Design and Fabrication of Self Balancing Bike Using Gyroscopic Effect
Design and Fabrication of Self Balancing Bike Using Gyroscopic Effect
Design and Fabrication of Self Balancing Bike Using Gyroscopic Effect
Balancing a two-wheeled vehicle plays an important role in all transportation system and it is always been a
challenging task. The study of kinematics concept helps to understand the subject of Balancing of objects or
bodies under static and dynamic condition. The motion dynamics of a two wheeler vehicle is very different from
other vehicles. So many experiments and calculations conclude that a two wheeler vehicle stays upright when it
is steered to maintain its center of mass over its wheels. Either the rider steers to balance the vehicle or the
vehicle itself balances above a definite velocity. Factors such as gyroscopic effect, centre of mass, mass
distribution contribute in self-stability of bicycle. The dynamic stabilization of a two-wheeled vehicle requires
that a torque acting on the vehicle naturally be neutralized by a torque produced within the vehicle by a
We design and fabricated a self balancing bike with gyroscopic effect .The construction of this bike includes
design calculations, modeling in CATIA, and a fabrication process in which accelerometer sensor is used to
stabilize vehicle . Arduino and controller combination is used to give continuously commands to vehicle.
Keywords : Kinematics, Sensor, Controller, Static, Dynamic
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Date of Submission: 15-08-2020 Date of Acceptance: 01-09-2020
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Author [1] has designed a two wheeler self 3) Stepper motor controller.
balancing which aims to balance the two wheeler
against any impact and in a static condition they
used two heavy rotation disks to compensate felt of
two wheeler.
Author [2] stated that “there are several ways in
order to design an efficient self balancing bicycle
by using control moment gyroscope and mass
balancing steering control and reaction wheel usage
of CMG gives great effect”.
Author [3] stated that “the vehicle is powered by a
battery source. The motor DC 24v,250w (or)
500w,high torque whose speed will be controlled
by a custom designed circuit uses sensor like IMU, Fig 3.1: Motor Controller
which mounts accelerometer and gyroscope is used
to monitor the posture of the person ”. 3.4 Accelerometer Sensor:
Author [4] stated that “the rotation of the disc An Accelerometer is a TRANSDUCER that
leads to the production of gyroscopic effect when is used to measure the physical or measurable
the vehicle loses there balance reactive gyroscopic acceleration that is made by an object. Co-ordinate
couple maintains stability”. acceleration cannot be measured using this device.
Author [5] stated that “CGM and PD controller An accelerometer is an electro-mechanical device
has short response time to balance and an effective that is used to measure the specific force of an
activator as an torque amplifying device. Various object, a force obtained due to the phenomenon of
simulations done and programmed in lab view weight exerted by an object that is kept in the
results showed that PID controller not is unable to frame of reference of the accelerometer. In the case
control and unstable”. of static acceleration, the device is mainly used to
find the degrees at which an object is tilted with
respect to the ground. In dynamic acceleration, the
movement of the object can be foreseen.
Main components that are used in the proposed
model are
1) 12-Volt Motor
2) Flywheel
3) L298N Motor Controller
4) Gyroscopic Sensor
5) UNO Arduino
3.2 Flywheel:
The flywheel is used to produce the
gyroscopic effect. The flywheel is attached to the
motor whose sole purpose is to rotate the flywheel
as per the required gyroscopic effect
3.5 Arduino:
Aurdino is an open-source electronics
platform based on easy-to-use hardware and
software. Of Aurdino boards are able to read
inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a
Twitter message – and turn it into an output –
activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing
something online.
The Ardino board is connected to a
computer via USB, where it connects with
the Arduino development environment (IDE). The
user writes the Arduino code in the IDE, sssand
then uploads it to the microcontroller which
executes the code, interacting with inputs and
outputs such as sensors, motors, and lights.
[1]. Sheikh Mohibul Islam Rumi, I.S.M.
Shanamul Islam “System Design of a two
wheeler self-balanced Vehicle ”IEEE
publisher ,jan 2015
[2]. N.Tamaldin, H.I.M.Yusof,M.”Design of self
Fig:6.1 Assmebling of indivisual parts of bike self balancing bike” International journal of
balanced bike Robotics &Automation .Malaysia 2017
[3]. A.Geetha,VishwanathKannan,”Design and
Development of a Self Balancing Mono
Wheel Electric Vehicle, MALAD-
[4]. Pallav Gogoi, ManishNath, “Design and
Fabrication of Self Balancing Two Wheeler
Vehicle Using Gyroscope” Internation
journal of emerging technologies ,ASSAM-
[5]. Pom Yuan Lam” Gyroscopic Stabilization of
a Kid-Size Bicycle”,IEEE journal
A self-stabilizing gyroscopic two wheeler
was designed and fabricated. The model is able to
stabilize itself under 2500rpm supplied by the DC
Motor to the flywheel. In this project suitable
frameworks were taken into account. The most
suitable frame is that of a single axis on the ends of
which are the wheels and perpendicular to this is
the spin of the flywheel. This was found to be the
most optimum design in terms of vibration and
effectiveness. The design of the gyroscopic
stabilized two-wheeler was made .The area where
the most amount of stress developed was found to
be around the axis of rotation of the flywheel. It
was also found that the flywheel mounted
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the moving
wheels provides the required gyroscopic action to
maintain a plane of balance. Experimental results
have shown that when the flywheel achieves a