Sap QB
Sap QB
Sap QB
Answer. ASAP stands for Accelerated SAP (ASAP). ASAP is a software tool used for project management in
SAP implementations. Normally, any SAP implementation involves various phases. ASAP helps in guiding a
SAP implementation project. Thus from the initial stages to the "Go Live" stage, ASAP helps in streamlining the
entire SAP implementation process.
Transparent Table: Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the
same data and fields. A transparent table is a table that stores data directly. You can read these tables directly on
the database from outside SAP with for instance an SQL statement. I.E you can use Native SQL also to read the
tables along with Open SQL. Transparent table is a one to one relation table i.e. When you create one transparent
table then exactly same table will create in data base and if is basically used to store transaction data.
Pooled Table: Pooled tables are logical tables that must be assigned to a table pool when they are defined.
Pooled tables are used to store control data. Several pooled tables can be combined in a table pool. The
data of these pooled tables are then sorted in a common table in the database.
Cluster Table: Cluster tables are logical tables that must be assigned to a table cluster when they are
defined. Cluster tables can be used to store control data. They can also be used to store temporary data or
texts, such as documentation.
A clustered and a pooled table cannot be read from outside SAP because certain data are clustered and
pooled in one field. I.E they must be read using OPEN SQL only. You can not read them using native SQL.
You can create secondary indexes on transparent tables where as secondary indexes can’t be created on
pooled and cluster tables.
Q5) what is a table? What is the difference between structure and table?
Table consists of rows and columns where we store the real world data. Main difference between structure
and Table –
When we create table and activate it, it will be created both in ABAP dictionary and under lying physical
database. Table can hold data.
Where as structure can not hold data. It is created only in the ABAP dictionary. We can declare objects that are
of structure type and make use of them to hold data in run time.
Q6) Have you ever created custom database tables (Z tables) in any project?
This is the most common question being asked in any interview. For this you can say YES. I will give you a
real time example.
There is a report program. You want to maintain the log of execution for that report. That means you want to
maintain user details who has executed the report. When they have executed and what time.
For that you will create a custom table with fields like user id, date, time etc. When ever a particular report is
executed, the custom table is updated with the details mentioned above. This is the simple scenario.
Like this, we can create custom tables to suit our requirements.
Q8). In SAP how can a user view a list of all changed entries in customizing tables?
Answer: For viewing changed entries in a user has to turn on table logging, once this is done, one can view each
changed entry to the customizing table. SAP shows information by system, date, time, user, the old entry, and
the new entry; a list of all prior modified data is also shown by the system.
Q25)How do you read selected lines of database table into an internal table in packages of predefined size.
Q26) Name the WILDCARD characters which are used for comparison with character strings & numeric
strings. ‘%’ and ‘-‘.
Q27)How to specify a client for database table processing.
. . .
Q28) Activation – During activation, the runtime object of aggregate object or tables is created. The runtime
object is buffered so that the application program can access it quickly. Runtime object has information
about the following objects of table
- domain – data elements – field definition – table definition
Q29) Lock Mechanism – prevents a new database operation being started an existing one has been correctly
completed. When conversion is done, lock is created automatically and released only when conversion is
successful. Clearing of locks –
Restart adjustment – attempt is made to continue conversion at the point of termination
cancel adjustment - lock entry is simply deleted from table.
Q)Revised version - produced when we edit an existing object
- active version - produced when we activate an object
- temporary version - produced when we copy the active version temporarily to the database with store
version functions
- Historical versions - created when 1. Correctuib us created 2 cirrectuib us Released
Q34)To View the status of background Job, The transaction code is SM37.
Execute from the resulting screen. A Job overview --> From the Job list select U’r program and select spool
from the application tool bar a output Controller
:List of Spool Requests a Select U’ r Spool request and click display icon from the overview screen.
You can see the List.
Caution : See to that the list with does not exceed 255 columns. It it exceeds the extra columns will be
truncated in Background.
To read data objects from an ABAP program into ABAP memory, use the following statement :
EXPORT <f1> [FROM <g 1>] <f 2> [FROM <g 2>] . . . TO MEMORY ID <key>.
This statement stores the data objects specified in the list as a cluster in memory. If you do not use the
option FROM <f i>, the data object <f i> is saved under its own name. if you use the FROM <g i> option, the
data object <g i> is saved under the name <f i>. the name <key> identifies the cluster in memory. It ma be up
to 32 characters longg.The EXPORT statement always completely overwrites the contents of any existing data
cluster with the same name <key>.
To read data objects from ABAP memory into an ABAP program, use the following statement :
IMPORT <f1> [TO <g 1>] <f 2> [TO <g 2>] . . . FROM MEMORY ID <key>.
This statement reads the data objects specified in the list from a cluster in memory. If you do not use the TO
<g i> option, the data object <f i> in memory is assigned to the data object in the program with the same
name. if you do use the option, the data object <f i> is read from memory into the field <g i>. the name <key>
identifies the cluster in memory. It may be up to 32 characters king.
You do not have to read all of the objects stored under a particular name <key>. You can restrict the number
of objects by specifying their names. If the memory does not contain any objects under the name <key>, SY-
SUBRC is set to 4. if, on the other hand, there is a data cluster in memory with the name <key>, SY-SUBRC
is always 0, regardless of whether it contained the data object <f i>. if the cluster does not contain the data
object <f i>, the target field remains unchanged.
Q40)What are the differences between calling a program, transaction ‘with return’ and ‘without return’
and how can each be accomplished?
-SUBMIT <rep> | {field>) [AND RETURN] [<options>]
if you use AND RETURN, the system stores the data of the calling executable program and returns to the
calling after processing the called program. The system resumes executing the calling program at the
statement following the call.
If you omit the AND RETURN addition, all data and list levels of the calling program (the entire internal
session) are deleted. After the called executable program has finished, control returns to the level from which
you started the calling program.
[USING <itab>].
This statement saves the data of the calling program, and starts transaction <tcod>. At the end of the
transaction, the system returns to the statement following the call in the calling report.
This statement ends the calling program and starts transaction <tcod>. This deletes the call stack (internal
sessions) of all previous programs. At the end of the transaction, the system returns to the area menu from
which the original program in the call stack was started.
Q41) What are the differences between the parameter SET and GET?
