Functional Testing Case Study - 1: Sprint Day Sprint Activity

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Functional Testing Case Study - 1

Task/Scenario Given:

Sprint Day Sprint Activity

Project Management Activity: Product Owner

1. Create user stories based open functionality

I. Understanding requirements
II. Assign priority
III. Assign user stories to team members
2. Identify the Dependacy between the requirement
Sprint 1 3. Final ordering of product backlog item( set of all user

Create Task / Deliverables:

1. List of User Stories & Functions to test
2. All tasks with JIRA should be ready in SCRUM

JIRA Task and Test Design : Dev Team

1. Assign story point or time required to accomplish the
2. Categorize user stories in to Epic, User Stories, Tasks
& SubTasks
3. Assign the stories to components
Sprint 2 4. Add group members in th Project on JIRA.
5. Create MAnual Test Scenarios

Create Task / Deliverables:

1. Test scenarios
2. Test Case design

Scrum Team activities : Dev Team

1. Create scrum based sprints
2. Create Sprint backlog (select the stories for the
particular Sprint)
Sprint 3 3. Create Sprint board (Todo , in process, Done)

Create Task / Deliverables:

1. Test Case design
2. Test Case execution
Scrum Team Activity : Scrum Team (PO, SM, DT)
1. Plan for release
2. Generate Agile report relevant to scrum project (e.g.
Burn down chart, Sprint report etc.)
Sprint 4
Create Task / Deliverables:
1. Defect reporting
2. Traceability Matrix
3. Test summary report

Sprint 5 Sprint Evaluation

unctional Testing Case Study - 1
The following website is given for Manual Testing to follow Agile practices and design and
execute Test Cases and create Defect Report
Overview and scope of functionality
Project overview:
Open cart aims to search and view tge details of desktops, laptops,mobiles etc. The user can
search ,view the details of the product and finaly can purchase it

In scpoe fuctionality:
Open cart allows the following functionalities to the end users.
1. Home page:
Validate the page title and information presnt in the page.

2. My account:
a. sign Up: validate all feilds with valid and invalid data.
b. Login: validate with all options - valid and invalid; the forgot password linksign-up link.

3. Desktop booking:
a. search the desktops on various parameters - generation, ram,storage etc.
b. view desktop details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select desktop for booking.

4. laptop booking:
a. search the laptop on various parameters - generation, ram,storage etc.
b. view laptop details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select laptop for booking.

5. Tablets booking:
a. search the tablets on various parameters - quality,storage etc.
b. view tablet details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select camera for booking.

6. Mobile booking:
a. search the mobile on various parameters -ram,storage etc.
b. view mobile details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select mobile for booking.

7. software booking:
a. search the software on various parameters - features, flexibity etc.
b. view software details - system security, prize.
c. select software for booking.
8. camera booking:
a. search the camera on various parameters - quality,category, mega pixel etc.
b. view camera details - type of the lens, brand, prize.
c. select camera for booking.

9. Mp3 Players booking:

a. search the mp3 players on various parameters - quality,battery life etc.
b. view mp3 player details - audio, brand, prize.
c. select camera for booking.

10. Confirming order:

a. User can confirm the booking as registered user.
b. If the user is booking as guest user, he/she must has to fill up the information.
c. User can apply coupon while confirming the booking.
d. User confirms the booking after viewing all the details.

Out scope:
Ordering clothes.

Expected Implementation:
1. Usage of all testing types.
2. Usage of test design techniques .
3. Usage of valid and invalid input data.
4. Test case design in integration and system level testing.

QA suggestions:
1. Localization testing is most important.
2. Excange rate.
3. UI testing.
4. Scenario based Testing such as basic, alternate etc.
Component Epic
Web user url


