User'S Manual: Mytrace1.3
User'S Manual: Mytrace1.3
User'S Manual: Mytrace1.3
Original Instructions
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 Table of contents
Table of contents
1. Revision Information............................................................................................. 1
2. Text Conventions.................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Italic Font.......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Bold Font......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Menu Selections........................................................................................................................... 2
2.3.1 Danger, Warning, Caution, and Note.............................................................................. 2
2.4 Lists.................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Icons................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5.1 Navigation.................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5.2 Camera view............................................................................................................................... 3
2.5.3 TPSys web interface............................................................................................................... 3
2.5.4 Barcode scan............................................................................................................................. 3
3. Introduction........................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Features and Functions............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 System Overview........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.1 Included Parts............................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 Disclaimer.................................................................................................................................... 7
4. User Interface....................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Access levels.................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1.1 Sign in.............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1.2 Language...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Home View..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Reports View................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.1 Help features............................................................................................................................. 10
4.3.2 Component Based Report................................................................................................ 10
4.3.3 PCB Based Report................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Administration View................................................................................................................ 14
4.4.1 Add New User.......................................................................................................................... 14
4.4.2 Edit User..................................................................................................................................... 15
4.4.3 Delete User............................................................................................................................... 15
5. Miscellaneous...................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Change of Dataserver in TPSys 2.9 or higher............................................................... 16
5.1.1 Upgrade of TPSys.................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Backup of Text Files and Database.................................................................................. 16
5.2.1 Backup of text files................................................................................................................. 16
5.2.2 Backup of database.............................................................................................................. 16
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Table of contents MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 1. Revision Information
1. Revision Information
In this revision of the manual, these changes have been made:
• Marked Administrator Role in the table: 3.1 Features and
Functions, page 5.
• Updated figure for System Overview: 3.2 System Overview, page 5.
• Updated information:
• Features, page 6.
• Hardware, page 6.
• 4 User Interface, page 8.
• 4.1 Access levels, page 8.
• 4.1.2 Language, page 8.
• 4.3 Reports View, page 9.
• 4.3.1 Help features, page 10.
• Create and save a component based report, page 10.
• Create and save a PCB Based Report, page 12.
• 4.4.1 Add New User, page 14.
• 4.4.3 Delete User, page 15.
• 5.1 Change of Dataserver in TPSys 2.9 or higher, page 16.
• 5.1.1 Upgrade of TPSys, page 16.
• Added note: 4.1.1 Sign in, page 8.
• Removed section "MYTrace Viewer computer".
• Added image; Removed the header "Status View"; Updated information:
4.2 Home View, page 9.
• Added image:
• Create and save a component based report, page 10.
• Create and save a PCB Based Report, page 12.
• 4.4.1 Add New User, page 14.
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2. Text Conventions MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
2. Text Conventions
This document uses text conventions to present information in various
Danger means a potentially dangerous situation that can cause
death or severe bodily injury.
Warning means a potentially dangerous situation that can cause
bodily injury or considerable damage to the system or equipment.
The icon identifies the type of risk.
Caution means that the system or equipment can be damaged or
data can be lost.
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 2. Text Conventions
A note contains any type of more information.
2.4 Lists
Lists of items, points to consider, or procedures without relative order are
shown in bulleted or hyphenated format like this:
• Item 1.
• Item 2.
• Item 1.
• Item 2.
Procedures that must be done in a specific order are shown in numbered
lists like this:
1. Do this step first.
2. Do this step second.
2.5 Icons
2.5.1 Navigation
This type of icon helps you to navigate on the screen where TPSys windows
are described. It points out the area in the window where the information is
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2. Text Conventions MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 3. Introduction
3. Introduction
About this manual
This manual is designed to help you to use MYTrace to its full potential.
• Chapter 3 – Introduction covers the main features and functions, the
technical specifications, restrictions, and hardware and software
• Chapter 4 – User Interface contains information about MYTrace GUI and
how to use the software.
• Chapter 5 – Miscellaneous contains information about some tools that
could be of assistance when using MYTrace.
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3. Introduction MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
3.3.1 Requirements Features
MYTrace software is accessible (using web browser) from a PC where the
Harvester application is deployed as well. The Harvester collects event log
data for up to ten registered pick and place machines. The collected data is
stored as text files for backup and in a database.
To access the Viewer application, a web browser and intranet connection is
required. The Viewer is a service deployed on TPSys server. License
Mycronic hardware key, including the license key is required to run MYTrace
software. The hardware key is available for up to ten licenses, that is
collecting data from ten pick and place machines. Hardware
Computer where MYTrace will be accessed:
• Recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels or higher.
• Intel® Xeon® Dual Core 2.0 GHz.
• 4 GB of RAM.
• A separate 0.75 TB hard disc drive is recommended for the database.
• A separate 0.5 TB hard disc drive is recommended for the operative
system application and backup.
• A UPS is also preferable. Software
• A PC with one of the following supported Windows versions:
• Microsoft Windows® 10 Professional.
• Microsoft 7® Professional with Service Pack 1 (32 bit).
• Microsoft 7® Professional with Service Pack 1 (64 bit).
• Windows Server® 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit).
• Microsoft Edge®, Chrome >= 75.0, FireFox >= 67.0.
• TPSys 2.9 or later.