Q42)WHAT are the commands that allow you to process sequential file? And what is their syntax?
. READ DATASET (reading) and TRANSFER (writing)
. OPEN DATASET <dataset name> for <input output appending > in <binary text> mode at
POSITION <position> MESSAGE <field>
. READ DATASET <dataset name > INTO <field>
. CLOSE DATASET <dataset name>
. DELETE DATASET <dataset name>
TRANSFER <field> to <dataset name>
Q43)What is the difference between opening a dataset for input, output, appending?
Opens the file for writing if exists it is overwritten if not then it is created.
Opens an existing file for reading.
Opens the file for writing at the end of the file. If it does not exist, it is
Created, if opened, you return to the end.
Q44)When an internal table is created, the settings criteria for the value of occurs?
The objective of setting the value of an occurs for an internal table is a question of optimization. The following
facts should be taken into account when making such decision.
1) The complete data area of a program is 64000 bytes.
2) The initial size declared is kept in roll area (quicker access to program)
3) Data entered that exceeds the initial size stores in the roll file (Slower access to program)
4) You should also analyze the expected volume and access rates before making the decision.
To terminate a single loop pass conditionally, use the CHECK <condition> statement in the
statement block of the loop.
If the condition is not true, any remaining statements in the current statement block after the
CHECK statement are ignored, and the next loop pass starts.
<condition> can be any logical _ expression.
An extract dataset consists of a sequence of records. These records may have different
structures. All records with the same structure form a record type. You must define each
record type of an extract dataset as a field group, using the FIELD-GROUPS statement.
This statement defines a field group <fg>. A field group combines several fields under one
name. For clarity, you should declare your field groups at the end of the declaration part of
your program.
A field group does not reserve storage space for the fields, but contains pointers to existing
fields. When filling the extract dataset with records, these pointers determine the contents of
the stored records.
Move :- To assign the value of a data object <fl> to a variable < f2 >, use the following
MOVE < f1 > TO < f2 >.
or the equivalent statement
< f2 > = < f1 >.
The contents of < f1 > remain unchanged. < f1 > does not have to be a variable - it can also
be a literal, a text symbol, or a constant. You must always specify decimal points with a period
(.), regardless of the user's personal settings.
Multiple value assignments in the form
< f4 > = < f3 > = <f2 > = < f1 > .
External session :- When user logs on to R/3 system, the system creates a new terminal
session called external session. E.g. System a Create Session.
Internal session :- created by calling a transaction (with CALL TRANSACTION), a dialog
module (with CALL DIALOG) or a report (with SUBMIT or RETURN).
For external session :- internal sessions are allowed
Roll area :- Data areas of used programs are created in roll areas for each internal session.
Posting data between internal sessions: -
Main program group :- Created when exporting an internal session.
Additional program group :- If a function module belonging to a function group not so far
loaded, additional program group is created.
Subroutine call:- When external subroutine is called system loads the relevant program and
adds it to the program group of calling program.
Work areas :- Both table & common work areas with the same name are created once for each
program group and then shared by all programs in the group.
List system :- Consists of basic list and all details list belonging to basic list assigned to exactly
one screen level.
User interface :- Only program has its own user interface. Internal sessions interface is initially
empty. Special user interface has to be activated using SET PF-STATUS statement.
ABAP/4 memory :- Retained only during the lifetime of an external session.
Data cluster :- Group of several data objects.
Data objects :- Units of data, which a program processes at runtime.
Q45)How do you write a DATA object from ABAP/4 program to ABAP/4 memory and restore the
same from memory to program.
EXPORT <f1> [FROM <g1>] <f2> [FROM <g2>] . . . TO MEMORY ID <key>].
The ID <key>, which can be up to 32 characters long, identifies the data in memory.
Q48)Name the function modules to write data from an internal table to the Presentation Server.
Q49)Name the function modules to read data from Presentation Server into an Internal Table.
Q50)Name the function module that can be used to give information about files on Presentation
Server and about it's Operating System.
Q52) How would you find the attributes of a data type or data object ?
[EDIT MASK <m>].
Q53)Which function module would you use to check the user's authorization to access files
before opening a file ?
Q54)Name the function module used to convert logical file names to physical file names in
ABAP/4 programs.
* * * * Screen flow logic: * * * *
Q56)Have you used SAP supplied programs to load master data?
- SAP supplied BDC programs - RMO6BBI0 (Purchase requisitions)
- RMDATIND (Material master) RFBIKR00 (Vendor Masters)
- RFBIDE00 (Customer Master) RVINVB00 (Sales Order)
Q57)What are the Techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs ? Do you prefer to write
your own programs to load master data? Why?
- Identify relevant fields
- Maintain transfer structure (Predefined - first one is always session record)
- Session record structure, Header Data, Item (STPE - record type)
- Fields in session structure - STYPE, GROUP, MANDT, USERNAME, NO DATA
- Fields in header structure - consists of transaction code also - STYPE, BMM00,
TCODE, MATNR and Fields in Item
- Maintain transfer file - sample data set creation.
Q58)How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are events driven
batch jobs?
- Create a job using function module JOB-OPEN
- Collect the job specifications.
- Add a job step to the job with the function module JOB-SUBMIT.
- Close the job and pass it to Background processing system for execution with the
function module JOB-CLOSE
- Types = System events - triggered when activation of new operation mode takes place
- User events - Triggered from ABAP/4 or external program.
- Triggering an event notifies the background processing that named condition has
been reached. The Background system reacts by starting any jobs that were waiting for the
When an error is found inside a chain, the screen is re-displayed, and all fields found
anywhere in the chain are input-enabled. All non-chain fields remain disabled.
Q62) What is CTS and What do you know about it? [CTS is Correction and Transport Systems]
- Correction system manages the internal system components like objects like only
original version of the object exists. It stores all changes made to the object.
- Transport system allows to transports the object from on SAP system to another
(Development system to Production system). It allows to over write or delete existing object in
target system and import new objects to target systems.
During development work we start by opening a task (correction) to which we can assign new
and changed objects. Once changes have been made, transport new or changed objects to
other SAP system by means of transport (Change) request.
Q)What are the events by which we can program "help texts" and display "possible values
lists" ?
Q72)In an ABAP/4 program how do you access data that exists on a presentation server v/s on
an application server ?
