Name: - Subject: Science Strand: Biology Grade:VII Date: - TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mins. Revision: How Plants Grow

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Name:_________________ Subject: Science Strand: Biology Grade :VII

Date: _________________ TIME ALLOWED: 15 mins.

Revision: How Plants Grow

1. Write down the reactants & products of photosynthesis.

a. Reactants:


b. Products:


2. Differentiate between Dry & Wet biomass.

Dry biomass Wet biomass

3. What colour does the iodine show when placed on:

a. A leaf that contain starch? ________________________________________

b. A leaf that does not contain starch? __________________________________

4. a. The tissues responsible of water conduction in plants are ____________________ b.

The tissues responsible for food movement in plants are ______________________

5. Light is important for photosynthesis. How can you prove it? Explain.





First Steps/2020-2021

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