My Account

Contact us


Home page


Your store Hyper link

New Customer


Returning customer


Coupon code

Shipping and taxes

Gift certificate



Shopping cart


confirm order

order history
order history

return product

Desktop Pc and Mac

laptops and windows


Componenets printers ,scanners

Componenets printers ,scanners

Home page Tablets

Home page Software

Home page Phones and PDA's

Home page Camera

Home page MP3 player

Home page MP3 player

My Account Log out

User Story
As a user, user should be able to open the application with valid url
As a user, I can register for the application by entering my email, password, valid details and
confirming my password
As a user, I will receive a confirmation email once I have registered for the application
As a Registered user,if he is already registered then he must login with registered email and
As a Registered user, user must receive an error message when entering the wrong email or
As a registered user, user should be to click on forgot password if I forget the password
As a registered user, user should get a mail to reset the password after giving valid email id in
forgot password page
As a registered user, user should be able to view the personal details
As a registered user,user should be able to view the order history
As a registered user, user should be able to view the transactions
As a registered user, user should be able to view contact us form
As a registered user, user should be able to enter the name,mail id and enquiry details
As a user, user should be able to submit the form with valid details
As a user, user should get the list of currencies after clicking on currency button
As a user, user want to select any one of the currency option
As a user, user should be able to reset the currency
As a user, user should be able to access the search text box for searching a item
As a user, user should get a message if a search item is not found
As a user, user want to see the search results in a list with all information
As a user,user want to filter the results by choosing specific categories and sub categories
As a user,user want the active filters to be displayed and I want to be able to reset all filters
As a user, user must be able to view the items added to the cart
As a user, user should be able to remove the item added to the cart
As a user, user must be able to view the sub total and total of the items added to the cart
As a user, user should be able to navigate to shopping cart page
As a user, user should be able to navigate to the checkout page
As a user, User must be able to navigate to the home page after clicking on the "Your Store"
As a user, Your story hyper link should be available in every page to navigate to the home page
As a user, user must be able to add items to the wishlist.
As a user, user must be able to navigate to the wishlist page.
As a user, user must be able to register account by clicking continue.
As a user, user must be able to navigate to register account page.
As a user ,user must be able to give valid personal details , valid password and
As a user, user must be able to click on privacy policy checkbox and then continue.
As a user, user must be able to see the message that account has been created and then continue.
As a user , user will be able to navigate to the my account page.
As a registered user, user must be able to view the added items to the wishlist.
As a registered user, user must be able to add items to the shopping cart and remove items from
the wishlist and then continue
As a registered user , user will be able to navigate to the my account page.
As a user, user must be able to add items to the cart.
As a user, user must be able to view the items added in the cart.
As a user, user must be able to update quantity in the
As a user, user must be able to remove the items from the cart.
As a user, user must be able to enter valid coupon code in the use coupon code box and click on
apply coupon button to avail offers.
As a user, user must be able to view estimate shipping and taxes.
As a user, user must be able to enter valid information in drop downs providing country
name,region/state and postcode and then click on get quotes and then i will be able to see
estimated shipping prices
Then click on apply shipping .
As a user, user must be able to view use gift certificate.
As a user, user must be able to enter valid gift certificate code and click on apply gift certificate.
As a user , user must be able to see the pricing details like sub-total, eco tax,VAT and total.
As a user, user must be able to click on checkout in the home page.
As a user, user must give valid billing details like first name ,last name,address,city,post
code,country,region/state and then click on continue.
As a user, user can also select existing address if available and then continue.
As a user, user will be navigated to the delivery details.
As a user, user must give valid delivery details like first name ,last name,address,city,post
code,country,region/state and then click on continue.
As a user, user can also select existing address if available and then continue.
As a user, user will be navigated to the delivery method.
As a user, user can select preferred shipping method on the order.
As a user, user will be able to view the shipping price.
As a user, user can add comments about the order in the comment text box and then click on
As a user, user will be navigated to the payment method.
As a user, user can select preferred payment method on the order.
As a user, user can add comments about the order in the comment text box and then click on
As a user, user will be navigated to terms and conditions page when clicked on terms and
As a user, user must accept terms and conditions by clicking on terms and conditions checkbox and
then continue.
As a user, user will be navigated to the confirm order.
As a user, user can view the product and pricing details.
As a user, user can recheck the product details by clicking on product name and then confirm
As a user, user will be receiving a message that order has been successfully placed.
As a user, user can view the order history by going to the my account page and by clicking on
As a user, user will be navigated to the order history page.
As a user, user can view the order id,customer name ,no of products,status,total,date added.
As a user, user will be navigated to view page when clicked on view button.
As a user, user will be able to view the order details,payment address,shipping address and order
As a user, user can reorder the product by clicking on reorder button and then item will be added
to the shopping cart.
As a user, user can return the product by clicking on return button then user will be navigated to
the product returns page.
As a user, user can view order information,product information and give the valid reason for
return and also provide any other details if needed and then submit.
As a user, user will receive a message that return request has been sent to the relevant
department for processing and then continue.
As a user, user will be navigated to the home page.