- For presentation server use UPLOAD or WS_UPLOAD function modules.
- For application server use OPEN DATASET, READ DATASET and CLOSE DATASET
Pooled Table :
A pool table has many to one relation with the table in the database. For one table in the
database there are many tables in the dictionary. The table in the database has a different
name than in the table in the data dictionary, it has different no of fields and field names are
different. A pooled table is stored in the pool at the database level. A table pool is a
database table with a special structure that enables the data of many R3 tables to be stored in
it. It can hold only pooled tables.
Q75)What are field symbols and field groups? Have you used component idx of structure with
field groups ?
A field symbol does not physically reserve space for a field, but points to a field which is not
known until runtime of the program. Field symbols are comparable to the concept of pointers
as used in programming language C.
An extract dataset consists of a sequence of records. These records may have different
structures. All records with the same structure form a record type. You must define each
record type of an extract dataset as afield group, using the FIELD-GROUPS statement.
Structures are used in ABAP/4 programs to transfer data between programs as it is globally
defined. Structures are used in particular for defining data at the interface between module
pools and screens and for standardizing parameters for function modules.
Q79)What is collect statement and how is it different from the append statement?
To fill an internal table with lines which have unique standard keys, we use the COLLECT
If an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT statement does not append a new
line as APPEND statement, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the
contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry.
Q80)What is an open SQL vs Native SQL?
Open SQL allows you to access all database tables known to the SAP system, regardless of
the database manufacturer. Sometimes, however, we may want to use database-specific SQL
statements called Native SQL in your ABAP/4 program.
To avoid incompatibilities between different database enables and also to make ABAP/4
programs independent of the database system in use, SAP has created a set of activate SQL
statements called Open SQL. Open SQL contains a subset of standard SQL statements as
some enhancements which are specific to SAP.
A database interface translates SAP's Open SQL statements into SQL commands specific to
the database in use. Native SQL statements access the database directly.
Q81)What does an EXEC SQL statement do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it ?
To use a Native SQL statement, it must be preceded by an EXEC SQL statement and
concluded by an ENDEXEC statement.
An ABAP/4 program with Native SQL statements does not generally run with different
Q83)What is an interactive reports? What is the obvious difference of such reports with HTML
type reports ?
Interactive reporting allows the user to participate actively in retrieving and presenting data
during the session. Instead of one extensive and detailed list, with interactive reporting you
create a condensed basic list from which the user can call detailed information by positioning
the cursor and entering commands. Interactive reporting thus reduces information retrieval to
the data actually required. Detailed information is presented in secondary lists. A secondary
list may either overlay the basic list completely or appear in an additional dialog window on the
same screen. The secondary list can itself be interactive again.
Apart from creating secondary lists, interactive reporting also allows to call transactions or
other reports from lists. These programs then use values displayed in the list as input values.
The user can, for example, call a transaction from within a list to change the database table
whose data is displayed in the list.
If the domain of the check field has a value table, this is proposed by the system as check
table in the foreign field maintenance. The key fields of the value table are in this case
assigned fields of the foreign key table with the same domain. These fields may assume only
those values allowed.
WINDOW sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current window (default
PAGE sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current output page.
Dear &NAME&
if sy-subrc = 0
read table out _tab index 1.
move scustom-name to out_tab-value.
modify out_tab index sy-tabix.
read table out_tab index 1.
move 'No name' to out_tab-value.
modify out_tab index sy-tabix.
* * You could also fill the output parameter table this way
out_par-value = 1_namel.
Note that if you use more than one parameter you must use Using or Changing before every
parameter !
The print program is used to print forms. The program retrieves the necessary data from
database tables, defines the order of in which text elements are printed, chooses a form for
printing and selects an output device and print options.
Open form printing - Must be called before working with any of the other form function modules.
Call function 'OPEN _ FORM' . . . . .
Must be ended with function module CLOSE FORM
*To begin several identical forms containing different data within a single spool request, begin
each form using START_FORM, and end it using END_FORM call function 'START_FORM'. . .
Ends form
call function 'END _ FORM' . . . .
Structure for Print options (return values) - Pages selected for printing, Number of copies etc.
* OTHERS = 4.
The function module CONTROL _ FORM can be used to create SapScript control statements
from within an ABAP program.
Example :
In the form painter, you can either include directly to the form using menu Edit - > Graphic - >
Create or using the INCLUDE statement in a window.
To use an INCLUDE statement, goto into the window script editor and use menu Include - >
Graphic. The include can look like this for a bitmap :
The standard SAP print program should only be changed when it is absolutely necessary. If
additional data is needed, these can in many cases be retrieved using a PERFORM
statement in the form instead of changing the print program.
Structural changes
New text elements are needed
Print program to be used to print additional forms.
Determine / change which forms and print programs that are used for printing
The forms and print programs for a given output type and application can be found in table
TNAPR Processing programs for output.
For SD documents you can use table TNAPR top find the name of the printprogram
Transactions :
S transaction is a program that conducts a dialog with the user. In a typical dialog, the system
displays a screen on which the user can enter or request information. Based on the user
input or request, the program executes the appropriate actions like, it branches to the next
screen, displays an output, or changes the database.
Q93)Explain what is a transaction in SAP terminology.
- In SAP terminology, a transaction is series of logically connected dialog steps.
Q94)Explain how SAP GUI handles output screen for the user.
- User terminal input is accepted by SAP GUI and sent to the SAP displatcher. The
dispatcher co - ordinates the information exchange between the SAP GUIs and the work
processes. The dispatcher first places the processing request in request queues, which it
then processes. The dispatcher dispatches the requests to the available work process. The
actual processing takes place in the work process. When processing takes place in the work
process. When processing takes place in the work process. When processing is complete,
the result of a work process is returned via the dispatcher to the SAP GUI. The GUI interprets
the received data and generates the output screen for the user.
LUW (or " database LUW " or " database transaction " )
This is the set of updates terminated by a database commit. A LUW lasts, at most, from one
screen change to the next ( because the SAP system triggers database commits automatically
at every screen change ).
LUW help to guarantee database integrity. When an LUW has been successfully concluded,
the database is once again in a correct state. If, however, an error occurs within an LUW, all
database changes made since the beginning of the LUW are cancelled and the database is
then in the same state as before the LUW started.
