Steam Trap

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OV FORBES Qoteeas Forbes Marshall Thermodynamic Trap FMTD64 Description ‘The Forbes Marshall Termodynamic Trap FMTDS4,with inbuilt Strainer ano fil Stainless stool construction, is best suited for header and mainline drain ‘Also avalabie with Flanged ends with Model FMTDB4FL & with N25 Socket Weld Ends Model FMTDS4SW25 & is ready to instal for better Performance. ‘Sizes DN'T5, ON 20 and DN25, ‘Screwed BSPTIBSPINPT & Socket Weld Ends Totes {-Avalabio wth Class #150 and #900 , P40 Flange Ends 2.Avalable with BR oerfeste Materat Siandard Limiting Conditions of FMTDS4 Sisinoss Stesl_| ASTM A743 GrOMID Body design conditons PINS z Stainoss Stee!_| BS 3146 ANC2_ PA Maximum alowabi pressure s3arg@ 100 x ‘Staioss Stool_| ASTWA 240 SS 420 Tita Maximum atowable temperate 400'C @ «2barg | Stainer Seen | Sines Sice! | ASTMA 240 Type 504 Minimum alewab\e temperature oc | Svainer Cap | Staness Steel | BS 3148 ANC? PMO Maximum operating pessire 42 bar ocamendod Ninimum operating temperature oe Minimum operating cferental pressure 025bere forsatistciory operations Designed for maximum eo yeraul bare test pressure of Note For loner operaing temperatures consult Forbes Marshall PMOB: Maximum back pressure should natexceed 80% ofthe let pressure Uundorany earaltons operation abenvise heap may notshutf ‘Operating Range gmrs ‘ = ip 20 8 ar ‘Tempe ie ite = ‘a. a 8 Prossura bar g The Product must not be used in this region Jy ott shui robe vena n hein or yon operating range es damage may occur tothe vera Limiting Conditions of FMTDEAFL Flange to Flange Dimensions as per international Standard !SO 558, For ANSI #150 PMO Maximum oporaing pressure = 140 bar g @ 187 Deg.c ‘TMO Maxamum operating fomperature = 400 Deg G @ 55 bar g Cold hydraulic tes pressure =21.0 bar g For ANSI #200 PMO Maximum operating pressure = 41.5 bar "TMO Maximum operating Cod yrauic tes pressure = 62.0 bar g For PNAO Flanges PMO Maximum operating pressure» 38.0 bar g @ 250 Deg. C “TMO Maximum operating temperature = 400 Deg © @ 28.5 barg Cold hydraui test presse = 57.0 bar 9 Dimensions of Model FMTDS4FL ( Flanged Version ) ¢ Dimensions (approx. in mm) se | a [efile | ole |e owis| a | re | aa 150 [oNzo-[ 47 a 780 N25 [43 [a2 80) af 82] A Note: Weightofbare FMTDS4is 0.8kg, 'Sr[ Description Material [Standard T | Thermodynamic Stainless [ASTMATAS ‘Trap FMTD64, SWE Stool [Gr Cad 2 [Flanges SWE type ANSI #150, ASME 5165 2 [Flanges SWE type ANSI #300, ASME 815.5, 2 [Flanges RE PNAO_EN 1092-1 ‘Carbon Stool] ASTM A 105 Carbon Stes] ASTMA 105 [CarbonSteel [ASTM AT05 Energy Conservation | Environment | Process Efficiency ‘www Optional oxtras ISOTUB- An insulating cover which pravents the trap from being unduly influenced by excessive heat loss such as when ‘Subjected to low outside temperature, win, rain ete Salient Features 1. Complete stainless stee! construction ensures better mechanical and corrosion resistant properties, 2. The disc and seat, hardened by inducton hardening process to about 45RC can witnstand continuous water hammering Conditions 43, Seat integral part ofthe body, and gaskets. 4. Condensate entry below the aise concentric to disc/seat fensures clean and paral it to disc wih reference to sot tliminating any localized wear and tea. '5. An inbuilt strainer screen of adequately large area ensures fang and trouble ree operation J minates leakage- prone joints Capacity trans pase bag fe 10043) Installation Preferably on horizontal pipe with cover on top. The trap canbe ited In other positions if unavoidable Maintenance Remove the isotub ifited and unscrew cap using spanner. Do ‘not use pipe wrench which may cause distortion ofthe cap. I the disc and body seating faces are only sightly worn they can be ‘faced by lapping individually on a flat surface such a8 a surface plate. A igure of eight motion and a ditted 1:8 lapping ‘compound such as 6 micron Aluminium Oxide give the best results, Ifthe wear is too great to be rectified by simple lapping, the ‘seating faces on the body must be ground fa and then lapped and the dise replaced by a new one. The total amount of metal removed in this way should not exceed 0.25 mm or 0.010". When ‘w-assembiing, the disc is normally placed in positon with the grooved side in contact with the body seating face. Screw on the cap; no gasket Is required but suitable high temperature arti- ‘0ize grease should be applied tothe threads. To clean or replace the strainer, unscrew the strainer cap using a spanner, withdraw the seven and ciean or replace with a new one if damaged. To re-assemble, inser the screen in cap, then screw ‘cap into place. No gasket is required but a fine smear of ‘Molybdenum Disulphide grease shoule be applied to the threads. ~~ (pp 1081 Milestone Be FORBES —somay Poona Road Kasra, Pune ¢*1 036. NDIA Foes Masha “at 910)80-27145895, 39868555, Kote Mra Fax onfopo-a7147e13 Foes Vncke Foes Sean Stems evo! Enel agiotemnniacon, enfahenanalon aceasta eye ae nge ]aasampagt SESE ap ene semaine st How to Order Example 4). 1No, DN1S Forbes Marshall Thermodynamic Trap FMTD64 Screwed BSPT, IBR. 2) 1No, DN15 Forbes Marshall Thermodynamic Trap FMTDE4FL. Flanged to ASA 150, IBR, 3) 1No, DN15 Forbes Marshall Thermodynamic Trap [Refer below figure] The parts available as spares are shown with Alphabets. Spares Disc and screen Kit for DN 15 (Pack of) | AvB Disc and screen Kitfor DN 20 (Pack of3) | AVE Disc and screen kitfor DN 25 (Pack of 3) | AvB Isotub c How to Order Spares Aways order spares by using the description gven inthe column headed “Avaliable Spare” and stating the size and type of rap Example: 1No. Disc & Screen kit for DNIS Forbes Marshal “Thermodynamic Tap FMTO64 8.85, Phase, Chakan Ing Ares Sawardar, Chaka, Tal Khoo Dat Pune 410 804 INDIA Tel 91(0)2135-385400, ‘834/35, MIDC H Block impr Puno = 411 078. INDIA. Tal 84(0)20.27442020, 39851199 Fax 91(0}20-27442080 ‘nu orbesmarshalcom | four outs tangs Doce FMSSO316TIS-FATDEOMNS RE

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