(ROBERT M. L. BAKER, JR.) Astrodynamics Applicati
(ROBERT M. L. BAKER, JR.) Astrodynamics Applicati
(ROBERT M. L. BAKER, JR.) Astrodynamics Applicati
application rather than elaborate mathematical proofs, the text does in Baker, Joan Boyle, Linda Foltz, and Janet Clodfelter, who typed many of
elude over fifty derivations of fundamental relationships. At the end of the rough drafts. P. R. Peabody, Kurt Forster, Geza Gedeon, Bernard
each chapter a list of key equations is presented and as a further aid to the Cohlan, Dave Pierce, Ted Moyer, Joseph Ball, Donald Lamar, Pedro
reader a summary table of the astrodynamic constants more frequently Escobal, Paul Koskela, Edward Pitkin, J. L. Junkins, W. E. Nally, Robert
employed in calculations is given on pages 441 and 442. The glossary of R. Lockry, and Howard Dielmann provided me with technical material
terms provides a self-contained key to all of the astronomical nomenclature and constructive suggestions for many of the subsections. Professor Samuel
utilized in the text and each definition includes a reference to the section Herrick, especially, has contributed both directly, through specific sugges
where the term is treated in the text. (The glossary of symbols, found in the tions and theories, and indirectly, through the years of training that he has
introductory volume, is not repeated since it applies equally well to both provided the author and many of the other contributors to the text.
volumes.) The reader is not expected to have had a prior background in
classical mechanics or astronomy and, for that matter, sufficient prerequisites Los Angeles, California R.M.L.B., Jr.
for the book would be freshman and sophomore courses in physics or engi
neering, mathematical courses in integral calculus, and a familiarity with
the introductory volume. For the more advanced reader the rather com
prehensive list of references should serve as a key to the literature (up to
1967) for the purpose of further research and self-study.
Because an annotated table of contents of the text is available separately,
little detail is required in the discussion of the text's scope here. Chapters
1,3, and 4 discuss the orbit·determination and orbit prediction. The、nu
merical examples found here serve as a guide to the practical utilization
of the analysis. It is emphasized that each and every orbit determination
procedure includes a complete illustrative numerical example. These are
indispensable aids to the proper understanding and implementation of the
procedures. Chapter 2 involves a detailed accounting for the various per
turbative forces that influence spacecraft motion including a very detailed
examination of radiation pressure and drag perturbations. Because the text
is meant to be a practical one, both for teachers and for practicing aero
space scientists, the subject of the application of all of the proceeding ma
terial in this and in the introductory volume is paramount in importance
and the last two chapters treat applications to lunar and interplanetary
orbits and trajectories. Each chapter contains exercises of various degrees
of difficulty, some of which lead to extensions of the,_theory.
At the University of California, Los Angeles, the advanced text has
been employed in connection with one undergraduate and one graduate
course. The undergraduate course in orbit determination utilizes Chapter 1
for the first half of the quarter and a class-project orbit-determination
numerical study for the second half. The graduate class draws from se
lected sections of Chapters 2 through 6.
The author wishes to acknowledge the extensive services of Merrilee
Vold, who organized and retyped the final manuscript and of Bonnie
In matrix notation it is also possible to define the already mentioned
where 2
standard deviations of the parameters, api'This is accomplished by ex
tracting the inverse matrix of the least-squares normal equations (Eqs.
. ( 1.107)]. Such a matrix is termed the "covariance" matrix and is a free by
. product of least-squares inversion. Of course, the confidence one has in
W( the api is dependent upon the correctness of the assigned weights and the
, validity of the assumption that the observations are uncorrelated and only
contain random errors. Because of inevitable systematic errors these叨
lead to an overly optimistic estimate of the accuracy of the parameters.
ght ·left as an exercise
ed least-squares form is It is emphasized that this formulation of the least-squares procedure
Th e ver ifi c atio n of this wei
points up the fact that the old observed-minus-computed residuals do not
for the reader. need to be "remembered" by the computer as the new residuals are simply
by the coefficient of 11归 accumulated in the A勹z matrix elements.* Also, one needs only (n2 + n)/2
Next divide each equation through
..·C(t) Ap.
matrix elements in the matrix as the other elements are redundant (that
the entirely analogous filter theory approach; but since filters are more
. : .
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. This difficulty arises in spite of the fact that we usually have a very large
Llp, +· · +
如= Ap 1 + number of residuals and hence a strongly over-determined system of equa
can be expressed as: tions.This problem, as already noted, is the result of the quality, not the
which are the same as Eq. (l.l04), and quantity of data—quality here not in the sense of accuracy (in which sense
it was used previously), but in the sense of proper correlation to the param
eters whose improvement is being sought. As an almost trivial example,
..(。也fop;) ... consider the fact that no matter how many times or how accurately one
measured the geocentric equatorial x and y coordinates of a satellite, one
. could never precisely define its z coordinate.
...(d虾I饥) ...
the inversion is therefore usually quite "weak," that is, the solution exhibits
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ATA Llx= AT Liz but few significant figures. As already noted, the suggestion by Anderle
Llx = (ATA)-1A Liz