A LUW begins
A LUW ends
Q96)Does the external program run in the same SAP LUW as the caller, or in a separate one ?
- Transactions run with a separate SAP LUW
- Reports run with a separate SAP LUW
- Dialog modules run in the same SAP LUW as the caller
- Function modules run in the same SAP LUW as the caller
The only exceptions to the above rules are function modules called with IN UPDATE TASK (V2
function only ) or IN BACKGROUND TASK (ALE applications). These always run in their own
(separate ) update transactions.
Q100)What is screen flow logic ? What are the selctions in it ? Explain PAI and PBO >
Ans - Screen flow logic contains the procedural part of screen. The screen flow logic is like an
ABAP program in that it serves as a container for processing blocks. There are four event
blocks, each of which is introduced with the screen keywork
PROCESS AFTER INPUT ( PAI ) is triggered when the user chooses a function on the screen.
You can program the PAI processing of the screen in this block. At the end of the PAI.
Processing, the system either calls the next screen or carries on processing at the point from
which the screen was called.
triggered when the user requests field help (F1) or possible values help ( F4) respectively.
You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. At the end of
processing, the system carries on processing the current screen.
Q100)Can we use WRITE statement in screen fields ? If not how is data transferred from field
data to screen fields
- We cannot write field data to the screen using the WRITE statement. The system
instead transfers data by comparing screen field names with ABAP/4 variable names. If both
names are the same, it transfers screen field values to ABAP/4 program fields and vice-versa.
This happens immediately before and immediately after displaying the screen.
Q101)How does the interaction between the Dynpro and the ABAP/4 modules takes place ?
- A transaction is a collection of screens and ABAP/4 routines, controlled and executed by
a Dialog processor. The dialog processor processes screen after screen, thereby triggering
the appropriate ABAP/4 processing for each screen. For each screen, the system executes
the flow logic that contains the corresponding ABAP/4 processing. The control passes from
screen flow logic to ABAP/4 code and back.
With CALL SCREEN, the current (calling) chain is suspended, and a next screen (or screen
chain) is called in. The called screen can then return to the suspended chain with the
statement LEAVE SCREEN to SCREEN 0. Sometimes we might want to let an user call a pop
up screen from the main application screen to let them enter secondary information. After
they have completed their entries, the users should be able to close the pop up and return
directly to the place where they left off in teh main screen. Here comes CALL SCREEN into
picture. This statement lets us insert such a sequence into the current one.
Q114)The syntax used to call a screen as a dialog box (pop up) is ______________________.
CALL SCREEN < screen number >
STARTING AT <start column > <start line >
ENDING AT < end column > < end line >.
Q119)What happens if only one of the commands SET SCREEN and LEAVE SCREEN is used
without using the other ?
If we use SET SCREEN without LEAVE SCREEN, the program finishes processing for the
current screen before branching to < <screen no >. If we use LEAVE SCREEN without a
SET SCREEN before it, the current screen process will be terminated and branch directly to
the screen specified as the default next-screen in the screen attributes.
Q120)What is significance of the screen number '0' ?
In "calling mode", the special screen number 0 (LEAVE TO SCREEN) causes the system to
jump back to the previous call level. That is, if you have called a screen sequence with CALL
SCREEN leaving to screen 0 terminates the sequence and returns to the calling screen. If
you have not called a screen sequence, LEAVE TO SCREEN 0 terminates the transaction.
Q124)Why grouping of fields is required ? What is the maximum number of modification groups for
each field ?
- If the same attributes need to be changed for several fields at the same time these fields
can be grouped together. We can specify up to four modification groups for each field.
Q129)Why do we need to code a LOOP statement in both the PBO and PAI events for each table
in the screen ?
We need to code a LOOP statement in both PBO and PAI events for each table in the screen.
This is because the LOOP statement causes the screen fields to be copied back and forth
between the ABAP/4 program and the screen field. For this reason, at least an empty LOOP .
. . . ENDLOOP must be there.
Q130)What are the differences between TABLE CONTROLS and STEP LOOPS ?
- TABLE CONTROLS are simply enhanced STEP LOOPS that display data with the look
and feel of a table widget in a desktop application. But from a programming standpoint,
TABLE CONTROLS and STEP LOOPS are almost exactly the same . One major difference
between STEP LOOPS and TABLE CONTROLS is in STEP LOOPS their table rows can span
more than one line on the screen. By contrast the rows in a TABLE CONTROLS are always
single lines, but can be very long. (Table control rows are scrollable ). The structure of table
controls is different from step loops. A step loop, as a screen object, is simply a series of field
rows that appear as a repeating block. A table control, as a screen object consists of : i) table
fields (displayed in the screen) ii) a control structure that governs the table display and what
the user can do with it.
Q143)Does SAP has a GUI screen painter ? If yes what operating systems is it available on ?
What is the other type of screen painter called ?
On what OS (Operating System) is it available - Window based.
Other type of screen painter - alpha numeric screen painter.
Q144)What are step loops ? How do you program page down page up in step loop ?
Step loops : Method of displaying a set of record.
Page down & Page up : Decrement / increment base counter
Index = base + sy-step1 - 1
Q145)Normally how many and what files get created when a transaction program is written ? What
is top XXXXXXTOP program ?
Main program with A Includes
Q148)How are screen names defined ? Do you create a screen firs or define your program first ?
Ans :- Define the program first and then create a screen.
Q149)What does PBO stands for ? When is the PBO logic performed ?
Ans :- PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT - Processed before the screen is displayed.
Q150)What does PAI stands for ? When is the PAI logic performed ?
Ans :- PROCES AFTER INPUT - Processed after the user has pressed ENTER.
Q151)How is data passed from the screen fields to the ABAP/4 program ?
Ans :- Through the flow logic.
Ans :- Then we know that it is part of the PBO, therefore is processed before the screen is
Q157)What is gained by using the Dictionary Fields menu option when creating your screen ?
Ans :- The fields you have created inherits the same attributes as those in the Data Dictionary.
Q158)How to Create a check box, frame, push buttons and radio buttons on a screen ?
Ans :- Just type a name and go to graphic element push button.
Q159)How do you assign an OK_CODE for a push button ? How it is used in ABAP ?
Ans :- In the field list, name the element and give it the value that it will represent when pushed
. You must make sure that you clear the field that represents the pushbutton after every
Q160)What automatic checks does the screen perform ?
