Functional Testing Case Study - 1: Sprint Day Sprint Activity
Functional Testing Case Study - 1: Sprint Day Sprint Activity
Functional Testing Case Study - 1: Sprint Day Sprint Activity
Task/Scenario Given:
In scpoe fuctionality:
Open cart allows the following functionalities to the end users.
1. Home page:
Validate the page title and information presnt in the page.
2. My account:
a. sign Up: validate all feilds with valid and invalid data.
b. Login: validate with all options - valid and invalid; the forgot password linksign-up link.
3. Desktop booking:
a. search the desktops on various parameters - generation, ram,storage etc.
b. view desktop details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select desktop for booking.
4. laptop booking:
a. search the laptop on various parameters - generation, ram,storage etc.
b. view laptop details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select laptop for booking.
5. Tablets booking:
a. search the tablets on various parameters - quality,storage etc.
b. view tablet details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select camera for booking.
6. Mobile booking:
a. search the mobile on various parameters -ram,storage etc.
b. view mobile details - type of the product, brand, prize.
c. select mobile for booking.
7. software booking:
a. search the software on various parameters - features, flexibity etc.
b. view software details - system security, prize.
c. select software for booking.
8. camera booking:
a. search the camera on various parameters - quality,category, mega pixel etc.
b. view camera details - type of the lens, brand, prize.
c. select camera for booking.
Out scope:
Ordering clothes.
Expected Implementation:
1. Usage of all testing types.
2. Usage of test design techniques .
3. Usage of valid and invalid input data.
4. Test case design in integration and system level testing.
QA suggestions:
1. Localization testing is most important.
2. Excange rate.
3. UI testing.
4. Scenario based Testing such as basic, alternate etc.
Component Epic
Web user url
My Account
Contact us
Home page
New Customer
Returning customer
Coupon code
Gift certificate
Shopping cart
confirm order
order history
order history
return product