Neha Agarwal's payslip from IBM India Pvt Ltd for July 2021 shows that she earned a total of Rs. 75,160.45 in earnings, including a monthly basic salary of Rs. 31,983.17. She had total deductions of Rs. 6,586, including an Ee PF contribution of Rs. 3,838. Her take home pay was Rs. 68,574.45, which was transferred to her HDFC bank account ending in 30538 on August 31, 2020. Her Form 16 summary shows an annual regular income of Rs. 833,497.32 with exemptions and deductions reducing her total taxable income to Rs. 562,903.
Neha Agarwal's payslip from IBM India Pvt Ltd for July 2021 shows that she earned a total of Rs. 75,160.45 in earnings, including a monthly basic salary of Rs. 31,983.17. She had total deductions of Rs. 6,586, including an Ee PF contribution of Rs. 3,838. Her take home pay was Rs. 68,574.45, which was transferred to her HDFC bank account ending in 30538 on August 31, 2020. Her Form 16 summary shows an annual regular income of Rs. 833,497.32 with exemptions and deductions reducing her total taxable income to Rs. 562,903.
Neha Agarwal's payslip from IBM India Pvt Ltd for July 2021 shows that she earned a total of Rs. 75,160.45 in earnings, including a monthly basic salary of Rs. 31,983.17. She had total deductions of Rs. 6,586, including an Ee PF contribution of Rs. 3,838. Her take home pay was Rs. 68,574.45, which was transferred to her HDFC bank account ending in 30538 on August 31, 2020. Her Form 16 summary shows an annual regular income of Rs. 833,497.32 with exemptions and deductions reducing her total taxable income to Rs. 562,903.
Neha Agarwal's payslip from IBM India Pvt Ltd for July 2021 shows that she earned a total of Rs. 75,160.45 in earnings, including a monthly basic salary of Rs. 31,983.17. She had total deductions of Rs. 6,586, including an Ee PF contribution of Rs. 3,838. Her take home pay was Rs. 68,574.45, which was transferred to her HDFC bank account ending in 30538 on August 31, 2020. Her Form 16 summary shows an annual regular income of Rs. 833,497.32 with exemptions and deductions reducing her total taxable income to Rs. 562,903.