(Should be four)
Describe all four and how they are used ?
Ans :- The field format, required input, a foreign key table, parameters.
Q162)How does foreign key work ? What you have to put in your screen to identify the foreign
key ?
No ? Then where is the foreign key identified ?
Ans :- You have defined a screen field by referring to a Data Dictionary, which has a check
table. When the foreign key is checked the system compares the values of the fields to be
checked with the contents of the key fields of the corresponding table.
Q163)What are the two effects of the foreign key from a user standpoint ?
Ans :- Possible entries & a check against the key field contents.
Q165)Does the value command in the flow logic go in the PAI or the PBO event ?
Ans :- PAI.
Q166)If an error occurs in the module pool, which fields are available for entry and which are
display only fields ?
Ans :- Only those fields defined with the FIELD statement before MODULE & relevant checks
in a chain.
Q168)What table stores the online messages ? What is the message class and what is its
significance ?
Ans :- Table T100. The message class is a specific class of messages for a group of
Q169)What are the 5 different message types and how are they handled by the system? What is
the difference between the warning and Error messages ?
Ans :-
A: Abend Message displayed on the current screen and subsequent task terminated
I: Information Message displayed on the current screen, but user can continue program
by pressing ENTER
E: Error Message displayed on the current screen. With FIELD statements, the fields
concerned become ready again for input and user is required to make the entry / entries
W: Warning As E message, but correcting input is optional
S: Success Message displayed on the follow-up screen as an I message.
Q171)What effect does the FIELD statement have within the flow logic ?
Ans :- The field statement resets the fields so those fields are ready for input again.
Q173)Is the SET PARAMETER statement to be issued in PBO or PAI module ? Why ?
Ans :- PAI, the value must be input into the fields first before it can be placed in the buffer.
Q175)Where can the SET CURSOR command be executed ? What is its effect ?
Ans :- In PBO, To position the CURSOR in a particular field after the screen is displayed.
Q176)What are the match codes and how do they affect the screen field ? Where are they
specified in the online program ?
Ans :- In the Properties window of the Field.
Q180)What is the difference between the Long form and the short form of making database
changes ?
Ans :- Long Form :
Update MARA and set brgew = 0
where matnr = 'MAT !'.
This is a standard Oracle Statement to modify the entry in the Database.
Short Form :
Modify MARA.
This is an SAP defined statement to modify the table
It is more secure and consistent.
Q181)What is the advantages using the SAP long form over the short form of database changes ?
Ans :- May be Fast Effect.
Q188) What steps are necessary to set a lock on a record within a database table ?
Ans :-
Execute CALL FUNCTION statement
CALL FUNCTION " ENQUIRE <lock object ">
Q190)What is the difference between 'CALL SCREEN # # # ' and ' SET SCREEN # # # '
Ans :-
SET SCREEN execute the screen number currently in the follow-screen field
CALL SCREEN interrupts the processing of the current screen to call a new screen or a chain
of screens, processing of the current screen is resumed directly after the call.
Q191) After a CALL SCREEN command where does the processing return after the screen has been
executed ?
Ans :- It returns the processing to the calling screen.
Q192)Which is the more similar to a call with return, the SET SCREEN or the CALL SCREEN ?
Ans :- The CALL SCREEN command.
Q194)What are the main differences between the report status and screen status ?
Ans :-
Q195)Where must you place the SET PF-STATUS command in your online program ?
Ans :- Place it in the PBO module of the screen.
Q196)Why is it good idea to clear OK_CODE field after deciding which action to take ?
Ans :- You need to clear the OK code to avoid sending a screen that already has a function
Q200)What is the correct syntax for dynamically modifying a large number of screen fields ?
Ans :-
SAP Scripts
A layout set in SAP Script is used for page layout. The layout set contains various elements,
which are used for layout control of the individual pages and also contain layout information
for texts which are to be output on the individual pages.
The layout of a document is defined in a layout set. A layout set specified the appearance
and structure of a document.
Layout sets contain predefined text modules with space reserved for variable data. You can
use these text modules for different application.
To make changes to your documents, such as moving a piece of text, or changing fonts,
paragraph formats, and tabs, you only need to change the layout set.
The text is formatted via an ABAP/4 program using a layout set. The program can either
dynamically output individual predefined text modules, text elements or transfer entire texts,
which are to be output in the layout set.
You can use Styles to define the formatting of the text in your documents. A style determines
text formatting by setting the
paragraph and character formats used in a document. You can, for example, use a style to
highlight character strings or whole paragraphs. You can assign a style to any text. Typically,
however, you'll use styles primarily in the main windows of layout sets, where users type or
enter text directly in documents.
Windows are defined in layout set maintenance. They represent areas which are positioned
on pages as page windows and in which text is layer output. At least one window must be
defined for each layout set. If not, a text cannot be formatted by SAP Script.
MAIN - Main window in which continuous text is output. This is the window used by dialog
users of a print program and layout set. For example the body text of a letter would be
entered in MAIN.
VAR - Window with variable contents. The text can vary on each page in which the window is
positioned. Variable windows are formatted for each page.
Paragraph formats - Paragraph formats are required in layout sets - as in styles - in order to
format. However, they are also used for word processing in layout sets, for example, to format
text elements.
Character formats - You can also use character formats to format texts or paragraphs. Unlike
paragraph formats, however, they are used to format text within a paragraph.
Windows - Windows are names and window types, which are not physically positioned until
they are allocated to pages and units of measurement are specified.
Pages - Pages are defined to provide the system with a start and end point in text formatting.
Page windows - Page windows are the combination of windows and pages, where the
dimensions of a window and its position on a page are specified.
SAP Script is the SAP system's own text-processing system. You'll find that it looks and feels a
lot like other leading text-processing system that you may use on your personal computer.
Every company needs to output documents with a uniformly defined layout (eg. Invoices,
delivery notes, etc..) all the time.
The basic layout of the document is predefined, but in many cases, other data has to be
merged with it, such as address data or purchase order items. This data might be entered
manually by a employee, or retrieved from a database table.
Large quantities of these documents have to be produced. From printing is usually a matter
of large print runs of documents such as pay slips, checks, order confirmation, reminders etc.