As a user, user should able to the See all the list of Desktops while we place the cursor on
desktop(PC & Mac)
As a user, user should able to click the list and grid to view the mobies in rows and coloumn
As a user, user should able to click the sort by and it should list out the sort by options
As a user, user should able to click compare product it should navigate to compare page
As a user, user should able to compare the two different products for comparsion
As a user, user should able to select to show number of mobiles can showen per page
As a user, user should able to see the mobile information when click the mobile name
As a user, user should able to add a products in add to cart
As a user, user should able to add a products in wishlist
As a user, user we should able to see only PC items when we click PC
As a user, user should able to see only Mac items when we click Mac
As a user, user should able to the see all the list of Laptops & Notebooks while we place the
cursor on Laptops & Notebooks(Macs & Windows)
As a user, user should able to click the list and grid to view the Laptops & Notebooks in rows
and coloumn
As a user, user should able to click the sort by and it should list out the sort by options
As a user, user should able to click compare product it should navigate to compare page
As a user, user should able to compare the two different products for comparsion
As a user, user should able to select to show number of Laptops & Notebooks can showen
per page
As a user, user should able to see the Laptops & Notebooks information when click the Laptops &
Notebooks name
As a user, user should able to add a products in add to cart
As a user, user should able to add a products in wishlist
As a user, user should able to see only Macs items when we click Mac
As a user, user should able to see only windows items when we click Windows
As a user, user should able to the see all the list of components while we place the cursor on
components(Mice & Traceballs, Monitors, Printers, Scanners and Web camers)
As a user, user should able to click the list and grid to view the items in rows
and coloumn
As a user, user should able to click the sort by and it should list out the sort by options
As a user, user should able to click compare product it should navigate to compare page
As a user, user should able to compare the two different products for comparsion
As a user, user should able to select to show number of items can showen per page
As a user, user should able to see the components information when click the components name
As a user, user should able to add a products in add to cart
As a user, wuser should able to add a products in wishlist
As a user, user should able to see only Mice & Traceballs items when we click Mice & Traceballs
As a user, user should able to see only Monitors items when we click Monitors
As a user, user should able to see only Printers items when we click Printers
As a user, user should able to see only Scanners items when we click Scanners
As a user, user should able to see only Web camers items when we click Web camers
As a user, user should able to click Tablets and it navigate to tablet page
As a user, user should able to click the list and grid to view the items in rows
and coloumn
As a user, user should able to click the sort by and it should list out the sort by options
As a user, user should able to click compare product it should navigate to compare page
As a user, user should able to compare the two different products for comparsion
As a user, user should able to select to show number of items can showen per page
As a user, user should able to see the components information when click the components name
As a user, user should able to add a products in add to cart
As a user, user should able to add a products in wishlist
As a user, user should be able to click on the software and navigate to software interface.
As a user, user should be able to see different types of softwares on the screen.
As a user,user should be able to select a software and add to cart.
As a user, user should be able to click on phones & PDA's and navigate to new page with all
As a user, user should be able to select list or grid to view different mobiles
As a user,user should be able to click on sort by and select the types of mobiles from the drop
As a user, user should be able to select no of mobiles to view on the page.
As a user, user should be able to click on mobile name to know more information.
As a user,user should be able to add the mobile to add to cart.
As a user,user should be able to add the mobile to Wishlist.
As a user,user should be able to click on button to compare two mobiles
As a user,user should be able to click on remove button to remove a mobile from comparision.
As a user,user should be able to click on Camera and navigate to new page with all Cameras.
As a user, user should be able to select list or grid to view different Cameras.
As a user, user be should able to click on sort by and select the types of cameras from the drop
As a user,user should be able to select no of Cameras to view on the page.
As a user,user should be able to click on Cameras name to know more information.
As a user, user should be able to add the Cameras to add to cart.
As a user, user should be able to add the Camera to Wishlist.
As a user, user should be able to click on button to compare two Cameras
As a user,user should be able to click on remove button to remove a Camera from comparision.
As a user,user should be able to click on Mp3 players and navigate to new page with all Mp3
As a user,user should be able to select list or grid to view different Mp3 players.
As a user,user should be able to click on sort by and select the types of Mp3 players from the drop
As a user, user should be able to select no of Mp3 players to view on the page.
As a user, user should be able to click on Mp3 players name to know more information.
As a user, user should be able to add the Mp3 players to add to cart.
As a user, user should be able to add the Mp3 players to Wishlist.
As a user, usershould be able to click on button to compare two mMp3 players.
As a user, should be able to click on remove button to remove a Mp3 players from comparision.
As a user, user must be able to logout from their account
Story points Assigned to Priority
1 Team memebers High

Team memebers High


7 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

5 Team memebers Medium

5 Team memebers Low

2 Team memebers Low

6 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

4 Team memebers Medium

4 Team memebers Medium

1 Team memebers Medium

2 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

4 Team memebers High

7 Team memebers High

5 Team memebers High

5 Team memebers Medium

5 Team memebers Medium

5 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

11 Team memebers Medium

11 Team memebers Medium

14 Team memebers Medium

14 Team memebers Medium

9 Team memebers Medium

3 Team memebers Medium

9 Team memebers Medium

9 Team memebers Medium

9 Team memebers Medium

9 Team memebers Medium

1 Team memebers Medium

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