified in the D parameter.
String/Text Data Types
It allows the database server to store string values such as name of the Students, Address, etc.
Types Description Display Format Range in Characters
CHAR Contains non-binary strings. Length is fixed as you declare while Trailing spaces The length can be any
creating a table. When stored, they are right-padded with spaces to are removed value from 0 to 255.
the specified length.
VARCHAR Contains non-binary strings. Columns are variable length strings. It As stored A value from 0 to 255
contains alphanumeric value. before MySQL 5.0.3.
Manipulating Data
In a database, structure and manipulation of data are done by some commands. For this, we can use SQL commands. SQL
(Structured Query Language) commands are the instructions used to communicate with the database to perform specific task
that work with data.
SQL commands can be used not only for searching the database but also to perform various other functions like, create tables,
add data to tables, modify data, drop the tables, set permissions for users and many more.
Data Definition Language (DDL)
DDL is used to define the structure of your tables and other objects in the database. In DBMS, it is used to specify a database
schema as a set of definitions (expressed in DDL). In SQL, the Data Definition Language allows you to create, alter and
destroy database objects. Basically, a data definition language is a computer language used to create and modify the structure
of database objects in a database. These database objects include views, schemes, tables, indexes, etc.
This term is also known as data description language in some contexts, as it describes the fields and records in a database
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Data definition language consists of various commands that lets Transaction Control Language (TCL)
you to perform some specified tasks as follows TCL is playing an important role in SQL. TCL commands
(i) CREATE Uses to create objects in the database. are used to manage transactions in database. These are
(ii) ALTER Uses to alter the structure of the database also used to manage the changes made by DML
table. This command can add up additional columns, drop statements. It allows statements to be grouped together
existing columns and even change the data type of into logical transactions. A transaction is a single unit of
columns involved in a database table. work.
Each individual statement is a transaction. If a transaction
(iii) DROP Uses to delete objects from the database.
is successful, all of the data modifications made during
(iv) TRUNCATE Uses to remove all records from a table. the transaction is committed and became a permanent
(v) RENAME Uses to rename an object. part of the database. If a transaction encounters an error
and must be cancelled or rolled back, then all of the data
Data Manipulation Language (DML) modifications are erased. To manage all these operations,
DML provides various commands used to access and manipulate transaction control language commands are used.
data in existing database. This manipulation involves inserting Various transaction control commands are as follows
data into database tables, retrieving existing data, deleting data
(i) COMMIT Used to save the work done.
from existing tables and modifying existing data.
(ii) SAVEPOINT Used to identify a point in a
DML is mostly incorporated in SQL database. The basic goal of
transaction to which you can later rollback.
DML is to provide efficient human interaction with the system.
(iii) ROLLBACK Used to restore database to original,
The DMLs are of two types
since the last COMMIT.
Procedural DMLs These require a user to specify what data is
(iv) SET TRANSACTION It establishes properties for
needed and how to get it.
the current transactions.
Non-Procedural DMLs These require a user to specify what
data is needed without specifying how to get it. Data Control Language (DCL)
Various data manipulation language commands are as follows DCL commands are used to assign security levels in
(i) SELECT Used to retrieve data from a database. database which involves multiple user setups. They are used
to grant defined role and access privileges to the users.
(ii) INSERT Used to insert data into a table.
There are two kinds of user in the schema
(iii) UPDATE Used to update existing data within a table.
(i) Users They work with the data, but cannot change
(iv) DELETE Used to delete all records from a table, the the structure of the schema. They write data
space of the records remains. manipulation language.
(v) LOCK TABLE Used to control concurrency. (ii) Admin They can change the structure of the
A query language is a portion of a DML involving information schema and control access to the schema objects.
retrieval only. The terms DML and query language are often They write data definition language.
used synonymously. Basically, the DCL component of the SQL language is
Differences between DDL and DML used to create privileges that allow to users access and
manipulation of the database.
Two types of DCL commands are
DDL is the abbreviation of Data DML is the abbreviation of Data
(i) GRANT Used to give user’s access privileges to
Definition Language. Manipulation Language.
It is used to create and modify the It is used to retrieve, store,
(ii) REVOKE Used to withdraw access privileges
structure of database objects in modify, delete, insert and update
database. data in database. given with the GRANT command.
DDL commands allow us to DML commands are used to Creating a Database Object
perform tasks related to data manipulate data.
definition. To create a new blank database, you need to perform the
steps which are as follows
For example, CREATE, ALTER For example, SELECT, UPDATE
and DROP commands. and INSERT commands.
Start OpenOffice Base, then getting started with its
starting page will appear.
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! Select create a new database under what do you want to Creating Database Tables
do? and click on Next button.
To work with tables, click the Tables icon in the Database
list. The three tasks that you can perform on a table are in the
Task list
Base creates the database with its features as Tables,
Queries, Forms and Reports.
Note The field entry area is used for entering field name, field type and
description. This description is optional and the field properties
pane is used for entering more details for each field, i.e. field size,
validation rule etc. The table needs to be opened in Design View
to access the field properties.
Steps to add a new field are as follows
Step 1 Click on the first cell in the Field Name column
and type the field name.
Step 2 Press Enter. The neighboring cell in the Field
Type column is selected. To select the data type,
click the drop-down arrow to the right of the
Field Type field and select an alternative data
Gyan Success Treasury
Step 3 Press Enter. A cell in the Description column will Entering/Removing Record into/from a Table
be selected. Enter a description, if required. Once a table has been created, the field and its properties are
Step 4 Press Enter and repeat the above process for defined, you can start to enter the records. This is done in a
other fields. Datasheet View. If you create table in Design View, you
Steps to set the field properties are as follows need to switch to the Datasheet View to enter records.
Step 1 Click once on a Field Name for which you want Insert a Record
to set the field property. Steps to insert a record in a Datasheet View are as follows
Step 2 The Field Properties will appear at the bottom of Step 1 When you create a table, a new blank record
the screen as shown in the following figure automatically appears in the second row of the
table or If you enter data in the last record, a new
blank record will automatically appear at the end
of the table.
Step 2 Type data into the fields.
Step 3 When you have finished adding records in the
datasheet, save it and close it.
Here, you can set the properties of related field. Delete an Existing Record
Steps to delete an existing record are as follows
Make Changes in a Design View
Step 1 Select the row which you want to delete.
The Design View of a table can be modified by the following
changes Step 2 Right click on the row and select the Delete from
context menu.
Insert a Field
Steps to insert a field in a table are as follows Using the Wizard to Create a Table
Step 1 Select the field, before which you want to insert a To create a table using wizard, follow the below steps
new field. !
Open the database
Step 2 Right click at the selected field and click at the !
Select Use Wizard to Create Table under Tasks. It will
Insert Rows option from the context menu. open the Table Wizard as shown below
Step 3 A new field is added to the table design thus, you
can enter field name, data type and description.
Delete a Field
Steps to delete a field from a table are as follows
Step 1 Select the field that you want to delete.
Step 2 Right click at the selected field and choose the
option Delete from context menu.
Rename a Field
You can change a field name by placing the cursor on the
field, double click on it and type the new name.
Naming and Saving of a Table
Steps to save a table are as follows It has four steps as
Step 1 To save the table, click the Save button at the top Step 1 : Select fields
of the screen or click the File button and select
You have a choice of two categories of suggested tables:
Save. The Save As dialog box will appear as
Business and Personal. Each category contains its own
shown in following figure
suggested tables from which to choose. Each table has a list
of available fields. We will use the DVD-Collection Sample
table in the Personal category to select the fields we need.
(i) Category Select Personal. The Sample Tables drop
down list changes to a list of personal sample tables.
Step 2 Type the name that you want to give to your table (ii) Sample Tables Select DVD-Collection. The Available
in Table Name: text box. fields window changes to a list of available fields for this
Step 3 Click OK.
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(iii) Selected Fields Using the > button, move these (a) Entry required If all of your music is in albums,
fields from the Available fields window to the change Entry required to Yes. Otherwise, leave Entry
Selected fields window in this order: CollectionID, required as No.
MovieTitle, Actor, PurchasePrice, Rating, Notes (b) Length Unless you have an album title that exceeds
Photo and Director. 100 characters in length counting the spaces, do not
(iv) Selected fields from another sample table. Click change the length.
Business as the Category. Select Employees from the ! Actor Use the Default setting. And since music has
dropdown list of sample tables. Use the > button to authors, set Entry Required to Yes.
move the Photo field from the Available fields window ! PurchasePrice Length: default setting. Entry
to the Selected fields window. It will be at the bottom
required should be Yes.
of the list directly below the Director field.
! Rating Only change the Entry Required setting:
(v) If a mistake is made in the order as listed above, click
from No to Yes.
on the field name that is in the wrong order to
highlight it. Use the Up or Down arrow on the right
! Notes No changes are required.
side of the Selected Fields list to move the field name ! Director Use the default settings.
to the correct position. Click Next. ! Photo Use the default settings.
When you have finished, click Next.
Step 3: Set primary key
CollectionID Change AutoValue from No to Yes.
MovieTitle Default
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Creating a Table by Copying an Existing Table Step 3 Now, OpenOffice Base will display the prompt
If you have a large collection of music, you might want to message to confirm that you want to delete the table
create a table for each type of music you have. Rather or not.
than creating each table from the wizard, you can make a Step 4 Click on Yes button to delete a table with its
copy of the original table. Each table can be named contents.
according to the type of music contained in it. Possible
names could include Classical, Pop, Country and Building Forms
Western, and Rock, among others. Forms are used for entering, modifying and viewing records you
! Click on the Tables icon in the Database pane to see likely have had to fill out forms on many occasions, like when
the existing tables. visiting a doctor’s clinic, applying for a job or registering for
! Right-click on the DVD-Collection table icon. Select school. When you enter information in a form in Base, the data
Copy from the context menu. goes exactly where the database designer wants it to go: in one
! Move the mouse pointer below this table, right-click or more related tables.
and select Paste from the context menu. The Copy There are two ways to create forms in Base
table window opens.
Using the Wizard to Create a Form
! Change the table name to Pop and click Next.
In the main database window, click the Form icon. Double click
! Click the >> button to move all the Fields from the
Use Wizard to Create Form to open the wizard.
left window to the right window and click Next.
Follow the below steps to create a form using wizard
! Since all the Fields already have the proper File Type
formatting, no changes should be needed. Click
Create. The new table is created.
Opening an Existing Table
Existing table can be opened by following steps
Step 1 Find a table in the All Base Objects list (the
right hand window).
Step 2 Right click on a table and select Open. This
view represents the data in a table.
Renaming and Deleting a Table
Steps to rename a table are as follows
Step 1 Find a table in the All Base Objects list (the
left hand window).
Step 1 : Field selection
Step 2 Right click on a table and select Rename from
context menu that appears. !
Under Tables or queries, select DVD-Collection as the table.
Step 3 Now, type a new name for the table. Available fields lists the fields for the DVD-Collection table.
Step 4 Press Enter from the keyboard.
Click the right double arrow to move all of these fields to the
Fields in the form list. Click Next.
Step 2: Set up a subform
Since, we have not already created a relationship between the
Table1 and DVD-Collection tables. If no relationship had been
defined, this would be done in step 4.
Click the box labeled Add Subform.
Click the radio button labeled Subform based on manual
selection of fields.
Click Next.
Step 3 : Add subform fields
This step is exactly the same as step 1. The only difference is that
not all of the fields will be used in the subform.
Steps to delete a table are as follows !
Select Table1 under Tables or queries.
Step 1 Find a table in the All Base Objects list. !
Use the >> button to move all the fields to the right.
Step 2 Right click on a table and select Delete.
Gyan Success Treasury
! Click the ID field to highlight it. ! Select the Field border you want.
! Use the < button to move the ID to the left. ! Click Next.
! Click Next. Step 8: Set name
! Enter the name for the form. In this case, it is DVD.
! Click the circle in front of Modify the form if you want to
modify the form otherwise select first option.
! Click Next. The form opens in Edit mode, if you select
Modify the form.
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table stores the data in the form of rows and columns. To characters in length and not use any SQL reserved
create a bunch of different tables that share a common theme, keywords as names for tables or column names (such as
you would group them into one database to make the ‘select’, ‘create’, ‘insert’, etc).
management process easier. So, for manipulating data, we It is important to make sure that you are using an open
need to know about MySQL commands, which are described parenthesis before the beginning of a table definition and
below. a closing parenthesis after the end of the last column
CREATE Command definition.
Separate each column definition with a comma (,).
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If you don’t use a WHERE clause, all rows in the table Step 3 : Grouping
will be deleted. Since we are grouping by the date, use the > button to move the
Syntax Date field to the Groupings list. Click Next.
DELETE FROM <table_name> WHERE <condition>;
Example To delete the record of employee Puneet from
the table COMPANY.
WHERE Emp_Name ='Puneet';
The above query will delete the record of Puneet from
Delete All Rows To delete all rows in a table without
deleting the table structure, the following command is
Syntax DELETE FROM<table–name>;
Example To delete all rows from table
Step 4 : Sort options
We do not want to do any additional sorting. Click Next.