SAP script has been developed to meet the above requirements. IT is an integrated tool for
text entry and form printing in R/3 applications.
These documents are normally provided by SAP but every organization have their unique
ways of these documents so to customize these and for creating newer ones if required; SAP
script is used.
Q212)When a Form is copied from one client to another. And if U try to display or change the
form in the copied client. The possible error message could be :
1. Form not found
Try coping again specifying the language.
Q221)How do you backup sap script layout sets ? Can you download and upload ? How ?
SAP script backup :- In transaction SE71 go to
Utilities -> Copy from client -> Give source form name, source client (000 default), Target form
Download :- SE71, type form name -> Display -> Utilities -> form info -> List -> Save to PC file.
Upload :- Create form with page, window, pagewindow with the help of downloaded PC file.
Text elements for Page windows to be copied from PC file.
Layout sets are used to control page layout and text formatting in documents.
Control command are used to modify text output. Use format key /: in the format column.
/ : NEW - PAGE
/ : IF . . . ENDIF
/ : CASE . . . ENDCASE
Draws a box
SAP Standard styles and layout sets are always held in client 000.
Parameters :
OBJECT E. g. TEXT, DOCU (Document ), DSYS (Hypertext).
ID Text ID - Text ID is a way to group texts - Se transaction S010
LANGUAGE If the parameter is not specified, the log on language will be used
PARAGRAPH The text to be included is formatted using the style allocated. The PARAGRAPH
parameter can be used to redefine the standard paragraph for this style for the current call.
All * - paragraphs in the included text will then be formatted using the paragraph specified
Standard texts are maintained in transaction S010.
Example 1 :
You have created a standard text in S010 Named MYTEXT and with Text Id ST
Example 2 :
You can also use a dynamic name so that you can retrieve a text depending of the name
variable :
Depending on the name in the variable &SCUSTOM - NAME & different texts will be shown.
Note that a text with the name in the variable &SCUSTOM - NAME & name must be created in
The ADDRESS - ENDADDRESS command formats addresses according to the postal norms
of the recipient's country, as defined in the country parameter.
Examples :
Q225)The New - Page command is used to force a Page break in the text at any point.
Delimiter & must be used immediately before and after the symbol.
The SAP script print program initializes the printing process. Every command entered using
the SAP script programming interfaces is transferred to the composer.
The composer received layout information from the layout set specified by the print program.
The documents are formatted according to this layout information.
If the documents contain variables, the composer replaces these variables with data from the
R/3 system, such as the current date, or with the user data selected by the print program.
The print program controls the completion of the layout set. Once this is done, the composer
places the completed document in the spool.
When defining the paragraph for the text element we can define the TABS then. There is
parameter called TABS to be defined in paragraph definition.
Window : An area that is predefined in the layout set. Windows are text modules, which are
positioned on a document page.
We define the window type, Default Paragraph, specify the text elements or a SAP script text
to the included etc in the Window Component.
Page Window : We define the parameters of the earlier defined Window, appearance on the
document like left or right margins, Width & Height.
Q229)What are symbols & state their different types with E.g.
A Symbol is a constant, which can be inserted in a document. It saves the user unnecessary
work when replacing sections of text, phrases, etc. Each symbol has a name which is
encloses by &.
Standard symbols : Standard symbols are user - defined. They are maintained centrally in
table TTDTG. Ex.
&SGDH& for the opening salutation : " dear sir / madam ".
&MFG& for the closing salutation : "yours Faithfully".
Program Symbols : Program symbols display data from the ABAP/4 program which has called
the word processing function Eg. Itab - connid.
Sets print attributes such as immediate output, number of copies, and pages to be printed.
Q230) How to re use some components of the script layout to other program?
Q231) Is this script layout is standard for all the printer?
Q232) If not then y we are going for script layout ?
Q233) Give me couple of methods that I will take standard script layout printout for different printer.
Q234) How u will analysis script program ? (which goes to main and how many windows etc. . . )
Q235) Can V inserted logo on your program? Give me the program name which uploads my logo
and syntax for logo inserting in SAP script.
Yes u can insert a logo on your script layout.
Use this Report "RSTXLDMC" which will uploads the logo.
Use the following statement which includes the logo on your script prog.
Script Commands.
Defining a variable
You can specify either in the style or in the layout set that a particular paragraph should not
be split in two by a page break. If the page protect attribute is then the complete paragraph is
always output one single page. This property applies only to that particular paragraph. SAP
Script provides the PROTECT . . . ENDPROTECT command pair to allow you to define the
areas to be protected against a page beak on an individual basis. Thus the PROTECT /
ENDPROTECT commands may be regarded as a kind of conditional NEW - PAGE command,
the condition being whether or not the lines enclosed between the two commands fit in the
space remaining in the current main window.
When formatting the standard text the PARAGRAPH parameter is used. To center the text
use :
Q240)Formatting addresses
The ADDRESS - ENDADDRESS command formats addresses according to the postal norms
of the recipient's country, as defined in the
country parameter.
The text lines to be protected are enclosed between the two commands
Conditional text output IF - ENDIF
/ : IF condition
/ : IF condition
/ : ELSE
Symbols are placeholders for values that are inserted during print formatting.
Symbols are identified by name surrounded by "&" and are not case sensitive
Types of symbols
System symbols
NAME _ OF _ DAY Name of day
PAGE Page number
NEXTPAGE Number of next pages
DEVICE Output device
SPACE Blank space
ULINE Underline
VLINE Vertical line
Standard symbols
Standard symbols are user defined and are maintained in table TTDG. You use transaction
SM30 to change or display standard symbols.
Standard texts is predefined texts that can be used in more than one form. Standard texts are
can be created, Changed and displayed using transaction S010.
When formatting the standard text the PARAGRAPH parameter is used . To center the text
use :
Example :
Name : Z_BC460_EX4_HF
Object : Text
Paragraph : C (Centered)
Tip : You can use menu Insert - > Text - > Standard to make it easier to insert the text
Program symbols
Program symbols are for contents of database fields or global program symbols. When you
print the form, data from the database tables are printed instead of teh symbols.
