Special Projects Oficer
Special Projects Oficer
Special Projects Oficer
1463 Church Hill Place
HOME: (703) 620-1952 E-MAIL:
TS/SCI Pending Investigation
1981 BA SUNY Oneonta, European History
1984 MA St Lawrence University, Human Behavior
1984 - Present continuing professional education courses, leadership, management
Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Security, Anti-Terrorism, Operations, CI/OPS
EC, Investigations, Special Forces, Unconventional and Electronic Warfare, Litto
ral Warfare, Land Counterinsurgency Operations etc.
March 2010 - September 2010. Office of Naval Intelligence, Operational Support O
fficer, Reserve Management Office
* Develop, coordinate and monitor mobilization readiness.
* Develop policy for use of Command provided and external source funding.
* Community liaison with Commander Naval Reserve Intelligence Command.
* Liaison within ONI and the Intelligence Community.
* Manage training cycles, special duty training and personnel processing.
* Coordinate and manage ONI guidance documents and memorandums relating to miss
ion requirements and readiness for peacetime through wartime.
February 2009 - March 2010. Author
March 2008 - February 2009. USCENTCOM, Baghdad, Iraq, Volunteer Mobilized Naval
Reserve Intelligence Officer
* Senior Staff Officer Iraq Threat Finance Cell MNF-I/CJ2 Baghdad, Iraq.
* Reports Officer, Counter Iranian Influence Specialist. Joint Special Operatio
ns Task Force LNO. All Source Analyst, Finance network, Terrestrial Signals Expl
oitation, Infrastructure, POE, Site Exploitation, pre/post operational analysis.
* Senior Counter Iranian Influence (CII) SME
* M3, Pathfinder, QueryTree, Intelink, JWICS, MDITDS, TRRIP, TripWire, PROTON.
CRC endorsed.
April 2007 - March 2008. Self Employed.
Published 2 books and developed an intelligence community Patent prototype.
February 2005 - April 2007, General Dynamics
* Multiple "Special" Projects for classified customers.
* Team lead on the first post 9-11 threat assessment of the NYC water supply.
* Watch Officer Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource for the National Capital R
egion. Responsible for communicating Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources (CIKR
) related information to numerous government and industry partners.
* Part of a team maintaining the nations CIKR awareness during steady state and
incident operations across eighteen sectors in the National Capital Area Region
(NCR) monitoring unclassified and classified LAN accounts maintaining communica
tions with Sector Agencies, DHS, Sector Coordinating Councils, Government Counci
ls, and private Information Analysis Centers.
October 2001 - January 2005, Defense HUMINT Service, DIA DO, Volunteer Mobilized
Naval Reserve Officer
* HQ Senior Staff Officer, Counter Terrorism Operations Group (CTOG).
* Regional manager of thirteen East Coast Joint Terrorism Joint Task Force offi
ces for administration, manning, funding, operational requirements & planning. S
upplied capability briefs, intelligence collection and dissemination. Field oper
ational deployment to Afghanistan. Awarded Defense Meritorious Service Medal, GW
OT Service and GWOT Deployment Medal.
May 2000 - October 2001, Defense HUMINT Service, DIA DO, Special Projects Office
* Assistant to Regional Desk Officer (RDO) for presidentially directed Special
Access Program, Balkans Task Force (BTF).
* Defense Attaché. "Chief Petty Officer of the Year" for Washington D.C. Metro are
a FY 2000. Awarded Joint Service Achievement Medal.
* XO to DET Chief, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
February 2000 - May 2000, Senior Staff Systems Engineer and Data Systems Senior
Staff Engineer, Lockheed Martin
* Facilitated implementation of two unclassified computer systems for CIA/Offic
e of Training and Education (OTE).
* Development of User and System Requirements documentation, Concept of Operati
ons (CONOP) and Security Plan.
July 1999 - December 1999, Director Special Projects, IAQ Inc
* Co-authored DoD Directive "Joint Reserve Intelligence Program" and DoD Instru
ction "Administration and Management of the Joint Reserve Intelligence Program",
DEPSECDEF C3I, Pentagon.
January 1999 - July 1999, Senior Consultant, James Martin Government Intelligenc
Consultant to Communities of Interest (COI) program CIA. Supported enterprise an
alysis and development of knowledge management strategies.
August 1995 - January 1999, Senior Systems Engineer, TRW
* SETA support to multiple special projects. Developed user and system requirem
ents, concept of operations, integrated project plans for National programs.
* Senior information officer, Analysis and Studies Group. Critical Infrastructu
re Protection, nodal analysis, Open Source collection on Weapons of Mass Destruc
tion and Proliferation issues with regard to Hard and Deeply Buried Targets. Inf
ormation Warfare and Information Operations studies.
* Competitive Intelligence support to TRW front office. Biometric detection sys
tem studies.
June 1992 - June 1995, Senior Software Engineer, Sterling Software, USAEUR HQ, H
eidelberg - Augsburg Germany
* Concept design and prototype development, fielding and training of the counte
rintelligence Theater Rapid Response Intelligence Package (TRRIP).
* Trainer of the Analytical Methodologies in Terrorism (AMC) course. Supported
the Chief of Multi Discipline Counter-Intelligence (MDCI) with requirements anal
ysis for MDCI Databases.
* Developed and implemented training programs for Defense Intelligence Threat D
ata System (DITDS) and TRRIP. JAN'93 deployed to Zagreb, Croatia for automation
* Received Army Letter of Commendation, two Army Letter's of Appreciation. Supp
orted Field Station Augsburg, 66th MI HUMINT operations.
* Provided operational support to the Army European Counter-Surveillance School
and Counterintelligence Contingency Operations Course.
August 1990 - June 1992, Senior Intelligence Consultant, ORION Scientific, Inc
* Intelligence Research All Source Analyst & system trainer of the Defense Inte
lligence Threat Data System (DITDS) at JSOC, SOCOM, SOUTHCOM & USAREUR. Supporte
d DoD conventional/unconventional force missions & Executive Protection Services
* Facility Security Officer (FSO). Designed and implemented training courses fo
r DITDS and began functional design and development of TRRIP system.
January 1986 - May 1990, NAVSPECWARDEVGRU, United States Navy
* Operational support to Naval Special Warfare Operations.
* Terrorism Watch Officer and All Source Analyst for Europe
1990 - 2009 United States Navy Reserves
* 1990-1992 DIA J2 NMIC Terrorism Watch Officer.
* 1995-1998 Office of Naval Intelligence, Senior Analyst Naval Special Warfare
(SEAL) Cell. Real world & exercise support to SEAL Team Operations.
* 1998-2005 DIA Joint Reserve Unit. Support to Director of Operations as Defens
e Attaché supporting worldwide HUMINT operations. Mobilized to Afghanistan for Oper
ation Enduring Freedom.
* 2008 Mobilized to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
References Available Upon Request
Professional Training Available Upon Request