Step 5 : Choose layout
The above query will delete all data of table COMPANY.
We will be using the default settings for the layout. Click Next.
Design Report Step 6 : Create report
Report offers you the ability to present your data in print. !
Label the report: DVD Report
Reports are useful because they allow you to present !
Select Static report.
components of your database in easy to read format.
Click Finish.
To create a new report, follow the below steps
Click the Reports icon in the Database list.
In the Tasks list, click Use Wizard to Create Report.
The Report Wizard window opens.
Step 1 : Field selection
Select Table: DVD-Collection in the Tables or
Queries dropdown list.
Use the > to move these fields from the Available Printing a Report
fields list to the Fields in report list.
To print a report, follow the given steps
Click Next.
(i) You can print the report by clicking on Print command
Step 2: Labeling fields from File tab or press Ctrl + P from keyboard.
Click the field label you want to change and make (ii) Print dialog box will appear on the screen.
your changes as you would in any text box. (iii) Here, you can set your printer and click on Print button.
Click Next.
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PART 1 Ans. (d) Database is made up of tables, queries, forms and
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11. Computer based record keeping system is known as 17. When you define a field for a table, which of the
(a) Data Manipulation System following parameters do access always consider
(b) Computerised Data System optional?
(c) Computerised Record Keeping System (a) Field Name (b) Data Type
(d) DBMS (c) Field Size (d) Description
Ans. (d) DBMS is a collection of programs that enable user to Ans. (d) Description field of table is optional, as it depends on
create and maintain database. Also , it is a computer database designer that he/she wants to describe field or
based record keeping system. not.
12. RDBMS provides relational operators to 18. The design of the database is known as
manipulate the data. Here, RDBMS refers to (a) attribute (b) database scheme
(a) Record Database Management System (c) abstraction (d) database oriented
(b) Relational Database Management System Ans. (b) Database schema is the logical representation of data
(c) Reference Database Management System which shows how the data is stored logically in the entire
(d) None of the above database.
Ans. (b) RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management 19. A relational database is a collection of
System which provides operator to manipulate the data (a) attributes (b) tables
stored into the database table. (c) records (d) fields
13. A database that contains tables linked by common Ans. (b) In a relational database, all data is arranged in tables,
fields is called a which are made up of rows and columns.
(a) Centralised database
20. A tuple in RDBMS is referred to ……… of a table.
(b) Flat file database
(a) record (b) field
(c) Relational database
(c) table (d) key
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a) A single row of a table, that contains a single record
Ans. (c) Relational database stores data in the form of tables for that relation is called a tuple.
which are linked by common fields.
21. …………… refers to the attribute that can
14. Duplication of data is known as
uniquely identify tuples within the relation.
(a) data security
(a) Foreign key (b) Consolidate key
(b) data incomplete
(c) Alternate key (d) Primary key
(c) data redundancy
Ans. (d) A primary key in a table is a column or a group of
(d) None of the above
columns that uniquely identify every row in that table.
Ans. (c) Data redundancy means duplication of data. It The primary key cannot be a duplicate, i.e. the same
eliminates replication of data item into different files value cannot appear more than once in the table. e.g.
from a large database. Student’s roll number, Product ID etc.
15. Key field is a unique identifier for each record. It is 22. Which of the following is an attribute whose value
defined in the form of is derived from the primary key of some other
(a) rows table?
(b) columns (a) Primary key (b) Foreign key
(c) tree (c) Alternate key (d) None of these
(d) query Ans. (b) A foreign key is a column or a group of columns in
Ans. (b) Key is a data item that allows you to uniquely identify a relational database table that provides a link between
individual occurrences which is defined as the column or data in two tables.
set of columns.
16. Which of the following fields will not make a
Case Based MCQs
suitable primary key? Direction Read the case and answer the following
(a) A customer’s account number questions.
(b) A data field
23. Mr. Amar Agarwal is the owner of his parental firm
(c) An auto number field
(d) A student’s admission number Agarwal & Sons which deals in the wholesale
Ans. (b) From the given options, data field cannot be set as a business of spices.
primary key because it cannot be fixed for an object.
Gyan Success Treasury
He wants to maintain records of spices available in (v) (d) Index can be created using one of the following
their shop and generate bills when someone methods
purchases any spices from the shop. They want to ! CREATE INDEX <index_name> ON
create a database to keep track of all the spices in <table_name> (col1, col2…)
the shop and the spices purchased by customers. ! ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD INDEX
(i) Which is the correct SQL statement to create the <index_name> (col1, col2….)
table? 24. Consider the table STUDENT with following
(a) CREATE TABLE spice(scode integer, sname details.
char(25), price decimal, stock integer)
(b) CREATE spice(scode integer, sname char(25),
price decimal, stock integer) STU_ID Name Stream Marks Class
(c) CREATE spice(scode , sname , price, stock) 1 Armaan Science 87.5 12A
(d) SELECT TABLE spice(scode integer, sname 2 Vicky Commerce 88.7 12B
char(25), price decimal, stock integer)
3 Meeta Humanities 76.8 12C
(ii) To add records in the table which of the following
4 Vanisha Science 79.5 12A
SQL statement is used?
5 Kanika Science 77.9 12A
(a) ADD (b) SELECT
(c) INSERT (d) INSERT INTO 6 Anandi Commerce 86.7 12B
(iii) To add a new column exp_date in the existing table (i) Command to select all Commerce students from
the statement is the table STUDENT.
(a) ALTER TABLE spice ADD (exp_date date); (a) SELECT * FROM STUDENT;
(b) UPDATE TABLE spice ADD (exp_date date); (b) SELECT Stream FROM STUDENT WHERE
(c) MODIFY spice ADD (exp_date date); Stream= ‘Commerce’;
(d) ALTER TABLE spice MODIFY (exp_date date); (c) SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE Stream
(iv) To view the table structure of the above created = ‘Commerce’;
table the command is (d) SELECT Name FROM STUDENT WHERE Stream =
(a) SELECT spice
(b) DESC spice (ii) View all records other than ‘12A’ class.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
NOT = ‘Science’);
(v) To create an index on name of spices in the existing (c) SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE Class NOT IN
table, the command is (‘Science’);
(a) ALTER TABLE spice ADD INDEX spice_idx (sname) (d) None of the above
(b) CREATE INDEX spice_idx ON spice (sname) (iii) Modify the marks of Kanika as 85.5.
(c) CREATE TABLE spice (INDEX spice_idx (sname)) (a) ALTER TABLE STUDENT SET Marks = 85.5
(d) Both (a) and (b) WHERE Name = ‘Kanika’;
Ans. (i) (a) CREATE TABLE is an SQL command to define a (b) UPDATE STUDENT SET Marks=85.5 WHERE
new table. Name = Kanika’;
(ii) (d) The INSERT INTO statement adds new rows/ (c) UPDATE TABLE STUDENT SET Marks =85.5
tuples to the table. The order of values matches the WHERE Name= ‘Kanika’;
order of column names in the table. (d) ALTER STUDENT SET Marks=85.5 WHERE Name
(iii) (a) To add a new column in an existing table following = ‘Kanika’;
syntax is used : (iv) Command to delete all records that belongs to
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD ‘Science’ stream .
<column_name> <data type> <size> (a) DELETE FROM STUDENT WHERE Stream=
[constraint name];] ‘Science’;
Hence, to add a new column exp_date in the existing (b) DROP FROM STUDENT WHERE Stream=
table the statement is ‘Science’;
ALTER TABLE spice ADD (exp_date date); (c) DROP TABLE STUDENT WHERE Stream=
(iv) (d) To view the table structure DESCRIBE spice
(d) None of the above
command is used.
Gyan Success Treasury
(v) Add a record of new student ‘Rashmi’ of 4. Define forms and what is the need of using them?
‘Humanities’ stream in class ‘12B’ and her marks Ans. A form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields
is ‘70.9’. or spaces to enter data. Forms can be used to view and edit
(a) INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (‘Rashmi’, your data. It is an interface in user specified layout.
‘Humanities’, ‘12B’, 70.9);
(b) INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (7,‘Rashmi’, 6. What does RDBMS stand for?
‘Humanities’, ‘12B’, 70.9); Ans. RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management
(c) INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (‘Rashmi’, System. It is a type of DBMS that stores data in the form
‘Humanities’, 70.9, ‘12B’); of relations (tables).
(d) INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (7,‘Rashmi’, 6. How is data organized in a RDBMS?
‘Humanities’, 70.9, ‘12B’);
Ans. A relational database is a type of database. It uses a
Ans. (i) (c) Command to select all Commerce students from structure that allows us to identify and access datain
the table STUDENT is relation to another piece of data in the database. Data in a
SELECT*FROM STUDENT WHERE Stream= relational database is organized into tables.
(ii) (d) Here, none of the query statisfies the given
7. Write the purpose of DBMS.
condition. To solve the query SELECT statement Ans. DBMS is used to store logically related information at a
should have been used. The correct statement is centralised location. It facilitates data sharing among all
the applications requiring it.
('12A'); 8. Write any two uses of database management
(iii) (b) Command to modify the marks of Kanika as 85. 5 system.
is UPDATE STUDENT SET Marks = 85.5 WHERE Ans. The two uses of database management system are as follows
Name = ‘Kanika’; (i) DBMS is used to store data at a centralised location.
(iv) (a) To delete data from a table the SQL command (ii) It is used to minimise data redundancy and data
DELETE is used. inconsistency.
(v) (d) INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (7, ‘Rashmi’,
‘Humanities’, 70.9, ‘12B’);
9. Write any two advantages of using database.
Ans. The two advantages of using database are as follows
(i) It can ensure data security.
PART 2 (ii) It reduces the data redundancy.
10. Give any two disadvantages of the database.
Subjective Questions Ans. The two disadiantages of the database are as follows
(i) A database system creates additional complexity and
Short Answer Type Questions (ii) A database system is a multi-user software, which is
1. What is database? Give an example. What does less efficient.
DBMS stand for? 11. A table named School (containing data of students
Ans. A collection of related information organised as tables is of the whole school) is created, where each record
known as database e.g. INGRES, MySQL etc. consists of several fields including AdmissionNo
DBMS stands for DataBase Management System. It is a (Admission Number), RollNo (Roll Number),
computer-based record keeping system. Name. Which field out of these three should be set
2. What is the difference between ‘Rows’ and as the primary key and why?
‘Columns’ in a table? Ans. AdmissionNo should be set as primary key because
admission numbers are unique for each and every
Ans. In a table, rows are called records and columns are students of the school, which is not possible in the case
termed a fields. A row stores complete information of a with RollNo and Name.
record whereas column stores only similar data values
for all records. 12. Why Memo data type is preferred over Text data
type for a field?
3. What is field in database? Give an example. Ans. When the length of the field is more than 255 characters.
Ans. A field is an area, reserved for a specific piece of data. It Text data type is not capable to store the project description
is also known as attribute. e.g. Customer Name. because its length cannot be more than 255 characters so,
Memo data type is preferred over Text data type.
Gyan Success Treasury
13. What happens when text is entered in a Number Ans. The SQL command to create a table as per given
type field? structure is as follows
Ans. When we enter text in a Number field and press Enter or Mysql> CREATE TABLE BANK (ID__Number integer
(10) PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar (20), B__date
press Tab key, it displays a message that ‘‘The value you
Date, Address varchar (50));
entered does not match the Number data type in this
column.’’ 20. Insert some information into a table COLLEGE,
14. List datatypes available in Numeric data type. whose structure is given below.
Ans. Datatypes available in numeric data type are TINYINT, ROLL_NO NAME CLASS BRANCH
15. Write one example of data field for which you
would set the Required property to Yes. Ans. (i) Mysql>INSERT INTO COLLEGE (ROLL_NO,
Ans. In a table, when we declare a field as a primary key, then
the field’s Required property must be set to yes because
in a primary key field, we need to enter data always. (ii) Mysql>INSERT INTO COLLEGE (ROLL_NO,
16. What is the purpose of Default Value field ‘SCIENCE’);
21. What is the value of Entry Required field?
Ans. If there is a situation when you want to enter same value
for all records. Then, to avoid typing the same thing Ans. The value of this property can be Yes or No. If entry
many times, you can set as a Default Value property. required is Yes, the field cannot be absent i.e. should be
necessarily present with a value.
17. Damini is a programmer in an institute and is asked
to handle the records containing information of
22. What is table? Also, define Candidate Key.
students. Suggest any 5 fields name and their data Ans. A table consists of a number of rows and columns. Each
type of students database. record contains values for the attributes. A candidate key
is the smallest subset of the super key for which there
does not exist a proper subset that is super key. Any
Field Name Data Type
candidate key can be choosen to uniquely identify the
RollNo Number records, it is called primary key.
Name Text 23. What is Data Control Language?
Class Text Ans. Data Control Language is used to create roles,
Section Text permissions, and referential integrity as well it is used to
control access to the database by securing it. These SQL
Gender Text commands are used for providing security to database
objects. These commands are GRANT and REVOKE.
18. Create a table of Student based on the following
table instance. 24. What is Data Transaction Control Language?