• USB dongle with MYTrace license.
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 3. Introduction
Term Description
PDF® Portable Document Format.
XML Extensible Markup Language.
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.
3.3.2 Disclaimer
Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the
information provided by the MYTrace software is accurate and available,
Mycronic does not warrant its accuracy and availability and disclaims any
liability to any party anywhere in the world for any injury, damage, direct or
indirect loss, consequential or economic loss or any other loss suffered as a
result of the use or reliance upon the information provided by MYTrace to
the maximum extent permitted by law. It is the end user's responsibility to
back up the MYTrace data files regularly in accordance with good business
practice. Mycronic cannot accept responsibility for any disruption, loss of
data, loss of profits, loss of business information, loss of revenue, loss or
interruption of business or disclosure of confidential information that might
occur while using or being unable to use the MYTrace software or the data
within it, however this might arise.
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4. User Interface MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
4. User Interface
This chapter describes MYTrace Viewer and how to use it. It describes the
different access levels and how to create and save reports. The MYTrace
Viewer interface has three views: Home (with Status), Reports and
MYTrace Viewer is reached using an internet browser. As the MYTrace
Viewer is deployed on TPSys server, the address (URL) should be 'http://
[tpsys_ip_address]:5001’. If the TPSys IP address is for example, the
URL should be ’’. 5001 is the port number and always has
this value.
Recall Report generators are available for the search process, for example, a
Component Based Report and a PCB Based Report. It depends on the
known search criteria which one to use.
4.1.1 Sign in
1. Enter your user name.
2. Enter your password.
3. Press Enter or click Sign in.
If you are upgrading from the old MYTrace, your user
accounts from the previous version will stay. When you try to
sign in with this account you will be asked to set a password.
After installation there is a default user identity to use. Sign in using it and
then create your required users.
User: admin
Password: Admin1
4.1.2 Language
English, German, French, Swedish
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 4. User Interface
In Machine Status part, the current status of the data collection can be
monitored for all registered machines. The status information is primarily
intended to be used by machine operators and production engineers to
verify that the traceability data is being processed by MYTrace system.
If you move the pointer over a specific machine name, an
infotip appears showing extended information about that
machine and the data currently being processed.
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4. User Interface MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 4. User Interface
As soon as one character or more is entered, a drop-
down completion list including matching choices appears.
To select a component, use the arrow keys and scroll
down to it and press Enter or just click on it.
If an added component should be discarded, it is possible
to uncheck it in the list. The Remove all command can be
used to empty the list and start all over again.
5. Click Next.
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4. User Interface MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
Before creating a report, any previously created report
must be saved; otherwise the report may be lost and has
to be recreated.
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 4. User Interface
As soon as one character or more is entered a drop down
completion list including matching choices appears. To
select a component, use the arrow keys and scroll down
to it and press Enter or just click on it.
By entering Batch Id, PCB Id and Production date criteria
it is possible to get better matched components.
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4. User Interface MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
If you choose PDF, you can set "Detailed PCB
information" which ensures all matched layouts and PCBs
are in the report.
Before creating a report, any previously created report
should be saved; otherwise the report may be lost and
would have to be recreated.
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 4. User Interface
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5. Miscellaneous MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
5. Miscellaneous
This chapter contains instructions on how to change dataservers when using
MYTrace. TPSys 2.9 or higher is compatible with MYTrace.
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 5. Miscellaneous
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Index MYTrace1.3 Mycronic
Access levels ................................................................................................................ 8
Add New User ............................................................................................................ 14
Administration View ................................................................................................ 14
Backup of database ................................................................................................. 16
Backup of text files .................................................................................................. 16
Backup of Text Files and Database ................................................................. 16
Barcode scan ................................................................................................................ 3
Bold Font ........................................................................................................................ 2
Camera view ................................................................................................................. 3
Change of Dataserver in TPSys 2.9 or higher ............................................. 16
Component Based Report ................................................................................... 10
Create and save a component based report .............................................. 10
Create and save a PCB Based Report ............................................................ 12
Danger, Warning, Caution, and Note ................................................................ 2
Delete User ................................................................................................................... 15
Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................... 7
Edit User ........................................................................................................................ 15
Features .......................................................................................................................... 6
Features and Functions .......................................................................................... 5
Hardware ........................................................................................................................ 6
Help features .............................................................................................................. 10
Home View .................................................................................................................... 9
Icons .................................................................................................................................. 3
Included Parts .............................................................................................................. 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
Italic Font ........................................................................................................................ 2
Language ........................................................................................................................ 8
License ............................................................................................................................. 6
Lists ................................................................................................................................... 3
Menu Selections .......................................................................................................... 2
Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................. 16
MYCenter Material Handling .....................................................................................
Navigation ...................................................................................................................... 3
PCB Based Report .................................................................................................... 12
Reports View ................................................................................................................ 9
Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
Revision Information .................................................................................................. 1
Sign in .............................................................................................................................. 8
Software ......................................................................................................................... 6
System Overview ....................................................................................................... 5
Technical Specifications ......................................................................................... 5
Terms Used ................................................................................................................... 6
Text Conventions ....................................................................................................... 2
TPSys web interface ................................................................................................. 3
Upgrade of TPSys .................................................................................................... 16
User Interface ............................................................................................................... 8
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Mycronic MYTrace1.3 Index
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