TABLES : kna1
In the form :
&SYMBOL& No formatting
&SYMBOL+4& Offset - Output begins here. Offset refers to formatted value
&SYMBOL(5)& Length - Output data in the specified length
&SYMBOL (I)& Suppress initial value - If teh field has been initialized, nothing is output
&SYMBOL(Z)& Suppress leading zeros
&SYMBOL (C)& Compress blank spaces - Consecutive spaces are compressed into a single
space. Leading spaces are suppressed.
Q243). What are the problems in processing batch input sessions ? How is batch input process
different from processing on line ?
Ans : Sessions cannot be run in and not fast.
Q244). What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session ?
Check no. Of records already updated and delete them from input file and run BDC again.
Q246) What are the commands that allow you to process sequential file ? And what is their
syntax ?
Ans :- READ DATASET (reading) and TRANSFER (writing). OPEN DATASET <dataset
name > for < input output appending > in < binary text > mode at POSITION < position >
MESSAGE < field >. READ DATASET <dataset name > INTO <field >. CLOSE
DATASET <dataset name>. DELETE DATASET < dataset name > TRANSFER < field >
to < dataset name >
Q247) What is the process for transferring data from legacy system to SAP ?
Ans :- FTP file transfer, Manufacturer - specific field transfer NFS ( network file system ) / BDC.
Q252) What are the function modules associated with batch input ?
Q255) How do you find the transaction number, program number and field names ?
Ans :- Transaction no., program no., - System - > status Field names - F1, Technical help.
Q257) What are the available OK Codes that can be utilized during batch input processing ?
Ans :- . ...../n - terminates current batch input transaction and marks as incorrect. /bdel
- delete current batch input transaction from session. / bend - terminate batch input
processing and mark session as incorrect. /bda - change display mode to process the
session on screen instead of displaying only errors. / bdc - change display mode to
display only errors instead of processing the session on the screen.
Q258) What is the effect of the BDC _ CURSOR field name in the BDC table ?
Ans :- You can set the cursor and enter as a corresponding field value the name of the field
on which the cursor is to be positioned.
Q260) Why you choose Call transaction and / or session method ? Call transaction is mainly
used when you want to update the database using a single transaction, you can also update
the database in asynchronous mode, where as session is used to perform huge database
updations using more than one transaction and which will last for a long time.
Q261) How you trap errors in call Transaction ?
Ans :- Errors while updating the database using call transaction technique are trapped using a
structure bdcmsgcall, whose field msgtyp become ' e ' when an error record is encountered.
Those records are formatted using format _ message function call in the desired format and
stored in an internal table for listing of all error records in one shot.
Q262) What are different types of Update modes In BDC's we have two types of updation
modes - 1) Synchronous 2) Asynchronous
Q263) What is main difference between session method and LSMW in the context of session
method, the method of updating is " Batch Input ", we require a program to be coded, But in
the context of LSMW method. The methods of updating using " Batch Input / Direction Input "
from an IDOC, from a BAPI structure. No source code is required, the complete operation is
performed in 16 steps sequence.
Q264) What is main difference between CATT and LSMW ? Using LSMW you can update any
kind of data but no changes to database are allowed, where as CATT tool can update only
master data, which also allows changes to the master data and also a significant testing of
data is possible.
Q266) Will ask u for screen no's and dynpro names for BDC that u say u have done.
Q267) Which technical field in the BDCDATA table holds the last cursor position ?
Q270) How do you send the BDCDATA table in a Call Transaction statement ?
Q279) Does the CALL TRANSACTION method allow multiple transactions to be processed by
No, The CALL TRANSACTION method allows only a single transaction to be processed by
Q280) Does the BDC_INSERT function allow multiple transactions to be processed by SAP.
Q284). What are the function modules that need to be called from BDC program to submit the
transactions for processing ?
Q290). What are the differences between CALL TRANSACTION and BATCH INPUT SESSION
The most important aspects of the batch session interface are :- Asynchronous processing -
Transfers data for multiple transactions - Synchronous database update. During
processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the
database - A batch input processing log is generated for each session - Sessions
cannot be generated in parallel. The most important aspects of the CALL TRANSACTION
USING interface are - Synchronous processing - Transfers data for a single
transaction - Synchronous and asynchronous database updating both possible. The
program specifies which kind of updating is desired - Separate LUW for the transaction.
The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL
TRANSACTION USING statement - No batch input processing log is generated.
Q295). Who are Dialog users and who are Background users ?
Dialog users are normal interactive users in the SAP system. Background users are user
master records that are specially defined for providing authorizations for background
processing jobs.
Q304)What is LSMW ?
The LSMW is a cross - application component (CA) of teh SAP R/3 System. The tool has
interfaces with the Data Transfer Center and with batch input and direct input processing as
well as standard interfaces BAPI and IDoc in R/3. The LSMW comprises the following main
functions :
1. Read data (legacy data in spreadsheet tables and/ or sequential files ). Function Read
data replaces and enhances functions Spreadsheet interface and Host interface of LSMW
version 1.0. You can use any combination out of PC and server files now.
2. Convert data (from the source into the target format )
3. Import data ( to the database used by the R/3 application ). TCODE - LSMW.
Q305)Submit a BDC job with an internal batch number and wait for the end of the batch input
Release batch input sessions automatically
Typical Structure of ABAP Program
1. Report Definitions *
2. Table and Data definitions *
3. Initialization event
4. Screen Select Options / Inputs *
5. Selection - screen event
6. Start - of - selection event
7. Performs and other Events *
8. End - of - selection event
1. Initialization
.. Triggered prior to first display of selection screen
.. To specify Default value in SELECT - OPTIONS
2. At Selection - Screen
.. Processed after the selection screen value are entered
.. For validation of screen accepts
.. Returns back to SELECT - OPTIONS
5. Form Event
FORM <XXXX> using value <YYY> like <ZZZ> - Pass by value , creates another copy
of the variable.
Example1 :
PERFORM date - invert using in - date
Changing out- date
6. Get event
.. Only fields part of the tables mentioned in the TABLES : parameter can be viewed &
.. Exit - It exits from the respective subroutine were this syntax is used, generally condition
for the EXIT is stated before this syntax.