Column Name Data Type Length Ans. Transaction control commands manage changes made by
DML commands. These SQL commands are used for
ID integer
managing changes affecting the data. These commands
Name varchar 15 are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.
Stream __Id integer
Long Answer Type Questions
Ans. CREATE TABLE STUDENT (ID Integer, Name varchar
(15), Stream_Id Integer); 25. Define Database Management System. Write two
19. Write a SQL command to create the table BANK advantages of using database management system
whose structure is given below. for school.
Ans. Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of
Table : BANK
programs that enable users to create, maintain database
Field Name Datatype Size Constraint and control all the access to the database. The primary
ID__Number integer 10 Primary key goal of the DBMS is to provide an environment that is
both convenient and efficient for user to retrieve and
Name varchar 20
store information. The advantages of using DBMS for
B_date date school are as follows
Address varchar 50
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(iii) To list S_Name, P_Name, Cost for all the Table : EmployeeSalary
products whose quantity is less than 300. Last First Payroll Salary
Dept JobTitle
(iv) To display S_NO, P_Name, S_Name, Qty in Name Name Number (`)
descending order of quantity from the SHOP Shen James Finance A621 19500 Payroll Clerk
Gupta Shruthi Finance M502 35000 Accountant
(v) Give S_Name for products whose name starts
with ‘B’: Bedi Reeta Human M421 18500 Secretary
Ans. (i) mysql> SELECT * FROM SHOP WHERE Qty
BETWEEN 100 and 400; Walker Tia Sales W815 24000 Sales
(ii) mysql> SELECT * FROM SHOP ORDER BY Qty; tative
(iii) mysql> SELECT S_Name, P_Name, Cost FROM
SHOP WHERE Qty <300; Shafia Ahmed Factory H219 39000 Factory
(iv) mysql> SELECT S_NO, P_Name, S_Name, Qty
FROM SHOP ORDER BY Qty DESC; Mittal Chavi Purchasin M134 20000 Purchasing
g Clerk
P_Name LIKE 'B%'; (i) How many records are there in this part of the
31. Write SQL commands for the questions from database?
(i) to (v) on the basis of table MASTER (contains (ii) How many fields are there in this part of the
details of employees) database?
Table : MASTER (iii) What is the job title of the employee with Payroll
SNo Name Age Department Salary
Number M421?
(iv) Which department has maximum employees and
1 Shyam 21 Computer 12000 what are their Payroll Numbers?
2 Shiv 25 Maths 15000 Ans. (i) 6 (ii) 6 (iii) Secretary
(iv) Finance department and their Payroll Numbers are
3 Rakesh 31 Hindi 14000
A621 and M502.
4 Sharmila 32 History 20000 33. Consider the following database.
5 Dushyant 25 Software 30000 Product Product Dateof QtySold Customer
Code Name Sale Name
(i) Write a command to update the salary of the
employee to 40000, whose SNo is 3. P001 Pencil 05/10/11 5 Himanshu 25
(ii) Write a query to add a column Date_of_ Joining P002 Eraser 04/01/12 4 Ali 8
to the table MASTER. P003 Sharpner 09/12/11 6 Deepak 12
(iii) Select Age, Department of those employees P004 Whitener 25/04/11 2 Ankit 30
whose salary is greater than 12000. P005 Glue Pen 20/07/12 3 Ruchi 30
(iv) List all data of table MASTER.
(v) Write a query to change the data type of a Answer the following questions.
column Name to varchar with size 35. (i) Write the name of the field that contains numeric
Ans. (i) mysql>UPDATE MASTER SET Salary= 40000 data.
WHERE SNo =3; (ii) Identify the primary key field in the database.
(ii) mysql >ALTER TABLE MASTER ADD Date_of _ (iii) Identify the field type of the DateofSale field.
Joining date;
(iv) Identify the names of the fields that contain
(iii) mysql>SELECT Age, Department FROM MASTER
textual data.
WHERE Salary>12000;
(iv) mysql>SELECT * FROM MASTER; (v) The given table contains how many fields and
VARCHAR (35); Ans. (i) QtySold and Amount
(ii) ProductCode
32. The director of a company uses a database to store
(iii) Date/Time data type
data about job title. This is a part of the database
given below. (iv) ProductCode, ProductName and CustomerName
Gyan Success Treasury
Chapter Test
(v) 6 fields and 5 records
For Detailed Solutions
Multiple Choice Questions
Scan the code
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d)
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Web Applications
and Security
In this Chapter...
! Working with Accessibility ! Using Offline Blog Editors
! Online Transaction and Online Shopping
! Networking Fundamentals
! Internet Security
! Network Devices
! Maintain Workplace Safety
! Network Topologies
! Prevent Accidents and Emergencies
! Internet
! Protect Health and Safety at Work
! Introduction to Instant Messaging
! Creating and Publishing Web
A web application (web app) is an application program Step 1 Click on Start button → Control Panel. Control Panel
that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the window will appear on your screen with various
Internet through a browser interface. categories.
Common web applications include web mail, online
retail sales and online auction, etc.
Security is fundamentally about protecting assets (data,
hardware, reputation, etc.). Therefore, you should
Identify potential threats
Know how to react to an attack
Detect and fix vulnerabilities
Gyan Success Treasury
You can
Choose High Contrast This allows you to set a high- !
Turn on Sticky Keys This option sets Sticky Keys to
contrast color scheme that heightens the color contrast of run when you log on to windows. Instead of having to
some text and images on your computer screen. press three keys at once (Ctrl, Alt, Delete), you can use
one key by turning on Sticky Keys and adjust settings.
Remove Background Images This turns off all
unimportant, overlapped content and backgroup images to !
Turn on Toggle Keys This option sets Toggle Keys to
help make the screen easier to use. run when you log on to windows. These keys can play
an alert each time you press the Caps Lock, Num Lock
(ii) Make the Mouse Easier to Use or Scroll Lock Keys.
You can change how the mouse pointer looks and turn on other
(iv) Use Text or Visual Alternatives to Sounds
features that can help make it easier to use your mouse.
Windows provide settings for using visual cues to replace
You can adjust these settings on the Make the mouse easier to
sounds in many programs.
use page in the Ease of Access Center.
Gyan Success Treasury
You can adjust these settings on the use text or visual ! Access to Remote Database By networking, we are able to
alternatives for sounds page in the Ease of Access Center. access to the remote database. It is easy for any person using
his PC to make reservations for aeroplanes, trains, hotels, etc.,
anywhere in the world with instant confirmation within the
Types of Network
A network refers to a group of interconnected computers which
are capable of sharing information and communication devices.
On the basis of coverage or geographical spread, a network can
be divided into following types:
LAN (Local Area Network)
When a group of computers and its devices are connected in a
You can small area, then this network is said to be a LAN. Computers or
users in a local area network can share data, information,
! Turn on Visual Notifications for Sounds This option software and common hardware devices such as printer,
sets sound notifications to run when you log on the modem, hard disk, etc. A LAN typically relies mostly on wired
Windows. You can also choose how you want sound connections for increased speed and security but wireless
notifications to warn you. connection also be a part of LAN. LAN are used within office
! Turn on Text Captions for Spoken Dialog This option building, school, etc.
causes windows to display text captions in place of
sounds to indicate that activity is happening on your MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
computer. This is basically bigger version of LAN and normally uses
similar technology. It might cover few buildings in a city and
Networking Fundamentals might either be private or public. e.g. In a city, a MAN, which
can support both data and voice might even be related to local
A network can be defined as an interconnected collection cable television network.
of autonomous computers. A ‘computer network’ or
simply a ‘network’ is a collection of computers and other WAN (Wide Area Network)
hardware devices, interconnected by communication The network which connects the different countries network is
channels (satellites or cables) that allow sharing of known as WAN. It can be a group of LANs. The largest existing
resources and information. A computer networking is the WAN is Internet. For example, a network of ATMs, BANKs,
practice for exchanging informations/services between National Government Offices spread over a country or
two or more computer devices together for the purpose of continents are examples of WANs.
sharing data. The speed of a network is measured in Mbps
(Megabits per second). Comparison between LAN, MAN and WAN
Benefits of Networking
Speed 11 to 54 Mbps 11 to 100 + 10 to 384 Kbps,
Computer network is very useful in modern Mbps 1.83 to 7.2 Mbps
environment, so some of the benefits of networking are
discussed here : Range Upto 5 km 5 km to 15 km Upto 1000 km
File Sharing Networking of computers helps the users Applications Enterprise Even Mobile phones,
to share data files. networks replacement last Cellular data
mile access
Hardware Sharing Users can share devices such as
printers, scanners, CD-ROM drives, hard drives, etc. PAN (Personal Area Network)
Application Sharing Applications can be shared over PAN refers to a small network of communication. The range of
the network and this allows to implement client/server a PAN is generally 10 metre. PAN may be wired using USB
applications. cables or wireless using wireless network technologies such as
User Communication This allows users to bluetooth, wireless USB, 2-wave and ZigBee. Bluetooth
communicate using E-mail, newsgroups, video personal area network is also called a piconet. It can be
conferencing within the network. composed of upto eight devices in a master–slave relationship.
Gyan Success Treasury
Bridge serves a similar function as switches. A bridge filters
data traffic at a network boundary. Bridge reduces the
Node 3 Node 4
amount of traffic on a LAN by dividing it into two segments.
Switch Traditional bridge supports one network boundary, whereas
switches usually offer four or more hardware ports. Switches
A switch is a hardware device, which is used to connect
are sometimes called multi-part bridges.
devices or segment of network with smaller subsets of LAN
segments. The main purpose of segmenting is to prevent the Manufacturing Database Server
traffic overloading in a network.
Gyan Success Treasury
Network Topologies
The network topology refers to the arrangement or
pattern of computers, which are interconnected in a
network. Commonly used network topologies are as
Bus Topology Node 5 Node 4
It is a type of network in which the computers and the
peripheral devices are connected to a common single
Mesh Topology
length data line. In this topology, each node is connected to more than one node,
so that it provides alternative route, in case, if the host is either
down or busy. It is also called a completely interconnected
network. We can also call it as an extension to P2P network.
Node 4 Node 1
Node 2 Node 3
Node 5 Node 2
Node 4 Node 5 Node 8
Node 9 Node 7
Node 10 Node 6
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Gyan Success Treasury
Broadband Connection rate of data transfer between them. Some ways to connect the
The term broadband commonly refers to high speed Internet Internet wirelessly are as follows
access that is always ON and faster than the traditional (i) Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) It is a universal wireless
dial-up access. It is the short form of broadband width, that networking technology that utilises radio frequencies
uses a telephone line to connect to the Internet. Speed of to transfer data. Wi-Fi allows high speed Internet
broadband connection is measured in Mbps (Megabits per connections without the use of cables or wires. Wi-Fi
second). Broadband access allows users to connect to the networks can be designed for private access within a
Internet at greater speed than a standard 256 Kbps (Kilobits home or business. It can be used for public Internet
per second) modem or dial-up access. Broadband access access at ‘hotspots’ that offers Wi-Fi access such as
requires the use of a broadband modem. restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, convention
centres and city parks.
Broadband includes several high speed transmission
technologies, which are as follows
(i) Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) It is a popular
broadband connection which provides Internet access
by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local
telephone network. It uses the existing copper
telephone lines for Internet access. A special modem
is necessary in order to be able to use a DSL service
over a standard phone line.
Faster forms of DSL, typically available to businesses Wi-Fi network
are as follows (ii) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
High data rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) (WiMAX) Today, it is one of the hottest broadband
Very High data rate Digital Subscriber Line wireless technology. These systems are expected to
(VHDSL or VDSL) deliver Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) services
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) upto 31 miles (45 km) for fixed stations and
Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) 3-10 miles (5-15 km) for mobile stations.
(ii) Cable Modem This service enables cable operators to WiMAX would operate similar to Wi-Fi but at higher
provide broadband using the same co-axial cables, speed, over greater distances and for a greater
that deliver pictures and sound to your TV set. A number of users. It has the ability to provide services
cable modem can be added to or integrated with a even in areas that are difficult for wired infrastructure
set-top box that provides your TV set for Internet to reach. Also, it has the ability to overcome the
access. They provide transmission speed of 1.5 Mbps physical limitations of traditional wired infrastructure.
or more.
University Laptop
(iii) Broadband over Power Line (BPL) It is the delivery
of broadband over the existing low and medium WiMAX Base
voltage electric power distribution network. Its speed
is generally comparable to DSL and cable modem Hotel
Gyan Success Treasury
Internet, trying to tie them together into a vast collection of Web Address/URL
interactive multimedia resources. It is only a portion of what Web is a collection of documents (web pages) stored on
makes up the Internet, but it is the fastest growing part of the computers around the world. Each web page has an address
Internet. describing where it can be found. This address is known as
Web Page web address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). A web
address identifies the location of a specific web page on the
The backbone of theWorld Wide Web is made up of files or
Internet, such as
documents called pages or web pages, that contain
information and links to resources both text and multimedia. http :// www.
It is created using HTML (HyperText Markup Language). On the web, web addresses are called URLs. It is the web
Website address for a website or a web page. The URL specifies the
Internet address of a file stored on a host computer
A group of related web pages that follow the same theme and connected to the Internet.
are connected together with hyperlinks is called a Website.
In other terms, “A website is a collection of digital Parts of URL
documents, primarily HTML files, that are linked together The URL contains three parts, which are as follows:
and that exist on the web under the same domain.” Each (i) The name of the protocol to be used to access the
website is accessed by its own address known as URL file resource.
(Uniform Resource Locator). e.g. is a (ii) A domain name that identifies a specific computer
website, while is a web page. on the Internet.
Two terms that are associated with a website are as follows (iii) A path name with hierarchical description that
(i) Home Page The initial, main or first page of a website specifies the location of a file in that computer.
is known as home page. It can help the viewers to find e.g.
out what they can find on particular site. The address for Internet This site belongs to a
(ii) Web Portal It is a web page that combines useful server that uses HyperText company registered under
Transfer Protocol. domain name ‘’
information and links. of IP address.
Web Browser
It is a software application that is used to locate, retrieve and
display some content on the World Wide Web, including web
pages. These are programs used to explore the Internet. It is
The site is on the part To find the specific web
an interface that helps a computer user to gain access over all of Internet known as www. page, the browser follows the URL’s
the content on the Internet.We can install more than one web path to a folder named ‘athome’ then
browsers on a single computer. The user can navigate files, to a page named ‘default aspx’.
folders and websites with the help of a browser. There are
two types of web browsers, which are as follows E-mail Address
(i) Text Web Browser A web browser that displays only E-mail stands for ‘Electronic Mail’. It is a paperless method
text-based information is known as text web of sending messages, notes, pictures and even sound files
browser. e.g. Lynx. from one place to another using the Internet as a medium. It
(ii) Graphical Web Browser A web browser that is an individual name, which is used to send and receive
supports both text and graphic information is known E-mail on the Internet. It is used to specify the source or
as graphical web browser. destination of an E-mail message.
e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Safari (for e.g. [email protected]
Apple), Google Chrome, Opera, etc.
Web Server
Introduction to Instant Messaging
It is a computer program that serves requested HTML pages Instant Messaging (IM) is an Internet service that allows
or files from the web client. people to communicate with each other in real time through
an instant messaging software. Unlike E-mail, instant
A web client is the requesting program associated with the messaging allows messages from one person to appear right
user. The web browser is a client that requests HTML files away on the other person’s computer screen right after the
from web servers. Every web server that is connected to the send button is pressed. Instant Messaging allows effective
Internet is associated with a unique address, i.e. IP address and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of
which is made up of a series of four numbers between 0 to acknowledgement or reply. However, IM is basically not
255 separated by periods. e.g. or necessarily supported by transaction control.
Gyan Success Treasury
Many instant messaging services offer video calling features, Google Talk Instant Messenger
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and web conferencing Google Talk is also known as Gtalk, developed by Google. It
services. Web conferencing service can integrate both video
is an instant messaging services that provides both text and
calling and instant messaging abilities.
voice communication developed by Google Inc. This is a free
Instant Messaging Account service from Google which requires users to have a google or
gmail account to use the client.
Messaging to each other participants need to be signed in to
the same instant messaging software. To use instant Launching Google Talk
messaging software, a user must have a valid instant To launch Google Talk, follow the given steps
messaging account. These accounts are differ in formats.
Step 1 Click on Start button.
Some IM software such as Yahoo! Messenger, Windows live
messenger use E-mail addresses for managing the account Step 2 Click on All Programs. A sub menu will appear.
and software such as Skype use standard names. Step 3 Click on Google Talk and then click on Google
Instant Messaging Service Or
Here are services of instant messaging Step 4 Double click on Google Talk icon which appear
! Accepts instant messages from external sites. on desktop.
! Determines the user to which the message should be To Sign in, into your Google Talk Account
delivered and routers it accordingly.
To sign in, into your Google Talk account, follow given step
! Accepts instant messages from internal hosts.
Step 1 Use your Gmail account’s username and password.
! Determines the destination system to which the message
Step 2 Then click on Sign in button to sign into Google
should be delivered and routes it accordingly.
Key Features of an Instant Messaging
Key features of an instant messaging are as follows Chatting on Instant Messenger
Video calling Chatting on Google Talk
Language translation (IM has an in-built translator).
Here are the steps to chat with a contact on Google Talk
Going invisible (Your status can be shown as offline to Step 1 You can start chatting with your contact by double
your IM contact list). click on Google Talk. After this, a pop-up window
Encrypted messages (Text sent disappears from the will appear on the screen.
receiver’s phone automatically after they read it). Step 2 Chat window has text box. In this box, you can
In-built lock. type message and press Enter key.
Save messages for future reference. Step 3 Message will sent to other person. He/She will
Popular Instant Messaging Software read this message and reply your message if
There are two kinds of instant messaging software, which are he/she wants.
as follows To use Group Chat, just start a conversation with a contact,
Application Based then click the drop–down on the right of the chat window
and select Group Chat.
This type of instant messaging software are downloaded from
Internet and installed on user’s computer. These are
Whatsapp !
Facebook Messenger
Viber !
Google Talk
Skype !
Web Based
This type of software is accessed using browsers such as
google chrome etc. These are
Meebo !
Yahoo! Web Messenger Chatting on G-mail
eBuddy !
AIM Express Besides sending and receiving E-mail, G-mail users have
access to a range of additional features that can be quite
MSN Web Messenger !
useful. One of the most popular features of G-mail is chat.
Gyan Success Treasury
Google Hangouts is Gmail’s instant messaging feature, Creating and Publishing Web
which allows you to talk in real time to friends and family.
Pages – Blog
To chat on G-mail, follow the given steps:
Step 1 Log in to your G-mail account with username A blog is a website or a web page, in which an individual
records opinion links to other sites on regular basis. A blog
and password.
content is written frequently and added in a chronological order.
Step 2 A window will appear on the screen. It is written online and visible to everyone. A typical blog
Step 3 Left side of this window, contact list will be combines text, images and links to other blogs, web pages and
display. other media related to its topic. In education, blogs can be used
Step 4 Double click on the contact name with which as instructional resources.
you want to start chat. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. The entries of blog are
Step 5 After clicking on the contact name, a small also known as posts. A person who writes a blog or a weblog is
pop-up window will be displayed on the right known as blogger. Blogging is the act of posting content on a
bottom side. blog. There are some popular websites which offer blog service
Step 6 Here, you can type the message for chatting. as follows
! Joomla !
Chatting on Yahoo
! Drupal ! Blogger
With Yahoo Messenger, you can chat and talk with your
friends with yahoo accounts easily. You can use the Yahoo
! Tumblr ! Weebly
Messenger program on your computer or the app on your
mobile device to call your friends and talk to them. Creating a Blog Account on WordPress
To chat on Yahoo, follow the given steps WordPress is a free personal publishing platform. It is an easy to
Step 1 Open your Yahoo account with your Yahoo id use, fast and flexible blog script. It comes with a great set of
and password. features, designed to make your experience as a publisher as
Step 2 Click your Name or Yahoo id in the upper-left pleasant as possible. The steps to create a Blog account in
corner of the screen and select Available to show WordPress are as follows
your contacts that you are online and able to Step 1 Open a web browser e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google
chat. Chrome etc., for creating a blog account.
Step 3 Click the Minimized Yahoo Messenger window Step 2 Type the URL in the address bar
at the bottom of the screen, if it automatically and press Enter key.
appeared when you went online. Step 3 Now, click on Sign Up button and after this, a page
Step 4 This maximizes window and displays any will appear as shown below
requests you received since the last time you
were online. Click Accept, Decline or Block to
act on an add request.
Step 5 Click Compose Message → Instant Message, to
start a new conversation. Type a message and
press Enter to send the message.
General rules and etiquettes to be followed while
The first thing you should check is, if the person
infront of you is available or busy.
It’s simply rude to keep someone hanging, when they
are expecting an answer from you. So, the polite thing
would be to respond.
Don’t use offensive language. Step 4 Above page shows different fields such as E–mail
Avoid replying to negative comments with more Address, Username, Password etc.
negative comments. !
E-mail Address WordPress will sent an activation link
You may have to leave your seat for some reason but to your e-mail id after clicking on Create Blog button.
always inform the person infront that you are going to So, provide a valid e-mail address.
be away for sometime. !
Username This name will manage your blog.
Gyan Success Treasury
! Password You must use strong password for ! Qumana (For Windows and Mac)
securing purpose. You can use uppercase and ! MarsEdit (For Mac) free only 30 days trial
Gyan Success Treasury
Step 4 A window will appear on screen with Enter Mobile Step 12 Click on Place Order. A Delivery Address
Number field. window will appear as shown below.
Step 5 Enter mobile number and click on CONTINUE. A
window will be appear as shown below
Step 9 The sub categories of Sports, Books and More will Step 16 Enter the characters in the given box and click
be display. In this category, select Books → Indian on Confirm Order.
Step 17 After confirmation, a message will be received by
Step 10 Click on the item which you want to purchase and you on registered mobile number.
then click on Add to Cart.
Step 11 Now, click on My Cart and Cart window will appear Transaction for Booking Rail Tickets
as shown below. An E–Ticket or electronic ticket is the digital ticket
equivalent of a paper ticket. IRCTC (Indian Railway
Catering and Tourism Corporation) is used to book and
cancel rail tickets.
To book the ticket on IRCTC, follow the given steps
Step 1 Open the IRCTC site by address. .
Step 2 Enter in From and To fields, class type and click
on Find Trains option.
Step 3 Search the train and click on Check Availability
and Fare to find the availability of train and book
Gyan Success Treasury
Step 4 The following page will display. If you have an Step 6 After this, a window will appear as shown below
account on IRCTC then enter login name and
password otherwise click on REGISTER button.
Gyan Success Treasury
Gyan Success Treasury
file, etc. For added credibility, attackers can copy the design program used to prevent, detect and remove malware.Some
and style of a particular sender’s emails, stress the urgency of of the popular antivirus software are
the task, and employ other social engineering techniques. Norton, Kaspersky, McAfree, AVG, Bit defender, Avast,
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the main email Quick Heal, etc.
transmission protocol in TCP/IP networks) offers no
To use an anti-virus first install it on the computer. After
protection against spoofing, so it is fairly easy to spoof the
installation, you can use it to scan your whole system.
sender’s address.
Spamming These mails are also called junk mail that arrives Scanning Folder/Files
in the ‘Spam’ mail box of an email account. These mails You can also scan folders and files. Steps to scan folder/file
include advertising pamphlets and brochures. These mails are are as follows
sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals or Step 1 Select the folder/file for scanning.
newsgroups in order to advertise their products and services. Step 2 Right-click on the selected folder. A drop-down
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is a term referred to as bullying menu appears.
or harassing a person using electronic media like smart Step 3 Click on the Scan for Viruses option. The scanning
phones, tablets, computers through the use of communication will start.
tools like email, chatting session, text messages, posting
Clearing data in browser
rumors or embarrassing pictures on social media, etc. Due to
the extensive use of internet, cyberbullying has become To clear the data in browser(Google Chrome), follow the
common, especially among teenagers. given steps
Step 1 Open the web browser window.
Concept of Browser
Step 2 Click on the button. A menu appears.
A Web Browser is a software application that enables the Step 3 Click on History option. A submenu appears.
users to access, retrieve and view the information and other
Step 4 Again, click on History option. A window appears.
resources on the Internet.
Step 5 Click on the Clear browsing data option. All the
Some of the popular web browsers are Microsoft Internet
data browsed till date will get deleted.
Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Opera and Netscape Navigator.
Maintain Workplace Safety
Types of Browsers
Information Technology needs team work to succeed. The
There are two types of browsers namely: graphical browsers environment in an IT firm is that people sitting together and
and text-only browsers. working on their terminals. While work is important, there
Graphical browser Most commercial browsers are graphical are other issues of working among people, related to
browsers within which audio, video and pictures can be run or disparity of salaries, lack of work culture and many such
viewed. All the browsers named earlier are graphical. aspects. Sometimes the working conditions are not safe and
Text-only browser Lynx is an example of a text-only browser. calamities happen. These topics are rarely looked at during
It does not show up pictures, audio or video. In fact, it is university computer courses but have their own place in the
meant for non-GUI systems. You may find it hard to believe lives of software people. In this chapter, we will learn about
but Lynx was once very popular. the different methods though which we can maintain a good
health while at workplace.
Listed below are some cases in which physical pain can
Cookies are small blocks of data created by a web server while happen. They are as follows
a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's
computer or other device by the user’s web browser.
Falls and slips
Electrical mishandling or calamity
Backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored
elsewhere, so that it may be used to restore the original after a
Cuts in flesh
data loss event. Before you make changes to critical data
always make a duplicate. Even if you just made a backup
yesterday-make another.
Anti-virus Software
Anti-virus software is a utility software program that are
installed on your computer to protect it from viruses. Signs used to designate for fall
Anti-virus is also known as Anti-Malware and it is a computer
Gyan Success Treasury
Many of the topics brought up here are applicable to ! Record your findings, prepare an emergency plan and
residential places of the people. We will stick to the office provide training.
safety and health only here. ! Review and update the fire risk assessment regularly.