CHECK <condition>
If the condition si not satisfied, the system leaves
the subroutine and resumes
the processing after the PERFORM statement
Syntax :
CALL FUNCTION < module >
[ EXPORTING f1 = a1. . . . . fn = an ]
[IMPORTING f1 a1. . . . .. . ...fn = an ]
[CHANGING f1 = a1 . .. . ..fn = an]
[TABLES f1 = a1. . . . . . fn = a1]
[EXCEPTIONS e1 == r1 .. . en = rn]
Example :
9. List Events
These events are triggered by the ABAP runtime environment while a list is being created or
when a user performs an action on a list. The statement in these blocks can format the list or
process the user's request.
ABAP/4 Optimization
.. Use the GET RUN TIME command to help evaluate performance. It's hard to know
whether that optimization technique REALLY helps unless you test it out. Using this tool can
help you know what is effective, under what kinds of conditions. The GET RUN TIME has
problems under multiple CPUs, so you should use it to test small pieces of your program,
rather than the whole program.
Use the statements READ LINE and READ CURRENT LINE to explicitly read data from the
lines of existing list levels. These statements are tightly connected to the HIDE>
Syntax :
Eg :
Use the statements GET CURSOR FIELD and GET CURSOR LINE to pass the output field or
output line on which the cursor was positioned during the interactive event to the processing
GET CURSOR FIELD <f> [ OFFSET <off>] [LINE <lin>]
[VALUE <val>] [LENGTH <len>].
To set the cursor, use the SET CURSOR statement. This statement sets the cursor in the
most recently created list. While creating the basic list, this is always the basic list itself. While
creating a secondary list, this is the previous list.
Calling Programs
If you need to program an extensive application, one
The system triggers this event for each secondary list. If you want to create different page
headers for different list levels, you must program the processing block of this event
accordingly, for example by using system fields such as SY - LSIND or SY - PFKEY in control
statements (IF, CASE).
From system fields, you retrieve the follwing information : the index of a list, the position of the
list in teh output window, and the location of the cursor. The only system field that contains
the contents of the selected line is SY - LISEL.
To pass individual output fields or additional information from a line to the corresponding
processing block during an interactive event, use these statements :
The HIDE statement is one of the fundamental statements for interactive reporting. Using the
HIDE technique, you can as the moment you create a list level define, which information later
to pass to the subsequent secondary lists.
Syntax : TOP - OF - PAGE DURING LINE - SELECTION. The system triggers this event for
each secondary list. If you want to create different page headers for different list levels, you
must program the processing of this event accordingly, for example by using
fields such as SY - LSIND or SY - PFKEY in control statements ( IF, CASE ).
Is the basic list deleted and you can return back to it using one of teh standard navigation
functions like clicking on the back button or the cancel button.
Q307)What is meant by hotspots ?
Hotspot is a list area where the mouse pointer appears as an upright hand symbol. When a
user points to that area ( and the hand cursor is active), a single-click does the same thing as
a double - click. Hotspots are supported from R/3 release 3.0c.
In which system field does the name of current GUI status is there ?
The name of the current GUI STATUS is available in the system field SY - PFKEY.
Report Transaction
Q311)With each interactive event, the system automatically sets the following system fields :
SY - LSIND Index of the list currently created during the current event (basic list = 0 )
SY - LISTI Index of the list level from which the event was triggered
Interactive reporting allows the user to participate actively in retrieving and presenting data
during the session. Instead of one extensive and detailed list with interactive reporting you
create a condensed basic list from which the user can call detailed information by positioning
the cursor and entering commands. Interactive reporting thus reduces information retrieval to
the data actually required.
According to the application, you use a variant, which takes the variable values from Table
We can pass data to a called program using SPA / GPA parameters. SPA / GPA parameters
are field values saved globally in memory. Each parameter is identified by a three-character
code : You can define these parameters in the object browser by selecting other objects on
the first screen. The SPA/GPA storage is user - specific and valid throughout all the user's
sessions by using the SET PARAMETER or GET PARAMETER statements.
These statements let you store and retrieve SPA / GPA values from an ABAP/4 program. If
the selection screens for the two transactions do not share the same required fields, use
these statements to store screen fields explicitly by name.
Before calling the new transaction from a PAI module, store the caller transaction's fields
under one name :
The system stores the value in <field name1> in the SPA parameter 'RID'. The three -
character identifier 'RID' must be defined in the SAP table TPARA. If the SPA parameter
statement overwrites it (with the contents of <FIELD NAME 1>).
In the PBO module for the called transaction, retrieve the fields under the other name :
A field symbol does not physically reserve space for a field, but points to a field which is not
known until runtime of the program. Sometimes you only know which field you want to
process, and how you want to process it, at runtime.
For this purpose, you can create field symbols in your program. At runtime, you can assign
real fields to such field symbols. All operations which you have programmed with the field
symbol are then carried out with the assigned field. After successful assignment, there is no
difference in ABAP/4 whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself.
Q319)How to use a grid list ?
Use Function Module Display _* LIST. In your program. Put all the data that U want to output
in its final format and then pass this internal table to the function module.
You can use internal tables for table calculations on subsets of database tables. For example,
you can read a part of one or more database tables into an internal table.
They also allow you to reorganize their contents to suit the needs of your program. You can,
for example, read particular entries from one or more large customer tables into an internal
table and then use them to create a list. When you run your program, you can access this
data directly, instead of having to search for each record in the database.
Q323)What is a variant and where do you use it ?
If you want to run a report program with same selections at regular intervals (for example, for
monthly sales statistics ), you would not want to enter the same values each time. So, ABAP/4
offers you possibility to combine the desired values for all these selections in one selection
set. You can create as many different selection sets as you like for each report program and
they remain assigned only to the report program in question. Such a selection set is called a
Using Variants Online
Using Variants in Background Processing
Online, starting a report via variant saves the user work, minimizes input errors. In
background processing, a variant is the only possibility you have to pass values for the
Q326)How do you validate the selection criteria of a report ? And how do you display initial values in
a selection screen ?
The selection criteria is validated in the processing block of the AT SELECTION SCREEN
event for the input values on the screen and respective messages can be sent.
To display initial values in the selection screen :
. use DEFAULT VALUE option of PARAMETERS Statement
. Use SPA / GPA Parameters (PIDs)
Q327)What is the Client concept in SAP ? What is the meaning of Client independent ?
In commercial, organizational and technical terms, the client is a self contained unit in the R3
system, with separate set of Master data and its own set of Tables. When a change is made
in one client all other clients are affected in the system - this type of objects are called Client
independent objects.