There are many possible causes for fire. Fire can be caused As part of the fire risk assessment plan, you will need to
due to food being cooked, cigarettes being smoked, some consider
garbage being burnt off, inadvertent flaring up of ! Emergency routes and exits
inflammable products, etc.
Some of the rules that companies have about fire safety are
! Fire detection and warning systems
! Do not smoke in the offices.
! Fire-fighting equipments
! Do not carry lighters or matches into the office.
! The removal or safe storage of dangerous substances
! Do not use the elevator in times of fire in the building.
! An emergency fire evacuation plan
Always use the staircase for such emergencies. ! The need to consider vulnerable people, e.g. the elderly,
! Get trained in the use of fire extinguishers. young children or those with disabilities
! Staff fire safety training
While the other rules are obvious, the rule no. (d), has many
sub-parts to it. There are different kinds of fire extinguishers.
Some are meant for electrical fires, while others for chemical
fires. In case of chemical fires, you may throw water from the
extinguishers and it will extinguish the fire.
Gyan Success Treasury
Cooking Oils,
Animal Fats,
Vegetable Oils etc.
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First Aid for Heat Stroke ! A medical certificate describing the injury you have
When your body overheats, it can cause heat exhaustion. If sustained due to the incident or exposure.
left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke. This is Types of Accidents in Workplace
a potentially life-threatening condition and medical
emergency. There are many types of accidents that can occur in
workplace. That’s why it’s so important for every small
If someone is overheated, encourage them to rest in a cool organisation to take the proper precautionary steps.
location. Remove excess layers of clothing and try to cool
their body down by doing the following: Some common accidents that can occur in workplace are as
! Cover them with a cool, damp sheet.
(i) Slips, Trips and Falls
! Apply a cool, wet towel to the back of their neck.
! Sponge them with cool water. One of the common accidents in workplace is slipping on wet
floor or you likely encountered slippery tiled surfaces.
Call the ambulance if they develop signs or symptoms of
heatstroke, including any of the following:
! Nausea or vomiting Mental confusion
! Fainting Seizures
Gyan Success Treasury
(v) Crashes and Collisions employers’ interest to nip this particular problem in the bud.
Accidents resulting in crash or impact injuries are also quite Safety measures such as ear protection can do much to
frequent at work. Whether they involve cars, lorries or even prevent it.
smaller vehicles such as forklift trucks, they can have
seriously nasty consequences.
Gyan Success Treasury
! Do not re-enter the building until permission is given by ! Specific evacuation procedures, including routes and
the person in charge of the evacuation. exits. Post these procedures, where they are easily
! If the fire is small, but only if you are trained to do so use accessible to all employees.
fire extinguishers to attempt to put the fire out.
Employees Must Know
! The nearest means of escape.
! The nearest fire alarm call point.
! The nearest fire appliance and how to use it (Only if trained
to do so).
! Their assembly points.
In the Event of a fire Emergency evacuation plan
Gyan Success Treasury
Protect Health and Safety at Work injuries, property damage and downtime.Firstly, a key step
in any safety protocol is to conduct a thorough hazard
Hazards assessment of all work environments and equipments.
A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or The following points must be kept in mind:
adverse health effects of the people at workplace. Hazard is a 1. First aid boxes at various places in the office.
potential source of harm to the health of the worker or 2. Trained first aiders-on all floors of a building.
3. Knowledge of the nearest casualty department or
But, the exact meaning of the word hazard can be confusing, local hospital.
as often it is combined with the term risk. 4. Access to call for an ambulance.
Examples of a Hazard 5. Ability to provide immediate assistance to casualties
with illnesses or injuries caused by a specific hazard
Workplace hazards can come from a wide range of sources.
at work.
General examples include any substance, material, process,
practice, etc. that has the ability to cause harm or adverse Health and Safety at Work
health effect to a person or property.
Your employer has to carry out a risk assessment and do
Workplace Example of Example of Harm what's needed to take care of the health and safety of
Hazard Hazard Caused employees and visitors. This includes deciding how many
first aiders are needed and what kind of first aid equipment
Thing Knife, Blade Cut
and facilities should be provided.
Substance Benzene Leukaemia
Healthy Living
Source of Energy Electricity Shock, electrocution You should maintain a healthy lifestyle to survive and sustain
Condition Wet floor Slips, falls in the workplace.
Eat Positive
Process Welding Metal fume fever better thinking
Behaviour Bullying Anxiety, fear, depression HEALTHY
Regular LIVING Feel
Types of Hazards good
Let us specify the types of hazards are as follows: The various factors that should be taken into account to
Biological hazards !
Chemical hazards maintain a healthy living are as follows
Ergonomic hazards !
Physical hazards !
Watch your plate
Psychosocial hazards !
Safety hazards !
Watch your waist and weight
Watch your steps
Identification of hazards !
Watch your stress level
General Evacuation Procedure during hazard !
Watch your change
By identifying hazards at your workplace, you will be better !
Watch your tobacco and alcohol consumption
prepared to control or eliminate them and prevent accidents,
Gyan Success Treasury
PART 1 5. Digital information is converted into analog
information by the modem at
Objective Questions (a) destination computer
(b) source computer
(c) Both (a) and (b)
Multiple Choice Questions (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
1. Which of the following is an application program Ans. (b) Digital information is converted into analog
that is stored on a remote server and delivered over information by the modem at source computer. A modem
the Internet? is a device that converts digital signals to analog signals,
(a) Web application so that signals can travel over telephone lines. This
device also converts analog signals to digital.
(b) System application
(c) Internet application 6. Modulation and demodulation are performed by
(d) None of the above (a) microwave (b) satellite
Ans. (a) A web application is an application software that runs (c) modem (d) fibre optic
on a web server. Web applications are accessed by the Ans. (c) Modulation and demodulation are performed by
user through a web browser with an active network modem. The full form of modem is Modulator-
connection. Demodulator.
2. Computer connected with LAN 7. A modem is connected between a telephone line
(a) work fast and a
(b) go online (a) computer (b) serial port
(c) can E-mail (c) network (d) communication adapter
(d) can share information or peripheral devices Ans. (a) Modem is a device that enables computers and other
Ans. (d) Computer connected with LAN can share equipments to communicate with each other using
information or peripheral devices. Peripheral devices can telephone lines.
be scanner, printer, etc. 8. Which of the following is not a transmission
3. A group of computers connected together with the medium?
help of cables within an office building is called (a) Telephone lines (b) Co-axial cable
(a) PAN (b) WAN (c) MAN (d) LAN (c) Modem (d) Microwave
Ans. (d) Using LAN, we can connect computers within a Ans. (c) Telephone lines, co-axial cable and microwave are
building only. A Local Area Network is the one which transmission medium but modem is a network device
connects computers and devices in a limited that converts analog signal to digital signal and
geographical area such as home, school, office or any vice-versa.
closely placed group of buildings. It provides very high
9. What can you do with the Internet?
(a) Exchange information with friends and colleagues
4. Network formed between computers which exists (b) Access pictures, sounds, video clips and other media
across the continents is called elements
(a) LAN (b) WAN (c) MAN (d) WLAN (c) Find diverse perspective on issues from a global
Ans. (b) Across the continents, computers can be connected
(d) Internet exchange information, access pictures,find
using WAN only. A Wide Area Network is one which diverse perspective on issue from a global audience
covers a broad area.
Gyan Success Treasury
Ans. (d) Internet is a collection of interconnected computer 15. ………… is a collection of web pages linked
networks. It uses the standard Internet Protocol suite together in a random order.
(TCP/IP) to serve the billions of users worldwide. In (a) A website (b) A web server
other words, it is a network of networks that exchange (c) A search engine (d) A web browser
information, access pictures, find diverse perspective on
issue from a global audience. Ans. (a) A website is a collection of web pages linked together
in a random order and displays related information on a
10. The first network was specific topic.
(a) ARPANET (b) Internet
16. Home page helps viewers to find out what they can
(c) NSFnet (d) NET
find on the particular site? Home page is the
Ans. (a) The Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork (a) first page of a website
(ARPANET) was the world’s first operational packet
(b) index page
switching network .
(c) about page
11. Which of these services will not be provided by a (d) None of the above
typical Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Ans. (a) Home page refers to the initial or main or first web page
(a) An E-mail address of a website, sometimes called the front page. It can help
(b) Modem the viewers to find out what they can find on particular site.
(c) A connection to the Internet
17. Which client software is used to request and
(d) Technical help
display web pages?
Ans. (a) ISP refers to a company that provides Internet (a) Web server (b) Multimedia
services, modem, connection and technical help but it
(c) FTP (d) Web browser
does not provide an E-mail address.
Ans. (d) A web browser is a program that your computer runs
12. To join the Internet, the computer has to be to communicate with web servers on the Internet, which
connected to a enables you to download and display the web pages that
(a) Internet architecture board you request.
(b) Internet society 18. .................. is an example of text-based browser
(c) Internet Service Provider which provides access to the Internet in the
(d) None of the above text-only mode.
Ans. (c) Internet Service Provider is used to join the Internet. (a) Mozilla Firefox (b) Lynx
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organisation (c) Internet Explorer (d) All of these
which provides you with access to the Internet via wired
Ans. (b) Lynx is a highly configurable text-based web browser.
or wireless connection.
13. Wireless broadband can be 19. In URL,, which
component identifies the website?
(a) mobile
(a) http (b)
(b) fixed
(c) /index.htm (d) All of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (b), because domain name identifies the
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Wireless broadband can be mobile or fixed. It does not
require modem or cable. 20. In URL,, which
component identifies the path of a web page?
14. Nick connects to the Internet at home using a (a) http
laptop computer with a wireless connection. Nick
is going to change use desktop computer using a
1 Gbps ethernet cable connection. (c) /index.htm
Which of these should be the result of making the (d) All of the above
changes? Ans. (c) /index.htm, because path name identifies the path of a
(a) Increased portability and decreased speed web page.
(b) Decreased portability and increased speed 21. Manoj has to set-up a network between his devices
(c) Increased portability and increased speed at home which included a smart phone, a laptop
(d) Decreased portability and decreased speed and a personal computer. What type of network he
Ans. (b) If Nick is going to change to a desktop computer would be setting up for the same?
using a 1 Gbps ethernet cable connection, then it (a) PAN (b) MAN
decreased portability and increased speed. (c) WAN (d) None of these
Gyan Success Treasury
Ans. (a) Manoj would be setting up a PAN (Personal Area Ans. (a) Chemical hazard depends on the physical, chemical
Network) which is best suited for set-up involving a and toxic properties of the chemical in any form (solid,
computer, a cell phone and/or a handheld computing liquid or gaseous). This type of hazards can cause skin
device such as a PDA. irritation, illness or breathing problems.
22. Anila works in a Multi National Company (MNC) 26. Do not use the elevator in times of fire in the
and needs to work online from home also. She building. Always use…………… for such
requires fast Internet connection. Which type of emergencies.
Internet connection in your view would be best (a) office space (b) washroom
suited for her? (c) staircase (d) None of these
(a) Dialup (b) Broadband Ans. (c) One should use staircase in times, of fire in the
(c) Both are suitable (d) None of these building. He/She must not use elevator during that time,
Ans. (b) Anila should prefer broadband connection. Broadband as the electricity can go off and the person might stuck in
connections are much faster than a Dial-up connection the elevator. Neither one should use washroom or any
because these signals carry more data. The speed of a other office at the time of emergency.
broadband connection is measured in Mbps (Megabits 27. If you have a safer and healthy workplace, there
per second).
will be fewer days lost and will have higher
23. Sharvan Joshi is a student of Political Science and (a) Employee satisfaction
is a keen researcher of political issues related to (b) Productivity
various countries and states. He wants to share his (c) Stress levels
research and his own opinions on these issues on (d) None of the above
day-to-day basis with everyone on World Wide Ans. (b) A safer and healthier workplace can increase the
Web (WWW). He is also interested in collecting productivity of the employee. Occupational safety
views of others to enhance his research and encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being
knowledge related to his area of interest. He of workers, i.e. the “whole” person. Organisations can
belongs to a middle class family and cannot afford become more effective if they have safer and healthy
his own website. Also being a non- technical workplaces.
person, he cannot create a dynamic website to deal 28. You should conduct regular fire drills in order to
with day-to-day inputs. Suggest an easy way for (a) Eliminate workplace hazards
Sharvan to achieve the same. (b) Prepare for emergencies
(a) He should develop an E-mail id
(c) Carry out the risk assessment
(b) He should develop his research online
(d) None of the above
(c) He should develop a blog
Ans. (a) The organisation should regular fire drills in order to
(d) He should use instant messaging app check whether the fire extinguishers are working
Ans. (c) Sharvan should develop a blog. Blogs are used to properly, to train the staff and to give complete
create personal web pages by non-technical and knowledge of the evacuation gates. These are important
technical users. Users can easily share their comments, to eliminate workplace hazards.
thoughts and convey messages about events, news, etc.
29. Which of the following falls in the category of
24. What type of hazard are caused by stress violence workplace emergency?
at workplace? (a) Earthquake (b) Tornadoes
(a) Chemical hazard (b) Safety hazard (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(c) Psychological hazard (d) None of these Ans. (c) A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that
Ans. (c) Psychological hazard can be caused by unwanted threatens your employees, customers, or the public;
stress of work completion on time, quarrelling, violence disrupts or shuts down the workplace operations; or
or fights with colleagues, lack of control and respect, etc. causes physical or environmental damage. Both
at workplace. earthquake and tornadoes falls in the category of
25. Which type of hazard can cause skin irritation, workplace emergency.
illness or breathing problems? 30. What is the full form of RSI?
(a) Chemical hazard (a) Repetitive Strain Injury
(b) Biological hazard (b) Rational Strain Injury
(c) Slipping hazard (c) Repetitive Stress Injury
(d) None of the above (d) Risk Strain Injury
Gyan Success Treasury
Ans. (a) RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury. RSI is another 32. World Wide Web (WWW ) or simply web is a set of
problem that’s become increasingly common place at programs, standards and protocols that allows the
work over the years, though even now some employers multimedia and hypertext files to be created,
don’t seem to take it entirely seriously.
displayed and linked on the Internet. The World
Wide Web was invented in 1989. It became
Case Based MCQs
publicly available on Internet for the first time. The
Direction Read the case and answer the following Internet is the physical network of computers all
questions. over the world. The World Wide Web is a virtual
31. A WAN spans a large physical distance. The network of websites connected by hyperlinks (or
Internet is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth. A “links”). Websites are stored on servers on the
WAN is a geographically-dispersed collection of internet, so the World Wide Web is a part of the
LANs. A network device called a router connects Internet.
LANs to a WAN. In IP networking, the router (i) WWW stands for ………… .
maintains both a LAN address and a WAN address. (a) World Wide Web (b) Word Wide Web
They are owned by multiple organisations. (c) World Way Web (d) Web World Wide
(i) What is the full form of WAN? (ii) World Wide Web (WWW) is a set of programs,
(a) World Area Network standards and protocols that allows the multimedia
(b) Wide Area Nest and hypertext files to be created, displayed and
(c) Wide Area Network linked on the ………… .
(d) Wide Access Network (a) ARPNET (b) CSNET
(c) Internet (d) CERN
(ii) How much physical distance a WAN spans to?
(a) Large distance (iii) Which of the following is/are stored on servers of
(b) Small distance Internet?
(c) Within the same building (a) WWW (b) Websites
(d) Within the office/home (c) Internet (d) Links
(iii) ………… is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth. (iv) ARPANET stands for ………… .
(a) Technology (b) Internet (a) Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork
(c) Distance (d) Router (b) Advanced Research Product Agency NETwork
(c) Advanced Research Process Agency NETwork
(iv) A ………… connects LANs to a WAN.
(d) Advanced Research Plan Agency NETwork
(a) Wire (b) Pen drive
(c) CD (d) Router (v) In which year was WWW invented?
(a) 1988 (b) 1989 (c) 1990 (d) 1992
(v) How many organisation(s) own WAN?
Ans. (i) (a) WWW stands for World Wide Web. The World
(a) Single organisation (b) Multiple organisations
Wide Web, commonly known as the Web, is an
(c) Two organisations (d) None of these information system, where documents and other web
Ans. (i) (c) WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a type of resources are identified by Uniform Resource
network. It covers a broad area. Locators (URL), which may be interlinked by
(ii) (a) A WAN covers a large physical distance. It hyperlinks and are accessible over the Internet.
consists of one or more LANs. (ii) (c) World Wide Web (WWW) is a set of programs,
(iii) (b) Internet is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth. standards and protocols that allows the multimedia
Internet is widely used by students, teachers, and hypertext files to be created, displayed and
educational institutes, engineers, scientists and others linked on the Internet.
to research, to gather the information and do many (iii) (b) Websites are stored on servers of Internet.
more things. Internet is the largest encyclopaedia for Websites are the building block of www.
all age groups. It is also becoming a major source of (iv) (a) ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects
entertainment for general public. Agency NETwork.ARPANET was the first wide-area
(iv) (d) A router connects LANs to WAN. A router is packet-switched network with distributed control and
attached to one or more networks to forward packets one of the first networks to implement the TCP/IP
from one network to another. protocol suite.
(v) (b) WAN is owned by multiple organisations. A WAN (v) (b) Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide
is used by government organisations and businesses. Web in the year 1989.
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Gyan Success Treasury
17. What is URL? Can we use URL to access a web (i) Encourage the use of weighing scales, measuring
page? How? tapes and devices to monitor individual physical
Ans. URL means Uniform Resource Locator. It is a unique
address of a web page on the Internet. It specifies the (ii) Place weighing scales, measurement tapes and body
Internet address of a file stored on a host computer mass index charts in strategic locations.
connected to the Internet. Yes, as a location on a web 25. What are the advantages of having safer and
server, which is called a website and each website has a healthy workplace?
unique address known as URL. So, an URL can be used
Ans. The advantages of having safer and healthy workplaces
to access a web page.
are as follows:
18. Identify web addresses and E-mail addresses from (i) They have fewer days lost, therefore they have higher
the following. productivity.
(i) (ii) They can increase efficiency and quality, because
they have healthier workplace.
(ii) [email protected]
(iii) 26. What are physical hazards?
Ans. Physical hazards can be any factors within the
(iv) [email protected]
environment that can harm the body without necessarily
Ans. Key features of an Instant Messaging are: touching it. It can be caused by radiation (microwave,
(i) and (iii) are web addresses. radio wave), pressure extremes (high pressure or
(ii) and (iv) are E-mail addresses. vacuum), constant loud noise, high exposure to
sunlight/ultraviolet rays,temperature extremes (hot and
19. Write any two key features of an Instant Messaging cold), etc.
Ans. Key features of an Instant Messaging are : 27. What are slipping and tripping hazards?
(i) Video calling Ans. Slipping hazards are causes through spills or trips such as
cords running across the floor or water spilled on the
(ii) Language translation
floor. Tripping hazards are caused through falls such as
20. List any five application based instant messaging working from heights, including ladders, scaffolds, roofs,
software. [CBSE Textbook] etc.
Ans. Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, WeChat, Google Talk 28. How does water and foam fire extinguisher work?
21. Who is blogger? List any five websites that provide Ans. Water and foam fire extinguishers extinguish the fire by
blog service. taking the heat element away from the fire. Water
extinguishers are for class A fires. Class A fires involve
Ans. A person who writes a blog or a weblog is known as
ordinary combustile materials, such as cloth, wood,
blogger. Blogging is the act of posting content on a blog.
paper, rubber and many plastics.
Any five websites that provide blog service listed below
(i) Joomla (ii) Blogger 29. How does carbon dioxide fire extinguisher work?
(iii) Word (iv) Tumblr Ans. Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers extinguish fire by
taking away the oxygen element of the fire triangle and
(v) Drupal
also be removing the heat with a very cold discharge.
22. Explain the purpose of a blog. Carbon dioxide can be used on Class B and C fires. They
Ans. The main purpose of blog is to convey messages about are usually ineffective on Class A fires.
events, announcements, need, review, etc. Blogs are 30. How does wet chemical fire extinguisher work?
usually managed using a web browser and this requires
Ans. Wet chemical is a new agent that extinguishes the fire by
active internet connection.
removing the heat of the fire triangle and prevents
23. Laluma Chakradhar wants a broadband connection re-ignition by creating a barrier between the oxygen and
to access her mails and stay informed about the fuel elements.
latest happening in the field of Biotechnology. Can Wet chemical of Class K extinguishers were developed
you suggest two Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for modem, high efficiency deep fat fryers in commercial
of India to be approached for the same? cooking operations. Some may also be used on Class. A
fires in commercial kitchens.
Ans. BSNL and Airtel
31. Write down any three points of differences
24. Explain the concept ‘Watch Your waist and weight; between LAN, MAN and WAN.
to maintain a healthy body at workplace’. Ans. Three major points of differences among LAN, MAN and
Ans. The explanation of the concept ‘Watch Your waist and WAN are as follows
weight; to maintain a healthy body at workplace’ is
Gyan Success Treasury
(i) In terms of geographical area WAN covers the area 36. Elucidate the following terms.
across the continents, MAN covers area within a city
while LAN covers area within a building. (i) PAN (ii) WiMAX (iii) Satellite
(ii) In terms of distance The approximate distance covered Ans. (i) PAN It stands for Personal Area Network. It is a
by WAN is unlimited, of MAN is upto 160 km while that computer network used for communication
of LAN is upto 5 km. among computer and different technological
devices close to it.
(iii) In terms of speed The speed with which the data travels
in case of WAN is 10 to 38.4 Kbps, 183 to 7.2 Mbps, while (ii) WiMAX It stands for Worldwide Interoperability
that of MAN is 11 to 100 Mbps and of LAN is 11 to 54 for Microwave Access. It is a wireless
Mbps. transmission of data using a variety of
transmission modes.
32. Explain the LAN and WAN. (iii) Satellite which are orbiting around the Earth,
Ans. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network provide necessary links for telephone and
covering a small geographical area like a home, office or small television service.
group of buildings such as buildings in a school. Computers
connected to a LAN can share information and peripheral 37. Why do we use Instant Messaging?
equipments. Ans. Instant messaging is a set of communication
A Wide Area Network (WAN) is used to connect LANs and technologies used for text based communication
other types of network together, so that users and computers between two or more participants over the Internet
in one location can communicate with users and computers in or other types of networks. Many instant messaging
other locations. services offer video calling features, Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) and web conferencing
33. What is the use of repeater in a network? services. Web conferencing services can integrate
Ans. In a network, repeater receives a weak signal coming from a both video calling and instant messaging abilities.
source and amplifies it to its original strength and then again
forwards it to the destination. Basically, repeaters are used in 38. How can you prepare for emergencies?
a network so that a signal can travel longer distance. Ans. To prepare for emergencies, follow the given
34. When the computer network uses telephone lines as guidelines
communication channel, then MODEM is used as a (i) Follow workspace protocol and guidelines to
data communication device. Now, explain the working ensure safety and health; know and understand
of MODEM. rules and procedures concerning fire emergencies.
Ans. MODEM performs the task of modulation at sender's site and (ii) Ensure that smoke alarms and sprinkler systems
demodulation at the receiver’s site. Basically, our computer are installed, working properly and are not
generates data in the form of digital signals which need to be blocked.
forwarded to the receiver through telephone lines. Since, (iii) Conduct regular fire drills.
telephone lines can carry only analog signals. So, digital
signals need to be converted to analog signals at sender’s site
39. Explain any three rules that companies follows
this is called modulation. At receiver’s site, again analog in terms of fire safety.
signals should be converted back to the original digital Ans. Any four rules that companies follows in terms of fire
signals, then this is called demodulation. safety are as follows
35. Difference between circuit switching and packet (i) All fire alarms systems are working.
switching. (ii) All fire escapes can be opened easily.
Ans. Differences between circuit switching and packet switching (iii) Automatic fire doors close correctly.
are as follows
40. Explain three conditions following which
Circuit Switching Packet Switching evacuation is done.
Ans. Any three conditions following which evacuation is
Initially designed for voice Initially designed for data
done are
communication. transmission.
In the event of a fire, an immediate evacuation is to
Inflexible, because once a Flexible, because a route is be followed by the employees.
path is set all parts of a created for each packet to travel
transmission follows the to the destination.
In case of tornadoes, earthquakes, floods or
same path. explosions, the type of building can be a major
factor in taking decision to follow the evacuation
It is connection oriented. It is connectionless. plan.
Gyan Success Treasury
! If a designated person within your workplace, under (ii) Domain Name for the Host Server The portion to
some circumstances had taken the decision to evacuate or the right of @ identifies the server or host network
shut down operations. that services your E-mail. It is also known as E-mail
41. What are biological hazards?
Ans. Biological hazards are caused by bacteria, viruses, insects, 45. What do you mean by Instant Messaging? Also,
plants, birds, animals and humans, etc. It includes explain one Instant Messaging software.
exposure to harm or disease associated with working with [CBSE Textbook]
animals, people or infectious plant materials. Workplaces Ans. Instant Messaging (IM), form of text-based
like schools, day care, colleges, hospitals, laboratories or communication in which two persons participate in a
various outdoor establishments are more exposed to such single conversation over their computers or mobile
type of biological hazards. devices within an Internet based chatroom.
42. How does dry chemical fire extinguisher work? Various softwares provide instant messaging services as
Whatsapp, Google Talk, Skype, Meebo, eBuddy, etc.
Ans. Dry chemical fire extinguishers extinguish the fire
primarily by interrupting the chemical reaction of the fire Google Talk It is an instant messaging and VoIP service
triangle. Today’s most widely used type of fire extinguisher developed by Google. This client lets you to log in to
is the multipurpose dry chemical that is effective on Class the service to chat and hold video-conferences with
A, B and C fires. This agent also works by creating a your friends from the windows desktop. Google Talk is
barrier between the oxygen element and the fuel element more than just a regular chat, you can also make free
on Class A fires. PC to PC VoIP calls and even leave voice messages like
an answering machine. If your contacts are also using
Ordinary dry chemical is for Class B and C fires only. It is
the Google Hangouts client, you can send files too.
important to use the correct extinguisher for the type of
fuel. Using the incorrect agent can allow the fire to Google Hangouts was integrated into G-mail where
re-ignite after apparently being extinguished successfully. users could send instant messages to other G-mail
users. As it worked within a browser, the Google Talk
Long Answer Type Questions client did not need to be downloaded to send instant
messages to G-mail users.
43. Why is Internet called ‘Network of Networks’? 46. What is switching? Explain the different types of
Ans. Internet is called ‘Network of Networks’ because it is global switching techniques.
network of computers that are linked together by cables and
Ans. Switching is a technique which is used in large
telephone lines making communication possible among
networks. It is a hardware or software device which
them. It can be defined as a global network over a million of
creates a connection between one or more computers.
smaller heterogeneous computer networks.
Switching is basically of three types which are as follows
The network which consists of thousands of networks
spanning the entire globe is known as Internet. The (i) Circuit Switching In this type of technique, an
Internet is a world wide collection of networked end-to-end path is created before sending the data
computers, which are able to exchange information with (dedicated channel, i.e. Circuit). The data is
each other very quickly. Mostly people use the Internet in transferred using physical connection which is set
two ways, E-mail and World Wide Web. In Internet, most upto between sender and receiver.
computers are not connected directly, they are connected (ii) Message Switching Message switching is based on
to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through the transfer of block of messages from sender to
gateways to the Internet backbone. A gateway is a device receiver. Firstly, the address of destination is
that connects dissimilar networks. A backbone is central attached in a message. When a sender has a block of
interconnecting structure - that connects one or more data to be sent, it is stored in the first switching
networks. station and then forwarded later. Each block of
message is received entirely, checked for errors and
44. Give an example of E-mail address and explain each then retransmitted.
part of it.
There is no need for physical connection between
Ans. The example of an E-mail address is [email protected]. The packet which has header that contains source and
format of E-mail address is username@hostname or destination addresses information acknowledgement
domain name. So, as per the above example of E-mail and error bits.
address. abc is the username and is the name of
(iii) Packet Switching In packet-based networks, the
hosting server or host (domain) name. Thus, we can say
message gets broken into small data packets. These
that, E-mail address has two parts separated by ‘@’
packets are sent out from the computer and they
travel around the network seeking out the most
(i) Username On the left side of separator @ is the user efficient route to travel as circuits become available.
name. A user name cannot have blanks.
Gyan Success Treasury
47. What is a topology? Explain the types of topologies. 51. What is a workplace emergency?
Ans. Topology refers to the topology of a network. Topology Ans. A workplace emergency is an unforeseen situation that
refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically. threatens your employees, customers or the
Topology is the geometric representation of the public;disrupts or shuts down the workplace operations;
relationship of all the nodes to the one another. There are or causes physical or environmental damage.
mainly four types of topologies as discussed below Emergencies may be natural or manmade and include
(i) Mesh Topology In mesh topology, each computer is the following
! Floods ! Hurricanes
connected to every other computer to provide an
! Fires ! Tornadoes
alternate path for transferring data.
! Toxic gas releases ! Chemical spills
(ii) Star Topology In a star topology, each computer is
connected to a centrally located device called hub. ! Radiological accidents ! Explosions
(iii) Bus Topology In a bus topology, one long cable acts as ! Civil disturbances
a backbone to link all the computers in a network. ! Workplace violence resulting in bodily harm and
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(v) Keep workspace and equipment clean, dry and (ii) Gently but firmly wrap the bandage around the
well-ventilated and especially clean of oil and dust. injured limb or body part, covering the wound.
(vi) Follow workspace protocol and guidelines to ensure (iii) Fasten the bandage with sticky tape or safety pins.
safety and health; know and understand rules and (iv) The bandage should be wrapped firmly enough to
procedures concerning fire emergencies. stay put, but not so tightly that it cuts off blood flow.
(vii) Ensure that smoke alarms and sprinkler systems are
installed, working properly and are not blocked. To check the circulation in a bandaged limb, pinch one
(viii) Conduct regular fire drills. of the person’s fingernails or toenails until the color
drains from the nail. If color do not return within two
55. Explain some of the actions that are used in the seconds of letting go, the bandage is too tight and
event of fire. needs to be adjusted.
Ans. Some actions that should be used in the event of a fire are
as follows: 58. Explain any five moves that an employee can do
(i) Close all the windows, doors and switch of on hearing the fire alarm.
non-essential services. Ans. On hearing the fire alarm, the employees should
(ii) Walk to the nearest assembly point. (i) Close all the windows, doors and switch of
(iii) Follow the emergency signs. non-essential services.
(iv) Escape routes should be lit by emergency lighting so (ii) Walk to the nearest assembly point.
that people can use them safely if an emergency occurs. (iii) Follow the emergency signs.
(v) Don’t re-enter the building until permission is given by (iv) Escape routes should be lit by emergency lighting,
the person in charge of the evacuation. so that people can use them safely if an emergency
(vi) If the fire is small, but only if you are trained to do so occurs.
use fire extinguishers to attempt to put the fire out. (v) Don’t re-enter the building until permission is
given by the person in charge of the evacuation.
56. Explain any five precautions at workplace.
Ans. Any five precautions at workplace are as follows: 59. How does keeping a watch at the stress level can
help to sustain in the workplace?
(i) First aid boxes at various places in the office.
Ans. (i) Introduce stress consultation and counselling
(ii) Trained first aiders - on all floors of a building.
services for staff.
(iii) Knowledge of the nearest casualty department or local
(ii) Create a physical space for reflection and thinking.
(iii) Create a system to reinforce a healthy, positive and
(iv) Access to call for an ambulance.
balanced workplace.
(v) Ability to provide immediate assistance to casualties
(iv) Promote de-stressing (relaxation) exercise, e.g.
with illnesses or injuries caused by a specific hazard at
yoga, tai-chi, deep breathing, meditation, etc.
(v) Create time and space for recreational activities at
57. Explain how to apply roller bandage to a wound. work.
Ans. To apply a roller bandage to a wound, follow these steps: (vi) Build social support groups.
(i) Hold the injured area steady.
Gyan Success Treasury
Chapter Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A web page is located using a
(a) Universal Record Linking (b) Uniform Resource Locator
(c) Universal Record Locator (d) Uniformly Reachable Links
2. Instant messaging service accepts instant messages from
(a) external sites (b) internal sites
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
3. Which of the following is an application based instant messaging software?
(a) Google Talk (b) eBuddy
(c) Meebo (d) MSN Web Messenger
4. A blog consists of
(a) images (b) text
(c) links (d) All of these
5. ................ is the act of posting content on a blog.
(a) Edublog (b) Posting
(c) Blogging (d) Blogger
6. Which of the following offers a blog service?
(a) Drupal (b) Joomla
(c) (d) All of these
7. Qumana is an offline blog editor which is used for ........... operating system(s).
(a) Windows (b) Mac
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
8. Which of the following websites is used for booking train tickets?
(a) Nykaa (b) IRCTC
(c) RedBus (d) Myntra
Multiple Choice Questions For Detailed Solutions
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (b) Scan the code
Gyan Success Treasury
Information Technology
Class 10th ( Term II )
Practice Paper 1 *
General Instructions T ime : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 25
1. There are 8 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question no. 1 is a Case Based Question, which has five MCQs. Each question carries one mark.
3. Question no. 2-6 are Short Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
4. Question no. 7-8 are Long Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
5. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. Students have to attempt
only one of the alternatives in such questions.
* As exact Blue-print and Pattern for CBSE Term II exams is not released yet. So the pattern of this
paper is designed by the author on the basis of trend of past CBSE Papers. Students are advised
not to consider the pattern of this paper as official, it is just for practice purpose.
1. Direction Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows
Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for
acceptable online behaviour. Similarly, online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an
online social environment. Netiquette exists to help people to communicate more effectively whilst online,
and to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and potential conflicts. Without a sound understanding of
netiquette you run the risk of displaying abusive or cyber bullying type behaviour without even being aware
of it. Netiquette is a new word and concept for some of us, but a basic understanding of netiquette is
important for everybody that uses the internet.
(i) Netiquette is short for
(a) internet etiquette (b) net etiquette
(c) net quitte (d) None of these
(ii) Which of the following is/are rule(s) for netiquette?
(a) Respect people’s privacy (b) Don’t be sarcastic
(c) Respect other’s views (d) All of these
(iii) Netiquette includes several aspects of Internet such as ……………
(a) e-mail (b) social media
(c) outline chat (d) All of these
(iv) Avoid posting …………………comments online.
(a) offensive (b) polite
(c) respectfully (d) All of these
(v) …………………other when you are new.
(a) Always truth (b) Do not trust
(c) Sometimes trust (d) None of these
Gyan Success Treasury
2. What do you mean by the term computer accessibility? What are the different types of disabilities that affect the
usage of computer?
Or What should a person do on hearing the fire alarm at workplace?
3. State the advantages of a database.
Or Explain the workplace hazards in terms of uncontrolled energy.
4. Define the terms field, record and file.
5. Explain the advantages of networking.
Or Define the following terms
(i) Switch (ii) Hub
6. Why do we use Instant Messaging?
Or Write the steps to create a new post in Qumana.
7. What are the myths about entrepreneurship?
Or Explain the role of an entrepreneur as an enterprising man and the person who reinvents organisation.
8. Explain DDL and TCL in terms of database.
Or What is table? Define candidate key. Differentiate between the primary key and alternate key.
1. (i) (a) Netiquette is short for Internet etiquette. It Or
states a number of rules that should be followed A person should perform the following steps on hearing the
while working online. fire alarm at workplace
(ii) (d) A person working online should follow some !
Close all the windows, doors and switch of non-essential
rules like one should be open to understand the services.
views of others. People should not infringe the !
Walk to the nearest assembly point.
privacy of other person and behave properly
without being abusive.
Follow the emergency signs.
(iii) (d) E-mail, social media and outline chat are only
Escape routes should be lit by emergency lighting so that
possible using Internet and thus netiquettes should people can use them safely if an emergency occurs.
be followed while working on these platforms. !
Don’t re-enter the building until permission is given by
(iv) (a) One should avoid posting/commenting any the person in charge of the evacuation.
abusive or offensive statement which can hurt !
If the fire is small, but only if you are trained to do so use
other’s sentiments. fire extinguishers to attempt to put the fire out.
(v) (b) While online, one should not trust anyone as no 3. The advantages of a database are as follows
one knows anyone face-to-face. The ones whom you Sharing of Data Different users can use the same database
personally know can be trusted upto a little extent. to access the data according to their needs.
2. Computer accessibility refers to customizing the Avoids data Redundancy Data redundancy means
functioning of the computer parts. These accessibility duplication of data. It avoids duplication of data and
options enables people with a disability or impairment ensures that there is only one instance of certain data.
to use a computer. Highly Securable Database can be secured by assigning a
The different types of disabilities that affect the usage of lock to it by using keys.
computer are as follows Confidentiality The DBMS can ensure different views for
Eyesight like low vision, color blindness, etc. the different users of the database. This keeps the
Dexterity like paralysis of any body part like arms, confidentiality of the data safe.
hands or fingers injured. Or
Hearing like deafness. The workplace hazards in terms of uncontrolled energy are
Speech impairment (difficulty in understanding). as follows
Reasoning like learning disability (dyslexia) or !
An object that could fall from a height (potential or
difficulty to concentrate. gravitational energy),
Gyan Success Treasury
! A run-away chemical reaction (chemical energy), 7. The myths about entrepreneurship are as follows
! The release of compressed gas or steam (pressure; high
temperature), (i) It is easy to start a business In reality, starting a
! Entanglement of hair or clothing in rotating equipment successful business is a very difficult and
(kinetic energy), or challenging process. The rate of failure of new
! Contact with electrodes of a battery or capacitor
ventures is high. Even after a period of seven
years, only one third of the enterprises are
(electrical energy).
profitable. However, it is relatively easy to start a
4. Fields A column within a table that contains only one type very small business than a large company.
of information is called a field. For example, Name,
(ii) Lots of money is needed to start a new
Address, Date of Birth and Phone Number are different
business A business can be started with limited
field names.
money. For example, Infosys Technology was
Record A set of various fields is called a record. All the started with only `10,000. In the beginning you
information in the table in various columns represents a can hire space and equipment.
record. For example, the information entered under the
(iii) A startup cannot borrow from banks Under
fields, Name, Address, Date of Birth and Phone Number
various schemes like MUDRA, budding
indicate the record of students.
entrepreneurs also can raise loans from banks.
File A file is a collection of related records.
(iv) Talent is more important than industry The
5. The advantages of networking are as follows: nature of industry an entrepreneur chooses has a
(i) User Communication Network allows users to great effect on success and growth. For example, if
communicate using emails, social networking sites, you enter an industry wherein competition is cut
video conferencing, etc. throat or materials are scarce, you may fail.
(ii) File Sharing By using networking, data or (v) Most startups are successful A large percentage
information can be shared or transferred from one of startups fail. The average profit of an owner
computer to another. managed firm is `20,000 per month. Very few
(iii) Media and Entertainment Most of the companies entrepreneurs earn more than employees.
and TV channels use network to broadcast audio and Or
video including live radio and television programmes. Enterprising man A business does not get started by
(iv) Hardware Sharing Hardware components such as itself. It is the entrepreneur who takes the risks and is
printers, scanners, etc. can also be shared. willing to face devastating failure. He braves
For example, instead of purchasing 10 printers, one uncertainty, strikes out on his own, and through native
printer can be purchased and shared among multiple wit, devotion to duty, and singleness of purpose,
users thus saving cost. somehow creates business and industrial activity where
Or none existed before. His values and activities have
(i) Switch A switch is a device which connects multiple become integral to corporate culture.
communication lines together. It is used to create Person who reinvents organisation An entrepreneur
temporary connections between two or more devices continuously works to reinvent his organisation. He
linked to switch. knows that change is a constant in and around his
(ii) Hub A hub is a central device in a network that organisation. They initiate changes. Paul Wilken
provides common connection among the computers observes, “Entrepreneurship is a discontinuous
or nodes. It is used in star topology. phenomenon, appearing to initiate changes in the
production process and then disappearing until it
6. Instant messaging is a set of communication technologies
reappears to initiate another change.” Thus,
used for text based communication between two or more
entrepreneurs reinvent organisations by the spirit of
participants over the Internet or other types of networks.
change and danger.
Many instant messaging services offer video calling
features, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and web
conferencing services. Web conferencing services can 8. Data Definition Language (DDL) This command
integrate both video calling and instant messaging abilities. enables you to perform the following tasks
Create, alter, and drop schema objects
To create a new post in Qumana, follow the below steps
Grant and revoke privileges and roles
(i) Click on New Post option. A window will appear. !
Add comments to the data dictionary
(ii) Type the title and content of the post in respective The CREATE, ALTER and DROP commands require
fields. exclusive access to the object being acted upon. For
example, an ALTER TABLE command fails if another
(iii) Click on Publish Post button.
user has an open transaction on the specified table.
Gyan Success Treasury
Transaction Control Language (TCL) Transaction candidate key which is not selected to be the primary
control commands manage changes made by DML key.
commands. These SQL commands are used for managing Example Consider table PERSON
changes affecting the data. These commands are
COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT. Name Bank A/c Num Aadhar Num
Or Shanu 12908809 10991222
A table consists of a number of rows and columns. Each
Gopal 19090909 19089090
record contains values for the attributes.
A candidate key is the smallest subset of the super key for Bhavish 19020909 829821282
which there does not exist a proper subset that is super
key. Any candidate key can be chosen to uniquely So, Bank A/c Num and Aadhar Num are the candidate
identify the records, it is called primary key. keys for the table.
A primary key is a value that can be used to identify a Primary Key Aadhar Num
unique row in a table. While an alternate key is any Alternate Key Bank A/c Num
Gyan Success Treasury
Information Technology
Class 10th ( Term II )
Practice Paper 2 *
General Instructions T ime : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 25
1. There are 8 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question no. 1 is a Case Based Question, which has five MCQs. Each question carries one mark.
3. Question no. 2-6 are Short Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
4. Question no. 7-8 are Long Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
5. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. Students have to attempt
only one of the alternatives in such questions.
* As exact Blue-print and Pattern for CBSE Term II exams is not released yet. So the pattern of this
paper is designed by the author on the basis of trend of past CBSE Papers. Students are advised
not to consider the pattern of this paper as official, it is just for practice purpose.
1. Direction Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows
A web browser is a piece of software that enables the user to access web pages and web applications on the
internet. There is a range of browsers available, and they are usually free to download and install. It acts as
an interface between server and user, and displays web documents to the client. The web browser sends an
HTTP request and gets an HTTP response. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc are
some examples of the web browsers. The primary function of a web browser is to display
HTML code which helps in designing the web page. Each time a browser loads a web page, it processes the
HTML, including text, links, and references to images and other items, like CSS and JavaScript functions.
The web browser processes these items, and displays them on the browser window.
(i) Which of the following is a piece of software?
(a) Web browser (b) Web interface
(c) Web server (d) Internet
(ii) Between which of the following a web browser acts as an interface?
(a) Browser and user
(b) Server and User
(c) Javascript and Google
(d) HTML and CSS
(iii) Which of the following is not a web browser?
(a) Mozilla Firefox (b) Google Chrome
(c) Internet Explorer (d) Microsoft Frontpage
(iv) Each time a browser loads a web page, it processes the
(a) Style sheet (b) HTTP request
(c) HTML (d) HTTP response
Gyan Success Treasury
1. (i) (a) Web browser is a piece of software. It is an To use instant messaging software, a user must have a valid
application program used to access the www. messaging account. Some key features of an instant messaging
It works as a gateway to the world of internet. software are as follows
(ii) (b) A web browser acts as an interface (i) Sending text-messages to more than one person at same
between the user and the server. Using the time
web browser, a user enter the data to be (ii) Audio and video calling
searched/retrieved and the server sends the (iii) Audio and video conferencing
required information. (iv) Messages History for future reference
(iii) (d) Microsoft is not a web browser but a (v) Transferring of files
discontinued WYSIWYG HTML editor. Or
(iv) (c) Each time a browser loads a web page, it Text Data is the data used to ‘store’ Text or a combination of Text
processes the HTML code. The browser and Numbers which do not ‘require calculations’.
fetches the data as required by the user by For example, Roll Numbers/Names of Students.
processing the HTML code that runs at the Memo Data is used for storing elaborate and lengthy Text data.
backend of any request made by the user.
For example, A line or remark written about each student.
(v) (d) Cascading Style Sheet is a style sheet Auto Number Data is used to generate a running series of
language used for describing the presentation numbers which can be used to uniquely identify the records of a
of a document written in a markup language table and can act as the primary key if required.
such as HTML. CSS is a cornerstone
For example, Roll numbers of students.
technology of the World Wide Web, alongside
HTML and JavaScript. 3. The biological and chemical hazards caused in workplace are as
2. Instant Messaging (IM) is a form of
communication over the Internet that offers an Biological hazards caused by bacteria, viruses, insects, plants,
instantaneous transmission of text-based messages birds, animals, and humans, etc. It includes exposure to harm or
from sender to receiver. disease associated with working with animals people or infectious
Gyan Success Treasury
Gyan Success Treasury
(v) Planning and building exclusive industrial zones to make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old
manage and process all types of wastes. friends.
(vi) Polluting industries should be relocated to outskirts (v) Downloading Software You can download
of cities, far away from residential areas. innumerable, games, music, videos, movies, and a
(vii) Prohibition of toxic chemical consumption can be host of other entertainment software from the
vital for improving quality of arable land. Less Internet, most of which are free.
chemical fertilizers should be used along with Or
environment-friendly pesticides and weedicide. Ease of access center is a central location where you can
8. Some of the major advantages of the internet are as change accessibility options to make a computer easier to
follows see, hear and use. It allows you to set up tools and change
(i) E-mail E-mail is an online correspondence options by clicking links that address common needs.
system. With e-mail you can send and receive Ease of access center opens, and the four choices in are
instant electronic messages, which works like highlighted one by one.
writing letters. The different options available are as follows
(ii) Access Information The Internet is a virtual ! Narrator, a basic screen reader, reads the content
treasure trove of information. The ‘search engines’ aloud as it is highlighted and describes the on-screen
on the Internet can help you to find data on any activity. It is useful for people with hearing impairment.
subject that you need. ! Magnifier, to magnify text and visuals for people with
(iii) Shopping Along with getting information on the less eye sight.
Internet, you can also shop online. There are many ! On screen keyboard with sticky keys and filter keys for
online stores and sites that can be used to look for
people who have problem with motor skills or hand
products as well as buy them using your credit
Set up high contrast on screen to optimize visual
(iv) Online Chat There are many ‘chat rooms’ on the
displays or make them clearer.
web that can be accessed to meet new people,
Gyan Success Treasury
Information Technology
Class 10th ( Term II )
Practice Paper 3 *
General Instructions T ime : 2 Hours
Max. Marks : 25
1. There are 8 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question no. 1 is a Case Based Question, which has five MCQs. Each question carries one mark.
3. Question no. 2-6 are Short Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
4. Question no. 7-8 are Long Answer Type Questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
5. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. Students have to attempt
only one of the alternatives in such questions.
* As exact Blue-print and Pattern for CBSE Term II exams is not released yet. So the pattern of this
paper is designed by the author on the basis of trend of past CBSE Papers. Students are advised
not to consider the pattern of this paper as official, it is just for practice purpose.
1. Direction Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows
Consider the following SQL command to create a table:
(i) NOT NULL ensures that
(a) Column cannot have blank value (b) Column will not accept any value
(c) Column has a fixed value (d) Column has a unique value
(ii) By default format of date entered is
(a) DD-MM-YY (b) MM-DD-YY
(iii) The ……… constraint ensures that the value entered specifies a certain condition.
(c) CHECK (d) All of these
Gyan Success Treasury
1. (i) (a) By default column holds NULL value. To change <Data type> <Field Name1>,
it and not let the value to stored as blank, NOT <Data type> <Field Name2>,
NULL constraint is used. <Data type> <Field Name3>
(ii) (c) For date related data MySQL has three data };
types- DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP. 2. Any three rules and netiquettes while chatting are as
(iii) (c) The CHECK constraint ensures that all values in follows
a column satisfy certain condition. It is used for (i) Do Not Use All Caps Typing your message in
quality control. UPPERCASE is like shouting on the Internet and
(iv) (b) PRIMARY KEY constraint is used to uniquely very aggressive.
identify each row in a table. (ii) Give People Time to Respond Be polite while
(v) (d) The CREATE command is used to create the online. If you are chatting with your friend, do not
structure of a table. The syntax to create a table is: ask multiple questions in a short time, so that the
CREATE table <Table name> recipient has time to respond.
{ (iii) Respect Others while Chatting Give the person you
are communicating with your undivided attention.
Gyan Success Treasury
Gyan Success Treasury
7. The functions of an entrepreneur are as follows ranges, indexes, user groups or users etc. This
(i) Innovation It includes introducing new products, description about the data itself is called the metadata
opening new markets, new sources of raw material, or data about data.
and new organisation structure. (ii) Program-data insulation or program-data
To arrange for factors of production and independence This feature allows us to change the
establishing coordination, i.e., land, labour, capital structure of a database without affecting the DBMS
etc. in appropriate proportion and to maximise programs that access data from the database.
output by best utilisation of these factors after (iii) Data abstraction Database management systems hide
coordinating them. complex data-structures and irrelevant details from
(ii) Finding Suitable Market He has to search for the users. This simplifies the view of the data and
suitable market to sell the product, for which he makes it easier for the users to work on the database.
performs various functions advertisement and This approach of database design is called data
publicity, appointment of selling agents, providing abstraction.
incentives to various selling intermediaries to (iv) Support multiple views of the data The database
promote sales. software allows each user to have their own view of
(iii) New Inventions Encouraging new inventions and the database which describes only the data that is of
introducing innovations in production, production interest to that user or group of users.
techniques, sales, marketing, advertisement etc. (v) Backup and recovery facilities Backup and recovery
(iv) Establishing Relations with Government To methods of database software allow users to protect
establish relations with government and its data from any accidental loss. If a computer system
functionaries. In this regards his functions are fails in the middle of a complex update process, the
obtaining licences, payment of taxes, selling the recovery subsystem is responsible for making sure
product to government and provision for that the database is restored to its original state.
export-import etc. Or
Or A database is an integrated collection of logically related
The advantages of choosing entrepreneurship as a records or tables. A database consolidates records
career option are as follows previously stored in separate files into a common pool of
(i) Independence An entrepreneur is his own boss. data records that provides data for many applications. The
He can take all decisions himself. He need not data is managed by software called database management
obey someone. systems (DBMS). The data stored in a database is
independent of the application programs using it and of
(ii) Ambition-Fulfilment Some people want to the types of secondary storage devices on which it is
convert their original ideas into a new product or stored.
service. For example, smart phone, electric vehicle,
driver less train, etc. A relational database is a type of database where data is
stored in one or more related tables, which makes it much
(iii) Excitement Entrepreneurship involves adventure. simpler to query the database. Each table has a set of
Some people resign their well paid jobs and launch fields, which define the nature of the data stored in the
their own venture due to excitement. table. A record is one instance of a set of fields in a table.
(iv) Freedom Entrepreneurship allows the freedom to To visualize this, think of the records as the rows of the
try out one’s ideas. Freedom seeking people choose table and the fields as the columns of the table.
entrepreneurship as a career. The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
(v) Wealth Creation Successful entrepreneurs create is a type of Database Management System (DBMS) that
enormous wealth for themselves and their staff. allows us to create and work with the relational databases.
8. The features of database are as follows Most RDBMS use SQL (Structured Query Language) as
(i) Datebase Management Software is Self database query language. LibreOffice Base, Microsoft
Describing in Nature All database software have a Access, and OpenOffice Base, Oracle, MySQL are
system catalog which stores description of database examples of some popular Relational Database
objects such as tables, views, synonyms, value Management Systems.